legends of the pulp world v1.1

Legends of the Pulp World By McMordain You will need the Legends of the Old West rulebook, and if you plan to use the mystical arts, the Lord of the Ring rulebook. You will also need a scatter dice and the flamer and blast templates from the LotOW rulebook. The moving, shooting and fighting rules are mostly the same as in the LotOW book. Differences are noted. The “Head for the Hills!” rule is called “Flee the scene!”. Style points – Fame points - Might points Power points – not used - Will points Luck points – Fortune points - Fate points

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Legends of the Pulp World v1.1


Legends of the Pulp WorldBy McMordain

You will need the Legends of the Old West rulebook, and if you plan to use the mystical arts, the Lord of the Ring rulebook.You will also need a scatter dice and the flamer and blast templates from the LotOW rulebook.The moving, shooting and fighting rules are mostly the same as in the LotOW book. Differences are noted.The “Head for the Hills!” rule is called “Flee the scene!”.Style points – Fame points - Might pointsPower points – not used - Will pointsLuck points – Fortune points - Fate points

The Evil Organisation


Starting experience: 8

Boss (1)

S F Str D A W C St P L4+ 3 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 1

Evil Mastermind 250 Point+1 Style; +1 Luck

Special rulesScheme Behind Scheme: The Evil Mastermind instead of deploying as the mission states, can decide to play on of his evil scheme. He can start the game in disguised among the opponents force. From the second turn onward the player controlling the Mastermind can roll on the table bellow, before starting his/her Move Phase.

Turn number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Roll needed - 6+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+

If the player rolls the needed number or higher the Evil Mastermind reveals himself. After the tenth turn, he doesn’t need to roll, he can come into play automatically. The player controlling him can choose a Normal Follower (not Heroes or Elite Followers) from the opposing side. The chosen model must have to be at last 2” away of any other model. From that point that figure is the Evil Mastermind, you can change the model for his figure to easier game play. The Evil Mastermind only have the equipment of the model he replaced.When the Mastermind appears, every figure in his 6” vicinity have to make a successful Moral test. If they fail the test, they are stunned by the sudden appearance of the Evil Mastermind.After the mission the Mastermind discards the Followers equipment along wit his clothes, and regains his own.The replaced Follower has to roll on the Injury Table. If he survives he regains his belongings and can immediately roll on the Followers Advance Table.

See You Next Time: When the Evil Mastermind lost his last Wound he can roll a d6. If he rolls a 6, he managed to avoid the injury by escaping. The model is removed and count as casualty for the purpose of a Flee the Scene test, but you don’t have to roll on the Injury Table after the game. The See You Next Time roll can be made after using Luck.

Mob Boss 230 Point+1 Fight; +1 Style

Special rulesCount The Money: After every game you can earn 3d6 extra dollar, if the Mob Boss survives the mission.

Fear Of Retribution: Every Follower in the Mob Boss’s 12” vicinity whom the Boss can see must re-roll any failed moral test. The Boss can execute any of his Followers if he can see him, is in shooting range or in base contact , and the Follower failed a moral test, after re-rolling. The model is removed from play, counts as casualty and after the game he has to roll on the Injury Table. Treat the result 3-6 as missing the next game.After the execution all Followers in the Mob Boss’s organisation become Fearless.

Cult Leader 270 Point+2 Power

Special RulesFanatics: The Cult Leader can re-roll any failed Moral test. Every turn a Follower in his 1” vicinity can take the first wound inflicted on the Cult Leader. The Follower has to take the Wound before any Luck roll. If the Follower takes the wound but is not taken out of action, he and the Leader swaps places.

Occult Arts: When advancing the Cult Leader can choose a Power from the Occult Power Table, instead of throwing on the Hero Advance Table. The Cult Leader cannot learn more than three Occult Power.

2nd in command (1-3)

Starting experience: 4

Unlucky Bastards: The 2nd in Command starts with no Luck point. They can gain only one point of Luck during the course of the campaign by rolling on the Hero Advance Table. They have to re-roll the dice if they already have a Luck point.

One Last Punch: If the model is taken out of action, he can attempt one last attack on his opponent. This attack is made by the 2nd in Commands most favourable attack type. If he is better in close combat but was taken out by shooting he still can use his melee attack for his last punch. Similarly if the model was taken out in close combat, he can shoot his opponent. You have to work out the attack normally, right after the model is taken out of action. So you have to roll to hit, then to wound if shooting, and roll to see who wins the fight and to wound if attacking in close combat. Either way you don’t have to apply the negative modifiers to your last punching model’s rolls. IE.: the model has a two handed weapon, he normally get a –1 to his Fight roll, but in a Last Punch attack he don’t get it, but still can add the +1 to his Wound roll. If the model use a missile weapon, he can fire only one shot, even if his weapon normally fires more than once. If the model is taken out of action in a fight against multiple opponents, he has to nominate one of them as the target of his Last Punch. The target has to be base contact with him.Regardless of the outcome of the Last Punch the 2nd in Command is removed as casualty .

