let’s jump right in! here are the 3 easy steps to follow file3 . the kaia nutrition guidelines are...


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Post on 05-Sep-2019




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Don’t get overwhelmed; just follow the Amplify Brik Plan and you will achieve your goals in just six weeks! This is a perfect time of year to set REAL and LASTING goals. We are here to give you

the tools and encouragement to do just that!

Let’s jump right in! Here are the 3 easy steps to follow:

1. Read this document first “The Nutrition Guidelines & Challenge”

2. Read “The Kaia Meal Plan” second and choose your commitment level – we’re here for you!

3. Familiarize yourself with the Winter Kaia Cookbook and choose your week one recipes

Understanding the Nutrition Guidelines and Challenge page 3

Week 1 Challenge page 5

Week 2 Challenge page 7

Week 3 Challenge page 9

Week 4 Challenge page 11

Week 5 Challenge pages 13

Week 6 Challenge page 14

Journaling page 15

Kaia Girl’s 10 Commandments (please PRINT) page 16

Kaia Amplify Brik Contract (please PRINT) page 17

*See the cookbook for all the new Winter recipes

“All food is information to your body, soul and wellbeing…choose wisely”

~Nikki Warren


The Kaia nutrition guidelines are designed specifically to cleanse your body, strengthen your muscles, increase your energy, and help you sleep better at night. Our focus is on the fact that food is fuel and we are what we eat. We will take small positive steps to nourish our bodies and feel great.

All recipes are created without dairy, meat, sugar and are gluten free, but it is up to you to add

in lean protein and/or anything else you feel you need where you choose.

Follow the “Amplify Guidelines” and read the Kaia 10 Thrive for LIFE Essential Guidelines. Let these tips guide you in your decision-making. Say goodbye to counting calories or dwelling on the scale. Focus on feeling amazing, and fueling your body with whole foods so you can live your BEST LIFE! The Kaia nutrition guidelines are not about starving yourself, but learning to eat clean, lean and healthier than you ever have before.

It’s only cold if you’re standing still…make a commitment to fall in love with movement,

healthy whole foods and FUN!!!

Welcome To The Amplify Six-Week Detox


Often, our attention gets pulled in so many directions that we end up feeling exhausted and worn out. During the next six weeks together, we will learn how to nourish our bodies and fuel our souls. You shouldn’t feel any sense of deprivation during our program; rather, you should feel nurtured and alive! What you can expect over the next six weeks by following the guidelines and working out with your Kaia Team:

Better energy and vitality

Weight loss

Less inflammation

Fewer food cravings

Better sleep

Clearer thinking and balanced moods

Greater sex drive

Stronger immune system

Choose your level & one goal this BRIK (see The Kaia Meal Plan) LEVEL: __________________________________________________________________________ GOAL:___________________________________________________________________________

KISS (Keep It Simple Sister) One Week at a Time.

The next six weeks we are challenging you to find your WHY! Educate yourself on the reasons you’re in this program, the reasons why you are setting your goals and committing to eating and feeling better. Each week we will break down the “WHY’S” behind eliminating certain foods out of your diet temporarily or for good.

What is your journaling plan? How do you plan to journal and what

questions do you have for your coach? (see pg. 15) _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

The Amplify Nutrition Challenge


This first week we are working out hard and preparing our bodies for the upcoming detox. Preparation is key: go grocery shopping, clean and prepare your food. Set yourself up for success by having easy meals and snacks at hand. When you’re hungry, you’re vulnerable; keep healthy food clean and ready to grab when you’re in a hurry.

Crowding Out Sugar

Cutting sugar out of your diet can be hard because sugar is very addictive. By crowding sugar out with the list of foods below you will quickly end the addiction and start enjoying a diet full of energy and strength. At the end of these seven days you will be feeling amazing and ready for your detox week. Below are a few tips to cutting out sugar:

Go cold turkey…100% is easy but 99% is a BEAST! Don’t cheat…give it all you’ve got!

Include fresh fruits and as many Kaia Cocktails as you’d like. Eat winter fruits and lots of vegetables: bananas, berries, apples, clementines, grapefruit, cranberries, lemons, pears, pomegranates, tangerines, ect.

Sugar hides in many places…educate yourself and this week track your sugar grams. Aim for 25 grams a day, with no more than 9 grams at one time.

Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night

Eat healthy plant-based protein, fat and carbohydrates. Focus on adding beans, vegetables, avocado and raw nuts to your daily plan. This well balanced diet will help you with concur cravings.

