let your wants in be i q1 tif1ttnt themmcwsaretttblwektr · 2017. 12. 16. · twc v- f let your...

tW v- c < f LET YOUR WANTS BE I + WEATHER FORECAST r KNOWN IN THE Q1 tiF1t tnt THEmmCWSARETTTBLWEkTR EVENING STANDARD I AND WILL TOMORRO- WFORTIETH BE GENERALLY FAIR TONIGHT RNO 228 PRICE FIVE CENTS OGDEN CITY UTAH THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 22 1910 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice Ogden Utah tURED 111M ir TOCRMEtN- egro Told His Guard f of Treasure Buried- in I Philippines r Son Francisca Sept 22That a I tale of buried treasure In tho Philip- pines induced Private F W Brooks or the United SUites hospital corps I 10 liberate William Splllnuin the negro trooper under life sentence for I the killing of a fellow soldier and that both men are in hiding some where about the city waiting a chance to ainko their way to tho is I lands and dig up the gold Is the theory now advanced to explain the I disappearance yesterday of tho pris ¬ I onerpatient anti his guard from tho general hospital at the Presidio It Is stated by soldiers who knew Spillman before he was brought back from the Islands tn answer for the crime committed there that ho boast- ed ¬ of knowing the whereahouis of a treasure I atl and money burled by a Spanish family during the Phil Ipplne Insurrection prior to American occupation of tho islands Spillman I was a member of Troop B Tenth cav1 airy when stationed at Camp Wal- lace La Union province It is stated that the quarrel which led to the kill- ing ¬ of Iris fellow trooper at the camp arose over the treasure which they were planning to recover i Brooks and Spillman knew each other In the islands and when the negro WItS sent homo for examination- as to his sanity Brooks came ou tho same transport It Is supposed that the negro repealed to him the story of treasure and lured him with prom- ises of sharing the spoils into open- ing ¬ the way to liberty when chance made him Splllmans custodian at tho hospital i According to the report of the treas tire ciedited to Spillman It was dug up bj a party of Chinose afler the Spanish family had hidden It and conveyed into the interior where I- tt was again buried It is the location- of this spot which Spillman claimed to know t LTNflN6- f I llflhLFOURle- ctric Storm North of Colorado Springs I Is Terrific Colorado Springs Colo Sept 22 Lightning killed four persons during a storm In the vicinity of Efifitonvlllp and Elbert twentylhc miles north west of hereilast evening- The dead MRS GUS KRONTZ of Elbcrt Colo MRS JULIUS TROTSEY of Ke Iowa Col- oJMES BLANDIS of Plattsburg MoYILUAM LOLCAMA of Eafilon- vllo Colo i They wero killed at different spots FIRST TRAIN ON I I ALASKA RAILROAD Cordova Alaska Sept 22 Bearing I j Governor altor E Clark bhr wife ami party a special train yesterday imugurated through passenger service over the Copper River Northwest iru railroad to the town of Chitina lu the interior from Cordova on the CCMBt At Chillna the train was met by a parl of citizens to whom Governor Clark made a speech1 felicllatlng I Alaskans on the laWn of the day i when interior Alaska will be connect oo with the coast by rail METHOD OF PROCEDURE IN THE LORIMER HEARING Chicago Sept22TbIe first open fvsslon of the senate committee was supposed to be occupied today in de- termining the mode of procedure In tile hearing of charges of alleged bribery in the election of United States Senator William Lorlmor by the Illinois legislature It was ex- pected ¬ to be determined whether at j tornevs for those who made the charges would be allowed to question the witnesses called or whcher this z onld be done entirely by the sena I tors Senator Ixjrlmer nnd his attorney I Elbrldge Haucey and Clifford Barnoa of the Lglnlatlvc Voters league were present when the session begun Through Attorney Hancoy tho sen- ator ¬ nrguad that the senatorial Inves- tigation of his election be postponed because of tho pendency of criminal cases in Illinois touching upon mat Ion Into which the committee Is looking Mr Hancoy went ovor tho two trials of Minority Loader Lee ONell Browne and the present In dictmenta pending against Browno and State Senator Bro erlck In San gamon county The meeting was opened by Sena- tor Burrows Tho committee then adjourned for the day to meet again at 10 oclock tomorrow morning O SASTR s APP All NG Of Sixty Passengers One Escaped Death or Injur- yooooooooooooooo o 0 O Among the victims of the 0 O wreck was Miss Pearl Saylor 0 C daughter of Mrs Clara Saylor of 0 O Bluffton and a sister of Hanker 0 O B Saylor of Vatseka 111 who 0 O was shot and killed by Dr W It 0 C Miller a year or so ago For the G O crime which attracted wide 0 O spread interest Dr Miller nod 0 O Mrs Saylor now arc serving 0 G prison sentences 0 O G ooooooooooooooo Fort Vane Sept Thirtynine is tho toll exacted by the Fori Wayne Interurban disaster yesterday so far as the check early today shows Th officials of the conpan refuse to give nn opinion as to where the re- sponsibility lies The crew of the special train which was speeding south from Fort Vayne empty know- ing ¬ tho local was ten or more minutes late It is said took chances on mak- ing ¬ a siding and failed Six of the Injured are In the hospit- als ¬ in Fort Byn- CPractically all of the dead were per eons living near Bluffton It was a holiday thrOJ1lf und for Fort Wayne to attend the state fair The local was tilled and there was several persons in the aisles or corn pa rtmentp The crash was without warning Thinning at Its highest speed the empty special sped ort of the woods- on I a curve and plunged Into the local which also was running at high speed- Of all In the car probably GO pass- engers scarcely one escaped injury- or death That an effort will be made to place the blame Is apparent by the action of the Indiana state hoard of railway commissioners Within a short time of the accident Commissioner A A I Shane who also Is the special Investi- gator I for the board had reached tho I scene und had begun interrogation- of the traction officials and witnesses This morning Mr Simile declined to I make known the results of his investi- gation saying that It would have to- t be given out by the state board Superintendent of Transportation I Frank I Hary said I We are doing everything in our power to care for the dead and In- jured We have bezun a careful scrutiny of train orders bearing on j the case The public shall soon know where the responsibility lies I Around the establish- ment ¬ III Bluffton and Fort Wayne and at the hospitals in this city this morn- ing ¬ were gathered crowds of men and women For the most part the bod- ies ¬ have been claimed TAUT TO MEET 01110 REPUBLICANS Cincinnati Ohio Sept 22PrCsi dont Taft received today a number of Ohio Republican leaders who are anxious to consult regarding the po- litical situation In the state A round of golf and dinner with Congressman and Mrs Longworth will occupy the I remainder of the day Among the political leaders whom the president was to meet are Unit- ed ¬ States Senator Thomas Burton and Louis C Laylin chairman Of the Ohio Republican executive committee Af- ter ¬ the political conference the presi dent will be the guest of J C Schmidt App a friend of long standing with whon he will play golf Tn the evening hfi will dine with Congressman and Mrs Nicholas Long worth ADDRESS OFT- CDMIANDE Van Sant Gratified Over the Fraternizing of Blue and Gray I AtlHiitlc City N J SepL 22Com prehensively reviewing the work of the Grand Army of the Republic the notion for the past year during which he has acted as its head Com mnnderlnChlef Samuel R Van Sant today addressed tho delegates to the fortyfourlh national encampment as well with an eye to tho future foOl that tho great organization might ac complish as upon the notable achieve ments of Its past While the roll of the Grand Army I is steadily shortening the coniroandor- inehief urged that every effort be made to keep the organization up to Its fullest possible strength He quot ¬ ed the figures showing that tho G A R at the beginning of the present year had still 213901 members In good standing as against 220000 at I the beginning of 1909 The loss dur- ing ¬ the year was G781 of which 5323 was by death The commander urccd that recruiting measures be taken among the large number of formor Union soldiers who are not enrolled ns Grand Army members I The speaker noted a better general I observance of Memorial day than for- merly