lewistown gazette. (lewistown, pa) 1858-06-10 [p...

TREASURER'S SALE OF Unseated Lands in Mifflin County, 1858. TTrHEREAS, by an Act of General As- J \\ sembiy of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, entitled "An Act, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and otner purposes," passed the thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fif- teen, the treasurers in the different parts of this Commonwealth are directed to commence on the second Monday in Juno, A. D. 1816, and at the expiration of every two years thereafter, and adjourn from day to day, if necessary so to do, and make public sale of *hc whole or any parts of such t acts of Un- seated Lands in the proper county, as will pay the arrearages of the taxes, any part of, which shall have remained duo and unpaid for the space of one year before, together with all the costs necessarily accruing bv reason of such delinquency: Therefore 1, John' B. Sei.iteimer, Treasurer of the county of Mifflin, do hereby give notice that upon the following tracts of land, which are situ- | ate as hereinafter described, the several sums I as stated are due on each tract respectively for State and County tax, and that, in pursu- ance of the aforesaid act of Assembly, I shall, : at the Court House, in the Borough of Lew- istown, in the county of Mifflin, on Monday, 14th day of June next, commence the public sale of the whole or any part of such tracts of the unseated lands ' upon which all or any part of the taxes here- in specified shall there be due, and continue j such sale by adjournment until all the lands j upon which taxes remain due and unpaid are j sold. J. B. SELIIELMER, Treasurer of Mifflin county. Treasurer's Office, April 8, 1858. Imount of Taxes due and unpaid on the folloiring tracts of Unseated Lands from and including the year ISSS vp j to the year ARMAGH TOWNSHIP. Acres. IVr. Warrantees or Owners. Taxes. ; 408 78 Luke Tid $9 48 j 400 60 John Bovle 11 15 400 60 William Tid 11 15 400 60 Luke Sneider 11 15 400 60 Martin Triester 11 15 400 60 Henry Lebo 11 15 400 60 John 801 l 948 400 60 John File 12 05 400 60 John Barr 12 65 400 60 Luke Barr 12 65 j 400 60 George Ulerieh IS 99 400 60 George Row 11 20 400 60 Martin Row 11 20 ; 400 60 Nicholas Ream 13 99 400 60 William Gray 18 99 j 400 60 Peter Joneif 15 82 400 GO Wm. P. Brady 12 65 400 60 John Mackey 12 65 j 400 60 Wm. Mackey 12 65 j 400 CO Peter Fabencr 11 15 400 60 John Brady 11 15 i 397 6-1 Bernard Raser 943 j 432 150 John Brown 12 68 J 100 Jacob Kepperling 5 38 [ 200 Alex. Stewart G 32 50 154 John Crissman 1 100 153 John Crissman 2 05 ! 50 George W. Filson 1 62 100 do do 4 84 75 do do 4 84 i 50 do do i 62 ; 20 119 Moses A. Sample 40 ? 59 107 Joseph Snook 1 02 ' 40 Wm. Boyle 1 28 50 John Didd 1 12 S 250 Wm. Smith 8 10 250 John Craig 8 10 60 Thomas Castor 2 22 250 Ebenezer Bonbam 7 46 12 Mary Barr 39 25 James Barr 81 37 80 Thomas Barr 128 j 87 80 Adam Bollander 253 i 100 Albright Swineford 3 17 112 80 Andrew Kennedy 317 125 John Kennedy - 3 17 137 James Kennedy 4 84 15U James Hapburn 4 84 i 162 80 John Cowdan 4 84 ' 175 James Armstrong 4 84 187 80 Thomas Hamilton 484 j 200 Wm. Cook 6 34 I 212 80 Alex. McDonald 6 34 20 Wm. Lang 64 j 305 Thomas Gregg 8 10 305 Malcomb Andrew 8 10 i BRATTON TOWNSHIP. 407 74 Win. Dewart 12 65 : 400 43 John Barron, 12 65 134 130 Philip Minehart 634 800 John Winn 11 20 390 George Mitchell, sr. 17 56 i BROWN TOWNSHIP. 400 9 Hugh Watson 12 65 400 9 John Culbertson 12 65 288 38 Jaiues Miller ?) 48 100 148 John Alexander 484 168 32 John Alexander 634 1 96 9 Wm. Frampton 317 j DERRY TOWNSHIP. 68 80 Andrew Duff 212 371 80 James Butler 11 70 425 91 James McCormick 13 68 348 120 Wm. Ileily 13 68 | 845 40 Philip McCrum 11 15 i 213 132 Henry Gross 94* ' DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 393 31 Conrad Robb 823 1 300 John Logan 9 4a j 300 Mary Logan 9 4g j 349 John Harvey 9 4a 368 Wm. Boyle y 4a ! 213 Wm. Spencer 9 4a : 216 James Logan 9 43 , 212 George Logan 9 4a ? 212 James Gilrnore 9 4$ ! 10 Stull Bernard's heirs 1 40 ' GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP. I 181 120 John White * aO4 j 865 120 Hugh McCardle 11 15 403 3 Thomas White 12 C, r , i 400 122 David Rutter 12 65 403 3 Jacob Witzer 12 G5 Z{§ SKpben Fo. 165 ? 115 g ! 400 129 Wm. Potte 1t ' S? 58 OLIVER TOWNSHIP 407 80 Wm. Butler 19 383 Robt. Paugh | 412 40 Wm. Peacock it ! 423 Johr McCoonell 12 35 406 Thomas Anderson 12 61 406 80 Geo. Campbell 12 65 440 John Carry 13 93 207 Wm. Woodward 12 65 150 seated James Robb 49 68 28 seated John Walters 13 70 350 seated Benj. Walters 178 87 WAYNE TOWNSHIP. 200 John Organ 6 34 408 50 Wm. Kinney 12 65 ' 404 149 Samuel Tennis 12 65 j 413 85 John Christy 12 65 413 3 Wm. Creath 12 65 ' 399 150 Benj. Kepner 12 CO I 425 50 Thomas Nipple 12 65 400 48 Henry Shafer 12 Go 402 1-5 Daniel Hurley 12 C 5 398 35 Wm. Cook 12 65 390 15 Frederick Lazarus 12 05 | 419 37 Joseph Taylor 12 65 382 161 Richard Tunis 12 65 400 48 John Witzel 12 65 400 48 James Roberts 12 G5 405 12G Peter Dehaven 12 65 400 48 Charles Bruce 12 65 400 40 R. Thornburg or L. Crats 12 65 ALSO, Will be sold at the same time and place the following Lands, Lots &e. returned by Col- lectors, as per Act of Assembly of 1844: Owner. Taxes. ARMAGH TOWNSHIP. 50 acres seated John Duck 48 i 50 acres John Deemer 2 00 * 50 acres John McLane 1 20 100 John W. Shaw 80 1 lot John Conley 70 1 lot Win. Wilkey 40 DERRY TOWNSHIP. 13 acres seated Jacob Bumbaugh's heir 9 3 CO 1 do James Hawthorn 1 99 | 400 unseated Hopper & Milliken 190 170 do 180 std. Joseph Milliken 14 11 A seated John T. Stull 4 do John Bricelin 1 39 1 do Samuel Cook 1 67 3.V unseated Geo. P. Cooper 58 1 lot Isaiah Coplin 2 40 1 lot Robert Daley 1 >"0 ! 20 Jacob Bupp 2 10 j 2 Isaac Everhart 205 1 lot Eilis Hummel 25 1 lot Andrew Ryan 1 20 1 lot John P. Lowory 1 00 85ac.sd.20unsd.Christ. Yoder 16 10 j 30 seated Wm. Ediniston 3 95 9 do D. W. Hulinjr 1 35 GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP. 2740 acres O. P. Duncan 10 16 130 std. 40 unstd. James Parker 3 15 256 ac. seated James Lyan's heirs 523 50 " Margaret Snath 14 80 200 unseated Jesse Thomas 30 70 123 seated John Brock 8 64 50 " Dixon &. Huling 48 100 " Theodore &C. Dickson 6 91 35 "3Uoounsd. A. b. Long 35 48 I lot Tobi.is Moon's heirs 21 1 lot Jacoh Shultz 2 93 Gi~ acres unstd. John A. Wright 39 03 1 lot Abraham Past I 75 76 acres Jam' s Milliken, sr. 5 35 House and lot Daniel Trant 230 do do Jas. Wood's heirs 70 2000 acres VV. 11. Irwin 16 50 BOROUGH OF LEWISTOWN. House & lot VVm. Cook 48 do Nancy Coffee 1 43 do David Chriswcil 13 70 do John Cash 4 30 do John Fletcher 4 36 do Cain Kennedy 1 91 do Samuel M'Graw 3 55 do Richard Barns 2 33 do Charles Robinson 1 19 do George Stratter 71 do Isaac Hains 2 51 do James Brothers' heirs 13 10 do H. X. Burrows 9 88 do Richard Copland 95 do Samuel Hughes 1 67 do Thomas Jefferson 5 46 do Robert M'Neal 8 03 do Come ius Waldron 13 13 do Ellis Griffith 3 20 do Paul Gibboney 3 00 do Alfred Keiser 3 40 do Daniel Lina 3 20 do John Montgomery 3 60 do David Roach 5 10 do Wm Cookcs 4 30 do Joseph Mathews 3 50 do Wm. Montgomery 4 55 do Jacob Mowerer 15 05 do Henry Stoner's heirs 6 40 do Thomas E. Shall 17 15 do J. C. Wilson 4 29 do George Davis 50 do James Martin 4 20 do Wm. Sterett 11 20 do Charles Shell 4 20 do Wm. Tazwell 1 05 do Eliza McDowell 3 15 do Thomas Lowe 1 40 do Charles Stratford 3 85 MENNO TOWNSHIP. 120 acres Christ. King's heirs 2 98 BOROUGH OF McVEYTOWN. 2 acres J. C. Montgomery 2 07 do do Samuel Freedman 36 do do John Bogle 6 83 House and lot John Price, jr. 214 do do Dr. J. C. Reynolds 99 do do Isaac Cornell 7 47 do do Cyrus Chriswell 1 40 do do H. N. Burrows 1 40 do do A. &. Lydia Brown 55 OLIVER TOWNSHIP. 150 acres James Robb 23 20 18 John Walters 4 53 300 Benjamin Walters 42 41 1 lot dock Ralph Bogle 355 50 acres Mary Commer 80 21 George Foster 2 22 223 mountain Samuel Furgason 1 87 4 Joseph A. Bell 1 40 30 M. Chriswell & Co. 5 03 41)0 George Hoffman, sr. 2 31 1 lot John Humes 55 500 ac. seated D. W. Huling 10 08 WAYNE TOWNSHIP. 