lecture 25 - umd physics · lecture 25 • resistance and ohm’s law ... resistance and ohm’s...

Lecture 25 Resistance and Ohm’s law chapter 32 current and current density conductivity and resistivity

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Lecture 25

• Resistance and Ohm’s law

• chapter 32

• current and current density

• conductivity and resistivity

Current and Current Density

• connect ideas of electron current to conventional definition (before atoms...) of current: rate of flow of charge in a wire (units 1 ampere, A = 1 C/s: 1 A in lightbulb; mA in computers)

• charge delivered in terms of electrons

• current direction defined to be in which positive charges seem to move (opposite to direction of electrons - charge carriers in metals, makes no difference at macroscopic level): current in a wire from positive to negative terminal of battery

I !!

dQdt , in direction of E


Q = I!t; Ne = i!t; Q = eNe

! I = Q!t = eNe

!t = ei

Current and Current Density

• current density (same for all wires for given E; units ):

• conservation of charge ...of electron current ....of conventional current, even at junctions:

I = ei = nevdA I = JA


Conductivity and Resistivity• characterize material:

• current caused by E exerting forces on charge carriers,

• conductivity decreases with temperature (more collisions...)

• more practical:

• Units:

• small E (very few surface charges) enough to carry considerable current due to huge n

• superconductivity: loss of resistance at low temperature (carry huge currents without heating, create huge magnetic fields)

J = nevd = ne!


"= ne2!

m E

conductivity, ! = ne2!m

! E,n, !

AC/N m2 ! !!1 m!1 for !; ! m for " (! is ohm)

resistivity, ! = 1! = m


Example: A 2.0-mm-diameter aluminium wire carries a current of 800 mA.What is the electric field strength inside the wire?E = J

! = I!A = I

!"r2 = 0.80 A(3.5!10!7!!1m!1)"(0.0010 m)2

= 0.00072 N/C

• Current created by E (requires ) related to I

• resistors: circuit elements with resistance larger than wires used to limit current

Resistance and Ohm’s law

• R property of specific wire (depends on material and L, A):Unit of R: 1 ohm = 1 ! ! 1 V/A


• E constant by current conservation

E = !V!s = !V

L ; I = JA; J = !E !I = A

!L!V ; R (resistance) = !LA

(Resistivity: property of material only)

• so far, current from discharge of capacitor: transient (stops when excess charge removed)

• battery: sustained current due energy from chemical reactions used to “lift” charge...falls “downhill” in wire (warms it)

Batteries and current

Cause and Effect• Battery source of

• causes s (surface charges)

• E results in current:

• Current determined by both battery and wire’s R


!Vbat (= E for ideal)

!Vwire = !Vbat (independent of path)

I = JA = !AE

Ohmic and Nonohmic materials; Ideal Wire


• ideal wires:

• resistors:

• ideal insulators:

R = 0 !

R =! "

I = 0 even if !V != 0

10 to 106!

!V = 0 even I != 0

• Kirchhoff’s Laws and Basic Circuit

Chapter 31 (Fundamentals of Circuits)

• understand fundamental principles of electric circuits; direct current (DC): battery’s potential difference, currents constant

Circuit Elements and Diagrams

• circuit diagram: logical picture of connections (replace pictures of circuit elements by symbols)

Kirchhoff’s Laws • circuit analysis: finding potential

difference across and current in each component

• junction law (charge conservation)

• loop law (energy conservation)

• strategy:assign current direction

travel around loop in direction of current

!Iin =


!Vloop =!

i (!V )i = 0

apply loop lawVbat = ±E ; VR = !IR

Basic Circuit

• junction law not needed

• ideal wires: no potential difference

• loop law: !Vloop = !Vbat + !VR = 0!Vbat = +E ;!VR = Vdownstream ! Vupstream = !IR "E ! IR = 0; I = E

R ;!VR = !IR = !E

A more complex circuit• charge can flow “backwards”

thru’ battery: choose cw direction for current (if solution negative, current is really ccw)

• loop law: !Vbat 1 + !VR1 + !Vbat 2 + !VR2 = 0

!Vbat 1 = +E1; !Vbat 2 = !E2;

!VR1 = !IR1; !VR1 = !IR2 "

E1 ! IR1 ! E2 ! IR2 = 0 "I = E1!E2

R1+R2= 6 V - 9 V =

4!+2! = !0.5 A...

(expected: 9 V battery “dictates” direction...)

!VR1 = !IR1 = +2.0 V...