S F Str D A W C St P L4+ 3 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 0

Muscleman 120 point+1 Strength; +1 Fight

Special RulesBody Throw: The Muscleman can grab his enemy and throw him away if he wins the fight against him. He can do this instead of wounding him. Throwing the opponent uses up all the attacks the Muscleman has.If the Muscleman’s strength is lower than the opponents, he can throw him 2” away.If the Muscleman’s strength equals the opponents strength then the Muscleman can throw him a distance equal to the Muscleman’s strength in inches.If the Muscleman’s strength is higher than his opponents strength, he can throw him d3 + the Muscleman’s strength inches away.The thrown model suffers a hit with the Muscleman’s strength. If he survives he is stunned and on the ground for the next turn.The Muscleman can throw the enemy against another opponent if the targeted model is in range. The targeted model can avoid to be hit, by making a Defence test. If the test is successful place the thrown model face down before the targeted model. If the test failed place the thrown model face down before the targeted model, and lay down the target model as well. The targeted model suffers a Wound with half the Muscleman’s strength, rounded up. If he survives he is knocked to the ground, but not stunned.The Muscleman can throw down his opponent from a high point in which case the thrown model suffers the consequences of falling down.

Fame Fatale 150 point+1 Style; +1 Power

Special RulesSeductress: Every male hero who wants to shoot at or fight in close combat with the Fame Fatal must pass a moral test, as long as the Fame Fatal doesn’t shoot at or charge them. If the test successful they can act as normal. If they fail the test they cannot shoot at her or cannot wound the model in close combat although they can push her back if they win the fight.

Gunman 140 point(+1 Shooting); +1 Power

Special RulesExpert: The model has to choose a missile weapon with he is proficient. This gives him a +1 to his shooting skill for that weapon, but gives him –1 Shooting to all other weapons and –1 to his Fight rolls. This feat makes possible to the model to have a +2 shooting skill.Alternatively the Gunman can choose a type of weapon (ie.: pistols, rifles, machine guns etc.). In this case instead of the +1 to Shooting he can re-roll a failed to hit in every turn if he used that type of weapon. The –1 to his Fight rolls is still applies.


Elite Guard (0-5) 100 point

S F Str D A W C4+ 4 3 4 1 1 3

Henchman 50 point

S F Str D A W C5+ 3 3 3 1 1 3

Gang Member 45 point

S F Str D A W C5+ 3 3 3 1 1 2

Special RulesStrength in Numbers: Every gang member gains a point of Courage for every other Gang member in his 6” vicinity.

Heroes FollowersHand Weapon 10$ Hand Weapon 10$Revolver 25$ Revolver 30$Automatic Pistol 50$ Automatic Pistol 70$Machine Pistol 100$ Machine Gun 120$Rifle 80$ Rifle 100$Sawed-off Shotgun 65$ Sawed-off Shotgun 85$

Spy Network


Starting experience: 8

Leader (1)

S F Str D A W C St P L4+ 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 1 1

Master Spy 270 Point+1 Luck

Special RulesClear and Sharp Mind: The Master Spy can spend a free point of Style every turn. In addition he can re-roll the first failed Flee the scene test.

The Best Equipment: The Master Spy treat every Rare 8 and lower equipment as common. He can buy these only for himself, and cannot give them to others.

Director 250 Point+1 Courage; +1 Power

Special RulesGood Connections: The Director can expand the organisations head limit by five man. These five places can only be filled by Followers. The Hero limit is still 10.

Always Calm: The Director can re-roll any failed Flee the scene test.

Venerable Master 300 Point+1 Fight; +1 Strength

Special RulesMaster of the Five Style: The Venerable Master can Choose before the Priority roll, one of the five style which he wants to use in that turn. He cannot change styles during a turn. Place an appropriate counter next to the model.The Venerable Master can teach any Hero in his group a additional style, so a Hero in his organisation can have two styles instead of only one.

Style of the Tiger: When rolling to wound, on a roll of 6, the model inflicts two wounds instead of one. This style only works in close combat, with unarmed or hand-to-hand weapons.

