lesson plan class/semester topic time allocation · pdf fileteacher’s name ms. isti ......

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com LESSON PLAN Date Thursday, 6-August Thursday, 6-August Thursday, 6-August Class/Semester 10 E 10 CD 10 AB Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Introduction Lesson description Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes Objectives : Coverage Students are able to introduce and ask their friends’ name Students are able to formulate rules and regulations Introduction Classroom syllabus Sources/ References (included any copied material used) Material used /media Aim High Students’ Book 1 Computer, LCD, speaker, emoticon stickers, marker and paper Method Class discussion, individual task Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher greets and welcomes the students 5’ 2. Teacher starts introducing herself to the students 5Main Activity Main Activity 1. Teacher asks students to arrange the chairs and make it into the U-Shape 5’ 2. Teacher gives a ball to one student. Then, he/she throws the ball to the friend that he/she has known each other by mentioning name. 15’ 3. Teacher starts explaining the lesson description, activities, etc 154. Teacher asks students to formulate rules and regulations. 10’ 5. Teacher distributes an empty tree. Students should write down their: Personal detail : Name, contact number Hopes Fear Learning 10’ 6. Teacher gives a pre-assessment 10’ Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to make introduction tweets 5Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen) Buy folder and notebook.

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Page 1: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Thursday, 6-August Thursday, 6-August Thursday, 6-August

Class/Semester 10 E 10 CD 10 AB

Teacher’s Name

Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Introduction Lesson description

Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to introduce and ask their friends’ name

Students are able to formulate rules and regulations

Introduction Classroom syllabus

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Computer, LCD, speaker, emoticon stickers, marker and paper

Method Class discussion, individual task

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher greets and welcomes the students 5’ 2. Teacher starts introducing herself to the students 5’

Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Teacher asks students to arrange the chairs and make it into the U-Shape 5’ 2. Teacher gives a ball to one student. Then, he/she throws the ball to the friend that

he/she has known each other by mentioning name. 15’

3. Teacher starts explaining the lesson description, activities, etc 15’ 4. Teacher asks students to formulate rules and regulations. 10’ 5. Teacher distributes an empty tree. Students should write down their:

Personal detail : Name, contact number Hopes Fear Learning


6. Teacher gives a pre-assessment 10’

Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to make introduction tweets 5’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Buy folder and notebook.

Page 2: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Monday, 11-August-2014 Tuesday, 12-August-2014 Monday, 11-August-2014 Monday, 11-August-2014

Class/Semester 10 C D (40 minutes) 10 C D (40 minutes) 10 AB 10 E

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit 1: My network Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able retell the reading passage Students are able to match the vocabularies with

their meanings Students are able to combine phrases with words

which collocate each other Students are able to analyze the functions of simple

present tense Students are able to implement simple present tense

both in written and oral form

Vocabulary Collocation Expression with look Simple present tense

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Page 4-7 and page 9

Computer, LCD, speaker, worksheet

Method Class discussion, individual task,

communicative approch

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Students greet the teacher, then collect their cellphones. After that, those who want

to go to the toilet are given 3-5 minutes. 5’

2. Teacher distributes a pre-assessment paper to the students 5’ 3. Students do the pre-assessment individually 10’

Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Teacher divides the class into 4 groups by counting. Each group must stand up in

line. The first member of each group is gathered by the teacher, then asked to remember a short quote about family. After that, he/she should whisper it to the second member, third member and so on. Finally, last member must be hurry in writing down the quote on the whiteboard. Group which can anwer correctly and fast gets one point. In the end, the best points get free-candies from the teacher.


2. Based on the quotes written by the students, teacher asks them the importance of family in their life.


3. Teacher start indroducing the topic lesson by showing two contrast pictures, a small versus a big family. Students are asked to jot down the differences.


4. Teacher directs students to read a text entitled ‘Supermum’ which describes a supermom who always takes care her 13 children.


5. Teacher writes down the highlighted vocabularies on the board, then start 10’

Page 3: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com

discussing the vocabularies and the meanings. 7. Lesson goes on to different topic which is simple present tense. Teacher distributes

a song lyric entitled “A big family”. Students listen to the song and answer the questions.


