lebanon lutheran co-op contact information

PAGE 1 JANUARY 2021 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Placed on National Register of Historic Places 2010 Sunday Liturgies January 3, 2021 Second Sunday of Christmas Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm 147:12-20 Ephesians 1:3-14 John 1:[1-9] 10-18 January 10, 2021 Baptism of Our Lord Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after Epiphany 1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20] Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John 1:43-51 January 24, 2021 Third Sunday after Epiphany Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Lebanon Lutheran Co-op Contact Information: Office: 53 Chestnut St Lebanon, PA 17042; Ph: 717-273-3001; Email: [email protected] Web: lebanonlutherans.org Facebook.com/groups/llcm1483/ From the Pastor’s Desk 2-3 Connected Community 3 Birthdays / Offering 4 Bulletin Board 5-6 Archives Corner 6-7 2020 Memorials / The Church Triumphant 8 Salem Salutations 9 Inside this issue: WE EN- COURAGE YOU TO CALL (OR EMAIL!) THE CHURCH OFFICE IF…. You or a loved one is in need of prayer. You or a family member is ill or hospitalized. You have returned home from the hospital. You are homebound either permanently or temporarily and desire communion. There’s a new baby. A family member dies. You have moved, are in college or are in the service. You would like one of the pastors to visit you. You wish to add or remove a name from the prayer list. You have an announce- ment for the bulletin or newsletter. Help us provide good pastoral care by keeping us informed. Thank you!!! https://lebanonlutherans.org/congregations/salem/ Salem Office ……….717-272-6151 Email.. [email protected] Pastor Bob........Cell: 717-679-1058 Pastor Bob Ierien’s Email……......[email protected] Pastor Kristal...Cell: 717-679-4614 Pastor Kristal Smith’s Email….[email protected] Here are items we could use in the Little Free Pantry: Mittens, Socks, Face Masks, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Tissues, Canned Goods, Cereal Bars, Juice Boxes Thank you!

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PAGE 1 JANUARY 2021 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church

Placed on National Register of Historic Places 2010

Sunday Liturgies

January 3, 2021 Second Sunday of

Christmas Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm 147:12-20 Ephesians 1:3-14 John 1:[1-9] 10-18

January 10, 2021 Baptism of Our Lord

Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11

January 17, 2021 Second Sunday after Epiphany

1 Samuel 3:1-10 [11-20] Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18

1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John 1:43-51

January 24, 2021 Third Sunday after Epiphany

Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12

1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20

January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111

1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28

Lebanon Lutheran Co-op Contact Information: Office: 53 Chestnut St

Lebanon, PA 17042;

Ph: 717-273-3001;

Email: [email protected]

Web: lebanonlutherans.org Facebook.com/groups/llcm1483/

From the Pastor’s Desk 2-3

Connected Community 3

Birthdays / Offering 4

Bulletin Board 5-6

Archives Corner 6-7

2020 Memorials / The Church Triumphant


Salem Salutations 9

Inside this issue:


need of prayer.

You or a family member is ill or hospitalized.

You have returned home from the hospital.

You are homebound either permanently or temporarily and desire communion.

There’s a new baby.

A family member dies.

You have moved, are in college or are in the service.

You would like one of the pastors to visit you.

You wish to add or remove a name from the prayer list.

You have an announce-ment for the bulletin or newsletter.

Help us provide good pastoral care by keeping us

informed. Thank you!!!


Salem Office ……….717-272-6151 [email protected]

Pastor Bob........Cell: 717-679-1058 Pastor Bob Ierien’s Email……[email protected]

Pastor Kristal...Cell: 717-679-4614 Pastor Kristal Smith’s Email…[email protected]

Here are items we could use in the Little Free Pantry:

Mittens, Socks, Face Masks, Toilet Paper,

Paper Towels, Tissues, Canned Goods, Cereal Bars, Juice Boxes

Thank you!

PAGE 2 JANUARY 2021 From the Pastor’s Desk

In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For

we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief

priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: ‘And you, Bethle-hem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall

come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.’” – Matthew 2:1-6

One of the most common comments pastors get is, “Pastor, we don’t want to hear anything about politics from the pulpit.” I’ve received that comment myself from time to time, from my very first field education site as a seminarian, to my internship site, to congregations in Min-nesota, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Often, I think what is really being said is, “Pastor, we don’t want to hear anything about politics that are different from ours from the pulpit.” I say that because the source of the comment changes with location, as does the type of sermon that elicits it. When I was in “deep blue” Delaware, I would receive complaints that I was preaching conservative politics from the pulpit; in “deep red” Lebanon County, I usually hear that I’m preaching too much liberal politics from the pulpit. Once, in northern Minnesota, a more liberal member complained about my conservative politics and a conservative member complained about my liberal politics in the same sermon. I’m not quite sure how I did that, but I suspect that it was probably one of the best sermons I’ll ever preach.