Style of the Viper: The model can re-roll a dice when rolling to determine to who wins a the close combat.

Style of the Crane: The model can jump up, down, or horizontally across a chasm, a distance equal his strength doubled in inches. He can jump at any point in his move phase but cannot move afterwards. If he falls of, he can halve the height for the purpose of determining the effect.

Style of the Monkey: The model gains a 3+ save against missile weapons (except against heavy and special weapons) if he dose not do anything in that turn. He cannot use his save in close combat. If he moves he gains a only a 5+ save.

Style of the Mantis: In defending stance the model doubles his attacks, but cannot strike to wound, if he wins the fight.

Secret Disciplines: When advancing a level the Venerable Master can choose a power form the SecretDisciplines Table instead of rolling on the Hero Advancement Table. The Master cannot have more than threePowers.

Partner (1-3)

Starting experience: 4

S F Str D A W C St P L5+ 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 0 1

Spy 180 Point

Special RuleSpecialisation: The model can choose on of the following:

Expert: See the Gunman entry.

Kung-Fu: +1 Fight, +1 PowerChoose a martial art style. He can learn an additional one with a roll on the Close Combat table, and can be taught a third by a Venerable Master.

Demolition Man: +1 LuckSee the Odball entry. He dose not have the Odball special grenade.

Contact 150 Point+1 Defense; +1 Luck

Special RuleAnything You Want!: The model lowers the rare equipment’s Rare value by 2, when he is searching for it.

Heroine 140 Point+1 Courage; +1 Power

Special RuleAvenger: The Heroine can nominate a Hero in the opposing force whom is the target of her revenge. She gets a re-roll against this model every turn which can be a re-roll to hit, to win a fight against him or to wound. If the target model is in her LOS, she has to attack him, at last once in every turn. This can be a shooting attack, or close combat.The Heroine also gains the One last punch special rule is she is taken out of action in 2” vicinity of the target model. She can only use it against her object of revenge.If you play a campaign the target model cannot be changed during it, you have to choose someone, and stick with it.If she takes out of action the target, but he survives the Recovery phase, the Heroin earns an extra experience point. If the target dies in the Recovery phase, the Heroine advances a level immediately.If someone else from the Heroines organisation takes out the target but he survives, nothing happens. If the target model dies, the Heroin becomes Loyal toward the model who killed the target.If the model whom towards the Heroine is loyal, is killed, then the Heroine becomes an avenger again, and the target will be the killer.If the target is killed by someone from an another organisation, the Heroines revenge will shift to the killer.The Heroine can get the free advance only when she personally kills an object of her revenge the first time. Any other time she gains an extra experience point.


Spy Commando (0-5) 100 point

S F Str D A W C4+ 4 3 3 1 1 4

Soldier 65 point

S F Str D A W C4+ 3 3 3 1 1 3

Policeman 40 point

S F Str D A W C5+ 3 3 3 1 1 3

Heroes FollowersHand Weapon 15$ Hand Weapon 10$Revolver 20$ Stun Baton 20$Automatic Pistol 40$ Automatic Pistol 30$Hidden Pistol 30$ Rifle 70$Rifle 70$ Carbine 90$Pump-action Shotgun 100$ Pump-action Shotgun 100$



Starting experience: 8

Leader (1)

S F Str D A W C St P L4+ 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 0 1

Retired Officer 260 Point+1 Courage; +1 Style

Special RulesField Commander: As long as the Officer is on the table every hero and follower gets the loyal rule in the Officers organisation. This doesn’t includes Legends and some of the special characters. The exceptions are noted in the special characters entry.

Tactics: If the mission doesn’t states otherwise, the Officers troops can use the following two alternative deployment methods. You cannot use both in one game, you have to choose.

Ambush: The player controlling the Officer, put on the table ten counters. He can place them anywhere on the board where a model normally can stand. There are six marked counters (1-6) and four blank. The counters are placed face down. Before placing the counters assign every number to a model.The counters cannot move. When an enemy model gets in 2” vicinity with a counter and can see it, turn it up. If there is a number on it, place the model paired with that number in place of the counter. From that point the model act normally.The player controlling the ambushing troops can reveal any number of counters in his turn. If he wants to reveal a counter he has to do it at the start of his move phase.There can’t be more models ambushing than half the group rounded down.

Reserves: You can choose a number of models up to half of your organisation’s total headcount rounded down. Only those models count, whose are participating in the game.Models in reserve doesn’t start the game on the table. They have to roll from the second turn onward at the start of the controlling player’s move phase, if they want to come into play. Roll a d6 and compare it to the Reserve table below. You have to roll separately for every model.

