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1 MECH 6491 Engineering Metrology and Measurement Systems Lecture 7 Continued Instructor: N R Siva kumar

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  • 1

    MECH 6491 Engineering Metrology

    and Measurement Systems

    Lecture 7 Continued

    Instructor: N R Sivakumar

  • 2


    Introduction and Background

    Theory and types of Holography

    Holographic Interferometry



    Speckle Methods

    Speckle Introduction

    Speckle intensity and size

    Speckle Interferometry




  • Holography Introduction

    C:/nrskumar/Done/Mech 691T/Lectures/Lecture 7/twocolor.aviC:/nrskumar/Done/Mech 691T/Lectures/Lecture 7/twocolor.avi

  • Reflection




    Holography Introduction

  • 5

    Holography History

    Invented in 1948 by Dennis Gabor

    Leith and Upatnieks (1962) applied laser to holography

    Holography is the synthesis of interference and diffraction

    In recording a hologram, two waves interfere to form an

    interference pattern on the recording medium.

    When reconstructing the hologram, the reconstructing

    wave is diffracted by the hologram.

  • 6

    Holography History

    When looking at the reconstruction of a 3-D object, it

    is like looking at the real object

    By means of holography an original wave field can

    be reconstructed at a later time at a different location

    This technique has many applications; we

    concentrate on holographic interferometry

    A photograph tells more than a thousand words and

    a hologram tells more than a thousand photographs

  • 7

    Holography Advantages

    Conventional Photography:

    2-d version of a 3-d scene

    Photograph lacks depth perception or parallax

    Film sensitive only to radiant energy

    Phase relation (i.e. interference) are lost

  • 8

    Holography Advantages

    Holographic Photography:

    Freezes the intricate wavefront of light that carries all

    the visual information of the scene

    To view a hologram, the wavefront is reconstructed

    View what we would have seen if present at the

    original scene through the hologram window

    Provides depth perception and parallax

  • 9

    Holography Advantages

    Holographic Photography:

    Converts phase into amplitude information (in-phase

    = max amp, out-of-phase = min amp)

    Interfere wavefront of light from a scene with

    reference wave

    The hologram is a complex interference pattern of

    microscopically spaced fringes

    “holos” – Greek for whole message

  • 10

    Holography Recording

    Laser beam is split in 2

    1 wave illuminates the object

    The object scatters the light

    onto the hologram plate

    (object wave)

    The other wave is reflected directly onto the hologram

    plate. (reference wave) constitutes a uniform illumination

    of the hologram plate

    The hologram plate must be a light-sensitive medium,

    e.g. a silver halide film plate with high resolution

  • 11

    Holography Recording

    Let the object and

    reference waves in the hologram

    plane be described by the field

    amplitudes uo and u.

    These two waves will interfere

    resulting in an intensity distribution

    This intensity is allowed to blacken the hologram plate

    Then it is removed and developed

    This process is hologram recording








    o uu u u u u u u I

  • 12

    Holography Recording

    This hologram has a

    transmittance t proportional to

    intensity distribution







    2uu u u u I t u

    Replace the hologram back in the holder in

    the same position

    Block object wave and illuminate the hologram with the reference

    wave (reconstruction wave) Ua which will be U multiplied by t







    a uu u uu u u uuut

  • 13

    Holography Reconstruction

    The quantity IuI2 is constant –

    uniform light and the last term thus

    becomes (apart from a constant)

    identical to the original object

    wave uo.

    We are able to reconstruct the

    object wave, maintaining its

    original phase and relative

    amplitude distribution uo

    by looking through the hologram, object can be seen in 3D

    even though the physical object has been removed

    Therefore this reconstructed wave is also called the virtual


  • 14

    Direct wave: corresponds to zeroth order grating

    diffraction pattern

    Object wave: gives virtual image of the object

    (reconstructs object wavefront) – first order diffraction

    Conjugate wave: conjugate point, real image (not

    useful since image is inside-out) – negative first order


    In general, we wish to view only the object wave – the

    other waves just confuse the issue

    Hologram Reconstruction uu u




    a uu u *


    2u o


  • 15

    Virtual image

    Real image

    -z z

    Direct wave






    Reference wave

    Hologram Reconstruction

  • 16

    Virtual imageReal image

    Direct wave





    Reference wave

    Use an off-axis system to record the hologram, ensuring separation of the

    three waves on reconstruction

    Hologram Reconstruction

  • 17

    Holography Reconstruction

    Alternative method of recording

    Fewer components hence more stable

    Can you spot the difference …………..

