legends of the forbidden island the sacred flute (3) · 7 the sacred flute pg 96 8 end of the line...


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  • Copyright © 2014 Cole Ruybalid

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: ISBN-13:


    This book is dedicated to the following people for whom this book is based off of, Juan Lasso, Joel Poppe, Micah Smith, Jessica Hilderbrand, Madison

    Felt, Andrew Winsterman, Jaydon Elge, Marilla Flynn, Brittany Ritta, Hannah Ritta, Jay Garrison, and Thomas Flynn.


    Acknowledgments i

    1 Mutiny Pg1

    2 Choose Your Friends Wisely Pg 8

    3 R.J. Pg 23

    4 The Spirits Pg 46

    5 We Have our Heading Pg 61

    6 Absalom’s Conspiracy Pg 86

    7 The Sacred Flute Pg 96

    8 End of The Line Pg 116

    9 Off On A New Adventure! Pg 132

    About The Author Pg 139

  • i


    I would like to acknowledge all the people that the book is based off of. Including myself as the main character. This book is also based off of characters from the Bible, including Jesus, Absalom, and the Devil.

  • 1


    In the days of the pirates , there once l ived a man named Captain Carter . Carter was a man who always had hope, bravery, and a lways wore his long black coat and his captain hat . He led a crew on a smal l pirate ship cal led The Flying Cypress . Carter had a wonderful crew, who always did what he asked. David Absalom was Carter ’s f i rs t mate on The Flying Cypress . The rest of Carter ’s crew included Jenna a wonderful ly beaut i ful k ind



    young lady, El iphaz who was best f r iends with Jenna, Andy the navigator of the ship, Joseph the s trongest crew member , Mary the music ian, Malachi the f isherman, and many more crew members . Everyone was current ly aboard The Flying Cypress as the Flying Cypress sa i led through the seas . “That should be the last of the t ides captain , we may be s tuck here for a whi le ,” sa id Absalom. The crew was current ly aboard the Flying Cypress and they were located somewhere out in the middle of the sea . “Thank you Absalom,” repl ied Carter , “now, I have an important announcement to make!” The crew turned to Carter , who was current ly located on the main deck. The



    crew gathered around him in a large c irc le .

    “This bet ter be good!” sa id Malachi , “ I was about to catch a b ig one.”

    “Oh, this i s going to be good, LISTEN UP EVERYBODY! This week is…”

    Al l of a sudden, Absalom started laughing, El iphaz, Andy, Joseph, and Mary a long with Absalom himsel f held their guns up to Carter . Carter quickly pul led out his two guns, one of them he a imed at Absalom and the other one he a imed at Jenna for some strange reason.

    “What the heck, I ’m on your team!” Jenna yel led as she a imed her gun at Carter . Absalom started to laugh again , then Carter for some reason s tarted to laugh, then everyone



    started to laugh, as everyone a imed their guns down they just s tar ted laughing.

    “FOCUS!” yel led Absalom as everyone brought their guns back up again in one quick motion. Everyone quit laughing at the same t ime. Now Carter had one of his guns a imed at Absalom and the other gun aimed at Joseph, Jenna now had her gun aimed at Absalom.

    “You think you can beat me?” asked Absalom.

    “No, but i t ’ s worth a shot , l i tera l ly !” repl ied Carter .

    “Why are you doing this a l l of a sudden?” asked Jenna.

    “Oh, i t ’ s not a l l of a sudden, we’ve a l l had this thing planned out for a long t ime now,” repl ied Absalom.

    “Now, you e i ther leave, or die !” yel led Malachi .



    “Oh, would you look at the t ime,” Carter sa id sarcast ica l ly as he looked at his pocket watch, “I guess i t be t ime i f I go!”

    “Oh, hey! I t i s t ime to go, i sn’ t i t?” Jenna asked sarcast ica l ly as Carter and Jenna both backed up s lowly towards the s ide of the ship. Then, Carter and Jenna both jumped off the s ide of the ship, everyone e lse s tar ted f i r ing their guns at them.

    “Let them go!” sa id Absalom as he walked over to the s ide of the ship, everyone qui t f i r ing their guns . Absalom looked over the s ide of the ship and he saw Jenna and Carter swimming in place looking up at him.

    “These waters are a l i t t le dangerous to be swimming in ,



    don’t you think?” Absalom yel led down at them.

    “Maybe, but i t ’ s a lso a lovely day outs ide .” Carter repl ied sarcast ica l ly .

    “Here , have a Dinghy!” Absalom yel led as he cut the ropes to one of the dinghies , the dinghy fe l l to the water with a splash. Carter and Jenna c l imbed into the dinghy.

    “No Paddles , what k ind of s ick joke is this?” Carter yel led.

    “Oops, my bad, here , CATCH!” Absalom yel led back as he threw a kayak paddle at their ship. The paddle hi t Jenna across the face .

    “Ouch! You Jerk!” Jenna yel led as Carter s tar ted paddl ing away. A l i t t le whi le la ter , as Carter and Jenna were out of s ight f rom The Flying



    Cypress , they s tar ted a conversat ion.

    “He didn’t even le t us col lect out personal belongings ,” Carter sa id .

    “Are you kidding?” Jenna repl ied, “I ’m surprised he le t us l ive !”

    “Oh wel l , th is i s the s tar t of a new beginning! Off on a new adventure!”

  • 8


    “There’s no s ign of land anywhere!” Jenna yel led. I t was now 9 :00 at n ight , Carter and Jenna were s t i l l r iding in the smal l dinghy. Carter was paddl ing with the kayak paddle . “You can’ t see anything out here , we don’t have a lantern,” Carter repl ied. “So what was the important announcement that you were going to make?” Jenna asked. “Oh, that doesn’ t matter anymore, now that we don’t have anything,” Carter paused,



    then he cont inued, “by the way, why on earth did you decide to di tch everyone and come with me?” “Wel l , I d idn’ t even know they were going to do that , p lus , I would much rather be on your s ide than theirs .” “Wel l , that ’s very thoughtful of you,” Carter repl ied. “Thank you.” “ I can’ t see anything, I ’m fac ing backwards . Do you see anything up ahead?” “Not yet , oh, wai t , I see a ship!” The pirate ship that Jenna saw up ahead was massive . Black colors with the s l ightest touch of a yel lowish gold on i t . “Can you ident i fy the ship, because we need to turn around now i f i t ’ s the royal navy,” Carter sa id .



    “No, but i t ’ s cer ta inly not part of the navy, the navy ships are blue and red, correct?” Jenna asked. “Yes , they are blue and red, but what color i s that ship?” “Black,” “And?” “The s l ightest b i t of a yel lowish gold color .” Carter paused, then he sa id , “Captain Johnson and his f i rs t mate Jango.” “Do I know them?” “Yeah, I th ink you’ve met them.” “Wel l , I ’ l l know i f I see them. Can we ask him for help?” “Wel l , we need to f ind a way to s ignal them f i rs t .” Carter and Jenna sat there for a minute , then Jenna spoke, “We could yel l .”



    “They won’t hear us ,” Carter repl ied. Then Jenna yel led anyways, “Hey you guys! Over there ! Can you hear me!? !” Carter waited a second, then repl ied, “Do you expect a reply?” Then, a l l of a sudden, Carter and Jenna heard a voice , very fa int and of f in the dis tance of the pirate ship, “Yes , we can hear you!” “We need help!” Jenna yel led, then, af ter a few seconds they heard the same voice again , “What !? ! I can’ t hear you, speak a l i t t le louder !” “ I can’ t speak any louder ! Just come help us !” Then, the large black and gold pirate ship turned in their direct ion. Carter and Jenna both spoke at the same t ime,



    (Carter) “You were r ight ,” ( Jenna) “I was r ight !” A few minutes la ter , the black and gold pirate ship came up quickly next to them. The a ir f rom the pirate ship blew on Jenna’s b lack hair as Carter held on to his hat . The pirate ship s topped. A man wearing a long brown coat and a large blue pirate hat looked down at them from the s ide of the ship and yel led down at them, “AHOY mates ! What do you think you’re doing r iding a dinghy out in the middle of nowhere?” “I t ’ s a long s tory, but that ’s one of the reasons why we need your help Johnson!” Carter yel led. Al l of a sudden, a man wearing a torn up short s leeve shir t and a pirate bandana



    walked over to the s ide of the ship and looked down at Carter and Jenna, who were s t i l l s i t t ing in the dinghy, then the man spoke, “Aye, Carter , what are ye doing out in the middle of nowhere with just a dinghy?” “Wel l , i t ’ s bet ter than no dinghy at a l l !” Jenna said. The man turned to Johnson so Carter and Jenna couldn’ t hear and said, “ I don’ t l ike the gir l .” “What ’s the matter? Do you know her?” Johnson asked the man.