80 acres Jas. M'Kinstry's heirs 238 6" Enoch Reese 8 14 900 Shanebarger 2 83 60 Charles True 1 17 20" Philip Castor's heirs 1 40 150 H. N. Burrows 7 80 M Wm. Humphrey 4 40 37 Frederick Kitt 2 05 6" Joseph Robinson 1 50 42 Isaac Smith 2 90 John Holderman 65 75 IT37J - STORE 1 NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! HP HE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he has opened a new Store in the room lately occupied by Jacob Everich, between Mutthersbough's and Mayes' hotels, East Market street, Lewistown, where his friends and the public are invited to call and examine a large, Deat, and well selected stock, which is now being sold for cash or country produce at very low prices. It consists of Rich Dress Silks & Dress Goods of every variety, Shawls of every description, Fine Embroider- ies and Heal Laces, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, die., and Domestic Goods of every known style and make, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND SATINKITB, and all other articles usually found in first class stores. Also, a choice assortment of jFamtie (Kroceriffl. It ' !r° 8^ r° ' ,c un, ' er management of i,i,t 'r 'roved, well known as an attentive nninu \u2666 salesman, who will spare no their ' a ° f aTOr him with their custom. WM. BUTLER. n * pnl2918!i8 - [*pj Ready-made Clothing W E W L U M . u Phi!a le !_Phia prices. Now f T 18 the time to u!I ?ff your old clothing and buy new at the ..heap store of jan7 KENNEDY, JUN KIN & CO FREEBURG ACADEMY AND Snyder County Normal School. FREEBLRO, PA. Terms ?Half payable in advance. Board, Tuition, &e. per session of live arid a half mouths, $52 to S6O Tuition alone, Bto 14 Music, French, Drawing fc Painting, extra. In connection with tho regular academic course, which is full and complete in all par- ticulars, a Normal Department has been established in which Teachers, and those wishing to become such, can thoroughly prepare themselves for the profession. Terms, in this department, $6 per quarter. The present quarter commenced on the 23d of March, but students are admitted at any time. For catalogues and particulars, address GEO. F. McFAKLAND, Principal. Freeburg, March 26, 1858. N. S. LAWRENCE'S NEW PIPER, PRIMER'S CARD AND ENVELOPE HO. 405 COMMERCE ST., PHILADELPHIA. B@Cash buyers will find it for their inter- est to call. janT.y HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. IMIE testimony of Prof, (tooth and Dr. Btinckle having \u25a0 previously been published, the following is now added: From Prof. MCCLOSKEV, formerly Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Fen.ale Medical College of Pennsylvania, and lite Professor of Surgery in the American Cell, ge o' Medicine. Sec. PurnDELiMit*, Nov. 27th, 1556. Mr. Joseph F. II ver : A triii d'joui Liquid Ilair Dye n ill convince the most skeptical that it i- i safe, ele- gant ind .di :iri lis preparation Unlike many others, it has in several instance* proved serviceable .11 the cure of some cutaneous eruptions on ihe head, and I have no hesitation in commending it to those rt-q>ii i;g such an appli ntiun. Very r. apecifully, J. F. X MCCLOSKEV, M. D., 175 Race st. above Kith. llOvTlß'a WRITINfJ INKS, including Hover's Wri- ting Fluid and Hover's Indelible Inks, still maintain their high character which has always distinguished them, and the extensive demand first created has continued uniiiter- -111 pted until ihe present. Orders addressed to the Maiiufa< tory, N 1 110 Race -treet atn.ve Fourth (old No. 1 H.) I'hilnt -Iphia, will re- ceive prompt attention by JO-El'll E IIOVF.II, dtcll Mat.fac ior-r THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF <smm & OS-IE S, CHAINS, BRACELETS, RINDS, BREASTPINS, AND OTIIF.R JEWELRY; TAircrr ARTICLES, CLOCKS, and a beautiful assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY are now selling at greatly reduced prices at Junkiu's old stand, corner of Brown and Market streets, opposite ltussell's Banking House. flMA,Those w ho desire to buy at prices cor- responding with the times, will please call. A©* All kinds of repairing promptly atten- ded to. 11. W. JUXKIN, Agent. Lcwistown, April 8, 1858. Cnitm! Pennsylvania Wholesale and Retail Cigar Manufactory an'D Tl) ~~ r J-?A. f i.r >? > One door ire si of Ihe Post. Office, Leicustotcn, I'a. HERE may be found the best, largest V ? and cheapest assortment of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco and Cigars in this part of the State. TOBACCOS. The pure Old V irginia Diadem Twist Atkin's genuine Smyrna Fig " Goodwin's Fine Cut, in tin foil Anderson's best llortey Dew, fine cut Bidgood's Juicy Fig Pounds I Competitor Pounds Pectin's Original Honey Dew, half pounds James Thompson's Celebrated Eldorado Spun Tobacco?Childrey's Congress Fives Penn's Congress Fives, S2B per 100 weight Oscar's Congress Tens, 27 " Epp's " Fives, 25 " CIGARS. Esmcraldo Regalia Baltimores La Real Estrelias Gift Opera Tulipaus $5.50 per in. Concha Opera Fancy Fortunas Eagle Principo " Laguagra Justo Sanz do " Concha La Napoleaus Imperiadora Alernanaa Exuis Tirabeque Omer Pascha Washingtons Half Spanish Virginias $0 per in. &c &c &c Which I can sell at from $3.50 to S2O per thousand. myG E. FRYSINGEII. sriaw Having purchased the entire stock of goods of J. Hamilton & Co., I now offer them at GREAT BARGAINS! The stock is new and heavy, containing a large assortment of staple DRY GCOES, SILKS, SATI.YETS, C ASSIZERS, JEA\B, CAL- ICOS, omtIIATIS & WHITE 001>8, CARPETS, Ac. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Lumber, Stove and Linieburner'9 Coal always on hand. Also, Shingles and Morticed Locust and Chestnut Posts. SAMUEL COMFORT. August 13, 1857. POTATOES! A LOT,, of fine Potatoes, expected from Pittsburg this day, and will be sold low. my 6 F. J. HOFFMAN. BLACKSMITH'S COAL, LUMP COAL, WILKES BAR RE EGG COAL, . SUNBUItY COAL, Just received, and for sale low, and deliv- ered in any part of town, by novs SAMUEL COMFORT. Dyspepsy, Indigestion, Dyspepsy. A MOItBID "eligibility of the stomach and bowels, at tended with obviou* disorder of the digestive organs, Dyspepsy and its attendant ills, such as Nausea, Headache, Bilious Vomiting, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, Burning sensation at the pit Debility of Nervous System, of the stomach, Hypochondria, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Oppression after eating, Wasting of ihe strength, Palpitation of the heart, Flatulence, with frequent Pain in the pit of the stom- belching of wind, ach, or towards right side, V itiated ta.te, Ballowness of complexion, Constipation &. uneasiness Depression of spirits and of the Bowels, irritability of temper, Sec. Have in many cases defied the skill, heretofore, of the best medical practitioners in the world, and many cases have been abandoned as incurable. Dr. J. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Pharmaceutist, after studying closely the practices of Dre. Abernethy and J. Johnston, England, and observing the nature of the dis- ease in all its stages, during a sojourn in the southern and western portions of Ihe United States, where it pre- vails to a greater extent than elsewhere, procured from South America certain roots and Ileitis from which lie prepared an "Elixir,"which, after eighteen years' use in private practice, has proved itself more efficacious in the cure of Dy spepsy than any medicine that hag ever been prepared in any age or clime for ihe same purpose. Having submitted ii, with an explanation ofitsioinpo- nents, to a number of physicians of Philadelphia, among whom .were the late Drs Joseph Ilartshorne and J. C. Morton, it lias received their eniire approval, and many of the medical faculty are now not only prescribing it for their patients but are using it themselves, personally and in their families. As a tonic it is unequalled, and its properties are of so invigorating a nature that it i 3 given wiih perfect safety and success to the most tender infants. The Elixir is very gradual, but certain in its action upon the organs of digestion, the increased secretions of the liver, pancreas and mucous membranes of the stomach, and requires that only one dose be taken in twenty four hour?; for confirmed Dyspopey can only he cured by grad unity restoring the organs of digestion to a healthy state The great success met wlib incuring the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsy, accompanied sometimes with a high grade of hypochondriasis, has established the most un- bounded confidence in the curative properties of this Elixir. 