Let us Insist and do nil in our power he said that Memorial I day shall be devoted solely and only- to the purpose for whirh It was creat ¬ ed Lot It be the one day of the year devoted to honoring our deathless dead for in that way wo will teach the rising generation oe of country without which our nation cannot long survive He also urged tho general cooperation of G A It members In inducing a general observance of Flog day I CominnnderlnChief Von Saul had commendation for the work of all the G A R auxiliaries praising the ex- cellent work being done by the Worn I ens Rotiof Corps Ladles of the G A- IL Sons of Veterans and Daughters I of Veterans Of the Sons of Veterans- he said I This can be made a still grander I organization It Is constantly increas- ing In numbers antI influence The t Sonsof Veterans with proper en- I couragemet should soon be tho larg- est ¬ patriotIc hod > of men in the j world The Sons of Veterans should I have all the encouragement possible from the Grand Arm > of the Republic It Is a matter of great satisfaction I that tho Sons meet with us this year- I trust our national encampments may In the future be held at the same time and in the same place I Of the more liberal pension legisla- tion recommended by tIme last annual I I encampment and urged at Washing I I ton by Its committee Corainanderln Chief Van Sant said I j Hr regret that nothing was accomp- lished ¬ I but It was no fault of the com- mittee Congress would not pass any i I general pension legislation However j some six thousand private pensions bills were enacted The committee canvassed the matter Industriously I with senators and representatives- but I to no purpose The government was facing a deficiency in Its reve- j nues and retrenchment and the strict- est economy was the watchword This was the reason given for nonaction I In my judgment In view of tho changed conditions in our countrys financial affairs If this encampment should again recommend this meas- ure It would likely puss The Grand Army of the Republic has ever stood for the recognition of the services of its members regard i less of length of service tho ninety days man as well as the veteran who served throughout the war If tho former did not stand In line of battle j he stood In the line of duty and should have Just consideration- The conimanderlncnief expressed himself as particularly gratified at the increasing fraternization of the Blue and tho Gray Ho voiced his pleasure at tho cordial reception given him during his recent official visit to the southern departments not onlj from the former Union soldiers but from oxconfederates- In all cities when possible ho said tor urged Joint meetings of the Blue and the Gray We had many gatherings of this character and no- i more loyal and patriotic sentiments j wore ever uttered than by the men who fought on the other side Are you not pleased to learn that I our comrades are living in peace and harmony with our late enemies ThI- sI as it should be Both armies were- I I composed of brave men and they should and do mutually respect each other Wo of the north can testify I that no braver troops were ever mar ¬ shalled for conflict than our late ene- mies ¬ and we now realize that no I men ever made greater sacrifices for COME 12 OGDEN 4 September 2- 3INTERNATIONAL to 299 19F andl See THE FOURSTATE FAIR AND SHEEP SHOW The Largest Livestock Show Ever Given in the United States Highclass free attrac- tions ¬ and races every day and evening Reduced rates on ail railroads f I f what they bolloved to be right than our former focP- Comrades we were the vlctora and we can afford to no magnanimous to our old foes It Is oany for tho victor to forgive but when the van- quished absolves himself front all bitterness he has truly gained tile most cherished trait of n noble char- acter We won thoy lost We re- turned ¬ to our home with tho shouts of victory ringing in onr care our cause triumphant They were defeat ed thoir causo lost nnd they returned to homes destroyed barns Empt money worthless slaves free nod ruin all about them And but a brave peoj j plo would have yielded to those j verse conditionsnot BO with them Bravely as they fought during the war they now fought the battles oq I life and the splendid growth and dc velopment of toe south since the closej of the war Is thosouths grandest nod most enduring monument Unit edwe are now our country Is destlncdi to make a new era of progress Vie1 have by our united efforts advanced- to the highest pinnacle of fame and hccamo a mighty world power with our Influence everywhere potential- Who does not rejoice that our Union Is one and Indlvlsablc and will refl maui so for- everFORll1NR I RAN AUC I Used Shotgun but Is Shot Down by a I Constable f Angels Cal Sept 22After run- ning amuck in a local hotel firing through the partitions with a shot j gun at anyone who tried to quiet him and creating a reign of terror that I lasted several hours a mall believed I to be Gus Reber a Finn was shot nod killed yesterday by a constable Reber created a disturbance about the hotel Immcdlatelx allot his ar- rival Otbor guests protei xd and lied secured a shotgun amid begAn a born bnrdmeiU In the direction of every I voice he heard Countable Cosgrovo I went to the mans room but was re ¬ fused admission After a parley Re ¬ ber agreed to surrender at daylight When tho constable returned fcr him Reber opened the door and aimed hk weapon at the officer Cosgrovo who was with a rfhotjfun himself tired first and tile stranger foil to the floor de- adWORLDS MARKETS RAILROAD DECISION FAILS TO AID STOCKS New York Sept 2Opcning deal- ings In stocks today were active but th price movement was rather nar- row Gains were In the majority lout the Northwestern railroad stocks showed the effects of realizing sales Metals were also Irregular United States steel hardened a fraction with other members of the STouP receding a fraction Realizing was on a large scale and- a considerable purl of yesterdays rise was wiped out by the end of the first hour All of the active stocks were sold freely and there was no apparent effort made to stop the de- cline St Paul Great Northern pro ferred and Northern Pacific fell 1 14 and Union Pacific Reading United States Steel and Amalgamated Cop per The dropping tendency followed revised estimates of the Minnesota railroad law decision Tho failure of yesterdays advance to attract outside Interest In the market prompted re- selling of stocks The decline in Union Pacific reached 1 12 floods were Irregular Chicago Stock Receipts Cattle Receipts estimated at 5500 Market steady beeves 490fiJS30 Texan steerf 375I00 western steers 4 40c7lO stackers nnd feeders 30023GOO cows and heir ers 225 f3050 calves 700lO j Hogs Rccelpls estimated at 12000 Market steady shade off light 900 fB940 mixed S2fiiI35 heavy SiiO920 rough SJu5S 35 good to choice heavy S 25 T7S920 pigs SS40930 hulk of sales 5 f0 930 Sheep Receipts estimated at 33 000 Market steady native 2fiig 445 western 32u4JO year- lings 475ftf570 lambs native 52n700 western GO700 Omaha I Omaha Sept 22 Cattle Receipts 3500 strong native steers 150iQ 775 cows and heifers 3O0575 I western steers 350fiG65 Texas cows and heifers 2S5i475 canS ners 200 5S340 stoclcers and feed ers 3lOG25 calves J00700 i bulls stags etc 3 OOfi 500 Hogs Receipts 1200 steady to I shade lower heavy S25WS75 mixed gI5IISSG0 light SS5U- 9j5 pigs SOOfj900 bulk 810 S ii- iSheepReceipts 24000 market steady yoailings 4 4GOV50 weath- ers ¬ S L7Tti25 ewes 350100 lambs SG408700- I Chicago Produce 11 j Chicago Sept 2BuUerStead creameries JMc T2Sc dairies 23cq d f 27I TfggsStoadY receipts 7500 at mark cases Included 17 l2c7 20c firsts 22c prime flrats 2J Cheese Steady daisies 15 Slc twine 31 l2c Young Americas 15 l2clCc 0117 Horns 1C l2c10c Sugar and Coffee New York Sept 22Rnw sugar stead muscovado 89 test 374 centrifugal 9fi test 421 molasses supar 89 teat SS49 roflnert steady Coffee Spot firm No 7 Rio 11 No 3 Santos 11 5S I BURGLAR- SVLCOMD I Chicago Man Removes Locks From the Doors- of His Home Chicago Sept 22lIonry Nell sec- retary of the National Probation league does not believe In lock and key to keep out burglars Rod has had all such safeguards against the Intruders removed from his residence If the right hand of fellowship were extended to burglars instead of the Icick nnd threat the world would he better the penitentiaries would ho emptied In a short time and there would be no nell of lock and key