    “Yes , I do know her , and I don’ t l ike her , she has been a thorn in my s ide for a long t ime now,” the man repl ied. “ Jango, I cer ta inly hope you don’t think this way of Carter ,” Johnson repl ied to the man.



    “No, I don’ t think this way of Carter , i t ’ s just Jenna that I don’ t l ike ,” “Wel l , for now we wil l have to le t them both on board.” Johnson turned again over to the s ide of the ship, Carter and Jenna were s t i l l s i t t ing in the dingy. “Do you need a l i f t?” Johnson asked. Carter and Jenna gave Johnson a very confused look. “Yes , we do,” Carter sa id . “Ok, t ie the dinghy to the ship and c l imb aboard.” Carter s teered the dinghy over to the s ide of the ship. Jenna c l imbed out and onto the ladder , Carter hung on the ladder whi le he t ied the dinghy to the s ide of the ship. Carter then c l imbed the ladder whi le they both boarded the ship.



    “Carter o ld pal ! I t ’ s been a long t ime!” Johnson said as he hugged Carter . “ Johnson, my fr iend, i t has been a long t ime.” Carter repl ied as he wrapped his arms around Johnson. Johnson le t go of Carter and turned towards Jenna. “ I bel ieve we’ve met before , you are Jenna, correct?” Johnson asked. “Yes s i r , and you are Captain Johnson, l ike Carter to ld me, Correct?” “Yes young lady.” Johnson took his hat of f and bowed. Then he put his hat back on and held his hand out toward Jango and said, “This i s my f i rs t mate , Jango.” “Aye mate , n ice to see you again!” Carter sa id as he shook hands with Jango.



    “Hel lo mate !” Jenna said as she held her hand out , but Jango just turned away from Jenna. Jenna frowned. “Come lads! Have a seat ins ide the captain’s quarters as we ta lk about what happened.” Johnson said as he motioned for them to walk ins ide the captain’s quarters . The four of them walked over to the door , Johnson reached his hand out and opened the door , and he held the door open. “After you mates !” Johnson said as he motioned toward the open doorway. “Ladies f i rs t .” Carter sa id , Jenna walked into the room. Jango s tood beside Carter . “ I sa id ladies f i rs t !” Carter sa id as he motioned for Jango to walk into the room.



    “Your r ight ! So what are you s tanding around for?” Jango asked Carter . “HEY! Get in here lads!” Johnson yel led.

    The Captain’s quarters was very wel l decorated, s tacked barre ls f i l led with beverages in di f ferent areas . In the center of the room was a c i rcular table , surrounding i t were f ive chairs . The four of them were a l l seated in chairs . Johnson was seated in the f i rs t chair , Jango was seated on Johnson’s le f t , whi le Jenna was seated next to Johnson. Carter sat next to Jenna, leaving an empty chair next to Carter . “So mates , le t us ta lk about what happened.” Johnson said.



    “Wel l , I t was a dark and stormy night ,” Carter sa id as Jenna interrupted. “What are you ta lking about i t happened in the middle of the day?” “I know, I just needed an at tent ion grabber ,” Carter repl ied, then he cont inued, “So, I t was actual ly about three o c lock in the af ternoon. .” I t was now 9 :45 at n ight , and Carter just f in ished te l l ing the s tory, and everyone was s t i l l s i t ing where they were before .

    “So, your te l l ing me that Absalom took over your ent ire crew in under a minute?” Johnson asked. Carter put his feet on the chair next to him so he was in a re laxed posi t ion, then he repl ied,



    “Yep, just l ike that , they had the whole thing planned out for qui te a whi le now. So now, Jenna and I are just lost wanderers .” Carter then put his hands behind his head. “And you are just re laxed? You are not worr ied?” Jango asked. “Wel l , for s tar ters , Absalom isn’ t f i t to be a pirate captain ,” Carter repl ied as he looked at his r ight hand and brushed dir t of h is f ingers with his thumb on the same hand. “So what do you plan on doing?” Jango asked. “ I don’ t know, that i s a good quest ion.” “ Is there anything we can do to help?” Johnson asked Carter , “Our crew has been bored late ly , nobody for us to f ight , wel l , except for R. J .”



    “Yeah, he is a pain in the you know what !” Carter repl ied, as Carter cont inued, Jango looked at Jenna and gave her a dir ty look, but Jenna just ignored i t . “ I don’ t know what you could do, I don’ t necessar i ly want to wipe out my own crew.” Carter f in ished. “Of course not , you want to get your crew back, I understand that complete ly ,” repl ied Johnson, “I mean, i f I lost my crew, I would want i t back.” “Wel l mate , i t depends, I don’ t want to have to f ight Absalom, I don’ t know who would win in a fencing match,” Carter repl ied. “Wel l , same here , I don’ t know who would win i f I decided to f ight you,” repl ied Johnson.



    “ I don’ t know about you guys , but I could kick both of your…” Jango said but was interrupted by Carter as Carter whipped his sword out and held the blade in f ront of Jango’s nose , “You sure about that?” Carter asked quickly . Jango s tood up, walked behind his chair , and whipped his sword out . “Gent lemen, please , get ahold of yourselves !” Johnson yel led. Jango s lowly s tar ted to put his sword away, but Carter kept his out s t i l l for some strange reason. Johnson looked at Carter . Carter f inal ly put his sword away. “We need to work something out , Carter , there is a monastery at the top of a mountain located on Buccaneer ’s refuge is land. In this monastery are two sensei , i f



    you can f ind them they wi l l t ra in you on your miss ion to defeat Absalom,” Johnson said. “Wel l then, can we go to Buccaneer ’s refuge is le and get s tar ted mate?” Carter asked. “Wel l , I don’ t see why not , i t ’ s not l ike we have anything bet ter to do,” Johnson repl ied. “Here we go again! Off on a new adventure!” Carter excla imed. “No, this i sn’ t new, and you said that a lready.” Jenna repl ied.

  • 23

    III. R.J.

    I t was now 8 :00 in the morning. The golden torpedo sai led through the seas . Everyone was now on deck, inc luding Johnson’s crew. They were sa i l ing towards the is land. “Carter , th is i s my crew, Br idget , Helen, Gary, Thompson the navigator , and… the rest of the crew,” Johnson said as a bunch of crew members came on board the ship. “So you must be Carter , owner of the Flying Cypress , n ice to meet you,” Helen said.



    “Carter , what are you doing here without the rest of your crew, hmm?” Bridget sa id with an at t i tude. “That i s a long s tory and I would much rather not go into detai l ,” Carter repl ied. “LAND HO!” yel led Thompson, who was now on the crow’s nest . “Here we are mate ! Buccaneer ’s refuge is le !” Johnson said to Carter . Ahead everyone on the ship saw a sandy is land f i l led with palm trees on the sandy area, and a large forest behind the beach l ike area . Behind the forest was a large mountain . “Aye! I t be on the top of that mountain!” Johnson said. “Wel l , bet ter get moving,” Carter sa id .



    “Onward and Upward!” Gary yel led. “Let me come with you,” Jenna said to Carter . “Look, I would l ike i f you came with me, but we have no idea what is on this i s land,” Carter repl ied. “Actual ly , there ’s nothing but a bunch of bugs , and a few coons ,” Johnson said. “Alr ight , you can come with ,” Carter sa id . “Awesome! What are we s tanding around for?” Jenna said, “Let ’s go!” “Johnson, Jango, are you coming?” Carter asked. “ I ’ l l come, Jango, I need you to s tay behind and watch the ship for us whi le we are gone.” Johnson said.



    “Aye aye captain! How long do you think you wi l l be gone?” Jango asked. “This looks l ike i t could be a days journey, I f we are not back at this t ime in three days , then go ahead and leave without us .” Johnson said. “Yes captain , a l though I wi l l drop the dinghy for you.” Johnson lowered the ropes to the dinghy Carter and Jenna had used ear l ier . Carter , Jenna, and Johnson c l imbed down the ladder to board the dinghy. The three of them boarded the dinghy. “You drive my fr iend, you must be good at dr iving dinghies by now,” Johnson said to Carter . “Oh, thanks my fr iend,” Carter repl ied sarcast ica l ly . Carter s tar ted to row the kayak



    paddle with the three of them r iding in i t . The Golden Torpedo was parked away from the is land whi le the three of them were r iding in the dinghy to the is land. “Are you sure this i s a good idea mate?” Jenna asked. “Posi t ive , i f Carter learns f rom these sensei , then he should be able to take even the evi l dark spir i t Dest iny,” Johnson repl ied. “ I don’ t know, I have encountered Dest iny before , and Dest iny has l i tera l ly murdered some of my crew and broken their hearts ,” Carter sa id . “Are you sure there is nothing dangerous on this i s land?” Jenna asked. “Not that I know of , except for a few annoying bugs ,” Johnson repl ied.



