lessons navratri book


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Lesson from Navratri

First Edition October 2015

Layout & Design: Sarina Mahboobani

Compilation: Resha Patel & Pallavi Joshi

Acknowledgements: Pritika Nair

All Rights Reserved ©

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Sri Sri Publications Trust The Art of Living International Centre, 21st KM, Kanakapura Road, Udayapura, Bangalore – 560 082 Email: [email protected] www.artofliving.org/wisdom

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A New Understanding

There is inspiration everywhere in our lives, sometimes gift

wrapped through special events and moments. Navratri, a

magnificent celebration of the Mother Divine, is one

such occasion. Its myriad customs, rituals are rich with

significant meanings. To many, Navratri has given birth to a new

understanding of life. A fresh perspective or a little reminder on

the potential of human life and living. Here are some lessons that

people have been generous enough to share with us. Lessons that

have been catalyzed by Navratri.

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The Lessons

• Lesson #1: Be the bigger person

Shared by Krishi Koellner

• Lesson #2: Live in faith Shared by Vanishree Pavadai

• Lesson #3: Act at the right time Shared by Shwetal Rai

• Lesson #4: Work as a team Shared by Madhuri Kalyan

• Lesson #5: Live each moment to the ful lest Shared by Prema Sheshadri

• Lesson #6: Use the power of intention Shared by Divya Sachdev

• Lesson #7: Apply the ancient wisdom Shared by Rajita Kulkarni








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Krishi learnt to be the bigger person

Krishi Koellner, is a realist who dreams of a more-friendly

and less-stressed world. He knows that it is possible and

has dedicated his life toward that goal. As an Art of Living

Teacher, Krishi has taught meditation to thousands of

people. He believes that when we go beyond our comfort

zone, that is when life begins, and we allow magic to

happen. Currently, Krishi is the Managing Director for the

World Youth Forum for

Ethics in Business.

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Lesson #1: Being the bigger person

While we are all soaked in pure Sattva during Navratri,

something changes both inside and outside. The thoughts and

ideas, the opinions about others - everything changes, everything

shifts. Worries fall off, joy rises from inside. The mantras, poojas

and yagnas change the subtle energy, which reflects in people


The last day of Navratri is called Vijayadashmi – the day of

victory. We wish everybody we meet to have peace, prosperity,

and contentment. This is one of the special moments, next to

many others, of course. It feels like a new beginning. It feels like

being newly born, fresh like an ocean breeze, pure like the

morning dew on the grass. The first seed which has been planted

after being born anew is peace, prosperity, and contentment for

all. Wishing the same from that state of mind and that state of a

full heart is indeed a big blessing.

What a beautiful tradition!

It seems like such a simple act – wishing the best to somebody.

Yet, doing so is very liberating. We forget the past chatter, the

little clashes, the episodes of conflict and hurt. This happens in

all of our lives, all the time. And we forgive


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too. Yet, the moments of Navratri serve as a reminder, and it‟s

easier to wish the best when our own minds are feeling free and


My lesson from Navratri Every Navratri reminds me how easy it is to be the bigger person

– even if the other person is not. And the memory of being the

bigger person propels us to continue being our best – no matter

what the situations are, during the rest of the year.

Shanti Rasthu, Pushti Rasthu, Tushti Rasthu! I wish you Peace,

Prosperity and Contentment.


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Vanishree learnt to live in faith

Vanishree Pavadai is the coordinator of the IMA and has

been an Art of Living teacher for over 15 years. She has

traveled extensively across different countries in Africa,

transforming hundreds of people through her courses.

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Lesson#2: Live in faith

My first experience of Navratri with Gurudev (Sri Sri Ravi

Shankar) was in the year 2000. There would not have been more

than 300 people in attendance at the old meditation hall at the

Bangalore Ashram. It was the first time I experienced the

Homas, the Devi’s in their splendor, the magnificent Chandi

Homa, and Gurudev in his divine feminine form.

My heart opened, tears flowed, and gratitude whelmed up inside

of me like an ocean. At that stage, I did not understand the great

wisdom behind the auspiciousness of the "time", but something

deep inside of me recognized the ancientness. It was like I had

steeped into a Puranic age - of mantras, love, devotion, and

celebration - an abode where divine angels dwelled.

Gurudev spoke to us about faith that Navratri. He said if there

was anything we should pray for, it should be unshakable faith.

