lesson 2...deaf bible institute program new testament course following jesus lesson 2.3 silent word...

Home Bible Institute Program DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course For Deaf People

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Page 1: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

Home Bible Institute Program



Lesson 2.3Silent Word Ministries

PO Box 889Trenton, Georgia 30752

A Free Bible Correspondence CourseFor Deaf People

Page 2: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course


Page 3: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

KNOW YOU ARE SAVEDThe First Step - No person can follow Jesus until he is saved. A personwho is not saved belongs to the family of the Devil. But when he issaved, he is born into the family of God. (Read John 1:12.) To followJesus, you must first be saved. Salvation (saved) means you have trulybecome a child of God, and you have accepted Jesus Christ for yourSaviour. Many people think salvation is joining a church and beingbaptized. This is wrong. You need to join the church and be baptizedafter you are saved. Some people think they are going to Heavenbecause they stop being bad and start going to church. This is wrong. Ifyou want to go to Heaven, you must be saved.

What Does "Saved" Mean? The word saved means a person hasfinished asking God to forgive his sins. It means a person hasaccepted Jesus Christ. Some deaf use the word "finished" meaningthey are finished saved. This is right. The word saved means you arefinished accepting Jesus, and you are also finished with Hell. There aremany different churches and beliefs, but there is only one Heaven, oneGod and one Jesus. The way to Heaven is only in Jesus. Jesus said,"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto theFather, but by me" [John 14:6]. This means no person can go toHeaven without receiving Jesus. Only the saved people will go toHeaven. When a person dies, Jesus does not look to see if he belongsto a church. He does not look to see if he has been baptized. Jesuslooks to see if the person is truly saved. Do you know you are savedfrom Hell? Are you truly a Christian? Are you 100% percent sure?


1. Know That All Have Sinned - The Bible says, "All have sinned"[Romans 3: 23]. You have sin and cannot go to Heaven with sin. You area sinner. You are lost. The word all means all people: the rich and thepoor, the young and the old, the hearing and the deaf. Even the littlechild has sin. The little baby is born crying and soon starts lying. Whoteaches the children how to do wrong? No one teaches them to dowrong because they are born in sin and already know how to do wrong.You need to confess and be honest that you are a sinner. Only Adambecame a sinner, but all others are born sinners. You do not become asinner but you are born a sinner. All are born in sin - This includes you.

2. Know God Loves You - God loves you. He does not want to punishyou in Hell. He wants you to be saved and to go to Heaven. God willforgive your sins. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the place ofyour sins (John 3:16). God loves you and wants you to be saved. Godwants you in Heaven with Him. God loves you. God made a way foryou to be in Heaven with Him.


Page 4: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

3. Know Christ Died For Your Sins - God gave His Son Jesus Christto take your place (John 3:16). Jesus Christ, God's Son, died for yoursins. He will forgive your sins and save you. Jesus died for your sins.This means there is nothing you can do to remove your sins. OnlyJesus can forgive your sins and save you (John 14:6).

4. Know You Can Receive Christ – Now that you know you are asinner. You should also know that God loves you. He gave His Son,Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for your sin. Salvation is to believe andreceive Christ as your Saviour. If you believe you need now to receiveHim. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to becomethe sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12.)Receive Christ and your name will be written in the Book of Life inHeaven, you will be free from Hell and you will not be cast (thrown) intothe Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11). If you have never received JesusChrist do it now! Don't die without Christ! Know for sure you are saved!

5. Know You Have Everlasting Life - Know that you are savedaccording to the Scriptures. You received Christ and now you are a childof God. You have everlasting life. (John 3:16.) God cannot lie! Thismeans you will go to Heaven to be forever with God.

First: Know You Are Saved - If you are not saved, be saved now!

Pray: "My Heavenly Father I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesusdied for my sins and was raised to forgive my sins. I now turn from

my sins to Jesus. I now receive Jesus Christ for my Saviour.”

( ) Yes, I prayed and I know I am now saved!