    “ Jenna, you worry too much,” Carter sa id . “Aren’ t you worr ied? Your ent ire crew was taken away from you except for me, and i f we don’t f ind these guys , you may not get your crew back,” Jenna asked. “True, I t ry to look at the br ight s ide of things , and I don’ t ever intend to loose you,” Carter repl ied with a ser ious and f i rm voice . Al l of a sudden, the dinghy s topped with a thud, they had reached the is land. “Oh, we’re here ,” sa id Johnson. The three of them cl imbed out of the dinghy onto the sandy shore below. Carter grabbed the front of the dinghy and brought i t c loser to the sand, the wet sand and shal low water next to



    the shore splashed below their feet . The three of them stood next to each other and looked at the forest in f ront of them. “That looks l ike fun to t ravel through,” Carter sa id sarcast ica l ly . “Wel l , we need to get s tar ted,” Johnson said as he s tar ted walking. Carter and Jenna fol lowed. I t was now 12:00 in the morning. I t s tar ted to get warm outs ide . Carter , Johnson, and Jenna were walking through the forest . Carter and Johnson were using their swords to chop down and branches or plants that got in their way. Jenna fol lowed behind them. “ I t i s s tar t ing to get warm out ,” Jenna said.



    “Yeah no kidding,” Carter repl ied as he looked at his pocket watch, “I t ’ s twelve o 'c lock now!” “Wel l , i t ’ s not l ike we brought anything for lunch,” Johnson said. “Wel l , we bet ter keep moving, we have a ways to go,” Carter s ighed as he chopped down another branch with his sword. “ I just hope this i s worth i t ,” Jenna said. “You know, I am not looking forward to f ight ing my f i rs t mate , so I bet ter not have any problems with f ight ing him i f I t ra in f rom these guys .” “ I don’ t remember i f I to ld you this before or not , but these sensei are a couple ,” Johnson said to Carter . “ Interest ing, are they pol i te?” Carter asked.



    “What kind of quest ion is that?” Jenna asked. “ I don’ t know, I don’ t want a bunch of impol i te people t ra ining me.” Carter sa id sarcast ica l ly . “Aye aye aye , can this get any worse ,” Jenna groaned. Al l of a sudden, a man with a long black beard, a long grey coat , and a real ly large hat jumped down from a tree in f ront of them and whipped his sword out of his pocket . “ I th ink we a l l expected something to happen when I sa id that ,” Jenna said. “R. J .” Carter smirked. “Ah, i f i t i sn’ t my old nemesis Carter ,” R. J . sa id as three other dir ty looking pirates jumped down from trees behind R. J . and whipped their swords out .



    “Umm, hate to disappoint you mate , but you’re not my nemesis ,” Carter sa id . “Wel l , I ’m not yours , but you are mine.” R. J . repl ied. Johnson and Jenna whipped their swords out , Carter whipped his f l int lock out of his coat . “Stay back, or I wi l l shoot !” Carter sa id . R . J . laughed. “Ha! You would shoot me?” R. J . asked. “Yes , I would shoot you, l i tera l ly ,” Carter sa id . Carter pul led the t r igger on his f l int lock, the f l int lock made a c l icking sound, no bul let shot out . “Darn, how does this even happen?” Carter sa id as he put his f l int lock away and whipped his sword out .



    “Br ing i t on!” R. J . ye l led as everyone charged toward each other . As Johnson and Jenna fenced the three dir ty looking men Carter fenced R. J . . Carter swung his sword from above his head, R. J . b locked as he pushed Carter ’s sword to the s ide and thrusted forward. Carter jumped back and dodged the sword. Carter s tepped back again and jumped into the a ir , he brought his sword up to his r ight shoulder and swung i t down with a l l of h is s trength. R. J . somersaulted backwards and dodged the sword. Carter and R. J . swung their swords at each other a few more t imes . Then R. J . s tepped backwards again and spoke,



    “You are good, but can you truly defeat me?” “Maybe, but I can sure t ry !” Carter yel led. R. J . s tar ted running, he reached the outs ide of the forest . Ahead of him was a curved s tone br idge with a r iver underneath of i t . He ran over and s topped in the center of the br idge. Carter chased af ter him and ran up in f ront of him on the br idge. Carter leaped into the a ir again and brought the sword high above his head, he brought i t down with a l l of h is s trength, R. J . b locked and moved forward so they were in a c lash posi t ion. They were both pushing against each other with their swords . “YOU CAN’T BEAT ME!” R. J . screamed. Al l of a sudden, Johnson and Jenna ran up from



    behind Carter and held their swords up in front of them. “You might be surprised,” Carter sa id . Carter and R. J . were s t i l l in a c lash posi t ion, they were both get t ing worn out . “Surrender !” Carter yel led as he pushed forward, which sent R. J . backwards . Carter , Jenna, and Johnson al l three s tar ted to fence R. J . a t the same t ime. I t only took three seconds for R. J . to lose his sword. “Yie ld ,” Carter sa id to R. J . . “You haven’ t beaten me, I wi l l be back!” R. J . repl ied. R . J . ran over to the s ide of the br idge, grabbed his sword, and jumped into the water , le t t ing the s tream take him. “Get him!” Johnson yel led as he ran of f the br idge and along the s idel ine . Carter s tood on the s tone ra i l ing of the br idge.



    “What are you doing?” Jenna asked with fear . “Li fe i s ful l of r isks , i sn’ t i t?” Carter asked as he faced toward Jenna, bowed, and fe l l backwards into the water . The s tream started to take Carter . “Oh No!” Jenna yel led as she ran of f the br idge and ran af ter Johnson. She was s t i l l a l though a ways behind Johnson. “You can’ t catch me!” R. J . ye l led as he t rying to speak with water cover ing his mouth. Carter grabbed a large f la t log that was f loat ing next to him, he c l imbed up onto the log and got into a surf ing posi t ion. “No fa ir !” R. J . ye l led as he grabbed onto the same log and c l imbed on i t .



    “Hey! Get your own log!” Carter yel led as he s tar ted to kick at R . J . , but Carter s tar ted to lose his balance . “Ha ha ha!” R. J . ye l led as he c l imbed onto the log and got into a surf ing posi t ion. Carter swung his sword at R. J . but R. J . b locked the swing. R. J . and Carter both tr ied to keep their balance on the log. Off in the dis tance , Johnson s topped running and put his hands on his head. A few seconds later Jenna caught up and stopped. Jenna put her hands on her knees . “Why did we s top?” Jenna asked. “At the speed they are going, there is no way we would be able to catch them before they



    reach the waterfa l l ,” Johnson repl ied. “They are going towards a waterfa l l?” Jenna asked with fear . “Yes ,” Johnson repl ied, “Put your hands on your head, i t wi l l help your breathing. Jenna put her hands on her head. They both cont inued to breathe heavi ly . Back on the log, Carter cont inued to fence R. J . . “You real ly think you can defeat me?” R. J . ye l led. “Maybe, but I am certa inly not going to le t you get away!” yel led Carter as they cont inued their fencing match.



    Off in a smal l v i l lage on the other s ide of the br idge, people walked peaceful ly , carr iages were moving, and everything was wonderful . Al l of a sudden, Johnson and Jenna ran into the vi l lage and jumped on a horse pul led carr iage. Johnson kicked the man who was on the carr iage of f the carr iage and sat down. The man landed on the ground with a thud. Jenna sat down next to Johnson and was about to take the re ins but Johnson grabbed them from her . “Hi yah!” Johnson yel led as he snapped the re ins . The horses sped towards the r iver .

    “HEY! PIRATES!” yel led a vi l lager .

    Tweet ! A Royal Navy soldier b lew a whist le as two royal navy soldiers jumped into



    another carr iage . “Stop them!” yel led one of the soldiers . “Oh no!” yel led Jenna as she was watching behind them. “What is i t?” Johnson asked as he watched the s team in front of him, so far the waterfa l l wasn’ t even in s ight . “The Navy is af ter us !” Jenna yel led. “What the Bloody Bri ts !” Johnson yel led as he snapped the re ins again to speed the horses up. Carter and R. J . were s t i l l fencing on the log. But by this point they were both so worn out that they s truggled to keep their balance . “When wil l you give up?” Carter panted.



    “As soon as we fa l l down the waterfa l l ahead,” R. J . repl ied. “ I f there is a waterfa l l , then why the bloody br i ts did you jump?!?” Carter asked. “To get away!” R. J . screamed as he swung his sword so hard that Carter ’s sword f lew through the a ir and s tabbed into a t ree on the shore to the r ight of the s tream. Johnson and Jenna’s carr iage was speeding faster than the s tream, the navy was s t i l l behind both of them, Jenna was shoot ing back at them with her f l int lock. “We’re going to fast , th is i s too hard to control !” Johnson yel led. “Keep going! Don’t g ive up! He didn’ t g ive up on me so I



    refuse to give up on him!” Jenna yel led. Jenna f inal ly shot the dr iver of the carr iage , the horses t r ipped and the whole carr iage tumbled into the water . “Yes!” Jenna yel led. “ I don’ t know i f I can keep this up much longer !” Johnson yel led. “You must !” They’re just up ahead!” Jenna yel led. Jenna not iced the t ree Carter ’s sword was s tuck in , she reached her hand out and grabbed the sword out of the t ree as they sped past the t ree at incredible speed. Back on the log, Carter was just barely dodging R. J . ’ s sword. “You can’ t beat me! You don’t have your sword!” R. J . ye l led at Carter .