holt nnd bar said Mr Nell yester- day I nine Just returned here with my wife and seven children nnd have taken a renldcnco for the winter I was shocked and surprised to fluid Icon bars on all the windows locks everywhere and safeguards of all kinds against the intruder I have locksmiths at work nil the week tak- ing off there relics of a barbarous age There are no mechanical devices to connect with the police station and thoro are no locks on the doors Visitors may enter undisturbed but I trust they will do me the honor to walton me and allow me to enter- tain them I am sure I can help them to better and more profitably employ ¬ ment1 I WOMEN A- Rf6iiTND Big Ape at Large in San Francisco Causes Hysterics i San Francisco Sept 22 Con- sternation ¬ reigns In homes in the ylcjnilvnfn local amujnontpQu1j fTntr The death rate lilts arisen by leaps and hounds slnco the escape two days ago of a big ape named Jacques The animal is haunting tho roofs of the neighbor- hood stealing into windows at night to drag the singing birds from their cages and devour them Unavailing efforts to capture him have been made bv the park em ¬ ployes and police and the order for his execution has now gone forth The patrolmen on the beats there- abouts ¬ are Ilngenng their revolvers with thoughts of slaughter in their minds for the edict has been Issued that Jacques bo shot on sight Half a dozen women have been driven into hysterics by waking in tho night to discover the ugly boast swinging in at their windows and yesterday a detail of police marched I and countermarched over the roofs for hours in an effort to trap him Because of their failure and the in I crease In the number of pranks in which the ape has figured the shoot onsight order has boon given PHENOMENAL RUN OF YELLOWTAIL Redondo Cal Sept 22One of the moat phenomenal runs of yellowtail ever seen In southern waters resulted in the virtual closing up of business- in this city yesterday I The cry of yellowtail was heard- on the wharves at daybreak and the i response of the townspeople was im- mediate anti continued throughout the day The water for more than a mile was alive with game fish Every avail- able I spot on the thrco piers was taken and with only pole and line used it Is estimated that more than JOOoo j pounds of fish were caught The fish weighed from 10 to 2S pounds I CHASE GOES TO NEW YORK Chicago Sept 2lJal Chase will be manager of the Now York Amerl cans according to the Chicago TiSb I line His contract as leader has al- ready boon signed and approved and Is in the hands of President Frank i Farrell Chase gave out the news yesterday He may begin at once I SO DAKOTA ELECTRIC STORM- I Bellefourche S 0 Sept 2Flrc originating from a stroke of lightning j destroyed the flour mill and electric light plant here causing a loss of i 0500 with light Insurance REFUSING BAlL TO FOREHiNERS Portland Oro Sept 22For the first time so tar known hero a fed- eral court will be called ou to decide the legality of the action of a United States coiniulssoner in refusing hall to a subject of a foreign nation held pending investigation of deportation charges The refusal was at tho re- quest of the United States district at- torneys ¬ office which believes that In i this way only can an alleged under ¬ ground railway system by which Chi neso are being smuggled from Van- couver ¬ B C to San Francisco bo broken up POI months past the Immigration nuthnrilldM have arrested Chinese who plalnlv had been in this country but 1 a short time Friends have appeared and furnished ball for their appear- ance ¬ Two or three weeks Inter or wnenever postponements of the hear- ing could no longer be secured the prisoner has appeared fully posted Ho would bo able to count American money describe Chinatown In San Francisco and would declare that his certificate of registration hind been burned In the San Francisco lire The Immigration nll horltcf lime been compelled to prisoners Tht present case is that of Chun who yesterday was remanded to Jail without bal by Unled states Commissioner M Cannon pending the hearing of doportnton charges against him A lawyer retained to defend tho man will apply to the United States district court for a writ I of habeas corpus and the right of a commissioner to hold an alen with out hail will be determ- ined6OVUNO s A RAD CAl Stubbs Demands Honest Valuation of Railroad Systems Topeka Kas SepL 22 Governor W R Stubbs ol Kansas outlined the purposes of the interstate rate con- ference In a rather sensational speech at the opening session here today The governor declared that the rail- roads of the country have combined to advance freight rates on a scalo never before known He said that the railroads of their own inltinlive had opened up tho whole question of as containing the valuation of railroads 1on of railroad officials before the Inlerstate commerce com mission Ho npscrted that the public demanded nothing short of bona fide valuation property anr ald congress should immediately a law giving the Interstate commerce commission authority to ascertain thin valuation- Gbv Stubbs also deplortr tbt ten- dency ¬ of railroads large cit- ies ¬ In the adjuslment of rates In outlining the purposes of the con Stubba said Thld conference was called to dis- cuss I ways and means to protect the Interests of the producer coosimi- nerjukIIgxeaJiyin shipj > eranjl the the middle west from advance In freight rates Involved In the most Im portant case that hits ever been hoard by the Interstate commerce romm lon The principal railroad systems of the United States have combined for the puriose of advancing freight rates on a scale never before known in this case In the case now pending the In- terstate commerce commission Is not considering the question of inherent reasonableness of any specific rates j but are passing on the general prop osltlon as to whether the railroads- of the country are entitled under present conditions to a general ad vance in rates If they should o decide and ap- prove ¬ the rates now held in suspen sion then their decision will serve as u precedent not only to pi event any reduction In rates In the future but to be usedas a basis for future l advances of thousands of other rates The railroads on their own initi- ative have opened the whole ques- tion of ascertaining the value of all the railroads in the United States Railroad presidents traffic managers and other high officials are giving I voluminous testimony tending to f prove what they claim to be the val- ue of their property In order to os- tnbliah a basic for greater earnings- to which contonr thoy are en j titled under the Investigation Should Be Exhaustive Tho public demands nothing short- of i a bona fide valuation of all roll road property and public officials who the consumer pro- ducer and funeral public wi ho criminally negligent if they not avail themselves ol this op ¬ portunity to go to bedrock and assist the Intarstale commerce commJsaion- lo make a searching and exhaustive IneJtgatol so as determine tIme of all the railroads lu tho United States If upon investigation it Is found that tho railroads are justly entitled to nn advance in freight mates no good citizen will oppose paying such increased charges as may he neces- sary nut on the other hand if the rnllroado are now earning from 10 to 30 per cent on their capital stuck I thou It Is clearly the duty of public I officials to demand such reduction in freight rates as may he Just and reasonable under the law j Congress should at 0110 enact a law providing for the physical vail ntion of railroads by the interstate commerce commission and this should i be done before any advance In rates la permitted There Is uo more rca I son why badly managed badly con I tructcrl poorlyrated and I ralioraJs phould prosper than why a badly managed business of any I kind should he successful nild neither the people nor the government have j any more responsibility to this class of railroads than they have to vlsud business operations of any 111 Building Up Large Centers Tho of raljroads throughout the United States to JoOI nrgo and build up J los at the expense of the rural com munlties Is little les that 1 ojimo civilization against policy robs hundreds1 of thousands of child- ren ¬ of their natural right to whole SOle surroundings sunshine pure and health social conditions The true policy should be to orog1 ulate the transportation rates that the rural districts will be benefited- and the