lesson 2

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PARTICIPANTE: María Cecilia Nievas Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial Institución Educativa: Liceo Militar General Roca Dirección: Av. Hipólito Irigoyen s/n Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años – Azul – Turno tarde Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Formas Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 15/05/2015 Hora: 13:40 a 14:30 Duración de la clase: 40’ Fecha de primera entrega: 10/05/2015 CLASS Nº 2 Teaching points: Colours (pink, purple, white, brown) Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to… - Develop their listening skills by following instructions. - Identify and name shapes in a meaningful context - Recognise new colours in a meaningful context - Develop their understanding of classroom commands. Language focus: Lexis Functions Structures Pronunciation REVISI ON Shapes (square, circle, rectangle, triangle) Say hello. Commands: Clap your hands stretch up high touch your toes turn around Stamp your feet. Understand ing instructio ns. Following commands Recognitio n of wh questions Which shape is this? Is this a (square) or (a circle)? NEW Colours Identifyin Recognitio Controlled

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Período de Práctica: Nivel InicialInstitución Educativa: Liceo Militar General RocaDirección: Av. Hipólito Irigoyen s/nSala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años – Azul – Turno tarde Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: FormasClase Nº: 2Fecha: 15/05/2015Hora: 13:40 a 14:30Duración de la clase: 40’ Fecha de primera entrega: 10/05/2015


Teaching points: Colours (pink, purple, white, brown) Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…

- Develop their listening skills by following instructions.- Identify and name shapes in a meaningful context- Recognise new colours in a meaningful context- Develop their understanding of classroom commands.

Language focus:

Lexis Functions Structures PronunciationREVISION Shapes (square, circle, rectangle,

triangle)Say hello.Commands: Clap your handsstretch up hightouch your toesturn aroundStamp your feet.

Understanding instructions.Following commands

Recognition of wh questions Which shape is this?Is this a (square) or (a circle)?

NEW Colours(pink, purple, white, brown)

Identifying new colours.

Recognition of wh questionsWhat colour is this?

Controlled practice: pronouncing the shapes.

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Teaching approach: The Communicative Approach encourages students to communicate and participate. It is organized by the PPP method

Integration of skills: Speaking and listening through oral practice, answering questions and listening to songs.

Materials and resources: Hello and Good-bye songs, the three versions of the robot: black and white, coloured, and the one for the students, black and white flashcards of each shape, markers.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: They will use a website in their houses. These interactive explanations and tools are very useful as a great reinforcement because there are sounds, pictures and colours. Furthermore, students would have a lot of fun alone or with their parents/siblings.

Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting on the floor or in their chairs depending on the activity they develop.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: 1. Maybe they won’t remember the name of the shapes but I will help them to answer.2. They would want to touch the shapes, they will be sitting on the floor and I will be

standing up next to the wall. Classroom management strategies: Say “1, 2, 3, hush!” to remind them to keep silence. Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may have problems to

pronounce triangle or rectangle as they are words with three syllables and students may find them a little difficult.

Assessment: I will check if children understand the new vocabulary and the classroom instructions monitoring if they participate in the oral activities and they complete the activity in which they should paint with the correct colours.

Routine– 5’ Purpose: To create a good atmosphere to work and make the students move.

I’ll greet the students: “Hello!” EA: “Hello”. I will ask: “How are you?” EA: “Good”; “Fine”.They will sit in their places as they usually do.

I will tell them “Stand up and let’s sing a new hello song!”

Hello, hello. [Wave one hand, then the other hand.]Can you clap your hands? [Clap.]Hello, hello.Can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high? [Stretch towards the ceiling.]Can you touch your toes? [Bend down and touch your toes.]Can you turn around? [Turn around.]Can you say, "Hello"? [Wave, then say, "Hello" to as many people as you can!]

Hello, hello.Can you stamp your feet? [Stamp your feet.]Hello, hello.Can you stamp your feet?

Source: http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/three/hello-hello/

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Transition: “Wow! You are great singers! Very good!” I will ask them to sit on the floor in a semi circle. I will take the material I need and I will sit on a chair next to them. I will say: “Let’s help me with some shapes”

Warm-up – 5’Purpose: To activate the previous knowledge.

I will show them flashcard of the four shapes that we have seen the previous class (In this case I will change them to a new version without colours as they mess the shape with the colour of it) I will say: “Do you remember this shape?” EA: “Square!” If they do not remember the name of the shape, I will help them providing the name of it orally.

Transition: I will say “I have something to show you” I put a poster on the wall and I will pick up my shapes to do the following activity.

Presentation – 15’Purpose: To present the new colours and finally a toy using pictures and activities.

I will start to show them the shapes and I will ask them the name of the shape, if they are not able to say it, I will help them with the flashcards asking them “Is this a circle/square, etc?”. When I finish sticking all the shapes I will create the following picture. I will paste in the same turn both eyes, both legs, etc.

Finally, I will ask them “What is this?” EA: “A robot”. I will answer “Very good!”

Then, I will change to the next picture.

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I will ask them “What colour are the legs?” While I touch my legs and I point to the robot, EA: “Rosa” and I will answer “Very good! Pink. Legs are pink”. Then I will work with the other parts of the body using the colours: brown, purple, light blue and black.

Transition: I will say “Well, let’s sit on your chairs! We are going to paint a robot”

Development– 10’ Purpose: To provide contexts where students can practise the language.

Activity 1 – 7’I will give them the following copy so they paint the robot using markers. I will tell them the correct colour for each shape.

Closure – 5’Purpose: To greet students.I will use the first part of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcws7UWWDEs. But I will change part of the lyrics to use the same vocabulary as in the “Hello song” (instead of spin around I will use turnaround). I will use the same mimicry of the video

“Clap your hands, spin around,jump up high, OK!Clap your hands, sit down, stand up, one, two, three,fourGood-bye, good-bye see you again.Good-bye, good-bye see you my friendsGood-bye, good-bye I have fun today.”

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I will send their parents the following note to provide them with a link so children can play at home and revise what they learnt while they have fun.

Estimada familia: Hoy trabajamos en las clases de inglés con colores nuevos. Con el siguiente link

pueden acceder a una página online para colorear un robot y compartir un agradable momento con sus hijos mientras les cuentan todo lo que hicieron en el jardín.

http://fun4child.com/paint_online11/robot_.htmlMiss Cecilia