lesson three (p3, m2) unit 15 planning and management of major incidents

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Unit 15 Planning and Management of Major Incidents

Lesson Three (P3, M2)Unit 15 Planning and Management of Major Incidents IntroductionHi everyone .............

Today we are going to look at what the effects are of major incidents on people and places.

A disaster effects lots of people in all kinds of ways.

Class WorkBefore we go any further I want you to think about who is affected in a disaster or major incident?

Also who do you think would be involved in a major incident?

Explain long-term and short term effects.

Effects of a Major Incident1. Individuals The first people who are effected by a major incident are the individuals involved within the incident.

Direct involvement and Indirect involvement.

Air Crashes: There are those directly effected as they may be in the crash and could be killed or injured. Boscastle Floods 2004However MI also have indirect impacts on individuals.

In floods, flooding can cause direct damage to those whose houses or businesses are ruined by flood water.

This happened in the Boscastle Floods in 2004. The floods happened in Cornwall.

However......There was also indirect effects of the floods. Businesses were ruined which had knock of effects as many when out of business and lots of people in surrounding areas.

No deaths but still big impacts.

(9/11) Class Work


So in Boscastle ......Properties within the town were destroyed.

Trees were uprooted and farmland destroyed.

Bridges collapsed and cars and buildings were washed into the sea.

Environmental damage from cars and sewage.

Write down the individuals who were affected in this Major Incident?

In Pictures.........

To sum up!!Direct Impacts: such as loss of homes, businesses, farmland, environment, loss of life or casualties.

Indirect Impacts: Businesses may be forced to go out of business and so loose jobs elsewhere, tourism impacts, environmental damage, long term changes to areas or societies, indirect wars or conflicts, changes in politics.

2. Effects on Rescue Workers In many major incidents there are many different rescue workers involved.


Many people In Major Incidents can be dead, badly injured, burned or trapped under wreckage.

Casualties include Men, women and children. Rescue WorkersRescue workers have not only got to witness these terrible scenes but also try and help these casualties.

Frustration of loosing people.

Little time is given to how the Rescue workers are feeling and many experience trauma or PTSD as a result. Many can become unfit for duty.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3-EI2pjBz0

In Pictures .......

How do these images make you feel?3. Effects on communitiesLoss of Law and Order

With any major incident there is so much strain placed on the UPS. Also lots of resources are needed and so as a result there can be a breakdown in law and order. Increases in theft and looting.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed0QJJL9sYQLondon Riots 2011Effects on CommunitiesLoss of Power and Utilities

In many major incidents, gas, electric and water supplies can be cut off or damaged. This creates further problems as the rescue operation is slowed. Further disasters can also be created.

Flooding automatically causes electric to be shut off to prevent injury.

DiseaseThe final major impact of major incidents on communities is the increased spread of disease.

Disease is spread quickly by unclean areas and areas who have lost power and clean water.

Floods also spill huge amounts of waste into the environment. Typhoid becomes more common. Pakistan!!Foot and Mouth 2001http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PtSTo0Sb-o

Watch this video and think about the affects of this major incident on communities, individuals and rescue workers.

Create a table to show this.