lesson 4. easy web design for musicians

CVA Web cursus Day 4 Customize your site and think about a social media strategy

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Post on 14-May-2015




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4th lesson of the easy trainning for musicians: how to design a website at the Amsterdam Conservatorium. www.creativesocialedia.eu


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CVA Web cursus

Day 4

Customize your site and think about a social media strategy

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Adding videos To quickly embed a YouTube video, simply copy the video’s URL from your web browser’s address bar

Paste it on a line by itself in your post/page editor (make sure that it is not hyperlinked): while viewing the video:

Copyright www.creativesocialmedia.eu

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To customize the video’s size and settings, use a shortcode. You can do this by copying the video URL:

Then create a shortcode using the format below. Be sure to replace the URL listed here with the URL of your video, and the code is on a line by itself. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaNH56Vpg-A] Video Customization Options You can specify the width and height of the embedded video by adding &w=... or &w=...&h=...to the shortcode. It will automatically adapt to your theme’s content length and give you preferred dimensions. You can disable related videos by appending &rel=0. For example, this shortcode: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaNH56Vpg-A&w=640&h=385]

Copyright www.creativesocialmedia.eu

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1. Add the url

2. Preview and save it

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Customize your video with the [youtube] code

Preview it

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And this is how it looks! You can center it, or aligne it to the left, right and add some text or other objects

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• consistently publish useful, original posts • promote your blog in intelligent ways to people

who are looking for information about your topic. • The more traffic your blog receives the higher it

will climb in Google’s results. • WordPress.com has great SEO right out of the

box — you don’t have to do anything extra. In fact, WordPress takes care of 80-90 percent of the mechanics of SEO for you.

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Small Social Media Plan


Tools Content

Marketing Strategies




Target Audience

Track and Measure

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And now you...

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(Aniek Schuitemaker)

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And now me...

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