lecture: surgical diseases of liver. cholelithiais. acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis....

Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic and treatment. Author – reader R.Ya. Kushnir

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Page 1: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and

chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal

hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic

diagnostic and treatment.

Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and

chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal

hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic

diagnostic and treatment. Author – reader R.Ya. Kushnir Author – reader R.Ya. Kushnir

Page 2: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of gall-bladder.

Acute cholecystitis

Page 3: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Acute cholecystitis

Page 4: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification Acute cholecystitis is divided into:

• I. Acute calculous cholecystitis

• II. Acute non-calculous cholecystitis

•1. Catarrhal.

•2. Phlegmonous.

•3. Gangrenous.

•4. Perforated.

Page 5: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic


•5. Complicated:

•a) Hydropsy;

•b) Empyema;

•c) Pancreatitis;

•d) Icterus;

Page 6: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classificatione) Hepatitis;

f) Cholangitis;

g) Infiltrate;

h) Abscess;

i) Hepatic-kidney insufficiency;

j) Peritonitis (local, poured out, general).

Page 7: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic



Page 8: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Symptoms•Murphy's symptoms is a delay of

breathing during palpation of gall-bladder on inhalation.

•Kehr's symptom is strengthening of pain at pressure on the area of gall-bladder, especially on deep inhalation.

•Ortner's symptom — painfulness at the easy pattering on right costal arc by the edge of palm.

Page 9: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Symptoms•Mussy's symptom — painfulness at

palpation between the legs (above a collar-bone) of right nodding muscle.

•Blumberg's signs are the increases of painfulness at the rapid taking away of fingers by which a front abdominal wall is pressed on. This symptom is not pathognomic for cholecystitis but matters very much in diagnostics of peritonitis

Page 10: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program

1. Anamnesis and physical methods of inspection.

2. Survey sciagraphy of organs of abdominal cavity.

3. Sonography.

4. General analysis of blood and urine.

Page 11: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program

5. Diastase urines.

6. Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, amylase, alanine aminotransferase, asparaginase, alkaline phosphatase, remaining nitrogen, creatinine).

7. Coagulogram.

Page 12: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Conservative treatment

It must include:

1. Bed rest.

2. Hunger of 1–3 days, in the following table № 5 by Peuzner.

3. Cold on right hypochondrium.

4. Spasmolytics (sulfate of atropine, platyphyllin, papaverine, ni-shparum, baralgin).

Page 13: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Conservative treatment 5. Antibacterial therapy:

а) semisynthetic penicillin (ampicillin, oxacilline, ampiox);

б) cephalosporin (kefzol, klaforan);

в) nitrofurans (nitrofurantoin, furazolidon);

g) sulfanilamides (biseptol, ethazzole, norsulfazole).

Page 14: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Conservative treatment •6. Inhibitors of protease (contrical,

trasilol, gordox, antagosan).

•7. Desensitizing preparation (dimedrole, pipolphen, tavegile).

•8. Disintoxication therapy (neohemodes, reopolyglucine).

•9. Vitamins (С, В1, В6, В12 vitamins).

Page 15: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Indication to surgical

treatment. All forms of acute calculous

cholecystitis, destructive and complicated forms of noncalculous cholecystitis (except for infiltrateу), and also acute catarrhal cholecystitis conservative treatment of which was uneffective are subject to surgical treatment.

Page 16: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Chronic cholecystitis

Inflammation of gall-bladder, that gained protracted chronic character, is considered chronic cholecystitis.

Page 17: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic


Chronic cholecystitis is divide into:

1) chronic calculous

2) chronic non-calculous.

Page 18: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Chronic calculous cholecystitis

Page 19: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Division of chronic





Page 20: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program 1. Anamnesis and physical examination.

2. Survey sciagraphy of organs of abdominal cavity.

3. Peroral and intravenous cholegraphy.

4. Sonography.

5. General analysis of blood and urine.

Page 21: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program 6. Analysis of urine on diastasis.

7. Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, amylase, hepatic tests).