Name_______________________ Date ___________________


The Second Step - As a Christian you need to follow in the steps ofJesus (I Peter 2:21). You will now study the life and steps of Jesus. Youneed to follow in His steps to be a good Christian. The next step aftersalvation is to be baptized. Why? What does baptism mean? Howshould I be baptized? The Bible has the right answers.

The Baptism of Jesus Christ - Jesus began His ministry about the ageof thirty. The first thing He did was to be baptized by John the Baptist inthe river Jordan. Before Jesus His ministry after He was baptized.Jesus went with John the Baptist into the river. John the Baptist loweredJesus down into the water and baptized Him. All the people saw thatJesus was baptized. When Jesus was baptized, there came a voicefrom Heaven. "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am wellpleased..." God was happy and pleased that Jesus was baptized.


Page 5: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

What Is Baptism? - Baptism is showing other people that you trulybelieve in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. You are showingother people that you are saved, and you now want to follow Jesus. Aperson is baptized under water, showing Jesus’ death and burial.Then, he is raised from the water, showing the resurrection of Jesus.Baptism is with water. (John 1:26.) Baptism is by immersion, whichmeans to be put under the water (Mark 1:9,10).

You should obey the Lord and be baptized under water as Jesus. Jesuswas our example, and He wants us to follow Him. We should bebaptized too. All saved people need to be baptized as a testimony toothers that we are Christians. A person is baptized because he wants toobey the command of Jesus. (Matthew. 28:19,20.) If a person is notbaptized it will hurt his testimony. People will think he is ashamed tofollow Jesus. If he is not baptized, he is not obeying God. Have YouFollowed Jesus In Step Two? You will never be an obedient Christianunless you are willing to do what God wants you to do. Many people arewatching your life, and you need to show them that you truly want tofollow Jesus. When Jesus was baptized God said, "I am well pleased."When you are baptized, God will be also pleased with you.

When To Be Baptized – After you have accepted Jesus Christ as yourSaviour you need to be baptized. You should find a good Bible-believingchurch that is interested in helping the deaf. Tell the pastor that you aresaved and now want to be baptized. The church will baptize you underwater and you will become a church member. Baptism does not saveyou but it is an outward testimony to others that you are a Christian.

Be a Faithful Church Member - Attend all services and specialmeetings. You need the fellowship and Word of God to help you becomea mature Christian. You go to school to learn to read and write, but youneed to go to church to learn spiritual things about the Bible and God.The church will teach you about God. You need to go to churchfaithfully. In church, you will meet many good Christian friends who willhelp you. The church will help you to grow into maturity as a Christian.If you are saved and have not been baptized, talk to your pastor orteacher about being baptized.

You need to take the second step of baptism.


Page 6: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

Victory Over Temptation

The Third Step - After Jesus was baptized, He went into a place calledthe wilderness. In the wilderness, the Devil tempted Jesus three timesand tried to make Him sin. The Lord was tempted by the same threeways the Devil tempts Christians today. Jesus refused to sin. He wonthe victory and did not sin (Read Matthew 4:1-11). Christians can alsohave victory over temptation. Christians need to do the same as Jesus.Jesus proved He could beat the Devil. He refused to sin. He becameour example and wants us to follow Him. After a person is saved, will hebe tempted to sin? Yes. The Devil tempted Jesus, and the Devil willtempt Christians. The Devil wants to stop every Christian from servingGod. He wants to get victory over every Christian. Jesus went into thewilderness. He was tempted, but he refused to sin. After a person issaved, there will be many times of temptation and troubles in his life.The Devil will try to defeat the Christian. After a person decides to followJesus, the Devil will try to make him stop living for God. Jesus won thevictory, and He wants us to follow Him and become good, strongChristians for God. God wants every Christian to live for Him. He wantsthe Christian to have a clean life. God is happy when the Christians areserving Him and living right. There will be times that you must decideand choose not to sin.

God's Children Should Not Sin - A father is very happy, when hislittle child begins to take his first steps. Jesus is very happy when Hischildren begin to walk and follow Him. It makes Jesus sad to see Hischildren doing wrong. God your Heavenly Father wants you to do rightand follow Him. Stop sin and be a good Christian.

