legal ethics 2005 2014 bar qa

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  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16


    Question No. 22 (2010). Canon 1 Ru!e 1.01

    A "eti"e# $e$%e" o& t'e u#iia"* isno+ en,a,e# in -"iate -"atie. Inatten#in, 'ea"in,s/ 'e uses 'is a"%ea"in, 'is -"otoo! -!ate +'i' +asissue# to 'i$ +'i!e sti!! in t'e


    Pass on t'e et'ia! as-et o& t'e u#,es use o& t'e -"otoo! -!ate.(2)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6bsent any e!press pro"ibition to use t"eplates by o#$ial members o% t"e ben$", itis still imprudent, i% not unet"i$al %or t"e

     &ud'e to use o% "is proto$ol plate a%ter "isretirement sin$e "e no lon'er "olds t"atposition(

     )"e C*+ en&oins respe$t %or law w"i$"e!tend to t"e so$iety, t"e le'al pro%essionand to t"e $ourt( +ule 1(01 pro"ibitslawyers %rom de$eit w"i$" in turn inoles

    misrepresentation w"i$" $an "e implied i% t"e plates are used a%ter retirement(

    Question No. 2 (2007). Canons 18an# 17 o& t'e Co#e o& P"o&essiona!Res-onsi%i!it* (10)

    C en,a,es t'e se"ies o& atto"ne* Done"nin, a"ious $o"t,a,eont"ats ente"e# into %* 'e"'us%an# &"o$ +'o$ s'e is

    se-a"ate#/ &ea"&u! t'at 'e" "ea!estate -"o-e"ties +i!! %e &o"e!ose#an# o& i$-en#in, suits &o" su$s o& $one* a,ainst 'e". Atto"ne* Da#ise# C to ,ie 'i$ 'e" !an# tit!esoe"in, 'e" !ots so 'e ou!# se!!t'e$ to ena%!e 'e" to -a* 'e""e#ito"s. 9e t'en -e"sua#e# 'e"e:eute #ee#s o& sa!e in 'is &ao"+it'out an* $oneta"* o" a!ua%!eonsi#e"ation/ to +'i' C a,"ee# onon#ition t'at 'e +ou!# se!! t'e !ots

    an# &"o$ t'e -"oee#s -a* 'e""e#ito"s. Late" on/ C a$e to ;no+t'at atto"ne* D #i# not se!! 'e" !ots%ut instea# -ai# 'e" "e#ito"s +it''is o+n &un#s an# 'a# 'e" !an#tit!tes "e,iste"e# in 'is na$e. Di#atto"ne* D io!ate t'e Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*< E:-!ain.

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 )"e de$ision o% t"e Supreme Court in t"e$ase o% ernande. ( /o, (C( 1526,

     anuary 1, 2005, is suarely appli$able tot"is problem( Under t"e same set o% %a$ts,

    t"e Supreme Court "eld t"e lawyer to"ae iolated Canons 16 and 1 o% t"eCode o% *ro%essional +esponsibility, w"i$"proide as %ollows

    • Canon 16( lawyer s"all "old intrust all moneys and properties o% "is $lient t"at may $ome into "ispossession(

    • Canon 1( lawyer owes 4delity tot"e $ause o% "is $lient and "e s"allbe mind%ul o% t"e trust and$on4den$e reposed in "im(

    "en attorney a$uired t"e propertieso% "is $lient, "e did not only iolate t"ese$anons but also rti$le 1781 o% t"e CiilCode, w"i$" pro"ibits "im to a$uire bypur$"ase een at a publi$ au$tion or

     &udi$ial au$tion, property o% "is $lients t"esale o% w"i$" "as been entrusted to "imunless t"e $onsent o% t"e $lient "as been'ien(

    Question No. =. (2007). Canon 1> o& t'e CPR (10)

    Atto"ne* ?. ae-te# a ii! ase &o"t'e "eoe"* o& tit!e an# -ossessiono& !an# in %e'a!& o& N. Su%se@uent!*/a&te" t'e Re,iona! T"ia! Cou"t 'a#issue# a #eision a#e"se to N/ t'e!atte" !e# an a#$inist"atie asea,ainst atto"ne* ? &o" #is%a"$ent.9e a!!e,e# t'at atto"ne* ? ause#

    t'e a#e"se "u!in, a,ainst 'i$ t'atatto"ne* ? #i# not !e an o--ositionto t'e De$u""e" to Ei#ene !e# int'e ase/ neit'e" #i# 'e a--ea" att'e &o"$a! 'ea"in, on t'e #e$u""e"/!ea#in, t'e t"ia! ou"t to assu$e t'at-!aintis ounse! (atto"ne* ?)a--ea"e# onine# o& t'e a!i#it* o& t'e #e$u"e" !e# t'at atto"ne* ?#i# not een !e a $otion &o""eonsi#e"ation / ausin, t'e o"#e"to %eo$e na! an# e:euto"* an#

    t'at een -"io" to t'e a%oe eentsan# in ie+ o& atto"ne* ?s a--a"ent!oss o& inte"est in t'e ase/ 'ee"%a!!* "e@ueste# atto"ne* ? to+it'#"a+/ %ut atto"ne* ? "e&use#.Co$-!ainant N &u"t'e" a!!e,e# t'atatto"ne* ? a%use# 'is !ients t"ustan# on#ene an# io!ate# 'is oat'


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    o& oe in &ai!in, to #e&en# 'is!ients ause to t'e e"* en#.

    Atto"ne* ? "e-!ie# t'at N #i# not,ie 'i$ 'is &u!! oo-e"ation t'att'e o!u$inous "eo"#s tu"ne# oe"

    to 'i$ +e"e in #isa""a*/ an# t'ata--ea"e# &o" N/ 'e 'a# on!* 'a!& o& t'e in&o"$ation an# %a;,"oun# o& t'e ase t'at 'e +as assu"e# %* Ns&"ien#s t'at t'e* 'a# a--"oa' t'e u#,e t'at t'e* "e@ueste# 'i$ (?)to -"e-a"e a $otion &o""eonsi#e"ation +'i' 'e #i# an#,ae to t'e$ 'o+ee" t'ese &"ien#s#i# not "etu"n t'e o-* o& t'e$otion.

    5i!! t'e a#$inist"atie ase -"os-e"<4ie "easons &o" *ou" ans+e".

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 Yes( Lawyer 9 appears ne'li'ent be$auseo% "is %ailure to 4le an opposition to t"edemurrer, appear at t"e demurrer"earin', and not 4lin' a motion %orre$onsideration( Under t"e Code, a lawyers"all not "andle any le'al matter wit"outadeuate preparation :1;(02urt"ermore, re%usin' to $omplywit" =s reuest to wit"draw %rom t"e$ase iolated t"e absolute ri'"t o% t"e$lient to terminate "is lawyer at any timewit" or wit"out $ause( :Se$tion 26, +ule13; o% t"e +ules o% Court<

    Question No. 1. (200>). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon1/ 21/ G 1H

    C'"istine +as a--ointe# ounse! #eoio &o" u$a/ +'o +as ause# o& "a-in, 'is o+n #au,'te". u$a-!ea#e# not ,ui!t* %ut t'e"ea&te"-"iate!* a#$itte# to C'"istine t'at'e #i# o$$it t'e "i$e 'a",e#.

    a. In !i,'t o& u$as a#$ission/+'at s'ou!# C'"istine #o< E:-!ain.(=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6C"ristine s"ould su''est to uma t"at "es"ould plead 'uilty to t"e $rime as$"ar'ed(

    Canon 18, +ule 18(02 o% t"e C*+ statest"at Ja lawyer w"o "as re$eied

    in%ormation t"at "is $lient "as, in t"e$ourse o% t"e representation, perpetrateda %raud upon a person or tribunal, s"allpromptly $all upon t"e $lient to re$ti%y t"esame, and %ailin' w"i$" "e s"allterminate t"e relations"ip wit" su$" $lientin a$$ordan$e wit" t"e +ules o% Court(A

    %. Can C'"istine #is!ose t'ea#$ission o& u$a to t'e ou"t<5'* o" +'* not< (2)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6=o, C"ristine $annot dis$lose umaDsadmission to t"e $ourt(

    Canon 21, +ule 21(02 o% t"e C*+ proidest"at ?a lawyer s"all not, to t"edisadanta'e o% "is $lient, usein%ormation a$uired in t"e $ourse o% employment, nor s"all "e use t"e same to"is own adanta'e or t"at o% a t"irdperson, unless t"e $lient wit" %ullEnowled'e o% t"e $ir$umstan$es $onsentst"ereto(AC"ristine $annot dis$lose t"e admissionwit"out iolatin' t"e aboementioned$anon( )"e in%ormation dis$losed is in t"enature o% a priile'ed $ommuni$ation,"en$e, s"e $annot dis$lose it to t"e $ourtwit"out umaDs $onsent(

    . Can C'"istine +it'#"a+ asounse! o& u$a s'ou!# 'e insist in,oin, to t"ia!< E:-!ain. (=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6C"ristine $annot wit"draw as $ounsel o% uma(

    Canon 17, +ule 17(01 o% C*+ states t"at?a lawyer s"all not de$line to represent aperson solely on a$$ount o% t"e latterDsra$e, se!( $reed or status o% li%e, or


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    be$ause o% "is own opinion re'ardin' t"e'uilt o% said person(A

    espite t"e admission o% uma, C"ristine$annot wit"draw as umaDs $ounselbe$ause uma is still $onsidered inno$ent

    until proen 'uilty( >urt"er, t"ere may bemiti'atin' $ir$umstan$es t"at C"ristinemay raise as a de%ense t"at is %aorableto uma(

    Question No. 2 (200>). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon 8/1K/ 21

    In 1>/ Aa"a$%a/ ate!eo$$uniations o$-an*/ si,ne#

    a "etaine" a,"ee$ent +it' Biana GSo-'ia La+ Oe (B G S) &o" t'e!atte"s !e,a! se"ies &o" a &ee o& P2/000 a $ont'. F"o$ 1> to 2001/t'e on!* se"ie atua!!* -e"&o"$e#%* B G S &o" Aa"a$%a +as t'e"eie+ o& a !ease a,"ee$ent an#"e-"esentation o& Aa"a$%a as ao$-!ainant in a %ounin, 'e;sase. Aa"a$%a sto--e# -a*in,"etaine" &ees in 2002 an# te"$inate#its "etaine" a,"ee$ent +it' B G S in200K. In 2007/ Te$aous/ anot'e"te!eo$$uniations o$-an*/"e@ueste# B G S to at as its ounse!in t'e &o!!o+in, t"ansations6 (a) t'ea@uisition o& Aa"a$%a an# (%) t'ea@uisition o& Su-e"8/ a o$-an*en,a,e# in t'e -o+e" %usiness.

    In +'i' t"ansations/ i& an*/ anBiana G So-'ia La+ Oe "e-"esentTe$aous< E:-!ain &u!!*. (7)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6Bian$a F Sop"ia Law G#$e $annotrepresent )emaous in t"e a$uisition o% $aramba be$ause t"e Canons o% *ro%essional Ht"i$s :Canon 6< and t"eCode o% *ro%essional +esponsibility:Canon 15< proide t"at a lawyer s"all notrepresent parties wit" aderse intereststo one anot"er( Hen t"ou'" t"eirrelations"ip "ad already been terminatedt"e Code %urt"er proides :Canon 21< t"ata lawyer s"ould sa%e'uard t"e$on4den$es o% "is %ormer $lient( In t"e$ase o% a$uisitions, BFS would de4nitely"ae an undue adanta'e :+ule21(02-(03

  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    already( Gn$e a $ase "as been de$ided, itis already open %or publi$ $onsumption"en$e anyone $an $riti$i.e or maEeEnown t"eir opinions re'ardin' t"e$on$lusion o% t"e $ase(Question No.H (200>). Co#e o& 

    P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it* / Canon20)

    C'este" as;e# Laa"ni to 'an#!e 'is!ai$ to a siMea%!e -a"e! o& !an# in

    QueMon Cit* a,ainst a +e!!;no+n-"o-e"t* #ee!o-e" on a ontin,ent&ee %asis. Laa"ni as;e# &o" 1K o& t'e !an# t'at $a* %e "eoe"e# o"1K o& +'atee" $oneta"*sett!e$ent t'at $a* %e "eeie#

    &"o$ t'e -"o-e"t* #ee!o-e" as 'e"on!* &ee ontin,ent u-on seu"in, a&ao"a%!e na! u#,$ent o"o$-"o$ise sett!e$ent. C'este"si,ne# t'e ontin,ent &eea,"ee$ent.

    a. Assu$e t'e -"o-e"t* #ee!o-e"sett!e# t'e ase a&te" t'e ase +as#ei#e# %* t'e Re,iona! T"ia! Cou"tin &ao" o& C'este" &o" P1 Bi!!ion.C'este" "e&use# to -a* Laa"ni P1K0

    ?i!!ion on t'e ,"oun# t'at it ise:essie. Is t'e "e&usa! ustie#<E:-!ain. (H)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 Yes, t"e re%usal is &usti4ed( Canon 20 o% t"e C*+ states t"at ?a lawyer s"all $"ar'eonly %air and reasonable %ees(A lt"ou'"under a $ontin'ent %ee a'reementlawyers are entitled to 'reaterremuneration be$ause o% t"e possibility o% re$eiin' not"in' at all, t"e %ee $"ar'ed

    must still be %air, reasonable and$ons$ionable( In t"is $ase, t"e 150 million%ee is e!$essie and un$ons$ionable(

