lesson 2 intuitive senses - spirit pathways · we are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and...

LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than others. Whether you stay open to your abilities is dependent on your culture, religion and family upbringing. Babies and small children tend to be very aware and conscious of energy. They see, sense and feel many things that most adults are unaware of. More often than not as a child grows up these feelings and senses become clouded by the beliefs, mental patterns and understandings absorbed from parents and caregivers. This ultimately leads the child away from their natural intuitive self and into a more physical and ego driven reality.

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Page 1: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the


Intuitive Senses

 We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and

intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than

others. Whether you stay open to your abilities is

dependent on your culture, religion and family

upbringing. Babies and small children tend to be

very aware and conscious of energy. They see,

sense and feel many things that most adults are

unaware of.

More often than not as a child grows up these

feelings and senses become clouded by the beliefs,

mental patterns and understandings absorbed from

parents and caregivers. This ultimately leads the

child away from their natural intuitive self and into a

more physical and ego driven reality.

Page 2: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

Just because you are no longer in touch with your abilities does not mean they no longer exist. It

is possible to reawaken your hidden senses and with practice you can expand your vision, senses

and awareness to see, sense and feel on an intuitive and psychic level.

Intuitive abilities or senses fall into the following categories

• Clairvoyance – clear seeing

• Clairaudience – clear hearing

• Clairsentience – clear sensing

• Clairolfaction – clear smelling

• Clairgustance – clear tasting

These senses are beyond the normal five physical senses. We can have one or all of them

functioning at the same time as they are of a higher, subtler nature, which is beyond our rational

minds. It is these senses, which enable you to perceive information on a subtler level.

Page 3: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the


This is the ability to see pictures or images, which come into your minds inner or third eye. These

pictures come as bits and pieces, visions or flashes of information. Some people see these images

with their eyes closed or even with eyes open. You may be looking at a person in front of you but

get other images around them. Some can be vague or ghost life, others clear and vibrant. These

are bits of information about the person you are seeing, or it can be while on your own, in

meditation or in a dream state. The images can come often with a thought or a message. The

message can be so clear that you cannot mistake it or in some instances you may need time to

decipher them.

The information coming through can be in the way of objects, symbols and or colours. You may

see people, scenes like small movies, lights, words, auras, past life images, loved ones crossed

over, visions of the past, present or future, people or places in other spiritual dimensions. Some

people see guides or angels.

Everyone experiences these abilities differently. A key to working with this gift is to discover your

way and to allow your way to naturally unfold, allow the images, visions and messages to come

like gifts from the Divine.

Page 4: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

Here of some examples of the way this may occur –

Auras / Energy Fields

Individuals with a strong clairvoyant ability can see the

different colours of the energy field. The aura is comprised

of layers of electro-magnetic energy that flows through and

around every living thing. By viewing the aura of another

you are able to interpret the emotions, blockages,

illnesses, etc. found within a person. For some the aura is

so clear it cannot be denied, for others it is soft and flows

with a rainbow like transparency.


Symbols shown within a person’s energy field often

correspond to a feeling or an event. It is important to

develop your own personal symbolic language, which will

help your awareness grow with regards to the symbols

shown to you in everyday life and not just in meditation.

These symbols can range from a particular colour or

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animal. There are many books, websites and articles dedicated to giving meaning to particular

animals, colours and symbols. It is a good idea to explore those and gather as much information

and knowledge as you can about them.


Colours are often perceived around certain emotions. For example, seeing red may mean anger

to you so when seeing red in someone’s energy field you may pick up on their anger. Red can also

indicate vitality and increased energy so it’s best to feel the colour too so that you can discern its

meaning and reference.

Colours do not necessarily mean the same for each person and it is important to develop your

own understanding and interpretation of the colours. Again, there are many books and websites

dedicated to colour meanings, research them but allow yourself to feel the interpretations rather

than just going along with what someone else thinks.


For some a vision or a picture can appear. Often as a brief flash, which can be a little frustrating in

the beginning as one often feels like you’ve lost the image. For those whose clairvoyant abilities

are strong you may get a vision that lasts longer, or even a rapid series of images. Usually the

Page 6: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

more essential aspect of the visions will stand out, accompanied by a strong feeling or sensation.

It is important to remember that clairvoyant abilities pertain to anything one sees with the third


It becomes easier to recognize what is being communicated to you when you establish your own

symbolic language. It may be helpful to communicate with your spirit guides and explain to them

that you wish to establish a symbolic language as a way of communicating clearly. It is best to

start simply and record all the symbols and meanings you receive in a journal to be used as a

reference. Developing a relationship with your spirit guides will support you in understanding

their symbolic language and the meanings of sensations, feelings and visions you receive. You will

find over time that things occur spontaneously as you develop further.

To develop your clairvoyant ability, it is necessary to stimulate your brow chakra. The brow is

connected to your clairvoyant abilities. Meditation and energy clearing will support you in gently

opening this centre. Balancing and cleansing your energy field should be a regular exercise and

heighten your awareness and your spiritual gifts and abilities.