Temptation - Many people, after they are saved, will be tempted to sin.They go into the wilderness (the world) and they give up to the Devil and

fall into sin. In the world there is temptation to sinand to stop following Jesus. All Christians willhave temptation. Temptation is not sin, but saying"yes" to temptation, is sin. Jesus was tempted,but He did not sin. Many Christians say "yes" tothe Devil and love the worldly things more thanthey love God. After a person is saved, he needsto decide who he will follow: Jesus or the Devil. Ifa Christian follows the Devil and worldly things,he will never have true peace in his heart. He will

never be truly happy. In I John 2:15, the Bible says, "Love not theworld, neither the things that are in the world..." The Devil wants todestroy your life and lead you into sin. Every Christian will be tempted,but you must decide and say "no" and refuse to sin. Sometimes, friendswill tempt you to do wrong. You must stop and think about Jesus. Hesees you and wants you to follow Him.


Page 7: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

How to Have Victory Over Temptation and Sin. When you do wrong,it will hurt Jesus. When you are tempted do wrong, pray and ask Jesusto help you. Be strong and say "no" to sin. Follow the example ofJesus. Say "no" when you are tempted. Say "no," when you feel youwant to sin. Say "no," to bad habits and refuse them. Say "no," to yourbad friends when they tempt you to do wrong. If you become weak, askJesus to help you, and the Holy Spirit will make you strong and you canrefuse sin. When you are tempted, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to makeyou strong. Learn to say “yes” to God and the Bible. Say “yes” toattending church. Say “yes” to prayer. Learn to say “yes” and “no”when needed. Put off the old man and put on the new man in Christ.You need to practice doing right. You must decide who you will follow,Jesus or the Devil. Jesus wants you to follow Him and live a clean, goodChristian life. The Devil wants to destroy you. Who will you follow? Makethe third step. Follow Jesus and daily refuse sin.


The Fourth Step - We have followed Jesus to the River Jordan whereHe was baptized. We have followed Him into the wilderness oftemptation. After the wilderness, Jesus began to minister to the needs ofthe people. Jesus was very kind. He made the blind to see and thecrippled to walk. He made the sick well. Many people followed Jesusand loved Him very much, but some of the people were angry becauseHe spoke the truth. In Luke 4:29, we read that the people were mad atJesus and wanted to kill Him. They tried to cast (throw) Him down a hilland kill Him. Jesus was a kind man, doing good for all the people, butthere were some who hated Him and were His enemies. Jesus did notstop living for God because of His enemies. Sometimes, family andfriends may not like you going to church. You must decide to keep livingfor God even if your friends and family are against you.

Keep Living For God - All people will not love Christians and God. "Allthat live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (II Timothy3:12]. Sometimes when you try to live for God, other people will try tostop you from serving the Lord. Some people will tease you becauseyou are a good Christian. The next step is to understand that the Devilwill use many tempting things to stop you from being a good Christian;but do not give up. Many times you will be tempted to stay home fromchurch. Keep living for God no matter what happens... Don't stop! It iseasy to give up. But you must be strong and keep living right for God.Follow Jesus and live for Him even though your friends leave you.Sometimes people can hurt you with words or bitterness. Even somefamily members may not like you becoming a Christian. Keep livingright for God. You will be glad you did, when you get to Heaven andJesus says to you, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"[Matthew 25: 21]. The fourth step is to never stop living for God.


Page 8: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

BE A SOUL WINNERThe Fifth Step - Jesus loved all the people, and in Luke 5:27-29 theBible tells us that Jesus went to the house of a publican (tax collector)named Levi. In the house were many sinners. Jesus sat down and atewith them. He did not sin with them, but He told them about their sins.Many people in the house were saved because Jesus went to them.Jesus would go to the lost people and talk to them about salvation. Hecame into this world to save sinners. Jesus wants us to follow Him andgo to the people who are not Christians and witness to them. In theworld there are many people who are not saved. Not many Christianscare enough to visit them. Many Christians do not try to help others tobe saved. This is wrong. Jesus wants the Christians to follow Him andtell others about salvation.