population normally distrib utedThe government and not the rail roads should determlnn absolutely j policies of this character j CARLTON s iNSANfA- lenists Class the Wife as a Menace to Society Xew York Sept 22The report of I the alienists who examined Porter Charlston solfconfebscd murdered of I his wife at Lake Como Italy last June has been nmdc public at Jersey City where Charlton Is confined Judge Blair of the Hudson county court declined yestculay to receive- the report on the ground that he had no jurisdiction as a committing court to consider such a plea The alienists who examined the prisoner were Dr lan Mclanc lam llton Dr Edward W J Arklltz They declare that Charlton Is of depraved mental organization and Is a of what la known to students- of mental diseases as constitutional Inferiority The alienists Investigated the per- sonal antecedents of time prisoner- and round that his grandfather wa n paranoiac that a first cousin was an epileptic and that a maternal uncle was a man of stubborn and brutal nature and eccentric Immoral and vugaband tendencies A younger brother accidentally shot and killed a playmate butt showed no subsequent t remorse On one oc raised a chair to strike his mother and on another vomited his blind rage on a horse He was fanciful wrote verse and was delicate and to a degree senti menIal the report finds Almost from the time of his meet- Ing with his wife tho report states Charlton underwent a change Ho became greatly detached aloof Inl terfn and at times Insolent the murder It appears that Charlton kept his temper up to a cer- tain ¬ point when suddcnlv he seized a mallet After the killing he Imned- iatelj laid down near tho body and slept until tho next morning He does not seem to have been agitated 01 worried Placing the corpse in an empty trunk he slept most of the day- In their bedroom near the trunk and afterward left the place He made no serious attempt to destroy the evi- dence of his crime rl3 nompt at concealing his identity I lUVhoir firsti 9CIL tlhcal ho was v ury oolaL muscles were the H of jerky tremors and lila actions were exceedingly nervous j There were also coarser tremors ol j his hands and tongue hen refer euce was made to the dead woman- i I his face contracted In spasm his e- ll being drawn upward so that only whites were observed There is no doubt that he has hat hallucina ¬ tOI visions of the dead woman at- ailoustmes j remorse or fear of Iho law nor lees he seem to be sensible to the danger of his pogl lon All hla discussions of It are abstract tumid he cannot be aroused to the heinousness- of what he has done His physical condition reveals lit- tle or nothing but hysterical stigmata His color sense Is constricted His deep reflexes are exaggerated- It Is our opinion that he is of 1111 sound mind and liable to attacks of- inupn1si e violence and that his moral- sense is patliologlcal depraved The The murder of June 0 and his subse- quent behavior Inclines us to think I that he suffered from an exbausrtive psychosis due to excesses aTd In a- way tho eXlcslol was precpdfl b- an aura sleep ido of the both has Impressed a least lone of us wIti til Idea that tIme act- was performed s the lestilt of an seizure during wjlch he was not responsible He to n hospital for the insane lTd therE Kept in ¬ definitely for be o < any time to be a menace to society MAN 95 YEARS OLD MARK S A NURSE Xew York Sept 22Wilh a for tune estimated as 0000 Iohl S Lyle who wi bo 95 > ears next month Just taken a wife whom ho hums established in his beautlfil country home at Tenafly The bride who was Miss Julia G Hnnnon a trained nurse Is 03 years joungor than her hurlrud whol she met when she was sent hues pltal to care for his sldtrinlaw two ears ago The wife will inherit his entire fortune as there were no child leu Irom his first marriage AMERICANS FAIL TO GiVE- FOREIGNERS CREDIT Washington Sep2ShIupeis of goods from this country in the West Indies are severely crtlcised accord- ing to reJots of the American gov ernmont there because thv nslsi on cash or qulci Ja uncut of Imoice- sj of Europe ate lucid up In those Islands ns example among cldthclE Because credit Is ex h on a wore liberal basis the merchants on the various Islands give a large portion of their trade to Great Britain and Germany NO MORE FRENCH ON BILLS OF FARE- New k i YorJi Sept 22 The Vnltc Cross society an organisation devot- ed to pure food has started a nation ¬ al campaign which has for itt objvct the elimination of French from bills of fan II restaurants ami hotels 1 All ia do not read French hot I f all of us dine Americans are entit- led ¬ tothe privilege of ordering their dinners In English- It la not only the unlettered who go astray Persons thoroughly fa- miliar ¬ with French have their trou- bles with tho French that Is written- by chefs It IB arbitrary filled with idioms and generally so complicated- that it has been found necessary to furnish glossary for tho benefit of the chefs themselves in order that they may know what they are writing about THEYATE 4 TOADSTOOLS Orange N J Sept 22A father and his fouryearold daughter are dead and two boarders at their house arc critically ill here because they ate toadstools for mushrooms All are foreigners AVIATORS IN TE CLOUDS They Are to Attempt to Ascend to a Height of 10000 Feet I I New York Sept 22The offer ot- a special 50000 prize to the aviator who will rise 10000 feet at the com- ing ¬ International moot to be held hero- in the closing fortnight of October is being considered by continental air ¬ men and army officers with closest at- tention ¬ In Paris it is predicted that either Leon Mornne or Georges Chin vez will win time prize In a highpower ¬ ed Bleriot machine Chavez already holds a record of S10n feet only 1595 feet short of the altitude asked Sounding of tho upper air have shown that at two miles height tho air currents have an average of 64 miles an hour Going down the wind- an aeroplane would then be capable of traveling approximately 125 miles with fuel for The aviators will rise dressed for arctic cold They will wear a snug suit of loather lined with fur and n helmet like that of a driver with small breathing holes over tho fore- head and around the sides of the face Tho front will bo closed by a concave glass which will allow free observa- tion ¬ r The ears ullllj6 left exposed t i catch the clatter of the motor In his last high flight Chavez said tnt he felt as h he was bleeding nr nose Morane nearly lost jjclouHncsslfrom the cold Both noy Insist on better protection MAY flGUTI- N lONDON Johnson Willing to Meet Langford for a Big Purse Boston Sept 22Jnck Johnson last night declared his wlingnusl- o acc Pt the cabled offer purse for a championship battle with Sam Jjangford in London Mclntosh is willing to give us either a 520000 or a 30000 purse said Johnson and I aai ready to ac- cept ¬ that oCer but the purse must be posted hero in America That much I will exact now so that Mclntosh arid Langford knew where they are at before I do business Mcintosh is o k but some of those Englishmen- do not come up to my Idea of sports ¬ menMy reason for insisting on tho posting of tho coin In this country Is A that I want to put aside all chances- of temptationfor certain Englishmen- That purse iB enticing you ImoU nod there Is no tolling what hap- pen over there if it were left where it could bbeasily reached If I win time bout I cnn get It here on my re- turn ¬ Andi know Langford will not have any trouble securing possession- of it If he is victorious REGENT OF PERSIA DEAD Teheran Persia Sept 22The re- gent ¬ of Persia Mulik died here today ooooooooooooooo 0 0 O POPULATION OF O 0 EASTERN CITIES 0 0 v O O Washington Sept 22 Popu 0 O lation statictics made public to 0 I O day 0 1 O Manchester N II 70063 an 0 0 increase of 1807G or 229 per O O cent over fifiOS in900 0 O Aurora IL 29807 an increase O O of 6060 23 4 per cent over 0 O 24117 In 19907 0 0 ElginIII 2G976 an increase 0 O of 3543 or 158 per cent over 0 O U24CD in 1900 0 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo 0060 ooooooooooo p 0- QELQERLYCOUPLE 0 0 BURNED TO DEATH 0 o 0 O Tx > s Augclcs Sept 22 John 0 O Annie Morgan nn elderly couple 0 O were burned to death in their 0 O cottage earl today us tIe result 0 O of the explosion of an stove 0 O Morgan who was 56 years old 0 Owas a helpless Invalid unable t 0 O leave his bed His wife 0 O years old perished in an attempt 0 O to save him 0 O O 1 ooooooooooooooot- W 4