    %. Assu$e t'e"e +as nosett!e$ent an# t'e ase eentua!!*"ea'e# t'e Su-"e$e Cou"t +'i'-"o$u!,ate# a #eision in &ao" o& C'este". T'is ti$e C'este" "e&use#to one* to Laa"ni 1K o& t'e!iti,ate# !an# as sti-u!ate# on t'e,"oun# t'at t'e a,"ee$ent

    io!ates A"ti!e 1H1 o& t'e Cii!Co#e +'i' -"o'i%its !a+*e"s &"o$a@ui"in, %* -u"'ase -"o-e"tiesan# "i,'ts +'i' a"e t'e o%et o& !iti,ation in +'i' t'e* ta;e -a"t%* "eason o& t'ei" -"o&ession. Ist'e "e&usa! ustie#< E:-!ain. (H)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6

     )"e re%usal is not &usti4ed( )"e trans%er o% t"e land to Laarni would not iolaterti$le 1781 o% t"e Ciil Code be$ausesaid arti$le does not $oer $ontin'ent %eea'reements( )"is is be$ause in a$ontin'ent %ee a'reement a trans%er

    would only o$$ur in $ase a %aorable &ud'ment is obtained( >urt"er, t"e $aserea$"ed t"e Supreme Court w"i$" meanst"at Laarni spent so mu$" time on t"e$ase and mu$" o% "er sEills weredemanded "en$e t"e 150 million is a %airand reasonable %ee(

    Question No.K (200>). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ 'a",in,!ien)

    T'e en#o" !e# a ase a,ainst t'een#ee &o" t'e annu!$ent o& t'e sa!eo& a -iee o& !an#.

    a. Assu$e t'e en#ee o%taine# asu$$a"* u#,$ent a,ainst t'een#o". 5ou!# t'e ounse! &o" t'e#e&en#ant en#ee %e entit!e# toen&o"e a 'a",in, !ien< E:-!ain.(H)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6=o, endeeDs $ounsel would not beentitled to en%or$e a $"ar'in' lien( $"ar'in' lien to be en%or$eable t"eremust be a &ud'ment %or money( In t"e$ase at bar, t"ere was no mention o% a

     &ud'ment %or money in %aor o% t"eendee t"us endeeDs $ounsel $annoten%or$e a $"ar'in' lien( oweer, i% t"erewould be a &ud'ment %or money endeeDs$ounsel would be entitled to en%or$e t"e$"ar'in' lien(

    %. Assu$e/ t'"ou,' t'e e:e!!ent+o"; o& t'e en#ees ounse! att'e -"et"ia! on&e"ene an# 'is+ise use o& $o#es o& #isoe"*/t'e en#o" +as o$-e!!e# to $oe&o" t'e #is$issa! o& t'e o$-!aint.In its o"#e" t'e ou"t si$-!*,"ante# t'e $otion. 5ou!# *ou"ans+e" %e t'e sa$e as in @uestion(a)< E:-!ain. (=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6JendeeDs $ounsel would still not beentitled to en%or$e a $"ar'in' lien( dismissal on motion o% t"e plaintiK would


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    $ertainly not in$lude a &ud'ment %ormoney( )"ere%ore, t"e $ounsel $annoten%or$e a $"ar'in' lien(

    Question No. 8. (200>). Co#e o& 

    P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon =.

    Att*. A%i,ai! !e# a#$inist"atieases %e&o"e t'e Su-"e$e Cou"ta,ainst u#,e Luis. T'e"ea&te"/ Att*.

    A%i,ai! !e# a ?otion &o" In'i%ition-"a*in, t'at u#,e Luis in'i%it'i$se!& &"o$ t"*in,/ 'ea"in, o" in an*$anne" atin, on a!! ases/ ii! an#"i$ina!/ in +'i' Att*. A%i,ai! isino!e# an# 'an#!in,.

    S'ou!# u#,e Luis in'i%it 'i$se!& as-"a*e# &o" %* Att*. A%i,ai!< E:-!ain&u!!*. (8)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6=o( Bein' t"e sub&e$t o% an administratie$ase is not one o% t"e 'rounds %ordisuali4$ation o% a &ud'e %rom "andlin'$ase proided by t"e Code o% udi$ial+esponsibility in Canon 3 +ule 12(

    Question No. 7. (200>). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon21.

    In nee# o& !e,a! se"ies/ Ni;oseu"e# an a--oint$ent to $eet+it' Att*. 9en"* o& 9en"* G ?e*e"La+ Oes. Du"in, t'e $eetin,/Ni;o #iu!,e# 'i,'!* -"iatein&o"$ation to Att*. 9en"*/ %e!iein,t'at t'e !a+*e" +ou!# ;ee- t'eon#entia!it* o& t'e in&o"$ation.Su%se@uent!*/ Ni;o +as s'o;e#+'en 'e !ea"ne# t'at Att*. 9en"*'a# s'a"e# t'e on#entia!in&o"$ation +it' 'is !a+ -a"tne"/Att*. ?e*e"/ an# t'ei" o$$on&"ien#/ -"iate -"atitione" Att*.Canoni,o. 5'en on&"onte#/ Att*.9en"* "e-!ie# t'at Ni;o nee" si,ne#an* on#entia!it* a,"ee$ent/ an#t'at 'e s'a"e# t'e in&o"$ation +it't'e t+o !a+*e"s to seu"e a"$aneo& 'is !e,a! o-inion on Ni;os-"o%!e$. Di# Att*. 9en"* io!ate an*"u!e o& et'is< E:-!ain &u!!*. (7)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6Canon 21 proides t"at an attorney s"allpresere t"e $on4den$e o% "is $lient and%urt"er arti$ulates t"is point in +ule21(03-(07 by $lari%yin' t"at "e may not

    dis$lose su$" in%ormation to outsidea'en$ies wit"out t"e $onsent o% "is $lientand t"at "e may dis$lose su$"in%ormation to 4rm partners unlesspro"ibited by "is $lient( In t"e $ase o% tty( 9eyer, "e was a 4rm partner and as

    su$" is $oered by +ule 21(07 and notbein' e!pli$itly pro"ibited by =iEo enry$ommitted no wron' in 'iin' in%ormationto "im( oweer in t"e $ase o% tty(Canoni'o w"o was not in any way$onne$ted to t"e 4rm enry $ommitted a'ross iolation o% +ule 21(03( In eit"er$ase t"e mere entry into t"e attorney-$lient relations"ip obiates t"e need %or a$on4dentiality a'reement(

    Question No. >. (200>). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon1>/ 18/

    State/ +it' a %"ie& e:-!anation/+'et'e" t'e !a+*e" one"ne# $a*%e santione# &o" t'e on#ut state#%e!o+.

    a. Fi!in, a o$-!aint t'at &ai!s tostate a ause o& ation/ t'e"e%*"esu!tin, in t'e #e&en#antsuee#in, in 'is $otion to#is$iss. (=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 Yes( Canon 1;, +ule 1;(02 states t"at ?lawyer s"all not "andle any le'al matterwit"out adeuate preparation(A lawyers"ould "ae e!er$ised dili'en$e andmade adeuate preparations to as$ertaint"at t"e $omplaint stated a $ause o% a$tion to preent t"e dismissal o% t"e$omplaint(

    %. A sus-en#e# !a+*e" +o";in, asan in#e-en#ent !e,a! assistant to,at'e" in&o"$ation an# seu"e#ou$ents &o" ot'e" !a+*e"s#u"in, t'e -e"io# o& 'issus-ension. (=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 Yes( Under t"e law, only lawyers in 'oodstandin' $an per%orm or en'a'e in t"epra$ti$e o% law( In t"e $ase o% Cayetanos( 9onsod, t"e Court "eld t"at t"epra$ti$e o% law inoles renderin' seri$eto t"e 'eneral publi$ t"at $alls %or t"epro%essional &ud'ment o% a lawyer, t"eessen$e o% w"i$" is "is edu$ated ability torelate t"e 'eneral body and p"ilosop"y o% law to a spe$i4ed le'al problem( Clearly,t"e a$t o% worEin' as a le'al assistant in


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    'at"erin' in%ormation and se$urin'do$uments %or ot"er lawyers is wit"in t"es$ope o% pra$ti$in' law( suspendedlawyer is temporarily pro"ibited topra$ti$e t"e le'al pro%ession t"ere%or "e$annot en'a'e in t"e mentioned a$ts(

    . A sus-en#e# !a+*e" a!!o+in,'is non!a+*e" sta to atie!*o-e"ate 'is !a+ oe an# on#ut%usiness on %e'a!& o& !ients#u"in, t'e -e"io# o& sus-ension.(=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 Yes( Canon 8, +ule 8(01 states t"at ?alawyer s"all not dele'ate to anyunuali4ed person t"e per%orman$e o% 

    any tasE w"i$" by law may only beper%ormed by a member o% t"e bar in'ood standin'(A

    #. ee-in, $one* 'e o!!ete# as"enta! &"o$ 'is !ients tenant an#"e$ittin, it to t'e !ient +'enas;e# to #o so. (=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 Yes( Canon 16, +ule 16(01 proides t"at?a lawyer s"all a$$ount %or all money orproperty $olle$ted or re$eied %or or %romt"e $lient(A lawyer s"ould a$$ount %orall money "e $olle$ted immediately( es"ould not wait t"at t"e $lient would asEor demand %or t"e money(

    e. Re&usin, to "etu"n e"tain#ou$ents to t'e !ient -en#in,-a*$ent o& 'is atto"ne*s &ees.(=) (Ru!es o& Cou"t)

    See 9is$ellaneous

    &. An un+e# &e$a!e !a+*e"a""*in, on a !an#estine aai"+it' 'e" un+e# $a!e 'ai"#"esse".(=)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6=o( Bot" parties are o% a'e and uali4edto marry ea$" ot"er "en$e t"e aKair isnot one w"i$" is 'rossly immoral( It is notso $orrupt nor so unprin$ipled to warrantsan$tion %rom t"e $ourt(,. Not -a*in, t'e annua! IBP

    #ues. (=)

    Su,,este# ans+e"6 Yes( e%ault in payment o% IB* dues %or 6mont"s s"all warrant suspension o% members"ip to t"e IB* and de%ault inpayment %or one year s"all warrant %or

    t"e remoal o% t"e member in t"e +oll o% ttorneys(

    Question No. . (200>). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon =.

    State/ +it' a %"ie& e:-!anation/+'et'e" t'e u#,e one"ne# $a* %esantione# &o" t'e on#ut state#%e!o+.

    a. Re&usin, to in'i%it 'i$se!&  a!t'ou,' one o& t'e !a+*e"s in t'ease is 'is seon# ousin. (=)

    SU//HS)H =SH+=o( Under Canon 3, +ule 3(12 a &ud'e

    s"ould taEe no part in a pro$eedin' w"eret"e &ud'eDs impartiality mi'"t reasonablybe uestioned( Gne o% t"e $ases would bew"ere t"e &ud'e is related by$onsan'uinity or a#nity to $ounsel wit"int"e %ourt" de'ree( se$ond $ousin is arelatie wit"in t"e 6t" de'ree, "en$e it isnot $oered by t"e pro"ibition(

    %. Dei#in, a ase in ao"#ane+it' a Su-"e$e Cou"t "u!in, %uta##in, t'at 'e #oes not a,"ee +it't'e "u!in,. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6=o( )"ere is no law or rule pro"ibitin'su$" $ondu$t( +e'ardless o% "is opinion,t"e &ud'e still %ollowed t"e SupremeCourtDs rulin' t"us t"ere is really not"in'wron' wit" su$" a$t( >urt"er, "is opinionwill not "ae any bearin' as it is not parto% t"e de$ision(

    . Ditatin, 'is #eision in o-enou"t i$$e#iate!* a&te" t"ia!. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6 Yes( &ud'e s"ould up"old t"e inte'rityand independen$e o% t"e &udi$iary( emust not "astily issue de$isions(

    Question No. 7 (200). Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon1K.

    La+*e" annot "e&use to #iu!,e t'ena$e o" i#entit* o& 'is !ient (T"ue o"Fa!se)

    Ans+e"6>LSH( )"ere are $ertain e!$eptionsw"ere in t"e lawyer may re%use diul'et"e identity o% "is $lient( e may do so


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    1( "ere a stron' probabilitye!ists t"at reealin' t"e identitywould impli$ate t"e $lient in t"eery a$tiity %or w"i$" "esou'"t t"e lawyers adi$e(

    2( "en dis$losure would open t"e

    $lient to $iil liability(3( "ere t"e 'oernments

    lawyers "ae no $ase a'ainstan attorneys $lient unless byreealin' t"e $lients name(

    Question No. > (200)) Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon1K/ Ru!e 1K.0=

      5'at a"e t'"ee (=) tests to

    #ete"$ine onit o& inte"est &o"-"atiin, !a+*e"s< E:-!ain ea'%"ie*.

    Ans+e"6In t"e $ase o% uiambao s Bamba t"e SC"eld t"at ?developments in jurisprudencehave particularized various tests todetermine whether a lawyer’s conduct lies within this proscription. One test iswhether a lawyer is duly-bound to fght or an issue or claim in behal o one

    client and, at the same time, to opposethat claim or the client. Thus, i alawyer’s argument or one client has tobe opposed by that same lawyer inarguing or the other client, there is aviolation o the rule.

     nother test o inconsistency o interestsis whether the acceptance new relationwould prevent the ull discharge o thelawyer’s duty o undivided fdelity andloyalty to the client or invite suspicion o unaithulness or double-dealing in the

     perormance o the duty.

    !till another test is whether the lawyer would be called upon in the new relationto use against a ormer client any confdential inormation ac"uired throughtheir connection or previousemployment# (

    Question No. 1K. (200). Canon =an# Canon o& t'e Canons o& P"o&essiona! Et'is.