Soul Winning - Jesus loves the unsaved and wants them to be saved.We must follow the example of Jesus and win the lost. If Christians donot witness to the unsaved, they will die without Jesus and go to Hell.Did you know that many, many deaf die every day in this world. Deafpeople also have feelings, they hurt, love and a have a soul. Who caresfor the souls of the deaf? Hell is an awful place, and Jesus does notwant any person to go to the terrible place of Hell. Do you care? Yourfriends and loved ones need to be saved. Jesus said "...as my Fatherhath sent me, even so send I you " [John 20:21]. Jesus wants to sendus to help our friends, family the people we work with,-our neighborsand people who visit us. Jesus is now in Heaven and He wants us to gofor Him to the sinners. Will you start telling people about Jesus?Start now to talk to your family and your friends. Tell them about Jesusdying for their sins. Invite them to go to church with you. You need totalk to the people at the grocery store, the service station, the postoffice, and those you meet every day. You need to surrender now to theLord and pray that He will help you to be strong and witness for Him.Will you follow Jesus and go to the sinner's house? The fifth step infollowing Jesus is to be a soul winner.


The Sixth Step - Jesus knew that He would be on earth for just a shortwhile. Jesus wanted all people to be saved. He had a heart of love andmercy for the unsaved. The Bible tells us that Jesus looked at the city ofJerusalem, and as He looked, He thought about the unsaved people.Jesus looked at the city and wept. (Read Luke 19:41.) Jesus did notweep because He was bitter or hurt. His tears came from His heartbecause He cared for other people. He wept because of His love for thepeople who were lost and needed His help. Jesus loves you! “Castingall your care upon him; for he careth for you” ( I Peter 5:7).


Page 9: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

Have Compassion and Love - Jesus looked at the people and weptbecause He loved them and knew that many of them were sad and sickwith sin. Jesus had a tender heart of love and mercy, and He wanted tohelp them. We need to follow the example of Jesus and have love andmercy for the people who need our help. Jesus wept over the city ofJerusalem. In Jerusalem Jesus had many friends whom He loved verymuch. Jerusalem was the city Jesus loved very much. He wept as Helooked at the city because He knew that many of the people in the citywere lost and going to Hell. Hell is an awful place, and Jesus weptbecause many of the people were going to this awful place. Jesus doesnot want any person to go to Hell. Jesus wept because He knew thatmany of the people in the city were dying. He knew that when a persondies it is too late to help him. Jesus wept because many of the peoplehad troubles. Many homes were unhappy. Jesus had a tender heart oflove and wanted to help all the people. We need to follow Jesus andhave a tender heart. Today, Christians are weeping about their owntroubles, but we need to have a broken heart for the needs of others. Agood Christian is a person who lives to help others. He is kind to others.You need to start today and follow Jesus. Have love and mercy forothers. Jesus cared for others. The sixth step is to have compassion.

LIVE A GOOD CHRISTIAN LIFEThe Seventh Step - Jesus lived a clean and pure life. He lived a goodlife, and the people could not find fault in His life. The enemies of Jesustried to find fault in Him, but they could not. Jesus lived a good life forGod. Christians must follow His example. God was pleased with Jesusand gave Him power and blessed His life. God wants to use everyChristian and bless them. He will not use a person who loves sin.

Live a Godly Christian Life - Sometimes the car gets dirty and needsto be washed. If you never clean the house, it becomes very dirty. Whenyou are finished eating, you wash the dirty dishes.

Be Clean - Would you like to eat your food from dirty dishes that havenot been washed? Would you like to drink milk from a dirty glass? ManyChristians keep their cars, homes, dishes and their bodies clean, buttheir hearts and minds are dirty. God wants the Christians to have aclean life so that He can use them to work for Him. But God will not usepeople who have sin in their lives.

What Makes Your Life Ungodly? Many people think it is all right tocopy the world and do sinful things. Some drink beer, smoke, use badwords, have dirty minds and copy other worldly things. This is wrong. Ifyou want God to use you than you must change your life, and stop yourbad habits. You need to be a good example for others to follow!