I was in awe and humbled by the power of the Homas. I have

gone back almost every year since then. Each time I pray for

faith - faith to be steady on the path, faith to serve, faith to love,

and unshakable faith in the divine, no matter what life


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hurls at me. The intention of praying for faith has carried me

through the years and helped me navigate through life.

Navratri has become a divine addiction for me, for lack of a

better phrase. It really is the time for me to go back to myself, to

rest in myself, to drop all that does not serve me. It really is my

time for rebirth and renewal to take on the year ahead.

Like many people, I too often get lost along the way in life, and

distracted by the world and its deadlines. But, in the space of the

divine Homas, I always find myself again. The nine days of

chanting always align me to the greater purpose of life, which is

to be happy, innocent, and joyful.

The Devis always give me the opportunity to let the Devi in me

flourish. Navratri is always an intriguing experience that reveals

a dimension of life which can only be experienced.

My lesson from Navratri If there was anything we should pray for, it should be unshakable

faith. Faith to be steady on the path, faith to serve, faith to love,

and unshakable faith in the divine, no matter what life hurls at



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A journalist by profession, Shwetal Rai has followed her

passion and become a full-time writer. A contributor to

Chicken Soup for the Indian Entrepreneurs Soul, her poetry

and other works of fiction have been published in various e-

zines. Her works at Deccan Herald, CNN-IBN, and

Microsoft have given her incredible experiences which

weave their way into stories she wordsmiths. Follow her on

twitter @shwetal or email: [email protected].

Shwetal learnt to act at the right time

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Lesson#3: The importance of time

My travails as a TV news reporter in India ensured that I met

people of different characters, ideas, and destinies. I‟ve covered

as many success stories as I have failings. I‟ve invariably

pondered over ideas that sounded reasonable, exciting even, but

failed to make a mark. Then, there are people with spark and

potential who never became successful.

While there is a confluence of factors that make or break a

person or idea, I figured that „timing‟ plays a crucial part. Like

Scott Adams says, “Your best work involves timing. If someone

wrote the best hip hop song of all time in the Middle Ages, he

had bad timing.” How then does one decide upon the right time

to act and in the right way? I sought the answer in vain, until one

Navratri, many years ago, I attended the pujas and homas at the

Art of Living International Center in Bengaluru, India.

Amid a bustle of activity, I overheard someone say, “Now is not

the time to make decisions. These first 3 days are high on tamas.

Only once the sattva rises, day 6 or 7 onward, feel free to take a

sankalpa or decision.” I was stumped. Here I was thinking that

it's Navratri – celebrating the Divine Mother; it


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is festive – a great time to take sankalpas or start something new.

I had to know more. They say, the first three days of Navratri are

governed by the tamo guna, dedicated to Goddess Kali. Those

who are aware of the subtle energies around them experience

increased lethargy or dullness.

The next three days are dedicated to Goddess Laxmi and

governed by rajo guna. Again, those with heightened perception

are able to experience more activity and a rush of thoughts.

Finally, the last three days are devoted to Goddess Saraswati and

dominated by sat guna. There is an undeniable lightness and joy

during those days. When nature supports, by being joyful and

light, any decision made or desire expressed will fructify so

much better. So it is believed that once we overcome lethargy

and dullness, and reach a state of calm and peace after piercing

through the rush of activity and thoughts, any decision taken will

be for the greater good.

Many conversations, book readings and Google searches later, I

concluded that according to our ancient texts, there is an

appropriate time, place and manner to ask for blessings, or

prayers to be answered. If that held true, then our every task

needs to be timed right. It clicked – the very basic toward the

success of a person or idea was to wait for the right time.

Put forth an idea to he whose time has come and even nature will

support it. To identify whether the time is right (maybe even to

find the idea whose time has come), we need to:


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1. Exercise – drop the lethargy, get some fresh air, open up to

a world of possibility

2. Meditate – clear the mind of unwanted chaos and activity

3. Wait with patience – Like Fulton Sheen says, “Patience is

power. It is not the absence of action, rather it is 'timing'. It

waits on the right time to act, for the right principles, and

in the right way.”

My lesson from Navratri There is an adage, “Timing is everything, patience is the key.”