Eat every three to four hours and plan your meals and snacks.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate…drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water. Water promotes detox and will help remove toxins from your body and cells more efficiently.

Unfortunately detoxing off sugar and other toxins can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Be prepared and welcome them, as these symptoms mean your body is getting rid of stored toxins and finding its way back to optimal health and vitality. They should subside in three or four days…stay tough! They can include:




Flu-like symptoms


Bad breath

Sleep difficulties

Quick Temper



10 Reasons to Eliminate Sugar

1. Decreases your heart attack risk 2. Decreases your risk of cancer 3. Increases energy 4. Fewer cravings 5. Helps prevent fatty liver disease 6. Lowers risk of diabetes 7. Helps you lose weight 8. Increases your immune system 9. Increases brain function 10. Can lower blood pressure and bad


10 Sugar Substitutes

1. Berries 2. Apples 3. Stevia 4. Herbal Tea 5. Lemon water 6. Frozen fruit 7. Healthy fats 8. Banana 9. Kaia Cocktail 10. Get outside and play

Track your grams of sugar. Shoot for 25 or less grams/day.

Mon:_____ Tues:_____ Wed:_____ Thurs:____ Fri:_____ Sat:_____ Sun:_____

How did you feel day one? How did you feel day seven?

________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

How is journaling? Try to re-commit & get going!

________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


This week is intended to be a treat…something you look forward to. You will be amazed at your newfound energy, peaceful outlook on life, and all the extra time you have. Please take this week to spoil yourself, take a bath, read a book, or organize something you have been putting off.

Follow Kaia 10 Thrive for LIFE Essential Guidelines!

Print the 10 Commandments and write down exactly what your personal commitment is!

If weight loss is what you’re looking for, this is where you will find it. This week we are cutting allthe excess waste from our diet and bodies.

Eliminate: Alcohol, sugar, processed foods, dairy, and simple carbohydrates (for details see 10Commandments)

Incorporate: A salad for lunch and soup for dinner and be prepared with healthy snacks.

Snacks: Green smoothie, apple and cinnamon, any veggies (cucumbers, celery, bell peppersetc.), 5 almonds or walnuts. See snack list in the Kaia Cookbook.

Take the focus off food and stay busy with de-cluttering your life, playing, or exercising.

10 Reasons to Detox

1. You feel crappy…if you feel sluggish and low energy2. You can’t lose weight3. Having uncontrollable sugar cravings4. Carbohydrate cravings5. You need a reset…just a little kick in the booty to get back on track6. Increase energy7. Improve the quality of your life8. Remove toxins from your body9. Build a stronger immune system10. To prevent inflammation and cancer



10 Easy Ways to Detox

1. Sleep 8 hours a night 2. Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water 3. Eat seven servings of vegetables a day and all

the greens you want 4. Drink detox herbal tea 5. Drink lemon water 6. Sweat, sweat, sweat- turn up the heat in your

Kaia classes 7. Add wheat grass and lots of greens to you diet 8. Drink green smoothies and juices (low sugar) 9. Eat whole foods 10. Get outside and plan

What is your personal commitment to the detox plan?



Pick a Kaia Girl, co-worker, or significant other to complete the

7 day detox together!


Email or Phone #: _________________________________________________________________


Processed foods are simply foods that are not found in nature. They can be found in boxes, cans and bags. Processed food leads to obesity and contains dangerous chemicals that are harmful to your health. This week we will be cutting out processed foods; making homemade foods that are quick and easy but full of nutrition and micronutrients to make us feel amazing!

10 Reasons to Eliminate Processed Foods 1. Processed food causes us to overeat 2. It is addictive and tends to be full of sugar, fat and salt 3. Processed foods are linked with obesity 4. These foods often cause poor digestion and low energy 5. Diets high in processed meats have been linked to various cancer 6. These foods tend to have chemicals, additives, and preservatives 7. Eating processed foods encourage eating on the go, which causes weight gain & digestive issues 8. Leads to depression and mood swings 9. Has been linked to memory issues 10. Has been linked to inflammation and cancer http://wakeup-world.com/2013/06/24/10-things-the-processed-food-industry-doesnt-want-you-to-know/

READ LABELS: If you can’t read it don’t buy it. Avoid buying anything with more than 5 ingredients.

MAKE ALL YOUR MEALS AND SNACKS AT HOME: Smoothies, steel cut oats, fruit, salad (dress your salad au natural with lemon, herbs and cold pressed oil) steamed veggies, beans, homemade soup, raw nuts, avocado, homemade nut milk, veggies with homemade hummus!




Try Superfoods!