111 corroboration of which read the follow ii.g testi- monials : ATTI.STATION \VE, having used Williams' Anti Dys- peptic. Elixir with the most perfect satisfaction and suc- cess, take great pleasure in recommending it to all per- sus gulf ring with Dyspepsy, as we are fully convinced of its mo l estimable qoalitii - in restoring the digestive powers, removing all pains and urn.wines-, and i nput io a healthy tone to the -i rs 1 h. Joint It Penrose, .71 t3ouili \V harvest t-a-0.-r Moiris Tarony ; Thomas Ailibooe, 1 resident of Bank of Penn- sylvania; Aimer Klines, Market street, above Sixth; Ed- ward .'I Rowley, No 14 North Wharves; Michael Dunn, Superintendent Merthtnts' Exchange; Hannah Styles, i rankford Road ; Hannah Webb, Up Filbert street; II N. Sperry, No 12 Edward street ; Lawrence N vsbidd, No. lijti Chestnut street, Philadelphia; Wm. Yard, No. GCity Row; Rudolph L'Arnt, No 267 Broadway ; H. N. Wj nans. No 01 Water street, New York, The list of names could be extended to almost any lengih, but the fuiegoing is deemed sufficient. Tcutimnnu '?/ H -V. Sperry. who was abandoned or incur able ami gvrrn up to die. Dr. J. Williams?Dear Sir? For fifteen years pri vlotis to 1951, I suffer'd so much from dyspepsy that I became completely prostralcd both m mind and body, and at length became so weakened I could not attend to my busi- ness, and was sinking into a decline, and it was believed I never coti'd recover. Tin- best medical aid was procured f< r me, and every means resorted to without any relief, till I was advised to use your Elixir, and from the time I began taking it I gradually improved till I was con pletely restored to health. The dreadful sntferitigs I endured from dyspepsy I cannot describe ; but I am confident that without the use of your Elixir I should be in nty grave. I assert that 1 solemnly believe your Elixir has saved me from an early death I continue now in the ei j>yot nt of most excel cot health. II N SPEBUV, June 6th, 1-57. No. 1104 X. Third st , Phil td-lphia We. the undersigned, have known Mr 11. N. eqw-rry for several y ears and take pleasure in stating that his as- sertion can be perfectly relied on. and th -.1 we ourselves know that he lias been wonderfully restored to health from the brink of the grave,and we believe, as he assarts solely by the use 1 f Dr. Williams' Elixir. THOMAS J CIUNDLKR. NO 113 L*h(Efiix street. JOHN EHBET, Race street, above second Personally appeared before me, (one of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia,) H. N Sperry, who, being duly a Hire ed, doth depose and say, that the facts set forth in the above certificate are true in every particular. Sn orn and subscribed this 6th d ;v of June, 1-37. FBEDEBU K KEEL, Alderman. The Elixir is sol I in bottles at .$! each, or six bottles for *5 Proprietor, JAMES WILLIAMS, M D, Chemist and Pharmaceutist, No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia. For sale by CHARLES RITZ, LewUtowu. apt* Grocery, Provision, Confection- ery, and VARIETY STORE, At intersection of Valley, Mill, Dorcas and Market streets, lately occupied by Mrs. Wertz. fIMIE undersigned having purchased the I entire stock of Mrs. Wertz, respectfully announces that he intends to make such ad- ditions of articles in general use as to be aide to supply almost anything that may be called for by the old customers of the establishment and any number of new ones. Intending to keep on hand all the leading articles of mar- keting, he solicits farmers and others having Butter. Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Honey, Pota- toes, dreeu or Dried Apples, Soap. Poultry, Ac. to give him a call, as the highest cash price will be paid the market can afford, or Gro eeries, Salt, Fish, Confectioneries, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Hosiery for ladies and gen- tlemen, Ladies' Collars, Combs, Bracelets, Buckles, Belts, Gloves, Mits, Ac. furnished therefor at lowest cash prices. Cabinet & Undertaking Business. The manufacture of Furniture and Cabinet Ware generally, as well as the Undertaking Business, will not be relinquished on account of my engaging in the above business, but orders in either promptly attended to. My friends and the public generally are ! invited to call, examine my stock and prices in both establishments, and, as heretofore, I shall endeavor to please them. ANTHONY FELIX. Lewistown, Nov. 19, 1857. Wood Turning. Sawing, and Plaster Grinding. rPHE subscriber having leased the old Stone X Mill adjoining the Lewistown Mills, is now j prepared to execute to order all kinds of Saw- i ing and Wood Turning at reasonable rates. fLJg'Ali kinds of Patterns and Jobbing gen- erally done to order. £EfGROUND PLASTER at all times on hand. JAMES M. COUCH, i Lewistown, April 1, 1858.-ly ißa it siikucuv niivrisT. PROFESSIONAL business promptly attend- ed to, and charges reasonable. I OFFICE on North Main street, second door below the town Hall, and nearly opposite the j Gazette office. je 21, 1855?tf. <3EO. If. ELDER. Attorney at Law, OFFICE in West Marketstreet,opposite F.Den bise's Hotel, will nttend to any business in the , courtsof Mitllin, Centre, or Huntingdon coun* | tles Lewistown. Julv 1, 1853. UO\ FR S INKS.?Black, Blue and lied Ink .manufactured by Joseph E. Hover. Philadelphia, in inkstand bottles, at 3, G, 10 and 12 cents per bottle. For sale at the book store of ELI 7. A BETII COG LEY, j ftn ? North Corner of Diamond. Neat, Cheap & I>urahlc. W. G. ZOLLINGER, j Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store, Kls always prepared to sup- ?-s ply the public with all the I different stylc3 of Hats of the best qualities and ! prices as to defy competi-^^^^ I tion. He has now on har.d a large assortment j of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all the 1 latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He invites everybody to call and j examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that ' his stock cannot fail to please, j For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or j will make to order, hats to their taste of any ! required size or brim, at prices that cannot fail j to be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad- | vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction ! will be made on wholesale purchases, and es- pecially so to punctual men. Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne- dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows' j Hall. oct'22 WM. XjIINTO, ?IMB3I AM Milium, East .llarkct street, Levlstown, a few doors east of Geo. Blymyer's store, HAS just received from the city a choice sej lection of \at mm W CS3 Si TkA © C£| 9 ant! beatings, specially selected by himself, embracing some very superior goods, from among which his old customers and as many new ones as may choose 1 to call, can secure articles for dress that will ! vastly add to their personal appearance when | made up. Call and examine the stock, which J will he found to be ali that is represented, if j not a little more. 0c122 Snuff, Smoking Tobacco & Pipes! j TUST received, the largest assortment of the above articles ever brought to the Ju- I niata country. The subscriber also keeps c-n i hand Cut and Dry Maccoboy, Broken Tobacco Rappee, German Pipes Congress and Clay Pipes Scotch SnulF, Cigar Cases Matches, Snuff Boxes See,. &c. &e. ; All of which he pledges himself to sell at i price® so low as to satisfy all. Givo nie a call. api:9 E. Fit\SINGER. : HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. ' .i Benevolent fnatitntion, r ??tublu bed by eprrvil cndoiement for the relief <f the tick and dirti/s.ad. ajfictcd vith f'lruleut and Upl'mi' biscatc rr.O all pers ops atllnieit '.sail eexu&l diseases. suth tie f Spermati.i rhu- 1, Semi.-,:,) \V. Impotence, Goto r rri;m-i, (Jlrct, Sy.'ilnli.-, the lice of Onanism or S, It ! Abuse, Ac. ftc. 1 ; The Howard A social ion, in view of the a.i fol de-truc- J tion of human life caused hi sexual iluraw,, and the I deceptions practised upon the utifo,lt,,i:;le \ ielit; - if || I diseases b> Quacks-, rat r i-ars ,:%\u25a0 i d reeled their non- suiting Surgeon, as a CI, oiiaMe Act w rihy of rlieii name, lo open a Dispensary fur the treatment of this class of diseases, in atlih.-ir tortus, and to give Me.ih al I * Ivire GRATIS, t'l ail l. i. apply by llt'er, will ade j s.rip.inn of ih'-ir cm ditioo, {-.ge, uc.-upritiiiu, habits if i I'fe, X.C.) and in cases of extreme poverty l> f-,r,.'