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  • 8/14/2019 Level J Writing Book


    Level J WritingBook

    A book of writing assignments that will stretch

    your imagination and teach you many wonderful

    writing skills

  • 8/14/2019 Level J Writing Book


    Non-fiction Report--due on Day 19Your first project is to write a report. This will need to be about a non-fiction topic of your choice. You will decide on several subtopics and write at least a paragraph abouteach sub-topic. You will edit and type it before turning it in.

    Day 1Brainstorm ideas for a topic and choose one. When choosing a topic, youll want toconsider a few things.

    Youll need to be able to find enough informationIt should be something about which you would like to know moreThink about what some subtopics could be (see tomorrows assignment)

    Some suggestions (just in case you need them) to get you started:Choose an animalHistorical subjectFamous person

    State or CountryInventionSportPlantsOccupationsWrite other ideas on this page

    Now that youve chosen a topic, youll need to think of subtopics. Subtopics are thequestions you will be asking about the topic. These questions will be the things you tryto answer in your report. They will decide what direction you take with your report. If you think of too many, youll have to narrow it down to the most important ones.

    For example, if you were writing about George Washington, you might want to knowseveral things.

    1. When was he born?2. Who was his family?3. When did he become president?4. What did he do while president?5. Who were his friends?6. Who were his enemies?7. What foods did he like?8. Did he do his chores as a kid?

    As you can see, some of these questions would be more important than others in your report. Choose the ones that you want to write about. Some of them can be combinedinto one question and answered under one subtopic. Questions 1, 2, 7, and 8 could becombined with the question What was his family life like?

    Write some ideas for subtopics below and then choose the most important ones. Narrowthem down if necessary.

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    1 P 5:5-7

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    Day 2It is time to begin researching your topic.Sources of information:

    Library--non-fiction books and reference booksMuseums

    BusinessesPeople that you interviewEncyclopediasBooksMagazines


    Begin looking for information on your topic. Tomorrow youll have tips on how to takenotes. If, as you are researching your topic, you find that you need to add, change, or

    remove a subtopic, just remember its not too late. If you find two sources of informationthat disagree, youll need to do further research and see which opinion is the mostaccepted. If this doesnt help, explain the situation in your report.

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    1 P 5:5-7

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    Day 3When you find information, youll need to take notes. Notes help you remember information that youve found. Youll need to keep track of your sources, too. Youlllearn how to do that tomorrow.

    Some tips:Dont try to include everythingDont try to use complete sentencesLook for answers to your subtopic questions--one at a timeKeep your notes on a sheet of paper or index cards

    Never copy sentences exactly. This is called plagiarism and is illegal.

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    1 P 5:5-7

    , G . T , H . |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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    Day 4A bibliography is a list of sources that you used to gather information for your report.They need to be listed with a particular format. Youll want to be sure to get all thisinformation from each source that you use so that you can write your bibliography at theend of your report.

    MagazineAuthors last name, first name, Title of Article. Magazine, Month, year, Pages of article.

    Book Authors last name, first name, Title of Book. Publisher, Copyright date, Pages.

    EncyclopediaSubject, Name of Encyclopedia. Date of publication, Volume, Pages.

    It will need to be written as noted above--with punctuation and underlining as shown.

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    1 P 5:5-7

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    |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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    Days 6-7Take notes. Use the next two days to take notes and do more research.

    If you finish early, start working on the next step because some of the other parts of this project may need more time.

    1 P 5:8-10 B , , G , .

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    1 P 5:8-10 B ,

    , G , .

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    Days 8-9You will now take your notes and organize them into an outline. This will help you putthem all together to write your rough draft. You probably didnt realize it, but youalready started your outline when you chose your subtopics. There are two types of outlines, a sentence outline and a topic outline. The difference is that in a sentence

    outline you use full sentences and in a topic outline you use phrases or groups of words.You may choose for this project which one you want to use.

    Youll use Roman Numerals for your main ideas and then letters and numbers for supporting detail. Your subtopics that you chose should be your main ideas. Heres theformat of an outline.

    I. First Main IdeaA. Idea or fact that goes with the first main ideaB. Another idea or fact that goes with the first main ideaC. Yet another idea or fact that goes with the first main idea

    II. Second Main IdeaA. Idea or fact that goes with the second main ideaB. Another idea or fact that goes with the second main ideaC. Yet another idea or fact that goes with the second main idea

    III. Third Main IdeaA. Idea or fact that goes with the third main ideaB. Another idea or fact that goes with the third main ideaC. Yet another idea or fact that goes with the third main idea

    1. Idea or fact that goes with C.2. Another idea or fact that goes with C.

    Any of the lettered ideas or facts can have supporting detail as in C above.

    You have two days to complete your outline. Pace yourself by dividing up your subtopics so that you get half done each day.

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    1 P 5:8-10 B ,

    , G , .

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    (Day 9 work on your outline some more)

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    1 P 5:8-10 B ,

    , G , .

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    Day 10:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Days 11-14You now have 4 days to write your rough draft. This can be done on paper or on thecomputer. If you write it on the computer, it may take you too long to type and frustrateyou. However, it will be easier to edit later. If you write it on paper youll still have totype it later, but you can work on the rough draft at the pace you write. Youll also be

    able to work on it anywhere. The choice is yours.

    P 1:1-3 B , H

    ; .

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    P 1:1-3 B ,

    H ; .

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    Day 15

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 16Type your Bibliography. Hopefully youve written down the information as you wentalong and now you can just formally write the Bibliography using the information for theresources you used when writing your report. See Day 4 of this book for the format. TheBibliography will be the last page of your report.

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    P 1:4-6 T


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    P 1:4-6 T


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    Days 18-19Type your final copy. Have this printed and turned in to Mom by the end of the day onDay 19. If you have extra time and want to add pictures or charts or something, feel freeto add them. Be sure you include your bibliography and that it is updated to includeeverything you used in your notes.

    P 1:4-6 T OD

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    P 1:4-6 T


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    Day 20:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    P 9:1-5 I ; I . I

    W ; ,

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    Day 22:

    How do you feel when you do something wrong?

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    P 9:1-5 I ; I . I

    W ; ,

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    Day 23:

    I wish I had a million _________ then I would __________.

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    P 9:1-5 I ; I . I

    W ; ,

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    Day 24:

    Edit and re-copy one of your last three compositions.

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    P 9:1-5 I ; I . I

    W ; ,

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    Day 25:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 26:Original Story--due Day 39

    Youll spend several weeks learning the parts of a story and setting up your own.

    Plot--the plan of a story or the problem.First you need an idea for your story. Then the plot asks What if? And thenwhat? To come up with these answers youll want to brainstorm ideas. To becreative, youll want to answer them in an unexpected way. You dont need allthe details yet, but come up with a framework to get you started.

    So what will the plot of your story be? Write it here.

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    P 13: H , O OD? W ? H ? H

    , , O OD G I

    I ; . I H

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    Days 27 and 28:Original Story:Characters--the people in your storyYoull want to develop your characters so they are interesting. After developing your characters, create a character chart so you can get to know them as you write about them.