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Meditation to Develop Clairvoyance

Close your eyes and relax. Breathe deeply and gently. Focus your attention on balancing and

clearing your energy field. Take your awareness from the top of your head down to your feet. And

then move your awareness to your forehead.

Envision white light moving into your brow area. Focus on cleansing this area. Focus on the chakra

point in this area.

Try to avoid forcing this area to open and allow it to gently unfold when it is ready.

Relax and take you attention off your physical eyes. You may begin to notice swirling colours or

little dots of light. Let this flow and as you do you may start to notice shapes or images in these

swirls and patterns of light.

During this meditation pay attention to anything that you may see, the swirling colours, symbols

or it may be nothing the first few times you try. It may take time and patience, but continue to

work gently on opening this area.

Page 8: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

Don’t focus on your expectations. The key is to just allow things to come to you in their own time.

As you become more comfortable with this you can ask your guides to appear to help you

understand what it is that you are seeing.

When you are done bring yourself back into your body. Breathe deeply and gently move your

hands and feet, fingers and toes.

When you are ready record your progress in your journal as often the meanings become clearer as

time passes. Make a note of anything significant that you see, sense or feel.

More tools for developing clairvoyance

Practice closing your eyes and taking note of what images and pictures float through your mind’s

eye. Some of what you see will be clutter from your day and some will need your attention. Make

a note of them and ask yourself what they may be about. Are there unresolved or unfinished tasks

that need your attention?

More often than not one’s mind is filled with all the things one needs to do, accomplish or

complete. Write them down and take note of what steps you need to take to get them done. This

will support you in becoming aware of the difference between the clutter you pick up from your

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daily life and your own inner clairvoyant messages. Keeping a journal of what you see and what

you feel while doing this exercise will support you in recognizing the difference between your

mental clutter and clairvoyant images.

Another useful practice is to spend time looking at an image or object and then visualizing it

exactly in your mind’s eye. Visualize it down to the very last detail. The colours, contours, size,

shape and any other detail. This will help you create clearer clairvoyant images and visions.

A few years ago I managed to lose my cell phone. A friend at the time laughed when I told her

and jokingly suggested I use my ‘gifts’ to find it. I hadn’t thought about that and so sat down and

visualized my phone in all its detail.

I then ‘looked’ to see where it was. What I saw was the phone sitting in sand and I suddenly

remembered that the parking lot, where I had parked the day before, had sand on the ground. I

went to that particular parking lot and asked the security guard whether he had found a phone.

Thankfully he was an honest chap and said that he had handed the phone to the manager at the

restaurant next door. I got my cell phone back and it was a real confirmation of what we are

capable and how easy it can be.

Page 10: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

Developing clairvoyance can take time and

patience. Some see things far faster than others

it doesn’t mean that you don’t have this ability; it

just means that it is something that needs to be

developed with practice. Don’t fixate on

developing only one ability over another, they

are all equally important and it is sometimes

better to start with what comes naturally to you.

Blocks to Clairvoyance

There are some who are natural clairvoyants but

never see any evidence of their gift or ability.

When this occurs it usually indicates a block or

an energy leak in their third eye. This can be the

result of some trauma or seeing something

unexpected or unpleasant.

Many individuals have a block caused by some

frightening psychic experience, which affects

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their intuitive abilities. Fear and or trauma around seeing spiritually weakens trust in your own

perceptions and intuition, which affects your abilities. With help and support a block or a leak

can be healed and released.


Clairsentience is the ability to feel within your own physical body sensations of the energy

around you, other people’s emotions, feelings and even physical conditions such as aches, pains

and illnesses. You may be able to sense the presence of people in spirit form such as relatives,

guides and angels.

Those who are naturally clairsentient have a natural ability to feel and interpret what others are

feeling emotionally or physically. This is extremely helpful when aiding others with emotional,

physical or spiritual issues. Being an empath (clairsentient) can be very rewarding when you are

able to decipher what is yours and what is another’s. Those who are very sensitive may find that

they inadvertently take on the emotions and or physical symptoms of others.

Being in large crowds or around particularly negative people and places can weigh very heavily

on you when you are strongly empathetic. If you are very sensitive it is important to constantly

monitor yourself and discern whether what you are feeling is yours or comes from something or

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someone else. This is particularly important if you are feeling a specific emotion or physical

sensation, which comes on suddenly.

For example, being around a very anxious person may make you feel a lot of tension. Being

around a person who is very angry or depressed may cause you to feel inexplicably low on

energy, irritable, angry or sad.

It is especially important for empaths to clear and balance themselves and their energy, as well

as protecting themselves against having their energy drained. It is great to be able to help

others but if you become so involved that you are negatively affected your balance is lost and

the end result is suffering for you both.

With clairsentience it can be a challenge to find that balance, but with time and effort it is

definitely possible. The tools and exercises in this course will support you in maintaining your

balance and clearing yourself of all that is not your won, but for it to work it is essential that you

practice these skills regularly.

Page 13: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

Developing Clairsentience

Concentrate on paying attention to your feelings, both physical and emotional. During the day

take note of any times when you feel a shift or change in your mood and see if you can discover

why or what caused the change. Take note of how you feel in certain places. Spend time getting

to know and understand your own feelings. Learn to distinguish what is yours from what you may

be picking up from others. Spend time writing in a journal and working through your feelings

and emotions so that you are clear on what you are feeling.

