lembar hasil penilaian sejawat sebidang atau kary a...

/ LEMBAR HAS PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER REEW KARY A ILMIAH : PROSIDG Judul Karya Ilmiah (Artikel) Jumlah Penulis : Evaluation of the use of prebricated bridge elements with Design for Manucture and Assembly (DA) Criteria Status Pengusul : 3 orang (Yan Purnomo Safaa, Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, Bambang Purwanggono) : peνlis perta/ penulis ke 2 / penulis korespodeAsi ldentitas Karya Ilmiah a. Nama Prosiding b. ISBN/ISSN c. Tahun Terbit,Tempat Pelaksanaan d. Penerbit/ Organizer e. Alamat repository PT/web prosiding: https ://www.matec MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 270 (2019) The 2 nd Conrence for Civil Engineering Research Networks (ConCERN2 2018) (Prosiding Internasional) eISSN: 2261236X 22 Februari 2019 (bandung, Indonesia, 2729 November 2018) : EDP Sciences conrences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2019/19/mateccon( conce018 _05006/matecconf conce018 05006.html Kategori Publikasi Karya Ilmiah (beri ✓pada kategori yang tepat) Hasil Penilaian Peer Review - - f. Terindeks di Uika ada) : Google Scholar D Presiding forum ilmiah Internasional D Presiding forum ilmiah Nasional Nilai Reviewer Komponen Yang Dinilai Reviewer I a. Kelengkapan unsur isi prosiding (10%) 1.50 b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%) 4.00 C. Kecupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan 4.00 metodologi (30%) d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas penerbit (30%) 4.50 Total = (100%) 14.00 Penulis ke 2 dari 3= (13.225 x 40%)/2 = 2.645 Reviewer I Reviewer II Prof. Dr. Ir. Syaudin, CES, MT NIP. 195811071988031001 Reviewer II 1.50 4.20 3.75 3.00 12.45 Nilai Ratarata /Nilai Akhir yang diperoleh 1.50 4.10 3.875 3.75 13.225 Unit kerja : Departemen Teknik Lingkungan FT UNDIP Unit kerja : Departemen Teknik Sipil FT UNDIP

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Page 1: LEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU KARY A …eprints.undip.ac.id/70882/1/30._Evaluation_of_the_use_of_prefabricated... · LEMBAR BASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER




Judul Karya Ilmiah (Artikel)

Jumlah Penu lis

: Evaluation of the use of prefabricated bridge elements with Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DtMA) Criteria

Status Pengusul : 3 orang (Yan Purnomo Safaa, Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, Bambang Purwanggono) : penulis pertama/ penulis ke 2 / penulis korespodeAsi

ldentitas Karya Ilmiah a. Nama Prosiding

b. ISBN/ISSNc. Tahun Terbit,Tempat Pelaksanaan

d. Penerbit/ Organizere. Alamat repository PT/web prosiding:https :/ /www .matec--

MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 270 (2019) The 2nd Conference for Civil Engineering Research Networks (ConCERN--2 2018) (Prosiding Internasional)eISSN: 2261--236X 22 Februari 2019 (bandung, Indonesia, 27--29November 2018)

: EDP Sciences

conferences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2019/ 19/mateccon( __ concern2018 _ 05006/matecconfconcern2018 05006.html

Kategori Publikasi Karya Ilmiah (beri ✓pada kategori yang tepat)

Hasil Penilaian Peer Review

- -f. Terindeks di Uika ada) : Google Scholar

D Presiding forum ilmiah Internasional

D Presiding forum ilmiah Nasional

Nilai Reviewer

Komponen Yang Dinilai Reviewer I

a. Kelengkapan unsur isi prosiding ( 10%) 1.50 b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan (30%) 4.00 C. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi dan 4.00

metodologi (30%)d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas penerbit (30%) 4.50

Total = (100%) 14.00 Penulis ke 2 dari 3= (13.225 x 40%)/2 = 2.645

Reviewer I Reviewer II

Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrudin, CES, MT NIP. 195811071988031001

Reviewer II

1.50 4.20 3.75

3.00 12.45

Nilai Rata--rata

/Nilai Akhir yang

diperoleh 1.50 4.10 3.875

3.75 13.225

Unit kerja : Departemen Teknik Lingkungan FT UNDIP Unit kerja : Departemen Teknik Sipil FT UNDIP

Page 2: LEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU KARY A …eprints.undip.ac.id/70882/1/30._Evaluation_of_the_use_of_prefabricated... · LEMBAR BASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER



Judul Karya Ilmiah (Artikel)

Jumlah Penulis

Evaluation of the use of prefabricated bridge elements with Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) criteria

Status Pengusul 3 Orang (Yan Purnomo Safaa, Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, dan Bambang Purwanggono) peBUlis pertamal penulis ke-2 / pem:dis keFeSfleadeasi**

Identitas Karya Ilmiah a) Nama Prosiding

b) ISBN/ ISSNc) Tahun Terbit, Tempat Pelaksanaan

d) Penerbite) Alamat web Jumal


: MATEC Web Conference Volume 270, 2019 The 2nd Conference for Civil Engineering Research Networks (ConCERN-2 2018) (Prosiding Internasional) : eISSN: 2261-236X : 22 Februari 2019 (Bandung, Indonesia, 27-29 November 2018)

: EDP Sciences

conferences.org/articles/mateccon£labs/2019/19/matecconf_ concern2018 _ 05006/matecconf _ concern2018 _ 05006.html

t) Terindeks di (jika ada) : Google Scholar

Kategori Publikasi Karya Ilmiah (beri ✓pada kategori yang tepat)

D Prosiding forum ilmiah Internasional

0 Prosiding forum ilmiah Nasional Hasil Penilaian Peer Review

Komponen Yang Dinilai

c. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasidan metodolo i 30%

d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas penerbit(30%)

