lenny and bobby

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  • 8/9/2019 Lenny and Bobby


    Lenny and Bobby

    An excerpt from the novel in progress, Lenny and Bobby

    Riley Hamilton

    I got a story to tell.

    The Notorious B.I.G.

  • 8/9/2019 Lenny and Bobby


    Chapter 1

    Bobby and I are standing back to back and then Mom measures the lengths of our

    legs with a ruler. My legs are hands down longer than Bobbys, giving me the natural

    running advantage.

    Lenny wins again, Mom says, and gives my back a slap.

    Of course he would. Do you think my legs are going to get longer than his in a

    month? Hes older than me. I dont really understand why we do this leg measuring, Bobby


    Yeah, we know you dont, Bobby, Dad yell s from the kitchen.

    My mom and I laugh and then she gives me a low-five.

    Bobby is the worst brother I could ever have. Dad and Mom favor him because he is

    the fat, pink baby of the family. Dad goes, Whats the baby doing? at least five times a

    day. Bobby hates it because he is twelve and sometimes he has friends over when he is

    being referred to as a baby.

    I do jumping jacks and calf stretches in the living room while Dad and Mom prepare

    a pizza in the kitchen.Whats the baby up to? Dad asks.

    Babys in his room, playing with other babies, Mom says.

    Bobby slams his door shut. I run to his door and stand outside knocking on it. Dad

    asks what Bobby wants on his pizza.

    What topping does Baby want on his pizza? I say. Theres some mumbling from

    inside the room.

    I dont know. Ask your brother what he wants, Mom says.

    No, Mom, I was asking him. Just then. That was me asking.

    What did he say? she says.

    Nothing yet, I say, then knock again on Bobbys door. What does Mr. Baby want to

    eat? Unlock your door.The door unlocks and then its open, with Bobbys pink face in the crack. Lenny, can

    you please leave me alone?

    No. What are you doing in there? Mom wants to know what you are doing in there

    and also what you want on your pizza.

    Im hanging out with my fri ends. Tell her I dont care. Whatever everyone else is

    having. Hes about to shut the door and I hear one of his friends in the room ask him


    Bobby says, Yeah, I dont know. He doesnt have very many friends. Then the door

    is shut again.

    I have plenty of friends. I recently made a really great friend in my Life Management

    Systems class. It was a Monday and we were supposed to be presenting some type of made

    up product to the class. I thought about the hilarity of selecting a novelty urinal cake as the

    product. Everyone got into groups of two, then the teacher found another kid who hadnt

    been selected either and he put the two of us together.

    Uri nal cakes, I said to my new partner.

    I should have selected my product as a life-saving device because he almost died

    laughing. We had fifteen minutes to come up with a sales pitch that we would present as a

  • 8/9/2019 Lenny and Bobby


    little skit in front of the class. My partners name was Willy. So of course he became Willy

    the Silly to me. We picked a number from the teachers desk to determine the order. We

    were fifth in line.

    Four boring presentations later, it was our turn. We had it all worked out. Willy, the

    customer, sat at the teachers desk and I stood in front of it, trying to sell him urinal cakes.

    We made a makeshift ball of tape as a urinal cake and I sold the shit out of it to Willy.

    Mr. Will y, I said, Whats your least favorite thing about using a urinal?

    Well , Lenny. Theres not much I do like about it.

    Willy had excellent timing.

    Well , Will y. Do you ever sometimes stink when you go to the restroom? This got

    some snickers from our classmates.

    Yes, I do, actually. I sometimes stink real ly bad when Im in the restroom.

    Then I have the cake for you. The urinalcake. See, our urinal cakes emit a strong

    deodorant into the air while they are being used. This deodorant whisks up from the cake

    and attaches to your body, providing a delicious smell for those who have forgotten to apply

    any underarm protection during the day.

    When I had finished this, Willy and I had a least four people laughing. I felt like I

    was already in Heaven with my grandparents. Willy finished it off by saying, Thanks forcuring my stink, Mr. Lenny, and then we both bowed. My teacher was silent after the

    presentation, but I think he secretly loved it. Willy became my best friend.

    Dinner at my house is always a spectacular extravaganza. Every night we order only

    the best pizzas from all over town. Monday night is Crusty Louies night. Tuesday nights are

    reserved for Wacky Louies. Wednesday through Friday we eat Pizza Hut. We dont really eat

    on the weekends. Sometimes we go into the pizza shops to eat. My favorite is Crusty

    Louies because they have the biggest meatballs you could ever eat. Sometimes Mom wont

    let us eat anything for breakfast or lunch so that we could save up our appetites for CrustyLouies meatballs.

    Willy sometimes asks questions at the lunch table about my eating habits.

    Why dont you have any money for food or a packed lunch? he asked one day.