|, j Medicines Free of Charge. It is nce.ll. ss to ;wM thaMh. j Association commands the highest u. eaten) skill of the ; aire, and v\ ill furnish the most approved oiodern tteat- nu-iit The D.rectors, on a r. view* of the past, feel as j snred til 1 1 their labors .r, this sph-re ? f benevolent etT-rt j ; have been of itreat bent-lit to the utflicted, cspeci-.i'v lo ; tile young, at' i they have r -solved in devote thenive.lt e ' ,villi renewed zeal t, this very i nporlai.l hat mticlt d ispised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Spot matorrhcr ~ or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism. J | Masturbation or Self Abuse, arid other Disea-es of the ; j Sexual Organ®, by the Consulting Surg. n?. m hit h willb j j avnl by mail (in a sealed letter envelope) Free of Charge, i on receipt of Two Stamps for postage. AMr. ss. for It,*- , port or treatment, Ur GF.ORGE R. CALHOIt.N, Consult in: Surgeon Howard Association, No 2 -< -nsit Ninth Street, Philadelphia, P.t. Hv orJ. rof the Directors. EZRA D UEARTWKI.J., President. Geo. Faircmild, Secretary dec 3 { The Greatest Improvement of the Age! AII_ THE villi YGUNGAMERICA ?W CORN JhSHELLER The mo.<( Complete, Simple e-t, tC- Cheapest Cornslielhr in the World! J. P. Smith's Patent. November 25, 1856. The farmers of MilHin county and vicinity are most respectfully informed that arrange ments have been made for the manufacturing of this celebrated machine at Lewistown, and thai they will bo offered for sale at the store of F. G. FRANCISCUS. All persons are requested to call and see them operate. County Rights in the State of Pennsylvania for sale by the subscriber, to whom all letters respecting the ' same may be addressed. LEWIS KURTZ, jan2l-ly Aaronsburg, Centre Co., Pa, ClockSj Watches, and Jewelry. ROBERT W. PATTON, (Successor to M. Buoy,) ?Market street, next door to the old stand, in the room recently occupied by John A. Sterret, has on hand a large assort- Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. /&X\* 1 as anc * s 'lver iwTSNfc. i watches of every kind and TS>l price, some of them of very superiou finish, and warranted A No. 1 ; a splendid variety of including breast pins, ear rings, finger rings, bracelets, cuff pins, watch guards, pens, pen- cils, spectacles, and every other saleable article of Jewelry, as well as a lot of S( Uitu ana JJlntrb SSfart. i Also, a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES. n3"Strict attention will be given to RE- i PAIRING clocks, watches, and jewelry, and j all work will be done promptly and warranted, j Thankful for the patronage heretofore re- j ceived he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may | favor him with a call. JCf=*Call round and sec.4tli ap22 TT7"INDOW CURTAINS, &c.?A fine as- ! T v sortrv nt of Shades, Paper for Cur- tains, Ac. F. J. Hoffman. I A FIRST RATE Win Tn f" - We have tried various whitewashing ceiling.®, and the papered rooms, hut have never i;" \u25a0' " 5 ' thing entirely satisfactory unti! Spring. We have now ford, a beautiful, elcar, which cannot be rubbed off ' We procured at a paint store a , ? worth of first quality "Pari* \Vi \u25a0. ' lbs., at three cents per lb.l- ;:)I ','f quantity, one pound of white o'i, best quality, usually called Cw,w ' because manufactured by p e iJ f . * -*? Now Fork. Retail pound. For one days work, Jib - glue was put in a tin vessel, ar , ] with cold water over night. I;, .j, iug this was carefully heated until7? Ed, when it was added to 10]!, 7? Pfcris White, previously stirred mjj erate quantity of hot water tor was then added to gi ve tfeJL* proper milky consistency, when it Wa {died with a brush in the ordin- r-r Our 33 lbs. of Paris White glue sufficed for two ceiling®, andt'. r ?. and ceilings of seven other snialkr A single coat is equal to a double Innewash, while the white is far mor op.' ly or brilliant than lime. Indeed tlio'll or is nearly equal to that of " Zinc Whi* * which, costs at least four times as muchl Wc are satisfied, bv reneated t- : - : ?' no whiterasli cut! utatii' tuadhere Sm - without glue, or s.-hie kind '.f this will invariably be colored in tit.-A;,!. i -i- .... viiiie, Kim the caustic lime, ibe Paris Waite, oa the contrary, is simply pure washed chalk and is entirely inert, producing no feet on the sizing.?.1 > Auri '' ' ? Ui. JWfiHica! I \ortle. ?ln readin-, we fre- quently come across words with which w are unacquainted, and which arc nec.-ssary to give us a full idea of the subject, ft obviate this difficulty, we give adcih -a.f some of the more common words: A firkin of butter 5d lbs. A sack of coals 221 - A truss of straw .'h; - A stave of hemn 32 " .V sack of Hour 2>o A-i|uintal bty ?? A pigg.it of steel 120 A truss of bay of, <-\u25a0 A bash Sfi budi-h A kilderkin galbr. A barrel 3C, - A hogsiliead bl ?? A puncheon - ; -? Euglisb prices-current otter. <tc:k ' tbf price id wheat p< r quarter ?to rctia* rhi® to barrel®, multiph the price h. and divide by twelve, ami it will civetW the price, at the same rate, by the htrrd J hus : ll wheat is quoted at oti.- acm:- tor, multiply ?>'> by and divide by 12,4 it gives the pric< - ? S,l. a barrel. Ik British shilling is v. ith _'L!; cent®. the price of produce in England ak easily ascertained in dollars anl ecn'-. LYONS' PURE OATA OA BRANDT. JJ \ Vl.N't; rect-ivcd ili- >t.leaffitcy of A.!?' 1! Wo , Whuirsaie i)r eeir'.., Philadelphia, furttteti of thi.® Brzndy to Mtlliin county, we confidently i-Stl! lo ilie |'ii h ltc as a pure and unadulterated article, Jit* follow inj rert:luttti i\ it! -.rove: Cuc uciL fsoPECTos'sOrncs, / :tS S'xth a', eiticinuati, March,b:* S This ivill certify that I h .v; thi.-da) inspectedw seuarale lots of Catawba tlrandy, one in bar els aod OH in botiles, manof.K tiired by Laurnee I.)nns,nd his sole ajer.t, J. Jacob, at th- Depot. Xo OO.onyvM lite Burnet House, and 113 IVe ®! Third str-et,Cißcmnarf, and find thent both pcre and phee from ail poi®Bi>Mof delete, ions lirtics, and as s?. b have ir .rk'd ti." MM si the law .hrcrts. Given under my hand atmyoffit. j [Signed.] Hirvm Cox. M 1).. Inspector of Alcoholic l.rß ! ~t** c - N'ew York, '.'J Prince ft . J dySS, ISST- Dear sir:?l have received a bottle of Lyons'P*'' Ohio Catawba Br indy, furnished by Mr A Baleton,Jr< of l.oekport, X. Y? for anal) zaiioii, and 1 linil it WMO tain only those in-redients Inch exist in rt its sraJT- The proportion of alcohol obtained from ll -tT.siO. I believe this sample to be pore Brandy lion?the flavor of it is delicate and peculiar. [Signed J Jab R. CxiiLroit, M D , C"hemtt The OHIO CATAWBABRANDY nut only eqJiiiK' even exiels Hie best imported Brandies in purity ? flavor. It is in fact the BF.HT Brandy known. T statement is fully corroborated by the cettidcatf" many of our most distinguished analytical Cher** The want of pure Brandy h is long been feh in thiscaua try, and the introduction of an article of such quality* to supersede the sale and use of those vile MOT 011 hitherto sold under the name of Brandy, can only* * fturded as a great public good. The CatawbsßrMJ possesses all the good qualities claimed tor ibe bt ! '* : ported liquor, and is of perfect purity and superiorli'*| jlt is therefore fully entitled to the patronage of P s ' lie. We feel confident that its reception inihuStru will be as favorable as that which it ha# met *'th i' j Great West, and that the time ia not far distant* ' the superiority of our own liquors i" put"* 5 ; their importation from abroad. . For Medicinal purposes this Brandy has sor.cni has long been needed. It ia a sovereign iud sure rt , dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirit#, L ,S C General Debility, &c. Also for sale, ESHELBY'B CELEBRATED Biu* AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE TbeM . ~.u ! made in tho nlfhbarlK>od of C!nciDn*tl,ißC sfM j antied to ba the pore Juice of tbs g*aoe, set! s;#^ i riently celculated Iter Invalids snd persoc# ( gentle stimulant, and for Sacraiuentsl purpo# M'' r^ ( , beverage w 111 bo found equal, if not snperier, lo " 4 in, P or,e<l . M . flssrt OUetall Price for Brandy sml Wines,#' *? ? Bottle. A liberal discount mads to ths trsds. Address CHAS RITZ, Lewßtswn, February 18, IBAB. codm | Fruit and Ornamental 1 Straw berry. Raspberry, Lurraci, Gooseberry Plants, in great v - I *- of WM. BUTLER, IF*" 10 * Pa., or J. E. JOHNSTON, Agent. augl3 Trenton, New . er. JUST RECEIVED and on and quarter barrels ot Splendid - : EREL ; for salo cheap for cash a !;^ (1? oy ; my2o FELIX'S GROCE" 1,