Total = 100%

Nilai Maksimal Prosiding Nilai Yang Diperoleh Intemasional Nasional


Se�ang, 1_{, /t> t-/ -u, 19Reviewer / ' /

7' Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrudin, CES., MT. NIP. 195811071988031001 Unit kerja: Departemen T. Lingkungan FT UNDIP

Penulis II dari 2 = 0,4/2 x 14 = 2,8


Page 3: LEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU KARY A …eprints.undip.ac.id/70882/1/30._Evaluation_of_the_use_of_prefabricated... · LEMBAR BASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER



Judul Karya Ilmiah (Artikel)

Jumlah Penulis

Evaluation of the Use of Prefabricated Bridge Elements with Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Criteria 3 Orang (Yan Purnomo Safaa, Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko, dan Bambang Purwanggono) pemdis pertama/ penulis ke-2 / penulis korespondensi** Status Pengusul

Identitas Karya Ilmiah a) Nama Prosiding


: MATEC Web Conference Volume 270, 2019 The 2nd Conference for Civil Engineering Research Networks (ConCERN-2 2018) (Prosiding Internasional): elSSN: 2261-236X

c) Tahun Terbit, Tempat Pelaksanaan : 22 Februari 2019 (Bandung, Indonesia, 27-29November 2018)

d) Penerbit : EDP Sciences e) Alamat web Jurnal

https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/mateccon£labs/2019/19/matecconf_ concern2018 _ 05006/matecconf concern2018 05006.html- -

t) Terindeks di Uika ada) : Google Scholar

Kategori Publikasi Karya Ilmiah (beri ✓pada kategori yang tepat)

D Prosiding forum ilmiah Internasional

D Prosiding forum ilmiah Nasional Hasil Penilaian Peer Review

Nilai Maksimal Prosiding Nilai Yang Diperoleh

Komponen Internasional Nasional Yang Dinilai

D a. Kelengkapan unsur isi prosiding (10%) 1.5 b. Ruang lingkup dan kedalaman pembahasan

4.2 (30%)C. Kecukupan dan kemutahiran data/informasi

3.75 dan metodologi (30%)d. Kelengkapan unsur dan kualitas penerbit

3 (30%)Total = (100%) 12.45

Catatan Penilaian paper oleh Reviewer

a) Reviewer terwakili 4 negara, informasi pada web lengkap, daftar isi dan informasi tentang topik conference jelas,

scientific committee ada

b) Paper ini mengevaluasi kondisi eksisting elemen jembatan prefabricated. Data lengkap, dan mencakup tujuh type

girder. Data sangat detail, tersaji dengan baik dan runtun. Pengolahan data sesuai kaidah statistik

c) Kabaruan ada, metodologi riset dan analisa data memadai. Kesimpulan belum bisa menyajikan hasil akhir, dan masih

diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan yang baku

d) MATEC tertanggal l Januari 2019 tidak terindex Scopus lagi, ini memandakan ada mata rantai dalam proses produksi

atau sistematika evaluasi yang menurun. Pengelola conference dari ITb cukup dikenal reputasinya

Penulis II dari 2 : 0,4/2 x 12.45 = 2.49


of D . Han Ay Lie, M.Eng. 611091985032002

Unit kerja; Departemen Teknik Sipil FT UNDIP

D 1.5





Page 4: LEMBAR HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU KARY A …eprints.undip.ac.id/70882/1/30._Evaluation_of_the_use_of_prefabricated... · LEMBAR BASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER

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Table of Content

Preface ........................................................................................................................................... i

Welcoming Remarks ...................................................................................................................... ii

Table of Content ............................................................................................................................ iv

Organizing Committee................................................................................................................... 1

Scientific Committe ........................................................................................................................ 2

Steering Committe ......................................................................................................................... 4

Supporting Staff ............................................................................................................................. 5

General Information ...................................................................................................................... 6

Venue Map ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Program at a Glance....................................................................................................................... 9

Session of Program ........................................................................................................................ 11

Keynote Speaker ............................................................................................................................ 21

Invited Speaker .............................................................................................................................. 21

Technical Tour Information ........................................................................................................... 23

Content ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Abstract of Speaker from the Industry ........................................................................................ 25

Abstracts ........................................................................................................................................ 26

Structrul Engineering And Materials .................................................................................. 26

Geotechnical Engineering ................................................................................................... 31

Transportation Engineering And Planning ......................................................................... 33

Water Resources Engineering and Management .............................................................. 43

Construction Engineering and Management ....................................................................... 58

Infrastucture Engineering And Management .................................................................... 65

Sponsors ......................................................................................................................................... 68

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Keynote Speaker

Dr. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga

Civil Engineering Alumni Association of ITB (ALSI ITB); Directorate General of Human Settlements, MoPWH,


President; Director General

“Indonesian Infrastructure Development Challenges and Strategies”

Invited Speaker

Mr. Shinichi Yamanaka

JICA Indonesia Office

Chief Representative

“JICA’s Contribution to Indonesia’s Infrastructure Development”

Mr. Lee Chuan Seng

IDD Steering Committee of BCA; Beca Asia, Singapore

Chairman; Emeritus Chairman

“The Singapore Construction Industry Digitation Journey”

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Dr. Syarif Burhanuddin

Directorate General of Construction Development, MoPWH, Indonesia

Director General

“Strengthening Construction Safety Management in Indonesia”

Dr. Bashar Mohammed

Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

“Rubber Concrete (Rubbercrete) in Material Development”

Dr. Toong Khuan Chan

University of Melbourne, Australia

Senior Lecturer in Construction Management and Technology

“A Rational Economic Approach to Technology Choice and Industry Development”

Prof. Masyhur Irsyam

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

“Disaster Mitigation”

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Session of Program

Tuesday, 27th November 2018



07:30 – 08:30

Venue: East Hall

Chair of ConCERN 18

08:40 – 08:50

Venue: East Hall

Welcoming Speech and Opening

08:50 – 09:00

Venue: East Hall


09:00 – 10:40

Venue: East Hall

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga

President of Civil Engineering Alumni Association of ITB (ALSI ITB);