    “You sure about that?” Carter asked. Carter k icked R. J . in the s tomach, R. J . fe l l into the water . “Carter !” Johnson yel led. Carter looked behind him and not iced Johnson and Jenna on a carr iage speeding next to him. “You are going to have to jump!” Johnson yel led. “Are you kidding!? !” Carter excla imed. “You told me ear l ier that l i fe was ful l of r isks ! So jump!” Jenna yel led. Carter jumped into the water , the log sped past him as Carter t r ied pushing back against the s tream. “Carter hurry! Before you fa l l !” Jenna yel led. “Or that hi ts him,” Johnson said as the horse carr iage that fe l l into the water ear l ier was speeding at him.



    “Grab that branch!” Jenna yel led. Carter grabbed a branch that was next to the shore . Carter then s tuck his hand up as Jenna reached down and grabbed Carter , Carter was now hanging onto the s ide of the carr iage . “ Johnson! Help me pul l h im up!” Jenna yel led. “ I can’ t , th is carr iage is speeding towards the waterfa l l , or for us , the edge of the c l i f f !” Johnson yel led. Carter grabbed the edge of the carr iage and swung himsel f upward. Carter then landed ins ide the carr iage . Carter ran over to Johnson and whipped Johnson’s sword out of his pocket and cut the re ins , the horses sped past them and turned around as the carr iage



    rol led to a s top r ight in f ront of the edge of the c l i f f . “Phew!” the three of them said in unison. “ I bel ieve this i s yours ,” Jenna said as she held Carter ’s sword out . “Oh, thanks ,” Carter sa id as he took his sword back. Carter put his sword back in his holder . He then put Johnson’s sword back in his holder for him. “That ’s yours by the way,” Carter sa id . “Thanks for your quick thinking, but te l l me next t ime,” Johnson said. “ I didn’ t have t ime,” Carter sa id with a smile as he jumped off the carr iage .

  • 46


    I t was 6 :00p.m. now. The sun is s tar t ing to set . Carter , Jenna, and Johnson were a l l so worn out they were walking very s lowly. They had now just reached the end of another forest and saw a large mountain in f ront of them, the top of the mountain looked as i f i t reached the c louds. “Wel l lads , were at the mountain ,” Johnson said. “Ugh, that i s so high up!” Jenna said. “Sorry , we need to keep going, we only have two more



    days af ter this to make i t back, which means that we have to get to the top of the mountain by morning,” Carter sa id . “Aye, even the shorter mountains can take hal f a day to c l imb, I should have to ld Jango to wait even longer than three days . I d id not expect i t to take this long,” Johnson said as looked up to the top of the mountain . “Legends have i t mates , that my arch nemesis Dest iny l ives on this mountain ,” Carter sa id . “The spir i t , r ight?” Johnson asked. “No, the happy old lady who throws candy down at the vi l lage ,” Carter sa id sarcast ica l ly , “What do you think!? !” “Wel l , shal l we get s tar ted lads?” Jenna asked, “The sooner



    the bet ter ,” “We shal l ! Off on a new adventure!” Carter yel led. “Aye, that ’s going to get annoying,” Johnson s ighed. “You get used to i t ,” Jenna repl ied to Johnson. “Wel l , bet ter get to i t !” Carter sa id as he walked over to the s ide of the mountain , Carter paused in f ront of the mountain and spoke, “ Is there supposed to be a t ra i l?” “Wel l , i f not then we might have to f ree c l imb the mountain ,” Johnson said. “Free c l imb? Are you crazy!? !” Jenna asked. “Wel l , th is should be fun,” Carter sa id sarcast ica l ly as he grabbed a ledge and s tar ted c l imbing.



    “Might as wel l ,” Jenna said as she s tar ted walking towards the mountain . “Wait ,” Carter sa id as he s topped c l imbing and looked down at them, “I don’ t want anything happening to you two, f ree c l imbing is very dangerous , so I ins is t you two stay here .” “Should have seen this one coming,” Johnson s ighed. “Darn, I want to go, but I real ly don’ t want to argue with you two,” Jenna said . “ Johnson, please promise me you wil l take care of Jenna,” Carter sa id to Johnson. “ I wi l l ,” Johnson repl ied. Carter yel led down at them while he cont inued to c l imb, “I f I ’m not back before the third day, go ahead and leave without me. Now, I ’m off on a… you



    know what?” Carter paused, “You know the rest !” Jenna and Johnson s tood there for a minute . Then Johnson spoke, “Aye, that ’s going to be hard.” “Wel l , you know, l imits are made to be exceeded!” Jenna said with a smile on her face as she cont inued to watch Carter c l imb the mountain . “This i s going to be a very bor ing few days ,” Jango said . Johnson’s crew was s t i l l wai t ing back at the golden torpedo for them, s tanding around doing nothing. A few of them even volunteered to swap the deck because they were so bored.



    “Hey! I have an idea!” Helen excla imed, “We could play a game!” “What on earth would we play?” Jango asked. “We could play Gamble!” Gary suggested. “Nah, I ’m too good at that game,” Jango repl ied to Gary. “What are you ta lking about? You never win!” “No, I a lways win, you a lways loose!” Jango yel led. “Ok! Let ’s t ry a di f ferent game then!” Br idget sa id trying to interrupt the conversat ion. “ I wish you would!” Gary said. “NO GAMES!” Johnson yel led. Al l of a sudden, everyone heard an evi l laughter boom through the a ir .



    “Aye! My job is so bor ing i f I have nothing to navigate !” Thompson yel led as he was c l imbing down from the crow’s nest . “Shush!” Jango yel led. Everyone on the ship was quiet . I f you were there , i t was so quiet the only thing you would be able to hear was the sound of the sea gul ls and the water . Wel l , that was , unt i l the evi l laughter boomed through the a ir again . “Oh Bloody Bri ts ! I know what that i s ! Set sa i l ! NOW!” Jango yel led. “But Johnson told us to wait here three da…” Thompson started to say but only to be interrupted by Jango, “ I KNOW WHAT HE SAID! NOW GO!”



    Thompson ran back up to the mast and s tarted to c l imb the rope. Al l of a sudden, Thomson was shoved of f the ladder by an invis ible spir i t . Thompson hi t the deck with a loud thud. “Aw, that ’s going to hurt in the morning,” Thompson groaned as he lay on the ground. Jango whipped his sword out of his holder . Then he s tar ted to spin around in place to check the area . “SHOW YOURSELF!” Jango yel led in anger . Al l of a sudden, a real ly scratchy, annoying, chocked up and croaked voice spoke, “You think you can s top something you can’ t see or touch?” Jango s tarted swinging his sword around. Then, a f igure



    wearing a b lack hood cover ing his face and a c loak cover ing his body appeared in f ront of Jango. Jango s topped swinging his sword around. “Dest iny!” Jango said as he held his sword out in f ront of him and pointed i t a t the hooded f igure . “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way,” Dest iny sa id with the real ly scratchy, annoying, and chocked up and croaked voice they heard ear l ier . Dest iny pointed over to Br idget , who was going to or iginal ly grab the wheel and drive the ship before a skeleton pirate grabbed her and s tar ted to s trangle her . “The hard way!” Jango yel led. “As you wish!” Dest iny said as he pul led a sword from inside his c loak.



    “RAH!” Jango yel led as he ran towards Dest iny. Jango s tar ted swinging his sword from lef t to r ight . Dest iny ducked to dodge the sword and got back up quickly . Jango brought his sword high above his head and swung down. Dest iny brought his sword up and blocked Jango’s sword. Carter pul led himsel f up on a ledge, then he lay down on the large ledge. “Oh, I ’ve got a long ways to go!” Carter moaned to himsel f . Carter looked down at the ground, Johnson and Jenna were out of s ight now. Carter pul led out his pocket watch, the watch read, 2:00 A.M.



    “Darn, two o c lock in the morning and I don’ t even know i f I ’m hal fway up the mountain yet ,” Carter sa id to himsel f . “ Is this even worth going through al l the t rouble? Al l that I have been through, was i t worth i t?” “Maybe, i f you bel ieve i t was worth i t ,” sa id a voice . Carter looked to his le f t , he saw a man wearing a red jacket . He a lso had a short white beard and braded his white hair into a pony ta i l . Carter jumped up and whipped his sword out , then spoke, “Who are you, and what do you want?” Carter asked. “Relax , young one, you must not assume that everyone you meet i s your enemy,” sa id the man.



