lesson plans for activity based language teaching

FOR ACTIVITY BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING Kshema Jose kshema@efluniversity.ac.in

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TEACHING Kshema Jose

[email protected]

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• Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.

Zig Ziglar

• I am obsessed with planning travel! Not just traveling, which I love, but the whole planning process and all the details that go into it. I subscribe to all these travel blogs and airline forums and research hotels and activities and destinations for hours on end, and I volunteer to plan trips for everyone I know.

Lauren Weisberger• Any time women come together with a collective intention, it's a powerful thing.

Whether it's sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens.

Phylicia Rashad

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DO YOU AGREE? + The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

John F Kennedy + I'm a great believer in spontaneity because I think planning is the most destructive thing in the

world. John Cassavetes

+ Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. Paul J. Meyer

+ Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning. Winston Churchill+ Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.

Richard Cushing+ It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most

responsive to change. Charles Darwin

+ Plans are nothing; planning is everything. Dwight D. Eisenhower

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+ General game plan + Detailed plan for doing or achieving something+ Intention about what one is going to do+ Instils confidence + Charts way forward + Add more

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+ Objective – what they are able to do + Content – sources of info (topic, references,

materials: textbook, library, etc.)+ Procedure – ways you will share info, methods

used… + Evaluation + Assignment

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+ Semi detailed (procedures or steps)+ Detailed (lessons, activities, worksheets,

homework, all are presented)+ Understanding by design/ UbD (backward



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Time Activities Building Background:



Produce/Application: Assessment:


Teacher Student

Objectives Materials


Verification Other resources


Summary Notes

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Have you in the past few weeks: + asked for a way to some place?+ found out who is in charge of something?+ searched the newspaper for updates on something you are

interested in? + enquired where a movie is playing?+ worked out the best route to reach a place?+ planned to make a speech?+ borrowed something from some one? + explained to someone why you couldn’t attend an important


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Cannot really teach language, can only create conditions in which language will develop spontaneously. + Motivation + Exposure + Opportunities+ Activities + Instruction

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+ Tasks are what people do in every day life, at work, at play and in between (Long, 1985)

+ Task-based language teaching shifted the focus of language learning from knowledge of language to a focus on its use to achieve communicative purposes.

+ Integrated skills + Fluency

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+ Listing and/or brainstorming+ Ordering and sorting+ Matching+ Comparing: finding similarities and differences+ Problem-solving+ Sharing personal experiences and storytelling

Stimulating more interaction

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• interacting and discussing • interacting and deciding/transacting • obtaining information and using it • giving information • personal response • personal expression.

Australian Language Levels Guidelines (Scarino et al, 1988)

• enquiring, interpreting • presenting • problem-solving • performing • creating, designing, composing • judging, evaluating, responding

(Clark, Scarino & Brownell, 1994)

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CREATING A TASK-BASED LESSONPre-Task+ review some vocabulary , no language focus, a sample of people completing the task in real world+ give task and guidelines, students take time to prepare and plan how to execute the task.Task+ students complete the task in pairs or groups. Teacher monitors and offers encouragement, but

does not correct their language. Planning+ students prepare a report to present the results of their task to their classmates. Teacher

provides assistance with language. + Teacher decides evaluation of student performance. Report+ pairs/ groups present report to their classmates. The report may be memorized or read from

notes. The teacher and classmates may offer feedback at this time.Analysis+ teacher may highlight features of the language used for the task. Example, grammar, register, text

features. Practice+ additional practice for some aspects of language, activity to develop accuracy.

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+ Teaching objectives+ Warmer (introduce topic, activate background

knowledge) + Task cycle (demonstrate: for vocabulary,

functional language, thinking time; do the task, prepare and give a report)

+ Language focus + Follow up activities + Considerations and checkpoints (story task and WS)

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+ Content: What the student needs to learn. all students should be given access to the same core content. complexity should be adapted to students’ learner profiles. can vary the presentation of content, (e.g., textbooks, lecture, demonstrations, taped texts)

+ Process: Activities in which the student engages. dfferentiating process activities include scaffolding, flexible grouping, interest centers, manipulatives, varying the length of time for a student to master content, and encouraging an advanced learner to pursue a topic in greater depth.