8. Coagulogram.

9. Duodenal intubation.

10. Endoscopy.

Page 22: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment must be basic at for patients with non-calculous chronic cholecystitis It includes:

— table № 5 by Peusner;

— choleic preparations (alohol, holagol, holenzyme, holosas, olimetyn);

Page 23: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Conservative treatment

— cholekinetics (sulfate of magnesium, cholecystokinin, pituitrin);

— spasmolytics (sulfate of atropine, platyphyllin, methacin, aminophylline);

— duodenal intubation;

— antibacterial preparations (during acuteening).

Page 24: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Obturative icterus

A obturative icterus is the type of icterus the reason of which is violation of patency of bilious ways as a result of their obstruction from within or external compression, or cicatrix narrowing.

Page 25: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification (by О.О. Shalimov, 1993)

Obturation icteruses are divided into:

I. According to the level of barrier:

1) obstruction of distal parts of general bilious duct;

2) obstruction of supraduodenal part of general bilious duct;

3) obstruction of initial part of general hepatic duct and fork of hepatic ducts.

Page 26: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification II. According to the etiologic factor:

1) conditioned by obturation by bilious concrement, strange bodies, grume of blood during hemobilia, parasite, iatrogenic influence during operation;

2) obstruction at the diseases of wall of bilious ways — innate anomalies (hypoplasia, cysts and atresia), inflammatory diseases (obstructing papillitis and cholangitis), scar strictures (posttraumatic and inflammatory), bilious ways tumours of high quality;

Page 27: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification 3) obstruction caused by the out-of-

ducts diseases, that pull them in the process (tubular stenosis of general bilious duct of pancreatic genesis, ulcerous disease of duodenum, paracholedocheal lymphadenitis, peritoneal commissures).

Page 28: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification. Except that, according to the duration the

disease is distinguished:

1) acute obturative icterus, that to 10 days last;

2) protracted, that proceeds from 10 to 30 days;

3) chronic, that more than a month lasts.

Page 29: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

An icterus of sclera.

Page 30: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program1. Anamnesis and physical methods of


2. General analysis of blood and urine.

3. Analysis of urine on diastasis.

4. Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, urea, albumin-globulin coefficient, blood on an australian antigen, amylase, alanine aminotransferase, asparaginase, alkaline phosphatase).

5. Coagulogram.

Page 31: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program•6. Sonography.

•7. Endoscopy.

•8. Retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

•9. Laparoscopy with biopsy.

•10. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangioduodenography.

•11. Computer tomography.

Page 32: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Cirrhosis of liver, intrahepatic

portal hypertension The cirrhosis of liver is a chronic

progressive disease, the characteristic signs of which are the defeats of parenchymatous and interstitial tissue of organ, necrosis and dystrophy of hepatic cells, with the subsequent node regeneration as diffuse excrescence of connecting tissue.

Page 33: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification According to Havana classification

(1956), cirrhosises are divided into:

1) portal; 2) bilious; 3) postnecrosis; 4) mixed.

According to the stages of development:

1) initial; 2) formed cirrhosis; 3) dystrophic.

Page 34: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Classification •According to the degree of


•1) easy; 2) middle; 3) heavy.

•According to passing:

•1) progressive; 2) stable; 3) regressing

Page 35: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program 1. Anamnesis and physical examination.

2. General analysis of blood and urine.

3. Biochemical blood test (albuminous factions, bilirubin, glucose, AlAT, ASAT, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol, reaction of Takata-ara, the Veltmann test; electrophoresis albumens).

4. Coagulogram.

Page 36: Lecture: Surgical diseases of liver. Cholelithiais. Acute and chronic calculous cholecystitis. Portal hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic diagnostic

Diagnosis program 5. Endoscopy.

6. Contrasting sciagraphy of oesophagus, stomach.

7. Sonography.

8. Scanning of livers.

9. Splenoportography.

10. Laparoscopy.

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Surgical treatment Operative treatments are divided into

two groups:

1) radical, that can liquidate portal stagnation;

2) palliative, which are able only to level the separate signs of this pathology.