8. Teacher writes down verb 1 taken from the lyric. Students are encouraged to analyze why verb 1 is used in the song.


9. Teacher explains simple present tense in an interactive way 5’ 10. Students do the follow up exercises 5’

Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to do the homework page 5 5’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Workbook page 5

Page 4: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Thursday, 14-August-2014 Class/Semester 10 AB

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit 1: My network Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 1 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to review “Simple Present Tense” Simple present tense

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Page: 9 Explore, exploit 1 and listening part 2

Computer, LCD, speaker, worksheet

Method Class discussion, individual task,

communicative approch

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher asks some students to volunteer themselves in a game 5’ 2. First volunteer comes up to take one piece of paper written a sentence randomly.

The sentences are: I want to be a professional musician. I meet my friend after school. The teacher spends a day with the student. She does not enjoy the game. Do they read Aim High Book everyday?

She should mention how many words then start explaining the words or sentence directly. The rest should answer the sentences, and so on.


Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Teacher assigns students to practice on their students’ book page 9 15’ 2. Teacher and discuss the answers together 5’

Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to do the homework page 5 and a piece of worksheet 5’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Workbook page 5

Page 5: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Thursday, 14-August-2014 Class/Semester 10 E

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit 1: My network Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to review “Simple Present Tense” Students are able to identify family members

Simple present tense Family members

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Page: 7 Exploit Page: 9 Explore, exploit 1 and listening part 2 Listening: Talking about family and friends

Computer, LCD, speaker, worksheet

Method Class discussion, individual task,

communicative approch

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher asks some students to volunteer themselves in a game 5’ 2. First volunteer comes up to take one piece of paper written a word randomly.

The words are: jump, practice, kick, defend, hike, prepare, travel, chat, and borrow. He has to explain the word and other students must guess it.


Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Teacher assigns students to practice on their students’ book page 7 and 9 15’ 2. Teacher and discuss the answers together 10’ 3. Teacher divides the class into two groups. Each group gets a pack of cards which

written family members 5’

4. Teacher shows a meaning of family member, then each group should find out the answers on the cards.


5. Teacher asks students to do the listening task 10’

Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to do the homework a piece of worksheet 5’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

A piece of worksheet

Page 6: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Friday, 15-August-2014 Class/Semester 10 E

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit 1: My network Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to identity parts of a letter Students are able to find out the main idea of a letter Students are able to review the materials in Unit 1

Parts of a letter

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Page: 10 Page 11: Review

Computer, LCD, speaker,

Method Class discussion, individual task,

communicative approch

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher asks students’ experience in writing a letter 10’

Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Students brainstrom parts of a letter 10’ 2. Students are asked to do the following exercises page 10 and 11 20’’ 3. Teacher and students discuss the exercises 15’ 4. Teacher and students go to computer laboratory (or in the first hour, depends on

the availability) . Students start writing in their blog with a topic “How does your junior high school life look like?”


Closing 1. Teacher asks students to submit their homework 5’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Prepare for unit test Workbook page 7

Page 7: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Friday, 15-August-2014 Class/Semester 10 A/B

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit 1: My network Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to identify family members Students are able to identify parts letter Students are able to review the materials in unit 1

Family members Parts of letter

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Page: 10 Page 11: Review

Computer, LCD, speaker,

Method Class discussion, individual task,

communicative approch

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher divides the class into two groups. Each group gets a pack of cards. Teacher

shows questions through slide powerpoint, then students suppose to choose the answer from the cards. This aims at reviewing family members


Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Teacher asks students to listeng to a short talk and answer the questions 10’ 2. Teacher asks students’ experiences in writing a letter 5’ 3. Teacher asks studentts to identify parts of letter 10’ 4. Students do the following exercises 20’ 5. Students and teacher check the answers 10

Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to do the homework on workbook page 5 and also a piece

of paper 10’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Prepare for unit test Workbook page 5 Do/Make (Worksheet)

Page 8: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Monday, 18-August-2014 Class/Semester 10 C/D

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit 1: My network Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 2 x 40 minutes

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to identify parts letter Students are able to review the materials in unit 1

Parts of letter

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 Page: 10 Page 11: Review

Computer, LCD, speaker, a printed letter

Method Group work

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher asks students’ experience in writing a letter 10’

Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Teacher starts exploring the disscussion of a letter 10’ 2. Teacher divides the class into four groups. Each group gets one envelope which

includes parts of letter. They suppose to re-order or re-arrange the letter into a correct one.