Director General of Human Settlements, MoPWH, Indonesia

Topic: “Indonesian Infrastructure Development Challenges and Strategies”

Invited Speaker 1: Mr. Shinichi Yamanaka

Chief Representative, JICA Indonesia Office

Topic: “JICA’s Contribution to Indonesia’s Infrastructure Development”

Invited Speaker 2: Mr. Lee Chuan Seng

Chairman of IDD Steering Committee of BCA; Emeritus Chairman of Beca

Asia, Singapore

Topic: “The Singapore Construction Industry Digitation Journey”

Invited Speaker 3: Dr. Syarif Burhanuddin

Director General of Construction Development, MoPWH, Indonesia

Topic: “Strengthening Construction Safety Management in Indonesia”

Coffee Break

10:40 – 10:55

Venue: East Hall


10:55 – 12:30

Venue: East Hall

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Invited Speaker 4: Dr. Bashar Muhammed

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti

Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia

Topic: “Rubber Concrete (Rubbercrete) in Material Development”

Invited Speaker 5: Dr. Toong Khuan Chan

Senior Lecturer in Construction Management and Technology, University

of Melbourne, Australia

Topic: “A Rational Economic Approach to Technology Choice and Industry


Invited Speaker 6: Masyhur Irsyam

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi

Bandung, Indonesia

Topic: “Disaster Mitigation”

Collaborative Research Initiatives by Indra Djati Sidi

Professor in Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung,


Topic: “Earthquakes in Palu and Lombok, Indonesia”

Lunch Break

12:30 – 14:00

Venue: East Hall

Parallel Session

Session STR 1 – Structural Engineering and Materials

14:00 – 15:15

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 307

1. 06001: Composite Girder to Fulfill the Needs of 60 up to 80 m Span Bridge for Toll Road

Projects in Indonesia – Herry Trisaputra Zuna (Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and

Housing) and Zulaikha Budi Astuti (Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing)*

2. 01001: Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Existing Special Bridge In Indonesia Under The

New Seismic Design Code – Frans Sinatra (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Muhammad

Riyansyah (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Made Suarjana (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

3. 01002: Evaluation of Behavior And Performance of The Braced/Unbraced Four Story of Steel

Frame With Semi Rigid Connection – Daniel Rumbi Teruna (Universitas Sumatera Utara)*

4. 01003: Design and Reliability Analysis of Accomodation Work Barge Moorong Configuration

at a Tension Leg Platform in Makassar Strait, Indonesia – Antonio Juan Tanujaya (Institut

Teknologi Bandung)*; Paramashanti (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Rildova (Institut

Teknologi Bandung); and Heri Setiawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

5. 01004: Experimental Study of Effect Additional Water on High Performance Geopolimer

Concrete – Rachmansyah (Krida Wacana Christian University)*; Harianto Hardjasaputra

(Pelita Harapan University); and Meilanie Cornelia (Pelita Harapan University)

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ConCERN 2018 Organizing Committee

Chairman Biemo W. Soemardi

Secretary Muhamad Abduh Prasanti Widyasih Sarli Eko Yuniarsyah

Treasurer Ima Fatima Hadi Kardana Ana Nurganah Chaidar

Paper and Proceeding Reini D. Wirahadikusumah Budi Hasiholan Patria Kusumaningrum

Opening & Keynotes Endra Susila Eliza Rosmaya Widyaningtyas

Technical Sessions Ediansjah Zulkifli Mohammad Bagus Adityawan Erwin Lim

Technical Tour Erza Rismantojo Sugeng Krisnanto

Social & Cultural Events Russ Bona Frazilla Widyarini Weningtyas Eliza Rosmaya Puri

Sponsorship Yadi Suryadi Harmein Rahman Meifrinaldi Muhammad Ryansyah

Logistics Nasuhi Zain Hasbullah Nawir Dedi Apriadi Iris Mahani Ivan Sandi

Accommodation Aine Kusumawati Rani Gayatri Kusumawardhani Pradoto Jongga Jihanny

Media & Publication Dyah Kusumastuti Mohammad Farid Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas

Documentation Dhemi Harlan Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho

Security, Safety & Permit Eri Susanto Hariyadi Arno Adi Kuntoro

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ConCERN 2018 Scientific Committee

Agung Wiyono Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Agus Setyo Muntohar Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Anastasia Caroline Sutandi Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

Andreas Wibowo Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia

Anton Soekiman Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

Budi Hasiholan Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Dhemi Harlan Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Dionysius M. Siringoringo Yokohama National University, Japan

Djoko Legono Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia

Doddi Yudianto Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

Eri Hariyadi Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Ervina Ahyudanari Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

Fakhrudin Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia

Felix Hidayat Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

Harmein Rahman Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Ikuo Towhata University of Tokyo, Japan

Indra Djati Sidi Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Iswandi Imran Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Iwan Kridasantausa Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Jeongsoo Nam Chungnam National University, South Korea

Joko Nugroho Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Lasminto Umboro Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

Liyanto Eddy University of Tokyo, Japan

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Puti Farida Marzuki Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Rafik Taleb University of Blida 1, Algeria

Rangga A. Sudisman Universitas Pertamina, Indonesia

Reini Wirahadikusumah Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Rizal Z Tamin Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Rudy Hermawan Karsaman Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Russ Bona Frazila Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Shyh-Jiann Hwang National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Sony Sulaksono Wibowo Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Sugeng Krisnanto Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Suppachai Sinthaworn Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

Suseno Darsono Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Susumu Kono Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Susy Fatena Rostiyanti Podomoro University, Indonesia

Tamon Ueda Hokkaido University, Japan

Tjie-Liong Gouw Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia

Tri Tjahjono University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Tri Basuki Joewono Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia

Vachara Peansupap Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Wasis Wardoyo Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