Adding new super foods to

our diet, i.e. dandelion

greens, maca mpowder, chia

seeds, spirulina, flax, cacao,

goji berries, turmeric,

mustard greens and swiss

chard can help cut the

cravings for processed food.

Choose a new super food each day to add to your meals or smoothies

Build lean muscle and burning fat through “revving up” our metabolism with plant-based foods.

Add healthy pseudo grains (non-gluten) and seeds, i.e. quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat. Not only are these pseudo grains ridiculously good for you and FULL of protein, but they are also satisfying to eat.

Track your fuel and how you feel when eating these super foods.

Eat a healthy high protein meal after our workouts.

Drink at least one green drink a day, eat a big salad for lunch, and a light dinner.

List the processed food that you struggle with: How often do you eat or drink out?

_______________________________________ Everyday

_______________________________________ Once a Week

_______________________________________ Once a Month

List foods you can make this week easily at home Breakfast: ________________________________________________________________________ Snacks: __________________________________________________________________________ Lunch: ___________________________________________________________________________ Dinner: __________________________________________________________________________ Desserts: ________________________________________________________________________

Consult the Kaia Cookbook for ideas and recipes.

Filling up with

nutritious foods will

help you feel more

satisfied and cut

cravings for salt, fat,


and sugar.


According to the National Institute of Health more than 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose (the protein found in milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products). And according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine milk does not offer any nutrients that cannot be found in a healthier form in other foods. They say that surprisingly, milk does not even appear to prevent osteoporosis.

10 Reasons to Eliminate Dairy

1. Heart Health: Dairy products contain cholesterol which contributes to heart disease. 2. Lung Health: Dairy increases mucus formation and can exacerbate allergies and asthma. 3. Environment: Cows and animal related agriculture are the number one contributors to green

house gas emissions and have a huge impact on water pollution. 4. Weight Loss: Dairy tends to be high in sugar and cheese high in fat. Cows milk is intended to add

20-25lbs of weight to a newborn calf within their first 30 days of life! 5. Addiction: Dairy contains high levels of opioids, even morphine! It is nature’s way of attracting a

calf to milk and increasing weight in the first stages of life. No wonder Americans love pizza!? 6. Antibiotics: According to the FDA, approximately 80% of all antibiotics used in the US are fed to

farm animals. Modern industrial farms are breeding grounds for disease. 7. Acidity: Dairy products are acid forming and can lead to an acidic body chemistry which has been

linked to cancer, weight gain, and even cavities! 8. Hormones: Cows that produce milk during pregnancy, as in industrial farms, produce 33% more

hormones than cows that are given a dormant period. Consuming high levels of hormones can cause weight gain, and propagates cancer growth.

9. Animal compassion: Industrial cattle farms require the animals to live in small spaces, live among their feces, and are connected to a “milking machine” that leads to skin irritation, bleeding, and infection.

10. Urged by warnings about saturated fat and obesity, Americans reduced their intake of fluid milk, cutting the profits of the dairy industry. Dairy Management responded by working the food and restaurant industry to incorporate more dairy products into their products. The average American eats three times more cheese than in 1970!

10 Dairy Substitutes

1. Diaya Cheese 6. Cashew Cheese 2. Nutritional Yeast 7. Raw Nuts 3. Nut Milk 8. Hummus 4. Coconut Yogurt 9. Nut or Seed Butters (i.e. Tahini) 5. Coconut Ice cream 10. Olives or Olive Tapenade



How did you feel on day one? ___________________________________________


How did you feel on day seven? ___________________________________________


How do you feel about cutting back on dairy?



Is it realistic for you to cut back…

One meal per day One day per week All together

Certainly, there is no value in blaming overweight people for a condition that results from a mixture of industry marketing, government promotions, addictive qualities of foods, genetic vulnerabilities, medication effects on appetite, and, in the end, overeating. Instead, it is essential to zero in on the problem foods, expose them, and do what we can to get them off our collective plates. – Kris Carr


A repeat of week 2 detox, except this time you’ll have it in the bag! You already know what to expect. Remember to: 1. Prepare, 2. Think of this week as a treat, and 3. Enjoy the gorgeous foods you will use to crowd out the unhealthy food. This week we are also focusing on eliminating alcohol!

