legal deposit in norway and new ways of archiving recorded sound - keeping tracks

Legal deposit in Norway and new ways of archiving recorded music Keeping Tracks, British Library, 21 March 2014 Trond Valberg and Lars Gaustad National Library of Norway

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Legal deposit in Norway and new ways of archiving recorded sound The current state of music legal deposit in and a look into the future. A demonstration of a new tool for preserving production material from the recording industry. Speakers: Trond Valberg, Lars Gaustad, National Library of Norway As part of the British Library's Keeping Tracks symposium on music and archives in the digital age. 21.03.14


  • 1. Legal deposit in Norway and new ways of archiving recorded music Keeping Tracks, British Library, 21 March 2014 Trond Valberg and Lars Gaustad National Library of Norway

2. Overview - Legal deposit - The master tape collection - The MediaIDEditor 3. Legal deposit in Norway - First legal deposit law: France, 1537 - Audiovisual material included in the regulations of the Norwegian law in 1989 - New revision of the law? 4. More on legal deposit Purpose: To ensure that documents, including music recordings, are deposited in national collections In the first years we received some 300 CDs or vinyl records annually; recent years some 1300 items annually The number of vinyl releases is increasing; the number of CDs is decreasing (but the CD is still not dead!) 5. More on legal deposit II The number of deposited audio files is low, but we do collect such material in other ways Currently some 2400 active publishers and ca. 800 personal publishers We also buy Norvegica extranea, i.e. record releases from ca. 300 publishers outside of Norway 6. What do we hope for next? New revision of the law including regulations to be approved by the Ministry of Culture this year Improvements: New ways to give access to web-harvested material Better access to digital material at research institutions Easier to claim production material such as HD audio files from the record publishers 7. The master tape collection Unlike many other national archives, we have collected production material from record companies and studios since 1990 The collection comprises some 80 000 tape reels, both analogue and digital formats, from 1 to 32 tracks From Universal Music, Sony Music, ECM Records, Arne Bendiksen and several others 8. Why (not)? Good storage facilities at our premises in Mo i Rana (climate controlled mountain vaults) Important supplement to legal deposit (especially in the beginning) Also includes non-published recordings, multi-tracks, other mix versions, etc. Generally the best source for digitisation (compared to published material) Frequently used for new productions or releases (we want more requests from scholars) But, poor or non-existing metadata (time-consuming!) Requires a lot of technical equipment and professional personnel (for preservation and cataloguing) 9. When everything turns digital Good to have some experience from work on the master tape collection But, new tools are needed The MediaIDEditor 10. A multimedial digital library Digitisation adopted as a long term preservation strategy Preferred digital (i.e. files) deposit of new material 11. Digitising the collection 1 000 books digitised every week 1 000 000 book pages every month 40 000 newpaper pages from original every week 200 000 newspaper pages from microfilm monthly P.t. ca 350 000 books (> 75 % of all norwegian titles!) P.t. ca 15 600 000 newspaper pages (approx. 20 % of the norwegian newspaper collection) 12. -> 640 000 newspapers (ca 15,6 mill. pages) -> 350 000 books (> 50 mill pages) -> 375 000 pages manuscripts and music manuscripts -> 670 000 photos -> 920 000 hours of radio -> 490 000 hours of television -> 23 000 units of music -> 9 000 units of film/video Digital collection 13. Digital storage Current: 3 * 6 Petabyte Disk + 2 * tape SAM-FS archive file system Average growth 6 Tbytes / day, Peaking at 10 TB 2014: + 1,8 petabyte * 3 14. Digitising multitracks 1 & 2 inch analogue, MD & DASH formats To EBU RF64 files 15. 16. Black hole 17. Norwegian Parliament 2009: National Library and National Archives responsible for offering long-term digital preservation services to the cultural heritage sector 18. AES31-1-2001 (r2011) Standard for network and file transfer of audio Audio-file transfer and exchange Part 1: Disk format 19. AES31-2-2012 Revision of AES31-2-2006 AES standard on network and file transfer of audio Audio-file transfer and exchange File format for transferring digital audio data between systems of different type and manufacture 20. AES31-3-2008 (reaffirmed 2013) AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange Part 3: Simple project interchange 21. The US Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing: Recommendation for Delivery of Recorded Music Projects (Including Stems and Mix Naming Conventions) 22. mediaSERVICES is a Sustaining Member of IASA