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Page 1: Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa) 1858-06-10 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83032276/1858-06-10/ed-1/seq-4.pdf216 James Logan 9 43 , ... 382 161 Richard Tunis 12 65 ... and


Unseated Lands in MifflinCounty,1858.

TTrHEREAS, by an Act of General As- J\\ sembiy of the Commonwealth of Penn-

sylvania, entitled "An Act, directing themode of selling unseated lands for taxes andotner purposes," passed the thirteenth day ofMarch, one thousand eight hundred and fif-teen, the treasurers in the different parts ofthis Commonwealth are directed to commenceon the second Monday in Juno, A. D. 1816,and at the expiration of every two yearsthereafter, and adjourn from day to day, ifnecessary so to do, and make public sale of*hc whole or any parts of such t acts of Un-seated Lands in the proper county, as will

pay the arrearages of the taxes, any part of,which shall have remained duo and unpaidfor the space of one year before, togetherwith all the costs necessarily accruing bvreason of such delinquency: Therefore 1,John' B. Sei.iteimer, Treasurer of the countyof Mifflin, do hereby give notice that uponthe following tracts of land, which are situ- |ate as hereinafter described, the several sums Ias stated are due on each tract respectivelyfor State and County tax, and that, in pursu-ance of the aforesaid act of Assembly, Ishall, :at the Court House, in the Borough of Lew-istown, in the county of Mifflin, on

Monday, 14th day of June next,commence the public sale of the whole or

any part of such tracts of the unseated lands 'upon which all or any part of the taxes here-in specified shall there be due, and continue jsuch sale by adjournment until all the lands jupon which taxes remain due and unpaid are jsold. J. B. SELIIELMER,

Treasurer of Mifflincounty.Treasurer's Office, April 8, 1858.

Imount of Taxes due and unpaid on the folloiring tracts

of Unseated Lands from and including the year ISSS vp jto the year

ARMAGH TOWNSHIP.Acres. IVr. Warrantees or Owners. Taxes. ;408 78 Luke Tid $9 48 j400 60 John Bovle 11 15400 60 William Tid 11 15400 60 Luke Sneider 11 15400 60 Martin Triester 11 15400 60 Henry Lebo 11 15400 60 John 801 l 948400 60 John File 12 05400 60 John Barr 12 65400 60 Luke Barr 12 65 j400 60 George Ulerieh IS 99400 60 George Row 11 20400 60 Martin Row 11 20 ;400 60 Nicholas Ream 13 99400 60 William Gray 18 99 j400 60 Peter Joneif 15 82400 GO Wm. P. Brady 12 65400 60 John Mackey 12 65 j400 60 Wm. Mackey 12 65 j400 CO Peter Fabencr 11 15400 60 John Brady 11 15 i397 6-1 Bernard Raser 943 j432 150 John Brown 12 68 J100 Jacob Kepperling 5 38 [200 Alex. Stewart G 32

50 154 John Crissman 1100 153 John Crissman 2 05 !

50 George W. Filson 1 62100 do do 4 8475 do do 4 84 i50 do do i 62 ;20 119 Moses A. Sample 40 ?59 107 Joseph Snook 1 02 '40 Wm. Boyle 1 2850 John Didd 1 12 S

250 Wm. Smith 8 10250 John Craig 8 10

60 Thomas Castor 2 22250 Ebenezer Bonbam 7 46

12 Mary Barr 3925 James Barr 8137 80 Thomas Barr 128 j87 80 Adam Bollander 253 i

100 Albright Swineford 3 17112 80 Andrew Kennedy 317125 John Kennedy - 3 17137 James Kennedy 4 8415U James Hapburn 4 84 i162 80 John Cowdan 4 84 '175 James Armstrong 4 84187 80 Thomas Hamilton 484 j200 Wm. Cook 6 34 I212 80 Alex. McDonald 6 34

20 Wm. Lang 64 j305 Thomas Gregg 8 10305 Malcomb Andrew 8 10 i

BRATTON TOWNSHIP.407 74 Win. Dewart 12 65 :400 43 John Barron, 12 65134 130 Philip Minehart 634800 John Winn 11 20390 George Mitchell, sr. 17 56 i

BROWN TOWNSHIP.400 9 Hugh Watson 12 65400 9 John Culbertson 12 65288 38 Jaiues Miller ?) 48100 148 John Alexander 484168 32 John Alexander 634 196 9 Wm. Frampton 317 j

DERRY TOWNSHIP.68 80 Andrew Duff 212

371 80 James Butler 11 70425 91 James McCormick 13 68348 120 Wm. Ileily 13 68 |845 40 Philip McCrum 11 15 i213 132 Henry Gross 94* '

DECATUR TOWNSHIP.393 31 Conrad Robb 823 1300 John Logan 9 4a j300 Mary Logan 9 4g j349 John Harvey 9 4a368 Wm. Boyle y 4a !213 Wm. Spencer 9 4a :216 James Logan 9 43 ,212 George Logan 9 4a ?212 James Gilrnore 9 4$ !

10 Stull Bernard's heirs 1 40 'GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP. I181 120 John White *

aO4 j865 120 Hugh McCardle 11 15403 3 Thomas White 12 C, r, i400 122 David Rutter 12 65403 3 Jacob Witzer 12 G5

Z{§ SKpben Fo. 165? 115 g !

400 129 Wm. Potte 1t 'S? 58

OLIVER TOWNSHIP407 80 Wm. Butler 19383 Robt. Paugh |412 40 Wm. Peacock it !423 Johr McCoonell 12 35406 Thomas Anderson 12 61406 80 Geo. Campbell 12 65440 John Carry 13 93207 Wm. Woodward 12 65150 seated James Robb 49 68

28 seated John Walters 13 70350 seated Benj. Walters 178 87WAYNE TOWNSHIP.

200 John Organ 6 34408 50 Wm. Kinney 12 65 '404 149 Samuel Tennis 12 65 j413 85 John Christy 12 65413 3 Wm. Creath 12 65 '399 150 Benj. Kepner 12 CO I

425 50 Thomas Nipple 12 65400 48 Henry Shafer 12 Go402 1-5 Daniel Hurley 12 C5398 35 Wm. Cook 12 65390 15 Frederick Lazarus 12 05

| 419 37 Joseph Taylor 12 65382 161 Richard Tunis 12 65400 48 John Witzel 12 65400 48 James Roberts 12 G5405 12G Peter Dehaven 12 65400 48 Charles Bruce 12 65400 40 R. Thornburg or L. Crats 12 65

ALSO,Will be sold at the same time and place the

following Lands, Lots &e. returned by Col-lectors, as per Act of Assembly of 1844:


50 acres seated John Duck 48i 50 acres John Deemer 2 00* 50 acres John McLane 1 20

100 John W. Shaw 801 lot John Conley 70

1 lot Win. Wilkey 40

DERRY TOWNSHIP.13 acres seated Jacob Bumbaugh's heir 9 3 CO

1 do James Hawthorn 1 99

| 400 unseated Hopper & Milliken 190170 do 180 std. Joseph Milliken 14 11

A seated John T. Stull4 do John Bricelin 1 391 do Samuel Cook 1 67

3.V unseated Geo. P. Cooper 581 lot Isaiah Coplin 2 40

1 lot Robert Daley 1 >"0! 20 Jacob Bupp 2 10

j 2 Isaac Everhart 205

1 lot Eilis Hummel 25

1 lot Andrew Ryan 1 20

1 lot John P. Lowory 1 00

85ac.sd.20unsd.Christ. Yoder 16 10j 30 seated Wm. Ediniston 3 95

9 do D. W. Hulinjr 1 35GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP.

2740 acres O. P. Duncan 10 16

130 std. 40 unstd. James Parker 3 15256 ac. seated James Lyan's heirs 523

50 " Margaret Snath 14 80200 unseated Jesse Thomas 30 70

123 seated John Brock 8 6450 " Dixon &. Huling 48

100 " Theodore &C. Dickson 6 9135 "3Uoounsd. A. b. Long 35 48I lot Tobi.is Moon's heirs 21

1 lot Jacoh Shultz 2 93Gi~ acres unstd. John A. Wright 39 03

1 lot Abraham Past I 7576 acres Jam' s Milliken, sr. 5 35

House and lot Daniel Trant 230do do Jas. Wood's heirs 70

2000 acres VV. 11. Irwin 16 50BOROUGH OF LEWISTOWN.

