lempel-ziv methods

Lempel-Ziv methods

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Lempel-Ziv methods. Dictionary models - I. Dictionary-based compression methods use the principle of replacing substrings in a message with a codeword that identifies each substring in a dictionary , or codebook The dictionary contains a list of substrings and their associated codewords - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Lempel-Ziv methods

Lempel-Ziv methods

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 2

Dictionary models - I

Dictionary-based compression methods use the principle of replacing substrings in a message with a codeword that identifies each substring in a dictionary, or codebook

The dictionary contains a list of substrings and their associated codewords

Unlike symbolwise methods, dictionary methods often use fixed codewords rather than explicit probability distribution

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 3

Dictionary models - II

For example, we can insert into the dictionary the full set of 8-bit ASCII characters How many?

and the 256 most common pairs of characters

If we use fixed length codeword, how many bits does we need to index dictionary entries?

SOL. 9 bits What about the performances in bits/character

in the best and in the worst case? SOL. best:4.5b/char worst:9b/char!!

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 4

Dictionary models - III

Another possibility is to use longer words in the dictionary, perhaps common words like the or and or common components of words like tion. This strings are the phrases of the dictionary

A dictionary with a predefined set of phrases does not achieve good compression

Performances are better if we tune the dictionary on input source, i.e. if we loose input indipendence

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 5

Dictionary models - IV

For istance common phrases for an italian sport newspaper are very rare in a business management book

To avoid the problem of dictionary being unsuitable for the text at hand we can build a new dictionary for each message to be compressed....

.... but there is a significant overhead for transmitting and storing it

Deciding the size of the dictionary in order to maximize compression is a very difficult problem

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 6

The Lempel-Ziv methods

The only efficient solution to the problem is to use an adaptive dictionary scheme

Pratically all adaptive dictionary compression methods are based on one of the two methods developed by two israely researchers, Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv in 1977 e 1978, and called LZ77 and LZ78

"A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression" in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, May 1977

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 7

The key idea - I

The key insight of the method is that it is possible to automatically build a dictionary of previously seen strings in the text being compressed

The prior text makes a very good dictionary, since it has usually the same style and language of the upcoming text

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 8

The key idea - II

The dictionary does not have to be transmitted with the compressed text, since the decompressor can build it the same way the compressor does

The many variants of Lempel-Ziv methods differ in how pointers are represented and in the limitations on what the pointers are able to refer to

The presence of so many variants is also caused by same patents, and by the disputes over patenting

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 9

The LZ77 family

+ Quite easy to implement+ Fast decoding with little use of memory

The output of the encoding consists of a series of triples

the first component indicates how far back to look in the previously decoded text

the second component is the length of the phrase the third is next character for the input

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 10

An example - encoding

alphabet {a,b}


a aa ab b b

<0,0,b> <2,1,a> <3,2,b>



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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 11

An example - decoding

<0,0,x><0,0,y><2,1,z><2,1,x><5,3,z> <6,3,z><5,2,z>

SOL. x y xz xx yxzz xxyz zxz

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 12

A recursive example


Despite the recursive references, each character is available when needed

a c aa acb ?? bbbbbbbbbba

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 13

Further details on LZ77

LZ77 algorithm places limitations on how far back a pointer can refer (i.e. on the length of the first component of the triple) and on the maximum size of the string referred to (i.e. on the length of the second component)

For example, in English text there is no gain in using a sliding windows of more than a few thousand characters

We can use a windows of 8.192 characters, i.e. 13 bits

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 14

Further details on LZ77

At the same time, the length of the match is rarely over 16 characters, so the extra cost to allow longer match usually is not justified

Exercise: encode the sequence010020$0110$$0111

with a sliding window of 7 symbols and a maximal match length of 3. Calculate the compression ratioSOL. <0,0,0><0,0,1><2,1,0><0,0,2><2,1,$><7,2,1><5,2,$>,<6,3,1>

0000000 0000001 0100100 0000010 0100111 1111001 1011011 1101101

C=(17*2)/7*8=0.607 << 1!!!

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 15

LZ77 - encoding

Encode the text S[1..N] using LZ77, with a sliding window of W characters

p=1WHILE p<N {

search for the longest match for S[p...] in S[p-W ... p-1].Suppose the match occurs at position p-m, with length l

output the triple < p-m, l, S[p+l ] > p=p + l + 1 }

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 16

LZ77 - decoding

Decode the text S[1..N] using LZ77, with a sliding window of W characters

p=1FOREACH triple < f, l, c> {

S[p ... p + l - 1] = S[ p - f ... p – f + l - 1]Suppose the match occurs at position p-m, with length l

S[p+l ] = c p=p + l + 1 }

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 17

LZ77 - improvements

The LZ77 has been gradually refined first component of the triple: it is useful to use

variable length, assigning shorter codewords to recent matches (that are more common)

second component of the triple: variable length codes that uses less bits to represent smaller numbers

third component of the triple: in some variants it is added only when needed (when?), with a 1-bit flag to indicate the presence or the absence of this third component

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 18

gzip algorithm - I

gzip is one of the more effective variants of LZ77

It is distributed by the Gnu Free Software Foundation

home page of gzip project: www.gzip.org

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 19

gzip algorithm - II

gzip uses a hash tables: the next 3 characters to be coded are hashed, and the return value is used as index to lookup a table entry