  • 18

    Transmission hologram: reference and object waves

    traverse the film from the same side

    Reflection hologram: reference and object waves traverse

    the emulsion from opposite sides


    View in Transmission View in reflection

    Reflection vs. Transmission

  • 19

    Hologram - Transmission

  • 20

    Hologram - Reflection

  • 21

    Hologram: Wavelength

    With a different color, the virtual image will appear at a

    different angle – (i.e. as a grating, the hologram disperses

    light of different wavelengths at different angles)

    Volume hologram: emulsion thickness >> fringe spacing

    Can be used to reproduce images in their original

    color when illuminated by white light.

    Use multiple exposures of scene in three primary

    colors (R,G,B)

  • 22

    Volume Hologram

    Reconstruction wave must be

    a duplication of the reference


    Reflection hologram can be

    reconstructed in white light

    giving images in their original


  • 23

    Hologram - Applications

    Microscopy M = r/s

    Increase magnification by viewing hologram with

    longer wavelength

    Produce hologram with x-ray laser, when viewed

    with visible light M ~ 106

    3-d images of microscopic objects – DNA, viruses

  • 24

    Hologram - Applications


    Small changes in OPL can be measured by viewing

    the direct image of the object and the holographic

    image (interference pattern produce finges Δl)

    E.g. stress points, wings of fruit fly in motion,

    compression waves around a speeding bullet,

    convection currents around a hot filament

  • 25

    Two waves reflected from two identical objects could


    With the method of holography now at hand, we are

    able to realize this by storing the wavefront scattered

    from an object in a hologram.

    We then can recreate this wavefront by hologram

    reconstruction, where and when we choose.

    Holographic Interferometry

  • 26

    For instance, we can let it interfere with the wave

    scattered from the object in a deformed state.

    This technique belongs to the field of holographic


    In the case of static deformations, the methods can be

    grouped into two procedures, double-exposure and

    real-time interferometry.

    Holographic Interferometry

    (Vest 1979; Erf 1974; Jones and Wykes 1989).

  • 27

    Double Exposure Interferometry

    Two holograms of the object recorded in

    same medium at different time instants

    If conditions at the recordings different

    →interference between the reconstructed

    holographic images reveals deformations

    simple to carry out

    avoids the problem of


    distortion minimized

    compares only two time


  • 28

    The observer sees any

    deformation of the object

    (in scale of λ) in real time

    as interference between

    the real object and the

    holographic image of the

    object at rest

    Disadvantage is that the

    hologram must be

    replaced in its original

    position with very high


    Real Time Interferometry

  • 29

    Holographic Interferograms

    Deflection of a

    rectangular plate

    fastened with five

    struts and subjected

    to a uniform pressure

    Detection of

    debonded region of

    a honeycomb

    construction panel

    A bullet in flight

    observed through

    a doubly-exposed


  • 30

    Make hologram of vibrating


    Maximum vibration amplitude

    should be limited to tens of


    Illumination of hologram

    yields image on which is

    superimposed interference


    Fringes are contour lines of

    equal vibration amplitude

    Holographic Vibration Analysis

  • 31

    Speckle Introduction

    When looking at the laser light

    scattered from a rough surface, one

    sees a granular pattern

    This so-called speckle pattern can

    be regarded as a multiple wave

    interference with random phases

    Speckle is considered a mere


    But from the beginning of 1970

    there were several reports from

    experiments in which speckle was

    exploited as a measuring tool.

  • 32

    Speckle Introduction

    light is scattered from a

    rough surface of height

    variations greater than the .

    In white light illumination,

    this effect is scarcely

    observable ???

    Applying laser light,

    however, gives the scattered

    light a characteristic granular


  • 33

    Speckle Introduction

    The probability density

    function P, for the intensity in

    a speckle pattern is given as

    Where I is the mean intensity.

    The intensity of a speckle

    pattern thus obeys negative

    exponential statistics

    From this plot we see that the

    most probable intensity value

    is zero, that is, black.

  • 34

    Speckle Size

    Objective speckle size

    (without lens) is given by

    Subjective speckle size (with

    lens) is given by

    Objective speckle size

    Subjective speckle size

  • 35

    Laser speckle methods can be utilized in many ways; Speckle-

    shearing enables direct measurements of displacement derivatives

    related to strains

    Speckle Interferometry

    (Hung and Taylor 1973; Leendertz and Butters 1973).