Turn number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Roll needed - 6+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+

If the roll is successful roll an another d6.1 – The opponent chooses the table edge, from where the model comes in.2 – 5 – The player can choose a side.6 – The player can choose a table edge.

Millionaire 300 Point+1 Power; +1 Luck

Special RulesMoney Doesn’t Count: The Millionaire can buy any equipment except Rare 10 and above for half price rounded down.

Bought Loyalty: The followers, Legends and Special characters in his organisation cannot use the Millionaires courage for tests, and cannot benefit from his orders. Lieutenants are Loyal towards their Leader so they are an exception.

Odball 280 Point+1 Style; +1 Power

Special RulesDemolition Man: The model has a variety of explosives. He can use them as grenades or mines once per game.

Smoke bomb: It creates a smoke screen and blocks Los for d6+1 turns. It can be passed trough. Use the blast template or something equal in diameter.

Flash Grenade: It blinds those models whom are under the blast template for d3 turn.Blinded models movement is halved, they cannot shoot or charge. They fight with a Fight value of 1 and have only 1 Attack. In addition the models suffer a Strength 2 wound. If wounded instead of losing a Wound they are stunned for a turn. This replaces the blind state.

Stun Grenade: It causes a Strength 3 wound to every model under the blast template. If wounded the model is stunned for d3+1 turn, instead of losing a Wound. Not wounded models are knocked to the ground.

Odball Special: The Odball Special has Strength 6, uses the blast template and ignores cover. Models 1” away from the edge of the blast template and not in cover are knocked to the ground. Surviving models under the template are also knocked to the ground.

Models with Demolition Man feat are better at disarming bombs, mines, and traps. The model can disarm them on a roll of 5-6, and sets them of only on a roll of 1.

Sixth Sense: If the model have no Luck left and lost his last Wound, he can roll a d6. On a 6 he regains his last Wound. The Odball cannot use this ability after using Luck. If he used his last Luck point to save his last Wound and failed he cannot use Sixth Sense and removed from play as normally. In addition the Odball can choose up to three mystical power from the Occult Powers or the Secret Disciplines Table. He can have powers from both table but cannot have more than three altogether.

Lieutenant (1-3)

Starting experience: 4

Loyal: The Lieutenants are loyal towards their Leader. Until their Leader is on the board, the Lieutenants are automatically pass any Courage test they have to take, except Dive for cover tests. If the Leader is killed or leaves the board the Lieutenants revert back to the normal Courage rules.

Choose minor heroes from the other two organisation. The organisation special rules don’t apply.


Veteran (0-5) 90 point

S F Str D A W C4+ 4 3 3 1 1 3

Mercenary 60 point

S F Str D A W C5+ 4 3 3 1 1 3

Recruit 35 point

S F Str D A W C5+ 3 3 3 1 1 2

Heroes FollowersHand Weapon 10$ Hand Weapon 5$Revolver 35$ Revolver 30$Automatic Pistol 50$ Automatic Pistol 40$Machine Gun 100$ Machine Gun 100$Rifle 70$ Rifle 70$Hunting gun 80$ Assault Rifle 120$Lash 20$ Pump-action Shotgun 80$

Mystical Powers

The use of Mystical Powers works like spell casting in Lotr. The Will is replaced by Power points.

Occult Powers Table

1. Sinister Aura: See Lotr rulebook Terrifying Aura, except if the model has no Power point left the aura disappears after one turn. Cast on 2+.

2. Transfix: See Lotr rulebook. Range 12”; cast on 5+.

3. Drain Courage: See Lotr rulebook. Range 12”; cast on 3+.

4. Command: See Lotr rulebook. Range 12”; cast on 3+.

5. Drain Power: See Lotr rulebook Sap Will spell. Range 12”; cast on 3+. 6. Blood Ritual: Every model in the casters 6” vicinity suffers a Strength 3 Wound which cannot be saved if

suffered. Work it out against every affected models unmodified Defence value. After using this power the caster has to roll immediately a d6. On a roll of 1-3 he is removed as casualty and treated as taken out of action for the purpose of after game sequences. On a roll of 4-6 nothing happens to him. Cast on 5+.

