lect 4- verbal_nonverbal

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Communication skills


  • Verbal & Non-verbal communication

  • * Verbal

  • We may often think that, having good communication skills is all about the ability to speak well..Or all about SPEAKING.

  • But only 50% right. Because. Verbal Communication has another very important part LISTENING.

    Speaking + Listening = Verbal Communication.

  • Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions and pleasures.

    The basis of communication is the interaction between people. Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face. Some of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language.

  • Oral CommunicationAll communication is essentially conversational in nature and has a social purpose. Whenever people get together, there is bound to be face-to-face communication in which they will share all sorts of ideas, opinions, feelings, etc.The origin of grapevine lies here.Side by side, in addition to the informal oral communication various kinds of formal oral communication takes place.

  • Merits It provides immediate feedback and clarification.It is also very economical both in terms of money and time. It is the most effective tool of persuasion, resolving a conflict will not be possible in the absence of oral communication.It builds up a healthy climate in the organizations by bringing the superior and subordinate together.

  • DemeritsOral messages cant be retained for a long time. They cant be found in record-books and we can't refer back to them.In the absence of a taped or written record, oral messages do not have any legal validity.Oral messages can lead to misunderstanding if the speaker has not carefully organized his thoughts or the listener misses the message on account of his inattentiveness.Much depends upon the length of the message. If it is long it is not suitable for oral transmission. There are chances of something vital getting dropped or misconstrued.

  • Written communicationThe combination of characters or letters into words, words into sentences and sentences into paragraphs builds up written communication.Written communication is a creative activity as it is more specifically, more carefully thought out than oral communication which is based on spontaneous reaction to signs picked up from outside.

  • Written communicationAnother feature of written communication is the Time factor involved.Some delay necessarily takes place & there is no fixed time limit to this delay.It has fewer cycles than face-to-face oral communication.

  • Merits It provides records & references .Maintenance of records, letters, reports and memos builds up legal defenses of the organization.Written communication promotes uniformity in policy and procedure. It is the only means of laying down clear guidelines for the working of the organization.It gives access to large audience through mass mailings.It has the advantage of being accurate and unambiguous.

  • Limitations It builds up unmanageable clutter of papers and files.It costs a lot to the organizations.It is time consuming.Immediate feedback is not possible.It is costly in terms of money and man-hours.It becomes ineffective in the hands of people who are poor in expression.

  • Comparison

    Point of differenceOral CommunicationWritten communicationNatureInformal with personal touchFormal without personal touch SpeedFast SlowFlexibility HighLowRecord No recordPermanent recordFeedbackImmediateDelayedSuitabilityFor short and simple messagesFor lengthy messagesGesturesCan be usedCant be usedCostLowHigh

  • * Nonverbal

  • *The words we use

    Bodily actions and vocal qualities that typically accompany a verbal message

    Verbal CommunicationNonverbal Communication

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    Non -Verbal Communication is the message or response not expressed or sent in words -hints , suggestions , indications.

    Actions speak louder than words.

    There is a distinction between the meanings we give in words and the meanings we give off in NV signals

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    Non -Verbal signals are unconscious parts of our behavior which is a deeply rooted part in our entire makeup.

    In fact, it is the most basic part of our personality.

    Behavior has no opposite, i.e. there is no such thing as non-behavior.

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    NVC is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter with another human being.

    It is recognized as the route to discover what the other side wants, without them ever saying it, like a secret way into their soul.

    NVC stands for the innermost, instinctual form of human communication.

  • *Intentional or unintentionalAmbiguousPrimaryContinuousMultichannel

  • *To provide informationTo regulate interactionTo express or hide emotion and affectTo present an imageTo express power and control

  • *Facial expressions or gestures that are used to control or regulate the flow of a conversationMicrosoft Photo

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    Facial expressions and gestures that augment the verbal expression of feelings.Microsoft Photo

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    Kinesics Artifactual Communication Paralanguage Vocal interferences Spatial Usage/ Proxemics Self-presentation cues Everything except the words!