    Your chart should include the following information: Name:Physical Description:

    AgeHeight & WeightHair and EyesSpecial characteristics or abilities

    Environment and Activities:Where they live and work With whom they liveFamily


    Personal thoughts and feelingsDisposition (happy, nervous, curious, etc.)How character feels about self How character feels about othersFeelings about job or school

    Personality Traits*Character Growth--Does character change ideas, beliefs, or attitudes as a result of

    experiences in the course of the story?

    *(Some personality traits: ambitious, boastful, brave, careless, cheerful, conceited, cruel,curious, dishonest, generous, gloomy, greedy, honest, kind, lazy, loving, loyal,

    persevering, proud, secretive, selfish, shy, suspicious, wasteful, etc)

    You will know your characters very well by now. Dont forget that the reader does not.Youll need to introduce them in your story. But dont feel that everything you knowabout your character has to be included in the story.

    Another decision you can make is which character will tell the story?

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    P 13: H , O OD? W ? H ? H

    , , O OD G I

    I ; . I H

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    Day 29:Original Story:

    Conflict/Resolution --Conflict is a complication the main character has in trying to reach a goal.

    Resolution is how he/she solves that problem.

    Lets look at The Three Little Pigs as an example. The plot is that these three pigs aretrying to make it in the real world on their own. The characters are the mother, the first

    pig and the second pig--all minor characters. The main characters are the third pig--thehero, and the wolf--the villain. The conflict between the third pig and the wolf is that thewolf keeps trying to eat the pig. This complicates the pigs goal of trying to make it inthe real world on his own. He resolves it by cooking the wolf.

    The main character usually has a conflict in at least one of three ways:1. The individual against nature, the supernatural, or things beyond human control.

    (Man against Nature)2. The individual against another individual or society. (Man against Man)3. The individual against himself or herself. (Man against Self)

    Some tips for the resolution: Dont depend on coincidence to solve the problem. (The wolf didnt just

    fall into a pot. The pig had to think ahead and open the lid.) Dont bring in some last-minute person or power to save the day. (A

    superhero didnt show up and shoot the wolf.) Dont just have the main character wake up and announce it was all a

    dream. Dreams can be used well in stories as in Alice In Wonderland, butthe story was complete within her dream. Waking up as a solution would

    be a let down for the reader. Do be sure the main character is the one to solve the conflict. Do create suspense by keeping the main character from reaching the goal

    too quickly or too easily Do remember that for every action there is a reaction. Had the pig tried to

    punch out the wolf, the wolf would have hit back. This would havecaused a secondary conflict which could possibly make the story moreinteresting--as long as the pig could have worked his way to a resolutionsomehow.

    What would be an interesting conflict and resolution for your story?

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    P 13: H , O OD? W ? H ? H

    , , O OD G I

    I ; . I H

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    Day 30:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 31:

    Original Story: Climax--the darkest momentAs your main character is working through conflicts, suspense builds. Each attempt tofind a solution leads to more difficulties. A point comes when it begins to seem hopeless(the wolf is coming down the chimney. The pig seems trapped in his formerly safehouse.) The character makes one last brave effort, whether its physical or a suddenrealization. Or the character may suddenly see things a new way and thinks of a solutionthat saves the day. That dark moment when things seem hopeless is the Climax of thestory.

    Be sure your story has a climax.

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    P 15 OD, ? W ,

    , OD , . H .

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    Day 32:

    Original Story:Setting--the time and place of the story

    Dont just tell the reader the setting. Use descriptive words to paint a picture of the timeand place. Give details that involve the senses--what you see, hear, smell, etc.

    What is your setting? List some words to describe it.

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    P 15 OD, ? W ,

    , OD , . H .

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    Day 33:

    Original Story: Theme--the subject about which a person speaks, or writes orthinksThe moral of a fable is the theme of that story. In the story of The Three Little Pigs, thetheme could be one of several:From the pigs point of view--Brain beats brawn or One bad turn deserves another.From the wolfs point of view--He who wants more often loses all.

    What is the theme of your story?

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    P 15 OD, ? W ,

    , OD , . H .

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    P 15 OD, ? W ,

    , OD , . H .

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    Day 35:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Days 36-37:

    Original Story: work on the rough draft of your story.

    P 18:1-3 I , O. T OD ; G ; , D, .

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    P 18:1-3 I , O. T OD ; G

    ; , D, .

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    Day 38:Original Story: Edit your story. First, check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.If youre not sure about spelling, first look it up in the dictionary.

    Also check for these things:

    Is each sentence a complete sentence?Is the meaning of each sentence clear?Can I improve any of the sentences?Do all the sentences in a paragraph go well together?Is there a transition from one paragraph to another?Do too many sentences start out the same way?

    After youve checked carefully through your rough draft, double-check. Then you mayask Mom or Dad to help you check again for errors or problems.

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    P 18:1-3 I , O. T OD ; G

    ; , D, .

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    Day 39:Original Story: Type your story and turn it in.

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    P 18:1-3 I , O. T OD ; G

    ; , D, .

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    Day 40

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    P 18:25-27 W ;

    ; . F ,

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    Day 42:Poetry: Write an Opposite Poem

    Another name for this is an Antonym poem. An antonym is a word that means theopposite or nearly the opposite of another word--such as good/evil or happy/sad. In an

    opposite poem you describe something by what it is not. Here is a checklist of the properties of an Opposite poem.

    It is about oppositesIt is written in couplets, but can be any number of coupletsIt will often, but not always, begin with the question: What is the opposite of

    ______? If you decide to start your poem with a question, the rest of the poemwill answer that question. However, you could also begin your poem withsomething like: The opposite of _____ is _____.Like any well-written piece of writing, it will contain specific details, not simplygeneralities.The rhythm of an opposite is not as predictable as the rhythm of a synonym poem,

    but you must make sure that your poem does have its own music.

    Examples:What is the opposite of kind?A goat that butts you from behind.

    The opposite of chair Is sitting down with nothing there.

    What is the opposite of new?It might be stale gum thats hard to chew,

    A hotdog roll as hard as a rock,Or a soiled and smelly forgotten sock.

    What is the opposite of school?It would be something very cool.

    What is the opposite of tall?Id say its something small.

    Notice how the last two seem like they need more lines? Dont try to write a two-lineopposite if it needs more. See how long your poem can get.

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    P 18:25-27 W ;

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    Day 43:Poetry: Write an Acrostic Poem

    An acrostic poem is one that uses the letters of a word or name to make the first letter of each line. Characteristics of an acrostic poem include:

    It can be a list, with a different item on each line.It can be written as a sentence or two that continues through the poem.It can combine the above two possibilities.It uses items that capture the essence of the subject.The first letter of each line must come from the title or subject of the poem.

    The subject can be anything, but is frequently a name as in the following examples.

