lesson 1_ introduction to water treatment

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  • 7/28/2019 Lesson 1_ Introduction to Water Treatment


    Lesson 1:

    Introduction to Water Treatment


    In this lesson we will learn about the following concepts:

    The hydrologic cycle and how it is like nature's way of treating water

    An introduction to water treatment

    Reading Assignment

    Along with the online lesson, read Chapter 1: Water Treatment Plant Operator, in

    your textbook Operation of Water Treatment PlantsVolume I.


    Hydrologic Cycle

    Hello, I'm Rosa Cooke from Mountain Empire Community College. I would like to

    introduce you to a subject called water and wastewater treatment. In water and

    wastewater, there are many concepts to learn so I thought I would start out with the

    way nature treats water - thehydrologic cycle.

    The hydrologic cycle follows water as it evaporates from the earth's surface, forms

    clouds, and then falls back to the earth's surface as rain. The diagram below shows an

    overview of the process.

  • 7/28/2019 Lesson 1_ Introduction to Water Treatment


    Since the cycle is continuous, there is no actual beginning or end, so you can begin

    anywhere. However, there are five basic processes that make up the hydrologic

    cycle:Condensation,precipitation,infiltration, runoff, andevapotranspiration.

    Water vapor condenses to form clouds, which result in precipitation when the

    conditions are suitable. Precipitation falls to the surface and infiltrates the soil or flows

    to the ocean as runoff. Surface water evaporates, returning moisture to the

    atmosphere, while plants return water to the atmosphere by transpiration.

    Condensation is the process of water changing from a vapor to a liquid. Water vapor

    in the air rises mostly by convection. This means that warm, humid air will rise, while

    cooler air will flow downward. As the warmer air rises, the water vapor will lose

    energy, causing its temperature to drop. The water vapor then has a change of state

    into liquid or ice. You can see condensation in action whenever you take a cold soda

    from the refrigerator and set it in a room. Notice how the outside of the soda can

    "sweats"? The water doesn't come from inside the can, it comes from the water vapor

    in the air. As the air cools around the can water droplets form.

    Precipitation is water being released from clouds as rain, sleet, snow, or hail.

    Precipitation begins after water vapor, which has condensed in the atmosphere,

    becomes too heavy to remain in atmospheric air currents and falls. Under some

    circumstances precipitation actually evaporates before it reaches the surface. More

    often, though, precipitation reaches the Earth's surface, adding to the surface water in

    streams and lakes, or infiltrating the soil to become groundwater.

    A portion of the precipitation that reaches the Earth's surface seeps into the ground

    through the process calledinfiltration. The amount of water that infiltrates the soil

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    varies with the degree of land slope, the amount and type of vegetation, soil type and

    rock type, and whether the soil is already saturated by water. The more openings in

    the surface (cracks, pores, joints) the more infiltration occurs. Water that doesn't

    infiltrate the soil flows on the surface as runoff.

    Precipitation that reaches the surface of the Earth but does not infiltrate the soil is

    called runoff. Runoff can also come from melted snow and ice. When there is a lot of

    precipitation, soils become saturated with water. Additional rainfall can no longer

    enter it. Runoff will eventually drain into creeks, streams, and rivers, adding a large

    amount of water to the flow. Surface water always travels towards the lowest point

    possible, usually the oceans. Along the way some water evaporates, percolates into

    the ground, or is used for agricultural, residential, or industrial purposes.

    Evapotranspiration is water evaporating from the ground and transpiration by

    plants. Evapotranspiration is also the way water vapor re-enters the atmosphere.

    Evaporation occurs when radiant energy from the sun heats water causing the water

    molecules to become so active that some of them rise into the atmosphere as vapor.

    Transpiration occurs when plants take in water through the roots and release itthrough the leaves, a process that can clean water by removing contaminants and


    As you can see, many processes are at work to give you the water you need. And

    these processes are always at work. Just because Antarctica is frozen doesn't mean

    that evaporation is not taking place (ice can turn directly to water vapor by a process

    called sublimation). And because the Sahara Desert is so dry doesn't mean that

    precipitation is not happening (it evaporates before it makes it to the ground).

    Introduction to Water Treatment

    Now that you know how nature treats water, let's see how it's done in the water plant

    before we consume it in a glass of water.

    Water treatment in a typical water treatment plant is shown in the picture below.

    Based on the characteristics of the raw water and on other factors, this treatmentprocess may vary considerably from place to place.

  • 7/28/2019 Lesson 1_ Introduction to Water Treatment


    As water is pumped from the source (a well, spring, river, or lake) it is screened to

    remove debris. Then, at the water plant, various characteristics of the raw water are


    The water may be prechlorinated to kill microorganisms, control odors and taste, and

    aid in coagulation and setttling. The water may also be aerated, which removes carbon

    dioxide (CO2) and raises pH, oxidizes iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), removes

    hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and removes organic contaminants. Potassium permanganate

    (KmnO4) may be added to the water in the collection tray of the aerator in order to

    remove iron and manganese from the water. Ozone may be added to the water totreat iron and manganese, remove algae, neutralize hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and aid in

    flocculation. Many of these are dependent upon the plant and the amount of water

    being distributed daily.

    In most cases, the water then enters a flash mix chamber. Here, various chemicals are

    added and are mixed into the water. Coagulants cause fine particles to clump together

    into larger particles. Alkali are added to adjust the pH as well as to oxidize iron and

    manganese. Hexametaphosphate may be added to prevent corrosion of pipes.

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    After flowing out of the flash mix chamber, the water goes through a chamber which

    causes coagulation and flocculation to occur. Here, the fine particles of contaminants

    gather together into large clumps called floc. When the water flows into the

    sedimentation basin, some of the floc settles out of the water and is removed. Next,

    the water is passed through filters which remove particles too small to settle out in the

    sedimentation basin.

    Finally, chlorine is added to the water. The water may also be fluoridated to reduce

    tooth decay in the consumers. The water is left in the clear well for a period of time to

    allow the chlorine to kill bacteria in the water and to oxidize hydrogen sulfide. The

    water is now treated and ready to be distributed.

    That was a quick overview of the water treatment process and what happens to water

    as it goes through the plant step by step. We will get into greater detail in later lessons

    so that you will understand each step of the process, why it is done and how to make

    sure each step is being done efficiently.


    Nature treats water in its own way through the hydrologic cycle, though we still need

    to treat the water before we drink it due to all the pollution and bacteria in the

    environment. The hydrologic cycle provides the supply of water for us to use for

    consumption, continuously cycling through over and over. The five basic processes

    that make up the hydrologic cycle are condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff,

    and evapotranspiration.

    In the water treatment plant the water comes in from the source, is aerated and the

    addition of chemicals to aid in coagulation and flocculation occurs in the flash mix

    chamber, it is then allowed to go through coagulation and flocculation, and settle out in

    the sedimentation basin. The water will pass through a filtration system after the

    sedimentation basin, removing partilces that were too small to settle out. Chlorine is

    added as the final step and then the water is stored until it is distributed to the



    Work the followingcrossword puzzle that comes from definitions in your textbook.

    You may either print the puzzle out, complete it and mail or fax back to the instructor

    or you may send an email with the correct answers numbered accordingly.

  • 7/28/2019 Lesson 1_ Introduction to Water Treatment



    Answer the questions in the Pre-Quiz and the Lesson 1 quiz. When you have gotten

    all the answers correct, print the page and either mail or fax it to the instructor. You

    may also take the quiz online and submit your grade directly into the database for

    grading purposes.