    Att*. ?anue! is ounse! &o" t'e#e&en#ant in a ii! ase -en#in,%e&o"e t'e RTC. A&te" "eeiin, t'e-!aintis P"eT"ia! B"ie& ontainin,t'e !ist o& +itnesses/ Att*. ?anue!

    inte"ie+e# so$e o& t'e +itnesses&o" t'e -!ainti +it'out t'e onsento& -!aintis ounse!.

    a. Di# Att*. ?anue! io!ate an*et'ia! stan#a"# &o" !a+*e"s<

    nswer=G( Statutory law proides t"at a lawyermay interiew a prospe$tie witness %ort"e opposin' side in a $iil or $riminal$ase wit"out t"e $onsent o% t"e opposin'$ounsel or party( )"is is supported byCanon 38 o% t"e Canon *ro%essionalHt"i$s(

    %. 5i!! *ou" ans+e" %e t'e sa$e i& it+as t'e -!ainti +'o +as

    inte"ie+e# %* Att*. ?anue!+it'out t'e onsent o& -!aintisounse!< E:-!ain.

    Ans+e"6 YHS( witness is distin$t and diKerent%rom t"e aderse party( )"e rule earlierenun$iated does not in$lude permissionto interiew t"e aderse party wit"out t"e$onsent o% "is $ounsel( )"is is supportedby Canon 8 o% t"e Canons o% *ro%essionalHt"i$s(

    Question No. 1> (200) Ru!e 7.0=/Canon 7/ C'a-te" 2/ CPR

    Att*. 9*-e/ a %a'e!o"/ -"aties !a+in t'e P'i!i--ines. On !on,+ee;en#s/ 'e #ates %eauti&u!at"esses in 9on, on,. "istine/ anei,'%o" in t'e P'i!i--ines/ !e# +it't'e Su-"e$e Cou"t a#$inist"atieo$-!aint a,ainst t'e !a+*e"%eause o& se: i#eos u-!oa#e#t'"ou,' t'e inte"net s'o+in, Att*.9*-es so"#i# #a!!iane +it' t'eat"esses in 9on, on,.

    In 'is ans+e"/ Att*. 9*-e (1)@uestions t'e !e,a! -e"sona!it* an#inte"est o& "istine to institute t'eo$-!aint an# (2) insists t'at 'e is a%a'e!o" an# t'e se: i#eos "e!ate to'is -"iate !i&e +'i' is outsi#e-u%!i s"utin* an# 'ae not'in, to#o +it' 'is !a+ -"atie.

    Ru!e on t'e a!i#it* o& Att*. 9*-es#e&ense. (K).

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 )"e 4rst de%ense does not lie be$ause t"ele'al personality and interest o% Mristine

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    to initiate t"e $omplaint is not material tot"e disbarment $ase( isbarmentpro$eedin's are siu 'eneris, and are not$onsidered as $iil a$tions, is not reuiredin disbarment $ases( *ubli$ interest is t"eprimary ob&e$tie o% disbarment $ases

    and not merely priate interest(tty( ydes de%ense t"at "is priate li%e"as not"in' to do wit" "is pra$ti$e o% lawis not meritorious( )"e C*+ spe$i4$allyproides t"at lawyers s"ould not en'a'ein $ondu$t t"at adersely re@e$ts "is4tness to pra$ti$e law, nor be"ae in as$andalous manner to dis$redit t"e le'alpro%ession, w"et"er priate or publi$(

     )"us, t"ere is a 'round %or san$tions ionsor een "is disbarment(

    Question No. 1 (200). Canon 20/CPR

    Att*. 5i!$a" "e-"esente# Beat"iM in a-a"tition ase a$on, 'ei"s/ an# +on.5'en 5i!$a" #e$an#e# -a*$ent o& atto"ne*s &ees/ Beat"iM "e&use# to-a*. 5i!$a" sue# Beat"iM &o" t'eun-ai# atto"ne*s &ees an# o%taine#a &ao"a%!e u#,$ent. T'e"ea&te"/Beat"iM !e# an a#$inist"atieo$-!aint a,ainst 5i!$a" !ai$in,t'at 'e !ie# +'en 'e state# in 'is!ai$ &o" atto"ne*s &ees t'at t'esu%et o& t'e -a"tition ase ino!e#t'e enti"e estate o& t'e #eease#+'en/ in &at/ it oe"e# on!* K0t'e"eo&. 5i!$a" set u- t'e #e&ensest'at (1) Beat"iM !e# t'e o$-!ainton!* to #e!a* t'e e:eution o& t'e u#,$ent o"#e"in, 'e" to -a*atto"ne*s &ees an# (2) Beat"iMen,a,e# in &o"u$s'o--in,. A"e t'e#e&enses o& Att*. 5i!$a" tena%!e<E:-!ain.

    Ans+e"61< YHS( )"e de%enses o% tty( ilmar are

    tenable sin$e tty( ilmar "adalready obtained a %aorable

     &ud'ment bot" "is $lients $ase aswell as "is demand %or payment o% attorneys %ees due "im( Under t"e$ir$umstan$es w"ere seri$es "asalready been rendered, and "isdemand passed upon by a $ourt, t"esubseuent administratie $omplaint$an be 'leaned as a delayin' ta$ti$on t"e part t"is time o% t"e $lient(

    2< =G( )"ere is stri$tly no %orums"oppin'( >orum s"oppin' is t"eresult w"en t"ere is an aderseopinion in one %orum, and a partyseeEs a %aorable de$ision :ot"ert"an by appeal or $ertiorari< in

    anot"er %orum( ere Beatri., insteado% 4lin' an appeal or a $ertiorari in a"i'"er $ourt to $ontest t"e award %orle'al %ees, $"ose to 4le anadministratie $omplaint based ont"e 'round o% dis"onesty w"i$" is note!a$tly t"e identi$al wit" t"e issueraised in t"e demand %or le'al %ees(

    Gt"erwise put, t"e issues pertainin' tot"e demand %or le'al %ees "ae beenrendered and are due %or e!e$ution( )"e

    issues Beatri. is raisin', w"et"ermeritorious or ot"erwise, do not inolet"e same $auses o% a$tion( +at"er, itpertains to an aspe$t o% t"e %a$ts o% t"e$ase w"i$" s"ould "ae been a'reedupon at t"e onset(

    Question No. 21 (200). Ru!e 1K.02an# 1K.07/ Canon 1K/ CPR

    5'en Att*. Ro$ua!#o inte"ie+e# 'is!ient/ iente/ +'o is ause# o& $u"#e"/ t'e !atte" on&esse# t'at 'e;i!!e# t'e iti$ in o!# %!oo#.iente a!so sai# t'at +'en 'e ta;est'e +itness stan#/ 'e +i!! #en*'ain, #one so. Is Att*. Ro$ua!#oo%!i,e#/ un#e" 'is oat' as !a+*e"/ toin&o"$ t'e u#,e t'at (a) 'is !ient is,ui!t* an# (%) 'is !ient +i!! o$$it-e"u"* on t'e +itness stan#<E:-!ain.

    Ans+e"6a< tty( +omualdo $annot and is not

    obli'ed to reeal to t"e &ud'e t"atJi$ente is 'uilty o% murder( Under t"erule on priile'ed $ommuni$ation,admission o% a $rime already$ommitted is deemed priile'ed(ttorney-$lient priile'e atta$"es and"e is bound under su$" rule to Eeepse$ret w"at "is $lient, Ji$ente, told"im in $on4den$e(

    b< Under t"e $ir$umstan$es t"at "is$lient e!pressly told "im t"at "e will$ommit per&ury w"en "e taEes t"ewitness stand, su$" $ommuni$ation isno lon'er priile'ed sin$e it pertainsto a $rime yet to be $ommitted( "attty( +omualdo must do 4rst isdis$oura'e "is $lient to $ommit


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    per&ury, sin$e a lawyer must impressupon "is $lient to obey t"e law( I% "e$annot $onin$e "im, t"en t"e C*+dire$ts "im and 'ies "im a 'round todis$ontinue "is seri$es( :+ule 15(0,C*+

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    Att*. Can#i#o o$$ente# in ane+s-a-e" t'at t'e #eision o& t'eCou"t o& A--ea!s +as inuene# %* a-o+e"&u! "e!atie o& t'e -"eai!in,-a"t*. T'e a--e!!ate ou"t &oun# 'i$

    ,ui!t* o& in#i"et onte$-t.

    Does t'is ino!e $o"a! tu"-itu#e<E:-!ain. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6=o( 9oral turpitude "as been de4ned aseeryt"in' w"i$" is done $ontrary to

     &usti$e, modesty, or 'ood morals, an a$to% baseness, ileness or depraity in t"epriate and so$ial duties w"i$" a manowes "is %ellowmen, or to so$iety in

    'eneral, $ontrary to &usti$e, modesty or'ood morals(

    tty( Candido a$t o% attributin' $orruptionin t"e $ourt is $ontemptuous under t"eC*+ but does not $onstitute moralturpitude(

    Gbiter 9oral turpitude is a moraldelinuen$y t"at aKe$ts t"e 4tness o% amember o% t"e bar to $ontinue as su$"and in$ludes $ondu$t t"at outra'es t"e'enerally a$$epted moral standards o% $ommunity(

    Question No. = (2010). Canon >.

    Att*. Y/ in 'is ?otion &o"Reonsi#e"ation o& t'e Deision"en#e"e# %* t'e Nationa! La%o"Re!ations Co$$ission (NLRC)/a!!e,e# t'at t'e"e +as onniane o& t'e NLRC Co$$issione"s +it' Att*. &o" $oneta"* onsi#e"ations ina""iin, at t'e @uestione# #eision.9e insu!te# t'e Co$$issione"s &o"t'ei" ine-tness in a--"eiatin, t'e&ats as %o"ne %* t'e ei#ene-"esente#.

    Att*. !es an a#$inist"atieo$-!aint a,ainst Att*. Y &o" usin,a%usie !an,ua,e.

    Att*. Y -osits t'at as !a+*e" &o" t'e#o+nt"o##en !a%o"e"s/ 'e is entit!e#to e:-"ess 'is "i,'teous an,e"a,ainst t'e Co$$issione"s &o"'ain, 'eate# t'e$ t'at 'isa!!e,ations in t'e ?otion &o"Reonsi#e"ation a"e a%so!ute!*-"ii!e,e# an# t'at -"os"i-tiona,ainst t'e use o& a%usie !an,ua,e

    #oes not oe" -!ea#in,s !e# +it't'e NLRC/ as it is not a ou"t/ no" a"ean* o& its Co$$issione"s usties o" u#,es.

    Is Att*. Y a#$inist"atie!* !ia%!e

    un#e" t'e Co#e o& P"o&essiona!Res-onsi%i!it*< E:-!ain. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6 Yes( Case law "as it t"at it is unaailin' topresume t"at labor pra$titioners areentitled to some latitude o% ri'"teousan'er( LiEewise, t"e Court is not deterred%rom e!er$isin' superisory aut"ority oerlawyers w"o misbe"ae or %ail to lie upto t"at standard e!pe$ted o% t"em asmembers o% t"e Bar(

    =L+C e!er$ises uasi-&udi$ial %un$tionsand s"ould be a$$orded wit" t"e samerespe$t and demeanor due to $ourts o% law(

    Canon ; o% t"e C*+ states t"at a lawyers"all $ondu$t "imsel% wit" Courtesy,>airness and Candor towards "ispro%essional $ollea'ues( +elatie t"ereto,+ule ;(01 pro%ers t"at a lawyer s"all not,in "is pro%essional dealin's, use lan'ua'ew"i$" is abusie, oKensie or ot"erwiseimproper( In a bid to maintain respe$t dueto $ourts and to &udi$ial o#$er, +ule11,03 a'ain states t"at a lawyer s"allabstain %rom s$andalous, oKensie ormena$in' lan'ua'e or be"aior be%oret"e $ourts(

    In addition, +ule 11(07 spe$i4$ally statest"at a lawyer s"all not attribute to &ud'emoties not supported by t"e re$ord(

    Gbiter Canon states t"at lawyerss"ould at all times up"old t"e inte'rityand di'nity o% t"e le'al pro%ession and$ontinues in +ule (03 to state t"atlawyers s"ould not be"ae in as$andalous manner to t"e dis$redit o% t"ele'al pro%ession(

    Question No. 8 (2010). Canon .

    Att*. ?onia SantosC"uM "e,iste"e#t'e "$ na$e JSantosC"uM La+Oe +it' t'e De-a"t$ent o& T"a#ean# In#ust"* as a sin,!e-"o-"ieto"s'i-. In 'e" statione"*/ s'e-"inte# t'e na$es o& 'e" 'us%an#an# a &"ien# +'o a"e %ot' non!a+*e"s as 'e" senio" -a"tne"s in!i,'t o& t'ei" inest$ents in t'e "$.


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    S'e a!!o+e# 'e" 'us%an# to ,ie outa!!in, a"#s %ea"in, 'is na$e assenio" -a"tne" o& t'e "$ an# toa--ea" in ou"ts to $oe &o"-ost-one$ents.

    Di# Att*. SantosC"uM io!ate t'eCo#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*<5'*< (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6 Yes( )"e C*+ $learly proides t"at alawyer s"all not, dire$tly or indire$tly,assist in t"e unaut"ori.ed pra$ti$e o% law(:Canon 8<

    Clearly t"e "usband and %riend are non-lawyers w"o $annot be partners in a law

    %rom ot"erwise it $onstitutesunaut"ori.ed pra$ti$e o% law( Similarly,+ule 8(01 states- lawyer s"all notdele'ate to any unuali4ed person t"eper%orman$e o% any tasE w"i$" by lawmay only be per%ormed by a member o% t"e bar in 'ood standin'(

    Question No. 1KA (2010). Canon 1=.

    Rio/ an a$ia%!e/ soia%!e !a+*e"/o+ns a s'a"e in ?a"ina 4o!& C!u%/easi!* one o& t'e $o"e -os' ,o!& ou"ses. 9e "e!is'es 'ostin, -a"ties&o" ,oe"n$ent oia!s an#$e$%e"s o& t'e %en'.