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RNO 228 PRICE FIVE CENTS OGDEN CITY UTAH THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 22 1910 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice Ogden Utah

tURED 111M


egro Told His Guard

fof Treasure Buried-




Son Francisca Sept 22That aI tale of buried treasure In tho Philip-

pines induced Private F W Brooksor the United SUites hospital corps


10 liberate William Splllnuin thenegro trooper under life sentence for I

the killing of a fellow soldier andthat both men are in hiding somewhere about the city waiting achance to ainko their way to tho is I

lands and dig up the gold Is thetheory now advanced to explain the I

disappearance yesterday of tho pris ¬I

onerpatient anti his guard from thogeneral hospital at the Presidio

It Is stated by soldiers who knewSpillman before he was brought backfrom the Islands tn answer for thecrime committed there that ho boast-ed


of knowing the whereahouis of atreasure I atl and money burledby a Spanish family during the PhilIpplne Insurrection prior to Americanoccupation of tho islands Spillman I

was a member of Troop B Tenth cav1airy when stationed at Camp Wal-lace La Union province It is statedthat the quarrel which led to the kill-ing


of Iris fellow trooper at the camparose over the treasure which theywere planning to recover i

Brooks and Spillman knew eachother In the islands and when thenegro WItS sent homo for examination-as to his sanity Brooks came ou thosame transport It Is supposed thatthe negro repealed to him the storyof treasure and lured him with prom-ises of sharing the spoils into open-ing


the way to liberty when chancemade him Splllmans custodian attho hospital i

According to the report of the treastire ciedited to Spillman It was dugup bj a party of Chinose afler theSpanish family had hidden It andconveyed into the interior where I-

ttwas again buried It is the location-of this spot which Spillman claimedto know



fI llflhLFOURle-

ctric Storm North of

Colorado SpringsI Is Terrific

Colorado Springs Colo Sept 22Lightning killed four persons duringa storm In the vicinity of Efifitonvlllpand Elbert twentylhc miles northwest of hereilast evening-

The deadMRS GUS KRONTZ of Elbcrt


Iowa Col-oJMES BLANDIS of Plattsburg

MoYILUAM LOLCAMA of Eafilon-vllo Colo

i They wero killed at different spots




Cordova Alaska Sept 22 Bearing


j Governor altor E Clark bhr wifeami party a special train yesterdayimugurated through passenger serviceover the Copper River Northwestiru railroad to the town of Chitinalu the interior from Cordova on theCCMBt

At Chillna the train was met by aparl of citizens to whom GovernorClark made a speech1 felicllatlng I

Alaskans on the laWn of the day i

when interior Alaska will be connectoo with the coast by rail


Chicago Sept22TbIe first openfvsslon of the senate committee wassupposed to be occupied today in de-

termining the mode of procedure Intile hearing of charges of allegedbribery in the election of UnitedStates Senator William Lorlmor bythe Illinois legislature It was ex-


to be determined whether atj tornevs for those who made the

charges would be allowed to questionthe witnesses called or whcher this


onld be done entirely by the sena I

torsSenator Ixjrlmer nnd his attorney I

Elbrldge Haucey and CliffordBarnoa of the Lglnlatlvc Votersleague were present when the sessionbegun

Through Attorney Hancoy tho sen-ator


nrguad that the senatorial Inves-tigation of his election be postponedbecause of tho pendency of criminalcases in Illinois touching upon matIon Into which the committee Islooking Mr Hancoy went ovor thotwo trials of Minority Loader LeeONell Browne and the present Indictmenta pending against Brownoand State Senator Bro erlck In Sangamon county

The meeting was opened by Sena-tor Burrows

Tho committee then adjourned forthe day to meet again at 10 oclocktomorrow morning



Of Sixty PassengersOne Escaped Death

or Injur-

yoooooooooooooooo 0O Among the victims of the 0O wreck was Miss Pearl Saylor 0C daughter of Mrs Clara Saylor of 0O Bluffton and a sister of Hanker 0O B Saylor of Vatseka 111 who 0O was shot and killed by Dr W It 0C Miller a year or so ago For the GO crime which attracted wide 0O spread interest Dr Miller nod 0O Mrs Saylor now arc serving 0G prison sentences 0O Gooooooooooooooo

Fort Vane Sept Thirtynineis tho toll exacted by the Fori WayneInterurban disaster yesterday so faras the check early today shows

Th officials of the conpan refuseto give nn opinion as to where the re-

sponsibility lies The crew of thespecial train which was speedingsouth from Fort Vayne empty know-ing


tho local was ten or more minuteslate It is said took chances on mak-ing


a siding and failedSix of the Injured are In the hospit-


in Fort Byn-CPractically all of the dead were per

eons living near Bluffton It was aholiday thrOJ1lf und for Fort Wayneto attend the state fair

The local was tilled and there wasseveral persons in the aisles or cornpa rtmentp

The crash was without warningThinning at Its highest speed theempty special sped ort of the woods-onI a curve and plunged Into the localwhich also was running at high speed-

Of all In the car probably GO pass-engers scarcely one escaped injury-or death

That an effort will be made to placethe blame Is apparent by the actionof the Indiana state hoard of railwaycommissioners Within a short timeof the accident Commissioner A A

I Shane who also Is the special Investi-gatorI for the board had reached tho

Iscene und had begun interrogation-of the traction officials and witnessesThis morning Mr Simile declined to

I make known the results of his investi-gation saying that It would have to-

t be given out by the state boardSuperintendent of Transportation

I Frank I Hary saidI We are doing everything in our

power to care for the dead and In-

jured We have bezun a carefulscrutiny of train orders bearing on j

the case The public shall soon knowwhere the responsibility lies I

Around the establish-ment


III Bluffton and Fort Wayne andat the hospitals in this city this morn-


were gathered crowds of men andwomen For the most part the bod-


have been claimed



Cincinnati Ohio Sept 22PrCsidont Taft received today a number ofOhio Republican leaders who areanxious to consult regarding the po-

litical situation In the state A roundof golf and dinner with Congressmanand Mrs Longworth will occupy the

I remainder of the dayAmong the political leaders whom

the president was to meet are Unit-


States Senator Thomas Burton andLouis C Laylin chairman Of the OhioRepublican executive committee Af-


the political conference the president will be the guest of J C SchmidtApp a friend of long standing withwhon he will play golf

Tn the evening hfi will dine withCongressman and Mrs Nicholas Longworth



Van Sant Gratified Overthe Fraternizing of

Blue and GrayI

AtlHiitlc City N J SepL 22Comprehensively reviewing the work of

the Grand Army of the Republicthe notion for the past year duringwhich he has acted as its head Com

mnnderlnChlef Samuel R Van Santtoday addressed tho delegates to thefortyfourlh national encampment aswell with an eye to tho future foOlthat tho great organization might accomplish as upon the notable achievements of Its past

While the roll of the Grand Army I

is steadily shortening the coniroandor-inehief urged that every effort bemade to keep the organization up toIts fullest possible strength He quot ¬

ed the figures showing that tho G AR at the beginning of the presentyear had still 213901 members Ingood standing as against 220000 at I

the beginning of 1909 The loss dur-ing


the year was G781 of which 5323was by death The commander urccdthat recruiting measures be takenamong the large number of formorUnion soldiers who are not enrolledns Grand Army members I

