lemonade day marketing plan

The New Lemonade Day Recipe Brought to you by: PRecision

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Page 1: Lemonade Day Marketing Plan

The New Lemonade Day Recipe

Brought to you by:PRecision

Page 2: Lemonade Day Marketing Plan

Our Promise

To increase community participation in order

to reach 1 million lemonade stands on Lemonade Day 2013

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Target Audience

ages 24-49

well-educated, with or without kids

who recognize the importance of entrepreneurship


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SWOT AnalysisPersonal Interviews

Online presenceOnline discussion

We Conducted

We Monitored

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Key Findings

Low awareness among the target audience

Ineffective online presence

Positive media coverage

Target audience finds volunteer opportunities through their workplace

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Fractured Online Presence

Critical Factors

Volunteer Recruitment

Lack of Awareness

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Critical Issue

Volunteer Shortage

Target Business Professionals


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Lemonade in the Break Room

Professionals are philanthropically involved

Companies are allies for volunteers and sponsorship

This target responded positively after hearing about Lemonade Day

Need more information about the program before committing


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Promotional KitDistributed to 5 large companies in each

participating city

Include details why and how to get involved

Lemonade in the Break Room

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Lemonade in the Break Room

“How did you hear about us?” section of volunteer application

Monitor responses connected with businesses that received Lemonade Break packs


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Critical Issue

Lack of Brand Awareness



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Positive peer influenceUtilize passion of current volunteers

Social MediaRecruit to Facebook & Twitter

Informational orientationsMagnets and flyersAttendees recorded in volunteer



Lemonade Crusade

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Benchmark current fans and volunteersAnalyze social media followers

Goal: 30% increase in Facebook ‘Likes’ and Titter followers

Goal: 30% increase in volunteersUse database to follow up


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Critical Issue

Fractured Online Presence



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Out with the old…

…in with the new!

the new LemonadeDay.org

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The New LemonadeDay.org

Modern and friendly facelift

Consolidation: information for all cities in one place

Kids Only sub-page

Online registrationLinked with Google Docs


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Facebook – one page for Lemonade Day

Twitter - @lemonadedayAdd personality – fun, well-liked, comical tweeter

Goodbye to Flickr & WordPressFlickr – move photos to Facebook

best stand competition: judged through Facebook ‘likes’ competitionWordPress

this information can be integrated into Web site


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Tactic Measuring the Effects

Lemonade in the Break Room Form: how did you discover Lemonade Day?Site traffic after placement in break rooms

Friend-Raising Form: How did you discover Lemonade day?Increase in volunteers?

New Web site Number of online registrationsGoogle AnalyticsLead database – Google Doc

Facebook Number of total “Likes”Photo interactionsConversation value

Twitter Number of followersWhat are people saying about Lemonade Day and


Online Presence Google Alerts, TechnoratiShare articles through Facebook, Twitter, Web siteHas the conversation and media buzz increased?

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Out of Pocket Expenses Professional Fees Materials Total

in the Break Room:

Flyers - - $30 $30

Lemonade - - $1,000 $1,000

Cups - - $1,500 $1,500

Drop-off’s $8/hr at 8hr 5 people, 1drop off - $320


Magnets - - $1,000 $1,000

Postage - - $500 $500

Flyers - - $300 $300

Online Sales

Web Site Maintenance $25/h at 10hr/wk 1 employee: $10,000 - $10,000Social Media Monitoring

$10/h at 25 hr/wk 1 employee: $10,000 - $10,000

Total: $24,650

Contingency ±5% ($1,235)Notes:**Budget is over the course of 1 academic school year (roughly 40 weeks)**Contingency budget may include miscellaneous out-of-pocket costs such as office supplies

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Additional Ingredients

Google Maps – stand maps


Partner with existing volunteer hubs, ex:Volunteer HoustonYoung Professionals Association

Jumo.com – philanthropic online start up

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Any Questions?

Lemonade in the Break RoomFriend-RaisingOnline ConsolidationOther:

Google MapsAdopt-a-StandPartnershipsJumo.com

Thank You!