House & lot VVm. Cook 48do Nancy Coffee 1 43do David Chriswcil 13 70do John Cash 4 30do John Fletcher 4 36do Cain Kennedy 1 91do Samuel M'Graw 3 55do Richard Barns 2 33do Charles Robinson 1 19do George Stratter 71do Isaac Hains 2 51do James Brothers' heirs 13 10do H. X. Burrows 9 88do Richard Copland 95do Samuel Hughes 1 67do Thomas Jefferson 5 46do Robert M'Neal 8 03do Come ius Waldron 13 13do Ellis Griffith 3 20do Paul Gibboney 3 00do Alfred Keiser 3 40do Daniel Lina 3 20do John Montgomery 3 60do David Roach 5 10do Wm Cookcs 4 30do Joseph Mathews 3 50do Wm. Montgomery 4 55do Jacob Mowerer 15 05do Henry Stoner's heirs 6 40do Thomas E. Shall 17 15do J. C. Wilson 4 29do George Davis 50do James Martin 4 20do Wm. Sterett 11 20do Charles Shell 4 20do Wm. Tazwell 1 05do Eliza McDowell 3 15do Thomas Lowe 1 40do Charles Stratford 3 85

MENNO TOWNSHIP.120 acres Christ. King's heirs 2 98

BOROUGH OF McVEYTOWN.2 acres J. C. Montgomery 2 07

do do Samuel Freedman 36do do John Bogle 6 83

House and lot John Price, jr. 214do do Dr. J. C. Reynolds 99do do Isaac Cornell 7 47do do Cyrus Chriswell 1 40do do H. N. Burrows 1 40do do A. &. Lydia Brown 55

OLIVER TOWNSHIP.150 acres James Robb 23 20

18 John Walters 4 53300 Benjamin Walters 42 41

1 lot dock Ralph Bogle 35550 acres Mary Commer 8021 George Foster 2 22

223 mountain Samuel Furgason 1 874 Joseph A. Bell 1 40

30 M. Chriswell & Co. 5 0341)0 George Hoffman, sr. 2 31

1 lot John Humes 55500 ac. seated D. W. Huling 10 08

WAYNE TOWNSHIP.80 acres Jas. M'Kinstry's heirs 2386" Enoch Reese 8 14

900 Shanebarger 2 8360 Charles True 1 17

20" Philip Castor's heirs 1 40150 H. N. Burrows 7 80M Wm. Humphrey 4 4037 Frederick Kitt 2 056" Joseph Robinson 1 5042 Isaac Smith 2 90

John Holderman 65 75

IT37J -

STORE 1NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES!HP HE undersigned respectfully informs the

public that he has opened a new Store inthe room lately occupied by Jacob Everich,between Mutthersbough's and Mayes' hotels,East Market street, Lewistown, where hisfriends and the public are invited to call andexamine a large, Deat, and well selected stock,which is now being sold for cash or countryproduce at very low prices. It consists of

Rich Dress Silks & Dress Goodsof every variety,

Shawls of every description, Fine Embroider-ies and Heal Laces, Dress Trimmings,

Ribbons, die., and Domestic Goodsof every known style and make,

CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND SATINKITB,and all other articles usually found in firstclass stores. Also, a choice assortment of

jFamtie (Kroceriffl.

It' !r° 8^r° ',c un,' er management of

i,i,t 'r 'roved, well known as an attentivenninu \u2666

salesman, who will spare notheir

' a ° faTOr him withtheir custom. WM. BUTLER.n * pnl2918!i8 - [*pjReady-made Clothing

W E WLU M.u Phi!a le!_Phia prices. Nowf T 18 the time to u!I ?ff your old clothingand buy new at the ..heap store ofjan7 KENNEDY, JUN KIN & CO


Snyder County Normal School.FREEBLRO, PA.

Terms ?Half payable in advance.Board, Tuition, &e. per session of

live arid a half mouths, $52 to S6OTuition alone, Bto 14

Music, French, Drawing fc Painting, extra.

In connection with tho regular academiccourse, which is full and complete in all par-ticulars, a

Normal Departmenthas been established in which Teachers, andthose wishing to become such, can thoroughlyprepare themselves for the profession.

Terms, in this department, $6 per quarter.The present quarter commenced on the 23d

of March, but students are admitted at anytime. For catalogues and particulars, address

GEO. F. McFAKLAND, Principal.Freeburg, March 26, 1858.



HO. 405 COMMERCE ST., PHILADELPHIA.B@Cash buyers will find it for their inter-

est to call. janT.y

HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE.IMIE testimony of Prof, (tooth and Dr. Btinckle having

\u25a0 previously been published, the following is now added:From Prof. MCCLOSKEV, formerly Professor of Theory

and Practice of Medicine in the Fen.ale Medical Collegeof Pennsylvania, and lite Professor of Surgery in theAmerican Cell, ge o' Medicine. Sec.

PurnDELiMit*, Nov. 27th, 1556.Mr. Joseph F. II ver : A triii d'joui Liquid Ilair

Dye n illconvince the most skeptical that it i- i safe, ele-gant ind .di :iri lis preparation Unlike many others,it has in several instance* proved serviceable .11 the cureof some cutaneous eruptions on ihe head, and I have nohesitation in commending it to those rt-q>ii i;g such anappli ntiun. Very r. apecifully,

J. F. X MCCLOSKEV, M. D.,175 Race st. above Kith.

llOvTlß'a WRITINfJ INKS, including Hover's Wri-ting Fluid and Hover's Indelible Inks, still maintain theirhigh character which has always distinguished them, andthe extensive demand first created has continued uniiiter--111 pted until ihe present.

Orders addressed to the Maiiufa< tory, N 1 110 Race-treet atn.ve Fourth (old No. 1 H.) I'hilnt -Iphia, will re-ceive prompt attention by JO-El'll E IIOVF.II,

dtcll Mat.fac ior-r


<smm &





CLOCKS,and a beautiful assortment of

BOOKS AND STATIONERYare now selling at greatly reduced prices atJunkiu's old stand, corner of Brown andMarket streets, opposite ltussell's BankingHouse.

flMA,Those who desire to buy at prices cor-responding with the times, will please call.

A©*Allkinds of repairing promptly atten-ded to. 11. W. JUXKIN, Agent.

Lcwistown, April 8, 1858.

Cnitm! Pennsylvania Wholesale and RetailCigar Manufactory


Tl) ~~ r J-?A. f i.r >? >

One door ire si of Ihe Post. Office,Leicustotcn, I'a.

HERE may be found the best, largestV ? and cheapest assortment of Smoking

and Chewing Tobacco and Cigars in this partof the State.


The pure Old V irginia Diadem TwistAtkin's genuine Smyrna Fig "

Goodwin's Fine Cut, in tin foilAnderson's best llortey Dew, fine cutBidgood's Juicy Fig Pounds

I Competitor PoundsPectin's Original Honey Dew, half poundsJames Thompson's Celebrated EldoradoSpun Tobacco?Childrey's Congress FivesPenn's Congress Fives, S2B per 100 weightOscar's Congress Tens, 27 "

Epp's " Fives, 25 "


Esmcraldo Regalia BaltimoresLa Real EstreliasGift Opera Tulipaus $5.50 per in.

Concha Opera Fancy FortunasEagle Principo " LaguagraJusto Sanz do " ConchaLa Napoleaus ImperiadoraAlernanaa ExuisTirabeque Omer PaschaWashingtons Half SpanishVirginias $0 per in. &c &c &c

Which I can sell at from $3.50 to S2O perthousand. myG E. FRYSINGEII.

sriawHaving purchased the entire stock of goods

of J. Hamilton & Co., I now offer them at

GREAT BARGAINS!The stock is new and heavy, containing a

large assortment of staple



All kinds of produce taken in exchange forgoods.

Lumber, Stove and Linieburner'9 Coal alwayson hand.

Also, Shingles and Morticed Locust andChestnut Posts. SAMUEL COMFORT.

August 13, 1857.

POTATOES!ALOT,, of fine Potatoes, expected from

Pittsburg this day, and will be sold low.my 6 F. J. HOFFMAN.


. SUNBUItY COAL,Just received, and for sale low, and deliv-

ered in any part of town, bynovs SAMUEL COMFORT.

Dyspepsy, Indigestion, Dyspepsy.

AMOItBID "eligibility of the stomach and bowels, attended with obviou* disorder of the digestive organs,

Dyspepsy and its attendant ills, such as

Nausea, Headache, Bilious Vomiting,Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, Burning sensation at the pit

Debility of Nervous System, of the stomach,Hypochondria, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,

Loss of Appetite, Oppression after eating,

Wasting of ihe strength, Palpitation of the heart,Flatulence, with frequent Pain in the pit of the stom-

belching of wind, ach, or towards right side,V itiated ta.te, Ballowness of complexion,Constipation &. uneasiness Depression of spirits and

of the Bowels, irritability of temper, Sec.

Have in many cases defied the skill, heretofore, of thebest medical practitioners in the world, and many caseshave been abandoned as incurable.

Dr. J. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Pharmaceutist, afterstudying closely the practices of Dre. Abernethy and J.Johnston, England, and observing the nature of the dis-

ease in all its stages, during a sojourn in the southernand western portions of Ihe United States, where it pre-vails to a greater extent than elsewhere, procured fromSouth America certain roots and Ileitis from which lie

prepared an "Elixir,"which, after eighteen years' use inprivate practice, has proved itself more efficacious in thecure of Dy spepsy than any medicine that hag ever beenprepared in any age or clime for ihe same purpose.

Having submitted ii, with an explanation ofitsioinpo-nents, to a number of physicians of Philadelphia, amongwhom .were the late Drs Joseph Ilartshorne and J. C.Morton, it lias received their eniire approval, and manyof the medical faculty are now not only prescribing it fortheir patients but are using it themselves, personally andin their families. As a tonic it is unequalled, and itsproperties are of so invigorating a nature that it i 3 givenwiih perfect safety and success to the most tender infants.The Elixir is very gradual, but certain in its action uponthe organs of digestion, the increased secretions of theliver, pancreas and mucous membranes of the stomach,and requires that only one dose be taken in twenty fourhour?; for confirmed Dyspopey can only he cured by gradunity restoring the organs of digestion to a healthy stateThe great success met wlib incuring the most aggravatedcases of Dyspepsy, accompanied sometimes with a highgrade of hypochondriasis, has established the most un-bounded confidence in the curative properties of thisElixir. 111 corroboration of which read the follow ii.g testi-monials :

ATTI.STATION \VE, having used Williams' Anti Dys-peptic. Elixir with the most perfect satisfaction and suc-cess, take great pleasure in recommending it to all per-sus gulf ring with Dyspepsy, as we are fullyconvincedof its mo l estimable qoalitii - in restoring the digestive

powers, removing all pains and urn.wines-, and i nputio a healthy tone to the -i rs 1 h.

