legal interpreting 2-pager

Legal Interpreting Services Engaging with communities, overcoming barriers Regardless of whether our interpreters are working in a courtroom, a police station, a solicitor’s office, a prison or at a meeting or large conference, they always listen to what people say and interpret their words accurately. Our professional language interpreting services can help you and your organisation to communicate with non-English speakers in a wide range of situations. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- tur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra vehic- ula nulla non venenatis. Morbi lacinia porta consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- tur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra vehic- ula nulla non venenatis. Morbi lacinia porta consequat. Curabitur vestibulum interdum libero at laoreet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus lectus, molestie vitae consectetur non, tempor vitae tortor. Praesent eros orci, placerat elementum ullamcorper vitae, vehicula ut eros. Aenean rhoncus, eros ut efficitur vestibulum, nisl nisi viverra augue, laoreet consectetur ligula quam nec neque. Pellentesque maximus ex eget lorem iaculis efficitur. Aenean placerat porta nunc sit amet faucibus. Proin feugiat ligula et lacinia lobortis. Quality At Capita TI, we understand the importance of providing an accurate and professional interpreting service within a legal environment. Our interpreters are sourced locally, subject to a rigorous and robust vetting system and either meet or exceed the requirements of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Framework Agreement. Industry expertise Our interpreters are specialised in legal interpreting and hold the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting law qualification and are registered on the National Register of Public Service Interpreters. Our British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters are registered with the National Registers Communications Professionals working with the Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD). Many of our interpreters also hold additional qualifications relating to the safeguarding of chil- dren and vulnerable adults, Non-Police Personnel Vetting (NPPV), Counter Terrorism Clearance, enhanced and standard disclosure checks (eCRB/DBS) and all work in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Scrutiny Capita TI is one of the few language service providers in the UK to be audited on a monthly basis, by a central government organisation. This ensures the standard of the interpreters we supply to our clients is of the highest possible quality and also ensures the interpreters are qualified to work in legal situations. What’s important to you?

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Legal Interpreting 2-Pager

Legal Interpreting Services Engaging with communities, overcoming barriers

Regardless of whether our interpreters are working in a courtroom, a police station, a solicitor’s office, a prison or at a meeting or large conference, they always listen to what people say and interpret their words accurately. Our professional language interpreting services can help you and your organisation to communicate with non-English speakers in a wide range of situations.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-tur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra vehic-ula nulla non venenatis. Morbi lacinia porta consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-tur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra vehic-ula nulla non venenatis. Morbi lacinia porta consequat. Curabitur vestibulum interdum libero at laoreet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus lectus, molestie vitae consectetur non, tempor vitae tortor. Praesent eros orci, placerat elementum ullamcorper vitae, vehicula ut eros. Aenean rhoncus, eros ut efficitur vestibulum, nisl nisi viverra augue, laoreet consectetur ligula quam nec neque. Pellentesque maximus ex eget lorem iaculis efficitur. Aenean placerat porta nunc sit amet faucibus. Proin feugiat ligula et lacinia lobortis.

Quality At Capita TI, we understand the importance of providing an accurate and professional interpreting service within a legal environment. Our interpreters are sourced locally, subject to a rigorous and robust vetting system and either meet or exceed the requirements of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Framework Agreement. Industry expertise Our interpreters are specialised in legal interpreting and hold the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting law qualification and are registered on the National Register of Public Service Interpreters. Our British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters are registered with the National Registers Communications Professionals working with the Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD). Many of our interpreters also hold additional qualifications relating to the safeguarding of chil-dren and vulnerable adults, Non-Police Personnel Vetting (NPPV), Counter Terrorism Clearance, enhanced and standard disclosure checks (eCRB/DBS) and all work in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Scrutiny Capita TI is one of the few language service providers in the UK to be audited on a monthly basis, by a central government organisation. This ensures the standard of the interpreters we supply to our clients is of the highest possible quality and also ensures the interpreters are qualified to work in legal situations.

What’s important to you?

Page 2: Legal Interpreting 2-Pager

Why choose Capita TI? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra vehicula nulla non venenatis. Morbi lacinia porta consequat. Curabitur vestibulum interdum libero at laoreet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus lectus, molestie vitae consectetur non, tempor vitae tortor. Praesent eros orci, placerat elementum ullam-corper vitae, vehicula ut eros. Aenean rhoncus, eros ut efficitur vestibulum, nisl nisi viverra augue, laoreet con-sectetur ligula quam nec neque. Pellentesque maximus ex eget lorem iaculis efficitur. Aenean placerat porta nunc sit amet faucibus. Proin feugiat ligula et lacinia lobortis.

Phasellus massa sem, ultrices eget lacus eget, biben-dum sollicitudin mauris. In porttitor volutpat lectus, ut aliquet augue sagittis ac. Curabitur sagittis turpis quis magna molestie, a commodo sapien aliquet. Fusce sodales congue urna ut sodales. Proin ultricies, ante vitae malesuada venenatis, augue tortor sagittis diam, quis dictum sapien augue quis ante. Sed finibus, nunc sit amet accumsan tincidunt, dolor velit tristique enim, a maximus odio est pellentesque ex. Aliquam tempus metus non cursus fringilla. Etiam vitae iaculis tortor.

Fusce hendrerit augue quis sem tristique finibus. Aenean convallis lacinia dui et pretium. Proin mattis sem sapien, nec dictum erat scelerisque et. Nulla non augue finibus purus vehicula luctus sit amet non eros. Pellentesque facilisis sem sem, at lobortis neque eleifend auctor. Aenean quis rhoncus libero. Integer pulvinar fermentum odio et mattis. Quisque vel pulvinar massa.

Or for account queries please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

Tel (UK): +44 (0)845 367 7000

Find out more about how partnering with Capita gives you the assurance of quality, global reach and trusted delivery on time, every time by visiting:

Capita TI in the Legal Sector

Our interpreting service operates 24/7, 365 days of the year in over 250 languages and includes:

• Face-to-face interpreting• Telephone interpreting• British Sign Language (BSL)• Video BSL• Braille• Alternative formats - Large print / Easy read

We provide interpreting services to both the public sector and commercial clients including the MoJ, the police, HM Prison Service, the National Probation Service, the Crown Prosecution Service, NHS trusts local government and a number of international law firms.

All our clients have their own dedicated Relationship Manager, responsible for delivering exactly the right service for you. Clients also have access to our customer portal and a 24/7 telephone line which operates 365 days of the year, very quickly providing an interpreter, as and when you require one.