    One #a*/ 'e 'a# a 'ane $eetin,+it' a u#,e in t'e Int"a$u"os ,o!& ou"se. T'e t+o "ea#i!* ,ot a!on,+e!! an# 'a# sine %een "e,u!a"!*-!a*in, ,o!& to,et'e" at t'e ?a"ina4o!& C!u%.

    a. I& Att*. Rio #oes not#isuss ases +it' $e$%e"s o& t'e%en' #u"in, -a"ties an# ,o!& ,a$es/ is 'e io!atin, t'e Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*<E:-!ain. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6 YHS( tty( +i$o is liable %or iolatin' Canon13 Code o% *ro%essional +esponsibility, "es"ould re%rain %rom any impropriety w"i$"tends to in@uen$e or 'ies t"eappearan$e o% in@uen$in' t"e $ourt( )"isis espe$ially true i% tty( +i$o is re'ularlypra$ti$in' in t"e $ourt o% t"e &ud'es(

    lso, +ule 13(1 states t"at N lawyers"all not e!tend e!traordinary attentionor "ospitality to, nor seeE opportunity %or

    $ultiatin' %amiliarity wit" &ud'es( Inplayin' 'ol% re'ularly wit" &ud'es,%amiliarity will $ertainly arise and w"et"eror not t"ey dis$uss $ases is a non-issue(

    Case law "as it, $onstant $ompany wit"

    lawyer tends to breed intima$y and$amaraderie to t"e point t"at %aors int"e %uture may be asEed %rom t"e &ud'ew"i$" "e may 4nd "ard to re%use( :*adilla( antua r(<

    Question No/ > (2010). Canon 18.0=.

    Fo" se"ies to %e "en#e"e# %* Att*.De!$onio as ounse! &o" 5a, Yu in aase ino!in, K/000 s@ua"e $ete"s

    (s@.$.) o& !an#/ t'e t+o a,"ee# on asuess &ee o& PK0/000 -!us K00s@.$. o& t'e !an#.

    T'e t"ia! ou"t "en#e"e# u#,$ent in&ao" o& 5a, Yu +'i' %ea$e na!an# e:euto"*.

    A&te" "eeiin, PK0/000/ Att*.De!$onio #e$an#e# t'e t"ans&e" to'i$ o& t'e -"o$ise# K00 s@.$.Instea# o& o$-!*in,/ 5a, Yu !e#an a#$inist"atie o$-!aint 'a",in,Att*. De!$onio +it' io!ation o& t'eCo#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*an# A"ti!e 1H1 (K) o& t'e Cii! Co#e&o" #e$an#in, t'e #e!ie"* o& a-o"tion o& t'e !an# su%et o& !iti,ation.

    Is Att*. De!$onio !ia%!e un#e" t'eCo#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*an# t'e Cii! Co#e< E:-!ain< (K)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6=o( +ule 16(03 N lawyer s"all delier t"e%unds and property o% "is $lient w"en dueor upon demand( oweer, "e s"all "aea lien oer t"e %unds and may apply somu$" t"ereo% as may be ne$essary tosatis%y "is law%ul %ees and disbursements,'iin' noti$e promptly t"erea%ter to "is$lient(

    e s"all also "ae a lien to t"e samee!tent on all &ud'ments and e!e$utions"e "as se$ured %or "is $lient as proided%or in t"e +ules o% Court( ere t"e land isno lon'er sub&e$t o% liti'ation be$ause t"e$ase was already 4nal and e!e$utor(


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    Question No. = (2011) Canon La+/

    Ru!e 20

    Att*. F"anisos "etaine" a,"ee$ent+it' R3 sai# t'at 'is atto"ne*s

    &ees in its ase a,ainst CRP s'a!! %e

    1K o& t'e a$ounts o!!ete#. Att*.

    F"aniso as;e# t'e t"ia! ou"t to

    issue a te$-o"a"* "est"ainin, o"#e"

    a,ainst CRP %ut t'is +as #enie#/

    -"o$-tin, 'i$ to !e a -etition &o"

    e"tio"a"i +it' t'e Cou"t o& A--ea!s

    to @uestion t'e o"#e" o& #enia!. At

    t'is -oint/ R3 te"$inate# Att*.

    F"anisos se"ies. 5'en t'e

    -a"ties !ate" sett!e# t'ei" #is-ute

    a$ia%!*/ CRP -ai# R3 P100 $i!!ion.

    Beause o& t'is/ Att*. F"aniso a$e

    a"oun# an# !ai$e# a 1K s'a"e in

    t'e a$ount. 5'at s'ou!# %e 'is

    atto"ne*s &ees<


    :< =ot"in' be$ause t"e

    $ompromise $ame a%ter +OU

    terminated "im(

    :B< 15P o% w"at C+* paid +OU or

    *15 million(

    (C) A "easona%!e a$ount t'at

    t'e ou"t s'a!! : u-on -"oo& o& 

    @uantu$ $e"it.

    :< =ot"in' sin$e "e was unable to

    $omplete t"e worE stated in t"e

    retainer $ontra$t(

    Question No. K. (2011)/ Canon !a+

    S'e"*!/ E"is ounse!/ one as;e# &o"

    -ost-one$ent an# t'e ou"t ,"ante#

    it sine t'e o--osin, ounse!/

    Be"na#ine/ #i# not o%et. E"i t'en

    as;e# S'e"*! not to a!!o+ an* &u"t'e"

    -ost-one$ents %eause 'is ase 'as

    %een -en#in, &o" > *ea"s. 5'en t"ia!

    "esu$e#/ Be"na#ine $oe# to "eset

    t'e t"ia! %eause o& 'e" in&ants

    ai!$ent. 5'at $ust S'e"*! #o<


    :< +emind t"e Court t"at it "as t"e

    duty to promptly de$ide t"e $ase(

    :B< Interpose no ob&e$tion sin$e

    s"e too on$e sou'"t postponement

    wit"out BernadineDs ob&e$tion(

    :C< Je"emently oppose BernadineDs

    motion %or bein' $ontrary to Hri$Ds


    (D) Su%$it t'e $otion to t'e

    Cou"ts soun# #is"etion.

    Question No. 7 (2011) Canon La+/

    "u!e 7

    5'i' o& t'e &o!!o+in, state$ents

    %est #es"i%es t'e #istint

    t"a#itiona! #i,nit* t'at t'e !e,a!

    -"o&ession eno*s oe" ot'e"-"o&essions<


    :< *eople are uite dependent on

    lawyers %or t"eir sEills in 'ettin'

    t"em out o% trouble wit" t"e law(

    (B) Its $e$%e"s st"ie to

    $aintain 'onest* een in t'ei"

    -"iate #ea!in,s.

    :C< Its members earn by $"ar'in'

    spe$i4ed emoluments or %ees(


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    :< )"e pro%ession is an$"ored on a

    4du$iary relation wit" t"e $lient(

    Question No. 1H (2011)/ CANON !a+

     A&te" Att*. Benn* ,ot a P2 $i!!ion

    na! u#,$ent in 'is !ients &ao"/

    'e -"o$-t!* as;e# t'e ou"t/ +it'out

    in&o"$in, 'is !ient/ to a!!o+ 'i$ a

    'a",in, !ien oe" t'e $one* in t'e

    a$ount o& PK00/000/ 'is a,"ee# &ees/

    T'e Cou"t issue# a +"it o& e:eution

    &o" t'e +'o!e u#,$ent in Att*.

    Benn*s na$e +it' an o"#e" &o" 'i$

    to tu"n oe" t'e e:ess to 'is !ient.

    Is Att*. Benn*s ation o""et<


    :< =o, sin$e "is %ees are e!$essie(

    :B< Yes, sin$e "e was merely

    assertin' "is ri'"t to $olle$t "is


    :C< Yes, sin$e "e would anyway

    'ie t"e e!$ess to "is $lient a%ter

    'ettin' "is %ees(

    (D) No/ sine 'e #i# not#is!ose to 'is !ient t'e $atte"

    o& ,ettin, a 'a",in, !ien an# a

    +"it o& e:eution in 'is na$e.

    Question No. 1K (2011)/ Canon La+

     On 17 A-"i! 2008 N5D/ a !oa! +ate"

    #ist"it entit*/ 'i"e# Att*. C'ito as

    -"iate ounse! &o" a *ea" +it' t'e

    onsent o& t'e Oe o& t'e

    4oe"n$ent Co"-o"ate Counse!

    (O4CC). S'o"t!* a&te"/ a !ea#e"s'i-

    st"u,,!e e"u-te# in N5D %et+een

    &ation A an# &ation B. Si#in, +it'

    t'e "st/ Att*. C'ito !e# see"a!

    ations a,ainst t'e $e$%e"s o& 

    &ation B. Eentua!!*/ t'e ou"tu-'e!# Fation B +'i' t'us "eo;e#

    Att*. C'itos "etaine" on 1H anua"*

    2007. 5it' O4CCs a--"oa!/ N5D

    'i"e# Att*. A"t'u" in 'is -!ae. 5'en

    Att*. A"t'u" sou,'t t'e #is$issa! o& 

    t'e ations t'at Att*. C'ito 'a#

    institute#/ t'e !atte" o%ete# on t'e

    ,"oun# t'at 'is te"$ 'a# not *et

    e:-i"e# an# Att*. A"t'u" 'a# no

    aan* to !! u-. Is Att*. C'ito



    (A) No/ %eause Att*. C'itos

    ontinue# a--ea"anes in t'e

    ases +as +it'out aut'o"it*

    sine 1H anua"* 2007.

    :B< =o, be$ause tty( rt"ur would

    "ae iolated t"e rule on %orum


    :C< Yes, be$ause tty( C"itos

    retainer and aut"ority remained

    alid until 1 pril 2006(

    :< =o, be$ause tty( C"ito "as t"e

    duty to e!pose t"e irre'ularities

    $ommitted by t"e members o% 

    >a$tion B(

    Question No. 18 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Canon 10

    Noe! an# E$i!* +'o +e"e ino!e# in

    a "oa# ai#ent sue# Fe"#ie/ t'e

    #"ie" o& t'e ot'e" a"/ &o" #a$a,es.

    Att*. ose "e-"esente# on!* Noe! %ut

    'e a!!e# E$i!* to testi&* &o" 'is

    !ient. Du"in, #i"et e:a$ination/


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    E$i!* !ai$e# t'at 'e" inu"ies +e"e

    se"ious +'en Att*. ose ;ne+ t'at

    t'e* +e"e not. Sti!!/ Att*. ose #i# not

    ontest su' !ai$. Fe"#ie !ate" sue#

    E$i!* &o" ,iin, &a!se testi$on* sine

    'e" o+n #oto"s "e-o"t ont"a#ite#it. 9e a!so sue# Att*. ose &o" &oistin,

    a &a!se testi$on* in ou"t. Is Att*.

     ose !ia%!e<


    :< =o, be$ause "e did not

    Enowin'ly arran'e %or Hmily to lie

    in $ourt(

    :B< Yes, be$ause "e did not adise

    "is $lient to settle t"e $ase


    :C< =o, be$ause Hmily did not

    permit "im to reeal t"e %alsity to

    t"e $ourt(

    (D) Yes/ %eause 'e ;no+in,!*!et E$i!*s &a!se testi$on* -ass

    &o" t"ut'.

    Question No. 17 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 18

    In sett!in, 'is !ients !ai$s/ Att*.

    C"uM "eeie# &"o$ t'e a#e"se -a"t*

    P200/000 in as' &o" 'is !ient. 5'i'

    o& t'e &o!!o+in, is an I?PROPER +a*

    &o" Att*. C"uM to 'an#!e t'e $one*<


    :< sE "is $lient to prepare a

    $"e$E %or "is %ees %or swappin'

    wit" t"e $as"(

    (B) De-osit t'e as' in 'is o+n

    %an; aount an# !ate" issue

    'is -e"sona! 'e; to 'is !ient/

    !ess 'is &ees.

    :C< )urn oer t"e $as" to "is $lient

    wit" a reuest t"at t"e latter pay

    "im "is %ees(

    :< )ell "is $lient about t"e

    settlement and t"e $as" and wait

    %or t"e $lientDs instru$tions(

    Question No. 20 (2011) anon !a+/


    A&te" "e-"esentin, Lenie in an

    i$-o"tant !a+suit &"o$ 12 to 1K/

    Att*. enni&e" !ost tou' o& 'e" !ient.

    Ten *ea"s !ate" in 200K/ Ee!*n as;e#

    Att*. enni&e" to "e-"esent 'e" in an

    ation a,ainst Lenie. Su' ation

    ino!e# e"tain &ats/ so$eon#entia!/ to +'i' Att*. enni&e"

    +as -"i* %eause s'e 'an#!e#

    Lenies o!# ase. Can Att*. enni&e"

    at as ounse! &o" Ee!*n<


    :< =o, but s"e $an assist anot"er

    lawyer w"o will "andle t"e $ase(

    :B< Yes, but s"e must noti%y Lenie

    be%ore a$$eptin' t"e $ase(

    (C) No/ %eause 'e" #ut* to

    ;ee- t'e on#enes o& 

    -"eious !ients "e$ains.

    :< Yes, but s"e $annot reeal any

    $on4dential in%ormation s"epreiously 'ot(


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    Question No. 2H (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Canon 1

    A #iu!t !ient #i"ete# 'is ounse!to %"in, u- to t'e Su-"e$e Cou"t t'e

    t"ia! ou"ts #is$issa! o& t'ei" ation.

    Counse! %e!iees t'at t'e t"ia! ou"t

    ate# o""et!* an# t'at an a--ea!

    +ou!# %e &uti!e. 5'i' o& t'e

    &o!!o+in, o-tions s'ou!# ounse!



    (A) 5it'#"a+ &"o$ t'e ase to

    te$-e" t'e !ients -"o-ensit*

    to !iti,ate.

