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Algoritmen & Datastructuren 2014 – 2015 Greedy Algorithms Philip Dutré & Benedict Brown Dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven

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Algoritmen & Datastructuren 2014 – 2015

Greedy Algorithms

Philip Dutré & Benedict Brown Dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven

What is a greedy algorithm?

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 2

Greedy algorithms make the choice that seems best now Hopefully lots of locally good choices gives a good outcome Example 1: Driving directions: always head toward your goal

What is a greedy algorithm?

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 3

Greedy algorithms make the choice that seems best now Hopefully lots of locally good choices gives a good outcome Example 1: Driving directions: always head toward your goal (but suboptimal)

What is a greedy algorithm?

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 4

Example 2: Numbering fragments sequential fragments should be near Greedy: next fragment is closest unnumbered fragment Not optimal, but reasonable approximation to very hard problem

What is a greedy algorithm?

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Example 3: Coin Exchange Suppose you want to count out a certain amount of money,

using the fewest possible bills and coins A greedy algorithm would do this would be:

At each step, take the largest possible bill or coin that does not overshoot

Example: To make $6.39, you can choose: a $5 bill a $1 bill, to make $6 a 25¢ coin, to make $6.25 A 10¢ coin, to make $6.35 four 1¢ coins, to make $6.39

For US money, the greedy algorithm always gives the

optimum solution

What is a greedy algorithm?

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Example 3: Coin Exchange In some (fictional) monetary system, “quatloos” come in:

1 quatloo, 7 quatloo, and 10 quatloo coins

Using a greedy algorithm to count out 15 quatloos, you would get: A 10 quatloo piece Five 1 quatloo pieces (for a total of 15 quatloos) this requires six coins

Better solution: two 7 quatloo pieces and one 1 quatloo piece this only requires three coins

The greedy algorithm for this problem results in a solution, but not in an optimal solution

What is a greedy algorithm?

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 7

(“Wall Street”, 1987)

Real problem: Activity Scheduling

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 8

We want to schedule as many non-overlapping activities as possible. Tennis matches: as many on centre court as possible Hubble: observations can occur only when orbit is right Classrooms: class and practice sessions limited by available


Real problem: Activity Scheduling

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 9

Too many schedules to try them all Greedy approach: Schedule an activity …

.. then schedule as many non-overlapping activities as possible If we always pick well, the result should be pretty good or


Activity Scheduling, Heuristic 1

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Schedule the next non-conflicting activity to start This can lead to suboptimal choices: We schedule one long activity instead of four short ones

We schedule this activity first, but this leaves no room for the other 4 (and we want to optimize for the number of activities)

Activity Scheduling, Heuristic 2

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Schedule the shortest non-conflicting activity This can lead to suboptimal choices : We schedule one short activity and blocking two longer ones.

We schedule this activity first, but this leaves no room for the other 2 (and we want to optimize for the number of activities)

Activity Scheduling, Heuristic 3

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Schedule the activity with the fewest conflicts This can lead to suboptimal choices: We schedule the central activity and two others, instead

of the top four.

We schedule this activity first (fewest conflict), and we then only have place for 2 others (and we want to optimize for the number of activities)

Activity Scheduling, Heuristic 4

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Schedule the non-conflicting activity that finishes first

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Activity Scheduling, Heuristic 4

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Let A = {a1, … , an} be the set of activities selected by heuristic 4, sorted by finish time. The activities do not overlap, so they are also sorted by start time.

Let A’ = {a’1, … , a’n} be an optimal set of activities. Suppose a1 != a’1:

By heuristic 4, a1 is the first activity to finish, so it must finish before a’1 . Therefore, a1 cannot conflict with a’2 (since A’ is a solution the problem),

and the schedule {a1, a’2, … , a’n}, is also a valid optimal schedule (same number of activities as A’).

By induction, we can keep replacing a’i 's with ai, while maintaining an optimal schedule. Therefore A is an optimal solution.

Real problem: File Compression

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 15

Computers usually encode characters using a fixed number of bits: ASCII: 7 bits per character (127 characters) ISO-8859-1: 8 bits per character (256 characters) Unicode: 16 bits per character (64k characters) [ ... Unicode 7.0 June 2014]

But: Most documents contain fewer than 64k distinct characters

UTF-8 use fewer bits to represent common characters? Roman alphabet (ASCII): 1 byte per character Accented letters, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.: 2 bytes Chinese, etc.: 3 bytes Obscure Chinese characters, historic characters, etc.: 4 bytes.

Cfr. Morse Code Assign short codes to common letters e = . , t = _ , ? = .._ _.. On average, Morse code yields 1.66:1 compression for English text

File Compression

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 16

No algorithm can compress every bitstring

Proof 1 [by contradiction] Suppose you have a universal data compression algorithm U

that can compress every bitstring. Given bitstring B0, compress it to get smaller bitstring B1. Compress B1 to get a smaller bitstring B2. Continue until reaching bitstring of size 1.

Implication: all bitstrings can be compressed to 1 bit!

Proof 2 [by counting] Suppose your algorithm can compress all 1,000-bit strings. 21000 possible bitstrings with 1,000 bits. Only 1 + 2 + 4 + … + 2998 + 2999 = 21000 -1 can be encoded with

≤ 999 bits.

Redundancy in the English language?

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Run-Length Encoding

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Representation. Use 4-bit counts to represent alternating runs of 0s and 1s: 15 0s, then 7 1s, then 7 0s, then 11 1s.

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Huffman Coding

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How can we compress more than Morse code? Pick the codes for each character in a specific text We can usually get 2:1 compression for English text

How do we know the length of each code? Morse code uses dots and dashes for letters, and gaps to end codes Computers have only 1s and 0s (no gaps) Prefix codes: No code is a prefix of any other code

e.g. If e = 101, no other letter's code can start with 101

Simple tree representation for prefix codes:

Optimal prefix codes

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 21

Best code for each letter? Intuition: length of code should be proportional to letter's


Construct prefix tree by greedily linking two least frequent characters Combined characters form “new character” with frequency =

sum of frequencies of linked characters.

Implementation requires a priority queue: ~n.log2 n

Optimal prefix codes

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Example: ovoviviparous

Proof of optimality

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Lemma 1: Any optimal code tree is complete.

(nodes with only 1 child are impossible)

Proof of optimality

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Lemma 2: There exists an optimal subtree in which the two least frequent letters are

siblings at the maximum depth. Proof:

Every leaf node has a sibling or the tree would not be full (lemma 1). The two least frequent letters x and y must be at the maximum depth.

If not, there must be a letter w at maximum depth that occurs more frequently, and that would not be optimal.

If x and y are not siblings, swap y with x's sibling. The number of bits for all letters remains unchanged.

Proof of optimality

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Base Case:

Induction: Assume an optimal tree where the two least frequent letters x and y are merged into a single letter z

Hypothesis: The tree created by adding x and y as children of z is optimal

Proof of optimality

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Contradiction: Expanded tree is not optimal. So start from optimal expanded tree and merge x and y

Traveling Salesman Problem

Copyright Ph.Dutré,Spring 2015 27

A bike thief wishes to visit every building on campus, then return to his hideout. In what order should he visit the buildings?

TSP is NP-complete - the best known algorithm is exponential Use greedy algorithm to get reasonable solution