10 Reasons to Eliminate Alcohol

1. Causes weight gain 6. Reducing alcohol lowers your risk of diabetes 2. It is addictive 7. Alcohol puts stress on your organs every time you drink 3. Alcohol is a drug 8. Alcohol decreases motivation and can lead to depression 4. Alcohol deteriorates muscle 9. Is processed as sugar and initiates an insulin response 5. Directly interferes with appetite 10. Causes sleep issues

control in your brain

10 Alcohol Substitutes

1. Kombucha 6. Non-alcohol wine and beer 2. Sparkling water 7. Zevia Soda 3. Lemon Water 8. Infused Water 4. Herbal Tea 9. Kaia Cocktail 5. Sparkling water with 10. Get outside and play!

lemon or lime and stevia

How will you take your Week 5 detox to the next level?




Do you feel comfortable in social settings without alcohol?

yes no

A few ideas on healthy ways to relax at home or with friends





Eat while sitting and enjoying your meals. Know where your food came from and what is in it. Give thanks for the hard work that went into your delicious meal and appreciate each bite.

10 Reasons to Eat Mindfully

1. Helps digestion 6. Lowers risk of anxiety eating 2. Connects you to your true hunger 7. Helps you enjoy company and loved ones 3. Helps stop mindless overeating 8. Increases willpower 4. Giving thanks for our delicious food 9. Promotes peace and awareness 5. Helps control appetite 10. Increases weight loss

10 Easy ways to incorporate mindful eating

1. Stop and give thanks prior to meals 2. Try to eat with family or friends never in front of the television or with your phone 3. Eat fruits and vegetables with little manipulation, sauce or oil 4. Cut processed, packaged foods 5. Reduce snacking, make it a mini healthy meal 6. Always sit while eating 7. Breath between bites 8. Chew your food thoroughly 9. Set down your fork between bites 10. Eating a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner with only a green smoothie snack (e.g., 9am

breakfast, 11am green smoothie, 1pm lunch, 3pm leftover green smoothie, 5pm dinner, herbal tea with stevia, optional; Calm supplement or 8oz of nut milk)

How will you be more mindful with your meals?


What were you successful in accomplishing this BRIK?


What were you unsuccessful in accomplishing this BRIK and want to

incorporate this next Core Session?




As you prepare for Brik, we suggest you find a journal or journal system that you love and that works for your life. Studies show that journaling doubles your weight loss and results. It also gives you many tools for taking a deeper look at how and why you eat. Journaling what you eat, what time you are eating and the emotions you are feeling can be a positive step in your journey to living a balanced life. It will also help in creating a healthy relationship with food and your body.

We recommend journaling daily. Detoxing can release powerful emotions and thoughts around food. Your journal will be a great place to review and release these emotions. The next six weeks we are focusing on creating rituals and writing in a journal should be one of those rituals you place in your life. Journaling the same time every day will help you create a ritual that will stick. Journal the food you eat, when you eat it, in My Fitness Pal or your personal journal. In the morning, journal your goals and intentions for the day. Before bed journal about your day and how you felt, as well as the positive rituals you did throughout the day.


or supertracker.com



1. Water, water, water! Drink half your body weight in ounces of water, i.e. 150lbs = 75oz water a day.

Drinking water is one of the best ways to lose weight. Drinking three liters per day can help you burn 50-75 calories, double your energy, and make your skin glow. Drink alkaline water, spring, or filtered water. Try not to drink tap water because it’s loaded with chlorine and fluoride. Avoid plastic water bottles or make sure they are BPA-free.

2. Eat dinner before 6:00pm and definitely not past 7:00pm. Ideally, you should finish eating

your dinner 3 hours before you go to bed. This is important for helping to reset the hypothalamus so as not to store fat. Eat a healthy breakfast or snack as soon as you get up in the morning!

3. Eat 30 to 35 grams of fiber a day. Adding fiber to your diet has been shown to speed up the weight

loss process dramatically. It can help reduce appetite, relieve constipation, improve digestion and increase energy. See the fiber chart for ideas. It is better to get fiber from food rather than supplements. You burn 7 calories for every gram of fiber. If you’re getting your 35g per day… that’s 245 calories!!!

4. Replace the Alcohol. Your body reacts to alcohol (other than the taxation on your liver, your metabolism,

and your brain) just like it does pure sugar. It’s a straight shot of glucose into your bloodstream, and insulin can’t keep up, so your body stores what it can’t use as fat. Don’t let anything control you. It’s good practice to go out to dinner or out with friends and order a sparkling water with lemon and have just as much fun without the addictive side effects. You can do it; it’s only six weeks! Don’t say no… just find substitutes! Try Kombucha, alcohol-free wine or beer (Fre Wine and Ariel are my favorites) or our famous Kaia Kocktails (water, lemon, stevia and cayenne).