    JOSH LAUREN KURTJokes Loves her mom Kind most of the time.Oranges Also likes to cook Usually

    Spaghetti Unlikes to clean her room Rely on my shooting video gamesHoly cow! Ruins some things To take out my anger

    Eats a lot Nonlikes spaghetti

    Start by writing your subject down and then writing characteristics of that subject. Thenyou can try to work those into the letter format. Dont start by staring at the letters andtrying to come up with things that fit those letters.

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    P 18:25-27 W ;

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    Day 44:Poetry: Edit and type the poems you wrote this week.

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    Day 45:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 46:Poetry: Limerick--a five-lined nonsense verseThe first line of a limerick often begins with There was a or There once was a . . . If you listen to the words at the end of each line, youll see that the rhymes fall in a pattern.The pattern is called A A B B A because the letters show the pattern of the rhyme.

    Here is an example by Edward Lear There was an old person of Ware (A)Who rode on the back of a bear: (A)When they asked does it trot (B)He said, Certainly not! (B)Hes a Moppsikon Floppsikon bear! (A)

    See if you can put this mixed up limerick by Theodore Roethke back in the right order Who took only toads on his Back (A)And go humping off, yickety-yak (A)If you asked for a Ride (B)He would act very Snide (B)There was a most odious Yak (A)

    Limericks are typically humorous or impudent. They have a particular rhythm to themthat you should notice after reading these examples from Mother Goose.Dickory, dickory, dare, There came an old woman from FranceThe pig flew up in the air; Who taught grown-up children to dance;

    The man in brown But they were so stiff,Soon brought him down, She sent them home in a sniff,

    Dickory, dickory, dare. This sprightly old woman from France.

    There was an old woman of Gloucester, There was an old woman of Harrow,Whose parrot two guineas it cost her, Who visited in a wheelbarrow;

    But its tongue never ceasing, And her servant before,Was vastly displeasing Knocked loud at each door,

    To the talkative woman of Gloucester. To announce the old woman of Harrow.

    There was an old woman in Surrey, Hickory, dickory, dock!Who was morn, noon, and night in a hurry; The mouse ran up the clock;

    Called her husband a fool, The clock struck one,Drove the children to school, And down he run,

    The worrying old woman of Surrey. Hickory, dickory, dock!

    There was an old man of Tobago There dwelt an old woman at Exeter;Who lived on rice, gruel, and sago; When visitors came it sore vexed her,

    Till much to his bliss, So for fear they should eat,His physician said this; She locked up all her meat,

    To a leg, sir, of mutton, you may go. This stingy old woman of Exeter.Now spend some time writing your own limericks.

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    P 18:31-36 F G, D? G

    . H , . ; ,

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    Day 47

    Poetry unitWrite another limerick today.

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    P 18:31-36 F G, D? G

    . H , . ; ,

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    Day 48

    Poetry unitWrite another limerick.

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    Day 49

    Edit and type your best limerick(s) from the week.

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    P 18:31-36 F G, D? G

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    Day 50

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Days 51-54:Poetry: Sonnet--a fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter that follows aparticular rhyme scheme.

    There are several types of sonnet. We will focus on the Shakespearean sonnet. It has 3

    four-line sections and a final couplet and the rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. The basic pattern of iambic pentameter is ta tum ta tum ta tum ta tum ta tum. Here are someexamples of a Shakespearean sonnet.Here are several sonnets by Shakespeare. He wrote 154 sonnets with this pattern.

    29When in disgrace with fortune and mens eyesI all alone beweep my outcast state,And trouble deaf heaven with my booless cries,And look upon myself and curse my fate,Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,Desiring this mans art, and that mans scope,

    With what I most enjoy, contented least;Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,Haply I think on thee--and then my state,Like to the lark at break of day arisingFrom sullen earth, sings hymns at heavens gate;

    For thy sweet love remembered, such wealth bringsThat then I scorn to change my state with kings.

    Sonnet 18Quatrain 1 (four-line stanza) A Shall I compare thee to a summer's DAY ?..................... If I compared you to a summer day B Thou art more lovely and more temper ATE :.................. I'd have to say you are more beautiful and serene:A Rough winds do shake the darling buds of MAY ,... ......... By comparison, summer is rough on budding life,

    B And summer's lease hath all too short a DATE :.............. And doesn't last long either:Comment: In Shakespeare's time, May (Line 3) was a summer month. Quatrain 2 (four-line stanza) C Sometime too hot the eye of heaven SHINES ,................ At times the summer sun [heaven's eye] is too hot,D And often is his gold complexion DIMM'D ;..................... And at other times clouds dim its brilliance;C And every fair from fair sometime de CLINES ,.................. Everything fair in nature becomes less fair fromtime to time,D By chance or nature's changing course un TRIMM'D ;....... No one can change [trim] nature or chance;Comment: "Every fair" may also refer to every fair woman. who "declines" because of aging or bodily changes Quatrain 3 (four-line stanza) E But thy eternal summer shall not FADE ......................... However, you yourself will not fadeF Nor lose possession of that fair thou OWEST ;... ............. Nor lose ownership of your fairness;E Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his SHADE ,........ .. Not even death will claim you,F When in eternal lines to time thou GROWEST :... ............ Because these lines I write will immortalize you:Couplet (two rhyming lines) G So long as men can breathe or eyes can SEE ,.......... ... Your beauty will last as long as men breathe and see ,G So long lives this and this gives life to THEE ............... ... As Long as this sonnet lives and gives you life.Comment: "Shakespeare introduces the main point of the poem in the first two lines of Stanza 1: that the young man'sradiance is greater than the sun's. He then devotes the second two lines of Stanza 1 and all of Stanza 2 to the inferior qualities of the sun. In Stanza 3, he says the young man's brilliance will never fade because Sonnet XVIII will keep italive, then sums up his thoughts in the ending couplet.

    Now heres one that I wrote when I was learning about sonnets. Its not Shakespeare, butI thought you might like to see that a sonnet doesnt have to be about how beautiful a

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    woman is or how much you love her. You can write about politics, your love of a sport, ahobby, or whatever you want to write about.

    A Sonnet to Julie, My Sister I met you when I was but three years old.We shared many things, like clothes and a room.

    Now we share stories that each one has told.Words that we spoke sometimes made us feel gloom.To me youre important, to you the same,Although we may disappoint each other.Together weve learned that Lifes not a game,But well get through it with our dear brothers.A familys important Ive come to learnAfter a long separation from you.Ive told you I love you, now its your turn.Surely you know that I need your love, too.You know how I feel, what more can I say?Except I miss you, Ill see you someday.

    Your turn. Choose a subject and work on writing a sonnet. You can think of eachquatrain as a verse and then the couplet at the end is the ending. Get your sonnet written

    by Day 53. Edit, type it and turn it in on Day 54

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    P 19:1-4 T ; ,

    . T , .

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    P 19:1-4 T ; ,

    . T , .

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    P 19:1-4 T ; ,

    . T , .