    :B< Hn'a'e a $ollaboratin' $ounsel

    w"o $an assist in t"e $ase(

    :C< Submit a new retainer proposal

    to t"e $lient %or a "i'"er %ee(

    :< Hleate t"e $ase to t"e

    Supreme Court as dire$ted by


    Question No. 2K (2011) Canon La+/

    Ru!e 11

    A!t'ou,' not ounse! in a -a"tiu!a"

    ase/ Att*. Ant'on* as;e# Lisa/ t'e

    RTC !e"; o& ou"t/ i& t'e ase "eo"#s

    'ae a!"ea#* %een "e$an#e# to t'e

    ?TC as t'e Cou"t o& A--ea!s

    #i"ete#. Lisa sai# no/ sa*in, t'at

    t'e RTC 'a# not *et "eeie# ae"tie# o-* o& t'e Cou"t o& 

    A--ea!s #eision. 5'en Lisa

    su,,este# t'at Att*. Ant'on* "st

    seu"e su' a o-*/ t'e !atte"

    so!#e# 'e". S'a$e# %* t'is/ Lisa

    !e# a #isi-!ina"* ation a,ainst 'i$

    &o" en"oa'in, on t'e +o"; o& t'e

    !a+*e"s o& "eo"#. Ant'on* #e&en#s

    'is &o!!o+u- ation %* !ai$in, ,oo#

    &ait' an# t'e -ossi%i!it* o& ente"in,

    'is a--ea"ane !ate". Is Ant'on*

    !ia%!e &o" 'is "eo"# &o!!o+ u-<


    :< Yes, be$ause "e did not in%orm

    Lisa o% t"e basis o% "is interest in

    t"e $ase(

    (B) Yes/ %eause none o& t'e

    -a"ties to t'e ase aut'o"iMe#

    'i$ to #o su' &o!!o+ u-.

    :C< =o, be$ause "e a$ted in 'ood

    %ait" wit" a iew to a possible


    :< =o, be$ause %ollowin' up t"e

    re$ords o% any $ase does not

    $onstitute pra$ti$e o% law(

    Question No. 2> (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 12.02 (&o"u$ S'o--in,)

    Counse! &o" P'i!Mea ?inin, a--ea!e#

    a #eision o& t'e Bu"eau o& ?ines/

    +'i' +as a#e"se to 'is !ient/ tot'e Eni"on$ent Se"eta"*. At a%out

    t'e sa$e ti$e/ 'e !e# a s-eia! ii!

    ation o& e"tio"a"i +it' t'e Cou"t o& 

    A--ea!s &o" t'e annu!$ent o& t'e

    sa$e #eision. Di# ounse! o$$it

    an* et'ia! i$-"o-"iet* in 'is



    :< Yes, sin$e t"e a$tion "e 4led

    wit" t"e Court o% ppeals was

    barred by t"e penden$y o% a similar

    a$tion be%ore t"e Hnironment



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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    (B) Yes/ sine 'e +as ei#ent!*

    s'o--in, &o" a s*$-at'eti

    &o"u$/ a on#e$na%!e -"atie.

    :C< =o, sin$e "is appeal to t"e

    Hnironment Se$retary wasadministratie, not &udi$ial(

    :< =o, sin$e "e "as to e!"aust all

    aailable remedies to sere "is

    $lients interest(

    Question No. 2 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 1 (a$%u!ane C'asin,)

    Att*. ?e!issa +itnesse# t'e a"

    ai#ent t'at "esu!te# in inu"* to

    ?ann*/ a &"ien# o& 'e"s. 5'i!e

    isitin, 'i$ at t'e 'os-ita!/ s'e

    a#ise# 'i$ a%out +'at ation 'e

    nee#e# to ta;e "e,a"#in, t'eai#ent. Is Att*. ?e!issa su%et to

    #isi-!ina"* ation i& s'e eentua!!*

    'an#!es t'e ase &o" 'i$<


    :< =o, be$ause 9elissa did not

    dire$tly olunteer "er seri$es(

    (B) No/ %eause ?ann*

    'a--ene# to %e a &"ien#.

    :C< Yes, s"e en'a'ed in typi$al

    ambulan$e $"asin'(

    :< Yes, be$ause s"e s"ould "ae

    oKered "er seri$es %or %ree(

    Question No. == (2011)/ Canon La+/

    "u!e 8.02

    Att*. E!iseo "e-"esente# A!!an in a

    o!!etion suit a,ainst t'e P'i!i--ine

    C'a"it* S+ee-sta;es Oe (PCSO).

    A&te" 'is e!etion as san,,unian,

    %a*an $e$%e"/ t'e ou"t "en#e"e# a

    #eision in PCSOs &ao". Sti!!/ Att*.E!iseo a--ea"e# &o" A!!an in t'e

    !atte"s a--ea!/ -"o$-tin, t'e PCSO

    to @uestion 'is "i,'t to #o so. In

    "es-onse/ Att*. E!iseo !ai$e# t'at

    t'e !oa! ,oe"n$ent o#e

    aut'o"iMes 'i$ to -"atie !a+ as

    !on, it #oes not onit +it' 'is

    #uties. Is Att*. E!iseo "i,'t<


    (A) No/ %eause 'e annot

    a--ea" a,ainst a ,oe"n$ent

    inst"u$enta!it* in a ii! ase.

    :B< Yes, be$ause "is o#$ial duties

    do not $on@i$t wit" "is priate


    :C< =o, be$ause "e worEs on "is

    priate $ase at t"e sa$ri4$e o% 

    publi$ seri$e(

    :< Yes, be$ause "e does not

    appear in t"e $ase as a muni$ipal


    Question No. =H (2011)/ Canon La+/


    5'i' o& t'e &o!!o+in, instanes

    #e$onst"ates ounse!s LAC o& 

    #i!i,ene in se"in, 'is !ients



    (A) Fai!in, to !e 'is !ients

    a--ea! %"ie& #es-ite 2


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    e:tensions u-on t'e e:use

    t'at t'e !ient #i# not

    oo"#inate +it' 'i$.

    :B< >ailin' to send to $lient a

    reuested le'al opinion until a%tert"e latter 'ae "im t"e additional

    do$uments "e reuested(

    :C< >ailin' to re"earse "is $lient on

    "is testimony be%ore t"e trial(

    :< Updatin' "is $lient about t"e

    status o% "is $ase by p"one and

    ele$troni$ mail(

    Question No. =7 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e >

    A&te" 'ea"in, in a sensationa!

    "i$ina! ase/ ounse! &o" t'eause# to!# te!eision ie+e"s 'o+

    t'e u#,e un&ai"!* "u!e# to sto- 'is

    +itness &"o$ testi&*in, &u!!* a%out

    e"tain as-ets o& t'e ase t'at

    +ou!# 'e!- t'e ause#. Counse! sai#

    t'at t'e -u%!i s'ou!# ;no+ t'e

    inustie to +'i' 'is !ient +as

    %ein, su%ete#. Can ounse! %e

    #isi-!ine# &o" 'is utte"anes<


    :< Yes, be$ause rat"er t"an

    de%end t"e &udi$ial system as was

    "is duty, "e atta$Eed it(

    :B< =o, sin$e $ounsel did not use

    obs$ene lan'ua'e(

    (C) No/ so !on, as ounse! #i#

    not ;no+in,!* $a;e &a!se

    state$ents o" at in "e;!ess

    #is"e,a"# o& t"ut'.

    :< Yes, een i% t"e &ud'e may "ae

    a$tually made un%air rulin's in t"e

    $ourse o% trial(

    Question No. => (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 22

    5'i' o& t'e &o!!o+in, is "e@ui"e# o& 

    ounse! +'en +it'#"a+in, 'is

    se"ies to a !ient in a ase<


    :< CounselDs desire to wit"draw,

    e!pressed in "is motion(

    :B< *ayment o% wit"drawal %ee(

    :C< Gpposin' $ounsels $on%ormityto t"e wit"drawal(

    (D) C!ients +"itten onsent

    !e# in ou"t.

    Question No. = (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 11

    5'i' o& t'e &o!!o+in, #e$onst"ates

    t'e !a+*e"s #ut* to ,ie t'e ou"t

    t'e "es-et it #ese"es<


    :< Counsel $onsistently appearin'

    in $ourt on time(

    (B) Counse! o%e*in, ou"ts

    o"#e"s an# -"oesses.


  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    :C< oman $ounsel appearin' in

    $ourt dressed in business attire(

    :< Counsel addressin' t"e $ourt as

    QYour onorQ at all times(

    Question No. H0 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Canon 20

    Att*. A"t'u" a,"ee# to "e-"esent

    Pat"i; in a -e"sona! inu"* ase a&te"

    t'e !atte" si,ne# a "etaine"

    a,"ee$ent &o" a == &ee ontin,ent

    on t'ei" +innin, t'e ase. In t'e

    ou"se o& t"ia!/ Pat"i; #is$isse#

    Att*. A"t'u" a&te" 'e -"esente# t'ei"

    ei#ene in 'ie& an# en,a,e# Att*.

    5inston anot'e" !a+*e". T'e* !ost

    t'e ase. 5'at &ee +ou!# Att*.

    A"t'u" %e entit!e# to<


    :< )"irty t"ree per$ent o% t"e %ee

    a$tually paid to inston(

    :B< )"e reasonable alue o% "is


    :C< @at "ourly rate %or t"e time"e inested in t"e $ase(

    (D) A%so!ute!* not'in,.

    Question No. H2 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 18

    5'i' o& t'e &o!!o+in,

    'a"ate"istis -e"tains to a 'a",in,



    (A) It annot atta' to

     u#,$ents &o" #e!ie"* o& "ea!estates.

    :B< It inoles do$uments pla$ed in

    t"e lawyerDs possession by reason

    o% t"e retainer(

    :C< It does not need any noti$e to

    t"e $lient to maEe it eKe$tie(

    :< It may be e!er$ised be%ore

     &ud'ment or e!e$ution(

    Question No.HK (2011)/ Canon !a+/

    Ru!e 2

    On Noe$%e" 2> Att*. Pat"i; +"ote

    in a ne+s-a-e" o!u$n t'at t'e

    Su-"e$e Cou"t a!"ea#* #ei#e# in

    &ao" o& t'e a!i#it* o& t'e E:eutie

    O"#e" t'at "eate# t'e T"ut'

    Co$$ission u-on a ote o& 1=2. But/

    as it tu"ne# out/ t'e Cou"t atua!!*

    "en#e"e# an a#e"se #eision on!* on

    Dee$%e" 7/ an# u-on a ote o& 10

    K. As;e# to e:-!ain 'is $is!ea#in,

    a"ti!e/ Pat"i; sai# t'at 'is

    onstitutiona!!* -"otete# "i,'t to

    &"ee e:-"ession oe"e# +'at 'e

    +"ote. Can t'e Cou"t ite Pat"i; &o"



    (A) Yes/ %eause 'is a"ti!eo%st"uts an# #e,"a#es t'e

    a#$inist"ation o& ustie.

    :B< =o, be$ause t"e ri'"t to %ree

    e!pression o$$upies a "i'" ranE in

    t"e "ierar$"y o% $"eris"ed ri'"ts(


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    :C< =o, be$ause $ourts must simply

    i'nore publi$ opinion and t"e

    media w"en renderin' de$isions(

    :< Yes, be$ause "e wrote a lie in

    "is $olumn(

    Question No. H8 (2011)/ Canon La+/

    Ru!e 1

    Att*. Ra$on %o""o+e# 'is !ients

    (?en'u) !an# tit!e. A&te" ei,'t

    $ont's/ ?en'u #e$an#e# its

    "etu"n %ut 'e &ai!e# to o$-!* an#

    'an,e# 'is "esi#ene. A&te" ?en'u

    t"a;e# 'i$ #o+n/ s'e on&"onte#

    'i$ a%out t'e tit!e. 9e t'en oe"e#

    to ust %u* t'e -"o-e"t* an# ,ae

    'e" e 'e;s &o" it %ut t'ese

    %oune#. C'a",e# +it' $a!-"atie/

    Att*. Ra$on ans+e"e# t'at 'is!iense to -"atie !a+ annot %e in

    issue. 9e $e"e!* inu""e# ii!

    !ia%i!it* &o" a &ai!e# t"ansation. 5i!!

    t'e $a!-"atie ation -"os-e"<


    :< =o, be$ause "is %ailure to pay

    "is obli'ation only maEes "im

    $iilly liable(

    :B< =o, sin$e 9en$"u did not

    transa$t business wit" tty( +amon

    as a lawyer(

    :C< Yes, be$ause it is pro%essionally

    repre"ensible %or a lawyer to be

    unaailable to a person in need(

    (D) Yes/ 'e 'ain, ta;en

    a#anta,e o& ?en'u +'o +as

    not &u!!* -"otete# an# 'a# no

    in#e-en#ent a#ie.

    Question No. K0 (2011)/ Canon !a+/

    Ru!e 17/ 1>

    5'i' o& t'e &o!!o+in, #e$onst"ates

    a !a+*e"s #e!it* to ;no+n -"aties

    an# usto$s o& t'e %a" "e,a"#in, a

    ase 'e is 'an#!in,<


    :< )reatin' "is $lients dis$losures

    as $on4dential but not t"e

    do$uments "e submits %or reiew(

    :B< 9eetin' wit" "is $lients

    opponent oer lun$" to dis$uss

    settlement wit"out tellin' "is


    (C) Ae-tin, a tou,' ase

    a!t'ou,' 'e is ne+ in -"atie/t"ustin, t'at 'is #i!i,ene

    +ou!# $a;e u- &o" !a; o& 


    :< Initin' t"e &ud'e "earin' t"e

    $ase to dinner wit" no purpose to

    dis$uss t"e $ase wit" "im(

    Question No. 1 (201=). Co#e 1/ 22/10

    Att*. B"ao "e-"esents Ca"!os Ne,a"(an insu"ane a,ent &o" Do"$i"Insu"ane Co.) in a suit !e# %*insu"ane !ai$ant An#* Li$ot +'oa!so sue# Do"$i" Insu"ane. T'einsu"ane -o!i* "e@ui"es t'e

    insu"e#!ai$ant to ,ie a +"ittennotie to t'e insu"ane o$-an* o"its a,ent +it'in 80 #a*s &"o$ t'eou""ene o& t'e !oss.

