lessons 1-2. lesson 1: light and the universe lesson objectives

Our Universe Lessons 1-2

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Our Universe

Our UniverseLessons 1-2Our UniverseLesson 1: Light and the UniverseLesson Objectives

Our Universe

PlanetsStarsSolar SystemsGalaxies WavesWaves are a transfer of energy from one point to the next. A photon is a particle of light that travels in a wavelike pattern at the speed of light,

Features of a Wave

Features of a Wave

Features of a Wave

Features of a Wave

Features of a Wave

Features of a Wave

Features of a Wave

Frequency and Wavelength

Types of Waves

Longitudinal Waves and Transverse Waves***A medium is any form of matter through which a wave travels***


Frequency and Wavelength


How are Certain Waves Created?

Microwaves are produced when magnetic and electric fields are applied perpendicular to each other

Infrared radiations are produced when a changing electric field creates a changing magnetic field perpendicular to it

Gamma rays are produced by applying electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other

***Sounds needs a medium to travel though, light does not******Light travels the fastest in a vacuum traveling at 300,000 km/sec***

How far away is itLight year - the distance light travels in one year. Although the term may sound like a measure of time, it is a measure of distance.

The best method to measure the distance to a star is to calculate the variations in the position of the star due to movement of Earth in its orbit.

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Our UniverseLesson 2: Exploring the UniverseLesson Objectives

ConstellationsGroups of StarsNamed after ancient heroes, gods, or other creaturesUsed as a navigation system before we had better technology

Space Travel Time Line1900-1950Robert Goddard believe space travel is possible1951-1959First orbiting satellite - Sputnik launched by Russians1960-1969Busiest time in Space Exploration. First manned mission landed on the moon1980-1989First close-up look at comets1990-1999Continued exploration with unmanned space crafts2000-2010More manned space travel and exploration of Mars1970-1979Exploration with unmanned space crafts2011-2021What do you think?Why Travel to Space?Discoveries and inventions used for space helped create products we use in the home.

Lets take a lookhttp://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/nasacity/index2.htm

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Uses lenses to focus the light


Uses mirrors to focus the light, which reduces distortion

I cant see itCertain types of waves of not able to pass through the atmosphere so the best placement for a telescope when observing space is space.

What and how to turn your work into your teacher:1. Go to the Assessments tab:2. Click on the S1 Our Universe 02: Exploring the Universe

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