Secret Disciples

1. Conceal: Works like an elven cloak. Remains in play till the caster has at least 1 Power point. Cast on 3+.

2. Iron will: See Lotr rulebook Strengthen Will spell. Range 12”; cast on 3+.

3. Thrust of the North Wind: See Lotr rulebook Sorcerous Blast spell. Range 12”; cast on 4+.

4. Healing Hand: See Lotr rulebook Renew spell. Range 12”; cast on 4+.

5. Dragon Breath: Works like a Flamer with Strength 3. Cast on 4+.

6. Disappear: The model can only detected by another models if they are no more than 3” away from him. Models further away cannot shoot or attack the caster. The caster can move only with half speed, cannot shoot, fight or use powers whiteout revealing himself. He can carry only small objects but not large things or other models. The power last while the model has at last one point of Power. Cast on 5+.

The Armoury


Flintlock PistolSlow reload: A model that fires a flintlock pistol may not fire it again in the next turn instead spending

time to reload. Se rules on reload in the LotOW rulebook.

RevolverFanning: See LotOW rulebook..

Automatic PistolThree shots: The modal can fire this weapon three times in a Shooting phase. If fired three times, it can

only fire single shoots. Fanning: See LotOW rulebook..

Hidden GunConcealed: See LotOW rulebook.Slow reload: See above.

Submachine guns

Machine PistolThree shot: See above.Short burst: The model fires 6 shots, so he has to roll 6d6. The first three shot hits ont he shooters

shooting skill, the second 3 hits on a roll of 6. hits are allocated like when fanning. The model cannot move int he move phase if he wants to use the short burst mode. The short burst empties the Machine Pistols magazine. The weapon cannot fire in the next turn, it needs to be reloaded. Cannot cause critical hits.

Submachine GunIt can fire in the two mode described below.

Short burst: See above. Firing in short burst mode not empties the Submachine Guns magazine.Long burst: In long burst mode the weapon fires 12 shots. The shots only hits on a roll of 6. The first

hit goes to the original target, the second hit goes to the model closest to the original target, the third hit goes to the second closest etc, till all the models in the original targets 3 inch vicinity gets a hit. If there are left over hits start the procedure again. Friendly models can be hit too. Movement penalty is full. The long burst empties the weapons magazine, the weapon cannot fire in the next turn, it needs to be reloaded. Cannot cause critical hits.

Long arms

Improvised weapons: All Long arm can be used in close combat, but has a -1 penalty on the fight roll.

MusketSlow reload.



Assault RifleThree shots.Fire on the move: When attacking stop the model 1” away from the attacked model and fire one shot.

If the target is killed the model can finish his move however he wishes.

Sniper RifleCannot be used in close combat.

Pump-action ShotgunVariable strength: See LotOW rulebook.Forceful: See LotOW rulebook.

Sawed-off ShotgunSpread: See LotOW rulebook.

Hunting GunTwo barrels: See LotOW rulebook.

Heavy Weapons

Heavy Machine GunLong burst: Can only fire in long burst mode. Firing in long burst mode not empties the Heavy

Machine Guns magazine.

Grenade LauncherBlast: Roll to hit as usually. If the shoot is successful place the blast template on the target model.

Every one under or partially under the template is hit. If the blast have bigger strength than surviving models, they are knocked to the ground. If the blast has double strength than the surviving model he is stunned to for one turn.

Rocket LauncherPenetrate: The shot ignores cover.


Throwing Weapons

Throwing KnifeCan be poisoned. Can be used in close combat without penalty.

Concealed.Fire on the move

Frag GrenadeBlast.

Krak GrenadePenetrate

Smoke GrenadeSmoke screen: It creates a smoke screen and blocks Los for d6 turns. It can be passed trough. Use the

blast template or something equal in diameter

Flash Grenade Blinding flash: It blinds those models whom are under the blast template for d3 turn.

Blinded models movement is halved, they cannot shoot or charge. They fight with a Fight value of 1 and have only 1 Attack. In addition the models suffer a Strength 1 wound. If wounded instead of losing a Wound they are stunned for a turn. This replaces the blind state.

Stun Grenade: Stunning blast: It causes a Strength 2 wound to every model under the blast template. If wounded the

model is stunned for d3 turn, instead of losing a Wound. Not wounded models are knocked to the ground.

Special Weapons

LassoEntangled: With a successful shoot attack, the target can be entangled. The entangled models Attack

and Fight value is 1. Cannot wound if wins a fight while entangled, instead he got free. If not attacked he needs a full turn to free himself, while doing nothing else. Entangled model cannot move or shoot.

Drag him in: With a successful shoot attack, the target can be drawn in close combat, if not further away than 3 inch.

WhipLash attack: If not used to drag someone in, it gives an additional close combat attack with the whips

strength.Drag him in. Range 2”.