    Li$ot testie# #u"in, t'e t"ia! t'at'e 'a# $ai!e# t'e notie o& t'e !ossto t'e insu"ane a,ent/ %ut a#$itte#


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    t'at 'e !ost t'e "e,ist"* "eei-t sot'at 'e #i# not 'ae an*#ou$enta"* ei#ene o& t'e &at o& $ai!in, an# o& t'e ti$e!iness o& t'e$ai!e# notie. Do"$i" Insu"ane#enie# !ia%i!it*/ onten#in, t'at

    ti$e!* notie 'a# not %een ,ieneit'e" to t'e o$-an* o" its a,ent.Att*. B"aos !ient/ a,ent Ne,a"/testie# an# on"$e# t'at 'e nee""eeie# an* notie.

    A &e+ #a*s a&te" Ne,a" testie#/ 'ea#$itte# to Att*. B"ao t'at 'e 'a#!ie# +'en 'e #enie# "eei-t o& Li$ots notie 'e #i# "eeie t'enotie %* $ai! %ut i$$e#iate!*s'"e##e# it to #e&eat Li$ots !ai$.

    I& *ou +e"e Att*. B"ao/ +'at +ou!#*ou #o in !i,'t o& *ou" !ients(Ca"!os Ne,a"s) #is!osu"e t'at 'e-e"u"e# 'i$se!& +'en 'e testie#<(>)


    I% I were tty( Brao I s"all promptly $allupon Carlos =e'ar, my $lient, to re$ti%y"is per&ured testimony by re$antin' t"esame be%ore t"e $ourt(

    S"ould "e re%use or %ail to do so I s"allt"en terminate my relations"ip wit" "im:Code o% *ro%essional +esponsibility,Canon 18, +ule 18(02< statin' t"at wit""is "ain' $ommitted per&ury "e pursuedan ille'al $ondu$t in $onne$tion wit" t"e$ase :$bid(, Canon 22, +ule 22(01

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    t"e $orporation( )"us, a lawyer-$lientrelations"ip may "ae been $onstitutedbetween tty( +oto and t"e $orporation(Conseuently, it is "is duty as an attorney?to maintain iniolate t"e $on4den$e, andat eery peril to "imsel%, to presere t"e

    se$rets o% "is $lientA :+ules o% Court, +ule13;, Se$( 20, par( e, parap"rasin' andarran'ement supplied

  • 8/18/2019 Legal Ethics 2005 2014 Bar QA


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    Di# u#,e Ce"#o an# Att*. Coo#"i!oo$$it an* at o& i$-"o-"iet* o"io!ate an* !a+ &o" +'i' t'e* s'ou!#%e 'e!# !ia%!e o" santione#< (>)


     ud'e Cerdo and tty( Co$odrilo did not$ommit any a$t o% impropriety nor didt"ey iolate any law(

     )"e pro"ibition imposed by t"e CiilCode, rt( 1781:5

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    (B) It is unet'ia! it onstitutes a

    o!!etie #enia! o& itos "i,'t to t'e

    assistane o& ounse! (Co#e o& 

    P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon1H/ Ru!e 1H.01 1>7 Constitution/

    A"t. III/ Se. 2).

    Question No. 10 (201=) Canon =

    As a ne+ !a+*e"/ Atto"ne* Noatosta"te# +it' a -"atie !i$ite# tos$a!! !ai$s ases/ !e,a! ounse!in,/an# nota"iMation o& #ou$ents. 9e-ut u- a so!o -"atie !a+ oe an#+as assiste# %* 'is +i&e +'o se"e#as 'is se"eta"*'e!-e". 9e use# a$a;es'i&t 'ut in a aant !ot nea"t'e !oa! ou"ts an# a !oa! t"ans-o"t"e,u!ato"* a,en*. 5it' t'isst"ate,i !oation/ 'e eno*e# 'ea*-at"ona,e assistin, +a!;in !ients int'e -"e-a"ation an# !in, o& -!ea#in,s an# in t'e -"e-a"ation an#nota"iMation o& ont"ats an##ou$ents. 9e 'a# t'e &o"esi,'t o& inestin, in a ,oo# 'ea* #ut*o-ie" $a'ine t'at "e-"o#ues@ua!it* #ou$ents/ an# 'a",es a"easona%!e &ee &o" t'is se"ie. 9e#"a+s e!et"i -o+e" &"o$ ane:tension +i"e onnete# to ana#oinin, s$a!! "estau"ant. 9e -ut u-a s'in,!e t'at "ea#s6 Att*. Noato/S-eia!ist in S$a!! C!ai$s/ Fastest inNota"iMation t'e Best an# C'ea-estin Co-ie" Se"ies.

    Is Atto"ne* Noatos $anne" o& a""*in, out 'is -"o&essiona! -"atie i.e./ $i:in, %usiness +it' t'e-"atie o& !a+/ announin, 'isatiities ia a s'in,!e an# !oatin,'is oe as a%oe#es"i%e# in;ee-in, +it' a--"o-"iate et'ia! an#-"o&essiona! -"atie< (>)


    =o( ttorney =oatos manner o% $arryin'out "is pro%essional pra$ti$e is not inEeepin' wit" t"e appropriate et"i$al andpro%essional pra$ti$e( e "as disre'ardedt"e law pro%ession w"i$" may result toloss o% respe$t to lawyers as a w"ole(

     )"e use o% a maEes"i%t "ut standin' alonewould $reate t"e impression t"at t"e

    lawyer does no "ae a permanentaddress w"i$" is reuired to be stated inall pleadin's "e si'ns as well as reuiredto be s"own in do$uments "e

    is s"in'le s"ows t"at "e "as $onsidered

    t"e law pro%ession as a business( es"ould "ae a separate s"in'le %or "is$opier seri$es business(

    "en "e in$luded in "is s"in'le t"ep"rases ?Spe$ialist in Small ClaimsA and?>astest in =otari.ation,A "e "astrans'ressed t"e rule t"at a lawyer inmaEin' Enown "is le'al seri$es s"all useonly di'ni4ed in%ormation or statement o% %a$ts :Code o% *ro%essional +esponsibility,Canon 3astest in=otari.ationA is misleadin' adertisementbe$ause t"ey are liEely to $reate anun&usti4ed e!pe$tation about t"e resultst"e lawyer $an a$"iee or implies t"at t"elawyer an a$"iee results by impropermeans :B 9odel +ule (1(b(

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    I& Can#i#o insists on 'is -!anne#

    -!ea/ Att*. Le%"on s'ou!# UUUUUUUUUU.



    :< dis$ontinue "is representation

    to $ontinue would be unet"i$al

    sin$e "e would t"en be aidin' t"e

    a$$used in %oistin' a deliberate

    %alse"ood on t"e $ourt

    :B< allow Candido to $"oose "is

    $ourse o% a$tion tty( Lebrons

    duty is to prote$t all "is le'al and

    statutory ri'"ts

    :C< $onin$e Candido to plead

    'uilty and wit"draw %rom t"e $ase

    i% Candido re%uses to "eed "is


    :< 4le a mani%estation, i% Candidopleads Qnot 'uilty,Q de$larin' to t"e

    $ourt w"at "e Enows o% t"e trut"(

    :H< play matters by ear and wait %or

    deelopments as Candido may still

    plead 'uilty(


    (B) A!!o+ Can#i#o to 'oose 'isou"se o& ation Att*. Le%"ons #ut*

    is to -"otet a!! 'is !e,a! an#

    statuto"* "i,'ts (Co#e o&  

    P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon

    1H/ Ru!e 1H.01).


    (C) Conine Can#i#o to -!ea# ,ui!t*

    an# +it'#"a+ &"o$ t'e ase i& 

    Can#i#o "e&uses to 'ee# 'is a#ie.

    Question No. 12?CQ (201=). Canon


    A Re,iona! T"ia! Cou"t issues ate$-o"a"* "est"ainin, o"#e" ( TRO )

    'a!tin, t'e #e$o!ition o"#e" issue#

    %* t'e Cit* ?a*o" +'o 'as !on,

    !oat'e# t'e !uste" o& s'anties -ut

    u- %* in&o"$a! sett!e"s a!on, t'e

    "oa# !ea#in, to t'e it*s o$$e"ia!

    #ist"it. T'e TRO/ 'o+ee"/ a""ie#

    on#itions t'at $ust %e in -!ae

    %e&o"e t'e t'"eatene# #e$o!ition an

    %e &u!!* 'a!te#.

    T'e it* !e,a! oe" a#ise# t'e Cit*

    En,inee"s Oe an# t'e !oa! PNP

    'ie& t'at t'e TROs on#itions a"e

    not in -!ae so t'at t'e #e$o!ition

    ou!# -"oee#. T'e it* !e# a

    $ani&estation "eetin, t'e it*

    !e,a! oe"s -osition/ +'i!e t'e

    in&o"$a! sett!e"s ounse! sou,'t itso+n !a"iation an# "eonsi#e"ation

    &"o$ t'e ou"t/ +'i' "es-on#e# %*

    #e"eein, t'at t'e on#itions 'ae

    %een &u!!!e#. Des-ite t'is "u!in,/ t'e

    it* !e,a! oe" insiste# t'at t'e

    on#itions 'ae not %een &u!!!e#

    an# t'us ,ae t'e PNP !ea"ane to

    ai# t'e Cit* En,inee"s Oe in

    -"oee#in, +it' t'e #e$o!ition.

    F"o$ t'e -e"s-etie o& -"o&essiona!

    et'is/ 'o+ +ou!# *ou 'a"ate"iMe

    t'e it* !e,a! oe"s ations< (1)


    :< It is unet"i$al sin$e "e

    $ounseled $iil serants to

    disre'ard a $ourt order(

    :B< It is et"i$al, sin$e "e a$ted in

    a$$ordan$e wit" "is "onest

    $oni$tion a%ter $onsiderin' t"at

    t"e $ourts $onditions "ae not

    been met(


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    :< Be' oK %rom 'iin' any adi$e

    be$ause it is a situation t"at is not

    purely le'al(

    :B< dise anda on t"e purely

    le'al side o% "er problem andassure "er t"at abortion is allowed

    by law i% t"e pre'nan$y endan'ers

    t"e li%e o% t"e mot"er(

    :C< dise t"at it is a reli'ious

    problem be%ore it is a medi$al or

    le'al one, and anda s"ould

    $onsult and %ollow t"e adi$e o% "er

    reli'ious $on%essor(

    :< dise anda t"at abortion,

    aboe eeryt"in' else, is a moral

    problem and s"e s"ould only "ae

    an abortion i% it is an a$t s"e $an

    lie wit"(

    :H< +e%rain %rom 'iin' any Eind o% 

    adi$e as abortion is a serious

    matter t"at $annot be resoled

    t"rou'" in%ormal $onsultations wit"

    %riends and %ellow $"ur$"members(


    (B) A#ise 5an#a on t'e -u"e!* !e,a!

    si#e o& 'e" -"o%!e$ an# assu"e 'e"

    t'at a%o"tion is a!!o+e# %* !a+ i& t'e

    -"e,nan* en#an,e"s t'e !i&e o& t'e

    $ot'e" (Co#e o& P"o&essiona!

    Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon 2/ Ru!e 2.012.02).

    Question No. 1K?CQ (201=) Canon


    Base# on t'e sa$e &ats as Question

    I/ assu$e t'at Diana/ asi#e &"o$

    %ein, a &a$i!* &"ien# o& t'e ou-!e/

    'as %een &o"$a!!* an# in&o"$a!!*

    atin, as t'ei" !a+*e" in a!! t'ei"

    -e"sona! an# &a$i!* aai"s. S'e 'as

    "e-"esente# t'e$ in ou"t in a ase

    ino!in, a a" ai#ent an# in t'e

    -u"'ase o& t'ei" &a$i!* 'o$e/ &o"

    +'i' t'e* &o"$a!!* -ai# t'e

    atto"ne*s &ees t'at Diana %i!!e#.

    In t'is instane/ 5an#a as;e# a%out

    'e" !e,a! "i,'ts %ut #i# not &o"$a!!*

    as; &o" a +"itten o-inion &"o$ Diana.

    9o"aio nee" 'a# an* in-ut on t'e

    @ue"* as 'e +as t'en a+a* on an

    outo&to+n t"i- &o" 'is oe.

    Diana a#ise# 5an#a t'at s'e is

    &u!!* -"otete# in !a+ an# 'e" %est

    ou"se o& ation is to 'ae an

    a%o"tion +'i!e 'e" -"e,nan* is not

    *et &a" a#ane#.

    Di# Diana io!ate t'e -"o'i%ition

    a,ainst "e-"esentin, onitin,inte"ests +'en s'e -"oi#e# !e,a!

    a#ie to 5an#a +it'out 9o"aios

    ;no+!e#,e< (1)


    :< Yes( )"e de$ision o% w"et"er to

    "ae an abortion s"ould be

    de$ided by bot" spouses t"us,

    iana s"ould not "ae proided

    le'al adi$e in t"e absen$e o% 

    ora$io w"ose $on$erns and

    positions are unEnown to "er(

    :B< =o( iana did not 'ie any

    %ormal adi$e t"at would $onstitute

    le'al pra$ti$e $allin' %or t"e stri$t

    obseran$e o% t"e $on@i$t o% 

    interest rules(

    :C< =o( )"e de$ision on w"et"er or

    not to "ae an abortion lies solely

    wit" anda it is "er body and

    "ealt" t"at is in issue(


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    :< =o( ora$io and anda are

    married, any adi$e 'ien to

    anda is deemed to "ae been

    'ien to ora$io as well(

    :H< =o( /iin' adi$e to anda isnot ne$essarily a$tin' a'ainst

    ora$ios interest iana was

    'iin' adi$e based on t"e $ouples

    best interest(


    (A) Yes. T'e #eision o& +'et'e" to

    'ae an a%o"tion s'ou!# %e #ei#e#

    %* %ot' s-ouses t'us/ Diana s'ou!#not 'ae -"oi#e# !e,a! a#ie in t'e

    a%sene o& 9o"aio +'ose one"ns

    an# -ositions a"e un;no+n to 'e"

    (Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/

    Canon 1K).


