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When did the project start?

What is the Image of the Other?


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E.S.P.A.European Schools Project Association was founded in 2005

collaborative open network organization European Schools Project that started in 1988Comenius3 thematic networks ECOLE and COMP@CT

inspiring experiences and expertise that all members of the international ESP-Association make available to their fellow members, and to all others. Teleprojects and e-Journalism are the main educational concepts based on computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL)

Culture quest Let’s sing together eJournal

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1989: ESP conference first ideas launched in German: Lone Hagen and Thomas Peters

’90es: Das Bild der Anderen for teachers of German in the Netherlands. Thomas Peters

1995 Das Bild der Anderen:, German/German edition: Lone Hagen & Annie Ring Knudsen sponsored by The INFA project,DK

1995 ’The Image of the Other’ – teachers of EnglishGerard Koster & Jan Eric Remmelts (NL) in collaboration with Danish and

Dutch teachers and consultants. Cartoons by Ber van der Rijdt sponsored by European Platform for Dutch Education

1996 ’L’Image’ for teachers of French. Jan Pover (NL)1997 ’The Image of the Other’ and L’Image inserted on the ESP website by

Henk Sligte.2003: The Image of the Other portal Viljenka Savli, SI, Francisca Soares, PT,

Kirsten M. Anttila, DK2004 Italian version - T'Immagino/M'Immagini

Dutch version - Intern@tionale Interculturele Bruggen2005: Spanish version2007: Danish & Slovenian versions Emanuela Atz IPI BZ Emanuela Atz IPI BZ

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It is a CSCL project in which teachers and their students use e-mail to exchange information, data, opinions, etc., on many different subjects with

colleagues and peers abroad.

What is The Image of the Other project?

The Image of the Other materials…meant to be used in language lessons

… one of the basic ideas has been twinning of students and classes

… feature collaboration in an international perspective… promote the building of collaborative environments.

… involve students (from the age of nine and upwards) and teachers from all over the world

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Objectives / purposes

The exchange of information, data, opinions, done through the internet aims at…

… creating a real collaborative environment wherestudents collaborate and interact using the different technological

tools;… improving the students’ writing skills

… opening the students’ horizons through getting and letting to know different cultural and social realities;

… giving teachers and students basic materials and instruction for starting the project.

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THE IMAGE PORTAL: www.europeanschoolsproject.org/

Eight different language versions

Find a partner


Best practice

Discussion - forum

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STUDENT'S LETTERSSet of 10 letters for students with

useful guidelines how to write about given topics.

General Rules for letter-writing

1: Introduction   2: My home 3: My School 4: My hobbies 5: Details 6: My diary 7: Do you really know each other? 8a: My hometown and my region     8b: My country 9: Showing you around 10: The Image   


Materials for project evaluationEvaluation-teachers (PDF) (doc) Evaluation-students (PDF) (doc)Take a poll - for teachersYour opinion about the projectThe Image project is... Where have you learned about it? Project attainability

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Easy to access and download; Can be edited according to individual needs; Introduce new vocabulary and grammar structure; Make use of ICT; Try to create a collaborative environment; Great variety of activities that can be done by the students:

• reports• emails• questionnaires• songs and essays• photos and drawings• presentations• Web Pages• interactive materials

Letters - characteristicsLetters - characteristics

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Flexibility concerning•Number of letters

•Topics•Number of students involved



•Cross curricular •The use of ICT

Student centred - students decide on•topics to discuss

•tools to use •the frequency of letters’ exchange

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•Easily updated •Adapted to ones needs and skills

•Basic material and instruction for starting such a project is given to teachers and students

Various communication tools involved •e-mails•forums•polls


•E-environments (eg EUN Community…)

A Window to the World

Emanuela Atz IPI BZ Emanuela Atz IPI BZ

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Letter 5: DetailsQUESTION . Culture ANSWER ITALY SPAIN

1 YES 23 30

Were you born in the area where you live now? NO 1 0

  total 24 30

2 ITALY 23 0

Where were you born? SPAIN 0 30



  total 24 30

3 1 language 5 0

How many languages do you speak? 2 languages 9 29

  3 languages 9 1

  4 languages 1 0

  5 languages 0 0

  total 24 30

3 b Italian 24 0

What languages do you speak? Spanish 0 30

  German 17 0

  Catalan 0 0

  English 10 0

  Serbian 1 0

 http://www.imageoftheother.com/2002/letters/Details/Details%20excel.htm total 52 30

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Vocabulary6. Aus meinem

Tagebuch...6. Dal mio

diario...6. My diary

der Streit - die Diskussion la lite - la discussione quarrel – argument

das Frühstück la colazione breakfast

die Pause la pausa break

die U-Bahn la metropolitana tube - underground

die Werkstatt il laboratorio workshop

die Party la festa party

toll, spitze, klasse fantastico cool, terrific

schwierig leicht difficile facile difficult easy

pünktlich puntuale punctual – on time

mit dem Fahrrad in bicicletta by bicycle- by bike

zu Fuss a piedi on foot

vegetarisch vegetariano vegetarian

allergisch allergico allergic

streiten litigare to quarrel

hassen odiare to hate

besuchen andare a trovare to visit

einkaufen fare la spesa to shop

Shopping machen  fare compere/acquisti to go shopping

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