The Mother Divine surely gets the point through,– no matter how

badly you want the desire fulfilled, you‟ve got to wait six days

before asking. If you manage to time it right and ask

appropriately, the unbounded energies of the universe are for you

to harness. Use them to realize your dream!


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Madhuri is a Project Management and SAP professional

living in Germany. She stumbled upon spirituality and

discovered that it can lead to a healthy and happy career and

personal life. She is also an Art of Living teacher, writer, and

technology geek.


Madhuri learnt teamwork

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Lesson#4: Teamwork

I always find it challenging to work together with a team of 10-

15 people - in a diverse, multicultural environment, where each

person not only has a different skill set but also comes with

different mindsets and perspectives that affect the dynamics of

team work. In September 2014, I traveled to India from Germany

to find the most seamlessly managed event, consisting of 35,000


This was the Navratri celebration at the Art of Living

International Center in Bangalore (Bangalore Ashram), where

people from all over the world came together in the green

countryside of the bustling Bangalore city. Thus began some of

the best lessons I could learn about teamwork.

Acceptance of chaos and al lowing imperfections:

Coming from the West, there is a low tolerance level for chaos,

where everything is naturally in order and on time. At the

Bangalore Ashram, I was surprised to see that despite huge

crowds, there was hardly any chaos. When one occasionally did

arise, it was dissipated quickly, as people exhibited high

acceptance levels. After a few days of yoga, meditation, and

chanting, I could understand how this was possible.


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Taking larger-than-life responsibility: I learnt this from the Ashram kitchen that would go on to provide

delicious vegetarian meals for more than 100,000 people a day.

There were only 25 people who ran the kitchen, but there were

always about 300 people or more to volunteer in all ways – from

cutting vegetables to cooking to cleaning and serving. It was

amazing how the food always had the perfect amount of salt or

spice. What seemed like an impossible task was being executed

with perfection right before my eyes!

Feeling belongingness: From the moment I stepped at the Bangalore Airport, as I guided

the team of Russians who were traveling in the same flight to the

Ashram, I felt like I had come back home. Each person was like

a family member. In a high energy, stress-free environment, it

was easy to connect to everyone. And, as I felt more and more

connected, wanting to contribute to the team was also natural. I

would look out for opportunities to make sure that I could make

everyone around me comfortable. Although I came in like a

guest, I was no less than the host of this big celebration.

Getting back to your source: As 35,000 people sat together in silence to meditate at the

Navratri festival, all my worries from the day, the jet lag, and


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anxiety about the future just melted away in minutes. If every

person could take some time off to go deep within, the conflicts

would cease to exist. Spirituality is not only important for our

everyday living but is also the need of the hour to create a

violence-free, stress-free society.

Taking everyone together toward progression: It is easy to focus on oneself and be a successful person, but to

take responsibility for the success of others is a true sign of

leadership. I see Sri Sri Ravi Shankar work day and night, travel

to more than 30 countries and 200 cities a year, just to inspire

people to be happy, healthy, and stress free. His commitment to

serve and spread the message of love continues to inspire

millions across the globe.

My Lessons from Navratri I take these lessons as my new mantra to survive working in a

team, whether in the corporate world, working with volunteers,

or handling dynamics within a family.


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A meditation and yoga enthusiast, Dr. Prema Sheshadri is a

published author. Prema‟s varying interests make her a larger

than life personality. She has contributed to different spheres

of society through education and counseling. An Art of

Living teacher, Prema constantly teaches, inspires people and

keeps a positive outlook going.

Prema learnt to live life to the ful lest

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Lesson#5: Life and moments

There is nothing more remarkable in life than the fact that our

calendar is filled with reasons to celebrate. December was all

about Christmas tree, the spirit of benevolence and bonhomie;

and then soon after, awaiting the loud boom from the harbor at

midnight to welcome the New Year. Diwali was awaited with

bated breath - the innocent excitement of an early morning oil-

bath ritual, and fire crackers. Birthdays were all about candles,

balloons, and presents.

And then there was Navratri, which had the most mythical

combination of excitement and anticipation of foray into an

unknown realm. For one, there was more than one evening of

dressing up. And in all those years, we never understood the

significance of the rituals and in all honesty, there really was no

curiosity to know either! We just rejoiced. Celebration continues

until today, but there is a difference.