Net GunSlow reload.Entangled.

Ray-gunPenetrate.Gets hot: After firing the weapon place a counter nest to the model. In the following a second shot may

destroy the weapon. On a roll of 1 to hit, the weapon explodes. The wilder suffers a hit with the ray-guns strength. If the model survives he loses the weapon. If the weapon is not destroyed place a second counter next to the model. On the third conscious shot the weapon explodes on a to hit roll of 1-2. Place a third counter next to the model if the weapon is not lost. After firing three times the weapon cannot fire till its cools down. Every turn in which the weapon is not fired take a counter from the model at the end of the turn.

Ray-RiflePenetrate.Gets hot.

Weapon Range Strength Move Penalty Special RulesFlintlock Pistol 10" 3 None Slow ReloadRevolver 10" 3 None FanningAutomatic Pistol 12" 4 Half Fanning, three shotsHidden Pistol 6" 3 None Concealed, slow reloadMachine Pistol 12" 3 Half/full Three shots,short burstMachine Gun 16" 4 Full Short burst, long burstMusket 20" 3 Full Slow ReloadRifle 24" 3 Full  Carbine 20" 3 Half  Assault Rifle 18" 4 Half Three shots, fire on the moveSniper Rifle 42" 3 Full  Pump-action Shotgun 12" 3/5 Half Variable strength, forcefulSawed-off Shotgun Template 3 Half SpreadHunting Gun 20" 3 Full Two barrelsHeavy Machine Gun 36" 4 Full Long burstGrenade Launcher 24" 4 Half BlastRocket Launcher 36" 6 Full PenetrateFlamer Template 4 None  Throwing knife Str x2" as user None Fire on the move, concealedFrag Grenade Str x2" 3 None BlastKrak Grenade Str x2" 5 None PenetrateSmoke Grenade Str x2" - None Smoke screenFlash Grenade Str x2" - None Blinding flashStun Grenade Str x2" - None Stunning blastLasso 6" - Full Entangled, drag him inLash 2" 2 None Lash attack, drag him inNet-gun 10" - Half EntangledRay-gun 12" 6 Half Penetrate, gets hotRay-rifle 36” 6 Full Penetrate, gets hot

Close combat weapons

Unarmed: The model fighting unarmed gets a –1 penalty to his fight and wound roll.

Hand weapon: One-handed weapons. Models fighting with one-handed weapons get no penalty in close combat.

Two-handed weapons: Models fighting with two-handed weapons get a –1 penalty to fight rolls, but get a +1 bonus to wound rolls.

Spear: can support friendly models. See Lotr rulebook.

Stun baton: With a successful to wound roll the model is stunned instead of losing a wound. The model is stunned for d3+1 turns.


DynamiteCan be used as a grenade.

Trap: A model can set up a trap in a turn, if he does nothing else in that turn. Place a counter at the beginning of the next phase with base contact with the model. The trap springs if a model other than the model setting up the trap comes the counters 2” vicinity. Roll a d6. On a roll of 1-2 the trap explodes, on a roll of 3-5 nothing happens, but any other movement my set of the trap. On a roll of 6 the trap turns out a failed attempt, remove the counter.

Delayed explosion: The model can set up the trap to blow up two turns later. The bomb blows up at the beginning of the turn before the priority roll.

Blast: Place the centre of the template over the target model (grenade) or counter (bomb).

C4TrapTimed explosion: The model can decide how many turns after the set-up the bomb explodes. The

player has to decide when setting up the bomb. Place a dice next to the bomb marker with the appropriate number facing up. The maximum delay is 6 turns. At the beginning of every turn after, before the priority roll, turn the dice to a lower number. . The bomb blows up at the beginning of the turn before the priority roll.

Blast: Place the centre of the template over the counter.

MineTrapBlast: Place the centre of the template over the counter.


Laser sight: Only for Pistols. The model can re-roll a To hit dice in every turn for the weapon which has a laser sight.

Flashlight: User can see up to 10” in the dark. No movement penalty in dark or night time. Models can shoot at the flashlight wielding model without penalty from 14”, and can hit him on a roll of 6 from further away.

Night goggles: Model wearing night goggles can act normally in darkness.

Scope: For rifles only, except Sniper rifle. It expands the rifles range with 6”.