Page 10: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

Things that hurt your testimony or make youfeel bad in your heart are wrong, and you needto put them away. Many read sex books and filltheir minds with dirty thoughts. If you want Godto use you and you truly want to follow Jesus,you must stop your worldly habits, stop yoursin and ask God to forgive you and start livingclean. (II Corinthians 7:1). You need to

change your life and start following Jesus. Sin makes you feel bad inyour heart and sin will destroy you. When you, as a Christian, have sinin your life it hurts Jesus and it also hurts your testimony with otherpeople. The next step in following Jesus is to break from worldly sin andhabits. Decide to follow Jesus and do right. Ask God to forgive you, andHe will cleanse and forgive your sins and you can start living for Him.Live a good Christian life - This is the seventh step.


The Eighth Step - Prayer was a very important part of Jesus' life. Manytimes He stopped all that He was doing to pray. Jesus, the Son of God,needed to pray. He prayed on the mountain and in the valleys. Heprayed in public and in private. He taught His disciples to pray. Jesusprayed often. Jesus prayed in the early morning, sometimes at night.Jesus told his disciples, "... pray, lest ye enter into temptation." [Luke22:46]. Jesus prayed many times. He is our example, and we need tofollow in His steps and pray as He prayed. The Bible says "Ask and itshall be given you..." (Matthew 7:7). Many deaf are saved, but they donot pray. This is wrong. The disciples asked the Lord to teach them topray (Luke 11:1). A good Christian needs to pray continually. Prayer isthe way to get things from God. The Bible says, "...ye have not,because ye ask not" [James 4:2].

What Is Prayer?

Prayer is talking to God, and God hearing you.

All Christians Can Pray - Some Deaf think they cannot pray to Godbecause they are deaf. God understands the deaf and Sign Language.God understands people in Mexico, who pray in the Spanish language.He understands all the people in all countries. Deaf can pray to Godwith their hands, in their hearts, or in their thoughts. Some deaf thinkthey need a prayer book to learn to pray. This is not right. Prayer is notpretty words. Many deaf think it is beautiful to practice a prayer and signit. Pretty words are not important to God. He looks at your heart. Godwants you to pray to Him. Make a prayer list. Pray daily for the things onyour list. Mark a line through your prayers that have been answered.The greatest enemy of prayer is silence. Don’t be silent with God.


Page 11: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

Read your Bible Every Day - Daily talk to God, and let God talk to you.Read the book of John. Try to daily read and study the Word of God.Take your Bible to church with you and follow the teacher and preacher.Write in your Bible. Keep notes about the lessons and messages.Prayer is asking God for things. Prayer is talking to God about yourneeds. Reading your Bible is God talking to you. The Bible is the onlybook that teaches about God. Follow Jesus by praying and reading yourBible. The eight step is to pray and read your Bible.


The Ninth Step - Jesus told His disciples to take the Lord's Supper andto do it in remembrance of Him. Why? He wanted them to rememberHim. He is telling them, "Don't forget me." (Read I Corinthians 11:24-27). Jesus wants you to remember what He did for you at the cross. Youshould never forget that Jesus died for your sins. It is wonderful thatJesus lived a perfect life, and it is wonderful that He died for you.Because of His death, you have life in God. If Jesus had not died, thenyou would not be saved. Don't forget what the Lord did for you. JesusChrist died for you, you need to live for Him.

Never Forget the Cross - Jesus died on the cross about 2,000 yearsago. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to this earth andlived a perfect life. He was kind and good. Jesus helpedmany people. He healed the lame, the blind and the deaf.He even raised people from the dead and made them alive.Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins and sufferedmuch. He suffered in our place for our sins. He did notcomplain. The cross proves how much Jesus loved you.Jesus did not have to die, but He gave His life for you.

