lecture 8 hrm

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  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


    Human ResourceManagement(Lecture 8)

    BSc. (Hons.) Applied Management(2008-10)


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


     Testing & Selecting Employees

    Lecture outline:

    1. Introduction

    2. Steps in the Selection Process3.  A Process of Prediction

    4. Formal Selection Methods

    5.  Applications !esumes

    ". !eferences #ac$%round

    In&esti%ations'. (mplo)ment *ests


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



    HR strategy and policies

     Te !nteg"ated H# System

    Job analysis


    Organisational vision, mission,objectives and strategy

    Employee selection

    Performance management

    raining and


    Remuneration and

    ot!er re"ards

    #iscipline and


    Human resource planning

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


    Once the recruiting effort has developed a pool ofcandidates, the next step in the HRM process is todetermine who is best qualified for the job. Thisstep is called the selection process

    Important +ote: If recruitment has not ,eensuccessful in attractin% %ood -ualit) applicantsselection cannot rectif) this

    ntroduction to !mplo"ee #election


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


    Steps in te Selection $"ocess


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


    A $"ocess o% $"ediction


    $ #election is about predicting who will be the best person

    for the job %i.e. predicting person&job fit'

    $ #electing one job applicant over another is to ma(e aprediction that the chosen candidate will perform betterin the job than the rejected candidates

    $ The basis of prediction is a wide variet" of selectionmethods aimed at measuring the (nowledge, s(ills andcompetencies and other personal qualities identified asnecessar" for)

    $ *erson&job fit

    $ *erson&team fit

    $ *erson&organisation fit

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


     Te cost to "ec"it and i"e is ig 't tecost o% i"ing te "ong pe"son iseponentially ige"*

     + +antity and ,ality o% o" pe"%o"med

     + Hige" t"aining costs

     + Hige" ope"ating costs + $oo"e" o' satis%action

     + !nc"eased employee st"ess

     + !nc"eased employee a'senteeism and

    t"no/e" + !mpact on team mo"ale

     + Te legal implications o% incompetenti"ing

    $ EE las and co"t decisions "elated to

     Te !mpo"tance o% a"e%lSelection

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



    Basic Testing oncepts

    !elia,ilit)  Te consistency o% sco"es o'tained 'y

    te same pe"son en "etested itte identical o" e,i/alent tests.

    A"e te test "eslts sta'le o/e" time3

    *est &alidit) 

     To ens"e tat te test (o" inte"/ieo" ote" sc"eening tools) meas"esat it is spposed to meas"e

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



     Types o% 4alidity

    /riterion &alidit)  5emonst"ates tat tose o do ell in test

    ill do ell on te o' i.e. sco"es on tetest a"e "elated to o' pe"%o"mance

    /ontent &alidit)  A test tat is content /alid is one tat

    contains a %ai" sample o% te tass and sillsactally needed %o" te o' in ,estion (e.g.

    a typing test %o" a typist)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



    Ho to 4alidate a Test Step 1: Anal)0e the o,

    5e6ne 7standa"ds o% sccess (o" sccess c"ite"ia) (e.g9,antity9 ,ality9 a'senteeism9 'ea/io"al sills etc.)

    Step 2: /hoose the tests

     Test 'atte"y (com'ination o% /a"ios tests) o" single test3

    Step 3: Administer the test 

    /oncurrent &alidation

    ""ent employees sco"es it c""ent pe"%o"mance

    Predicti&e &alidation

    :ses "elationsip 'eteen te sco"es and %t"e pe"%o"mance (;MAT9

    ;#E etc.)

    Step 4: !elate *est Scores and /riteria

     + -orrelation anal"sis i.e. actal test sco"es it actal pe"%o"mance(typing test o" ope"ating a macine etc.)

    Step 5: /rossalidate and !e&alidate

    #epeat Step < and Step = it a di>e"ent sample o%employees.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



    E,al Employment ppo"tnity(EE) Aspects o% Testing A or%ani0ation must ,e a,le to pro&e:

     Tat its tests a"e "elated to sccess o"%ail"e on te o' (/alidity)

     Tat its tests dont n%ai"ly disc"iminateagainst mino"ity o" nonmino"ity s'g"ops(dispa"ate impact).