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    Day 55:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    P 19:7-10 T ; ,

    OD , OD ; ; . ,

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    P 19:7-10 T ; ,

    OD , OD ; ; . ,

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    P 19:7-10 T ; ,

    OD , OD ; ; . ,

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    P 19:7-10 T ; ,

    OD , OD ; ; . ,

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    Day 60

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Days 61-64:Poetry: Clerihew poem--a short rhyming poem written of two couplets that pokesgentle fun at a celebrity.A man named E. C. Bentley invented a form for a poem and named it after his ownmiddle name--Clerihew. Here are three examples. The first is by him.

    Edgar Allen PoeWas passionately fond of roe. [fish eggs]He always liked to chew someWhen writing anything gruesome.

    E. C. Bentley

    That famous lady, Mona LisaWhose smile has been a real teasaWill never tell this world were inWhats behind her fabled grin.

    Basketball ace, Dr. JIs seven feet tall so they say.His only hang up is buying shoes.But thats why they invented canoes.

    Now try to write your own. Here are some tips to help you get started.A Clerihew is about a celebrity.It pokes gentle fun at that person, so it tends to be humorous. It is not mean-spirited.It is always made up of two couplets.

    The first line ends with a persons name, so you must rhyme with that name.

    Finish by the end of Day 63 so that you can edit and type on Day 64.

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    P 20:1-4 OD ; ; H

    , . H ,

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    P 20:1-4 OD ; ; H

    , . H ,

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    P 20:1-4 OD ; ; H

    , . H ,

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    Days 66-69:Poetry: Free Verse--a poem with no particular meter or rhyme. The lines arerhythmic and vary in length.You will write a free verse poem today. Here are some tips to help you.

    Choose a topic that interests you.

    Take time to brainstorm ideas related to the topic. See what happens.Work on getting the right words, not just good words.Read your poem aloud.Find someone who will read your poem and make suggestions.Set it aside for at least a night and then look at it again.Revision means to see again. Carefully revise your poem.

    An example:I Am The Cat

    In Egypt they worshiped me--I am the Cat.Because I bend not to the will of manThey call me a mystery.When I catch and play with a mouse,They call me cruel,Yet they take animals to keepIn parks and zoos, that they may gape at them.

    Nay, more, they persecute their own humancreatures;They shoot, they hang, they torture them,Yet dare to call me cruel.Could they but see themselvesAs I, the Cat, see them,These human creatures, bereft of all freedom,

    Who follow in the ruts others madeLong ages gone!Who have rings in their noses,

    Yet know it not.They hate me, the Cat,Because, forsooth, I do not love them.Do they love me?They think all animals are made for their pleasure,To be their slaves.And, while I kill only for my needs,Lthey kill for pleasure, power and gold,And then pretend to a superiority!Why should I love them?I, the Cat, whose ancestorsProudly trod the jungle,

    Not one ever tamed by man.Ah, do they knowThat same immortal handThat gave them breath, gave breath to me?

    But I alone am free--I am THE CAT.

    Leila Usher

    Try to write a free verse poem. Often choosing something you love or care a lotabout makes it easier to write your poem.

    Finish by the end of Day 68 so that you can edit and type on Day 69.

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    P 20:5-9 W G! OD

    I OD H H , . S, OD! .

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    P 20:5-9 W G! OD

    I OD H H , . S, OD! .

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    P 20:5-9 W G! OD

    I OD H H , . S, OD! .

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    P 20:5-9 W G! OD

    I OD H H , . S, OD! .

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    Day 70:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 71:

    Life in Space. What would happen if everyone lived in space? What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?

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    P 23 T OD . H ; H

    ; H H ; , ; ; I OD .

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    Day 72:

    Courage. What do you think courage means? You may look it up in thedictionary, but then write in your own words what it means to be courageous.Give an example that is either real or imaginary.

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    P 23 T OD . H ; H

    ; H H ; , ; ; I OD .

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    Day 73:

    What does the early bird gets the worm mean to you?

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    P 23 T OD . H ; H

    ; H H ; , ; ; I OD .

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    Day 74:

    Edit and re-copy at least one of your last three compositions.

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    P 23 T OD . H ; H

    ; H H ; , ; ; I OD .

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    Day 75:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 76:

    Anger. When you are angry, how do you look? Describe yourself in detail sothat someone could use your description to draw a picture. Describe your bodyposition, your facial features, etc.

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    Day 77:

    What do you see out your window? Write a detailed description.

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    P 27:1-3 T OD ; I ;

    W , T ; I

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    Day 78:

    What is your favorite food? How does it taste? How does it feel inyour mouth? Do you feel happy or relaxed when you eat it?Describe what it is like to eat your favorite food.

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    P 27:1-3 T OD ; I ;

    W , T ; I

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    P 27:1-3 T OD ; I ;

    W , T ; I

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    Day 80:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 81:

    What is your favorite activity? Is it a game, hobby, or sport? Write aparagraph telling how to do it.

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    P 27:11-14 T . D

    ; , , I O. W OD H OD!

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    Day 82:

    Tell how to eat spaghetti.

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    Day 83:

    Write about how to make your bed. If youd like you may choose adifferent chore and tell how to do it.

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    P 27:11-14 T . D

    ; , , I O. W OD H OD!

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    Day 84:

    Edit and re-copy one of your last 3 compositions.

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    P 27:11-14 T . D

    ; , , I O. W OD H OD!

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    Day 85:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Non-fiction Report--due Day 109Time to write another report. This will be very much like the report you wrote at the

    beginning of the school year, only a new topic. It will need to be about a non-fictiontopic of your choice. You will decide on several subtopics and write at least a paragraphabout each sub-topic. You will edit and type it before turning it in. This time, you will

    need to include pictures, charts or graphs.

    Day 86Brainstorm ideas for a topic and choose one. When choosing a topic, youll want toconsider a few things.

    Youll need to be able to find enough informationIt should be something about which you would like to know moreThink about what some subtopics could be (see tomorrows assignment)

    Some suggestions (just in case you need them) to get you started:Choose an animal

    Historical subjectFamous personState or CountryInventionSportPlantsOccupationsWrite other ideas on this page

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    P 30:4-5 S H, H . F H

    , H ,

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    Day 87 Now that youve chosen a topic, youll need to think of subtopics. Subtopics are thequestions you will be asking about the topic. These questions will be the things you tryto answer in your report. They will decide what direction you take with your report. If you think of too many, youll have to narrow it down to the most important ones.

    For example, if you were writing about George Washington, you might want to knowseveral things.

    1. When was he born?2. Who was his family?3. When did he become president?4. What did he do while president?5. Who were his friends?6. Who were his enemies?7. What foods did he like?8. Did he do his chores as a kid?

    As you can see, some of these questions would be more important than others in your report. Choose the ones that you want to write about. Some of them can be combinedinto one question and answered under one subtopic. Questions 1, 2, 7, and 8 could becombined with the question What was his family life like?

    Write some ideas for subtopics below and then choose the most important ones. Narrowthem down if necessary.