Joint It Penrose, .71 t3ouili \V harvest t-a-0.-r MoirisTarony ; Thomas Ailibooe, 1 resident of Bank of Penn-sylvania; Aimer Klines, Market street, above Sixth; Ed-ward .'I Rowley, No 14 North Wharves; Michael Dunn,Superintendent Merthtnts' Exchange; Hannah Styles,i rankford Road ; Hannah Webb, Up Filbert street; II N.Sperry, No 12 Edward street ; Lawrence N vsbidd, No.lijtiChestnut street, Philadelphia; Wm. Yard, No. GCityRow; Rudolph L'Arnt, No 267 Broadway ; H. N. Wj

nans. No 01 Water street, New York, The list of namescould be extended to almost any lengih, but the fuiegoingis deemed sufficient.Tcutimnnu '?/ H -V. Sperry. who was abandoned or incur

able ami gvrrn up to die.Dr. J. Williams?Dear Sir? For fifteen years pri vlotis

to 1951, I suffer'd so much from dyspepsy that I becamecompletely prostralcd both m mind and body, and at

length became so weakened I could not attend to my busi-ness, and was sinking into a decline, and it was believedI never coti'd recover. Tin- best medical aid was procuredf< r me, and every means resorted to without any relief,till I was advised to use your Elixir, and from the time Ibegan taking it I gradually improved till I was con pletelyrestored to health. The dreadful sntferitigs I enduredfrom dyspepsy I cannot describe ; but I am confident thatwithout the use of your Elixir I should be in nty grave.I assert that 1 solemnly believe your Elixir has saved me

from an early death I continue now in the ei j>yot nt

of most excel cot health. II N SPEBUV,June 6th, 1-57. No. 1104 X.Third st , Phil td-lphia

We. the undersigned, have known Mr 11. N. eqw-rryfor several y ears and take pleasure in stating that his as-sertion can be perfectly relied on. and th -.1 we ourselvesknow that he lias been wonderfully restored to healthfrom the brink of the grave,and we believe, as he assarts

solely by the use 1 f Dr. Williams' Elixir.THOMAS J CIUNDLKR. NO 113 L*h(Efiix street.JOHN EHBET, Race street, above second

Personally appeared before me, (one of the Aldermenof the City of Philadelphia,) H. N Sperry, who, beingduly a Hire ed, doth depose and say, that the facts set forthin the above certificate are true in every particular.

Sn orn and subscribed this 6th d ;v of June, 1-37.FBEDEBU K KEEL, Alderman.

The Elixir is sol I in bottles at .$! each, or six bottlesfor *5 Proprietor, JAMES WILLIAMS,M D,

Chemist and Pharmaceutist,No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia.

For sale by CHARLES RITZ, LewUtowu. apt*

Grocery, Provision, Confection-ery, and

VARIETY STORE,At intersection of Valley, Mill, Dorcas and

Market streets, lately occupied byMrs. Wertz.

fIMIE undersigned having purchased theI entire stock of Mrs. Wertz, respectfully

announces that he intends to make such ad-ditions of articles in general use as to be aideto supply almost anything that may be calledfor by the old customers of the establishmentand any number of new ones. Intending tokeep on hand all the leading articles of mar-keting, he solicits farmers and others havingButter. Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Honey, Pota-

toes, dreeu or Dried Apples, Soap.Poultry, Ac.

to give him a call, as the highest cash pricewill be paid the market can afford, or Groeeries, Salt, Fish, Confectioneries, Perfumery,Fancy Articles, Hosiery for ladies and gen-tlemen, Ladies' Collars, Combs, Bracelets,Buckles, Belts, Gloves, Mits, Ac. furnishedtherefor at lowest cash prices.Cabinet & Undertaking Business.

The manufacture of Furniture and CabinetWare generally, as well as the UndertakingBusiness, will not be relinquished on accountof my engaging in the above business, butorders in either promptly attended to.

My friends and the public generally are! invited to call, examine my stock and prices

in both establishments, and, as heretofore, Ishall endeavor to please them.

ANTHONY FELIX.Lewistown, Nov. 19, 1857.

Wood Turning. Sawing, andPlaster Grinding.

rPHE subscriber having leased the old StoneX Mill adjoining the Lewistown Mills, is now

j prepared to execute to order all kinds of Saw-i ing and Wood Turning at reasonable rates.

fLJg'Ali kinds of Patterns and Jobbing gen-erally done to order.

£EfGROUND PLASTER at all times onhand. JAMES M. COUCH,

i Lewistown, April 1, 1858.-ly

ißa itsiikucuv niivrisT.

PROFESSIONAL business promptly attend-ed to, and charges reasonable.

I OFFICE on North Main street, second doorbelow the town Hall, and nearly opposite thej Gazette office. je 21, 1855?tf.

<3EO. If. ELDER.Attorney at Law,

OFFICE in West Marketstreet,opposite F.Denbise's Hotel, will nttend to any business in the

, courtsof Mitllin, Centre, or Huntingdon coun*| tles Lewistown. Julv 1, 1853.

UO\ FR S INKS.?Black, Blue and liedInk.manufactured by Joseph E. Hover.Philadelphia, in inkstand bottles, at 3, G, 10

and 12 cents per bottle. For sale at the bookstore of ELI 7. ABETII COG LEY,

jftn ? North Corner of Diamond.

Neat, Cheap & I>urahlc.

W. G. ZOLLINGER,j Market Street, next door to Kennedy's Store,

Klsalways prepared to sup- ?-s

ply the public with all the Idifferent stylc3 of Hats ofthe best qualities and

! prices as to defy competi-^^^^I tion. He has now on har.d a large assortmentj of Fall and winter Hats and Caps, of all the1 latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest

cash prices. He invites everybody to call andj examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that' his stock cannot fail to please,j For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, orj will make to order, hats to their taste of any! required size or brim, at prices that cannot failj to be satisfactory.

Country Merchants will find it to their ad-| vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction! will be made on wholesale purchases, and es-pecially so to punctual men.

Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne-dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows'

j Hall. oct'22


?IMB3I AM Milium,East .llarkct street, Levlstown,

a few doors east of Geo. Blymyer's store,

HAS just received from the city a choice sejlection of

\at mm W

CS3 Si TkA © C£| 9

ant! beatings,specially selected by himself, embracing somevery superior goods, from among which his oldcustomers and as many new ones as may choose

1 to call, can secure articles for dress that will! vastly add to their personal appearance when| made up. Call and examine the stock, which

J will he found to be ali that is represented, if

j not a little more. 0c122

Snuff, Smoking Tobacco &Pipes!j TUST received, the largest assortment of

the above articles ever brought to the Ju-I niata country. The subscriber also keeps c-ni hand

Cut and Dry Maccoboy,Broken Tobacco Rappee,German Pipes Congress andClay Pipes Scotch SnulF,Cigar Cases Matches,Snuff Boxes See,. &c. &e.

; All of which he pledges himself to sell at

i price® so low as to satisfy all. Givo nie a call.api:9 E. Fit\SINGER.


' .i Benevolent fnatitntion, r ??tublu bed by eprrvil cndoiementfor the relief <f the tick and dirti/s.ad. ajfictcd vith

f'lruleut and Upl'mi' biscatc

rr.O all pers ops atllnieit '.sail eexu&l diseases. suth tief Spermati.i rhu- 1, Semi.-,:,) \V. Impotence, Goto

r rri;m-i, (Jlrct, Sy.'ilnli.-, the lice of Onanism or S, It! Abuse, Ac. ftc. 1; The Howard A social ion, in view of the a.i fol de-truc-J tion of human life caused hi sexual iluraw,, and theI deceptions practised upon the utifo,lt,,i:;le \ ielit; -if ||

I diseases b> Quacks-, rat r i-ars ,:%\u25a0 i d reeled their non-suiting Surgeon, as a CI, oiiaMe Act w rihy of rlieiiname, lo open a Dispensary fur the treatment of thisclass of diseases, in atlih.-ir tortus, and to give Me.ih al

I * Ivire GRATIS, t'l ail l. i. apply by llt'er, will ade

j s.rip.inn of ih'-ir cm ditioo, {-.ge, uc.-upritiiiu, habits ifi I'fe, X.C.) and in cases of extreme poverty l> f-,r,.'|,

j Medicines Free of Charge. It is nce.ll. ss to ;wM thaMh.j Association commands the highest u. eaten) skill of the; aire, and v\ ill furnish the most approved oiodern tteat-

nu-iit The D.rectors, on a r. view* of the past, feel asj snred til 1 1 their labors .r, this sph-re ? f benevolent etT-rt j

; have been of itreat bent-lit to the utflicted, cspeci-.i'v lo; tile young, at' i they have r -solved in devote thenive.lt e' ,villi renewed zeal t, this very i nporlai.l hat mticlt d

ispised cause.Just published by the Association, a Report on Spot

matorrhcr ~ or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism. J| Masturbation or Self Abuse, arid other Disea-es of the ;j Sexual Organ®, by the Consulting Surg. n?. m hith willb jj avnl by mail (in a sealed letter envelope) Free of Charge,

i on receipt of Two Stamps for postage. AMr. ss. for It,*- ,port or treatment, Ur GF.ORGE R. CALHOIt.N,Consultin: Surgeon Howard Association, No 2 -< -nsit NinthStreet, Philadelphia, P.t. Hv orJ. rof the Directors.