The speaker noted a better generalI

observance of Memorial day than for-merly Let us Insist and do nil inour power he said that Memorial I

day shall be devoted solely and only-

to the purpose for whirh It was creat ¬

ed Lot It be the one day of the yeardevoted to honoring our deathlessdead for in that way wo will teachthe rising generation oe of countrywithout which our nation cannot longsurvive He also urged tho generalcooperation of G A It members In

inducing a general observance of Flogday

I CominnnderlnChief Von Saul hadcommendation for the work of all theG A R auxiliaries praising the ex-

cellent work being done by the WornI

ens Rotiof Corps Ladles of the G A-

IL Sons of Veterans and DaughtersI of Veterans Of the Sons of Veterans-

he saidI

This can be made a still granderI

organization It Is constantly increas-ing In numbers antI influence The

t Sonsof Veterans with proper en-

Icouragemet should soon be tho larg-est


patriotIc hod > of men in the j

world The Sons of Veterans should

Ihave all the encouragement possiblefrom the Grand Arm > of the RepublicIt Is a matter of great satisfaction I

that tho Sons meet with us this year-I trust our national encampments mayIn the future be held at the same timeand in the same place

I Of the more liberal pension legisla-tion recommended by tIme last annual I

I encampment and urged at WashingI

I ton by Its committee CorainanderlnChief Van Sant said

I j

Hr regret that nothing was accomp-lished


I but It was no fault of the com-

mittee Congress would not pass any i

I general pension legislation However j

some six thousand private pensionsbills were enacted The committeecanvassed the matter Industriously I

with senators and representatives-butI to no purpose The governmentwas facing a deficiency in Its reve-


nues and retrenchment and the strict-est economy was the watchword Thiswas the reason given for nonaction I

In my judgment In view of thochanged conditions in our countrysfinancial affairs If this encampmentshould again recommend this meas-ure It would likely puss

The Grand Army of the Republichas ever stood for the recognition ofthe services of its members regard i

less of length of service tho ninetydays man as well as the veteran whoserved throughout the war If thoformer did not stand In line of battle j

he stood In the line of duty andshould have Just consideration-

The conimanderlncnief expressedhimself as particularly gratified atthe increasing fraternization of theBlue and tho Gray Ho voiced his

pleasure at tho cordial receptiongiven him during his recent officialvisit to the southern departments notonlj from the former Union soldiersbut from oxconfederates-

In all cities when possible hosaid tor urged Joint meetings of theBlue and the Gray We had manygatherings of this character and no-

i more loyal and patriotic sentimentsj wore ever uttered than by the men

who fought on the other sideAre you not pleased to learn that

I our comrades are living in peace andharmony with our late enemies ThI-sI as it should be Both armies were-



composed of brave men and theyshould and do mutually respect eachother Wo of the north can testify

I that no braver troops were ever mar ¬

shalled for conflict than our late ene-mies


and we now realize that noI men ever made greater sacrifices for

COME 12 OGDEN4 September 2-


to 299 19F andl See


SHEEP SHOWThe Largest Livestock Show Ever Given in the United States Highclass free attrac-



and races every day and evening Reduced rates on ail railroads




what they bolloved to be right thanour former focP-

Comrades we were the vlctoraand we can afford to no magnanimousto our old foes It Is oany for thovictor to forgive but when the van-

quished absolves himself front allbitterness he has truly gained tilemost cherished trait of n noble char-acter We won thoy lost We re-


to our home with tho shoutsof victory ringing in onr care ourcause triumphant They were defeated thoir causo lost nnd they returnedto homes destroyed barns Emptmoney worthless slaves free nod ruinall about them And but a brave peoj j

plo would have yielded to those j

verse conditionsnot BO with themBravely as they fought during thewar they now fought the battles oq


life and the splendid growth and dcvelopment of toe south since the closejof the war Is thosouths grandestnod most enduring monument Unitedwe are now our country Is destlncdito make a new era of progress Vie1

have by our united efforts advanced-to the highest pinnacle of fame andhccamo a mighty world power withour Influence everywhere potential-Who does not rejoice that our UnionIs one and Indlvlsablc and will reflmaui so for-



Used Shotgun but Is

Shot Down by a I


Angels Cal Sept 22After run-ning amuck in a local hotel firingthrough the partitions with a shot j

gun at anyone who tried to quiet himand creating a reign of terror that I

lasted several hours a mall believedI

to be Gus Reber a Finn was shotnod killed yesterday by a constable

Reber created a disturbance aboutthe hotel Immcdlatelx allot his ar-rival Otbor guests protei xd and liedsecured a shotgun amid begAn a bornbnrdmeiU In the direction of every I

voice he heard Countable Cosgrovo I

went to the mans room but was re ¬

fused admission After a parley Re ¬

ber agreed to surrender at daylightWhen tho constable returned fcr himReber opened the door and aimed hkweapon at the officer Cosgrovo whowas with a rfhotjfun himselftired first and tile stranger foil tothe floor de-



New York Sept 2Opcning deal-ings In stocks today were active butth price movement was rather nar-row Gains were In the majority loutthe Northwestern railroad stocksshowed the effects of realizing salesMetals were also Irregular UnitedStates steel hardened a fraction withother members of the STouP recedinga fraction

Realizing was on a large scale and-a considerable purl of yesterdaysrise was wiped out by the end of thefirst hour All of the active stockswere sold freely and there was noapparent effort made to stop the de-

cline St Paul Great Northern proferred and Northern Pacific fell 1 14and Union Pacific Reading UnitedStates Steel and Amalgamated Copper

The dropping tendency followedrevised estimates of the Minnesotarailroad law decision Tho failure ofyesterdays advance to attract outsideInterest In the market prompted re-selling of stocks The decline inUnion Pacific reached 1 12

floods were Irregular

Chicago Stock ReceiptsCattle Receipts estimated at 5500

Market steady beeves 490fiJS30Texan steerf 375I00 westernsteers 4 40c7lO stackers nndfeeders 30023GOO cows and heirers 225 f3050 calves 700lO

j Hogs Rccelpls estimated at 12000Market steady shade off light 900fB940 mixed S2fiiI35 heavySiiO920 rough SJu5S 35 good

to choice heavy S 25 T7S920 pigsSS40930 hulk of sales 5 f0930Sheep Receipts estimated at 33

000 Market steady native 2fiig445 western 32u4JO year-

lings 475ftf570 lambs native52n700 western GO700

OmahaI Omaha Sept 22 Cattle Receipts

3500 strong native steers 150iQ

775 cows and heifers 3O0575I western steers 350fiG65 Texas

cows and heifers 2S5i475 canSners 200 5S340 stoclcers and feeders 3lOG25 calves J00700 i

bulls stags etc 3 OOfi 500Hogs Receipts 1200 steady to

I shade lower heavy S25WS75mixed gI5IISSG0 light SS5U-

9j5 pigs SOOfj900 bulk 810S ii-iSheepReceipts 24000 market

steady yoailings 4 4GOV50 weath-ers


S L7Tti25 ewes 350100lambs SG408700-

I Chicago Produce11 j Chicago Sept 2BuUerSteadcreameries JMc T2Sc dairies 23cq

d f27I TfggsStoadY receipts 7500 atmark cases Included 17 l2c7 20cfirsts 22c prime flrats 2J

Cheese Steady daisies 15 Slctwine 31 l2c Young Americas 15

l2clCc 0117 Horns 1C l2c10cSugar and Coffee

New York Sept 22Rnw sugarstead muscovado 89 test 374centrifugal 9fi test 421 molassessupar 89 teat SS49 roflnert steady