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    Day 88It is time to begin researching your topic.Sources of information:

    Library--non-fiction books and reference booksMuseums

    BusinessesPeople that you interviewEncyclopediasBooksMagazines


    Begin looking for information on your topic. Tomorrow youll have tips on how to takenotes. If, as you are researching your topic, you find that you need to add, change, or

    remove a subtopic, just remember its not too late. If you find two sources of informationthat disagree, youll need to do further research and see which opinion is the mostaccepted. If this doesnt help, explain the situation in your report.

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    P 30:4-5 S H, H . F H

    , H ,

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    P 30:4-5 S H, H . F H

    , H ,

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    Day 90

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 91:Non-fiction report: Continue to take notes. Dont forget to keep track of your sources. Youll need them for your bibliography at the end of your report.

    A bibliography is a list of sources that you used to gather information for your report.

    They need to be listed with a particular format. The format used below is called MLAstyle. Youll want to be sure to get all this information from each source that you use!

    MagazineAuthors last name, first name. Title of Article. Magazine. Date (day Month year):


    Book Authors last name, first name. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Copyright.


    Subject, Name of Encyclopedia, edition.

    Personal Interview Name. Personal interview. Date (day Month year).

    Online Sources: E-mailAuthor. . Subject line of message. Personal email. Date (dayMonth year).

    Online Sources: Web siteAuthor. Title of Document. Publication. Date of publication or last revision. .

    Date of access (day Month year).

    The following web page will give examples in MLA style for many different sources. If you used a source other than what is listed above, you should check this web page for theformat needed.http://www.aresearchguide.com/12biblio.html

    It will need to be written as noted above--with capitalization, punctuation and underliningas shown.

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    P 30:11-12 ;

    . O OD G, I .

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    Days 92-94

    Take notes. Use this week to take notes and do more research.

    If you finish early, start working on next week because some of the other parts of this

    project may need more time.

    P 30:11-12 ; . O OD G, I .

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    P 30:11-12 ;

    . O OD G, I .

    P 30:11-12 ; . O OD G, I .

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    Day 95

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    P 31:1-5 I , O OD, I ; . B

    ; . F ; , . P . I , O

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    P 31:1-5 I , O OD, I ; . B

    ; . F ; , . P . I , O

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    P 31:1-5 I , O OD, I ; . B

    ; . F ; , . P . I , O

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    P 31:1-5 I , O OD, I ; . B

    ; . F ; , . P . I , O

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    Day 100

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Days 101-103You have this week to write your rough draft. This can be done on paper or on thecomputer. If you write it on the computer, it may take you too long to type and frustrateyou. However, it will be easier to edit later. If you write it on paper youll still have totype it later, but you can work on the rough draft at the pace you write. Youll also be

    able to work on it anywhere. The choice is yours.

    P 31:23-24 O, H ! F OD , H OD

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    P 31:23-24 O, H ! F OD

    , H OD

    P 31:23-24 O, H ! F OD , H OD

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    Day 104Type your Bibliography. Hopefully youve written down the information as you wentalong and now you can just formally write the Bibliography using the information for theresources you used when writing your report. See Day 91 of this book for the format.The Bibliography will be the last page of your report.

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    P 31:23-24 O, H ! F OD

    , H OD

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    Day 105

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 106Edit your report. First check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. If youre not sureabout spelling, first look it up in the dictionary.

    Also check for these things:

    Is each sentence a complete sentence?Is the meaning of each sentence clear?Can I improve any of the sentences?Do all the sentences in a paragraph go well together?Is there a transition from one paragraph to another?Do too many sentences start out the same way?

    After youve checked carefully through your rough draft, double check. Then you mayask Mom or Dad to help you check again for errors or problems.

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    P 37:3-6 T O , D

    OD, . .

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    Day 107

    Type your report.

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    P 37:3-6 T O , D

    OD, . .

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    Days 108 and 109

    Finish typing if you havent yet. Add any pictures, graphs or charts. Mom canshow you how to use the copier or internet if you need to use them. Choosethings that enhance (make better) your report. Be sure to put them where they

    make sense.

    Youve finished!

    P 37:3-6 T O , D

    OD, . .

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    P 37:3-6 T O , D

    OD, . .

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    Day 110

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 111:Book reportHow to Write a Book Report

    Book reports are a way to show how well you understood a book and to tell what youthink about it.


    Things to include in the introduction:

    The title (underlined) and author of the book.

    Why you chose the book.

    What kind of story is it? (adventure? family? fantasy/make believe? animal? true life? scary?)


    In this section you want to describe the main parts of a story: theme, plot, setting, andcharacters. Then you can give your opinions about the book.

    The Theme is the main idea of the story. Some examples might be the importance of friendship or how to be courageous in a difficult situation. Tell what you think the themeis and how you know.

    The Setting is the time and place of the story. Is it set a long time ago or now. Does ittake place in another country or in an imaginary place? How much time passes in thestorya day? a year? a lifetime?

    The Plot is what happens. You want to tell what the story is mostly about. What is themain event or conflict? What things lead up to it? What happens as a result? How doesthe story end? (Sometimes you want to avoid telling the ending, or giving away thesecrets of the story.)

    Be careful not to re-tell the whole story in detailyou want room in your report to writeabout other things; instead, just say enough about it so the rest of your report will makesense.

    The Characters are who the story is about. The main character is called the protagonist.Who are the other important characters? Do they help or hinder the protagonist?

    Once you have summarized the book, you can tell what you think about it. You can writeabout whatever opinions you have. Some questions you might want to answer are:

    Did you like the story? Why or why not?

    What was the best part of the book? Why?

    How did the story make you feel? Did you feel different things at different points in the story?

    Would you recommend it to friends?

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    Would you read other books by this author?

    What new things did you learn from this book?


    This is just a sentence or two to sum up your report. Give your overall opinion of the book and the most important thing you want other people to know about it.

    For day 111, try to answer the questions suggested above. For days 112 and113, write your report in paragraph form. You will have several paragraphs whenyou are through.

    P 37:7-9 O H;

    , ; . F OD, .

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    P 37:7-9 O H; ,

    ; . F OD, .

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    Day 113:

    Continue to work on writing book report in paragraph form.

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    P 37:7-9 O H; ,

    ; . F OD, .

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    Day 114:

    Edit and re-copy your book report.

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    P 37:7-9 O H; ,

    ; . F OD, .

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    Day 115:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 116:Composition: Families are important because. . .

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    Day 117Composition: Does it bother you to be around someone who has badmanners? Why or why not? What would you do if it bothered you?

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    Day 118:Composition: Which is least important to youmoney, power, or fameand why?

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    P 37:12-17 T , H

    T , .


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    P 37:12-17 T , H

    T , .


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    Day 120:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 121Begin writing a play or skit. You have 6 weeks to complete thisproject. It will be due on Day 149.

    This will be like writing a story, but you will do it in the format of aplay. By the time youre done, youll have a list of characters at thebeginning, with a short description of each one, the setting, and thescript.

    A play usually has 3 parts, or acts. Act 1 sets up the story, Act 2contains the conflict, and Act 3 provides the resolution.

    Today begin by writing an outline, notes or a synopsis of your play.This may change over time as you develop it more, but for now, it

    should be a starting point.