    “ I ’m a pirate , what do you expect?” Carter asked. “Nothing, te l l me, what i s i t that you seek?” asked the man. “ I don’ t know actual ly . My fr iend Johnson told me that you could tra in me to defeat Absalom,” Carter sa id , “You’re one of the sensei correct?” “That i s correct , le t us begin,” the Sensei repl ied. “You want us to begin?” Carter asked as he put his sword away. “Yes ,” “Right now?” “Yes ,” “Right here?” “Yes , here in this monastery .” Al l of a sudden, Carter and the sensei found themselves ins ide a peaceful monastery . The monastery had beaut i ful s tone f loors , fountains , e tc .



    “How did you do that?” Carter asked. “By my wil l ,” the sensei repl ied. “So i f I wi l l mysel f to have awesome nin ja moves , wi l l i t work?” Carter asked. “No, i t doesn’ t work l ike that ,” “Oh wel l , worth a shot ,” Carter sa id . Then, a female wearing the same c lothes the male sensei was walked into the room and spoke, “Oh, he’s here a lready? I thought he wasn’ t coming for another hour!” sa id the female sensei . “Wait , you were expect ing me?” Carter asked. “Yes , The Alpha told us that you were coming,” the male



    sensei repl ied, “Now then, are you ready to begin?” “You bet I am!” Carter repl ied. Jango and Dest iny were now f ight ing on the bowspir i t of the golden torpedo. Jango was about at the edge of the bowspir i t when Dest iny thrusted forward. Jango was just barely able to block. Jango then brought his sword back around to s tr ike Dest iny’s legs . But Dest iny swung downward and blocked. Dest iny then swung his sword back upward to hi t Jango in the s ide of the head. Jango blocked that a t tack. Down on the main deck, Gary, Br idget , Helen, Thompson, and the rest of the pirate crew were



    fencing an army of pirate skeletons . “There’s too many of them!” Helen yel led. “Don’t g ive up hope yet !” Thompson yel led. “They’re skeletons! They can’ t die !” Br idget yel led. Then, the skeletons surrounded the crew to the point where they couldn’ t do anything. “Onward and upward, I guess ,” Gary sa id .

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    I t i s now 3 :00 in the morning, lanterns l i t up the monastery . “Part of this t ra ining wil l be your wi l l ,” sa id the male sensei . “What do you mean by that?” Carter asked. The male sensei and Carter were c irc l ing each other with both of their swords out . “Remember , you don’t have to be able to see or touch your enemy to take them down,” the sensei sa id to Carter . “You st i l l never answered my quest ion,” Carter smirked.



    Then the sensei swung his sword high from above his head down at Carter . Carter b locked the sword and shoved the sword out of the way, then carter jumped and spun three s ixty in the a ir , then he brought his sword down with a l l of h is s trength. The sensei caught his leg and spun him many t imes in the a ir . Then Carter hi t the ground and landed on his back. “Oh, remind me not to do that again ,” Carter moaned as he s lowly got up. “Remember , you don’t have to see or touch your enemy to take them down,” the sensei sa id to Carter . The Sensei then threw a l i t t le pel le t on the ground. Smoke shot out of the pel le t and f i l led the room to the point where Carter couldn’ t see .



    “Alr ight ,” Carter sa id , “I see where you are going with this .” Carter c losed his eyes . Whoosh! Carter heard the sound of someone speed past him. With his eyes c losed Carter s lowly turned around. Then Carter s lashed his sword forward. DING! The impact of the two swords made a real ly high pi tch sound. But that didn’ t s top Carter . Carter swung his sword from the s ide and knocked the sensei ’s sword out of his hand, the sword f lew through the a ir and s tabbed into the wal l of the monastery . The female sensei came out with a wooden folding chinese fan and blew the smoke out of the way.



    “Congratulat ions , young one,” sa id the male sensei , “your t ra ining is complete .” “That ’s i t?” Carter asked. “Yes , i t i s , there is not much to teach someone l ike you,” the female sensei sa id . “Ok, I need to get back to my fr iends , can you te leport me down there?” Carter asked. “Maybe, I th ink you could walk ,” the male sensei repl ied. “Are you kidding?” Carter asked. “ I ’m just messing with you!” sa id the male sensei , “Come back and vis i t soon!” “ I wi l l i f I remember!” Carter sa id , “Off on a…” But before Carter could f inish , he found himsel f on the ground below the mountain again where he s tar ted.



    “Aye, I don’ t think I deserved that !” Carter sa id . “Carter ! You made i t !” Jenna yel led as she ran over to Carter . “Yes , did you doubt me?” Carter asked. “No, but we need to hurry, Johnson and I saw smoke coming from the golden torpedo of f in the dis tance!” “Where’s Johnson?” “He ran of f to check out what was going on, he to ld me to s tay here .” “And you l is tened?” Carter quest ioned. “Yes , why, were you afra id I wouldn’t?” “ I ’m not going to answer that quest ion,” Carter sa id . 6 :00 in the morning, Carter and Jenna ran the whole way to



    the acc ident . When they got there , they saw Johnson s tanding in f ront of the golden torpedo. The golden torpedo was crushed into two pieces and l i t on f i re next to the shore . There was nobody there but a few dead navy soldiers next to the remains of the Golden torpedo on the shore . The f i re on the Golden torpedo l i tera l ly l i t the night up on the beach. “My ship, my crew!” Johnson yel led. Carter walked up next to Johnson pant ing. He put his hand on Johnson’s shoulder and asked, “What happened?” “Dest iny, h is undead pirates possessed my ent ire crew and took them away, in the process of destroying my ship,” Johnson repl ied, “I understand how you feel now.”



    “You agreed to help me get my crew back, so I wi l l help you get your’s back.” “That i s very considerate of you, but defeat ing Dest iny wi l l be the hardest thing you wil l ever do.” “Probably , cheer up lad! We wil l go get my crew back, teach Absalom a lesson, and have my crew help us defeat Dest iny!” “Aye aye aye , this i s get t ing harder and harder , not eas ier , by the way, you got back fast !” “Wel l , I had some excel lent teachers ! Now, le t ’s get to i t ! We have a lot of work to do!” Then Jenna interrupted the conversat ion, “Yes , a l l you have to do now is go confront Absalom!” Carter thought to himsel f for a moment .



    “Come on lads! Let ’s get going!” Johnson said as he was walking toward the same dinghy they used ear l ier , which had somehow survived and was at the same spot i t was at ear l ier . Jenna s tar ted to fo l low, but Carter just s tood there . “You coming Carter?” Johnson yel led. “Oh, um, yes , I ’m coming,” Carter sa id as he s lowly walked, “But this t ime Johnson, you are dr iving!” “ I don’ t think so ,” Johnson repl ied. “Reconsider that , I c l imbed hal f a mountain a few hours ago, fought a dangerous pirate on a log that was about to fa l l down a waterfa l l , and a bunch of other s tuf f that you don’t care about , so your dr iving!” “Aye, f ine , I ’ l l dr ive ,”



    I t was now 6 :30 in the morning, the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Now the three of them were sa i l ing in the dinghy. Johnson was dr iving the dinghy just l ike he sa id he would. Jenna fe l l as leep in Carter ’s lap. Carter and Johnson had s tarted a conversat ion. “Aye, where on earth are we going to f ind Absalom?” Johnson asked. “ I f I ’m not mistaken, we could f ind him on the NC is land,” Carter repl ied. “The North Caribbean Is land, the place to make peace?” Johnson asked. “Yes , They are spending the week there for the party at the end of the week,” Carter repl ied.



    Jenna then woke up, she spoke in a very fa int voice , “They’re where?” “Good morning s leepy, they’re at the NC is land for the party ,” Carter sa id . “A party?” Jenna asked. “Yeah, this party is the one day where a bunch of pirates come together and make peace for an ent ire week, and at the end of the week they ce lebrate , that was the big announcement I was going to make on the ship,” Carter repl ied. “So that was the big announcement?” “Yes i t was .” “Hate to interrupt , but I have something important to te l l you,” Johnson said. “What would that be?” Carter asked.



    “ I just remembered how to defeat Dest iny!” Johnson excla imed. “Can we cross that br idge when we get there?” Jenna asked whi le she sat back up. “ I guess , i t wi l l probably be eas ier to get a crew and a big ship before we take care of that ,” Johnson repl ied. “Before we defeat Absalom, we need to get some rest , le t ’ s s top at this i s land up here , we a l l haven’ t s lept for a few days , and we can’ t expect to take on an ent ire pirate crew with no s leep.” Carter sa id . “Alr ight , that makes sense .” Johnson said as he s teered the dinghy over to a smal l i s land covered with trees nearby. The dinghy made i t to the shore , the three of them got out and walked onto the sandy



    shore . Johnson dragged they dinghy onto the sand and hid i t behind a t ree . “Ok, we need to s tay hidden.” Johnson said as he s tar ted walking behind a couple of t rees . “Why do we need to s tay hidden?” Jenna asked. “ In case i f the Navy sai l by , or other pirates , or anything. We don’t have a ship, so nobody can look out for us ,” Carter repl ied. “Come on, le t ’s bui ld sand beds behind these t rees here so we can get some rest . I t was 12 :00 in the morning. The three of them s lept real ly wel l that night . Johnson and Jenna were s t i l l as leep. But Carter was up, ready to wake everyone e lse up.