    (( %uidelines and las appl) to all

    selection de&ices includin% inter&iesapplications and references.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


    Sample Test

    +igure &($Source: -ourtes" of /T *ermissions.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



     Types o% Tests

    *ests of co%niti&e a,ilities !ntelligence Tests

    $ Tests of general intellectual abilities that

    measure a range of abilities, including

    vocabular", verbal fluenc", and numericalabilit".

    Aptitde tests

    $ Tests that measure specific mental abilities,

    such as reasoning abilities, verbal

    comprehension, memor", and numerical abilit".

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



    $"o'lem %"om te Test o% Mecanical omp"eension

    +igure &(%

    0hich gear will turn the same wa" as the driver1

    Source: Reproduced b" permission. -op"right 2345, 2343 b" The *s"chological -orporation, ew /or(, /. 6ll rights

    reserved. 6uthor7s note) 2343 is the latest cop"right on this test, which is still the main one used for this purpose.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



     Types o% Tests (contd)

    *ests of motor ph)sical a,ilities Tests tat meas"e moto" a'ilities9 sc as

    6nge"s dete"ity (e.g. %o" a typist)9 manaldete"ity9 and "eaction time (%o" a macine

    ope"ato" o" police)9 static st"engt9 dynamicst"engt9 'ody coo"dination9 and stamina

     Achie&ement tests

     Test tat meas"e at a pe"son as

    al"eady lea"ned?@o' noledge in a"easlie acconting9 ma"eting9 o" pe"sonnel.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



     Types o% Tests (contd)

    Personalit) Interest tests

    *ests that measure ,asic aspects of anapplicant6s personalit) 7throu%h personalit) and

    interest in&entories 8 such as intro&ersion

    sta,ilit) commitment leadership empath)

    moti&ation and so on !nte"est in/ento"ies A metod o% pe"sonality

    o" inte"est assessment 'ased on a,estionnai"e asing a pe"son to "epo"t

    %eelings o" "eactions in ce"tain sitations

    9e,#ased 7nline8 *estin% 

    !eplacin% costl) and inefficient paperandpencil

    testin% processes

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM


     Types o% Tests (contd)

    *he Pol)%raph 7or lie detector8

    A de/ice tat meas"es pysiological canges9

     Te assmption is tat sc canges "eectcanges in emotional state tat accompany lying.

    Employee $olyg"ap $"otection Act o% 1C88p"oi'its*

    $ *rohibits emplo"ers from conducting pol"graph

    examinations of all job applicants and emplo"ees.

    $ use of other mechanical or electrical devices including

    ps"chological stress evaluators and voice stress anal"8ers.

    $ When can polygraphs be used? !ndst"ies it national de%ense o" sec"ity

    e"tain 'sinesses it nclea" poe" "elated p"oects

    !ndst"ies in/ol/ed in cont"acts it !S! $aistan (!nte"Se"/ices !ntelligence)DB! etc.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



     Types o% Tests (contd)

    Paperandpencil honest) tests

    $sycological tests designed to p"edict o' applicants p"oneness to disonestyand ote" %o"ms o% conte" p"odcti/ity.

    Meas"e attitdes "ega"ding tings lietole"ance o% ote"s o steal9acceptance o% "ationaliFations %o" te%t9and admission o% te%t-"elated acti/ities.

    rapholo%) 7handritin% anal)sis8 Assmes tat and"iting "eects 'asic

    pe"sonality t"aits.

     ;"apologys /alidity is igly sspect

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 8 HRM



    Management Assessment ent"es

     A simulation in hich mana%ementcandidates are as$ed to perform realistic

    tas$s in h)pothetical situations and are

    scored on their performance.

    *)pical simulated e;ercises include: The in-basket 

    Leaderless group discussion

    Management games

    Individual presentations

    Objective tests

    The interview