    How will you set up the story and introduce the characters?

    What conflicts will your characters face as your story unfolds?

    How will you resolve the conflicts as your story ends?

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    P 37:34-36 W OH , H ;

    I , ,

  • 8/14/2019 Level J Writing Book


    Day 122Work some more on your play. Think about who the audience will be.Will it be children? If so, what age group? Will it be adults? Whatelse do you know about your audience, if anything? It helps to knowwho your target audience will be so you can adjust vocabularyaccordingly.

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    Day 123Think about your characters today. You dont want to have too manyor it becomes too difficult to perform the play. You may also want tokeep in mind that it is often easier to find female actors (actresses)than male actors. This may not seem like it matters, but if you ever want your play performed, there would be a need to find appropriateactors.

    Make a list of characters and their traits. This list can be adjusted asneeded as you progress with your script.

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    P 37:34-36 W OH , H ;

    I , ,

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    Day 124Here are some terms that may come in handy as you begin to workon your script.

    backdropGenerally, a large curtain (that is usually painted) to represent the sky, a landscape, or someother background. In a commercial theater, one or more backdrops may be suspended fromabove the stage and may hang down the back of a stage set. These backdrops help make theplays story more believable by concealing the stage details behind them. In classroom or school settings, background scenes may be depicted on improvised backdrops, using curtains, drapedcloths, and portable chalkboards.

    prop(short for "property") Any object used by a character on the stage, with the exception of scenery,lights, and costumes. For example, in a school production, props might include a letter that isread aloud, the podium from which a character gives a speech, or the books that a character carries as part of his or her stage action.

    stage actionThe physical movement of an actor on the stage, or the movements of the cast members as agroup. Sometimes the stage action changes from one place to another. This happens when thefocus of the play changes. For example, after "commentators" tell the audience about a historicalevent from the stage apron, the stage action might shift to the stage, where the actors re-enact it.

    stage apronThe forestage, or the part of the stage floor in front of the curtain line. On some stages, this pieceof the stage extends out on both sides slightly, to create an area where offstage actors or musicians might perform. For example, actors might use the stage apron to deliver "asides" to theaudience, or as a "broadcast booth" from which they deliver historical commentary. In school settings, a stage apron might be improvised, using chalk or tape to create an extension to themain performing area.

    stage handA person who "sets the stage" by changing props and scenery, and performing other dutiesinvolved in keeping the physical aspects of a stage production moving.

    stage leftToward the left side of the stage (the audiences right).

    stage rightToward the right side of the stage (the audiences left).

    stage setAll of the scenery in a scene. The stage set creates the physical settingor sense of placeinwhich the action of a scene occurs.

    wingsGenerally the area beyond either side of the stage, through which actors make stage entrancesand exits. The wings are also often an area in which props needed for the next scene are set upfor easy access by the stage hands and actors. In a school setting, wings might be improvised,using chalk or tape to create extensions along both sides of the performing area.

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    P 37:34-36 W OH , H ;

    I , ,

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    Day 125:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 126Work on your script. Keep in mind it doesnt have to be all dialogue.You should include actions and descriptions in parentheses.

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    P 43:1-3 V , O

    G ;W I ? O, !

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    Day 127Here are some more stage terms to learn as you work on your script.

    A: Blocking = Blocking has two different meanings. Which one a director is

    referring to will be obvious by the context in which he/she is speaking. The firstdefinition occurs during most rehearsals. This Blocking refers to the directortelling you when and where to move onstage. The other definition refers to anactor Blocking another actor. This simply means that one actor is standing in away in which the other actor cannot be seen. The second definition is used muchless than the first.

    B: Cheat Out or Open Up = This is simply a request made for the actor to facemore toward the audience. Although it is natural for people to face each other inreal life, onstage the actor needs to make sure the audience can see and hearhim/her.

    C: Countering = This phrase coincides with the second definition of Blocking.When an actor is onstage and then another actor ends up standing in a waywhich blocks the audience's view of the first actor, then the first actor shouldmove so that he/she can be seen again. It typically just involves moving to oneside or the other. This is called countering.

    D: Cue = A cue is a signal to begin movement or speaking. There are manydifferent types of cues. One is where an actors cue to move or speak is dictatedby the line (sentence) or word spoken by another actor (or, sometimes, a line orword you speak). Another cue is when your movement or speech is determinedby sound/music or a change in lighting. One other cue is where your cue isanother actor's movement onstage. This could be anything from another actorentering the stage to another actor slapping you.

    E: Dialogue = Words spoken onstage; Usually involves more than oneactor/character.

    F: Improvisation/Improvs = A scene performed with little to no rehearsal. It isbasically making up words and actions as you go along.

    G: Monologue = A speech made by a single actor; usually in long paragraph

    form.H: Pantomime = Simply, acting without words. This involves the use of yourwhole body, including facial expressions.

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    P 43:1-3 V , O

    G ;W I ? O, !

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    Day 128 And more stage terms as you continue to work on your script.

    I: Projection = When a director asks you to project your voice, it isn't merely amatter of speaking louder, you must speak in a controlled voice so that theaudience can hear you. There are exercises involving the diaphragm that forceyou to project naturally - so you can be heard by the entire audience regardlessof whether you are whispering, talking normally or yelling.

    J: Pronunciation = This simply means you need to be understood. You mustspeak clearly and precisely so that the words you speak can be understood byeveryone in the audience.

    K: Props = An object handled by an actor onstage. This can be anything from aSet prop (an object that is part of the set - on the stage itself - such as a chair) to aHand prop (an object which can be easily held in your hand - such as a hand-held mirror or a pen).

    L: Warm-Ups = The same as with aerobics or athletics, you need to do somewarm-up exercises in order to get your body and face ready.

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    P 43:1-3 V , O

    G ;W I ? O, !

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    Day 129Keep working on that script. You have 4 more weeks to go. Thatmay seem like a long time, but youll need time to read and re-readand make changes and adjustments as you go along.

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    P 43:1-3 V , O

    G ;W I ? O, !

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    Day 130:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Days 131-134Work on your script all week. Try to get the rough draft finished this week. Thenyou can set it aside for the weekend and not think about it.

    P 43:4-5 T I G , O G, G, O ? ? H G; H,

    P 43:4-5 T I

    G , O G, G, O ? ? H G; H,

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    P 43:4-5 T I G , O G, G

    , O ? ? H G; H,

    P 43:4-5 T I G , O G, G, O ? ? H G; H,

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    Day 135:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 136Read your script aloud today. If necessary, get someone else to readwith you so you can read parts. See how it sounds and make notesof changes youd like to make.

    Work through Act 1 today.

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    P 122:6-9 P ,

    , P OD G.

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    P 122:6-9 P ,

    , P OD G.

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    Day 138Read Act 3 aloud and make notes of changes youd like to make.

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    P 122:6-9 P ,

    , P OD G.

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    Day 139Read through your script again and make a list of props that would beneeded to act out your play.

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    P 122:6-9 P ,

    , P OD G.

