lesson plan

Lesson plan Subject : Community Health Nursing-I Chicken Pox and Mumps Unit :

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Page 1: Lesson Plan

Lesson plan

Subject : Community Health Nursing-I

Chicken Pox and Mumps

Unit :

Topic : Chicken Pox and Mumps

Level of student : Post Basic Bsc Nursing IInd year

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Date :

Time :

Place : Lecture hall

Method of teaching : Lecture and discussion

Instructional aids : OHP and charts

Previous Knowledge of Students : Students have basic knowledge about

communicable disease. Students have attended classes about

communicable disease.

General objectives:

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At the end of the class the students will gain the knowledge about

chicken pox and mumps its care.

Specific objectives:

At the end of the class students should be able to,

Name of the causative agents for chicken pox and mumps

List down the clinical features

Describe the nursing consideration

List down the interventions for the nursing diagnosis

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2 min

1 min

2 min

Introduce the topic

Name the causative organism of chicken pox

Describe the mode of transmission


Chicken pox and mumps are the communicable disease

common in childhood. The nurse has an important role in care of

child with these communicable disease to avoid the spreading of

disease and its complications. She should tell about the spreading

of disease and its complications. She should tell about the period

of communicability and follow up care to the parents and family

members especially the parents of school going children.


Varicella zoster virus (VZN)

Mode of transmission:

Direct contact

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Which is the causative organism of chicken pox ?

List down the mode of transmission?

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1 min

1 min

2 min

Explain the incubation period

Explain the period of communicability

Explain about the clinical manifestations

Droplet spread (air borne spread)

Contaminated objects

Incubation period:

2-3 weeks usually 13-17 days

Period of communicability:

Probably 1 day before exception of lesions to 6 days after

first crop of vesicles when crusts have formed

Clinical manifestations:

Prodromal stage:

Slight fever, malaise and anorexia for first 24 hours, rash

highly provide begins as macule, rapidly progresses to papule

and then vesicle and then crests

Other signs and symptoms:

Elevated temperature from lymphodenopathy , irritability

from pruitis.

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk


Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Lecture &

Explain the incubation period?

Explain the period of communicability?

Enumerate the clinical manifestations?

Explain the stage

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1 min

3 min

2 min

Explain the stages of lesions

Explain about therapeutic management

Explain about the prevention

Stages of lesion:

Papale , vesicle, crust

Therapeutic management:


Antiviral agent acyclovir, varicella immune globulin after

exposure in high risk children. Oral acydovir should be

administered for 5 days either the first 24 hours of rash onset at a

dose of 20mg/kg four times a day. Children between 13-18year

of age the dose in 800mg four times a day for 5 days. It decreases

the number of varicella lesions, speeds healing of lesions.


Diphenhydramine hydrochloride or antihistamines to

relieve itching, skin care to prevent secondary bacterial infection.


Varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)

Immunoglobulin (VZIG) given within 72 hours of exposure has

been recommended for prevention. A dose 1.25 to 5ml is given

board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk


Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

of lesions?

Explain the therapeutic management?

Explain the prevention?

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2 min

3 min

Explain about complications

Explain about the nursing consideration



Secondary bacterial infections like abcesses, cellulites,

pneumonia, sepsis and encephalitis, varicella pneumonia

haemorrhagic varicella.

Nursing considerations:

Maintain strict isolation in hospital

Isolate child in home until vesicles have dried

Administer skin care, give bath and change clothes and

linens daily, apply topical of calamine lotion keep

children’s finger nails short and clean.

Keep child coat it may decrease the number of lesion

Remove loose crusts that may be cause rub and irritate the


Teach child to apply pressure to provide area rather than

scratching it

If older child reason with child regarding danger of scan

formation from scratching.

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Explain the complications?

Explain the nursing considerations?

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1 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

2 min

Name the causative organism of mumps

Explain the mode of transmission

Explain the incubation period

Explain the period of communicability

Explain about clinical manifestations



Paramyxo virus

Mode of transmission:

Direct contact with or droplet spreads from a infected person

Incubation period:

14-21 days

Period of communicability:

Immediately before and after swelling begins

Clinical manifestations:

Prodromal stage:

Fever, head ache, malaise and anoeraxia for 24hours

followed by earache that is aggravated by chewing

Parotitis: By third day enlarges accompanied by pain and

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

Name the causative organism of mumps ?

Explain the mode of transmission?

Explain the incubation period?

Explain the period of communicability?

Explain about clinical manifestations?

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2 min

2 min

Explain about the therapeutic management


Submaxillary and sublingual infection: orchitis,


Therapeutic management:

Analgesic for pain

Antipyretics of fever

IV fluids if necessary incase of child who refuses to drink

or vomits.



Postinfectious encephalitis





Sterility ( extremely rare in adult males)

Black board & chalk

Lecture & discussion

List down the therapeutic management?

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3 min

5 min

Explain about the nursing consideration

Nursing care plan of child with chicken pox and mumps

Nursing considerations:

Isolation during period of communicability

Maintain bed rest during prodromal phase

Give analgesics for pain

Encourage fluids and soft bland foods, avoid foods

requiring chewing

Apply hot or cold compresses to neck

To relieve orchitis, provides warmth and local support.

Nursing care plan:

Nursing diagnosis:

1)Pain related to skin lesions, malaise


Use cool moist vaporzen, gargles and lozenges to keep

mucous membranes moist

Keep skin clean charge bed clothes and linens at least


Administer oral hygiene

Black board & chalk

Black board & chalk

Lecture & discussion

Lecture & discussion

List down the nursing considerations?

Explain the nursing care plan?

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Keep child because overheating increase itching

Give cool bath and apply calamine lotion

2)Altered family process related to child with an acute illness


Inform parents of treatment

Reinforce family’s effort to carry out plan of care

Provide assistance when necessary

3)Impaired social interaction related to isolation from peers


Explain reason for confinement and use of any special

precautions to increase child’s understanding of


Allow child to play with gloves, mask and gown to

facilitate positive coping

Encourage parents to remain with child during

hospitalization to decrease separation and provide


Encourage contact with friends via telephone

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Prepare child’s peers for altered physical appearance such

as with chicken pox 1 to encourage peer acceptance.

4)High risk for impaired skin integrity related to scratching from



Keep nails short and clean to minimize trauma and

secondary infection

Apply mitlens or elbow restransts to prevents scratching

Dress in light weights, loose and non-irritating clothing

Cover affected areas

Bath in cool water with no soap or apply cool compresses

Avoid exposure to heat or sun, which can increase rash in

chicken pox.

5)High risk for infection related to susceptible host and infectious



Be lightly suspicious of infectious disease

Identify high risk children

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1 min Conclude the topic

Participate in public education and service programmes

regarding prophylactic immunizations

Make referral to public health nurse.


These are can conclude that the care of child with communicable

disease include the isolation during communicable period and the

care of child with visible skin lesion while returning to school.

Chalk board


Topic : Chicken pox and mumps

Chicken pox and mumps Agents or causative organism Mode of transmission Incubation period Clinical manifestation Therapeutic management Complications Nursing consideration Nursing care plan

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1.Donna L Wong, Whaley and Wong’s ,”NURISNG CARE OF INFANTS AND


edition ,.1995,Moshy st.Louis Missore ,

page no: 668-681.

2.Park K, ,”PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE”, 18th edition, mis

Banarsidas bhanot


page no: 122-124,

Pg : 129-130.