Yo Hibino Hiroshima University, Japan

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Session GEO 1 – Geotechnical Engineering

14:00 – 15:15

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 306

1. 02001: Risk Based Decision Making in Highway Slope Geometry Design - Hasna Aulia Arifani

(Universitas Indonesia)* and Widjojo Adi Prakoso (Universitas Indonesia)

2. 02002: Pile Lateral Subgrade Reaction Modulus for Jakarta – Saskia Nadilla (Universitas

Indonesia)* and Widjojo Adi Prakoso (Universitas Indonesia)

3. 02003: Foundation Resistance Analysis of Cisomang Bridge - Kaisha Tamara (Universitas

Indonesia)* and Tommy Ilyas (Universitas Indonesia)

4. 02004: Analysis of Embankment Slope Stability: The Comparison of Finite Element Limit

Analysis with Limit Equilibrium Methods - Kongkit Yingchaloenkitkhajorn (Rajamangala

University of Technology Srivijaya) *

Session TRA 1 – Transportation Engineering and Planning

14:00 – 15:15

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 102

1. Speaker from the industry: The Future of Mobility 3.0, Reinventing Mobility in The Era of

Disruption and Creativity - Kelvin Timotius (Arthur D. Little Consultant)

2. 03001: Exploring Human Genome Feature for Improving Genetic Algorithm Performance –

Febri Zukhruf (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Irma Susan Kurnia (Universitas Padjajaran);

Russ Bona Frazila (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Gaga Irawan Nugraha (Universitas

Padjajaran); and Mas Rizky A.A Syamsunarno (Universitas Padjajaran)

3. 03002: Development of Pre-time Intersection Isolated Signal Using a Fuzzy Logic Model –

Moch D. Studyana (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Ade Sjafruddin (Institut Teknologi

Bandung); Iwan P Kusumantoro (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Yudi Suharyadi (Institut

Teknologi Bandung)

4. 03003: Consumer’s Point of View on Parcel Lockers in DKI Jakarta – Alvin F Vilardi (Universitas

Indonesia)* and Nahry Yusuf (Universitas of Indonesia)

5. 03004: A Brief Review: Traffic Conflict Techniques and The Challenges of The Studies in

Indonesia – Naomi Srie Kusumastutie (Polytechnic of Road Transportation Safety) * and

Pipit Rusmandani (Polytechnic of Road Transportation Safety)

Session WRE 1 – Water Resources Engineering and Management

14:00 – 15:15

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 101

1. 04001: Economic Study of Groundwater Irrigation System in Lampung Province – Entin A

Karjadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Andojo Wurjanto (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and

Devi Ulumit Tias (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*

2. 04002: Payment For Environmental Service of Conservation in Cokro Tulung Spring, Klaten

Regency, Indonesia – Faisal (Sebelas Maret University)*; Evi Gravitiani (Sebelas Maret

University); and Mugi Raharjo (Sebelas Maret University)

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02003 Foundation Resistance Analysis of Cisomang Bridge

Kaisha Tamara1,* and Tommy Ilyas1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Cisomang bridge is one of the bridges connecting Jakarta and Bandung through

Cikampek-Padalarang (Cipularang) Highway. The Road and Bridge's Research and

Development Centre (PUSJATAN) presents data that on December 23rd, 2016 Pier P2

of Cipularang Highway is shifted for 57,02 cm. This movement is suspected occurred

due to decreasing of clayshale's shear strength caused by Cisomang River's seepage.

Pier P2 movement is indicating lateral displacement of Cisomang Bridges foundation

for 22 m deep which dominates the total displacement when compared to its

settlement. Accordingly, we study trough back analysis method for determining the

impact of bore pile reinforcement to lateral displacement on clayshale using PLAXIS to

simulate the behaviour of soil. This research proposes 35 m and 60 m depth bore pile

to be a foundation reinforcement. Aside from its contribution on decreasing lateral

displacement of existing foundation up to 33-68%, this reinforcement cuts the slip

surface of Cipularang slope and increases its safety factor (SF) for 4,7-16%.

02004 Analysis of Embankment Slope Stability: The Comparison of Finite Element Limit

Analysis with Limit Equilibrium Methods

Kongkit Yingchaloenkitkhajorn 1,*

1Department of Civil Engineering, College of Industrial Technology and Management,

Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand

This paper presented the analysis of embankment slope stability by considering the

problem of embankment slope stability with special effects that it was filled with sand

and was placed on purely cohesive clay. The finite element limit analysis of two-

dimensional plane strain was employed to analyze the stability of this problem. The

embankment slope height (H), the depth factors (d/H) and the embankment slope

angle () for the finite element limit analysis of sand was modeled as a volume element

with the properties of Mohr-Coulomb material in drained condition. And the clay was

modeled as a volume element with the properties of Tresca material in undrained

condition where the parameters were soil unit weight (), undrained shear strength

(su) and friction angle (). Parametric studies consisted of three dimensionless

variables including depth factors (d/H), friction angle () and embankment slope angle

(). Results were summarized in the form of the dimensionless stability number

(su/H(FS)) and the design chart and application were presented. In addition, the

comparison of the solution of stability number with the limit equilibrium methods and

the failure mechanisms were also proposed in this paper.

