legends slovakia

Primary School of Viliam Záborský, Vráble, Slovakia Made for Comenius program: Wandering through the History and Culture of Europe. Legends and tales

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Page 1: Legends slovakia

Primary School of Viliam Záborský, Vráble, Slovakia

Made for Comenius program:

Wandering through the History and Culture of Europe.

Legends and tales

Page 2: Legends slovakia

*In this presentation you will have chance

to know some of our legends connected

with our castles and heroes.

*We think that the most important for

Slovakia is the legend about Juro Jánošík.

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The legend of King Svatopluk´s three rods 1

The King Svatopluk wanted to see his three sons before the death. He gave each of them a twig and ordered them to break it. Young men have done it very easily.

Then the king gave all three tiedtwigs and again he said them to break a bunch of twigs.This task was much more difficult.

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The legend of King Svätopluk three rods 2

*This way he showed them how important the

unity is.

* After the death of Svätopluk in 894, his sons

shared Great Moravia.

*A Hungarian invasion in 907

has ended its existence.

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Children´s Paintings


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*Bebek lived with his wife and kids in the region called Gemer. He was a shepherd of the sheep. They were poor. One day Bebek with the sheep were in the meadow and saw a big stone on the road.

* When he threw it away, he found money underneath. Then he saw that the stone fluoresces. He took him to

the king. They found there that it is a diamond.

* The king gave him money and built 7 sheep-folds for him. But really they were 7 castles and Krásna Hôrka was one of them.

The legend of the castle called Krásna Hôrka

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Krásna Hôrka – pictures and paintings

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The well of love - TrenČín castle

One of the oldest but also the most beautiful Slovak legend is about Omar, Fatima and the Well of Love. It is famous and connected with the Trenčín Castle.It talks about love of the Turkish pasha Omar and the beautiful girl Fatima. Fatima was the captive of the monarch Stephen Zápoľský at this castle.Omar had to dig the well in the rock when he wanted to save her.With the words : „Zápoľský, you have the water, but not the heart“ he took Fatima back home.

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The well of love*Pictures and paintings

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LEGEND of Beckov Castle * According to the legend, Ctibor built this castle for

his clown Becko .

*One day when Ctibor was very sad,

only clown Becko could cheer him.

*Ctibor kept his word and built the castle.

*When the castle was finished

he liked it so much that he wanted

to have it as a residence.

*Becko sold him the castle then.

*It was the most unconquerable

castle in that time.

*It stands on the very high rock.

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Bojnice: Legend about the black lady

*A lord with his wife lived in Bojnice castle. She was as good as

an angel. She liked to help people.

*Young lord had to leave to the war. When he came back, bad

people lied to him-his lady was amusing all nights with

unknown knights. His wife was innocent and she was


*The verdict: A young lady with her baby,

who was born after the husband went

to the war, had to jump off

Huňady´s tower to the stone dike.

* If she was innocent nothing should

happen to them and when she

transgressed their life should end.

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*And it happened. A young lady together

with her little baby in her arms jumped

into depth.

*Instead of the fall, the castle lady with


baby flew high up to the sky.

*Heartsore castle lord left to the

monastery forever. Since then you can

hear strange voices from Huňady´s


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Legend -Juraj Jánošík 1*The most important Slovak hero is Juraj Jánošík, a legendary outlaw and the Slovak Robin Hood.

*Jánošík was born in a little village Terchová in Malá Fatra.

*It was 300 years ago. He didn´t like oppression and inequity.

*He wanted to help poor people.

*He became a captain of outlaw

group, when he was 23 years old.

* According to the legend,

he robbed nobles and gave the loot

to the poor.

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Jánošík had incredible strength thank to the miraculous things that he received from fairies .

*It was VALAŠKA - a kind of axe, but smaller and lighter - very sharp and fast and it was able to cut without help.

*WHITE SHIRT resistant from bullets and swords.

*Then it was his MAGIC BELT which made him strong and immortal.

*Juro’s special HAIRDO which was made by fairies – a power of three strong men was hidden in the braids.

Legend about Juraj Jánošík 2

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*According to a widespread legend, he was caught after slipping on peas, thrown in his way by an old woman in the pub.

*Jánošík was imprisoned in Liptovský Mikuláš.

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*The way of his execution became part of his modern legend.

*A hook was pierced through his left side and he was left dangling on the gallows to die.

*A legend says that he refused the grace offered in exchange for enlisting soldiers of his abilities with the words: "If you have baked me so you should also eat me!"

and jumped on the hook.

*The statue of Juraj Jánošík

is the part of his monument

in Terchová.


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Thank you for your interest

Pupils of Comenius Club

Základná škola Viliama Záborského Vráble Slovakia

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