lecture 1 - learning about organizational behavior

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  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Learning about Organizational Behavior

    Organizational Behavior

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    What is Organizational Behavior?A field of study that investigates the impactthat individuals, groups, and structure have on

    behavior within organizations, for the purpose of

    applying such knowledge toward improving anorganizations effectiveness.

    Provides a set of tools that allow people tounderstand, analyze, describe, predict, andcontrol behaviors.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Framework for Studying Organizational Behavior The three levels of study in Organizational Behavior are:

    1 - Individual Level2 - Groups & In

    terpersonal Relations Levelrganizational Systems & Global Environment Level

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Framework for Studying Organizational Behavior

    Individual differences

    Learning, perception and attribution

    Attitudes, values and ethics



    1 - Individual Level

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Framework for Studying Organizational Behavior


    Group dynamics



    Conflict, stress and well-being

    Power, politics and influence

    2 - Groups & InterpersonalRelations Level

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Framework for Studying Organizational Behavior

    Structure and design


    Change and knowledge management

    Cultural diversity

    3 - Organizational Systems &Global Environment Level

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies Effective leaders need to develop and support employees

    organizational competencies throughout theorganization, individual, and groups.

    A competency is an interrelated set of

    abilities, behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge

    needed by an individual to be effective in

    professional and managerial positions.

    A number of competencies of Ob is identified as follows:

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    1Managing Self2Managing Communication3Managing Diversity 4Managing Ethics5Managing Acros6Managing Teams

    7Managing Change

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    The overall ability to:

    Assess your own strengths and weaknesses.

    Set and pursue professional and personal goals.

    Balance work and personal life.

    Engage in new learningincluding new or modified

    skills, behaviors, and attitudes.

    1Managing Self

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesCore Abilities in Managing Self Competency

    1. Understanding personality and attitudes.

    2. Perceiving, appraising, and interpreting accurately.

    3. Understanding work-related motivations and emotions.

    4. Assessing and establishing developmental, life-related, and

    work-related goals.

    5. Taking responsibility for managing your career.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    The overall ability to use all the modes of transmitting,

    understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and

    feelingsverbal, listening, nonverbal, written, electronic,

    and the likefor accurately transferring and exchanging

    information and emotions.

    2Managing Communication

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesCore Abilities in Managing Communication

    1. Conveying information, ideas, and emotions to others.

    2. Providing constructive feedback to others.

    3. Engaging in active listening.

    4. Using and interpreting nonverbal communication.

    5. Engaging in verbal communication.

    6. Engaging in written communication.

    7. Using a variety of computer-based information

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    The overall ability to value unique individual and group

    characteristics, embrace such characteristics as potential

    sources of organizational strength, and appreciate the

    uniqueness of each individual.

    Ability to help people work effectively together eventhough their interests and backgrounds may be quite


    3Managing Diversity Competency

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    1. Fostering an environment of inclusion.

    2. Learning from others differences.

    3. Supporting diversity.

    4. Working with others because of their talents and


    5. Providing leadership in addressing diversity.

    6. Applying diversity laws, regulations, and policies.

    Core Abilities in Managing Diversity

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesSelected Categories of Diversity

    Primary Categories




    Physical Abilities

    Sexual Orientation



    Work Experience


    Marital Status

    Religious Beliefs

    Geographic Location

    Parental Status

    Behavioral StyleOther




  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies4Managing Ethics

    The overall ability to incorporate values and principles

    that distinguish right from wrong in making decisions

    and choosing behaviors.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    1. Identify and describe the principles of ethical decision

    making and behavior.

    2. Assess the importance of ethical issues in actions.

    3. Apply laws, regulations, and organizational rules inmaking decisions and taking action.

    4. Demonstrate dignity and respect for others.

    5. Demonstrate honest and open communication limited

    only by legal, privacy, and competitive considerations.

    Core Abilities in Managing Ethics

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    1. A customer asked for a product from us today. After telling him ourprice, he said he couldnt afford it. I know he could get it cheaper

    from a competitor. Should I tell him about the competitoror lethim go without getting what he needs? What should I do?