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3. 04003: Effect of Extreme Rain and Land Covering Change in Jatihandap on 20 March 2018 Flash

Flood – Agung Wiyono Hadi Soeharno (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Mohammad Farid

(Institut Teknologi Bandung); Dhiya Salma Abidah (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Tias

Ravena Maitsa (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Setianingsih (Institut Teknologi Bandung);

and Nurul Majidah (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

4. 04004: Developed Watershed Classification Index Determining Management Priority Level

Based on Watershed Carrying Capacity – Ignatius Sriyana (Diponegoro University)*

5. 04005: Analysis of Climate Change and Future Projection of Rainfall, Temperature, and

Potential Evapotranspiration in Riam Kanan Catchment Area, Banjar Regency, South

Kalimantan – Olivia Putri Purnama (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Hadi Kardhana (Institut

Teknologi Bandung); Harry Indrawan (PT. PLN Persero Electricity Research and

Development Center); Rasgianti (PT. PLN Persero Electricity Research and Development

Center); M. Cahyono (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Anna Nurganah Chaidar (Institut

Teknologi Bandung)

Session CEM 1 – Construction Engineering and Management

14:00 – 15:15

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 308

1. 06004: Criteria to Consider in Selecting and Prioritizing Infrastructure Projects – Seng Hansen

(RMIT University)*; Eric Too (RMIT University); and Tiendung Le (RMIT University)

2. 05001: The Risks of Construction Grant Support in Toll Road Investment Faced by Indonesia’s

Government – Iris Maharani (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Rizal Z. Tamin (Institut

Teknologi Bandung); Krishna S. Pribadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Andreas Wibowo

(Ministry of Public Works and Housing Indonesia)

3. 06005: Islamic Financing for Infrastructure Projects and Its Implementation Barriers – Ayomi

Rarasati (Universitas Indonesia)*; Bambang Trigunarsyah (RMIT University); Eric Too

(RMIT University); Fiona Lamari (Queensland University of Technology); and Faiq Bahwal

(Universitas Indonesia)

4. 05002: Readiness of Local Government in PPP Project Development – Case of LRT Bandung –

Revana Putri (Institute Teknologi Bandung) and Reini Wirahadikusumah (Institut Teknologi


5. 05003: Critical Success Factors Of Collaborative Approach In Delivering Sustainable

Construction – Shia Hui Liu (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS); Yani Rahmawati (Universiti

Teknologi PETRONAS)*; and Noor Amila Wan Abdullah Zawawi (Universiti Teknologi


Coffee Break

15:15 – 15:45

Venue: CIBE 103

Cultural Dinner, Presentation from KCIC, Closing of Day I

19.00 – 21.05

Venue: East Hall

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high-rise building. This technology has capability to create 3D object with milimeter

accuracy. Tilting on the building can be seen simply by their verticality. We have

chosen several high-rise buildings to accurately measure, especially where large

subsidence is there. This paper is a highlight on the investigation. As the conclusion we

found the verticality of investigated buildings are still within the tolerance.

06003 Impacts of Infrastructure Development in The Villages of Batang Regency In Terms

0f Social, Economy, Education, And Health

Muhammad Fajri1 and Ayomi Rarasati1,*

1Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

The increase of village fund since 2015 led to the Indonesian government’s expectation

for economic growth and more infrastructure development in villages, with the hope

that the villagers’ quality of life will improve. This research aimed at analyzing the

impacts of infrastructure development in Batang Regency, Central Java in terms of

social, economy, education, and health aspects. Data was collected via structured

interviews. The focus of the research is to identify the differences of impacts on

infrastructure development based on 2 categories. The first category is the 3

geographical zones: the borders of the north coast Trans Java highway network

(Pantura), mountainous area and coast area. The second category is based on the

villagers’ duration of stay in their village: more than 10 years and less than 10 years.

Based on the geographical zone research results, there were differences found in the

impacts on social aspects, but none in the economy, education, health and education

aspects. In the length of stay category, there were no differences in the impacts

resulted from the infrastructure development on either the social, economy,

education, or health aspects.

06004 Criteria to Consider in Selecting and Prioritizing Infrastructure Projects

Seng Hansen1, Eric Too1,*, and Tiendung Le1

1School of Property, Construction and Project Management, RMIT University, Australia

Infrastructure project selection and prioritization is a challenging decision-making

problem. Thus, decision makers are required to develop and use a decision-making

framework to evaluate the proposals. The first step in developing such framework is

to establish the decision criteria. This research aims to identify these criteria based on

a systematic review of literature. A total of 34 decision criteria for infrastructure

project selection was identified. In addition, this research has also identified three

major facts related to decision criteria and presented a structured model to integrate

these decision criteria into a Decision-Making Framework. As a preliminary study, the

findings from this research are expected to assist further research on developing a

Decision-Making Framework for infrastructure project selection.

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Wednesday, 28th November 2018


Session STR 2 – Structural Engineering and Materials

08:30 – 09:45

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 307

1. 01005: Study on Confined End-Regions of RC Walls under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings –

Rafik Taleb (University of Blida 1)* and Susumu Kono (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

2. 01006: Studies on Nonlinear Behavior of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joints

After Experiencing Severe Damage from Earthquake Load Simulation – Nelson Gosal (Institut

Teknologi Bandung)*; Iswandi Imran (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Muhammad

Riyansyah (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

3. 06002: The Investigation on High Rise Building Tilting from The Issue of Land Subsidence in

Jakarta City – Heri Andreas (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Hasanuddin Zainal Abidin

(Institut Teknologi Bandung); Dina Anggreni Sarsito (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and

Dhota Pradipta (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

4. 01007: Correlation Between Shear and Normal Strength for Brittle Reinforced Concrete

Member Considering Internal Stress Condition of Concrete – Walid Ahmad Safi (Hiroshima

University)* and Yo Hibino (Hiroshima University)

5. 01008: Study of Different Decay Rates for Evaluating Time Dependent Reliability of Jack Up –

Ahmad Idris (Universiti Teknologi Petronas)*; Indra Sati Hammonagan Harahap (Universiti

Teknologi Petronas); and Montassir Osman Ahmed Ali (Universiti Teknologi Petronas)

Session TRA 2 – Transportation Engineering and Planning

08:30 – 09:45

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 102

1. 03005: Evaluation of Rigid Pavement on Apron of Terminal 3 Soekarno Hatta International –

Pamahayu Prawesti (Gadjah Mada University)*; Bambang Suhendro (Gadjah Mada

University); and Suryo Hapsoro (Gadjah Mada University)