This entry is the head of a list that contains the places of occurrence of the 3 characters in the window

The list is searched for the longest match If there is no match the string is coded as raw


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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 20

gzip algorithm - III

If the match exists, we have a length and a distance, otherwise we have a zero length and a raw character

the sliding window has dimension W=32KB, lengths are limited to 258 bytes

List lengths are limited to avoid time consuming researches

tradeoff accuracy/time user’s choice

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 21

gzip algorithm - IV

Lengths, distances and raw characters are coded with two Huffman trees, one for distances and the other for lengths and raw characters

Huffman codes are generated processing blocks of up to 64KB (with canonical Huffman)

so gzip it is not really one-pass. From a pratical point of view it is one-pass because blocks are small, so they are read only one time and kept in main memory

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 22

gzip - example


<length, distance/character>


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gzip – best compression

abacbcaab<length, distance/character>


two solutions ab + caab a + bcaab

The first is greedy, it uses longest possible match. But sometimes the second is better. If best compression is selected, gzip takes a longer time but chooses the best of the two, eventually coding raw characters even if matches are possible, if it gives better compression in the long run

...... abcaab

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 24

LZ78 family

- it has restrictions on which substring can be referenced (but this avoids some inefficiency)

- decoding is slower than LZ77 and require more memory

+ does not have a window to limit how far back substring can be referenced

+ one of its variant, LZW, is widely used in many popular compression systems

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 25

Referentiable strings

The text prior to the current coding position is parsed in substrings, and only parsed phrases can be referenced

Previous phrases are numbered in sequence, and the output is a list of pairs

<previous phrase, next character> This unseen combination is stored as a new


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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 26

An example

a aa a aabb b

Phrases Output0 <null>1 a2 b3 aa

4 ba5 baa

<0,a> <0,b> <1,a> <2,a> <4,a>

Only this phrases can be referenced This avoids the inefficiency of having more than one coded

representation for the same string, as usual in LZ77

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 27

How to store the phrases

It is crucial for algorithm efficiency, to store the phrases in a clever way

This can be obtained using a trie

Phrases0 <null>

1 a2 b3 aa

4 ba

5 baa











a b


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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 28

How to store the phrases The character of each

phrase specify a path from the root to a leaf

The character to be encoded are used to traverse the trie until the path is blocked

The last node contains the phrase number to output

A new node is added with next input character, to form a new phrase











a b






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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 29

A problem

The trie data structure continues to grow during coding, and eventually growth must be stopped to avoid an eccessive use of memory

There are various strategies the trie can be reinitialized from scratch the trie can be used as is, without further updates the trie can be partially rebuild using last part of the

text (this avoids the penalties of starting form scratch)

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 30

LZ78 vs. LZ77

LZ78 encoding can be faster LZ78 decoding is slower because the

decoder must also store the parsed phrases

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 31

LZ78 - exercise

Code the sequence with LZ78 e show the trie that store the phrases

0100101110101001011 SOL. <0,0><0,1><1,0><2,0><2,1><4,1><1,1><3,1><7,1>



1 02 13 004 105 116 1017 01

8 0019 011









01 1


7 5

8 91 1 1

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 32

LZW variant - I

One of the most popular variants of Lempel-Ziv coding (Welch 1984)

It forms the basis for Unix utility compress and many other popular compressors

The main difference between LZW and LZ78 is that LZW encodes only phrase numbers without any ending characters

This scheme works fine because we initialize the dictionary with a phrase for each character of the source alphabet (e.g. the 256 characters of the 8-bit ASCII)

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 33

LZW variant - II

A new phrase is constructed from a coded one by appending the first character of the next phrase

Suppose we use 7-bit ASCII: dictionary is initialized with 128 phrases (0-127)

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 34

LZW - encoding

a b a ab ab ba aba abaainput:

output: 97 98 97 128 128 129 131 134

new phrases added








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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 35

LZW - decoding

97 98 97 128 128 129 131 134

a b a ab ab ba aba aba?



new phrases added

128 129 130 131 132 133 134

a?ab b? a? ab? ab? ba? aba?aba abb baa abaaba aa?

it is not ready!!



The delay in phrase creation is not a problem unless the encoder uses the phrase immediately after its creation. In this case, if decoder inserts the phrases only when they are completed, cannot decode, because it doesn’t have phrase 134

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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 36

LZW - exercise

Code with LZW the sequence0102$00$10111$02$

using 8-bit ASCII codes

Hint. 048, 149, 250, $36

SOL. 48 49 48 50 36 48 48 36 257 49 265 260 259


256 01257 10258 02259 2$260 $0

261 00262 0$263 $1264 101265 11266 11$



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Lempel-Ziv methods: summary



gzip<length, distance/character>


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Gabriele Monfardini - Corso di Basi di Dati Multimediali a.a. 2005-2006 38

Lempel-Ziv methods: exercise

Code the message using all studied methodsabbb010cac0bb0abb10111b1a

using a sliding window of 7 bits and a max match length of 7. No limit is given with respect to the dictionary dimension

You can use the following 8-bit ASCII codesa97 b98 c99 048 149