    (C) No. T'e #eision on +'et'e" o"

    not to 'ae an a%o"tion !ies so!e!*+it' 5an#a it is 'e" %o#* an# 'ea!t'

    t'at is in issue (Co#e o& P"o&essiona!

    Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon K an# Canon

    1>) (Re-"o#utie 9ea!t' La+).

    Question No. 17?CQ (201=). Canon


    3n#e" t'e sa$e essentia! &ats as

    t'e -"ee#in, Question I/ assu$e

    t'at *ou 'ae "esi,ne# &"o$ ABLE

    La+ Oe an# t'at *ou +e"e nee"

    i$-!ea#e# as a o#e&en#ant/ %ut

    #u"in, *ou" sta* +it' t'e "$/ *ou

    assiste# in 'an#!in, t'e Co%"a Co.aount/ +'i' is !a",e!* o+ne# %*

    Ca%!e Co.

    T'e -"oseuto" 'an#!in, t'e ase

    a,ainst Santino an# t'e !a+ "$

    as;s *ou/ as a &o"$e" !a+ "$

    $e$%e"/ i& *ou an 'e!- st"en,t'en

    t'e -"oseutions ase an# 'ints t'at

    *ou/ too/ $a* %e i$-!ea#e# as a o

    #e&en#ant i& *ou #o not oo-e"ate.

    5'at is *ou" %est !e,a! an# et'ia!

    ou"se o& ation< (1)


    :< GKer to testi%y on w"at you

    Enow and proide eiden$e a'ainst

    t"e de%endants in e!$"an'e %or a

    'uarantee o% immunity %rom

    prose$ution in t"e $ase(

    :B< GKer to proide eiden$e

    a'ainst Santino, but $lari%y t"at you

    $annot testi%y a'ainst Santino

    be$ause o% t"e priile'ed

    $ommuni$ations rule

    :C< e$line to testi%y a'ainst t"e

    de%endants and to proide

    eiden$e in t"e $ase as t"e

    attorney-$lient priile'e lasts een

    beyond t"e termination o% t"e


    :< e$line to testi%y a'ainst t"e

    de%endants as w"ateer

    in%ormation you a$uired %rom

    Santino and Cable Co( in t"e $ourse

    o% t"e lawyer-$lient relations"ip is


    :H< lert t"e law 4rm to t"e

    prose$utions oKer so t"at t"ey $an

    prepare %or t"e eiden$e wit"in

    your Enowled'e t"at t"e

    prose$ution may use(


    (C) De!ine to testi&* a,ainst t'e

    #e&en#ants an# to -"oi#e ei#ene

    in t'e ase as t'e atto"ne*!ient

    -"ii!e,e !asts een %e*on# t'e

    te"$ination o& t'e "e!ations'i- (Co#e


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    o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon

    1K/ Ru!e 1K.02).

    Question No. 1?CQ (201=). Canon


     You a"e a !a+*e" +o";in, at t'e

    Oe o& t'e S-eia! P"oseuto" an#

    *ou a"e -a"t o& t'e tea$ 'an#!in,

    t'e ase a,ainst &o"$e" Senato"

    Ai#o +'o is 'a",e# +it' -!un#e".

    Base# on *ou" assess$ent o& t'e

    ei#ene t'at t'e o$-!ainant Lin#a

    su%$itte#/ *ou ;no+ t'at t'e ase

    a,ainst &o"$e" Senato" Ai#o is

    +ea;/ a!t'ou,' *ou instintie!* &ee!

    t'at 'e is ,ui!t*. You in&o"$ *ou"

    &"ien# Att*. Cu"ioso (+'o +o";s +it'

    t'e oe o& Senato" E!$is$o/ a

    ;no+n -o!itia! "ia! o& Senato"

    Ai#o) "e,a"#in, *ou" instintie&ee!in, a%out Senato" Ai#o. Att*.

    Cu"ioso s-"in,s a su"-"ise %* ,iin,

    *ou a "eo"#in, o& t'e +i"eta--e#

    one"sation %et+een Senato" Ai#o

    an# Na-o/ a -"iate -a"t* o

    ause#/ a%out t'e t"ansation

    o$-!aine# o& an# 'o+ t'e* +ou!#

    s-!it t'e -"oee#s.

    5'at +i!! *ou #o un#e" t'ese

    i"u$stanes< (1)


    :< isre'ard t"e wiretapped

    $onersation as it is inadmissible

    and will not sere any use%ulpurpose in t"e trial o% t"e $ase(

    :B< *resent t"e wiretapped

    $onersation in $ourt alt"ou'"

    inadmissible, its introdu$tion and

    t"e dis$losure o% its e!isten$e is a

    ri'"t t"at t"e publi$ is entitled to(

    :C< LeaE t"e wiretapped

    $onersation to t"e media, to let

    t"e publi$ Enow w"at really


    :< Submit t"e wiretapped$onersation to t"e Senate w"i$" is

    in t"e best position to determine

    w"at to do wit" it(

    :H< Let =apo priately Enow,

    t"rou'" 3rd  parties, t"at you are

    aware o% t"e e!isten$e o% t"e taped

    $onersation, wit" t"e "int t"at "e

    $an still "ope %or a li'"ter penalty i% 

    "e would $ooperate(


    (A) Dis"e,a"# t'e +i"eta--e#

    one"sation as it is ina#$issi%!e

    an# +i!! not se"e an* use&u! -u"-ose

    in t'e t"ia! o& t'e ase (Co#e o& 

    P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon


    Question No. 20?CQ (201=). Canon


    A"$in/ 'o!#in, a t"ans&e" e"tiate

    o& tit!e to a !ot in #o+nto+n Ca!a$%ain t'e na$e o& Bo%%*/ s'o+s *ou t'e

    tit!e an# !ai$s t'at Bo%%* so!# 'i$

    t'e !ot. 9e t'en as;s *ou to #"a&t a

    #ee# o& sa!e oe"in, t'e

    t"ansation. In "e-!* to *ou" @ue"* on

    +'e"e Bo%%* is/ A"$in e:-!ains t'at

    Bo%%* is u""ent!* out o& t'e ount"*

    %ut 'e (A"$in) 'as 'is ,ene"a! -o+e"

    o& atto"ne* +'i' 'e a!so s'o+s to

    *ou. T'e -o+e" o& atto"ne*e$-o+e"s A"$in to #o ee"*t'in,

    t'at Bo%%* an #o +it' t'e Ca!a$%a

    !ot/ %ut *ou note t'at it #oes not

    s-eia!!* aut'o"iMe A"$in to se!!

    t'e -"o-e"t*. A"$in a!so assu"es *ou

    t'at 'e +ants t'e #ee# o& sa!e

    #"a&te# so 'e an sen# it to Bo%%*


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    &o" 'is si,natu"e een +'i!e


    9o+ +i!! *ou at un#e" t'e ,ieni"u$stanes< (1)


    :< 'ree to dra%t t"e deed o% sale,

    sub&e$t to your usual


    :B< +e%use to dra%t t"e deed o% sale,

    as rmin "as not presented a

    spe$ial power o% attorney t"at

    would support t"e deed t"at "e is

    asEin' you to prepare(

    :C< +e%use to dra%t t"e deed o% sale,

    as Bobby is not present to si'n t"e

    deed o% sale and eri%y t"at "e is

    indeed sellin' "is lot to rmin(

    :< 'ree to dra%t t"e deed o% sale,

    sin$e it is only a dra%t t"at Bobby

    still "as to $onsider and si'n(

    :H< +e%use to "ae anyt"in' to do

    wit" rmins reuest be$ause it is a

    potentially problemati$ situation

    'ien t"e pri$e o% lots in downtown



    (B) Re&use to #"a&t t'e #ee# o& sa!e/

    as A"$in 'as not -"esente# a s-eia!

    -o+e" o& atto"ne* t'at +ou!#

    su--o"t t'e #ee# t'at 'e is as;in,

    *ou to -"e-a"e (Co#e o& P"o&essiona!

    Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon 1>).

    Question No. 18?CQ (201=). Canon

    1K/ 10. P"ii!e,e# Co$$uniation


    ABLE La+ Oe 'as a "etaine"

    a,"ee$ent +it' Santino/ a

    %usiness$an +it' s'a#*

    onnetions/ +'o 'as "eent!* %een'a",e# +it' !aun#e"in, $one* &o"

    an i!!e,a! #"u,s s*n#iate usin,

    Ca%!e Co./ Santinos 'o!#in,

    o$-an*. T'e !a+*e"s o& ABLE La+

    Oe assi,ne# to 'an#!e Santinos

    aount 'ae %een i$-!ea#e# as o

    #e&en#ants &o" ino"-o"atin, an#

    atie!* 'an#!in, t'e aai"s o& Ca%!e


    In its %i# to st"en,t'en its ase

    a,ainst t'e #e&en#ants/ t'e

    -"oseution a--"oa'e# *ou (as t'e

    !east ,ui!t* #e&en#ant +'o +ou!#

    @ua!i&* &o" a #is'a",e as a state

    +itness) an# oe"s to $a;e *ou a

    state +itness.

    Can *ou ae-t/ +it'in t'e %oun#s o& 

    -"o&essiona! et'is/ t'e

    -"oseutions oe"< (1)


    :< =o, as Santinos lawyer you are

    duty-bound to prote$t "is interests,

    ably represent "im in $ourt, and

    not turn a'ainst "im(

    :B< Yes, as an o#$er o% t"e $ourt,

    you "ae t"e duty to dis$lose to

    t"e $ourt in%ormation $ru$ial to t"e


    :C< =o, t"e in%ormation you

    a$uired inolin' t"e $riminal$ase a'ainst Santino is $oered by

    t"e priile'ed $ommuni$ations


    :< Yes, a lawyer may testi%y

    a'ainst "is $lient proided "e 4rst


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    seers t"e lawyer-$lient


    :H< Yes, t"e law o% sel%-preseration

    is aEin to t"e law o% sel%-de%ense

    and stands "i'"er t"an anyobli'ation you may "ae wit" your



    (C) No/ t'e in&o"$ation *ou a@ui"e#

    ino!in, t'e "i$ina! ase a,ainst

    Santino is oe"e# %* t'e -"ii!e,e#

    o$$uniations "u!e (Co#e o& 

    P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/ Canon1K/ Ru!e 1K.02) (P"ii!e,e#

    Co$$uniation Ru!e).


    (B) Yes/ as an oe" o& t'e ou"t/

    *ou 'ae t'e #ut* to #is!ose to t'e

    ou"t in&o"$ation "uia! to t'e ase

    (Co#e o& P"o&essiona! Res-onsi%i!it*/

    Canon 10/ Ru!e 10.01).


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16


    Question No. K (2007). Canon 2 o&t'e Co#e o& u#iia! Con#ut (10)

    Du"in, t'e 'ea"in, o& an e!etion-"otest !e# %* 'is %"ot'e"/ u#,e Esat in t'e a"ea "ese"e# &o" t'e-u%!i/ not %esi#e 'is %"ot'e"s!a+*e". u#,e Es %"ot'e" +on t'ee!etion -"otest. Y/ t'e #e&eate#

    an#i#ate &o" $a*o"/ !e# ana#$inist"atie ase a,ainst u#,e E&o" e$-!o*in, inuene an# -"essu"eon t'e u#,e +'o 'ea"# an# #ei#e#t'e e!etion -"otest.

     u#,e E e:-!aine# t'at t'e $ain"easons +'* 'e +as t'e"e in t'eou"t"oo$ +e"e %eause 'e +ante#to o%se"e 'o+ e!etion -"otest a"eon#ute# as 'e 'as nee"on#ute# one an# %eause 'e+ante# to ,ie $o"a! su--o"t to 'is%"ot'e".

    Di# u#,e E o$$it an at o& i$-"o-"iet* as a $e$%e" o& t'e u#iia"*< E:-!ain<

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6 ud'e H $ommitted an a$t o% improprietyby appearin' in anot"er $ourt at t"e"earin' o% "is brot"ers ele$tion protest(In t"e $ase o% Jidal ( o&illo, r(, (9( =o(9)-05-1581, uly 17, 2005, w"i$"inoled t"e same %a$ts, t"e SupremeCourt "eld as %ollows

    ?Canon 2 o% t"e Code o% udi$ial Condu$treuires a &ud'e to aoid not only

    impropriety but also t"e mere appearan$eo% impropriety in all a$tiities( Hen i% respondent did not intend to use "isposition as a &ud'e to in@uen$e t"eout$ome o% "is brot"ers ele$tion protest,it $annot be denied t"at "is presen$e int"e $ourtroom durin' t"e "earin' o% "isbrot"ers $ase would immediately 'ie$ause %or t"e $ommunity to suspe$t t"at"is bein' a $ollea'ue in t"e &udi$iarywould in@uen$e t"e &ud'e tryin' t"e $aseto %aor "is brot"er(A

    Question No. 8. Canon 1 o& t'e Co#eo& u#iia! Con#ut ( 10)

    a. A an# B a"e ause# o& Esta&a%* C/ t'e +i&e o& Re,iona! T"ia!Cou"t u#,e D. u#,e D testie#as a +itness &o" t'e

    -"oseution in t'e Esta&a ase.Di# u#,e D o$$it an at o& i$-"o-"iet*< 4ie "easons &o"*ou" ans+e". (K)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6

    I% ud'e is a material witness to t"eoKense bein' prose$uted, "e s"ouldtesti%y and "is a$tion $annot be$onsidered improper( oweer, i% "istestimony $an be dispensed wit", bein'$orroboratie in nature, ud'e s"ouldre%rain %rom testi%yin' as it may beiewed as a subtle attempt to in@uen$et"e out$ome o% t"e $ase( e s"ouldre%rain %rom in@uen$in' in any mannert"e out$ome o% liti'ation or disputependin' be%ore anot"er $ourt or a'en$y(

    :Canon 1(03, =ew Code o% udi$ialCondu$t<

    %. 5'at @ua!ities s'ou!# an i#ea! u#,e -ossess un#e" t'e Ne+Co#e o& u#iia! Con#ut &o" t'eP'i!i--ine u#iia"*< (K)

    Su,,este# Ans+e"6ualities o% an ideal &ud'e under t"e =ewCode o% udi$ial Condu$t are

    1( Independen$e :Canon 1

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    o"#e" &o" an a""est o& t'e ause#/,"ante# a $otion &o" t'e "e#ution o& %ai!/ an# set t'e #ate &o" t'ea""ai,n$ent o&V t'e ause#.Su%se@uent!*/ u#,e Quinte"oin'i%ite# 'i$se!& &"o$ t'e ase/

    a!!e,in, t'at een %e&o"e t'e ase+as "aWe# to 'is ou"t/ 'e a!"ea#*'a# -e"sona! ;no+!e#,e o& t'ei"u$stanes su""oun#in, t'e ase.Is u#,e Quinte"os in'i%ition ustie#< E:-!ain.

