lesson 6. “does the spirit heal today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

Lesson 6

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Page 1: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

Lesson 6

Page 2: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

“Does the Spirit Heal Today?”

www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

Page 3: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

“SICK” ThoughtsThe power to heal sickness is an

area in which we can trust Christ.

Three main aspects of his ministry were:Teaching shows Jesus' concern for understanding; Preaching shows his concern for commitment; Healing shows his concern for wholeness.

Page 4: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

Does the Spirit heal today ?


Why are some healed while manyin fact, most

are not?

Page 5: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com


LAW NUMBER ONE - There are two classifications of sin - original sin and personal sin.Original sin - the inherited sin nature, traceable to the fall of man in The garden of Eden.Personal sin - individual acts of disobedience we commit by choice.LAW NUMBER TWO - original sin introduced sin, suffering and death to the human race.

Page 6: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com


LAW NUMBER THREE- Sometimes there is a direct relationship between personal sins and sickness.LAW NUMBER FOUR - Sometimes there is no relationship between personal sins and sickness.LAW NUMBER FIVE - It is not God's will that everyone be healed.

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James 5:14-18

Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; 15  and the prayer offered in faith will *restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. 16  Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. 

Page 8: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

What Do I Do in My Pain?

Take the initiative. v. 14a

The leaders of the church... Pray for you v. 14b

Anoint you with oil. v. 14c

Leave the results to God v. 15

Page 9: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

Life Lessons from the Clinic of Suffering

Confession is healthy, do it.

Praying for one another is essential, practice it.

Medical assistance is imperative, obey it.

When healing comes, claim it.

Page 10: Lesson 6. “Does the Spirit Heal Today?” www. faithbuilders.wikispaces.com

While You Are Suffering

Know God does some of His best work in the hearts of suffering people. Psalm 119:67,71,75

Recovery is most often a lengthy and difficult experience. I Peter 1:13-16

There is an appointed time to die. Ecclesiastes 3:2

Cease striving. Psalm 46:10