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My Book Baptism

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Page 1: LEMCKIDS BAPTISM BOOK 2 - storage.googleapis.com€¦ · My Book Baptism This is to ... _____ signature of person who baptised me Òhave you forgotten that when we were joined with


Book Baptism

Page 2: LEMCKIDS BAPTISM BOOK 2 - storage.googleapis.com€¦ · My Book Baptism This is to ... _____ signature of person who baptised me Òhave you forgotten that when we were joined with
Page 3: LEMCKIDS BAPTISM BOOK 2 - storage.googleapis.com€¦ · My Book Baptism This is to ... _____ signature of person who baptised me Òhave you forgotten that when we were joined with

This is to celebrate that ______________________

my name

was baptised on ______________________

date you were baptised

at ______________________

name of church

by ______________________

signature of person who baptised me

“have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in Baptism, we joined him in his death? For we died and were buried with Christ in Baptism, And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the father, now we may also live new lives!

romans 6:4 & 4

special notes from those who love you most:

Page 4: LEMCKIDS BAPTISM BOOK 2 - storage.googleapis.com€¦ · My Book Baptism This is to ... _____ signature of person who baptised me Òhave you forgotten that when we were joined with

WHAT BAPTISM IS NOT… • a way to get to Heaven • something to save you • to get you closer to God • to make you more Holy • to make God love you more

The water is just plain old water from the tap. There is nothing magical about it.

Baptism is about what happens before and after that day. It is a SYMBOL of a decision you have made already.

Baptism is like a wedding

When two people get married to they fall in love on their wedding day? [ ] YES? [ ] NO?

No Way! Before that big day, they met, got to know each other and fell in love. Then they made a promise to love each other the rest of their lives. Then, on their wedding day they shared the promise they already made to everyone in a special celebration.

Baptism is like that. It is a time to tell everyone that you love God, have chosen to follow Him forever.

special notes from those who love you most:

Page 5: LEMCKIDS BAPTISM BOOK 2 - storage.googleapis.com€¦ · My Book Baptism This is to ... _____ signature of person who baptised me Òhave you forgotten that when we were joined with

now what? You are not in this alone! You have a lot of people to support

you on this new whole life-long journey of following Jesus! Name a few of the most important people who will help you. _________________________________________________




Do you have questions? What makes you excited about being baptised? Is there anything you would like us to pray

about? Write whatever comes to mind. _______________________________________________













five important things We like to call them BORFT!

They are the first letters of five things important to remember about baptism:



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BELIEVE Being baptized shows that you

believe in Jesus.

Read Acts 18:8 After the people in Corinth heard about Jesus from Paul, what did they do? _______________________________________

What do you need to believe in? Look up John 3:16



THAT WHOEVER ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


BUT ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ EVERLASTING LIFE.

It’s simple:


What do you believe? ___________________________________








acting in a play Getting baptised doesn’t make you a Christian. It is an

OUTWARD EXPRESSION of an INWARD DECISION you have already made.

When you get baptized it’s like you are acting out a little play. You are remembering that Jesus died and came back to life again. First you go all the way under the water. This is like when Jesus died carrying all our sins on Him and was buried.

Then we come all the way out of the water. It is like when Jesus rose from the dead!

When we get baptized we are saying:

“I want all my wrong ways of living to die!”

“I want to live a new life Following God!”

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tellIn Jesus’ time the rivers were busy places! People were washing their clothes, getting water and talking. That is

also where people were getting baptised. Everyone knew about it. There were no secrets!

When we get baptized it means: “I don’t care who knows that I’m a Christian.

I am following Jesus and I am proud of it!”

When we tell our story about how Jesus became real to us and why we chose to be a follower of Jesus, it encourages

others too. This is the beginning of a life-long story. Write what you want to TELL everyone below:













OBEY Because we BELIEVE in Jesus it’s important to OBEY Him!

Sometimes that seems unfair or hard but, because God loves us more than anyone, even our parents, He WANTS what is best for us. Because God created us, He KNOWS

what is best for us too!

Where do we find God’s instructions to OBEY?

In the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___!

Read Acts 2:38.

Peter is telling people we must: Repent of our sins, turn to God and be

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

Read Ephesians 6:1.

If we want to OBEY God, who else do we need to OBEY?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Being baptized doesn’t mean we will be perfect. We all make mistakes but God loves us

and will always forgive us!

Read Psalms 86:5. What does it say about God’s forgiveness?

“Oh Lord, you are so good, so ready to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___,

so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.” (NLT)

Page 8: LEMCKIDS BAPTISM BOOK 2 - storage.googleapis.com€¦ · My Book Baptism This is to ... _____ signature of person who baptised me Òhave you forgotten that when we were joined with

repent Let’s say that you were driving with your family and you came to the end of a road. At the end you saw two new

roads and a sign like this.

Could you travel to Listowel and Wingham at the same time? YES [ ] NO [ ]

If you somehow got on the road to Wingham, but you really wanted to go to Listowel, what would you have to do? _________________________________________________________


It’s the same in life, too. We can’t follow the right way and the wrong way at the same time. If we’re going the wrong way, we must turn around and go the other way. Our wrong ways are called sin and turning around is called:

REPENTING Remember that Jesus promises to forgive us and take care

of our sin when we REPENT and CONFESS that we have sinned. 1 John 1:9 says:

“If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to

cleanse us from all wickedness!”

follow When we BELIEVE in Jesus we want to do the same things

that He did. The Bible calls those that FOLLOW Jesus DISCIPLES.

Read Matthew 3:11.

This man called John was

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____

with water those who ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

of their sins and turn to ___ ___ ___. He told the

people that soon someone else was coming who

he didn’t feel worthy to baptise.

Read Matthew 3:13-17. What happened when Jesus came to John at the Jordan River? _________________________________________________


Jesus also wants us to FOLLOW His example and be baptised like He did! If you are a follower of Jesus, you are his friend and He wants you to talk to Him and learn more about Him! When you do that people can see a bit of who

Jesus is like by watching you!

Its good to have a plan! What time of day do you read your Bible? _________________

When do you talk to God? ________________________________

Who will help remind you to do these things? _____________

If you need some ideas about what to read, ask an adult or a leader at church!