The spirit on the spiritual path breaks through ions of

conditioning and indoctrinations under the guidance of the

Master. The spirit resonates in its absolute splendor, especially

during Navratri, wherein celebration is no longer just festive but

assumes depth. Silence screams its purest joy, the body exhibits

stillness through dynamic action, and the mind


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unconflictingly embraces the whole of existence. It leaves you in

a space where celebration begins where it ends. It takes you

beyond an event and makes you realize that you are above the


With this comes the dawning of a simple realization that it is so

easy to celebrate, so effortless to make life a celebration. If we

can sit still for a few hours, for a few days, and feel rested,

elated, and contented; if we can remain silent for a few hours or

days and feel that we have just had a never-ending party with the

whole world - that is celebration. Just knowing that celebration

does not need a reason is liberating. Just knowing that

celebration itself is the reason is exhilarating.

The energies bolstered by the chants, the offerings, the

expansiveness of the elevated consciousness of the meditators,

and the presence of Gurudev (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) during

Navratri, is incredibly impactful. Almost invariably, I have found

myself sinking deep within, found myself motionless in body

and mind, experienced a joy of solitude amongst thousands, and

a buoyancy of spirit, which defies expression or explanation.

Every Navratri, there is reinforcement of the gratitude that I have

begun to feel every moment of my living, a constant reminder

and acknowledgement of the abundance that my life is filled

with, everything given to me even before the want arises. I am

just consumed by waves of infinite moments of


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joy and fullness. And then comes this incredible energy and

enthusiasm. A new dynamism is born.

My lesson from Navratri Life is made up of moments. And just as everything that nature

creates has a purpose, every moment too has been created to

be lived to its fullest. In reality, it is far easier on the mind, on

our health, on our being, to savor each moment, than to get stuck

in any one! It is such futile exercise to get entrapped in a moment

that has gone by, which has no further use, and which insidiously

and without our knowledge becomes a burden. Every moment is

an opportunity to move forward.

Every moment is a window that has been opened to start afresh.

One thing that we can take for granted in life is that this moment

will remain for just a moment. Make this moment your signature.

Make this moment a celebration!


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Divya Sachdev currently works as an International

Communication Coordinator for The Art of Living Online

Properties. Driven by her passion to contribute to

society, Divya is also an Art of Living teacher.

Divya learnt to use the power of intention

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Lesson#6: The power of intention

I’ ve been meditating since I was 8 years old and have been

fortunate to have attended many Navratri pujas. Through the

beautiful experiences, I’ve had some realizations. This is my take

on the power of the mind. All right reserved!

The mind is a strange thing and sometimes can be complicated to

understand. However, it is really powerful. It is the nature of the

mind to have endless, different thoughts and all of varied

intensity. Depending on the intensity of the thought, we attract

events and situations that manifest in our lives. Whether we are

aware of this phenomenon of attraction or not, it happens


Science refers to this as the law of attraction. It simply means

that we attract whatever we think about – good or bad. Whatever

is happening in our lives, we are somewhere attracting that,

including you reading this article!

Say, a special friend gave you some money when you really

needed it. You really thought, ‘What if money just came to me

from somewhere’; you just thought about it but you did not do

much for it. Yet, because the intensity of this thought was strong,

you attracted that even without being aware of it, and your friend

gave you some


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money. Or, say your client, or co-worker gave you a hard time


the day. You attracted that too.

Attract more positive things in life Since this phenomenon (the law of attraction) happens anyway,

we can use it to our advantage and attract more positive things in

life, or manifest our dreams. This happens through sankalpa.

Sankalpa means thinking positive and attracting positive with

awareness, or having a positive intention. When we take

a sankalpa, we expand our consciousness to the universe.

But, how to make it work?

For the sake of ease, let‟s take this as a 3-step process.

• Step 1 – Intention: Have an intention (like sowing a seed)

• Step 2 – Attention: Give slight attention to your intention

(like nurturing the seed)

• Step 3 – Manifestation: See your intention manifest (like see

the seed grow into a plant)

So, when we have an intention and put our attention to it, or

focus on it, it starts to manifest.

Get even better than what we attract When we have a desire, or we follow the above steps, sometimes

it can take its own time to manifest. This might bring frustration

(at least it does to me!), „Oh, it‟s not happening‟, „Why am I not

able to make it happen‟?