I think there are two big traps that we can fall into when it comes to politics and faith. The

first is to believe that any particular political platform is identical to the agenda of Jesus or to the core values of the kingdom of God. That hasn’t happened in the last two thousand years (despite many people’s fervent belief to the contrary) and I don’t think it’s likely to happen any time soon. Jesus is not a Democrat or a Republican; he is neither a conservative nor a lib-eral. When we try to force him into one of those categories, we are certain to develop a false picture of who Jesus is, and very soon find ourselves worshiping an idol of our own making. Jesus’ agenda is the kingdom of God, and as Christians, our job is to conform ourselves to that agenda, rather than trying to conform Jesus to any agenda of our own. (This, by the way, is why I don’t believe clergy should belong to political parties and why I haven’t belonged to one myself in the last twenty years.)

The other trap is to believe that, since no party or platform is an adequate reflection of the

kingdom of God, that our politics and our faith are separate spheres with no overlap at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. The broadest (and I believe, best) definition of poli-tics is “the total complex of relations between people living in society.” Politics, then, is about how we order our lives in community with one another. In that definition, the gospel is thor-oughly political, because it is deeply concerned with how we live together and love one anoth-er in community. From the Magnificat to the Slaughter of the Innocents by Herod the Great to the attempts of Herod Antipas to suppress Jesus to his eventual execution by a Roman gover-nor, the story of Jesus is the story of God’s critique of illegitimate exercise of political power. In the book of Acts we regularly see the disciples practicing their faith in ways that get them in trouble with the reigning political authorities of the day, and we see shadows of those con-flicts in the letters of Paul, Peter, and others. Finally, the book of Revelation is an allegorical condemnation of the violence, cruelty, and arrogance of the Roman Empire. The gospel is not partisan, but it is inherently political, and it has been ever since Mary sang about the child in her womb upsetting the apple carts of the powerful and filling the hungry with good things.


Lebanon Lutheran Cooperative Ministry

Connected Community

Call-Em-All Provide your name, primary phone number and your preference to receive

calls, texts, or both. >>If you have questions or want to be added to the list, please

contact the Co-op office directly at 717-273-3001, or email [email protected]

You can join us online for Sunday worship at 9am. New Co-op YouTube Address: find the worship ‘live’, or watch videos of past services, and all of our other videos by going to: www.youtube.com/LebanonLutherans

If you haven't already done so, subscribe & click the notifications icon (looks like a bell) to be notified every time a new video is added! Also, here is the link to the Co-op Website:


Copy & paste a link into your web browser

& worship with us!

If you haven’t been receiving

weekly emails from Salem—

there’s a reason!

If your email address needs to be

added or updated,

please send an email to:

[email protected]

Phone-In Worship Stream

We have a phone-in worship stream via Zoom. Simply dial 301-715-8592

at 9 am, and when prompted, key in Meeting ID 844 0774 1557 and

passcode 819083. At the moment, this option is only

available for the 9 am worship service.

Later this month, we will see the transfer of governance from one presidential administra-tion to another. Some in our nation will be elated by this transfer, while others will be deeply chagrined by it. For people who claim allegiance to Christ, however, neither response is the most fitting. Rather, our task is to find the path between the two traps described above. The most fitting response for people of faith to any government is the one illustrated in both the Old and New Testament and the one encouraged by Martin Luther, himself a man who stood at the intersection of the political and the theological for most of this life. That response is this: to think very carefully about how we order our life together in light of the gospel, to view public policy through the lens of the cross, and to hold political leaders, of whatever par-ty, accountable for those policies, most especially for their treatment of the poor, the sick, the outcast, the prisoner, the refugee, and the vulnerable. That is both our privilege as citizens of a free society, and our responsibility as disciples of Jesus Christ. May God grant us the wisdom and the courage to meet that responsibility well.

Yours in Christ, Pastor Bob

From the Pastor’s Desk...CONT ’D


Little Free Library

The Little Free Library would

like to thank everyone for their

recent donations. Keep them

coming! The books come and go

quickly! All donations are wel-

comed and appreciated. Thank


Birthdays and Offering

-OR- You may drop it off in the mail slot beside

the 8th Street

Parish Bldg. entrance.

It is safe and secure.

Mail it in if you prefer.

If you would prefer to make your

offering electronically, scan the QR code –->

with your smartphone or go to

lebanonlutherans.org/give and click 'Salem'.

Thank you for your generous support of our ministry!

Happy Birthday wishes to those 80 years & better!


Lot Paving Donations We ask you to please consider making a financial donation to help offset the

costs of the repaving of the parking lots—There are no wrong amounts of money to contribute.


Jan 2 Art Groff Health Ctr, 1 Boyd St. Cornwall 17016

Jan 16 Tilman Frye 1019 Percy Lane Lebanon 17042

Jan 19 Charlotte Banks 860 Norman Dr. Rm #137 Elmcroft Lebanon 17042

Feb 7 Wayne Miller 1149 Hunters Chase Ln Lebanon 17046

Feb 17 Peggy Rickert 234 E. Locust Street Lebanon 17042

Feb 19 Anne Smith 202 S. Second Street Lebanon 17042

Feb 23 John Witman Box 1008, 49 Oak Ln. Quentin 17083

Feb 26 George Conn 1409 Cornwall Rd Lebanon 17042

Feb 28 Betty Blouch 747 S. 3rd Ave. Lebanon 17042


College Students & Families—Heads Up:

Between now and the first week of February,

please update the church office with your

current mailing address.