5. Replace sugar! Avoid eating anything with more than 9g of sugar! Sugar throws our bodies into an immune-

suppressed, non-working state of chronic fatigue, depression, and hormonal imbalance. It is the leading cause of disease and depression in this country. Break the sugar addiction-- replace refined sugar with stevia or fruit. Add apples, berries, and any other fruit when you feel the sugar craving coming on.

6. Replace white stuff! Pick healthy carbs in the form of vegetables (use romaine lettuce in place of tortillas);

try miracle noodles, quinoa, and gluten-free grains. Avoid starchy and processed carbs like bread, rice, oatmeal, tortillas, potatoes, etc. White rice is a refined form of brown rice. The refining process removes fiber and nutrients from the grain. One cup of cooked brown rice contains 3.5g of fiber and has 218 calories. One cup of cooked white rice has virtually no fiber but delivers 242 calories. The same is true of pastas and breads!

7. Try not to skip meals. Most obese people have one thing in common – they skip meals. The moment you

allow your blood sugar to drop, you become a fat-storing machine. Try to eat three balanced meals to keep your metabolism humming. Read about the Sumo wrestlers’ diet!

8. Cut the crap! Substitute whole foods for artificial or processed food. For these

next six weeks cut all the things from your diet that slow you down. Avoid sugar, white flour, rice, crackers, honey, pasta, rice cakes, Power Bars, etc. Do not consume any food that has NutraSweet, Splenda, aspartame, sucralose, monosodium glutamate or saccharin on the label. These artificial additives will contribute to fat storage, are chemically addicting, and cause depression and anxiety. Limit or cut out meat and dairy. If you add meat and dairy to your plan, add it as a condiment, and please buy organic. Meats and cheeses that are not certified organic are loaded with growth hormones, antibiotics and other drugs. Buy organic produce when available, avoiding pesticides, genetically- modified foods, and chemicals. These poisons may create hormonal imbalances in the body, which lead to weight gain, abnormal storing of fat, menstrual cycle problems, PMS, and depression. Google it!

9. Limit or cut out dairy and meat. Heart disease is the number one killer in our country; 1 in 3

Americans die from it every year. A big contributor to heart disease is cholesterol, so you need to cut out or reduce cholesterol. Meat and dairy are the only foods with cholesterol, so by limiting your intake of those foods you can reverse and eliminate heart disease, cancer and Type 2 Diabetes. Substitutes for dairy and meat include almond milk, coconut milk, Daiya cheese, tempeh, beans, quinoa, etc. When adding meat or dairy to your meals just add them as you would a condiment, remembering that the portion size should be the size of your palm.

10. Eat unlimited veggies! Instead of counting calories, keep track of the number of fruits and vegetables

you eat each day. Eat at least 7 veggies and 4 fruits. You can eat unlimited veggies. The more greens you eat, the better you will feel. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll, which help with digestion, weight loss and increased energy. Eat veggies with every meal: spinach for breakfast, kale for lunch, and broccoli for dinner. You pick your favorites!

Kaia Girl’s 10 Commandments


I, ________________________________________hereby commit to myself and the AMPLIFY BRIK. I am committed to achieving my personal goals and to having self-control when it comes to food and exercise. I will follow all of the Kaia guidelines by working hard and eating LEAN and GREEN. Please check those to which you fully commit and fill in any details about your commitment.

I will push myself in every workout and get out of my comfort zone. I commit to…


I will have a positive attitude. I will be kind to myself and enjoy the journey. I commit to…


I will support my fellow Kaia Girls and reach out to them when I need support. I commit to…


I will follow these Amplify Nutrition Guidelines. I commit to…


I will detox both week 2 and week 5. I commit to…


I will crowd out unhealthy foods and stick to the 10 Commandments all 6 weeks. I commit to…


I will finish my last meal before 7:00 pm or three hours before bed. I commit to…


My Fitness goals for the next six weeks are…



Signature ___________________________________ Date _____________________


When we take time to nourish our bodies, our bodies love us back!

Disclaimer and Copyright

The responsibility for the consequences of your use of any suggestion or procedure described herein lies not with the authors, publisher or distributors of this book. This book is not intended as medical or health advice. We recommend consulting with a licensed health professional before changing your diet or starting an exercise program. Except for personal use, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed, in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher.

If you enjoy the information in this program, Kaia would like to encourage you to show your support by sharing your testimonial with us, sharing our website with your friends and family, signing up for our free newsletter, and supporting our work by considering our other programs and products.

© 2011-2013 Kaia FIT., Inc. All rights reserved. Published by: Kaia FIT. www.kaiafit.com