+ Products: culminating projects that ask students to apply and extend what they have learned. Products should provide students with different ways to demonstrate their knowledge as well as various levels of difficulty, group or individual work, and various means of scoring.

+ Learning Environment: include areas in which students can work quietly as well as collaborate with others, materials that reflect diverse cultures, and routines that allow students to get help when the teacher isn’t available

(Tomlinson, 1995, 1999; Winebrenner, 1992, 1996).

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Learning styles + Visual + Auditory+ Tactile+ Kinesthetic + Analytic + Global

Any other?

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WEBQUESTS + An inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information required to complete

the task comes from the internet + Learner-centered+ Project-based approach + constructivist philosophy+ critical and creative thinking+ Authenticity+ scaffolding+ differentiation+ cooperative learning+ motivation, challenge and engaged learning+ information-rich learning environments:

– inputs (i.e., articles, resources, experts and other information sources), – transformations (i.e., high-level activities such as analysis, synthesis, problem solving and

decision-making), and – outputs (i.e., products such as presentations, reports, and web publishing). He points out

that students need scaffolding in each of these domains such as quality resource links, compelling problems, and production templates to assist in building understandings.

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+ an introduction that sets the stage of the activity+ a doable, interesting task+ a set of information resources+ a clear process+ guidance and organizational frameworks+ assessment procedures + a conclusion that provides reflection and closure.

(oral presentation/ preparing a report – share lessons and prep a plan)

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+ http://questgarden.com/34/20/1/060908215430/index.htm + http://questgarden.com/52/41/5/070613164641/index.htm+ http://questgarden.com/63/12/0/080417124513/index.htm + http://questgarden.com/52/36/4/070612201403/index.htm + http://questgarden.com/33/93/1/070111122603/index.htm+ http://www.ats.edu.mx/proyectos/racevedo/LanguageArts/index.ht

m+ http://questgarden.com/62/25/8/080311183314/+ http://warrensburg.k12.mo.us/webquest/seasons/index.htm+ http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=68364+ http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=16105+ http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=72040+ http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=74350

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Write up on the board:+ The Characters:+ A shopkeeper+ Her two children+ A young man+ An eight-year-old boy+ The police

The Setting:+ A corner shop in Mumbai+ A winter muffler cap/ monkey cap + A packet of five star chocolates + A plastic bag+ A gun

Some phrases from the story:+ young man came in to buy a newspaper+ pointed a gun at her and told her to fill up the bag+ pretended to reach for some money

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Mumbai police are looking for an eight-year-old boy who attempted to hold up a sweet shop last night in the suburbs of Mumbai.

The boy, who was wearing a muffler cap, went into the corner shop and bought a packet of five star chocolates for 25 rupees. As the shopkeeper gave him his change a young man came in to buy a newspaper. The boy waited until the man had gone then threw a plastic bag at the shopkeeper. At the same time he pointed a gun at her and told her to fill up the bag.

“I’m not sure whether he wanted me to fill it with sweets or with money,” said the shopkeeper, who did not want to give her name. “I didn’t know if the gun was real or not, but it certainly looked more real than the guns my little boy plays with. I was quite frightened because I had my children with me. I pretended to reach for some money, but I pressed the alarm instead.

When it went off he turned and ran out of the shop.” She described the boy as 1.2 metres tall, and dressed in jeans and a dark coat. The police are asking the public to help.

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Speaking, level 10. Canadian Language Benchmarks + I can obtain, exchange and present information, ideas and opinions for important social and

academic tasks or at work.+ I can prepare a 20-40 minute formal presentation.+ I can manage routine meetings and discussions or debates in a small familiar group.+ I can actively participate in business meetings and in social and academic discussions on complex,

detailed and abstract topics.

Level 9+ I can provide and exchange important information in social and academic situations or at work.+ I can prepare a 15-30 minute formal presentation.+ I can help to manage a discussion or debate in a work meeting or academic seminar.+ I can participate in business meetings, discussions, and debates on complex, abstract, conceptual and

detailed topics to analyze, solve problems and make decisions

CEFR+ http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/Source/Framework_EN.pdf