Combat drugs: The model has to use the combat drug at the start of the game. The user get d6 points of Courage and +1 to his Fight and Strength. His Shooting skill gets worse by 1 (ie. a 4+ will be changed to 5+).By using the combat drug, the model can become addicted to it, and the chance is greater after every use. If the first time the model uses the combat drug he rolls a 1 on the d6 for Courage, the model becomes addicted. The second time he becomes addicted on a roll of 1-2, on third use 1-3, etc.If addicted, the model has to use the combat drug every game. If not used he produces withdrawal symptoms. At the start of every move phase of the model roll a d6. If the roll is a 6 the model acts normally but on his get a –1 to his Shooting and Fighting rolls. On a roll of 2-5 the player with priority can move the model up to half his move. The model cannot shot or charge that turn, but fights if attacked. He still suffers a –1 penalty to his fight roll. On a roll of 1 he loses it, and charges the closest model whether it is friend or foe. He rolls to fight with –1, but can re-roll the failed to wound dice(s). If there is no model in charge range, he moves towards the closest he can see. He cannot shot in the Shooting phase, but can run if he has the skill. In the turn he goes crazy he passes all courage test.The addiction can be cured by a visit to the sickbay. Roll on the sickbay table. Treat 2-5 as no effect, and a roll of 6 as cured, but the model misses the next battle. A model cured out of combat drug usage cannot take it anymore.

Drugs: Drugs can be used in place of combat drugs to prevent withdrawal symptoms. If the model suffers in combat drug addiction but he don’t have any, he can use normal drugs. He has to take it at the beginning of the game. Roll a d6. On a roll of 2-6, the model acts normally. On a roll of 1, the drug didn’t work, and he counts as he didn’t take any drugs to kielégítse his addiction.

Parachute: Models with parachute can use it to be deployed the following way. They can come into play automatically in the first movement phase of the controlling player. If the player wishes they can be left as reserves, In which case from the second turn onward they have to roll on the reserve table to see if they come into play.A model with parachute can be placed anywhere on the board, but he cannot be more than 10” closer to any enemy model if he comes into play in the first movement phase. In any other movement phase he cannot be closer to any enemy model, than 3”.Place the model where you want to him to land, then roll the scatter dice. If you roll a hit, the model only scatter 1d6” in the direction the arrow points on the scatter dice. If you roll an arrow, the model scatters 2d6” in that direction.If the model lands on difficult terrain roll on the table bellow.

D6 Result1 The model suffers a Strength 3 hit. If he

survives he is Knocked down2-5 The model is knocked down6 The model can act normally, but can only

move half of his movement rate

If the model lands on impassable terrain he suffers the strength 3 hit on a roll of 1-2. Place the model at the edge of the terrain closest to the original landing point.

After landing the model discards the parachute and acts as any other model on foot. If he survives the battle, he can recover his parachute, and he can use it next time. However if he is taken out of action, he loses the parachute.

Personal rocket: A model with personal rocket counts as a flying model. He can fly over any terrain feature, his movement is 12”. A flying model can only be attacked by models on the ground by shooting. A flying models shooting attack only hits on a roll of 6, always.The flaying model can charge an enemy model on the ground in the movement phase. He gets an extra attack, and if he wins the fight, he knocks the model on the ground. He gets this bonuses even if he was subsequently charged by an other enemy model. If the flaying model charged into close combat he is on the ground until he flies up again. For this he has to roll a d6 at the start of his movement. If he rolls a 1 he cannot fly that turn. A model with a personal rocket on the ground can only move 3”. On any other roll he flies, but can only move half his movement rate.A model with a personal rocket can be deployed as a model with a parachute, except, he does not scatter.The model can land on any terrain feature except impassable terrain. If he wish to land on difficult terrain he has to roll a d6. Compare the result on the table above. Count the 2-5 rolls as 6.A flying model can only carry light objects and cannot be armed with heavy weapons.

Cyan capsule: A model with a cyan capsule can voluntarily taken out of action. If captured the model can use the capsule and counts as casualty, and not captured for the purpose of the mission objective.

Lucky charm: A model with a Lucky Charm can re-roll a dice once during a game. It can be any dice, except priority roll.

Sickbay: See Visit the doc in LotOW rulebook.

Bullet-proof vest: +1D

Body armour: +2 D, but comes with a 2” move penalty.

Riot shield: +1D in close combat.

Poison: Close combat weapons can be poisoned. If the model rolls a one on the fight roll when attacking with a poisoned weapon, he can re-roll the dice. Only models with the Martial Artist skill can poison their unarmed attacks.

Smelling salt: A model with smelling salt can revive a stunned model in the moving phase if he is in base contact with the stunned model. The revived model cannot move that turn, but otherwise act normally.

Grappling hook and rope: Models with grappling hook and rope don’t have to roll on the climb chart. They are always count as if they are rolled a six.