EZRA D UEARTWKI.J., President.Geo. Faircmild, Secretary dec 3


The Greatest Improvement ofthe Age!




JhSHELLERThe mo.<( Complete, Simple e-t, tC- Cheapest

Cornslielhr in the World!J. P. Smith's Patent. November 25, 1856.

The farmers of MilHin county and vicinityare most respectfully informed that arrangements have been made for the manufacturing ofthis celebrated machine at Lewistown, and thaithey will bo offered for sale at the store of F.G. FRANCISCUS. All persons are requestedto call and see them operate. County Rightsin the State of Pennsylvania for sale by thesubscriber, to whom all letters respecting the 'same may be addressed.

LEWIS KURTZ,jan2l-ly Aaronsburg, Centre Co., Pa,

ClockSj Watches, and Jewelry.ROBERT W. PATTON,

(Successor to M. Buoy,)?Market street, next door to the old stand, in

the room recently occupied by John A. Sterret,has on hand a large assort-

Clocks, Watches, andJewelry.

/&X\* 1 as anc * s 'lveriwTSNfc. i watches of every kind and

TS>l price, some of them ofvery superiou finish, and warranted A No. 1 ; asplendid variety of

including breast pins, ear rings, finger rings,bracelets, cuff pins, watch guards, pens, pen-cils, spectacles, and every other saleable articleof Jewelry, as well as a lot of

S( Uitu ana JJlntrb SSfart. iAlso, a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES.

n3"Strict attention will be given to RE- iPAIRING clocks, watches, and jewelry, and jall work will be done promptly and warranted, j

Thankful for the patronage heretofore re- jceived he respectfully asks a continuance of thesame, and will endeavor to please all who may |favor him with a call.

JCf=*Call round and sec.4tli ap22

TT7"INDOW CURTAINS, &c.?A fine as- !T v sortrv nt of Shades, Paper for Cur-

tains, Ac. F. J. Hoffman. I


We have tried variouswhitewashing ceiling.®, and thepapered rooms, hut have never i;" \u25a0' "5 'thing entirely satisfactory unti!Spring. We have nowford, a beautiful, elcar,which cannot be rubbed off '

We procured at a paint store a , ?

worth of first quality "Pari* \Vi \u25a0. '

lbs., at three cents per lb.l-;:)I ','fquantity, one pound of white o'i,best quality, usually called Cw,w 'because manufactured by peiJ f. * -*?Now Fork. Retailpound. For one days work, Jib -

glue was put in a tin vessel, ar, ]with cold water over night. I;, .j,iug this was carefully heated until7?Ed, when it was added to 10]!, 7?Pfcris White, previously stirred mjjerate quantity of hot watertor was then added to give tfeJL*proper milky consistency, when it Wa{died with a brush in the ordin- r-rOur 33 lbs. of Paris Whiteglue sufficed for two ceiling®, andt'. r ?.

and ceilings of seven other snialkrA single coat is equal to a double

Innewash, while the white is far morop.'ly or brilliant than lime. Indeed tlio'llor is nearly equal to that of " Zinc Whi*


which, costs at least four times as muchlWc are satisfied, bv reneated t-:- : ?'

no whiterasli cut! utatii' tuadhere Sm -

without glue, or s.-hie kind '.fthis will invariably be colored in tit.-A;,!.i -i- ....

viiiie, Kimthe caustic lime, ibe Paris Waite, oa thecontrary, is simply pure washed chalk andis entirely inert, producing nofeet on the sizing.?.1 > Auri' ' ' ? Ui.

JWfiHica! I \ortle. ?ln readin-, we fre-quently come across words with which ware unacquainted, and which arc nec.-ssaryto give us a full idea of the subject, ftobviate this difficulty, we give adcih -a.fsome of the more common words:

A firkin of butter 5d lbs.A sack of coals 221 -

A truss of straw .'h; -

A stave of hemn 32 "

.V sack of Hour 2>oA-i|uintal bty ??

A pigg.it of steel 120A truss of bay of, <-\u25a0

A bash Sfi budi-hA kilderkin galbr.A barrel 3C, -A hogsiliead bl ??

A puncheon -

; -?

Euglisb prices-current otter. <tc:k '

tbf price id wheat p< r quarter ?to rctia*rhi® to barrel®, multiph the price h.and divide by twelve, ami it will civetWthe price, at the same rate, by the htrrdJ hus : ll wheat is quoted at oti.- acm:-tor, multiply ?>'> by and divideby 12,4it gives the pric< - ? S,l. a barrel. IkBritish shilling is v. ith _'L!; cent®.the price of produce in England akeasily ascertained in dollars anl ecn'-.


PURE OATA OA BRANDT.JJ \ Vl.N't; rect-ivcd ili->t.leaffitcy of A.!?' 1!

Wo , Whuirsaie i)r eeir'.., Philadelphia, furtttetiof thi.® Brzndy to Mtlliin county, we confidently i-Stl!lo ilie |'ii hltc as a pure and unadulterated article, Jit*follow injrert:luttti i\ it! -.rove:

Cuc uciL fsoPECTos'sOrncs, /

:tS S'xth a', eiticinuati, March,b:* SThis ivill certify that I h .v; thi.-da) inspectedw

seuarale lots of Catawba tlrandy, one in bar els aod OH

in botiles, manof.K tiired by Laurnee I.)nns,ndhis sole ajer.t, J. Jacob, at th- Depot. Xo OO.onyvMlite Burnet House, and 113 IVe ®! Third str-et,Cißcmnarf,and find thent both pcre and phee from ail poi®Bi>Mofdelete, ions lirtics, and as s?. b have ir .rk'd ti." MMsi

the law .hrcrts. Given under my hand atmyoffit. j[Signed.] Hirvm Cox. M 1)..

Inspector of Alcoholic l.rß !~t**c -

N'ew York, '.'J Prince ft . J dySS, ISST-Dear sir:?l have received a bottle of Lyons'P*''

Ohio Catawba Br indy, furnished by Mr A Baleton,Jr<of l.oekport, X. Y? for anal) zaiioii, and 1 linil itWMOtain only those in-redients Inch exist in rt its sraJT-The proportion of alcohol obtained from ll i® -tT.siO. Ibelieve this sample to be pore Brandylion?the flavor of it is delicate and peculiar.

[Signed J Jab R. CxiiLroit, M D , C"hemttThe OHIO CATAWBABRANDY nut only eqJiiiK'

even exiels Hie best imported Brandies in purity? flavor. It is in fact the BF.HT Brandy known. T

statement is fully corroborated by the cettidcatf"many of our most distinguished analytical Cher**The want of pure Brandy h is long been feh in thiscauatry, and the introduction of an article of such quality*to supersede the sale and use of those vile MOT011

hitherto sold under the name of Brandy, can only**

fturded as a great public good. The CatawbsßrMJpossesses all the good qualities claimed tor ibe bt!


: ported liquor, and is of perfect purity and superiorli'*|jlt is therefore fullyentitled to the patronage of P s '

lie. We feel confident that its reception inihuStruwill be as favorable as that which it ha# met *'th i'

j Great West, and that the time ia not far distant* '

the superiority of our own liquors i"put"* 5

; their importation from abroad. .For Medicinal purposes this Brandy has sor.cni

has long been needed. It ia a sovereign iud sure rt

, dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirit#, L,S CGeneral Debility, &c.

Also for sale, ESHELBY'B CELEBRATED Biu*

AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE TbeM . ~.u! made in tho nlfhbarlK>od of C!nciDn*tl,ißC sfMj antied to ba the pore Juice of tbs g*aoe, set! s;#^ iriently celculated Iter Invalids snd persoc# (

gentle stimulant, and for Sacraiuentsl purpo# M''r^ ( ,beverage w 111 bo found equal, ifnot snperier, lo " 4

in,P or,e<l. M. flssrt

OUetall Price for Brandy sml Wines,#' *? ?Bottle. A liberal discount mads to ths trsds.

Address CHAS RITZ, Lewßtswn,February 18, IBAB. codm

| Fruit and Ornamental 1

Straw berry. Raspberry, Lurraci,

Gooseberry Plants, in great v -

I *-of WM. BUTLER, IF*"10*

Pa., or J. E. JOHNSTON, Agent.

augl3 Trenton, New . er.

JUST RECEIVED and onand quarter barrels ot Splendid -

: EREL ; for salo cheap for cash a !; (̂1? oy; my2o FELIX'S GROCE" 1,