letâ€s think and walk actively aged!


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Page 2: Letâ€s think and walk actively aged!

Let‟s think and walk actively aged!

Enothe 2012: European Year for Active Ageing and

solidarity between Generations 2012

Kaat Simons


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Participating countries

Country Country

Sweden Portugal

Austria Latvia

Belgium Ireland

Denmark USA

United Kingdom Germany

Norway Lithuania

Spain France

Finland Czech Republic

Tunisia The Netherlands

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Aim of European year for „Active Ageing‟

The launch of the 2012 European Year shall ensure that older

people stay longer in the labour market, and remain healthy,

active and autonomous for as long as possible.

The European Union (EU) faces rapid demographic change and

must respond to the impact of the ageing population on public

finances and social protection. The initiatives taken to promote

active ageing shall help in meeting these challenges.


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Importance of active ageing for the policy

Ageing impact on the social security and public finance.

Ageing will put public finances under great pressure

deficits can balance out the social security system.

a better and a preventive policy in the area of chronic diseases

can halve the public expenditure for health care and nursing



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Definition WHO

Active Ageing based on three pillars:

1. participation,

2. health and

3. safety:

- physical,

- social and

- financial security

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Workshop:let‟s think and walk actively aged

Based on two Belgian projects launched at the beginning of the

current European Year;

10 000 steps cfr. Def. WHO: participation & health

brain gazing cfr. Def. WHO: participation & health

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Occupational therapist?

• ≠ projects:

• extramural

• Intramural

not only for geriatric patients but also for the valid elderly


cognitive therapy or maintaining cognitive capabilities

Physical therapy or maintaining physical capabilities

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A. 10 000 steps: research

• Research shows that movement is important for a healthy lifestyle.

• Daily move promotes however the health and general wellbeing.

• Move to a moderate intensity everyday is good!

• Do a daily activity of about 30 minutes.

• Or put 10 000 steps per day!

• Do you want long and happy life? Move than everyday!


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A. 10 000 Steps: research

• De Cocker, K., Cardon G. De Bourdheaudhuij, I. (2007). Pedometer-

determined physical activity and its comparison with the International

Physical Activity Questionnaire in a sample of Belgian adults.

Research Quarterly for Exercise an Sport

• De Cocker K, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brown W, Cardon G; Effects of

“10,000 steps Ghent”. A whole-community intervention, American

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007, 33(6):455-463

• De Cocker K, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Cardon G; The effect of a

pedometer-based workplace physical activity intervention, Health

Education Research (in revision)

• De Cocker K, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Cardon G ; The effect of pedometer

use in combination with cognitive and behavioural support materials to

promote physical activity; Patient Education and Counseling 2008,

70(2): 209-214

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A. 10 000 steps: research

• De Cocker K, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Cardon G ; The effect of pedometer

use in combination with cognitive and behavioural support materials to

promote physical activity; Patient Education and Counseling 2008,

70(2): 209-214

• De Cocker K, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brown W, Cardon G ; The effect of

a pedometer-based physical activity intervention on sitting time;

Preventive Medicine 2007, 47(2): 179-181

• De Cocker K, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Brown W, Cardon G; Moderators

and mediators of pedometer use and step count increase in the

“10,000 steps Ghent” intervention; International Journal of Behavioral

Nutrition and physical activity, in press


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A. 10 000 steps: projects in the community

Can be:

Social service

Local community

Aim to achieve an active lifestyle

better health

better fitting in daily life

improved body condition and general well-being

chance of success : different partners for a local working group

set up an action plan focused on the individual and the environment

biggest opportunity to achieve behavioural change


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A. 10 000 steps: projects

• In the community:

formulate a walking route:

for example:

To the city hall 1 km = 1480 steps

A walking route of 10 000 steps

Using a pedometer: it counts each step you take

Using signposts

Note: 500 m = 740 steps

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A. 10 000 steps: in the institution

• Putting signposts everywhere:

• From each room to the restaurant

• From each room to the bathroom

• From each room to the chapel

• From each room to the administration

• From each room to the occupational therapy

• ….

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A. 10 000 steps: task

• Two persons:

- one person is counting the steps

- one person is writing it down and is timing

1) You have to walk 1 km!

2) How many time does it take?

3) How and where can you (@ home) use the pedometer or the


4) Each one (duo) makes a congres-signpost…so we make everyone

aware of the steps they have to take…

from hall 1.1. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.2. and so on

from hall 1.2. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.1. and so on

from hall 3.1. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.1. and so on

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A. 10 000 steps: task

• From Hall 3.2. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.1. and so on

• From Hall 5.1. to the entrance , and to Hall 1.1. and so on

• From Hall 5.3. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.1. and so on

• From Hall 5.2. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.1. and so on

• From Hall 5.5. to the entrance, and to Hall 1.1. and so on

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B. Brain Gazing: research

Watch out!

if you really want to train the brain, the programmes that they offer

by the internet/nintendo/… or not specific enough..you will not actually

get a better brain!

Those brain-training things are just for maintaining cognitive



Keeping the memory aware/alive/awake longer benefit of the


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B. Brain gazing: projects @ home

Edited by commercial companies

For example: nintendo

For free on the internet


≠ types of games:

- memory

- attention

- skills

- …

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B. Brain gazing: @ local community

Social service or any other local community

Integrated braintraining this means:


organizing a quiz

in a nursinghome

the whole elderly-community is invited

various questions; memory, attention, skills,…

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B. Brain gazing: @ the institution

Daily quiz:

Every day they have to/they can answer a few questions. For a good

answer you‟ll get a receipt and 5 receipts is a free drink in the


For example: things you find in the news(paper)..

Who is the new president of USA?

Memorychoir songs from the old box. The songs are wellknow

songs from a longtime ago.

Digisenior students from the last year highschool are giving the

elderly computer-education and information about new technology.

They made a specific course for the elderly.

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B. Brain gazing: task

Do you know an interesting project that‟s useful for all the elderly?

OR are you allready using an interesting braintraining programme?

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