    Im actually saving my appetite for dinner tonight.

    What are you having for dinner?

    Crusty Louies. They have real ly big meatballs.

    Would you like some of my applesauce or anything? He pushed it towards me.

    Thats okay. I better save it up.

    Sure enough, when dinner came around, the food tasted about ten times better

    because I had forgone the Willy applesauce.

    At night is when I usually scare my baby brother. My favorite thing to do is pretend

    to be a ghost. I wear all black and put a pillowcase over my head. Then I typically slither on

    my stomach across the hallway. On either side of our living room is a hallway with two

    rooms on each side. Bobby and I are on one side and then my parents bedroom and the

    guest room are on the other. The hallway on our side is where the belly-slithering takes

    place. Once I make the moves towards Bobbys room I usually use a Q-tip with the cotton

    ripped off to get into his room. He had started locking his door so that I cant get in at night.

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    It takes about ten minutes but once I have his bedroom door unlocked its all about me.

    Tonight, I got right in.

    His bedroom is Star Wars-themed topped off with a glow-in-the-dark Millennium

    Falcon on his ceiling. It used to be my Millennium Falcon. I lay very quiet on the floor for a

    few minutes before I slither under his bed. This is the fun part. I had spent some of the

    afternoon screaming in my bathroom to make my voice hoarse. The more hoarse the voice,

    the scarier the moans. Bobby requires some special moves based on his sleeping positions

    and tonight he is in the face-down/arms-tucked-in position. This means that I start out by

    pushing up against his mattress from the bottom at different parts. It moves him around

    and gets his adrenaline pumping. He is still snoring up above despite all of my pushing.

    Bobby, I say in a scary voice. You are a bad brother. I wait and then moan my

    hoarse moan again. Dad and Mom like Lenny so much better.

    I hear a rustling up in the sheets. It is usually my intense moaning that wakes him

    up the best. There is still some rhythmic, infantile breathing up above.

    I peek my head out from under his bed to read the alarm clock by his bedside. I

    start hitting his mattress harder. Bobby, you are not welcome in this house.

    The bed creaks.

    Lenny, get out from under my bed. Mom and Dad asked you not to do thisanymore.

    I quickly get out from under his bed and run to the door, leaving it wide open. Mom

    and Dad cant stop me from scaring my little brother. Get out of this house, I moan as I

    leave his room. Ive never seen him more scared. I leap back into my bed and have the

    dream where Im in Heaven with my grandparents again.

    When we dont have leftover pizza to eat my mom makes pancakes.

    Thanks for waking me in the middle of the night again, Lenny. It was real ly

    terrifying, Bobby says.

    If it was so sarcastically terri fying than why did you scream like crazy last night? Iask.

    Bobby, stop being mean to your brother, Mom says.

    You told him he couldnt scare me anymore though at night. He comes under my

    bed, Mom, at night. He knocks on my mattress from underneath. Its the weirdest, stupidest

    thing ever.

    I look at Dad. He whispers something to Mom in her ear.

    He loves to scare people though, Mom whispers back, too loudly.

    Tell them about this weekend. Dad says.

    No, you said you would, Mom says. Dad has something hed like to tell you boys.

    Thanks, Shirley, Dad begins, slamming his hand down on the table, causing our

    plates and glasses to shake. Well children, your Mom and I are going out of town this

    weekend. To Japan.

    What? Bobby and I say in unison, jinxing each other.

    Eat your pancakes! Mom says.

    Mom really hates when we dont want to eat her famous pancakes in front of her. I

    shove a bunch of pancakes into my mouth.

    Why are you going to Japan? I ask.

    Your mother and I are taking a little vacation. Mom has a cousin in Japan and she

    has invited us to stay there.

  • 8/9/2019 Lenny and Bobby


    Who is babysitting? I ask, trying to swallow the pancakes at the same time.

    Well , we thought that because youve been so good Lenny, maybe you could watch

    Bobby for the weekend.

    Besides, this trip is requiri ng us to pinch some extra babysitting pennies. Dad gives

    Moms side a squeeze and then they kiss.

    No, Mom and Dad. Lenny is not babysitting me. Its not a good idea.

    Mom and Dad just said I was babysitting you. Babies need babysitters. Im not sure

    what part of this youre not getting, I say and kick Bobby under the table in his shin.

    We are leaving this weekend and you boys will be good, Dad says. You may think

    this sounds great, Lenny, but you are responsible for your brother. He will be taken care of.

    Its not going to be a picnic.

    Yeah, Dad, Im sure its going to be super terri ble. I roll my eyes so they know Im

    being sarcastic and then I kick Bobby again. I grab the syrup from the middle of the table

    and pour a king-sized amount over the remains of my pancakes.

    to be continued in 2014