lecture 9: depression & new deal

The Depression & New Deal I. The Cause II. The Depression III. The Election of 1932 IV. The New Deal V. Survival VI. Conclusion

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Post on 25-Jun-2015



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  • 1. I. The Cause II. The Depression III. The Election of 1932 IV. The New Deal V. Survival VI. Conclusion

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbwjS9iJ2Sw 3. Herbert Hoover 4. Which direction should the country take? Has capitalism failed? Can capitalism be saved? Is socialism the wave of the future? 5. Nonintervention Voluntarism http://presidentialleadership.wiki spaces.com/Herbert+Hoover+- +Media 6. The New Deal 7. https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=z9CBpbuV3ok 8. Financial Programs Farm Programs Jobs programs National Industrial Recovery Act 9. The bank holiday The gold standard suspended FDIC insurance Mortgage refinancing 10. Farm subsidies Farm mortgage refinancing 11. The Civilian Conservation Corps 12. The Tennessee Valley Authority 13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2zBU5X nEzs 14. Demagogues Labor Unrest Supreme Court Father Caughlin Francis Townsend Governor Huey Long 15. The Wagner Act The Social Security Act The Works Progress Administration Keynesian Economics 16. Mary McLeod Bethune 17. The federal government expanded The role of the president expanded The Democratic party was revitalized Roosevelt steered a middle route 18. The Great Depression affected everyone.