3. Teacher and students identify the letter together 10’ 4. Students review the lesson through doing exercises page 11. 20’ 5. Students and teacher check the answers 10’

Closing 1. Teacher reminds students to study because there will a unit test next meeting. 5’ 2. Students submit their workbook 5’

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Prepare for unit test Do/Make (Worksheet)

Acknowledged by, Prepared by,

Sutirto, S.Si, M.T. Isti Subandini

Page 9: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com


Date Saturday, 16-August-2014 Tuesday, 19-August-2014 Tuesday, 19-August-2014

Class/Semester 10 A/B 10 C/D 10 E

Teacher’s Name Ms. Isti Subandini Topic Unit Test 1 My network

Subject English Main Course Time Allocation 1x 40 minutes (10 ABCD) 2x40 minutes (10 E)

Objectives : Coverage

Students are able to anwer three parts of test (Vocabulary, Grammar and Reading) with the minimum score required 78.

All materials in unit 1

Sources/ References (included any copied material used)

Material used /media

Aim High Students’ Book 1 (Unit 1: My Network) Computer, paper test Method Individual assignment (Test)

Procedures Teaching processes Duration Introduction 1. Teacher asks students to close their books, then distribute the paper test 5’

Main Activity

Main Activity 1. Students do their test individually 30’ 2. Students submit their paper test 5’

Only for 10 E 3. Students and teacher check the answer together 10’ 4. If computer laboratory is available, teacher invites students to go there, then start

writing on their blog. 25’

Closing 1. Teacher asks students’ opinion related to their first unit test 5

Homework (Include any copied materials used / write pages of the book chosen)

Acknowledged by, Prepared by,

Sutirto, S.Si, M.T. Isti Subandini

Page 10: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com

April 17, 2014

Tennessee Department of Transportation

Attn: Colin Bennigan, Director

100 Municipal Drive

Nashville, TN 49234

Dear Mr. Bennigan,

I am a resident of the neighborhood of Birdsong Hills on the outskirts of Wilmington, near the newly

completed extension of Highway 14. I am writing with some concerns my fellow residents and I have

regarding the high number of trucks that travel this route.

We have seen a tremendous increase in truck traffic since the newly completed highway opened, and

with it there has been an increase in the deterioration of the existing surfaces, presumably due to the

weight of the heavy trucks. In addition, the noise of the trucks that travel through the area late at

night has become quite a nuisance to area residents. Another concern is the increased potential for

exposure to dangerous goods in the event of an accident involving a truck that might be transporting


In my opinion, a logical solution to all of these problems would be the establishment of a truck route

that would send these vehicles through the more industrial and less populated Highway 79 area. If

needed, I can provide testimonials or petitions from fellow residents. Please also let me know if there

is any other way in which I can be of assistance. I will call your office in the next two weeks to

follow up and see what consideration has been given to this request.


Stephen Carol

495 Jaybird Lane

Wilmington, TN 59283

Page 11: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com

15 August 2014

Mr. John Doe

Customer Service Representative

Widgets Galore, Inc.

987 Widget Street

Miami, Florida 33111

Dear Mr. Doe,

I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on August

1, I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client webpage. I

received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of payment and the shipment of

the widgets. According to your website, shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business

days of being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any information on what may

have happened to delay the shipment or where the shipment is currently?

I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the greatest confidence in your

products and customer service. We need the shipment of widgets soon, however, and I hoped you

might be able to provide me with an idea of when I can expect them. Thank you in advance for any

help you might be able to offer.


Sam Brown

Vice President of Company, Inc.


[email protected]

Page 12: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com

New York, August, 1 2014

Dear Tamara,

How are you my dear sister? I hope you are fine. Don't worry about me. I am very fine. How are

those wonderful brothers of mine? Pass them my greetings.

My journey back here was fine, though it was quite a long one. I wanted to travel by CR bus but

guess what? All the wretched buses were full so I had no choice. Finally, I traveled by a

small Rosa bus. The journey took seven hours. By the time we reached, my legs were tired and my

bottom was severely sore, ugh! Next time, I promise, I'm not gonna use one of those tiny buses!

By the way, I am glad you have a new literature teacher. Work very hard Tamara, I know you can do

it. Follow that plan I gave you and put your heart to it, then you will be successful.

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best in your studies and all your endeavours. Don't forget

God. I love you and miss you. Can't wait to see you again.

With Love

Your brother,


Page 13: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com

Page 14: LESSON PLAN Class/Semester Topic Time Allocation · PDF fileTeacher’s Name Ms. Isti ... Talking about family and friends Computer, LCD, ... Teacher assigns students to practice on

Isti Subandini Istisubandini.wordpress.com