lemonade laws leave sour taste

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  • 7/30/2019 Lemonade Laws Leave Sour Taste


    Lemonade Laws Leave Sour Taste

    For generations, lemonade stands taught numerous children a variety of fundamental realities

    regarding the nature of the world and life beyond the confines of their particular family units.

    These undertakings still do.

    The thing of it is, though, these lessons have very little to do with how providing a desired

    product along with attentive costumer service if the way to advance economically. Rather, an

    increasing number of young people are learning from these undertakings that the America that

    they will likely live the majority of their lives in (if the country does not collapse entirely) will

    increasingly become a nation where such blatant displays of individuality and personal

    achievement will be met with hostility and resistance bordering on what cannot be described as

    anything other than violence.

    In most of these instances, the narrative unfolds something like this.

    The children are informed that they cannot operate their lemonade stand because they have not

    obtained the proper permit from the authorities in question.

    Those reading these paragraphs sequentially might be inclined to remark that the situation

    described above hardly classifies as a threat of violence.

    Perhaps it is not directly. But what about the instance that occurred outside the U.S. Open in the

    neighborhood of the Congressional Country Club in the Washington, Metropolitan Area whereone outlaw beverage dispenser was slapped with a $500 fine?

    With the following observation, renowned economist Walter Williams would likely concur.

    Whenever a government imposes a fine, what the authorities are actually doing is issuing a threat

    against the alleged violators of some regulation concocted by any number of state agencies.

    If you don't think violence or perhaps rather force (for those that somehow think verbal precision

    is going to somehow magically protect you from being hauled off to some detention camp or

    deflect bullets like Superman once the gunfire starts), won't be used against the cited party shouldthey refuse to desist or not pay the fine you have been drinking something far stronger than dixie

    cup lemonade.

    Perhaps the greatest lesson those crushed by the prerogatives of the state in this fashion learn is

    to never look within themselves to what it takes to get ahead or to do anything that sets

    themselves apart from the more docile members of the COMMUNITY.

  • 7/30/2019 Lemonade Laws Leave Sour Taste


    Tis better, in the eyes of the statist, for the individual to accept and embrace the meager pittance

    and station bestowed upon you by those that have been deemed more qualified than yourself to

    determine your place for you in the socioeconomic order.

    The purpose of these enforcement actions is to rid our nation from such independently inclinedriffraff. After all, there are even now so-called "Christians" insisting that what is wrong with the

    cinematic Western as epitomized by John Wayne and the Cartwrights is not so much gun play but

    rather that such figures dared to take it upon themselves as individuals or as independent families

    to do what needed to be done without consultation with the COMMUNITY.

    Those observing (especially the young) learn how the regulation is cast is even more important

    than the regulation itself.

    For example, in one case in Georgia, a local police chief justified the disbandment of oneparticularly notorious lemonade distribution ring composed primarily of adolescent girls on the

    grounds that the state did not know what was in the distributed concoction.

    Unless there is some actionable intelligence that we mere subjects are not privy to, there hasn't

    been too many Al Qaeda plots intending to disseminate poisoned lemonade through speakeasies

    operated by juvenile revolutionary jihadists. And even if one stretches back to the old concerns

    about Halloween delectables being laced with razor blades and the like, most of those accounts

    were blown all out of proportion by ministers attempting to frighten parents into keeping their

    children locked inside on that particular autumnal evening.

    The next lesson learned is that certain excuses can be invoked in order to perhaps sway popular

    and bureaucratic opinion as to why the children in question should be allowed to flout the

    disputed law or regulation. It seems some reasons are some how more noble than others.

    For example, in the instance of the youngsters threatened outside the golf course in suburban

    Maryland, the response in the press was that these youngsters were trying to raise money for

    charity. But what if the funds were not being raised for that purpose?

    Is there something inherently wrong about keeping money for yourself? In exposing the false

    altruism scandal and other related efforts to squash individuality, Ayn Rand asked what is so bad

    about individuals attempting to provide for themselves.

    On social networks, posters commenting on the issue have gone so far as to remark how dare the

    media even report on these cases since the accounts cast law enforcement in a negative light

  • 7/30/2019 Lemonade Laws Leave Sour Taste


    because the law must be enforced at all costs because the law is the law. Though American

    police departments and agencies have not yet deteriorated to the particular level about to be

    mentioned, it must be pointed out that the Gestapo and the KGB enforced what was considered

    law in their respective regimes as well.

    So-called "conservatives" seem to have no problem whatsoever directing criticism at anyassortment of other government agencies. So are they so dimwitted as to lose sight of the higher

    goal of human liberty when they are distracted by a shiny badge?

    Just because a government has enacted a law regarding something, does that mean the temporal

    statute contramanding the laws of God must be obeyed in all instances? If so, does that mean the

    family of Corrie Ten Boom got what they deserved? After all, the law is the law.

    Some might recoil at the idea of comparing the closing of a bootleg lemonade distillery with

    some of the greatest crimes in human history as one sheol of a conceptual leap. However, wheredo you think the framework is laid to get a people once marked by the common sense that flows

    from natural law to commit deeds that would only be approved by the most warped of


    For, if a people lack the courage to stand for the right of a child to have a lemonade stand, do you

    think they will muster the courage to speak out regarding more profound incidents when those in

    power start aiming guns at heads in order to implement their transformative agendas?

    By Frederick Meekins