Coffee Spot firm No 7 Rio 11

No 3 Santos 11 5S





Chicago Man RemovesLocks From the Doors-

of His Home

Chicago Sept 22lIonry Nell sec-retary of the National Probationleague does not believe In lock andkey to keep out burglars Rod hashad all such safeguards against theIntruders removed from his residence

If the right hand of fellowshipwere extended to burglars instead ofthe Icick nnd threat the world wouldhe better the penitentiaries would hoemptied In a short time and therewould be no nell of lock and keyholt nnd bar said Mr Nell yester-day I nine Just returned here withmy wife and seven children nnd havetaken a renldcnco for the winter I

was shocked and surprised to fluidIcon bars on all the windows lockseverywhere and safeguards of allkinds against the intruder I havelocksmiths at work nil the week tak-ing off there relics of a barbarous ageThere are no mechanical devices toconnect with the police station andthoro are no locks on the doors

Visitors may enter undisturbedbut I trust they will do me the honorto walton me and allow me to enter-tain them I am sure I can help themto better and more profitably employ ¬

ment1 I


Rf6iiTNDBig Ape at Large in

San Francisco CausesHysterics

i San Francisco Sept 22 Con-sternation


reigns In homes in theylcjnilvnfn local amujnontpQu1jfTntr The death ratelilts arisen by leaps and hounds slncothe escape two days ago of a big apenamed Jacques The animal ishaunting tho roofs of the neighbor-hood stealing into windows at nightto drag the singing birds from theircages and devour them

Unavailing efforts to capture himhave been made bv the park em ¬

ployes and police and the order forhis execution has now gone forthThe patrolmen on the beats there-abouts


are Ilngenng their revolverswith thoughts of slaughter in theirminds for the edict has been Issuedthat Jacques bo shot on sight

Half a dozen women have beendriven into hysterics by waking intho night to discover the ugly boastswinging in at their windows andyesterday a detail of police marched

I and countermarched over the roofsfor hours in an effort to trap himBecause of their failure and the in

I crease In the number of pranks inwhich the ape has figured the shootonsight order has boon given



Redondo Cal Sept 22One of themoat phenomenal runs of yellowtailever seen In southern waters resultedin the virtual closing up of business-in this city yesterday

I The cry of yellowtail was heard-on the wharves at daybreak and the

i response of the townspeople was im-

mediate anti continued throughout theday The water for more than a milewas alive with game fish Every avail-ableI spot on the thrco piers was takenand with only pole and line used itIs estimated that more than JOOoo

j pounds of fish were caught The fishweighed from 10 to 2S pounds


Chicago Sept 2lJal Chase willbe manager of the Now York Amerlcans according to the Chicago TiSb

I line His contract as leader has al-

ready boon signed and approved andIs in the hands of President Frank

i Farrell Chase gave out the newsyesterday He may begin at once


I Bellefourche S 0 Sept 2Flrcoriginating from a stroke of lightning

j destroyed the flour mill and electriclight plant here causing a loss of

i 0500 with light Insurance



Portland Oro Sept 22For thefirst time so tar known hero a fed-

eral court will be called ou to decidethe legality of the action of a UnitedStates coiniulssoner in refusing hallto a subject of a foreign nation heldpending investigation of deportationcharges The refusal was at tho re-

quest of the United States district at-torneys


office which believes that Ini this way only can an alleged under ¬

ground railway system by which Chineso are being smuggled from Van-


B C to San Francisco bobroken up

POI months past the ImmigrationnuthnrilldM have arrested Chinese whoplalnlv had been in this country but


a short time Friends have appearedand furnished ball for their appear-ance


Two or three weeks Inter orwnenever postponements of the hear-

ing could no longer be secured theprisoner has appeared fully postedHo would bo able to count Americanmoney describe Chinatown In SanFrancisco and would declare that hiscertificate of registration hind beenburned In the San Francisco lire TheImmigration nll horltcf lime beencompelled to prisoners

Tht present case is that of Chunwho yesterday was remanded to

Jail without bal by Unled statesCommissioner M Cannon pendingthe hearing of doportnton chargesagainst him A lawyer retained todefend tho man will apply to theUnited States district court for a writ I

of habeas corpus and the right of acommissioner to hold an alen without hail will be determ-

ined6OVUNO s


Stubbs Demands HonestValuation of Railroad


Topeka Kas SepL 22 GovernorW R Stubbs ol Kansas outlined thepurposes of the interstate rate con-

ference In a rather sensational speechat the opening session here today

The governor declared that the rail-roads of the country have combinedto advance freight rates on a scalonever before known He said that therailroads of their own inltinlive hadopened up tho whole question of ascontaining the valuation of railroads

1on of railroad officialsbefore the Inlerstate commerce commission Ho npscrted that the publicdemanded nothing short of bona fidevaluation property anrald congress should immediatelya law giving the Interstate commercecommission authority to ascertainthin valuation-

Gbv Stubbs also deplortr tbt ten-dency


of railroads large cit-ies


In the adjuslment of ratesIn outlining the purposes of the con

Stubba saidThld conference was called to dis-


ways and means to protect theInterests of the producer coosimi-

nerjukIIgxeaJiyinshipj > eranjl thethe middle west from advance Infreight rates Involved In the most Important case that hits ever been hoardby the Interstate commerce rommlon The principal railroad systemsof the United States have combinedfor the puriose of advancing freightrates on a scale never before knownin this case

In the case now pending the In-

terstate commerce commission Is notconsidering the question of inherentreasonableness of any specific rates j

but are passing on the general proposltlon as to whether the railroads-of the country are entitled underpresent conditions to a general advance in rates

If they should o decide and ap-prove


the rates now held in suspension then their decision will serveas u precedent not only to pi eventany reduction In rates In the futurebut to be usedas a basis for future l

advances of thousands of other ratesThe railroads on their own initi-

ative have opened the whole ques-tion of ascertaining the value of allthe railroads in the United StatesRailroad presidents traffic managersand other high officials are giving I

voluminous testimony tending to f

prove what they claim to be the val-ue of their property In order to os-

tnbliah a basic for greater earnings-to which contonr thoy are en j

titled under the

Investigation Should Be ExhaustiveTho public demands nothing short-


a bona fide valuation of all rollroad property and public officialswho the consumer pro-ducer and funeral publicwi ho criminally negligent if they

not avail themselves ol this op ¬

portunity to go to bedrock and assistthe Intarstale commerce commJsaion-lo make a searching and exhaustiveIneJtgatol so as determine tIme

of all the railroads lutho United States

If upon investigation it Is foundthat tho railroads are justly entitledto nn advance in freight mates nogood citizen will oppose paying suchincreased charges as may he neces-sary nut on the other hand if thernllroado are now earning from 10to 30 per cent on their capital stuck

I thou It Is clearly the duty of public I

officials to demand such reduction infreight rates as may he Just andreasonable under the law j

Congress should at 0110 enact alaw providing for the physical vailntion of railroads by the interstatecommerce commission and this should i

be done before any advance In ratesla permitted There Is uo more rca I

son why badly managed badly conI tructcrl poorlyrated and I

ralioraJs phould prosper thanwhy a badly managed business of any

I kind should he successful nild neitherthe people nor the government have j

any more responsibility to this classof railroads than they have tovlsud business operations of any 111

Building Up Large CentersTho of raljroads

throughout the United States to JoOInrgo and build upJ los at the expense of the rural com

munlties Is little les that 1 ojimocivilizationagainst policy

robs hundreds1 of thousands of child-ren


of their natural right to wholeSOle surroundings sunshine pure

and health social conditionsThe true policy should be to orog1ulate the transportation rates thatthe rural districts will be benefited-and the population normally distributedThe government and not the railroads should determlnn absolutely

j policies of this character j


s iNSANfA-

lenists Class the Wife

as a Menaceto Society

Xew York Sept 22The report of I

the alienists who examined PorterCharlston solfconfebscd murdered of I

his wife at Lake Como Italy lastJune has been nmdc public at JerseyCity where Charlton Is confinedJudge Blair of the Hudson countycourt declined yestculay to receive-the report on the ground that he hadno jurisdiction as a committing courtto consider such a plea