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We definitely have an intention, or have taken a sankalpa. But,

I‟ve learnt something: just add something more to the

sankalpa, such as, „I want this to happen unless something

better can come my way, or let it happen whenever it has

to‟. This way, I realized, I‟m giving a chance to the Divine or the

higher energy to act for me and give me the best.

So, sankalpa (I want this to happen), when clubbed with

surrender (unless something better can come my way), reduces

frustration and increases faith (because I know that the Divine or

higher energy will work out something even better than what I

intended or it will manifest at the time which is the best for it).

This perspective made me more accepting of what comes my


Increasing the impact of my sankalpa When the mind is peaceful and restful, then our sankalpa is

powerful. The stronger we are in our minds, the stronger is

the sankalpa. We can make our mind strong by spiritual practices

such as meditation.

My lesson from Navratri Navratri is an opportunity to go deeper in knowledge and

dispassion. Being in the space of meditation, dispassion and

knowledge make it easier for our sankalpas to manifest. So,

Navratri is the ideal time to take a sankalpa. But remember:

whatever you throw out, just throw it out to the Universe, and

leave space for „either this or whatever is better for me‟.


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Rajita Kulkarni is the President at the World Forum for

Ethics in Business; Board of Governors at the Sri Sri

University; CEO of Transformational Leadership for

Excellence. Leadership Coach; Board member on number of

NGOs; Writer & humanitarian. Her motto is - making life

matter and better through global leadership in ethics,

education & empowerment.

Rajita learnt to apply the ancient wisdom in her life

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Lesson#7: Applying the ancient wisdom

Navratri means the 'nine nights' in Sanskrit; Nav - Nine and Ratri

- nights. During these nine nights and ten days, the three forms

of the goddess - Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati - are invoked. I

have been fortunate to have had an opportunity to celebrate

Navratri in the Art of Living Bangalore Ashram for the last

decade and a half.

The grand and profound Navratri celebrations in the presence of

my Gurudev H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji are the annual

highlight of my life. Its the time of the year for me to dive in the

knowledge of the Devi Bhagwatam, rejoice in the beauty of all

the homas & yagnas, sing & dance in the melodious satsangs,

dress up in the finest silks in honor of the Divine Mother and

experience the amazing paradox of pure joy in deep silence.

Every Navratri makes me little more richer in the experience of

life. In these few paragraphs I have attempted to capture some of

the life learnings I have received in the past few years.

1. Discipline and Precision: In Bangalore ashram‟s Navratri celebrations, thousands of people

from around the world participate. The number peaks on the 8th

day, where more than hundred thousand people come together.


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Yet everything is in perfect discipline. There is an order in the

seating and discipline in the movements of people. Even in the

kitchen that cooks 15-20 food items per person for the hundred

thousand people, there is discipline and precision. No wasted

movements, no unplanned activities, no chaos. All the pujas and

yagnas are the epitome of discipline. Perfect and precise

synchronization of activities and people. When you watch this as

an observer, it almost seems like a dance! This comes from

meticulous planning, detailed preparations and commitment to

excellence. For all of us who participate in Navratri also, a

certain discipline of personal hygiene, timeliness, conduct and

composure has to be maintained. For all the nine days, a group of

us chant the Lalita Sahasranama and all the chants of the Divine

Mother. Same time every day without fail. The best discipline I

have maintained!

My lesson from Navratri In discipline lies the secret of excellence. With the right planning

and hard work, no task is big enough to fulfill.

2. Faith and knowledge Navratri is a time to plunge into the unknown realms of the

Universe. It cannot be explained, how it rains after every yagna,

how the seeds sprout into little saplings in less than 7 days,


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how the divine energy manifests in different aspects of Lord

Ganesha, Lord Shiva, the Divine Mother, how healing happens!!

These are the most wondrous mysteries of the world! People

from far of places like Mongolia, Argentina, China and Russia

who don't understand the sanskrit chanting or the even the

language also enjoy as much as someone from India does. There

is only one thing binding everyone together - Faith in the divine!

And this faith makes the impossible, possible.

For the past many years, I have had the blessing of sharing the

knowledge of the Devi Bhagwatam & about the significance of

Navratri in the satsangs. Just the process of studying the

scriptures, going beyond the surface and diving deep in the

knowledge has been transformational! I have given hundreds of

talks in my life, but I never thought I was capable of talking on

the scriptures! When Gurudev instructed me to do this, I just said

yes and since have spoken things about the scriptures I never


My lesson from Navratri Being in knowledge and having faith in the Divine, can make

things possible in our life much beyond our capability and imagination!