He died for you. Jesus suffered for you. You need to live for Him.After Jesus had fellowship with His disciples, He went into the Garden ofGethsemane to pray. As Jesus and His disciples left the garden, Judasand some soldiers came to capture Jesus. The soldiers, the Jews andother people did many terrible things to Jesus. Jesus suffered manythings for us. Christians should never forget that Jesus died for our sins.You should never forget to be thankful for Jesus Who died for you. Thecruel soldiers took Jesus from the garden and led him to the court of theJews. In the court place the soldiers covered the eyes of Jesus andasked Him to tell the names of the persons slapping and spitting onHim. Jesus was taken to another place where King Herod made fun ofHim and mocked Him. Then Jesus was taken to Pilate. Pilate did notknow what to do with Jesus. Pilate could find no fault in Him, but he wasafraid to free Him. Pilate asked the people to free Jesus or a bad mannamed Barabbas. The people said, free Barabbas and kill Jesus. Thepeople hated Jesus and said, "... Crucify him, crucify him."



Page 12: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course

The soldiers again took Jesus. They took off the clothes of Jesus andput a purple robe on Him and mocked Him as a king. The soldiers werevery cruel and mean. They pulled the beard from Jesus' face. They puta crown of thorns upon His head, and then beat upon the crown with astick. They spat upon Jesus again and made fun of Him. The soldiersthen scourged (beat with a whip) Jesus. They beat Him, and His bodywas cut and torn. When they had finished beating Him they made Himcarry His cross to Calvary. On the hill of Calvary, the soldiers laid Jesusupon the cross and drove nails into His hands and feet. They lifted thecross into the air and let it fall into a hole. As the cross fell into the hole,Jesus' hands and feet were torn. Jesus did not become angry. He lovedthe people. He prayed, "... Father, forgive them..." The people came tothe cross and mocked Jesus. Then, He looked to Heaven and said, "Itis finished” Jesus died on the cross. (Read John 19.) Why did Jesussuffer these things? He suffered in your place. He died so your sinscould be forgiven. The ninth step is following Jesus to the cross andnever forgetting what He did for you. The ninth step is to alwaysremember what Jesus did for you.



The Tenth Step - The cruel people crucified Jesus on the cross. Theydid many awful things to Him. When the people crucified Jesus andmade fun of Him, He did not get angry. Jesus prayed for the people. Heprayed, "...Father, forgive them..." [Luke 23:34]. Jesus did notbecome bitter. He forgave the people and prayed for them. Learn toforgive. Jesus says if we want to be forgiven, then we must forgiveothers. A good Christian will be like Jesus. A good Christian will forgiveothers and not stay angry and bitter. A Christian needs to be like Jesusand follow Him. The people lied about Jesus. They hated Him, but Heloved them. Sometimes your family or your friends will hurt yourfeelings. Sometimes others will lie about you. What will you do? Will youbecome bitter and hate them? No, this is wrong. It is sin. You need tolearn to forgive others as Jesus fogave you. Jesus told Peter to forgiveseventy times seven (490 times) someone who sins against him(Matthew 18:21,22). Jesus said if we do not forgive, then our HeavenlyFather will not forgive us. Many deaf get mad with others and becomevery bitter and unforgiving. This is wrong.

Are you Bitter? You also need to put away all bitterness, be kind andforgive others as Jesus forgave you. Do not be bitter or hate people. Donot become bitter but become better. Don’t seek to get even or staymad. The Lord forgives you and you should forgive others. When youare bitter against someone you hurt yourself and others. Learn toquickly forgive. You will be glad you did and so will others. The tenthstep is to forgive others.


Page 13: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course


The Eleventh Step - After Jesus died on the cross, Joseph andNicodemus (two men who loved Jesus very much) took Jesus' bodyfrom the cross to bury Him. Joseph gave Jesus the tomb (grave) and allthe Christians were very sad because Jesus was dead. The disciplesloved Jesus very much, and now He was dead. They thought all hopewas ended, and they gave up following Jesus. Some of the disciplesstarted to return home. They were sad and disappointed because Jesuswas dead. On the third day, after Jesus died, there was a greatearthquake and the angel of the Lord came from Heaven and rolledaway the stone at the tomb. The angel told Mary Magdalene andothers, "...Fear not... He is not here: for he is risen." Jesus was aliveagain. The disciples were not sad any more because Jesus was alive.He arose from the grave. "I (Jesus) am He that liveth, and was dead;and behold, I am alive forevermore" [Revelation 1:18].

