lesson 18 topic: communication through time presented by


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Lesson 18

Topic: Communication through time

Presented by: Mr Rajkumar

IntroductionCommunication means sharing information. There are many different ways of communicating such as language, speaking, writing and singing. This lesson will be focused on communication, especially the older forms of communication. We will look at how people communicated in the past as well as how we communicate today.

The San and the oldest forms of human communication

The San were the first people to live in South Africa. They lived in small groups and moved around in order to search for food and water. The San men hunted wild animals for meat, whilst the San women searched for and gatheredplants for food. The San were also called hunter-gatherers. The San communicated in the same way as other people do. They used language, symbols, songs, art and dance in order to communicate.

A san man hunting a wild animal. A san woman eating a plant which was gathered.

Communicating with language

San languages have many click sounds. The motto of South Africa today is from a San language. The motto is:

‘!ke e:/xarra//ke’. It means ‘people who are different join together’. The motto helps us remember the long history of the San in our country. The motto can also be found on the South African coat of arms which represent the identity of our country.

Did you know: The South African coat of arms can be found

on many official government documents, and even our money.

Communicating with shell necklaces

The beads shown below were made from shells. Small holes are made in the middle of the shell. The shells are then strung together and made into a necklace. The style of the necklace communicated to other San groups which family the wearer of the necklace belonged to. The shells were turned into a symbol. They were no longer just shells. They were turned into necklaces which were then used to communicate that the wearer belongs to a certain family group.

Communicating with songs, dance and art

The Hunter-gatherers understood that rain was essential for all life, including plants and animals. According to the San, all things were created by a spirit called /Kaggen, a spirit that could be with you without being seen. A shaman is a special person among the San. The shaman could communicate with /Kaggen to do special things like make the rain fall. Some nights, the San would do a special dance after eating a good meal. The women sat around a fire and the men danced in a circle around them. The women clapped and sang special songs. The dance was used for the shaman to communicate with /Kaggen. The dance went on right through the night and into the following day. Some of the shaman’s experiences during the dance were painted onto rocks. If a big animal was painted onto the rocks, it communicated to everyone that it was a rain-making dance.

Change in modern forms of communication

Today we have many different forms of communication such as language, writing, reading, symbols, songs, art, and dance to communicate. But we also use all kinds of modern technology to communicate. Technology uses science to make things that we use in everyday life like smartphones and computers.


1.Look at the picture of San rock art on slide 6. How do we know that it was communicating rain-making?


2.List the different ways in which the San communicated with each other.


3.Name two forms of modern communication which the San did not have.


4.What do you think are some of the advantages modern communication has compared to older forms of communication?


5. What forms of communication do you use everyday?


6.Why do you think communication is so important?


Change in modern forms of communication

For the next part of this lesson this we will be looking at some of the older forms of communication as well as how they have changed over time. We will also compare the older forms of communication with the modern forms of communication which we use today. Lastly we will go over some important new words which will help you to better understand this section.

The postal systemFor thousands of years, the postal system has been an important way for people to communicate and has changed a lot over time.

The postal system long ago

Long ago, the crews on ships were away for several months and sometimes even years. At the time, it simply was not possible for crews to communicate with their families at home. As a result, crew members would sometimes place letters under postal stones at a port. The sender hoped that the letter would be found by a crew member from another ship, and that the letter would then be delivered to whoever it was meant for. The date, the name of the ship and the name of the sender were carved on these postal stones.

The postal system today

Today, people can send mail by post nearly anywhere in the world. People who send mail by post pay in advance. Senders buy a stamp to put on the mail and then mail their letters by placing them in a mailbox.

The radioThe radio long ago

In the past radios were very big, however today they are small enough to carry around. The radio was invented about one hundred years ago. It allowed people to listen to programmes in their own homes. A radio is sometimes called a ‘wireless’ as it sends radio waves without using wires. Many people had contributed to the invention of the radio, but a man called Mr Marconi is the one who is most remembered today. As a young boy, Marconi had an interest in science. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics for all the work he did on the radio.

The radio today

Whether it is listening to music, the news or even a talk show, today the radio is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. However it is much smaller today compared to when it was first invented. Below is a picture of an old radio from a long time ago.


1.What did people use long ago to send letters?


2.What advantages does the postal system today have compared to the postal system long ago.


3. What sort of letters does your household regularly receive?


4. Who is remembered for inventing the first radio?


5.What special prize did he win?


6. What are the advantages of having a small radio of today compared to the larger radios from the past?



• Hunter-gatherers: People who hunt wild animals and dig up wild plants for food.

• Motto: A short saying that has a special meaning.

• Technology: Using science for everyday use.

• Postal system: A way used to send mail from one place to another.

• Mail: Letters and packages sent by post from one place to another.

• Wireless: Without wires; another word for radio.

• Nobel Prize: A big prize for people who do special things that help lots of people in the world.

Column A Column B Column C

1.1 Hunter-gatherers A) A way used to send mail from one place to another.

1.2 Motto B) A big prize for people who do special things that help lots of people in the world.

1.3 Technology C) Letters and packages sent by post from one place to another.

1.4 Postal system D) Without wires; another word for radio.

1.5 Mail E) People who hunt wild animals and dig up wild plants for food.

1.6 Wireless F) Using science for everyday use.

1.7 Nobel Prize G) A short saying that has a special meaning.

Matching Activity

Match the terms in Column A with the meanings in Column B by writing the correct letter in column C.

References: Ranby, P. Johannesson, B. Versfeld, R. Keats, G. 2017. Platinum Social Sciences: Communication through time. Cape Town: Pearson South Africa (PTY) Ltd