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3. Magnanimity and Diversity Everything about Navratri is grand and glorious! The diversity of

the world comes together as one big melting pot! Tonnes of food

is cooked everyday for hundreds of thousands of people, crates

after crates of puja materials are organized, and baskets after

baskets of flowers are offered! Thousands of people meditate,

pray, chant, sing and dance together. Elephant, horse, cow, little

girls and boys, women and men - all are honored under one roof!

Gujarati garba dance is done by South Indians and North

Indians! My American and Italian friends dress up in sarees and

bangles! When I am in this environment, everything is larger

than life and my own problems seem so tiny! My world expands

to encompass everyone and in that, my own life seems lot more

easy to manage and maneuver! In these times, I have learnt to

respect diversity and celebrate it! The world seems truly my


My lesson from Navratri When we have a big vision for life and take everyone along with

respect, our problems become small and very easy to overcome.

4. Silence and Celebration This is the time of the year that Gurudev takes a period of silence

for 5-6 days. Advance courses see thousands of people

meditating in silence for 5 days. I also keep silence for 5 days-


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only speaking to chant and sing. The whole campus is joyfully

silent. I have never seen so many people silent, peaceful and so

happy. Once the yagnas start on the 6th day, it is a flood of

vibrant colors and fragrances, rhythmic chanting and soulful

singing, traditional dancing and celebration of all forms of art.

There is reverence for all life forms and purity in every aspect. It

accords an experience of being in the present moment and

knowing life in its true beautiful colors. The victory of the

positive over the negative. There must hardly be any other place

which witnesses such complete and pure celebrations!

My lesson from Navratri Life has the potential to be a true celebration. We just have to let

go and be.

5. Inclusive and Exclusive: During Navratri, I have seen how inclusive everything we do in

life can be. I have watched Bhanu didi (Gurudev‟s sister) include

everyone in so many different ways to contribute their seva

(service) towards the pujas. Whether it is doing the traditional

aarti to Gurudev, or organizing bangles & bindis for women, or

arranging the clothes & gifts for little girls, everyone is included

to participate and contribute. Everyone of us always have the

experience of being the host! Such a unique feeling! It needs

someone with a huge heart and a feeling of connectedness to the


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whole world to have this attitude of inclusive-

ness. With grace, poise, a warm heart & a

loving smile Bhanu didi takes all of us along,

in diving deeper and rising higher, in our quest

of the divine. Yet everyone's experience is

personal and exclusive. Whether in meditation,

yagnas or satsang each one of us, and that‟s true for all hundred

thousand of us, comes back with our own exclusive memory.

Year after year this experience also matures as we evolve in our

own personal spiritual journey.


My lesson from Navratri Our ability to include others in our joy can expand our own life

and its grandeur.


* Above is an image of Rajita with Bhanu didi during Navratri at The Art of Living International


6. Happiness, Peace and a Big V ision: Navratri is about peace, love and happiness. Within and outside. In

solitude and amidst crowds. In silence and in celebration. Every

year, this is the time I drench in the experience of the absolute

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truth, of the deepest stillness, the gentlest corner of my being and

the most beautiful knowledge of my existence. I come back with

a broad, big vision of my own self and that of the world.

Knowing how the subtle rules over the gross. How I am an

integral part of this big interconnected universe. How with right

food, some discipline of routine, increased prana and an attitude

of celebration, my life can be filled with an ocean of positivity.

How negativity can be won over, coz demons are but in the mind

alone! This is the time when the power of meditation in

spreading positive vibes can be felt; the power of having one big

global family can be experienced and the power of being able to

make a difference one person at a time is a reality!

My lesson from Navratri Being on a spiritual path under the grace of a Satguru is the

biggest blessing of life.


Page 35: Lessons Navratri Book

Hope you enjoyed these little inspirations. If you’d like to share your story with us, write to us here:

webteam.wisdom@artof living.org

Page 36: Lessons Navratri Book

We wish you a very Happy Navratri, and invite you to join the celebrations this Navratri at

The Art of Living International Center in the presence of

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Visit www.artofliving.org/navratri and find out more about

celebrations at The Art of Living Center.