lecture 3: the farmer, the worker, and the businessman

The Farmer, the Worker, and the Businessman

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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  • 1. The Farmer, the Worker, and the Businessman

2. The Changing Economy 3. The Industrial Revolution From Cottage Industry To Factory 4. 1883 Chicago Worlds Fair 5. Business Forms The sole proprietorship The partnership The franchise The chartered company The corporation Why the corporation? 6. The invention of the railroad made the existing system inadequate 7. The Corporation Hierarchy Cost accounting Professional managers Shareholders Ownership through stock Vertical integration 8. Carnegie Steel 9. Inequality Horatio Alger Social Darwinism Bad working conditions Deskilling Extremes of wealth and poverty 10. The Gilded Age 11. Robber Barons 12. Immigration 13. Why did people immigrate? 14. Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. ~ The Statute of Liberty 15. Labor Unions 16. The Origins of the Labor Union Unions in the early republic and antebellum era The Knights of Labor, 1869 The American Federation of Labor, 1886 Industrial Workers of the World, 1905 Union differences: Skilled v. unskilled Moderates v. radicals 17. The Demands Moderates: Better wages Shorter hours Better benefits Better working conditions Radicals The overthrow of the capitalist system 18. Tactics What tactics did labor unions have available to them? 19. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 20. The Haymarket Riot, 1886 21. The Ludlow Massacre, 1914 22. Discussion Triumphant Democracy and What Does the Working Man Want? 23. The Populists 24. Farmers Solutions Education Cooperatives Political action Organizations The Grange The Farmers Alliance The Populist Party 25. The Populist Party The Omaha Platform of 1892 26. What was the most famous speech in American history? 27. William Jennings Bryans Cross of Gold speech, 1896 28. The Farmers Movement and the Workers Movement What were some similarities and differences?