    Ans+e"6 YHS( +ule 3(12 o% t"e CC H!presslyproides t"at &ud'es s"ould taEe no partin t"e pro$eedin' w"ere t"e &ud'esimpartially mi'"t be reasonably

    uestioned w"i$" in$ludes amon' ot"er,"ain' personal Enowled'e o% disputedeidentiary %a$ts $on$ernin' t"epro$eedin'(

    Question No. 11 (2010)

    On t'e -"o-osa! o& u#,e 4/ +'i'+as ae-te#/ 'e an# 'is &a$i!*#onate# a !ot to t'e it* o& 4*oMa ont'e on#ition t'at a -u%!i t"ans-o"tte"$ina! +ou!# %e onst"ute#t'e"eon. T'e #onation +as ae-te#an# t'e on#ition +as o$-!ie# +it'.

    T'e &a$i!*o+ne# t"ats o& !an# int'e iinit* o& t'e #onate# !otsu##en!* a--"eiate# in a!ue an#%ea$e o$$e"ia!!* ia%!e as in&at a "estau"ant an# a 'ote! +e"esoon a&te" %ui!t.

    Di# t'e u#,e o$$it an* io!ationo& t'e Co#e o& u#iia! Con#ut< (2)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6=G( )"ere is no $lear s"owin' t"at t"e

     ud'e iolated any o% t"e proisions o% t"eCC( )"ere is no pro"ibition on donatin'properties, espe$ially i% t"e same is tosere publi$ purpose or wel%are(

     )"ere is no $lear s"owin' or eiden$et"at t"e in$rease in alue o% t"eirad&a$ent properly motiated or was madea pre$ondition o% t"e donation( s su$",no mali$e or $orrupt intent amountin' tomis$ondu$t or $orruption $an be dire$tlyimputed to t"e ud'e(

    Question No. 1KB (2010). Ru!e 2.0=

    Rio/ an a$ia%!e/ soia%!e !a+*e"/o+ns a s'a"e in ?a"ina 4o!& C!u%/easi!* one o& t'e $o"e -os' ,o!& ou"ses. 9e "e!is'es 'ostin, -a"ties&o" ,oe"n$ent oia!s an#$e$%e"s o& t'e %en'.

    One #a*/ 'e 'a# a 'ane $eetin,+it' a u#,e in t'e Int"a$u"os ,o!& ou"se. T'e t+o "ea#i!* ,ot a!on,+e!! an# 'a# one %een "e,u!a"!*-!a*in, ,o!& to,et'e" at t'e $a"ina4o!& C!u%.

    %. 9o+ a%out t'e $e$%e"s o& t'e%en' +'o ,"ae t'e -a"ties o& Rio/ a"e t'e* io!atin, t'e Co#eo& u#iia! Con#ut< E:-!ain. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6 YHS( Canon 2 en&oins &ud'es to aoidimpropriety and t"e appearan$e o% impropriety in all a$tiities( Canon 1states t"at &ud'es s"ould be t"eembodiment o% $ompeten$e, inte'rity andindependen$e, o% w"i$" inte'rity in$ludesimpartiality(

    +ule 2(03 o% Canon 2- &ud'e s"all notallow %amily, so$ial or ot"er relations"ipsto in@uen$e &udi$ial $ondu$t or &ud'ment(

     )"e presti'e o% &udi$ial o#$e s"all not beused or lent to adan$e t"e priateinterests o% ot"ers nor $oney t"eimpression t"at t"ey are in a spe$ialposition to in@uen$e t"e &ud'e(Case law "as it t"at t"e a$tuation o% a

     &ud'e $onstantly eatin' and drinEin' inpubli$ pla$es wit" a lawyer w"o "as $asespendin' in "is or "er sala, publi$suspi$ion may be aroused, t"us tendin'to erode t"e trust liti'ants in t"eimpartiality o% t"e &ud'e(

    Question No. 17A (2010). Ru!e = G H

     u#,e +as inite# to %e a ,uests-ea;e" #u"in, t'e annua!onention o& a -"iate o",aniMation+'i' +as oe"e# %* $e#ia. Sine'e +as ,ien t'e !i%e"t* to s-ea; onan* to-i/ 'e #isusse# t'e "eent#eision o& t'e Su-"e$e Cou"t#e!a"in, t'at t'e P"esi#ent is not/un#e" t'e Constitution/ -"os"i%e#&"o$ a--ointin, a C'ie& ustie+it'in t+o $ont's %e&o"e t'ee!etion.In 'is s-ee'/ t'e u#,e #e$u""e# tot'e Su-"e$e Cou"t #eision an# een


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    Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

    st"esse# t'at t'e #eision is ase"ious io!ation o& t'e Constitution.

    a. Di# u#,e inu"an* a#$inist"atie !ia%i!it*<E:-!ain. (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6=G( Stri$tly $onstrued, ud'e O will notin$ur any liability %or maEin' su$" a$omment or spee$" w"i$" is ane!pression o% an opinion to a $ase alreadyde$ided upon by t"e SC( "at is en&oinedto be abstained %rom is maEin' $ommentson a pendin' or impendin' $ase( :+ule3(0, CC<

    >urt"ermore, Canon 7 allows ud'es to

    en'a'e in a$tiities to improe t"e law,t"e le'al system and t"e administrationo% &usti$e(

    ALTERNATIE ANS5ER6 YHS( Gpenly $riti$' t"e de$ision o% t"eSC, by a member o% t"e ben$" does notspeaE well o% t"e &udi$ial system, mu$"less t"e administration o% &usti$e inrelation to t"e per$eption and $on4den$eo% t"e people on t"e people w"o run t"esystem( Unity and stability wit"in t"e

     &udi$iary is essential to t"e inte'rity o% t"e &udi$ial system as a w"ole(

    ependin' on t"e e!tent o% t"e $riti$ismand t"e lan'ua'e used, "e may t"us beadministratiely liable %or simplemis$ondu$t( &ud'e s"ould so be"ae atall times as to promote publi$ $on4den$ein t"e inte'rity and impartiality o% t"e


    Question No. 12 (2010). Ru!e =.12.

    Re%eas o$-!aint +as "aWe# tot'e sa!a o& u#,e A. Re%ea is a#au,'te" o& u#,e A.s +i&e %* a-"eious $a""ia,e. T'is is ;no+n tot'e #e&en#ant +'o #oes not/'o+ee"/ !e a $otion to in'i%it t'e u#,e.

    Is t'e u#,e ustie# in not in'i%itin,'i$se!& &"o$ t'e ase< (=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6=o( )"e ud'e is not &usti4ed in notin"ibitin' "imsel% sin$e +ebe$$a is "isstep dau'"ter and is related to "im byone de'ree o% a#nity(

     )"e Code o% udi$ial Condu$t e!presslyproides t"at a &ud'e s"ould taEe no partin a pro$eedin' w"ere t"e &ud'esimpartiality mi'"t reasonably beuestioned( )"ese $ases in$lude amon'ot"ers, pro$eedin's w"ere t"e &ud'e is

    related by $onsan'uinity or a#nity to aparty liti'ant wit"in t"e si!t" de'ree or to$ounsel wit"in t"e %ourt" de'ree(

    Question No. 18 (2010). Ru!e K.10.

     u#,e L is assi,ne# in Tu"t!eP"oine. 9is %"ot'e" "an &o"4oe"no" in Ra%%it P"oine. Du"in,t'e e!etion -e"io# t'is *ea"/ u#,e Ltoo; a !eae o& a%sene to 'e!- 'is

    %"ot'e" one-tua!iMe t'e a$-ai,nst"ate,*. 9e een ont"i%ute# a$o#est a$ount to t'e a$-ai,n;itt* an# 'oste# !un'es an##inne"s.

    Di# u#,e L inu" a#$inist"atiean#o" "i$ina! !ia%i!it*< E:-!ain.(=)

    S344ESTED ANS5ER6 YHS( ud'e L $an be said to beadministratiely liable but not $riminallyliable(

    +ule 5(10 o% t"e Code o% udi$ial Condu$tproides t"at a ud'e is entitled toentertain personal iews on politi$aluestions, but to aoid suspi$ion o% politi$al partisans"ip a &ud'e s"all notmaEe politi$al spee$"es, $ontribute toparty %unds, publi$ly endorse $andidates%or politi$al o#$e or parti$ipate in ot"erpartisan politi$al a$tiities(

     )"e rule aboe does not maEe Eins"ip ane!emption %rom $omplian$e wit" t"epro"ibition(

    Question No. 8 (2011)/ Co#e o& 

     u#iia! Con#ut/ Ru!e =.12

    In a e"ie# o$-!aint/ at'* sai#

    t'at u#,e F!o"ante #ei#e# a

    -etition &o" o""etion o& ent"*

    ino!in, t'e %i"t' "eo"# o& 'e"

    ,"an#son/ os'ua/ +'o 'a--ene# to

    %e 'i!# o& u#,e F!o"antes #au,'te"/


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    Pi!ita. u#,e F!o"ante insiste# t'at 'e

    o$$itte# no +"on, sine t'e

    -"oee#in, +as nona#e"sa"ia! an#

    sine it $e"e!* sou,'t to o""et an

    e""oneous ent"* in t'e 'i!#s %i"t'

    e"tiate. Is u#,e F!o"ante !ia%!e<


    (A) Yes/ %eause F!o"ante

    %"ea'e# t'e "u!e on

    $an#ato"* #is@ua!iation.

    :B< =o, be$ause ud'e >lorante "as

    no pe$uniary interest in t"e


    :C< =o, be$ause it is true t"e

    pro$eedin' was non-adersarial so

    it pre&udi$ed no one(

    :< Yes, sin$e t"e $orre$tion in t"e

    $"ilds re$ord aKe$ts t"e details o% 

    birt" o% t"e $"ild(

    Question No. 1= (2011) Co#e o& 

     u#iia! Con#ut/

     On a--ea!/ RTC u#,e Ru#* a"$e#

    t'e ?TCs onition o& Lo"na &o"io!ation o& t'e %ounin, 'e;s !a+

    an# a+a"#e# A,nes/ t'e

    o$-!ainant/ P'-1.8 $i!!ion in

    #a$a,es. T+o *ea"s !ate"/ u-on

    Lo"nas $otion an# a&te"

    ase"tainin, t'at 'e" ounse! nee"

    "eeie# t'e ou"ts #eision/ u#,e

    Ru#* "ea!!e# t'e ent"* o& u#,$ent

    in t'e ase/ "ee"se# 'i$se!&/ an#

    a%so!e# Lo"na o& ,ui!t. C!ai$in, anunust u#,$ent/ A,nes !e# an

    a#$inist"atie o$-!aine# a,ainst

     u#,e Ru#*/ sa*in, t'at it is -!ain

    &"o$ t'e i"u$stanes t'at 'e

    onnie# +it' Lo"na/ 'e" ounse!/

    an# t'e 'an#!in, -"oseuto". But s'e

    oe"e# no &u"t'e" ei#ene. Ru#*

    #enie# t'e 'a",es an# asse"te# t'at

    an* e""o" in 'is u#,$ent is

    o""eti%!e on!* %* an a--ea!/ not %*

    an a#$inist"atie suit. S'ou!# u#,e

    Ru#* %e #isi-!ine#<


    (A) No/ %eause A,nes

    o$-!aint is $e"e!* %ase# on

    sus-iions an# s-eu!ations.

    :B< =o, be$ause 'nes "as yet to

    establis" t"at +udyDs de$ision is

    plainly erroneous(

    :C< Yes, be$ause "e 'raely abused

    "is dis$retion in re$allin' t"e entry

    o% &ud'ment(

    :< Yes, be$ause re$onsiderin' t"e

     &ud'ment o% $oni$tion t"at t"e

    9)C and "e earlier issued s"ows

    anomaly in ud'e +udyDs a$tion(

    Question No. 1> (2011)/ Co#e o& 

     u#iia! Con#ut/

     u#,e C"istina 'as $an* !a+"e!ate#

    atiities. S'e tea'es !a+ an##e!ie"s !etu"es on !a+. So$e in t'e

    ,oe"n$ent onsu!t 'e" on t'ei"

    !e,a! -"o%!e$s. S'e a!so se"es as

    #i"eto" o& a sto; o"-o"ation

    #eote# to -ena! "e&o"$/ +'e"e s'e

    -a"tii-ates in %ot' &un# "aisin, an#

    &un# $ana,e$ent. 5'i' o& t'e