    The principle of speckle-

    shearing (shearography) is

    to bring the rays scattered

    from one point of the object

    into interference with rays

    from neighboring point

  • 36

    This can be obtained in a speckle-shearing interferometric camera

    where one half of the camera lens is covered by a thin glass wedge

    In that way, the two images focused by each half of the lens are

    laterally sheared

    If the wedge is oriented to shear in the x, the rays from a point P(x,

    y) on the object will interfere in the image plane with those from a

    neighbouring point P(x+x, y)

    The shearing x is proportional to the wedge angle

    When the object is deformed there is a relative displacement

    between the two points that produces a relative optical phase


    Speckle Interferometry

  • 37

    For small shear angles x the equation can be

    approximated to (k= 2/)

    For out of plane measurement normal angle (=0) is

    enough and the equation becomes

    For both in plane and out of plane measurement that is

    both u and w, we need to use different angle

    Speckle Interferometry

  • 38

    Electronic Speckle Interferometry

  • 39

    Electronic Speckle Interferometry

    (a) Out-of-plane displacement fringes (w)

    and slope fringes (w/x) for a aluminium

    plate loaded at the centre. x is 6 mm,

    and w = 2.5 µm and

    (b) Out-of-plane displacement fringe

    pattern (w) and slope pattern (w/y) for

    the same object. The shear y is 7 mm.

  • 40

    Speckle and Holography

    Electronic shearography (ES) used for non-destructive

    testing of a ceramic material.

    (a) A vertical crack is clearly visualized by ES as a

    fringe in the centre of the sample and

    (b) The crack is not detected using TV holography

  • 41

    ESPI for NDT

    GOOD part BAD part

    Digital Shearography


    Able to detect surface/subsurface

    defects effectively and efficiently

    To develop a non-destructive In-line

    subsurface defects detection system


  • 42




    Defect?yes no

    New process

    Unpolished Silicon Wafers




    yesSilicon wafers

    Patterned Wafer

    Unpolished Silicon Wafers

    Polishing(whole batch)

    Polishing(good wafers only)

    Conventional process

    Estimated cost

    savings more than


    for ISP

    ESPI for NDT Application

  • 43

    MECH 6491 Engineering Metrology

    and Measurement Systems

    Lecture 8

    Instructor: N R Sivakumar

  • 44

    Light Sources

    Incoherent Light Sources

    Coherent Light Sources


    PhotoElectric Detectors

    CCD Camera


  • 45

    Most light sources are incoherent (candle light to Sun)

