lecture # 16

Lecture # 16 Circadian rhythm and melanopsin 3/28/13

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Lecture # 16. Circadian rhythm and melanopsin 3/28/13. Measuring human eye resolution . Pick two of the four patterns in the hall – have each person in your group walk away from the pattern until you can’t see the stripes any more – measure distance to wall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Lecture # 16

Circadian rhythm and melanopsin3/28/13

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Measuring human eye resolution

• Pick two of the four patterns in the hall – have each person in your group walk away from the pattern until you can’t see the stripes any more – measure distance to wall

• Calculate your eye’s photoreceptor acceptance angle and your resolvable spatial frequency – put on board

• Does it depend on the color combination?

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Human retinal mosaic

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Human retinal mosaic

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For next week – HW8Short (3 paragraphs) wiki page

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Chronobiology• How do organisms

sense time of day?• Why do they need to

do this?

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Circadian rhythm• Many organisms follow the 24 hr light cycle of the

sun Circa = about + diem =day

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Light• Cycle needs to be entrained

Without light, cycle free runs

• Loss of light at end of the day signals cycle

• Why might cycle be useful?

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Measuring activity in mice

Mice are nocturnal. Active at night and not during day

During their active time, they will run on a wheel

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Wheel motion detector

Monitor when and how much activity mouse has

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Monitor mouse activity - running on the wheel

Day Night

Lights on at 10 am and off at 10 pm

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Wheel running activity through the 24 hr day

LightOn Off

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Mouse wheel running – multiple days

If you shift the light / dark boundary, it takes the mice a few days to shift back.

They shift forward almost instantly

If you remove the light, they still follow the 24 hour cycle.

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Mouse wheel running

If you shift the light / dark boundary, it takes the mice a few days to shift back.

They shift forward almost instantly

If you remove the light, they still follow the 24 hour cycle.

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Jet lag aside

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If fly east to west

9 pm becomes 6 pm - darkness takes longer to come

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Mouse wheel running

If day shifts later, your body adjusts almost immediately

Easy to reset your clock to a later / longer time

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If fly west to east

6 pm becomes 9 pm - darkness comes sooner than you expect

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Mouse wheel running

It takes your body a while to adjust to your clock getting shifted (shortened)

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How would mice detect light?


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Non-mammals• Circadian detection occurs in the pineal

organ• Pineal is on top of brain where it can easily

receive light

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• Pineal is buried in mammalian brain

• No obvious way to detect light

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Circadian rhythm• Human clock involves hypothalamus

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SCN is master controller of circadian clock - A few ganglion cells in eye project to SCN

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Setting the clock

• Need eyes to set clock• Just a few of retinal ganglion cells project to

SCNSCN keeps master clock

• The clock is set or photoentrained at twilightBiological clock is set to local timeZeitgeber = time giver

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Light detection

• For 150 years people thought only rods and cones detected light in the vertebrate eye

• Earliest eyes didn’t form imagesStill sensitive to light

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Mice which lack rods and cones still have circadian rhythm!?!?!?


Rodless / coneless mice studied in early 1990’sFoster et al. 1991

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The search #1. Find the light sensitive cells

Science 295:1070 2002

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Berson et al 2002

Inject dye into SCN in brainRetrograde labeling of ganglion cells in retina

Measure light response of the labeled ganglion cells

SCN = superchiasmatic nucleus

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Co+2 blocks rods and cones

+ drugs to block glutamate receptors

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Isolated cell


Inject current

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Retinal neurons

Photoreceptive retinal ganglion cell

Special tract to hypothalamus and SCN

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Search #2: Find the visual pigmentMouse pupillary response

Nature Neuroscience 4: 621

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Mouse pupillary response

Pupil will constrict in response to light

Mouse pupil can constrict a lot!

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Time course of pupil size responding to

bright light is same in WT and

rodless/coneless mice

Lucas et al 2001

Max pupil size

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Record action spectra

• The pupil contracts in proportion to the amount it is stimulated

• The stimulation is based on the amount of light it absorbs

• Response should mirror pigment absorbance properties

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Light response• More light shine on eye,

more pupil constricts

• Plot % constriction vs light intensity

• Find light intensity needed to give 50% responsePigment absorption will be inversely proportional to this light intensity

Light intensity


l con



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Action spectra

Light intensity needed to make 50% constrict = sensitivity

Measure at different wavelengths

Plot sensitivity

Log irradiance (photons/cm2 s)

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Action spectra

Wild type


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Mouse visual pigmentsCone: 360 and 508 nm; rod 498 nm

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Pupil response for rodless/coneless mice has different wavelength peak than rod/cone


The missing pigment

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Missing visual pigment

• There must be a visual pigment with peak sensitivity at 480 nmIt must be in the retinaIt is not in rods or cones

• Controls multiple effectsCircadian entrainmentPupillary responseMelatonin suppression

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Berson’s retinal ganglion cells which were light sensitive


Horizontal cells

Bipolar cells

Amacrine cells

Ganglion cells

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Retinal ganglion cell response matches that of pigment causing pupil response

Sensitivity has shape of pigment with λmax = 484 nm

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What is the visual pigment??

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Frog and fish melanophores respond to light – get smaller if light brighter

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Melanophores contain an opsin = melanopsin

7 transmembrane regions

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Melanophores contain an opsin= melanopsin

Melanopsin is closest to insect opsins

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Melanopsin has broad expression in frogs

Melanophores in skinGives them light response

Magnocellular preoptic nucleus


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Melanopsin is present in retina

RGC containing melanopsin

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Hattar et al 2002 Science 295:1065

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Look for melanopsin in mouse retina: found in retinal gangion cells

Find a few RGCs which label with melanopsinIn rat, 2300 cellsIn mouse, 800 cells

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Melanopsin RGCs project to SCN just below hypothalamus

Label with tau-lacZ

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Transgene - if introduce melanopsin into a neuron it becomes light sensitive

Cell depolarizes like an invertebrate photoreceptor and opposite to vertebrate photoreceptor

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Mice lacking rods, cones and melanopsin have no clock

So melanopsin is key to photoentrainment of circadian rhythm

Also key to pupil response - mouse mutants lack this too

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Mouse melanopsin

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Why should circadian clock have peak sensitivity at 480 nm?

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Solar spectrum

Loew and McFarland 1990

At dawn and dusk, the solar spectrum peaks at 460-480 nm both on land and in water.

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In melanopsin expression systems, if add drug to block Gt – there is no effect.

If block Gq then no light response.

If block PLC, no light response



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Light response is much (100x) slower than rods and cones

Likely enables averaging of light levels over some reasonable time

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Rule out other possibilities

• Cryptochromes are light sensitive moleculesImportant in plantsAre expressed in inner retinaUse flavin instead of 11-cis retinal as chromophore

• Mouse KO for 11-cis has no circadian clockCryptochromes may be important for clock function but not clock entrainment

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Melanopsin pathway

• Shares inputs with rod / cone pathway-Loss of rod / cones decreases pupil response-Loss of melanopsin decreases (but doesn’t totally lose) circadian response-If lose both, then no circadian response

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Action spectra

Wild type


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Both melanopsin containing RGCs and rods and cones contribute to pupillary response

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Disease implications

• May be diseases where melanopsin pathway is defective which might lead to sleep disorders

• Loss of eyes impacts both sight and circadian rhythm