    “Good morning my lovely fr iends!” Carter yel led. Johnson moaned as he got up. He bl inked a few t imes , t rying to adjust to the l ight . “ Is i t morning a lready?” Johnson asked. “Five more minutes ,” Jenna said. “Sorry , you got more s leep than a l l of us !” Carter sa id , “By the way, I made breakfast !” Johnson s tood up, a few feet away he saw a campfire . “What did you make?” Johnson asked. “Roasted Coconut , i t ’ s actual ly qui te good!” Carter excla imed. “Ser iously?” Johnson asked. “No, I ’m just k idding, I caught some f ish ,” Carter sa id . Jenna walked over to them, then she spoke,



    “Did you just say you made roasted Coconut?” “No, I was just k idding, I made f ish ,” Carter repl ied. “Oh, ok,” Jenna said, “Is roasted Coconut a real thing?” Johnson grabbed the f ish of the f i replace , the f i sh smel led l ike a skunk af ter i t le t i t ’ s s t ink out . “Wel l , guess we should eat up and move on.” Johnson said. Johnson pul led the f ish up to his mouth and took a bi te out of i t . “Oh, how old is this f i sh?” Johnson asked Carter . “Oh, I don’ t know, I found i t when i t was dead!” Carter sa id . “You know what , I ’m not very hungry,” Jenna said. “Wel l , You’ve got to eat something, you can’ t expect the three of us to take on an ent ire



    pirate crew and expect to win on an empty s tomach,” Carter repl ied, “Here , I bet i t ’ s not that bad.” Carter plucked the f ish out of Johnson’s hand and held the s t ick in his r ight hand, he r ipped a piece of the f ish and plucked the piece in his mouth. “Aw! Wel l , I ’m not very hungry anymore!” Carter sa id as he tossed the f ish behind him not watching where he was throwing i t , “Let ’s get a move on, Off on a new adventure!” “Aye, I ’m not even in the mood to te l l you to s top saying that ,” Johnson said. 12 :15 in the morning, and everyone was s i t t ing in the dinghy s t i l l r iding, Carter was paddl ing this t ime.



    “We have our heading!” Carter sa id . “We’re a lmost there !” Johnson said. “Let ’s do this thing!” Jenna excla imed. “Here we go!” Carter sa id , only to be interrupted by Johnson, “Don’t say i t !” “ I wasn’ t going to say i t !” Carter repl ied. “Yes you were , don’ t l ie to me!” Johnson said. “ I ’m a pirate , what do you expect?” Carter asked sarcast ica l ly . The dinghy sai led through the water . I t was no longer sunny l ike i t was ear l ier . Clouds f i l led the sky, which made i t dark and gloomy.



    “There i t i s mate !” Jenna yel led as she pointed at NC is land. “Now, we must be careful about who sees us . I f we le t the wrong people see us , then we are in t rouble ,” Carter sa id . The dinghy bumped up against the sand. On the land, a smal l v i l lage was in f ront of them. Stone and wood bui ldings , with the s treets made of s tone. “Wel l ,” Carter s ighed, “Let ’s get this over with .”

    Carter , Jenna, and Johnson c l imbed on to the land, the water splashed beneath their feet as they walked toward the sandy shore ahead. Carter dragged the dinghy to the sand again .

    “You think they would have a dock,” Jenna said.



    “Yeah, but the is land is puny, this part i s not b ig enough for a dock,” Carter repl ied. The three of them walked over to the vi l lage . They s tepped onto the s tone s treets of the vi l lage .

    “Where would they be?” Jenna asked.

    “Good quest ion, I have no idea where to go from here ,” Carter repl ied. “Do you suggest we spl i t up?” Johnson asked. “No, i f we are going to take on the ent ire crew, we need to s t ick together ,” Carter repl ied. “Maybe we don’t have to , look!” Jenna said as she pointed ahead of her . Ahead of her , Mary was s i t t ing ins ide a smal l bui lding wri t ing on a piece of paper .



    “ I ’ve got this ,” Carter sa id as he walked forward. Carter walked up next to the bui lding. He opened the door s lowly, but the door creaked. Mary, who was s t i l l s i t t ing on a chair wri t ing on a desk ins ide the smal l wooden bui lding, didn’ t even look up. Carter f in ished opening the door , he walked ins ide the room, and c losed the door behind him. Then he pul led the s tr ing so the shade would shut . Mary f inal ly looked up and not iced Carter ’s shadow standing at the door . “Carter ! What are you doing here?” Mary asked. Carter whipped out his sword and said, “Where is he?” Carter asked. “Absalom told me what to do i f you showed up,” Mary said as



    she pul led a pel le t out of her pocket . She threw the pel le t a t the ground and covered her mouth. Smoke shot out of the pel le t and f i l led the a ir . “Nice ta lking to you again Mary, but I ’ l l be r ight back.” Carter sa id as he breathed in the smoke and passed out . He fe l l face f i rs t to the ground. Johnson and Jenna burst into the room. “Did you take , oh…” Jenna said as Johnson and Jenna not iced Carter on the ground. “Captain Johnson?” Mary asked. “ I ’ve got this !” Johnson said as he whipped his sword out .

    “Uh oh!” Mary said as she grabbed her sword of the table .

    Johnson ran toward Mary and swung her sword at her . Mary blocked his sword and ran over to the window. She picked



    up her chair and smashed the window with the chair , the window shattered.

    “Hey!” Johnson yel led as ran over to Mary. Mary jumped out the window, Johnson jumped out the window and somersaulted. Johnson jumped back up and swung his sword from high above his head at Mary. Mary brought her sword up and blocked the move. Mary jumped in the a ir and swung her sword down at Johnson. Johnson somersaulted backwards and dodged the sword as Mary’s sword s tabbed into the ground.

    “Dang i t !” Mary yel led as she r ipped her sword out of the ground. Johnson ran back over and jumped in the a ir . He swung his sword up from his shoulder in a diagonal motion. Mary held her sword up



    diagonal ly and blocked i t . The swords s l id together to the point where the handles were touching and they got into a c lash posi t ion.

    “Dang i t Johnson, just leave us a lone!” Mary yel led.

    “No! Not unt i l you te l l me where Absalom is !” Johnson yel led. “ Johnson! We have a problem!” Jenna yel led as El iphaz and Malachi jumped down in front of Jenna. “El iphaz!” Jenna yel led. “ Jenna!” El iphaz yel led, “ Join us Jenna, I ’m t i red of being enemies !” “We haven’ t seen each other s ince the mutiny!” Jenna said as she pul led her sword out , “ I would much rather not f ight you, but what you did was wrong!”



    “ Jenna, you should jo in us !” Malachi sa id . “ I wi l l not jo in you, and i f I must , I wi l l f ight you,” Jenna said ra ised her sword with a sad look on her face . Al l of a sudden, Carter ran up next to Jenna and pul led his sword out . “El iphaz and Malachi , you tra i tors !” Carter sa id . “Carter? why did you come back?” El iphaz asked. “To take back what is r ightful ly mine, I do not wish to destroy my own crew, because that ’s what I have come back to rec la im,” Carter repl ied, “So I am going to make this s imple on everyone.” Carter threw a pel le t on the ground and covered his mouth and Jenna’s . Smoke shot out of the pel le t and f i l led the a ir ,



    Eliphaz and Malachi fe l l to the ground. Carter le t go of Jenna’s mouth and his . Jenna sucked in a breath. “Oh, I did not expect that ,” Jenna said. “ I t ’ s ok, I ’ve got many more of these ,” Carter repl ied. “She surrendered,” Johnson said as he kicked Mary. Mary fe l l to the ground in f ront of them. Carter leaned over and spoke into her face , “WHERE IS HE!? !” Carter sa id in anger . “ I am trying to remember what i t i s ca l led…” Mary said only to be interrupted by Carter , “REMEMBER FASTER!” Carter yel led. “ I ’M TRYING!” Mary yel led back in anger , “He’s s taying in the hote l across the s treet , I



    don’t know i f he ran an errand or anything, but I know that i s where he is current ly s taying.”

    “Thank you my dear lady,” Carter sa id , “Knock her out !”

    Johnson hi t Mary in the head, Mary passed out . “Let ’s get a move on, we’re so c lose !” Carter sa id . “Yes , we are , I can fee l i t !”