    They all radiate light due to spontaneous emission

    Here we will consider some sources often used in

    scientific applications

    These are incandescent sources, low-pressure gas

    discharge lamps and high-pressure gas discharge-arc


    They are commonly rated according to their electric

    power consumption

    Spontaneous Emission

  • 46

    /12 hchEE

    Spontaneous Emission

    Energy-level diagram for a molecule is shown

    The atom by some process is raised

    to an excited state E3

    Then it drops to E2, E1 and E0 in

    successive steps

    Energy difference between E2 and E1 is released as

    electromagnetic radiation of frequency given by

    This might be the situation in an ordinary light source

    where the transition occurs spontaneously – hence called

    spontaneous emission

    where h = 6.6256 x 10-34Js

    is the Planck constant

  • 47

    Tungsten halogen lamps - common incandescent source

    Quartz tungsten halogen lamps (QTH) produce a bright,

    stable, visible and infrared output and is the most

    It emits radiation due to the thermal excitation of source

    atoms or molecules

    Tungsten evaporates the filament and deposits inside the bulb

    This blackens the bulb wall and thins the tungsten filament, gradually

    reducing the light output

    halogen gas removes the deposited tungsten, and returns it to the hot

    filament, leaving the inside of the envelope clean, and greatly

    increases lamp life. This process is called the halogen cycle

    Incoherent Light Sources

  • 48

    Low Pressure Gas Discharge lamps - Electric current passes through

    a gas

    Gas atoms or molecules become ionized to conduct the current

    At low current density and pressures, electrons bound to the gas

    atoms become excited to well-defined higher-energy levels

    Radiation is emitted as the electron falls to a lower energy level

    characteristic of the particular type of gas. The spectral distribution is

    then a number of narrow fixed spectral lines with little background


    Incoherent Light Sources

  • 49

    Low Pressure Gas Discharge lamps - brightest conventional sources

    of optical radiation

    High-current-density arc discharges through high-pressure gas

    Thermal conditions in the arc are such that gas atoms are highly

    excited resulting in a volume of plasma

    The hot plasma emits like an incandescent source, while ionized

    atoms emit substantially broadened lines

    The most common sources of this type are the Xenon (Xe) and

    mercury (Hg) short arc lamps

    Incoherent Light Sources

  • 50

    Spontaneous Emission

    Excited atoms normally emit light spontaneously

    Photons are uncorrelated and independent

    Incoherent light

  • 51

    Stimulated Emission

    Excited atoms can

    be stimulated into

    duplicating passing


    Photons are

    correlated and


    Coherent light

  • 52

    Spontaneous Emission

    Stimulated Emission

    Stimulated Absorption

    Population Inversion

    Optical Pumping

    As postulated by Einstein, also another

    type of transition is possible

    If a photon of frequency given by Equation passes the atom it might

    trigger the transition from E2 to E1 thereby releasing a new photon

    of the same frequency by so-called stimulated emission

    Coherent Light Sources

    /12 hchEE

  • 53

    Under normal conditions, the

    number of atoms in a state tends

    to decrease as its energy


    This means that there will be a

    larger population in the lower state

    of a transition than in the higher


    Therefore photons passing the

    atom are far more likely to be

    absorbed than to stimulate


    Coherent Light Sources

  • 54

    Under these conditions,

    spontaneous emission dominates

    However, if the excitation of the

    atoms is sufficiently strong, the

    population of the upper level might

    become higher than that of the

    lower level

    This is called population inversion

    Then by passing of a photon of

    frequency given by equation it will

    be more likely to stimulate

    emission from the excited state

    Coherent Light Sources

    than to be absorbed by the lower state

  • 55

    This is the condition that must be

    obtained in a laser

    This results is laser gain or

    amplification, a net increase in the

    number of photons with the

    transition energy

    They produce narrow beams of

    intense light

    They often have pure colors

    They are dangerous to eyes

    Reflected laser light has a funny

    speckled look

    Coherent Light Sources

  • 56

    LOSER - “Light Oscillation by STIMULATED

    Emission of Radiation”

    LASER - “Light Amplification by STIMULATED

    Emission of Radiation”


  • 57

    Laser Amplification

    Stimulated emission can amplify light

    Laser medium contains excited atom-like systems

    Photons must have appropriate wavelength, polarization, and

    orientation to be duplicated

    Duplication is perfect; photons are clones

  • 58

    Laser Oscillation

    Laser medium in a resonator produces oscillator

    A spontaneous photon is duplicated over and over

    Duplicated photons leak from semitransparent mirror

    Photons from oscillator are identical

  • 59

    Laser Oscillation

  • 60

    Properties of Laser Light

    Coherence – identical photons

    Monochromaticity; Controllable

    wavelength/frequency – nice colors

    Beam divergence; Controllable spatial structure –

    narrow beams


    Energy storage and retrieval – intense pulses

    Giant interference effects

    Apart from these issues, laser light is just light

  • 61



    λ0 λ2λ1

    Spectral Width = λ2 - λ1


  • 62





  • 63

    Laser Modes

    Although the laser light

    has a well-defined

    wavelength (or

    frequency), it has

    nevertheless a certain

    frequency spread.

    By spectral analysis of the light, it turns out that it consists of one

    or more distinct frequencies called resonator modes, separated by

    a frequency

    where c = the speed of light and L is the distance between the

    laser mirrors, i.e. the resonator length

  • 64




    = 250

    = 0.020

    Beam Divergence




  • 65

    t t

    E E

    Pulse duration

    Peak Power





    Average power

    CW and Pulsed Lasers

  • 66

    Types of Lasers

    Gas (HeNe, CO2, Argon, Krypton)

    Powered by electricity

    Solid state (Ruby, Nd:YAG, Ti:Sapphire, Diode)

    Powered by electricity or light

    Liquid (Dye, Jello)

    Powered by light

    Chemical (HF)

  • 67

    Inside a discharge tube is a gas

    mixture of helium and neon. 5 to

    12 times more helium than neon.

    Coherent Light Sources

    By applying voltage to the electrodes, the resulting electric field will

    accelerate free electrons

    These collide with helium atoms raising them to a higher energy

    level. By collision between helium and neon atoms, the latter are

    raised to a higher energy level

    This constitute the pumping process.