Name Price Rarity Name Price RarityFlintlock Pistol 20$ Common Ray-gun 500$ Rare 11Revolver 30$ Common Ray-rifle 600$ Rare 11Automatic Pistol 50$ Rare 5 Hand Weapon 10$ CommonHidden Pistol 40$ Rare 7 Two Handed Weapon 40$ CommonMachine Pistol 70$ Rare 8 Spear 50$ CommonMachine Gun 180$ Rare 6 Stun Baton 60$ Rare 5Musket 40$ Common Dynamite 70$ Rare 7Rifle 90$ Common C4 100$ Rare 9Carbine 110$ Rare 6 Mine 120$ Rare 9Assault Rifle 200$ Rare 8 Laser Sight 90$ Rare 6Sniper Rifle 300$ Rare 7 Flashlight 20$ CommonPump-action Shotgun

100$ Common Night Goggles 150$ Rare 9

Sawed-off Shotgun 80$ Common Scope 50$ CommonHunting Gun 120$ Rare 6 Combat Drugs* 100$ Rare 10Heavy Machine Gun 280$ Rare 8 Drugs 50$ Rare 7Grenade Launcher 300$ Rare 8 Parachute 200$ Rare 7Rocket Launcher 450$ Rare 9 Personal Rocket 500$ Rare 11Flamer 350$ Rare 8 Cyan Capsule 20$ Rare 4Throwing knife 10$ Common Lucky Charm 100$ Rare 7Frag Grenade 75$ Rare 5 Sick Bay 70$ CommonKrak Grenade 75$ Rare 5 Bullet-proof Vest 100$ Rare 5Smoke Grenade 50$ Rare 4 Body Armour 150$ Rare 7Flash Grenade 60$ Rare 4 Riot Shield 40$ CommonStun Grenade 80$ Rare 4 Poison 200$ Rare 7Lasso 30$ Common Grappling hook and

rope30$ Common

Lash 20$ Common Smelling Salt 20$ CommonNet-gun 150$ Rare 6

*When purchausing Combat Drugs roll a d6. On a roll of 1 you were cheated, you got simple drugs.


Maximum Statistics for Heroes:

S F Str D A W C St P L3+ 9 6 6 3 3 7 6 6 3

Use the Heroe and Henchmen Advence Tables from the LotOW book. On the Heroe Advence Table change the roll 11 to this:Characteristic Increase: Roll again: On a 1-2 gain +1 Style, on a 3-4 +1 Power and on a 5-6 +1 Luck.


Movement skills

Acrobatic: Nimble, see LotOW rulebook.Stealthy: see LotOW rulebookRun: Lightning Jack, see LotOW rulebookDodge: see LotOW rulebookScout: see LotOW rulebookFast: Add 2” to the models normal movement rate. This can be taken only once.

Close combat skills

Martial Arts: when fighting unarmed, the model don’t suffer peanltys. He can use one Martial Art style (see Venerable Master entry). Choose the style inmediatly. This skill can be taken only once.Strongman: see LotOW rulebookDirty Fighter: see LotOW rulebookFury: see LotOW rulebookSidewinder: see LotOW rulebookForceful Blow: If the model wins the fight with a roll of 6, the enemy model(s) are knocked to the ground. If the enemy model strength is 5 or bigger, he is pushed back 2” instead of 1”.

Shooting skills

Marksman: Trick Shooter, see LotOW rulebookPistolier: see LotOW rulebook, only with pistols and machine pistolsTrigger Happy: see LotOW rulebookRifleman: see LotOW rulebookDeadeye Shot: see LotOW rulebook, only with single shots.Hip Shot: Fire pistols, rifles and machineguns on the move.

General skills

Disarming explosives and traps: Any model can attempt to disarm a bomb or trap. Disarming can be attempted in the shooting phase if the model didn’t moved more than half of his movement rate. The model has to be in basecontact with the bomb. Bombs and traps which are automatically set of when someone comes near them can be disarmed by models with the disarm skill.When in basecontact with the bomb roll a d6 and compare the result with the table below.

D6 Result1-2 The bomb or trap activates, work out the

result immediately.3-5 Nothing happens.6 The bomb or trap is disarmed.

A model with a disarm skill deactivates the bomb or trap on a roll of 5-6, and activates it only on a roll of 1.True grit: see LotOW rulebookTrader: see LotOW rulebookSeasoned Veteran: see LotOW rulebookCard Sharp: see LotOW rulebookFearsome Reputation: see LotOW rulebook