    Johnson said.

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    Carter , Jenna, and Johnson walked up to the front of the hote l . The hote l had double wooden doors , was made of wood on the outs ide , and was three s tor ies ta l l . “Wel l , now we just need to f igure out what room he is in ,” Carter sa id . “Let ’s go!” Johnson said, “We can interrogate the front desk!” Johnson said. Carter k icked the door , the door f lung open. The outs ide l ight shined ins ide the hote l



    room. Ins ide the hote l room was a few sofas , a large desk, lanterns hanging from the ce i l ing, and a female recept ionis t . Carter walked ins ide the room, Jenna and Johnson fol lowed. Carter then walked up to the f ront desk and asked, “Excuse me, but where can I f ind David Absalom?” “And your name?” The recept ionis t asked. “Carter Ramonez,” Carter repl ied. The recept ionis t looked up wide eyed. “You’re not supposed to be here !” the recept ionis t repl ied. Carter whipped his f l int lock out and held i t in f ront of the recept ionis t ’s face . “ Is there a rule against that?” Carter asked.



    “Third f loor , room f i f teen,” The recept ionist repl ied. “Thank you my dear lady, knock her out ,” Carter sa id as he walked away. Johnson hi t the recept ionis t in the head, the recept ionis t passed out . Carter walked up the s ta irs as Johnson and Mary fol lowed. “This i s i t ! We are f inal ly going to take down Absalom!” Jenna excla imed with exci tement . “Yes , now we can’ t le t Absalom hear us ,” Carter sa id to Jenna, “Ok, now both of you l is ten up.” Carter s topped on the s ta irs in f ront of a door , Jenna and Johnson s topped also . “Here is the plan,” Carter sa id , “ Johnson, you are going to go in and pretend to make fr iends with Absalom. When he



    gains your t rust , you wil l s t r ike him, and we wil l help you!” Carter sa id . “Let ’s do this !” Johnson said as he opened the door and entered the hal lway. “ Jenna, come with me,” Carter sa id to Jenna as they walked back downstairs . Johnson walked down the hal l a l i t t le ways , then he not iced a door that had a s ign that sa id “15” on i t . Johnson knocked on the door with his le f t hand and stood there with his arms crossed. “Who’s there?” sa id a voice f rom the other s ide of the wooden door . “Aye, I be Captain Johnson, captain of The Golden Torpedo!” Johnson said. “Get out ! You are f r iends with Carter !” sa id the man.



    “Aye, but I have learned my ways. We must jo in forces , and work together !” Johnson said, “Let me in and we wil l have something to dr ink. Then we wil l ta lk about this . The door opened. David Absalom himsel f was s tanding there holding the door open with his le f t hand. “Ah! Captain Johnson!” Absalom excla imed, “Please come in!” Absalom pushed the door open a l i t t le more and walked in , Johnson fol lowed. Johnson shut the door behind him. “May I hang my hat?” Johnson asked as he took his hat of f . “Absolute ly ,” Absalom repl ied. Johnson hung his hat on the coat rack. Ins ide the room, there was a bed, a few random



    pictures hanging on the wal l , a table with three chairs , and a balcony. “Have a seat ,” Absalom said as he pul led a chair out f rom the table . “Oh, thanks ,” Johnson said as he sat down in the chair . “Here!” Absalom said as he put 2 cups down on the table , both of them were f i l led with rum. “Oh, thank you, le t ’s get down to business ,” Johnson said as Absalom sat down. “Alr ight , what do you want to do? Now that we are going to jo in forces !” Absalom said. “Take down our worst enemies , inc luding R. J .” Johnson said. “Aye, Johnson is nothing, ser iously!” Absalom said.



    Al l of a sudden, Johnson and Absalom heard a sound of wood smashing against wood outs ide . “What was that?” Absalom asked as he looked behind him at the porch. When he looked behind him, Johnson switched the two cups around. “Oh, I bet something is going on down in the vi l lage ,” Johnson said, “Come, we must get back to business .” Johnson took a dr ink from the cup that was in f ront of him. Absalom also took a dr ink. “Would you l ike to negociate?” Johnson asked as he whipped his sword out and pointed i t a t Absalom. “Ha ha ha , I d idn’ t t rust you in the f i rs t place ! Which is why I poisoned your dr ink!” Absalom yel led.



    “No, you didn’ t !” Johnson said, “I switched the cups!” “WHAT!?!” Absalom yel led in anger as Carter and Jenna jumped down on to the balcony. Carter s tabbed his sword into the glass and cut a large c irc le , then he kicked the c irc le . The glass fe l l ins ide the apartment and shat tered. “NO!” Absalom yel led. “Oh yes !” Carter sa id . “No!” Absalom yel led in anger as he whipped his sword out . “Uh oh,” Carter sa id . Absalom swung his sword at Carter . Carter b locked the at tack. Carter then pushed Absalom’s sword as ide . The sword fe l l out of Absalom’s hand. Absalom started to cough.



    “That ’s not fa ir !” Absalom said as he s tumbled to the ground. “What ’s going on?” Jenna asked, “Why is he choking?” “I poisoned his dr ink,” Johnson said. Absalom started to chuckle . “What ’s so funny? You’re in the process of dying!” Carter yel led. “HA!” Absalom yel led as he jumped back up, “I ’m faking i t , I put the poison in my cup to s tar t with , so Johnson drank the poison!” “WHAT!?!” Carter yel led. “Ha, that ’s funny, there you’re s t i l l wrong. Both dr inks were poisoned, I ’ve just spent the last f ive years bui lding an immunity poison. “DANG IT!” Absalom yel led as he real ly s tar ted to choke.



    “You loose! Learn never to mess with Captain Carter !” Carter sa id . Absalom then fe l l to the ground, coughed a few more t imes , then c losed his eyes and died. “We won!” Jenna yel led as she hugged Carter . Johnson walked over to the coat rack and plucked his hat of the coat rack. Then he put his hat on. “Now, we only have a few more things to take care of !” Johnson said. “Now Johnson,” Carter asked, “How do we defeat Dest iny?” “Yes!” Jenna excla imed, “He didn’ t say i t !”

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    I t was now 3 :00 in the af ternoon, br ight dayl ight . The Flying Cypress was sa i l ing the ocean blue . On the ship was Captain Carter , Johnson, Jenna, and the rest of Carter ’s pirate crew.

    “How on earth did you convince everyone to l i s ten to you again?” Johnson said. “Those are detai ls that I wi l l never explain ,” Carter sa id . Carter and Johnson were s tanding on the front of the ship.



    Back on the deck, Jenna was s tanding there . El iphaz walked up to Jenna. “Look, Jenna,” El iphaz s tarted to speak, but Jenna interrupted her .

    “Hey, don’ t worry about i t , i t ’ s f ine ,” Jenna repl ied. “So, what did you say we needed to do again?” Carter asked, “Whatever i t i s , i t shouldn’t be too hard.” “Actual ly mate , th is part i s harder than you may think i t i s ,” Johnson said, “We are on our way to The Forbidden Is land to borrow a f lute .” “Can’t we get a f lute f rom somewhere e lse , because there ’s a part of The Forbidden Is land that once you enter , you cannot exi t !” Carter sa id . “Yes , which is why we must hope that the Alpha wil l not be



    in the sacred waterfa l l ,” Johnson repl ied. “That ’s the part that i f we enter , we cannot exi t?” “Correct ,” “Why do we need this f lute f rom the Alpha?” “The Alpha’s f lute is s trong enough that i f you play i t , i t wi l l hurt Dest iny.” Carter thought to himsel f for a moment , then he asked, “Can the f lute complete ly obl i terate Dest iny, and is there a chance that we wil l run into the sorcerer whi le we are there?” “Both of those are unknown, but the f lute i s the only way to even hurt Dest iny,” Johnson said. “Where to now?” Jenna asked as she walked up to Carter .



    “The Forbidden Is land,” Carter repl ied. “What? But i f we go in there , we may never be able to exi t !” Jenna excla imed. “No, that ’s just the sacred waterfa l l ,” Johnson said. “ INCOMING!” Andy yel led from the crows nest . Al l of a sudden, a cannonbal l f lew past the f ront of The Flying Cypress . Carter looked to his le f t . There he saw a massive pirate ship painted a l l grey. “R. J . !” Carter yel led, “Take evasive act ion! We must e i ther take him down or escape!” “Carter ! This i s the end for you!” R. J . ye l led from the opposi te ship. “FIRE!” Carter yel led as he pointed to R. J . ’ s ship. Cannonbal ls shot out of The Flying Cypress .