    The neon atoms, which constitute the active medium, return to a

    lower energy level and the energy difference is released as

    electromagnetic radiation

  • 68

    He Ne Laser

  • 69







    They do not

    give a signal

    output in the

    usual sense Electronic detectors

    thermal detectors

    photon detectors

  • 70


    In thermal detectors,

    the absorption of light

    raises the

    temperature of the


    This in turn results in changes in some temperature-

    dependent parameter (e.g. electrical conductivity)

    Most thermal detectors are rather inefficient and quite

    slow (hence, not useful in optical metrology)

    Fire detection and alarms

  • 71


    Photon detectors work on the photoeffect

    Absorption of photons by some materials results directly in

    an electronic transition to a higher energy level

    Since the energy of a single photon is E = h = hc/,

    photon detectors have a maximum for operation

    For detectors operating in the infrared, photon energy

    thermal energy of the atoms in the detector

    Detectors operating above a of 3 µm must be cooled

    below 77K

  • 72


    The photoeffect takes two forms: external and internal

    The former process involves photoelectric emission, in

    which the photo-generated electrons escape from the

    material (the photocathode) as free electrons with a

    maximum kinetic energy given by Einstein's photoelectric


    where the work function W is the energy difference

    between the vacuum and the Fermi levels of the material

  • 73


    Photoemissive devices usually take the form of vacuum

    tubes called phototubes

    Electrons emitted from the photocathode travel to an

    electrode (the anode) which is kept at a higher electric


    As a result, an electric current proportional to the photon

    flux incident on the cathode is created in the circuit

    In a photomultiplier, the electrons are accelerated towards

    a series of electrodes maintained at successively higher


  • 74


    From the electrodes a cascade of electrons are emitted by

    secondary emission, resulting in an amplification

    A microchannel plate consists of an array of channels (ID

    ~ 10 µm) in a slab of insulating material (0.5 mm thick)

    Each channel acts like a miniature photomultiplier tube

    Emerging from the channels, the electrons can generate

    light (optical image) by striking a phosphor screen.

    In the internal photo-effect, the photo-excited carriers

    (electrons and holes) remain within the material

  • 75


    Photoconductors rely on

    the light-induced increase

    in the conductivity - almost

    all semiconductors

    The absorption of photon results in the generation of a

    free electron, and a hole is generated

    An external voltage applied causes the electrons and

    holes to move, resulting in a detectable electric current

    The detector operates by registering the current

    proportional to the photon flux

  • 76


    Photodiode is a p-n

    junction structure where

    photons absorbed

    generate electrons and

    holes which are subject to electric field within that layer

    The two carriers drift in opposite directions and an electric

    current is induced in the external circuit

    Here the circuit current is directly proportional to the

    incident light irradiance


  • 77

    CCD Cameras

    CCDs are a series of Metal

    oxide semicon (MOS)


    A semiconductor substrate is covered with a thin layer of

    insulating silicon oxide - insulates the Si from electrode.

    When a positive voltage is applied between the electrode

    and the Si, holes in p-type Si will be repelled, creating a

    region free of mobile carriers directly underneath the


  • 78

    CCD Cameras

    This region is known as

    depletion region and has

    a thickness of few microns

    The electrodes are transparent for >400 nm

    If incident photon has an energy larger than the

    bandgap in Si, a charge packet is formed consisting of

    photon-electrons which were created in the vicinity of a

    specific electrode

  • 79

    At the heart of every digital camera is a Charge Coupled

    Device (CCD) typically about a square centimeter in size.

    CCD Cameras

  • 80

    The CCD is comprised

    of many individual

    signal capture units,

    each of which

    corresponds to a

    single pixel in the final

    digital image.

    CCD Cameras

  • 81

    Light - incoming photons falls onto

    the CCD chip surface

    This generates free electrons in

    the silicon of the CCD in proportion

    to the number of photons striking it

    CCD Cameras

    These electrons collect in little packets created by the

    silicon geometry and surrounding electrical circuitry laid

    out in a 2D grid on the chip

    Typical CCD chips have from 1 to 5 million charge packets

  • 82

    At the heart of the CCD is these metal oxide

    semiconductors (MOS) which allow the charge of electrons

    to build up in wells in the silicon base.

    CCD Cameras

  • 83

    a time by varying the voltage of adjacent rows thereby

    creating a potential well which couples two rows and

    causes the charge to move over

    CCD Cameras

    The CCD operates on

    the principle of charge


    The packets of

    charged electrons can

    be moved one row at

  • 84

    Buckets on conveyor belts depict how each bucket

    contains a different amount of light (shown as rainwater)

    and how these buckets are shifted in an orderly fashion

    CCD Cameras

  • 85

    In this way the quantity of water (or electrons representing

    light) in each bucket (or packet) are counted. In a typical

    CCD this happens very fast: about 30 times per second for

    every one of the million or so "buckets" on the CCD.

    CCD Cameras


  • 86

    To increase the efficiency of reading the output of the CCD

    array there are several different designs. One type transfers

    the entire frame into an empty storage array, while others

    alternate empty rows with collecting rows.

  • 87

    CCDs can be used to collect an image in one of three ways,

    either one pixel at a time, one row at a time, or as an entire

    area at once.