Clairsentience Exercises

For this exercise you will need a partner. It is better to work with someone who is willing to allow

you to access their energy. Before beginning the exercise do your cleansing, grounding and

protection. Ask your partner to remember something from the past.

Ask them to close their eyes and really focus on that place or thing in great detail, seeing and

feeling all that they can about it. When they are ready close your eyes and allow yourself to

connect with the other persons energy, their feelings and sensations. When you are ready tell

them what you are sensing, feeling, seeing or experiencing.

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Another useful exercise is to use your sense of touch. Find a quiet place outside in the garden or

somewhere peaceful in nature. Sit comfortable, closing your eyes take a few deep breaths to

calm and centre yourself. When you feel relaxed start to touch the plants, trees, flowers and

stones around you. Let the sensations of what you are connecting with vibrate in your hands.

Feel their warmth.

Perhaps you start to receive messages or thought forms from these living beings. Notice all the

different sensations you experience. It’s a good idea to write these experiences down so you can

track your progress.


Clairaudient is the gift of hearing voices, music and sounds that are not audible to the normal

ear and may not be physical in nature. You may psychically hear sounds, words, sentences,

thoughts, tones, music and many other different sounds that come into your head. These sounds

may seem to come out of nowhere but are within your head or just beside your ear.

It can be difficult to distinguish the voices of spirit from your own inner voice, but as you

gradually begin to awaken and develop your intuitive abilities you will learn to make the

distinction. At first you may hear thoughts within yourself, which sound the same as when you

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talk to yourself. As you develop this gift you may begin hearing voices speaking out loud which

are not heard by others and not heard with ordinary hearing.

With this ability it is important to express to your guides that you are willing to learn how to hear

their messages. It’s often easiest to begin with simple yes and no questions. Ask the questions

and listen to your inner voice as well as the voice of your guides. At first it may be challenging to

distinguish your inner voice from your guides, but with practice it becomes easier and natural.

Developing Clairaudience

Find a space outside where you can sit quietly and relax. Make sure it’s a quite space where you

can clearly hear the sounds of nature. Close your eyes and gently take a few deep breaths to

relax and centre yourself. `Listen to the songs of the birds, the rustling of the leaves in the wind.

Take time to connect to these sounds intuitively.

The birds love to help with this exercise. When practicing this during my own development they

were always ready to help. When I was trying too hard and using my mind to focus the birds

would become silent and still. When allowing myself to connect with my natural abilities the

birds would begin to sing and chirp loudly.

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One can also practice developing this ability

by carefully listening to the sounds you hear

around you while lying in bed at night.

Listen to the sounds of cars passing, the

sounds of the night animals, people talking

or the sound of music. Normally you would

tune these noises out so that you may sleep,

but tuning and hearing the noises will

increase your perception and sensitivity.

When you listen consciously to the noises

you may hear many different sounds.

Notice each and every sound. Make a

mental note of what the sounds are. Some

may be subtle and barely noticeable and

others loud and intrusive. Practicing these

exercises will greatly enhance your

clairaudient abilities.

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Clairaudient Listening

To open your clairaudient ability it can help to image that you are turning on a radio and tuning

into the channel of your intuition. You can also visualize yourself sitting at a table with your

spirit guides. Once you are able to clearly visualize yourself seated around the table you can

begin asking questions. Take note of anything that you ‘hear’ or perceive in these meetings

with your guides. It may take some time to hear clearly the voices of your guides and you may

have to really focus. Don’t give up it takes practice.

Some block their clairaudience because the fear of hearing something frightening or negative.

If you are afraid make sure that before you begin practice your cleansing, grounding and

protection exercises. Be clear in your intentions and ask that what you hear is only that which is

for your highest good. Meditation is a vital and essential tool when it comes to quieting your

mind and listening to your guides. Create a space in your day or in your week where you are

able to meditate to enhance your clairaudient abilities


This is the ability to psychically taste the substance and or energy of something within the

energy of a particular food, not the actual food itself. Sometimes while working with a client I

Page 18: LESSON 2 Intuitive Senses - SPIRIT PATHWAYS · We are all born with the ‘seed’ of psychic and intuitive abilities. Some are more aware of this than ... CLAIRVOYANCE This is the

will begin to taste a particular food or drink and often it is either something the client has

recently eaten or drunk, or wants to.

Developing your sense of taste is a good way to practice your intuitive abilities. You can

enhance this ability by becoming aware of everything that you taste on a daily basis. Take note

of all the different flavours and open yourself to the specific taste.


This is the ability to smell energies. An example is the smell of a particular flower or perfume

that comes suddenly and from seemingly nowhere. You can develop this gift by gathering a

number of different smelling objects, experiencing the scent with your eyes closed and really

connecting with the smells. Take note of any feelings that are aroused while smelling the scents

as these can be used for reference in the future.

As the saying goes ‘practice makes perfect’. To develop your intuitive abilities you will need to

practice developing each ability until they become natural and instinctive.

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