    “They missed!” Joseph yel led in anger as the cannonbal ls fe l l short . “No kidding!” Carter yel led. Al l of a sudden, 5 cannonbal ls shot out of R. J . ’ s large grey ship. Three of the cannonbal ls hi t The Flying Cypress . But nothing happened to The Flying Cypress except that the cannonbal ls bounced of f of The Flying Cypress . “We’ve been hi t !” El iphaz yel led. “Yes , but nothing happened,” Carter sa id . “The Alpha!” Johnson yel led, “He is expect ing us to come to him!” “That means we have the advantage!” Carter yel led, “BRING IT DOWN!” More cannonbal ls f i red out of The Flying Cypress . Every



    s ingle Cannonbal l h i t R . J . ’ s ship leaving many holes in his ship, s lowly br inging i t down. “NO! I WILL BE BACK AGAIN!” R. J . ye l led as he c l imbed to the crows nest . R . J . s tood up on the crows nest and shook his f i s t . “A good captain a lways goes down with his ship!” Carter yel led to R. J . . “ I don’ t want to be a good Captain!” R. J . ye l led. R. J . looked down at the deck on his ship below, he not iced his crew running to the very few dinghies that were on his ship. “We did i t !” Jenna yel led as she hugged Carter , Carter wrapped his arms around Jenna. Off in the dis tance , R . J . ’ s ship f inal ly sunk, taking R. J . and most of his crew with him.



    “ Jenna, I have something to ask you,” Carter sa id . “Aye, I t wi l l have to wait !” Johnson said. “LAND HO!” Andy yel led from the crows nest above. Carter and Jenna looked ahead of them, they not iced the is land up ahead. “Here we go!” Carter sa id , “Off…” “WAIT!” Jenna yel led, “Can I say i t th is t ime?” “Argh, I th ink we a l l need to say i t th is t ime!” Johnson yel led. “What , but this i s my thing!” Carter sa id . Johnson and Jenna looked at Carter . “Fine , le ts say i t !” Carter sa id . Then they a l l three sa id in unison, “OFF, ON A NEW ADVENTURE!”



    The ship s topped c lose to The Forbidden Is land. “Let the anchor down!” Carter yel led. Malachi le t the anchor down. “ Jenna, Johnson, are you coming with?” Carter asked. “Yes! I am coming with!” Jenna said. “Of course !” Johnson said. “Let the dinghy down!” Carter sa id . Andy lowered the ropes to the same dinghy they used ear l ier . The Dinghy fe l l to the water with a splash. Carter , Jenna, and Johnson c l imbed of f the s ide of the ship and down the ladder . “This i s i t !” Jenna said. “Oh, i t ’ s not over yet !” Carter sa id . The three of them boarded the dinghy.



    “Wait , I ’ l l dr ive!” Carter sa id . “You sure? Because I k ind of was hoping to dr ive ,” Johnson said. “Yeah, sure you can dr ive ,” Carter sa id . Johnson grabbed the kayak paddle f rom Carter and s tarted paddl ing. “This i s going to be good!” Jenna said. “Actual ly , i t ’ s not supposed to be exci t ing yet !” Carter sa id , “We st i l l have to take on Dest iny and his undead pirate crew.” “ I don’ t remember i f you told me this ear l ier , but how do we defeat Dest iny?” Jenna asked. “We need to get the sacred f lute f rom The Alpha of f of The Forbidden Is land,” Carter sa id . “Here we are !” Johnson said. “Boy, that was fast !” Carter sa id . They s topped the dinghy



    at the is land, once again when they got out , the water splashed beneath their feet . Carter dragged the dinghy over to the sand when as they walked together . “Here we are , now we’ve got this ent ire i s land to check for The Alpha,” Carter sa id . “Yeah, and hope we don’t run into the sorcerer on the way,” Carter sa id . “Who is The Sorcerer?” Jenna asked. “The Sorcerer i s the evi lest th ing to ever l ive ,” Johnson began, “The Sorcerer i s an unstoppable wizard that doesn’ t le t anything get in his way. His ul t imate goal i s to conquer a l l the seas . He is ruthless and doesn’ t le t anything s tand in his way.”



    “Legend says that The Sorcerer actual ly created Dest iny!” Carter sa id . “ I doubt i t , I thought the Alpha created everything!” Johnson said. The three of them stopped, ahead of them was a lot of t rees . But behind the t rees was a large waterfa l l that created a s tream. “There’s the waterfa l l , whatever you do, s tay away from the waterfa l l !” Carter sa id . The three of them started to walk through the t rees . Jenna got out her sword to cut some branches down. “NO! DON’T DO THAT!” Carter yel led. “I forgot to te l l you, you must not destroy anything on this i s land, i t i s sacred.”



    “Oh, sorry ,” Jenna said as she put her sword back in her holder . “No, that ’s my faul t . I forgot to te l l you about that ,” Carter sa id . Carter , Jenna, and Johnson f inal ly got past a l l the t rees . Ahead of them was a beaut i ful waterfa l l . Next to i t s i t t ing on a rock, an older gent lemen with a long white beard wearing white c lothes and had l i t t le hair on the top of his head. The man was playing an old wooden f lute . Carter , Johnson, and Jenna walked over to the rock, the man was looking downward. Carter assume he didn’ t see him. “Excuse me, are you the Alpha?” Johnson asked. The man stopped playing the f lute .



    “ I am he,” sa id the man with the white beard, “I te l l you the t ruth, he who seeks me wil l f ind me, he who goes down another path wi l l f ind nothing.” “We need your help,” Carter sa id , “But I assume that you know why we’re here .” “Yes , I do, I t i s the f lute you seek,” The Alpha repl ied. “Yes i t i s ,” Jenna said. “So i t i s not me you seek, i t i s the f lute? Did you not consider that i f you f ind me I could help you take down whom you are looking for?” The Alpha asked. “Dest iny, and i f you can, wi l l you help us?” Carter asked. “ I am The One, he who seeks me wil l f ind me, I wi l l help them al l the way.” “Do you have the power to defeat Dest iny and save my crew?” Johnson asked.



    “What do you think?” The Alpha asked. “ I would think so ,” Johnson repl ied. “So, wi l l you help us?” Carter asked. “Help you with what?” The Alpha asked. “Goodness , do you want to come with us , or can we borrow your f lute?” Jenna asked. “You may borrow the f lute , a good neighbor t reats others the way they wish to be t reated,” The Alpha said as he held out the f lute . Carter s lowly reached down to grab the f lute . “Thank you so much, we owe i t to you big t ime!” Carter sa id as he f inal ly grabbed the f lute . “You are so welcome,” The Alpha repl ied. Al l of a sudden, a c loud of dust appeared around



    the Alpha, then the Alpha vanished. “Wow! This adventure has been escalat ing so quickly!” Jenna excla imed. “Yes , i t has ! Which means we are near ing the end,” Johnson said. “Wel l , the sooner we get to Dest iny, the bet ter !” Carter sa id . “Wait ! What ’s your hurry, we don’t even know i f th is thing wil l work against Dest iny,” Jenna said. “True, but i t ’ s our only hope!” Carter sa id . “Wel l , Off on the same adventure , only near ing the end!” Jenna said. The three fr iends s tar ted walking again through the large



    area of t rees . They eventual ly made i t out onto the sandy area without destroying anything. “Ok, le t ’s go!” Carter sa id . The three of them started walking. Al l of a sudden, Jango, Br idget , Helen, Gary, and Thompson walked out of the water onto the shore . “Aw the Bloody Bri ts with this !” Johnson said. The eyes of Jango, Br idget , Helen, Gary, and Thompson glowed dark red. I t s tar ted ra ining a lso , thunder s truck and water poured down on them. “How convenient !” Jenna yel led. Jango waved his hand. Carter and Johnson f lew through the a ir and hi t a bunch of t rees . Br idget , Helen, Gary, and Thompson surrounded them.



    “NO! Let them go!” Jenna yel led. “ Jenna!” Jango yel led as he whipped out his sword, “You are mine!” “Why are you le t t ing these demons control you?” Jenna asked. “You have been a thorn in my s ide for far too long!” Jango said as he walked toward Jenna. Jenna whipped her sword out . “STAY BACK!” Jenna yel led. “ARG! I wi l l take you down personal ly !” Jango yel led. Jango then jumped in the a ir and swung his sword down. Jenna brought her sword up and blocked Jango’s sword. Jenna then jumped back as Jango s lashed at her and dodged the at tack.



    “You don’t have to do this !” Jenna yel led, “We can work something out !” “This i s the end for you!” Jango yel led. Jango s lashed at Jenna again , Jenna blocked this t ime and s lashed at h im, Jango blocked the at tack and advanced forward. Jango’s advancement put them in a c lash posi t ion. “Are you even l i s tening?” Jenna asked. “Yes! And I am trying to ignore you!” Al l of a sudden, Jango fe l t a b lade touching the back of his neck. Johnson was holding a sword to the back of Jango’s neck. “Drop the sword!” Johnson said. “Ha ha ha! You wouldn’t k i l l me!” Jango said. Johnson s tarted to breathe heavi ly . Johnson