lecturer: miljen matijašević e-mail: [email protected] session 2, 19 mar 2014

English for Lawyers 2 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: [email protected] Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

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Page 1: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

English for Lawyers 2

Lecturer: Miljen Matijaševiće-mail: [email protected]

Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Page 2: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

1. Roman Civil Procedure

2. The Passive - practice

Today’s session:

Page 3: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Roman Civil Procedure

Unit 11

Page 4: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Work in pairs to answer the following questions:

1. What is Roman Law?

2. Why is Roman Law studied still today?

Roman Law

Page 5: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

the period covers roughly 1,000 years, from

cca 449BC to 530AD

starting and ending with principal legal

documents:◦ the Law of the Twelve Tables

◦ the Corpus Juris Civilis

Roman Law

Page 6: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

continued to be applied in some form in European

countries formerly part of the Empire, but also in


however, underwent changes through centuries

brought about the development of the continental

civil law system, which is in place still today in the

vast majority of European countries

Roman Law

Page 7: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

another legacy of Roman law ◦ law developed as a science

emergence of jurists – legal scientists

jurists gave legal opinions, assisted in drafting legislation, provided legal advice to individuals and those in charge of administering justice, developed legal concepts (contract, tort, legal action, public and private law, etc.)

Roman Law

Page 8: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

The Law of the Twelve Tables the first legal text of which there is any

record conceived by the patricians as the first legal

code to be applied against the plebeians regulated rights and obligations with regard

to civil procedure, debt, family relations, marriage, inheritance, property, torts, funerals, crimes and constitutional principles

the original text not preserved

Roman Law

Page 9: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

The Law of the Twelve Tables not a complete and coherent system of

rules, but a set of provisions amending the existing customary law

its aim was to prevent magistrates from applying the law in an arbitrary way

mostly pertains to civil procedure and private law

Roman Law

Page 10: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Corpus Juris Civilis (‘Body of Civil Law’) 529-534, Byzantine Emperor Justinian I

brings order into the mass of Roman law

compiles Roman constitutions, statutes from the republic and the early empire, and decrees issued by the Senate

Roman Law

Page 11: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Corpus Juris Civilis (‘Body of Civil Law’) 529-534, Byzantine Emperor Justinian I

also includes simplified legal writings by Roman jurists, and

ordinances issued by Justinian during his reign

Roman Law

Page 12: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014


magistrate – a civil officer with executive and judicial powers

praetor – a type of magistrate with varying duties, among which to adminsiter justice (judicial magistrate)

judex, judices – a private person appointed to hear and determine a case (corresponding to a modern referee or arbitrator appointed by the court); in later Empire – an official

proctor – a person appointed to represent a party, similar to attorney

Roman Civil Procedure

Page 13: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

a two-stage procedure◦ a preliminary hearing (in jure)◦ the trial (in judicio)

the content of the stages changed slightly with time

Roman Civil Procedure

Page 14: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

STAGE ONE – in jure

plaintiff presents a case before a magistrate (praetor)

praetor decides whether action should be allowed

if allowed – issues to be tried are framed and judices (triers) appointed for the ‘in judicio’ stage

Roman Civil Procedure

Page 15: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

STAGE ONE – in jure

the praetor approved the formula written by the plaintiff’s proctor

the formula included the legal remedy which was to be ordered by the judex if the case was decided in favour of the plaintiff

the plaintiff could have been made to alter the contents of the formula

in any event, the defendant had to agree to the formula before the procedure could continue in judicio

Roman Civil Procedure

Page 16: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

procedural contract – the parties agreed to abide by the decision of the judex

in later empire◦ judex an official, not a lay person◦ no formal procedural contract◦ some issues not tried but taken for facts based on

the oath of a party

Roman Civil Procedure

Page 17: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

speeches and presentation of evidence

orators speak on behalf of each party

a party could also speak for themselves

this stage took place in the forum

Roman Civil Procedure

Page 18: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Still later, basilicas ……… around the forum ……… for the trial of civil cases, while state trials ……… to be held in the forum. Literally, the word basilica means a royal hall, i.e. a hall in which the king sits to do justice. As the matters coming before tribunals ……… more complicated and as permanent judges ……… to sit in them, the old open air trials ……… obsolete and the trials ……… in a basilica.

Put the verbs in the correct form (active or passive)

become – begin – build -continue – hold - use

Page 19: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Rewrite the following sentences so that they start with the words printed in red. The rewritten sentences must also be in passive voice.

The Passive - practice

Page 20: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

1. It was allowed that the praetor settle the formula or set of instructions to the judex.

2. It was expected that the court refer some particular point to the oath of a party, leaving other issues to be tried.

3. It was claimed that the orators frequently made separate set speeches. (Perfect!)

4. It was believed that the court was tired by going over the same ground.

5. It was proved that the proceeding in judicio took place in the forum. (Perfect!)

The Passive - practice

Page 21: Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević e-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Session 2, 19 Mar 2014

Thank you for your attention!