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    Day 140:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 141Update your character list today. Its probably changed since thebeginning.

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    Day 142Go back through your script and make sure none of the dialogue getstoo long and boring. If there are too many long monologues, youlllose your audiences attention.

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    Day 143Reading through your script yet again, try to block out the action.Does it work? Are there too many scene changes? Are actorsstumbling over each other? Do their exits and entrances makesense? Is the entrance and exit of each actor noted in the script?

    Make notes of any changes you need to make.

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    P 127:1-2 OD , OD ,

    . I u , H H

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    Day 144Make changes as noted in the last couple of days.

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    P 127:1-2 OD , OD ,

    . I u , H H

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    Day 145

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 146-148These are the last days to check everything over. Go over your script, read it aloud, block it out, etc. What do you think of it? Canyou improve it? Make notes of what improvements youd like tomake, then make them.

    P 127:3-5 B, OD, . , .

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    P 127:3-5 B, OD, .

    , .

    P 127:3-5 B, OD, . , .

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    P 127:3-5 B, OD, .

    , .

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    Day 150

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 151Today you will choose from one of the poems on the next few pages by JamesWhitcomb Riley. You will memorize the poem you choose and recite it for the familyafter dinner on Day 159.

    Little Orphant Annie

    Inscribed, with All Faith and Affection:To all the little children: -- the happy ones;and sad ones;The sober and the silent ones; theboisterous and glad ones;The good ones -- Yes, the good ones, too;and all the lovely bad ones.

    Little Orphant Annie's come to our house tostay,An' wash the cups an' saucers up, an' brushthe crumbs away,An' shoo the chickens off the porch, an' dustthe hearth, an' sweep,An' make the fire, an' bake the bread, an'earn her board-an'-keep;An' all us other children, when the supper-things is done,We set around the kitchen fire an' has themostest funA-list'nin' to the witch-tales 'at Annie tellsabout,An' the Gobble-uns 'at gits youEf you



    Wunst they wuz a little boy woudn't say hisprayers, --An' when he went to bed at night, away up-stairs,His Mammy heerd him holler, an' his Daddyheerd him bawl,An' when they turn't the kivvers down, hewuzn't there at all!An' they seeked him in the rafter room, an'cubby-hole, an' press,An' seeked him up the chimbly-flue, an'ever'-wheres, I guess;But all they ever found wuz thist his pantsan' roundabout: --An' the Gobble-uns 'll git youEf you



    An' one time a little girl 'ud allus laugh an'grin,An' make fun of ever' one, an' all her blood-an'-kin;An' wunst, when they was "company," an'ole folks wuz there,She mocked 'em an' shocked 'em, an' saidshe didn't care!An' thist as she kicked her heels, an' turn't torun an' hide,They wuz two great big Black Things a-standin' by her side,An' they snatched her through the ceilin''fore she knowed what she's about!An' the Gobble-uns 'll git youEf you



    An' little Orphant Annie says, when the blazeis blue,An' the lamp-wick sputter, an' the wind goeswoo--oo!An' you hear the crickets quit, an' the moonis gray,An' the lightnin'-bugs in dew is allsquenched away, --You better mind yer parunts, an' yer teachurs fond an' dear,An' cherish them 'at loves you, an' dry theorphant's tear,An he'p the pore an' needy ones 'at clustersall about,Er the Gobble-uns 'll git youEf you



    The Bumblebee

    You better not fool with a Bumblebee! --Ef you don't think they can sting -- you'll see!They're lazy to look at, an' kind o' goBuzzin' an' bummin' aroun' so slow,An' ac' so slouchy an' all fagged out,Danglin' their legs as they drone about

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    The hollyhawks 'at they can't climb in'Ithout ist a-tumble-un out ag'in!Wunst I watched one climb clean 'wayIn a jimson-blossom, I did, one day, --An' I ist grabbed it -- an' nen let go --An' "Ooh-ooh! Honey! I told ye so!"Says The Raggedy Man; an' he ist runAn' pullt out the stinger, an' don't laughnone,An' says: "They has be'n folks, I guess,'At thought I wuz predjudust, more er less, --Yit I still muntain 'at a BumblebeeWears out his welcome too quick fer me!"


    Granny's come to our house,And ho! my lawzy-daisy!All the childern round the place

    Is ist a-runnin' crazy!Fetched a cake fer little Jake,And fetched a pie fer Nanny,And fetched a pear fer all the packThat runs to kiss their Granny!

    Lucy Ellen's in her lap,And Wade and Silas Walker Both's a-ridin' on her foot,And 'Pollos on the rocker;And Marthy's twins, from Aunt Marinn's,And little Orphant Annie,All's a-eatin' gingerbreadAnd giggle-un at Granny!

    Tells us all the fairy talesEver thought er wundered --And 'bundance o' other stories --Bet she knows a hunderd! --Bob's the one fer "Whittington,"And "Golden Locks" fer Fanny!Hear 'em laugh and clap their hands,Listenin' at Granny!

    "Jack the Giant-Killer" 's good;And "Bean-Stalk" 's another! --

    So's the one of "Cinderell'"And her old godmother; --That-un's best of all the rest --Bestest one of any, --Where the mices scampers homeLike we runs to Granny!

    Granny's come to our house,Ho! my lawzy-daisy!All the childern round the place

    Is ist a-runnin' crazy!Fetched a cake fer little Jake,And fetched a pie fer Nanny,And fetched a pear fer all the packThat runs to kiss their Granny!

    A Barefoot Boy

    A barefoot boy! I mark him at his play --For May is here once more, and so is he, --His dusty trousers, rolled half to the knee,And his bare ankles grimy, too, as they:Cross-hatchings of the nettle, in arrayOf feverish stripes, hint vivdly to meOf woody pathways winding endlesslyAlong the creek, where even yesterdayHe plunged his shrinking body -- gaspedand shook --Yet called the water "warm," with never lack

    Of joy. And so, half enviously I lookUpon this graceless barefoot and his track,--His toe stubbed -- ay, his big toe-nailknocked backLike unto the clasp of an old pocketbook.

    The First Bluebird

    Jest rain and snow! and rain again!And dribble! drip! and blow!

    Then snow! and thaw! and slush! and thenSome more rain and snow!

    This morning I was'most afeardTo wake upwhen, I jing!

    I seen the sun shine out and heerdThe first bluebird of Spring!

    Mother she'd raised the winder some;And in acrost the orchurd come,

    Soft as a angel's wing,A breezy, treesy, beesy hum,

    Too sweet fer anything!

    The winter's shroud was rent a-partThe sun bust forth in glee,

    And when that bluebird sung, my hartHopped out o' bed with me!


    Pansies! Pansies! How I love you, pansies!Jaunty-faced, laughing-lipped and dewy-

    eyed with glee;

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    Would my song might blossom out in littlefive-leaved stanzas

    As delicate in fanciesAs your beauty is to me!

    But my eyes shall smile on you, and myhands enfold you,

    Pet, caress, and lift you to the lips that loveyou so,That, shut ever in the years that may mildewor mold you,

    My fancy shall behold youFair as in the long ago.