What Does the Resurrection Mean? - Resurrection means that Jesusrose alive from the grave. Do you have loved ones who were Christiansand now they are dead? Because Jesus arose from the grave, one dayall Christians will arise from the graves, "The dead in Christ shall rise"[I Thessalonians 4:16]. One day all saved people who have died willfollow in the steps of Jesus. Because Jesus arose from the grave, theywill arise from the grave also. When a dog dies, it is dead. The dog willnot live again, because animals do not have eternal souls. But when aperson dies, his body is put into a grave, but the true person still lives inHeaven or Hell. One day the dead body will be resurrected. When? Allsaved people will be resurrected when Jesus comes again (I Thess.4:14-18). All saved people will see their saved loved ones and theirsaved friends who have died. David said, after his son had died, "... Ishall go to him. but he shall not return to me" [II Samuel 12:23].This is a promise that God has made provision for the children to besafe. Babies are now in Heaven. When Christians die, they go to bewith the Lord. "...absent from the body ... present with the Lord" [IICorinthians 5:8]. Once a person is saved he is no longer alone. TheLord is with him in life and in death and forever more... Jesus is alivetoday. Jesus is our hope for the future. One day every Christian whodied will follow in the steps of Jesus and be resurrected. This is thehope of the Christians - that one day we will be together forever. If youare saved, do not be troubled about the future and death. Remember,trust in the promises of Jesus. Trust Jesus for the future. No matter whathappens learn to trust God. Bad things can also happen to godlypeople. God can make even the bad things become good for the Childof God (Romans 8:28). Stop trying and start trusting God to help you.Trust and depend upon the Lord. He will help you. The eleventh step isto trust God.


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The Twelfth Step - The last step that Jesus made was His step fromthis earth to Heaven. Jesus went up into Heaven, and He is now withGod (Acts 1:9-11). Jesus began His ministry at the River Jordan whenHe was thirty years old. You have traveled with Him through thewilderness, in prayer, in soul winning, on the cross, at the resurrection.Now you see His last step from earth to Heaven. One day, all Christianswill follow Jesus and step from this earth to Heaven. Heaven will beyour last step as a Christian. One day you will step into Heaven!

One day all the Christians will be inHeaven. Heaven is a wonderfulplace, and it will be wonderful to bein Heaven. In Heaven, there will beno deafness. All the deaf will be ableto hear and speak. There will be noneed for the Sign Language or lipreading. It will be wonderful. Justthink! You will not need an

interpreter! You will not need to talk with your hands. In Heaven, youwill be able to hear and speak. In Heaven, your ears will be opened andyour voice will be clear and you will speak beautiful words. It is hard foryou to understand words as you try to read lips. One deaf mother toldme, "I wish I could hear my baby talk." In Heaven, deaf will be foreverchanged. No more pain, sickness or death! (Read Revelations 21:4).

In Heaven, you will live forever. You will never die. One hundred yearsis a long time, but in Heaven you will live longer than one thousand orone million years. You will live forever. In Heaven there will be no needfor soldiers because there will be no war in Heaven. In Heaven, all willbe peace, love and joy forever. In Heaven, there will be no hospitals.There will be no need for doctors and nurses. Do you know why?Because in Heaven, no person is sick. No one grows old. There is nopain and sickness in Heaven. In Heaven, there will be no hearing aids,glasses, walking sticks, wheel chairs or medicine. Jesus will give you anew body that will not need these things. In Heaven, you will see Jesusand talk with Him. In Heaven you can sing with the angels. It will bewonderful. Heaven is a very wonderful place. The last step theChristian will make will be to follow the steps of Jesus into the wonderfulplace of Heaven. You will be in Heaven for all eternity. It is a longjourney through life. Some times there are detours (stops), bad roads,and a long trip. But all this will be past in Heaven. One day, you willtake your last step into Heaven - Home at last!

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Page 15: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course


Page 16: Lesson 2...DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE PROGRAM New Testament Course FOLLOWING JESUS Lesson 2.3 Silent Word Ministries PO Box 889 Trenton, Georgia 30752 A Free Bible Correspondence Course