The alienists who examined theprisoner were Dr lan Mclanc lamllton Dr EdwardW J Arklltz

They declare that Charlton Is ofdepraved mental organization and Is

a of what la known to students-of mental diseases as constitutionalInferiority

The alienists Investigated the per-

sonal antecedents of time prisoner-and round that his grandfather wa nparanoiac that a first cousin was anepileptic and that a maternal uncle

was a man of stubborn and brutalnature and eccentric Immoral andvugaband tendencies

A younger brother accidentally shotand killed a playmate butt showedno subsequent t remorse On one oc

raised a chair tostrike his mother and on anothervomited his blind rage on a horse

He was fanciful wrote verse andwas delicate and to a degree sentimenIal the report finds

Almost from the time of his meet-Ing with his wife tho report statesCharlton underwent a change Hobecame greatly detached aloof Inlterfn and at times Insolent

the murder It appears thatCharlton kept his temper up to a cer-


point when suddcnlv he seized amallet After the killing he Imned-iatelj laid down near tho body andslept until tho next morning Hedoes not seem to have been agitated01 worried Placing the corpse in anempty trunk he slept most of the day-

In their bedroom near the trunk andafterward left the place He made noserious attempt to destroy the evi-

dence of his crime rl3 nompt atconcealing his identity

I lUVhoir firsti 9CIL tlhcal ho wasv ury oolaL muscleswere the H of jerky tremors andlila actions were exceedingly nervous j

There were also coarser tremors olj his hands and tongue hen refer

euce was made to the dead woman-i


his face contracted In spasm his e-

ll being drawn upward so that onlywhites were observed There is

no doubt that he has hat hallucina ¬

tOI visions of the dead woman at-


remorse or fear of Iholaw nor lees he seem to be sensibleto the danger of his pogl lon All hladiscussions of It are abstract tumid hecannot be aroused to the heinousness-of what he has done

His physical condition reveals lit-

tle or nothing but hysterical stigmataHis color sense Is constricted Hisdeep reflexes are exaggerated-

It Is our opinion that he is of 1111

sound mind and liable to attacks of-

inupn1si e violence and that his moral-sense is patliologlcal depraved TheThe murder of June 0 and his subse-quent behavior Inclines us to think I

that he suffered from an exbausrtivepsychosis due to excesses aTd In a-

way tho eXlcslol was precpdfl b-

an aura sleep idoof the both has Impressed a least

lone of us wIti til Idea that tIme act-

was performed s the lestilt of anseizure during wjlch

he was not responsibleHe to n hospital

for the insane lTd therE Kept in ¬

definitely for be o < any timeto be a menace to society



Xew York Sept 22Wilh a fortune estimated as 0000Iohl S Lyle who wi bo 95 > ears

next month Just taken awife whom ho hums established in hisbeautlfil country home at TenaflyThe bride who was Miss Julia G

Hnnnon a trained nurse Is 03 yearsjoungor than her hurlrud whol shemet when she was sent hues

pltal to care for his sldtrinlaw twoears ago The wife will inherit his

entire fortune as there were no childleu Irom his first marriage


Washington Sep2ShIupeis ofgoods from this country in the WestIndies are severely crtlcised accord-ing to reJots of the American governmont there because thv nslsi oncash or qulci Ja uncut of Imoice-sj of Europe ate lucid upIn those Islands ns example among

cldthclE Because credit Is exh on a wore liberal

basis the merchants on the variousIslands give a large portion of theirtrade to Great Britain and Germany



Newk i

YorJi Sept 22 The VnltcCross society an organisation devot-ed to pure food has started a nation ¬

al campaign which has for itt objvctthe elimination of French from billsof fan II restaurants ami hotels 1

All ia do not read French hot


all of us dine Americans are entit-led


tothe privilege of ordering theirdinners In English-

It la not only the unlettered whogo astray Persons thoroughly fa-


with French have their trou-bles with tho French that Is written-by chefs It IB arbitrary filled withidioms and generally so complicated-that it has been found necessary tofurnish glossary for tho benefit ofthe chefs themselves in order thatthey may know what they are writingabout




Orange N J Sept 22A fatherand his fouryearold daughter aredead and two boarders at their housearc critically ill here because theyate toadstools for mushrooms Allare foreigners



They Are to Attempt toAscend to a Height

of 10000 Feet I


New York Sept 22The offer ot-a special 50000 prize to the aviatorwho will rise 10000 feet at the com-ing


International moot to be held hero-in the closing fortnight of October isbeing considered by continental air ¬

men and army officers with closest at-tention


In Paris it is predicted thateither Leon Mornne or Georges Chinvez will win time prize In a highpower ¬

ed Bleriot machine Chavez alreadyholds a record of S10n feet only 1595feet short of the altitude asked

Sounding of tho upper air haveshown that at two miles height thoair currents have an average of 64miles an hour Going down the wind-an aeroplane would then be capableof traveling approximately 125 mileswith fuel for

The aviators will rise dressed forarctic cold They will wear a snugsuit of loather lined with fur and nhelmet like that of a driver withsmall breathing holes over tho fore-head and around the sides of the faceTho front will bo closed by a concaveglass which will allow free observa-tion

¬ r

The ears ullllj6 left exposed t icatch the clatter of the motor

In his last high flight Chavez saidtnt he felt as h he was bleeding nrnose Morane nearly lostjjclouHncsslfrom the cold Both noyInsist on better protection



Johnson Willing to MeetLangford for a Big


Boston Sept 22Jnck Johnsonlast night declared his wlingnusl-o acc Pt the cabled offerpurse for a championship battle withSam Jjangford in London

Mclntosh is willing to give useither a 520000 or a 30000 pursesaid Johnson and I aai ready to ac-


that oCer but the purse must beposted hero in America That muchI will exact now so that Mclntosharid Langford knew where they areat before I do business Mcintosh iso k but some of those Englishmen-do not come up to my Idea of sports ¬

menMy reason for insisting on thoposting of tho coin In this country Is Athat I want to put aside all chances-of temptationfor certain Englishmen-That purse iB enticing you ImoU nodthere Is no tolling what hap-

pen over there if it were left whereit could bbeasily reached If I wintime bout I cnn get It here on my re-


Andi know Langford will nothave any trouble securing possession-of it If he is victorious


Teheran Persia Sept 22The re-


of Persia Mulik diedhere today

ooooooooooooooo0 0O POPULATION OF O0 EASTERN CITIES 00 v OO Washington Sept 22 Popu 0O lation statictics made public to 0 I

O day 0 1

O Manchester N II 70063 an 00 increase of 1807G or 229 per OO cent over fifiOS in900 0O Aurora IL 29807 an increase OO of 6060 23 4 per cent over 0O 24117 In 19907 00 ElginIII 2G976 an increase 0O of 3543 or 158 per cent over 0O U24CD in 1900 00 0ooooooooooooooooo0060 ooooooooooop 0-QELQERLYCOUPLE 00 BURNED TO DEATH 0o 0O Tx > s Augclcs Sept 22 John 0O Annie Morgan nn elderly couple 0O were burned to death in their 0O cottage earl today us tIe result 0O of the explosion of an stove 0O Morgan who was 56 years old 0Owas a helpless Invalid unable t 0O leave his bed His wife 0O years old perished in an attempt 0O to save him 0O O 1