2. 03006: Verification of Modulus and Fatigue Cracking Models for Hot-Mix Asphalt with

Asbuton in Laboratory Scale – Juan Nugraha (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Djunaedi

Kosasih (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Harmein Rahman (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

3. 03007: Road Improvement From Flexible Pavement to Rigid on Munjul - Panimbang Road

Banten – Telly Rosdiyani (Banten Jaya University)*; Gunawan Noor (Banten Jaya

University); and Irja Iswan (Banten Jaya University)

4. 03008: Porous Concrete Basic Property Criteria as Rigid Pavement Base Layer Adjusting Field

Gradation – Frisky Ridwan Aldila Melania Care (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Bambang

Sugeng Subagio (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Harmein Rahman (Institut Teknologi

Bandung); and R. Anwar Yamin (Ministry of Public Works and Housing)

5. 03009: Constructing Pedestrian Level of Service based on The Perspective of Visual

Impairment Person – Russ Bona Frazila (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Febri Zukhruf (Institut

Teknologi Bandung)*; Cavin Ornando Simorangkir (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and

Jzolanda Tsavalista Burhani (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

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Sustainable Concrete Technology, in order to create "Green Concrete". For that

reason in the direction of "Green Concrete", innovation is needed to reduce or replace

cement in the concrete mixing. The ash waste electrical power generating plants of fly

ash is a material containing many SiO2 and Al2O3 which can be used to replace the

overall of cement in concrete. Geopolymer concrete is a fly ash-based concrete that

replaces the entire cement in its manufacture. Workability in mixing geopolymer

concrete is very low, due to the rapid reaction of the alkaline solution when it reacts

with fly ash. To improve the workability can be added water at the time of mixing. The

fly ash used in the mixing from the Paiton power plant in East Java with grain size 12.06

µm with round granules and chemical composition of fly ash containing SiO2, Al2O3

and Fe2O3 with a total of 75.151%. The planned compressive strength of the concrete

is 45 MPa, with a variation of 8M, 12M and 16M NaOH molarity and the ratio of NaOH

and Na2SiO3 is 1. Addition of water in concrete mixing with variations of 15, 17.5, 20,

22.5 and 25 liters / m3. The results of this study indicate that the more addition of water

in the manufacture of geopolymer concrete can also increase the value of slump, but

the excessive addition of water will result in a decrease in the compressive strength of

the concrete caused by a decrease in the concentration of the alkaline solution. High

molarity values will require additional water to reach the same slump value compared

to lower NaOH molarity. With the same mix design, the optimal compressive strength

at 8M NaOH was 48.18 MPa with 17.5 liters/m3 of water added with a slump of 12 cm,

for 12M NaOH the optimal compressive strength was 51.65 MPa with the addition of

20 liter/m3 with 10 cm slump, while for 16M NaOH the optimum compressive strength

is 59.70 MPa with 22.5 liters/m3 of water added with a 5 cm slump. The higher the NaOH

molarity will result in a higher compressive strength value and geopolymer concrete

compressive strength at early age is higher than conventional concrete.

01005 Study on Confined End-Regions of RC Walls under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings

Rafik Taleb1,*, and Susumu Kono2

1Department of Civil Engineering, University of Blida 1, Algeria 2Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

A study was conducted to clarify the influence of reinforcement detailing, slenderness

and loading type on the capacity, damages and failure modes of confined boundary

regions of reinforced concrete (RC) cantilever walls. It was found that the tensile strain

prior to compressive strain affected the performance of thin wall boundaries and may

lead to different failure modes compared to compression load only. It was also found

that dense transverse reinforcement detailing in thin confined boundaries did not

improve their performance. Some design and detailing practices were evaluated to

determine their accuracy in preventing global buckling and bar buckling under

extreme lateral loading. Numerical model that take into account reinforcing bar

buckling was proposed to simulate the behaviour of specimens tested under

monotonic condition. The model could simulate the observed response with good


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Session WRE 2 – Water Resources Engineering and Management 08:30 – 09:45 Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 101 1. 04006: Water Management System Of Peatlands For Palawija Plants On KHG Pulang Pisau,

Central Of Kalimantan – Fadel Khalifah Ibrahim (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Yadi Suryadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Indratmo Soekarno (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Sri Legowo (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Mohammad Bagus Adityawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Saepul (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

2. 04007: Rainwater Management Role to Solve Problem Related to Hydro- Environment Engineering – Susilawati Cicilia Laurentia (Flores University)*; Yulius PK Suni (IRGSC); and Alfred Fredrich Lukas (BWS NT.II Kupang)

3. 04008: Application of Aerated Submerged Spongebed Biofilter for Raw Water Pre-Treatment In Drinking Water Installation – Margareta Novia Asih Christami (Universitas Indonesia); Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik (Universitas Indonesia)*; El Khobar M. Nazech (Universitas Indonesia); and Yenny Silvia (Universitas Indonesia)

4. 04009: Bench Scale Study of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Application as Pre-Treatment of Raw Water for Water Treatment Plant (Case Study: Pesanggrahan River) – Rhefa Fauza (Universitas Indonesia)*; Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik (Universitas Indonesia); and Sandyanto Adityosulindro (Universitas Indonesia)

Session WRE 3 – Water Resources Engineering and Management 08:30 – 09:45 Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 306 1. 04010: Study of Flood Characteristic in Cikalumpang River by using 2D Flood Model - Akbar

Rizaldi (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Idham Riyando Moe (Ministry of Public Works and Housing); Mohammad Farid (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Teguh Mulia Aribawa (Ministry of Public Works and Housing); Gatut Bayuadji (Ministry of Public Works and Housing); and Tanto Sugiharto (Ministry of Public Works and Housing)

2. 04011: Analysis of Flood Propagation and its Impact on Negeri Lima Village due to the Failure of Way Ela Dam – Bagus Pramono Yakti (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Iwan Kridasantausa Hadihardaja (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Yadi Suryadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Joko Nugroho (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Arno Adi Kuntoro (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

