legenda tangkuban perahu

LEGENDA TANGKUBAN PERAHU I In ancient times, there was a story of a princess in West Java named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son who was named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting She hunt accompanied by Tumang, beloved dog palace. Sangkuriang do not know, that the dog was an incarnation of the god and father. On a day Tumang not want to follow his orders to chase the prey. The dog then pursued into the woods. When he returned to the palace, Sangkuriang recounted the incident to her mother. Dayang Sumbi not playing angry when I heard that story. He accidentally hit her head Sangkuriang with spoon in his hand. Sangkuriang injured. He was very disappointed and went wandering. After the incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted her. He was always very diligent prayer and penance. At one point, the gods gave him a gift. He will be forever young and has a timeless beauty. After years of wandering, Sangkuriang eventually intend to return to his homeland. Arriving there, the kingdom has changed completely. There he met a lovely girl, who is none other than Lady Sumbi. Fascinated by her beauty then, Sangkuriang proposed. Therefore it is very handsome young man, Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated him. On a day Sangkuriang asked permission to hunt. He asked for help Dayang Sumbi to spruce up the headband. Surprise, Dayang Sumbi when he saw the scar on the head of her future husband. The wound was exactly like his wounds that have to go wander. After a long noticed, turns his face is very similar to his face. He became very frightened. So then he sought to thwart the efforts that making a proposal process. He filed two terms. First, he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river. And second, he asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat to cross the river. Both conditions that must be met before dawn. That night Sangkuriang did penance. By his power he exert magical

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Post on 17-Nov-2015




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In ancient times, there was a story of a princess in West Java named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son who was named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting She hunt accompanied by Tumang, beloved dog palace. Sangkuriang do not know, that the dog was an incarnation of the god and father.

On a day Tumang not want to follow his orders to chase the prey. The dog then pursued into the woods. When he returned to the palace, Sangkuriang recounted the incident to her mother. Dayang Sumbi not playing angry when I heard that story. He accidentally hit her head Sangkuriang with spoon in his hand. Sangkuriang injured. He was very disappointed and went wandering.

After the incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted her. He was always very diligent prayer and penance. At one point, the gods gave him a gift. He will be forever young and has a timeless beauty. After years of wandering, Sangkuriang eventually intend to return to his homeland. Arriving there, the kingdom has changed completely. There he met a lovely girl, who is none other than Lady Sumbi. Fascinated by her beauty then, Sangkuriang proposed. Therefore it is very handsome young man, Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated him.

On a day Sangkuriang asked permission to hunt. He asked for help Dayang Sumbi to spruce up the headband. Surprise, Dayang Sumbi when he saw the scar on the head of her future husband. The wound was exactly like his wounds that have to go wander. After a long noticed, turns his face is very similar to his face. He became very frightened. So then he sought to thwart the efforts that making a proposal process. He filed two terms. First, he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river. And second, he asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat to cross the river. Both conditions that must be met before dawn.

That night Sangkuriang did penance. By his power he exert magical creatures to help finish the job. Dayang Sumbi was secretly peek of the job. Once the work was almost complete, Dayang Sumbi ordered his troops to hold a red silk cloth to the east of the city. While watching the redness in the eastern city, Sangkuriang thought it was already dawn. He also stopped work. He was very upset because it means he can not qualify Dayang Sumbi requested.

With his strength, he made his break through the dam. There was a great flood swept over the city. He was later kicked big boat made. The canoe was drifting and fell into a mountain named "Tangkuban Perahu."


At one time there was a man named Budi Ahsan. He was a tall man, and brave, he is like Rambo but be romeo. He lives lived alone in an area close to the forest.

Once when he went into the woods to look for jasmine that has a power to grant a request. He knows about it because the flowers were given to know by his uncle, so she wants to look and begged his wish can be granted.

When the journey he met a tiger who are starving. When a hungry tiger saw Budi, the tiger lunged straight Budi Budi but also deftly dodge, there was a fight Budi with the tiger. mind was trying to fight the tiger was not to be eaten by the tiger. The tiger then felt tired and fell silent. Budi was immediately ran to find the tiger food.

After a long search, Budi also see the meat near the river. Then Budi also take and bring the meat to the tiger. After the tiger tigers eat the meat and give thanks to Budi Budi gift jasmine filled with such wonders.

It turns out that the tiger animal imitation of a grandfather who wants to examine how such a man. Budi also feel very happy because it has gained the interest, and immediately return home.

DOG AND ITS SHADOW A dog that is getting a bone of a man, ran back to his home as soon as possible with pleasure. When he passed through a very small bridge, he looked down and saw herself reflected from the water under the bridge. This greedy dog thought he saw another dog carrying a bigger bone than hers.

If he stops to think, he would know that it is only his shadow. But the dog did not think anything and even dropped the bone he was carrying and jumped into the river. The greedy dog finally struggled to swim to the edge of the river. When he arrived safely at the edge of the river, he could only stand pensive and sad because they carry even bone is lost, he later regretted what happened and realize how stupid he was.