    2. My boss told me that one of my employee is among several to belaid off soon and that Im not to tell my employee yet or he might

    tell the whole organization, which would soon be in an uproar.Meanwhile, I heard from my employee that he plans to buy bracesfor his daughter and new carpet for his house. What should I do?

    Ethical Dilemmas

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies5Managing Across Cultures

    Involves the ability to recognize and embrace similarities

    and differences among nations and cultures and then

    approach key organizational and strategic issues with an

    open and curious mind.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies5Managing Across Cultures

    Understand, appreciate, and use cultural factors that can affectbehavior.

    Appreciate the influence of work-related values on decisions,preferences, and practices.

    Understand and motivate employees with different values andattitudes.

    Communicate in the local language.

    Deal effectively with extreme conditions in foreign countries.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesWork related Values Pertaining to Managing

    Across Cultures

    Long-Term or Short-Term Orientation

    Gender Role Orientation

    Uncertainty Avoidance

    Individualism or Collectivism

    Power Distance

    There are a number ofclassifications of cultural

    values which are given.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesWork related Values Pertaining to Managing

    Across Cultures

    1 - Power Distance

    It is the extent to which people in a society

    accept status and power inequalities as anormal and functional aspect of life.

    low distance: employees are expected to bypass

    a manager if necessary in order to get their

    work done. Relatively equal distribution.

    high distance:employee behave submissively to

    managers and avoid disagreements with them.

    Extremely unequal distribution.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesWork related Values Pertaining to Managing

    Across Cultures

    2 Individualism or


    Individualism is the degree to which peopleprefer to act as individuals rather than a

    member of groups.People learn to say I.

    A tight social framework in which peopleexpect others in groups of which they are apart to look after them and protect them.

    People learn to say WE

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesWork related Values Pertaining to Managing

    Across Cultures

    3 Uncertainty


    It is the extent to which people rely on social

    norms, procedures, and organizations(including government) to avoid ambiguity.

    High uncertainty avoidance:individuals seekorderliness, consistency, structure, formalized

    procedures, and laws to cover situations.Low high distance:employee have low tendencytowards orderliness and consistency, structureslifestyles, and clear specification of socialexpectations.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesWork related Values Pertaining to Managing

    Across Cultures

    4 Gender Role


    It refers to the extent to which a societyreinforces, or does not reinforce, traditional

    notions of masculinity versus femininity.

    Men:they are supposed to be assertive, tough, and

    focused on material success.

    Women:they are supposed to be modest, tender,and concerned with quality of life.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB CompetenciesWork related Values Pertaining to Managing

    Across Cultures

    5 Long-Term


    It refers to the degree to which the society

    embraces, or does not embrace, the fosteringof virtues oriented to ward future rewards.

    Long-Term Orientation:A national cultureattribute that emphasizes the future, thrift, and

    persistence.Short-Term Orientation:A national cultureattribute that emphasizes the past and present,respect for tradition, and fulfilling socialobligations

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies6Managing Team Competency

    Involves the ability to develop, support, facilitate, and

    lead groups to achieve organizational goals.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies6Managing Team Competency

    Determining use and fit of teams.

    Setting clear performance goals.

    Defining responsibilities and tasks.

    Demonstrating accountability for goal achievement.

    Applying appropriate decision-making methods.

    Resolving conflicts.

    Assessing performance and taking corrective action

    as needed.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    The overall ability to recognize and implement needed

    adaptations or entirely new transformations in thepeople, tasks, strategies, structures, or technologies inthe persons area of responsibility.

    7Managing Change

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies

    Applying the other six competencies in pursuit of needed

    changes. Providing leadership of planned change.

    Diagnosing pressures for and resistance to change.

    Applying the systems model and other processes tofacilitate change.

    Dealing with new knowledge to facilitate change.

    Core Abilities in Managing Change

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies1. Responding to Globalization.

    2. Managing Workforce Diversity.

    3. Improving Quality and Productivity.

    4. Responding to the Labor Shortage.

    5. Improving Customer Service.

    6. Improving People Skills.

    7. Empowering People.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1 - Learning About Organizational Behavior


    Objectives for Learning about OrganizationalBehavior OB Competencies8. Responding to Globalization.

    9. Coping with Temporariness.

    10. Stimulation Innovation and Change.

    11. Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts.

    12. Improving Ethical Behavior.