3. 04012: Study of The Relation Between Hydraulic Jump and The Flood Water Level in The River on The Downstream of a Spillway – Dwiva Anbiya Taruna (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Joko Nugroho (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Mohammad Farid (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Arno Adi Kuntoro (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Widyaningtias (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

4. 04013: Flood Control at KM 130 Padaleunyi Toll - Suci Anggraeni (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Arno Adi Kuntoro (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Mohammad Farid (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Dhemi Harlan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and M. Bagus Adityawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

5. 04014: Testing Of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method For Minor Loss Coefficient In Three-Dimensional Water Flow In Circular Vertical Pipe Contraction - Muhammad Irham

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Sya’bani (Universitas Indonesia)*; R R Dwinanti Rika Marthanty (Universitas Indonesia);

Herr Soeryantono (Universitas Indonesia); and Jessica Sjah (Universitas Indonesia)

Session CEM 2 – Construction Engineering and Management

08:30 – 09:45

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 308

1. 05004: Managing Risks of Precast Concrete Supply Chain: A Case Study – Jati Utomo Dwi

Hatmoko (Diponegoro University)*; Mochamad Agung Wibowo (Diponegoro University);

Marita Dewi Astuty (Minister for Works Human Settlements); Desy Ratna Arthaningtyas

(Diponegoro University); and Moh Nur Sholeh (Diponegoro University)

2. 05005: Construction Cost Optimization of Shallow Foundation for Sand Soil in Indonesia –

Abdul Azhim (Universitas Indonesia)* and Widjojo Adi Prakoso (Universitas Indonesia)

3. 05006: Evaluation of The Use of Prefabricated Bridge Elements with Design for Manufacture

and Assembly (DfMA) Criteria – Yan Purnomo Safaa (The Institution of Engineers

Indonesia)*; Jati Hatmoko (Diponegoro University); and Bambang Purwanggono

(Diponegoro University)

4. 05007: The Cost of Implementing OHSMS Regulation on High-rise Building Projects – Reini

Wirahadikusumah (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and Felix A. Windraya (Institut Teknologi


5. 05008: Automation of Visualization Process for Organizational and Technological Design

Solutions – Sergei Sinenko (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering); Tatiana

Poznakhirko (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)*; and Vyacheslav Obodnikov

(Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)

Coffee Break

09:45 – 10:15

Venue: CIBE 103

Session TRA 3 – Transportation Engineering and Planning

10:15 – 11:30

Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) – 102

1. 03010: A Resource Sharing (Sharing Platform) Scheme on Online Taxi Services – Helen Burhan

(University of Indonesia)*; Sutanto Soehodho (University of Indonesia); and Nahry Yusuf

(University of Indonesia)

2. 03011: Mode Choice Model for Public Transport (Ferry, Fast Ship and Aircraft) Study Case:

Kupang - Rote Route – Margareth E. Bolla (Brawijaya University)*; Rossy A. Bella (Nusa

Cendana University), Aprianto Nomleni (Brawijaya University); and Desy Yuliaty Tungga

(Nusa Cendana University)

3. 03012: Identification of Cumulative Prospect Theory Parameters for Mode Choice Model –

Sylvia Indriany (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Ade Sjafruddin (Institut Teknologi Bandung);

Aine Kusumawati (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Widyarini Weningtyas (Institut

Teknologi Bandung)

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case study, the cost of implementing the regulation was simulated and estimated. The

cost allocation ranges from 2.01% to 3.70% of the contract value. The most significant

components of the costs were related to OSH personnel (44.10%), insurance and

licensing (35.2%), and OSH induction and promotion (5.82%).

05008 Automation of Visualization Process for Organizational and Technological Design


Sergei Sinenko1, Tatiana Poznakhirko1*, and Vyacheslav Obodnikov1

1 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education - State University of

Civil Engineering, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Department of

Technologies and Organizations of Construction Operations, Rusia

This article studies modern software packages used in drawing construction master

plans and their elements. A special emphasis is placed on increasing the level of design

works, improving their quality, and expanding the community of technically unskilled

users. The article describes approaches to solving the task of visualization of

organizational and technological solutions and gives a comparative analysis thereof. It

presents a visualization diagram of an organizational and technological solution for

the construction of a building. It also highlights the most promising direction in graphic

modeling of a construction process for buildings and structures with visualization seen

as the most objective solution to address the assigned task.

05009 Indonesian Contractors’ Practices Towards Sustainable Procurement Principles for

Green Building Projects

Sapto Nugroho Sukardi1,* and Muhamad Abduh1

1Construction Engineering and Management Research Group, Faculty of Civil and

Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Sustainable practices in Indonesia’s construction industry have been considered and

implemented in green building projects, even though they are not yet enforced by

specific regulations on the practices, especially for procurement processes by the

contractors. It is believed that the contractors’ procurement for selecting

subcontractors and suppliers could boost the implementation of sustainability in

construction industry since most construction companies deliver majority of their

works through their supply chains. This paper presents the comparison between the

sustainable procurement principles to the Indonesian contractors’ practices in

procuring subcontractors and suppliers of their supply chains to support their green

building projects. By so doing, the study would measure the compliance of sustainable

procurement principles and practices by the Indonesian contractors. For this purpose,

the ISO 20400, which is a flexible framework for sustainable procurement were used.