    The Prayer perfect

    Dear Lord! kind Lord!Gracious Lord! I pray

    Thou wilt look on all I love,Tenderly to-day!

    Weed their hearts of weariness;Scatter every care

    Down a wake of angel-wingsWinnowing the air.

    Bring unto the sorrowingAll release from pain;

    Let the lips of laughter Overflow again;

    And with all the needyO divide, I pray,

    This vast treasure of contentThat is mine to-day!

    The Funniest Thing in the World

    The funniest thing in the world, I know,

    Is watchin' the monkeys'at's in the show!Jumpin' an' runnin' an' racin' roun','Way up the top o' the pole; nen down!First they're here, an' nen they're there,An' ist a'most any an' ever'where!Screechin' an' scratchin' wherever they go,They're the funniest thing in the world, Iknow!

    They're the funniest thing in the world, Ithink:Funny to watch'em eat an' drink;Funny to watch'em a-watchin' us,An' actin''most like grown folks does!Funny to watch'em p'tend to beSkeerd at their tail'at they happen to see;But the funniest thing in the world they doIs never to laugh, like me an' you!

    An Impetuous Resolve

    When little Dickie Swope's a man,He's go' to be a Sailor;

    An' little Hamey Tincher, he'sA-go' to be a Tailor:

    Bud Mitchell, he's a-go' to beA stylish Carriage-Maker;

    An' when I grow a grea'-big man,I'm go' to be a Baker!

    An' Dick'll buy his sailor-suitO' Hame; an' Hame'll take it

    An' buy as fine a double-riggAs ever Bud can make it:An' nen all three'll drive roun' fer me,

    An' we'll drive off togevver,A-slingin' pie-crust'long the road

    Ferever an' ferever I

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    Psalm 128:1-4 Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways.When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall bewell with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart ofyour house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold,thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD.

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    Day 152Write your poem out on a separate sheet of paper. This will give you a copy to practice with andwill also help you to memorize the poem.

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    Psalm 128:1-4 Blessed is every onewho fears the LORD, who walks inHis ways. When you eat the labor

    of your hands, you shall be happy,and it shall be well with you.Your wife shall be like a fruitfulvine in the very heart of yourhouse, your children like oliveplants all around your table.Behold, thus shall the man beblessed who fears the LORD.

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    Day 153

    Work on memorizing the poems. Read or repeat it aloud and try to tell what it means in your own words.This will help to memorize it and recite it with inflection.

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    Psalm 128:1-4 Blessed is every onewho fears the LORD, who walks inHis ways. When you eat the labor

    of your hands, you shall be happy,and it shall be well with you.Your wife shall be like a fruitfulvine in the very heart of yourhouse, your children like oliveplants all around your table.Behold, thus shall the man beblessed who fears the LORD.

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    Day 154

    Practice poem. Get it memorized! Recitation is in one week.

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    Psalm 128:1-4 Blessed is every onewho fears the LORD, who walks inHis ways. When you eat the labor

    of your hands, you shall be happy,and it shall be well with you.Your wife shall be like a fruitfulvine in the very heart of yourhouse, your children like oliveplants all around your table.Behold, thus shall the man beblessed who fears the LORD.

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    Day 155:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 156

    Practice reciting the poem. You should try to do this without looking at the words today.

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    P 134 B, OD, OD!


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    P 134 B, OD, OD!


    P 134 B, OD, OD! ,

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    Day 159

    This is your last day to practice the poem. Tonight after dinner you should recite your poem for the family.

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    Day 160

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 161:News Report: Your next few assignments will be different parts of anewspaper. Each day you will need to make it presentable. At the end, you canput them together for a sort of newspaper. If you are doing this on the computer,you can have fun moving the articles and features around until you get them

    where you want them. If not, you can just place them together in the book of allyour writings from this year. Wow! Just a few more weeks and youll be ready toget that book made!!

    Today you should find a news story that interests you and write a summary of what is happening. You can find this in a newspaper, a magazine, on theinternet, or even something you saw or heard on a news broadcast on TV or theradio. Be sure to tell the story in your own words!

    Edit and re-copy this for your newspaper.

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    P 139:23-24 S , O G ; ,


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    Day 162Weather report: Whats the weather forecast? Write a weather forecast for the next five days. You can write a paragraph, or use a chart or pictures withcaptions.

    Edit and re-copy this for your newspaper.

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    P 139:23-24 S , O G ; ,


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    Day 163Comics: Today see if you can write a comic. It can be a political cartoon, or

    just something funny that you make up. Dont worry about being a good artist.Most comics dont really have great art. The pictures simply need to besomewhat recognizable.

    Suggestion: Before writing the words on the cartoon, you may want to write themon a separate sheet of paper. Then edit your writing and have Mom or Dad edit itagain. When you neatly write the words where they belong on your pictures,youll want to finish writing them BEFORE drawing the little cloud around them.This could save you from having to re-draw the whole thing if youve made anerror.

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    P 139:23-24 S , O G ; ,


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    Day 164Advice Column: Make up a question that someone might ask advice about.Maybe something like My brother keeps breaking my toys. What should I do?Then write an answer to the question. You may make up a pen name (like Dear Abby, Dear Ann Landers, Dear Doctor something, etc) or just use a big Q for the

    question and an A for the answer.

    Edit and re-copy this for your newspaper.

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    P 139:23-24 S , O G ; ,


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    Day 165:

    Write about something you learned this week.

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    Day 166Sports column: Make up or report on a real sports event. Tell the importantdetails such as who played, who won, quotes from players and/or coaches, andany exciting moments in the game.

    Edit and re-copy this for your newspaper.

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    I 40:28-31 H ? T

    . H H H , ,,

  • 8/14/2019 Level J Writing Book


    Day 167Advertising: Design an ad for a product that you use. Try to make up a catchyphrase or eye-catching picture. Not all ads have pictures. You can use clip art if you want a picture and cant draw. Or cut and paste from an already existing adto borrow the picture. The words must be original.

    You may want to have your words checked before writing them on the final ad.That way, errors can be corrected before its too late.

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    I 40:28-31 H ? T

    . H H H , ,,

  • 8/14/2019 Level J Writing Book


    Day 168Arts and Entertainment section: Have you read a good book? Seen a goodmovie or play? Visited a good museum exhibit? Write a review telling what youthought was good and not-so-good about it. Would others want to see it? Whyor why not?

    Edit and re-copy this for your newspaper.

    If you were planning to put this all together as one newspaper, do that now.Youve completed all the pieces of the puzzle.

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    I 40:28-31 H ? T

    . H H H , ,,

  • 8/14/2019 Level J Writing Book


    Day 169Composition: Create a cover page for your book. All of the reports, stories,poems, and re-copied compositions that you wrote this year will go in to thisbook. We will take it all to Kinkos and have it bound to save forever. So whatkind of cover page would be a good representative of your work this year?

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    I 40:28-31 H ? T

    . H H H , ,,

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