  • *The bodily gestures, postures, and facial expressions by which a person communicates nonverbally with others KINESICS:POSTUREGESTUREFACIAL EXPRESSIONSGAZE / EYE CONTACTTOUCH

    Body language and kinesics are based on the behavioral patterns of nonverbal communication, but kinesics is still so new as a science that its authorities can be counted on the fingers of one hand ."


    1.Facial expression(s)2.Eyes 3.Lips4.Arms 5.Hands 6.FingersThe Face The face is an important source of information.Since the face cannot be easily hidden, it is an important source of nonverbal information and communicates a variety of emotions.In addition, eye contact, pupil size, and the smile provide additional cues to informed observers. Eyes Centered ------ FocusedGazing Up ------ ThinkingGazing Down ------ ShameGaze on the Side ----- GuiltyWandering ----- Disinterested, Bored

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    Parted ---- Relaxed, HappyTogether ----Possibly ConcernedWide Open----Very Happy / Very Angry

    Hands :

    On Top of the Head ---- AmazementScratching Head ----- Puzzled Rubbing Eyes ---- Confused, TiredRubbing Chin ----- Thinking, Timid, Shy

  • *Touching and being touched are essential to a healthy life.Touch can communicate power, empathy, understanding.Microsoft Photo

  • *PitchVolumeRateQualityIntonation

  • *Extraneous sounds or words that interrupt fluent speechuh, umyou know, likePlace markersFiller

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    Proxemic cues, including the treatment of space and territory influence interaction and help define the communication experience.

    Edward Hall says there are four different distances that we keep between ourselves and other people:Intimate distance-0 to 18 inchesPersonal distance-18 inches to 4 feetSocial distance -4 to 12 feetPublic Distance -12 feet to the limit of sight.

  • *Your officeYour deskA table in the cafeteria that you sit at regularly

    Microsoft Photo

  • *Yellow cheers and elevates moodsRed excitesandstimulates

    Blue comfortsandsoothes

    In some cultures black suggests mourningIn some cultureswhite suggestspurity

  • *Physical AppearanceEndomorphMesomorphEctomorphTime (Chronemics)MonochronicPolychronicOlfactory Communication

  • * Artifactual communication, is an integral part of the nonverbal package. It includes the use of personal adornments such as clothing, jewellery, makeup, hairstyles, and beards. People are apt to make inferences about us based on the way we dress.

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    What message do you wish to send with your choice of clothing and personal grooming?Microsoft Photo

  • *How do we manage and react to others management of timedurationactivitypunctuality Microsoft Photo

  • *Nonverbal SignalsVary from culture to cultureMicrosoft Photo

  • *Gender, Diversity, and Technology

    The use of nonverbal cues is affected by variables such as gender, culture, and technology.

    The ways men and women use nonverbal cues reflects societal practices.

    To a large degree, people modify their use of nonverbal cues depending on the culture they belong to or identify with.

    Nonverbal communication is also affected by whether communication is occurring on-or off-line.

  • *In the United States it is a symbol for good jobIn Germany the number oneIn Japan the number fiveIn Ghana an insultIn Malaysia the thumb is used to point rather than a finger

  • *When sending messages Be conscious of nonverbal behavior Be purposeful in use of nonverbal Make sure nonverbal are not distracting Match verbal and nonverbal communication Adapt to the situation

  • *When receiving messages Dont automatically assume Consider gender, culture and individual differences Pay attention to all aspects of nonverbal communication

  • *Some MoreTips to improve Non-Verbal Communication

    Positive NV behavior improves your non-verbal communication effectiveness.

    You can improve your effectiveness as a non-verbal communicator by observing and analyzing both the physical environment of interactions and the body language, appearance, gestures, vocal cues, eye contact, and touching behavior of the participants.

    Inculcate positive Body Sport.