The study was conducted using an integrated approach of grounded theory and

qualitative data analysis based on a semi-structured interview to 3 large state-owned

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4. 03013: Mode Choice Model Analysis Between Ridesouring and Ridesplitting Service in DKI Jakarta – Anggit Cahyo (Universitas Indonesia)*; Nahry Yusuf (Universitas Indonesia); and Helen Burhan (Universitas Indonesia)

5. 03014: Activity Travel Participation, Multitasking in Travel and Daily Well Being – Nurul Fatihah Mohd Fauzi (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS) and Dimas B. E. Dharmowijoyo (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS)*

Session TRA 4 – Transportation Engineering and Planning 10:15 – 11:30 Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) – 307 1. 03015: Selection of ports, tariffs, service frequency, and ship size for a SSS Route in Java Island

– Johannes E. Simangunsong (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Ade Sjafruddin (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Harun Al-Rasyid S. Lubis (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Russ Bona Frazila (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

2. 03016: Developing Model of Toll Road Traffic Forecasting During Ramp-Up Period - Weka Indra Dharmawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Ade Sjafruddin (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Russ Frazila (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Febri Zukhruf (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

3. 06003: Impacts Of Infrastructure Development In The Villages Of Batang Regency In Terms Of Social, Economy, Education, And Health – Muhammad Fajri (Universitas Indonesia) and Ayomi Rarasati (Universitas Indonesia)*

4. 03017: Motorcycle Accident modelling for the Formulation of Motorist Safety Action Programs in Kupang CIty – Margareth E. Bolla (Brawijaya University)*; Tri Mardiyati Sir (Nusa Cendana University); and Putri D. K. Djahamouw (Brawijaya University)

Session WRE 4 – Water Resources Engineering and Management 10:15 – 11:30 Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 101 1. 04015: Fuzzy Rule-Based Model to Optimize Outflow In Single Reservoir Operation – Edy Anto

Soentoro (Institut Teknologi Bandung)* and Nina Pebriana (University of Surakarta) 2. 04016: Optimization of Gunungrowo Reservoir Operation – Dyah A Wulandari (Diponegoro

University)*; Suseno Darsono (Diponegoro University); and Dwi Kurniani (Diponegoro University)

3. 04017: Association Rules and Regression Linear Model of the Groundwater Population by the Evaluation of Uranium - Iing Lukman (Universitas Malahayati)* and Natalina (Universitas Malahayati)

4. 04018: The Effect Of Small Dams In Rawa Pening Catchment Area On Sedimentation Rate Of Rawa Pening Lake – Dyah A Wulandari (Diponegoro University)*; Dwi Kurniani (Diponegoro University); Sutarto Edhisono (Diponegoro University); Ferdian Ardianto (Diponegoro University); and Denri Dahlan (Diponegoro University)

5. 04019: The Advanced Analysis of Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Modelling in Agathis Lake - Rian Mantasa Salve Prastica (Universitas Indonesia)*; Herr Soeryantono (Universitas of Indonesia); and Dwinanti Rika Marthanty (Universitas of Indonesia)

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Session WRE 5 – Water Resources Engineering and Management 10:15 – 11:30 Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 306

1. 04020: FVCOM Model Simulation Of Local Scouring Around Bridge Pile – Sony Herdiansyah

(Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Dantje Kardana Natakusumah (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Dhemi Harlan (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

2. 04021: Computing Urban Flooding of Meandering River Using 2D Numerical Model (Case Study : Kebon Jati-Kalibata Segment, Ciliwung River Basin) – Dian Indrawati (Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani)*; Bagus Pramono Yakti (Bantardawa Konsult); Agustin Purwanti (Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani); and Rono Hadinagoro (Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani)

3. 04022: 1D Numerical Modelling of Dam Break Using Finite Element Method – Nur Lely Hardianti Zendrato (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Dhemi Harlan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Mohammad Bagus Adityawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Dantje Kardana Natakusumah (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

4. 04023: Prediction of Shoreline Change using a Numerical Model: Case of the Kulon Progo Coast, Central Java - Asrini Chrysanti (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Widyaningtyas (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Bagus Pramono Yakti (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Joko Nugroho (Institut Teknologi Bandung); Khilmi Zain (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Iman Haryanto(Universitas Gadjah Mada); Muhammad Sulaiman (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Adhy Kurniawan (Universitas Gadjah Mada); and Hitoshi Tanaka (Tohoku University)

5. 04024: Comparative Study on Wave Hindcasting Using Wind Downscaling Data at Bojong Salawe Beach – Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Benedictus Arie Moniaga (National Institute of Technology); Fitri Suciaty (National Institute of Technology); Asrini Chrysanti (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Dhemi Harlan (Institut Teknologi Bandung); and Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Session CEM 3 – Construction Engineering and Management 10:15 – 11:30 Venue: Center for Infrastructure and Built Environment (CIBE) - 308 1. 05009: Indonesian Contractors’ Practices Towards Sustainable Procurement Principles for

Green Building Projects – Sapto N Sukardi (Institut Teknologi Bandung)* and Muhamad Abduh (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

2. 06006: DCMS – Dashboard Construction Monitoring System – Amrinsyah Nasution (Institut Teknologi Bandung)*; Umar Said Habibullah (PT. Bangun Teknusa Jaya); and Deden (PT. ELMI ITB)

3. 05010: Delay model for Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC): a case of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects in Indonesia – Peter Kaming (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta)*; Ambrosius Koesmargono (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta); and Bimo Wahyuaji (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta)

4. 05011: Systems Engineering Fundamentals of State Construction Supervision Structure in Reshaping of Large City Territories – Dmitry Topchiy (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)* and Andrey Tokarskiy (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)

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5. 05012: A Comprehensive Review of Disputes Prevention and Resolution in Construction Projects – Wesam S. Alaloul (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS)*; Mohammed W. Hasaniyah (Islamic University of Gaza); and Bassam A. Tayeh (Islamic University of Gaza)

Closing Speech 12:00 – 12:15 Venue: East Hall

Lunch and Performance 12:15 – end Venue: East Hall

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CcnCtRN-The ?nd Cnnferenc-e lor Civil [ngineerrnEIteseorch Networks 20'18


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in recognition ond oppreciotion os Presenter ot ConCERN-2:The 2ndConference for Civil Engineering Reseorch Networks

from the 27thto 29th of N

lr. Biemo W. Soemordi, M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ConCERN-2 Choirmon



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