Call the office 717-272-6151 -or-

Email us at [email protected]

Also please let us know what year you are in

at college or technical school, or what your

expected graduation date is!

Thank you! -Women of Salem

Bulletin Board

New Baby Milestones!

From the Zimmer Family

From the Firestine-Heffner Family

Hudson was 9 mos. old in Nov. He’s walking with his walker and loves to walk along the furniture. He is big on crawling too when he wants to get somewhere fast! He has said the occasional ‘mama’, ‘dada’ and ‘hey’. He loves puréed pumpkin, books, music and our dogs! We hope that you will meet him soon!

We’re not sure

how Jaxon is

already a year old!!

"Whose woods these are I think I

know. His house is in the village

though. He will not see me stopping

here to watch his woods fill up with


- Robert Frost,

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


Annual Congregational Meeting

will be held on January 17, 2021

This may be a hybrid meeting involving

in-person and online participation.

******************** Committee Chairs, Auxiliary Groups & Scout Leaders,

submit your annual reports to the church office

between Jan 4-8 (Mon. Jan. 11, 2021 at the latest!)

The extra free time provided by the Covid-19 pandemic gave Jane Straub

an opportunity to read the meeting minutes from the 1870s to the 1940s

of two women’s circles, the Mite Society and the Dorcas Society.

One of the many fascinating facts discovered was a monetary

contribution of ten dollars in May, 1931, by the Mite Society

to Muhlenberg College’s Chapel for a memorial window.

The window was in memory of Rev. Dr. Theodore E.

Schmauk, who died in 1920.

The archives committee sent an email to Tanya Schock,

assistant to the Chaplain at Muhlenberg College, asking for

more information regarding the window. On September 18,

2020, Tanya shared what she had discovered. Yes, indeed

there is a memorial window in the Chapel. The inscription

next to the window reads:

“In memory of Dr. T. E. Schmauk

Gift of the Lancaster Conference” (see picture - top of next page)

Bulletin Board

Children’s Books for Christmas—Update

As of this writing we received approximately 155 children’s books for the Power Pack fami-lies. Families will have the opportunity to select a book for their child or children. We will have them on display for two weeks in December. Distribution will be to students in the Lebanon School District as well as Middle School students. The books you contributed were a very nice variety, for ages 4-14. We appreciated the quality of the books, and your gener-ous donations. Thank you so much for enriching these children’s lives through reading. Sharon Martin




The window depicts Charles Porterfield

Krauth a professor in the chemical and

engineering course at the University of

Pennsylvania where young Theodore was

a student. When Theodore attended

Philadelphia Seminary, he was once

again inspired by Dr. Krauth, who was

his professor there. Upon Dr. Krauth’s

death in 1883, Theodore wrote a tribute

to Dr. Krauth, “In Memoriam” which was

published in The Indicator.

The Indicator is a seminary student’s

journal which Theodore, in his seminary

days, organized and secured financial

support for, earning the respect of the

student body and church leaders,

including his beloved teacher, Dr.

Krauth. Rev. Dr. T. E. Schmauk served

as trustee of Muhlenberg College

from 1898-1920.


the Church Triumphant — 2020


In Loving Memory of Presented by___ Elaine & LeRoy Haberkost Kathy & Greg Haberkost Ruth & Clifford Abbey Kathy & Greg Haberkost Dora & Clark Cephart Kathy & Greg Haberkost Mary Gephart Kathy & Greg Haberkost Mary & Raymond Weiant Joanne & James Foltz Gertrude Leedy Joanne & James Foltz Harold B. & Edith E. Long The Family Dorothea Long The Family Kent Clifford The Family June & Joseph Marinkov Donna P. Pade Monique Renee Malone Donna P. Pade My Parents Betty Wilhelm My Siblings Betty Wilhelm George S. Poust Barry & Judy Heckard Ralph T. Heckard Barry & Judy Heckard Kathryn A. Heckard Barry & Judy Heckard John Banks Brenda & David Shultz John Banks Tyler Shultz John Banks Andi, Matt & Brooklyn Daly Departed Family Members The Finks Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Margut Gail & Russell C. Paporiello Mr. & Mrs. Russell S. Paporiello Gail & Russell C. Paporiello Charles & Betty Galbraith Elita Galbraith David Galbraith Elita Galbraith Ollie Galbraith Elita Galbraith Gregory L. Straub Jane R. Straub Charles & Helen Conrad Jane R. Straub May & John Brandt The Family William Engle Engle, Keisch & West Families Luke & Millie Smith Engle, Keisch & West Families Martin & Marian Shuey Engle, Keisch & West Families Harry & Jennie Gipe Engle, Keisch & West Families Myrtle & Leroy Fies Carole & Tom Fies & Children Robert Watson Carole & Tom Fies & Children

In Honor of Presented by____ Peter, Erin, Nathan & Collin Haberkost Kathy & Greg Haberkost Andy, Alissa, Hilde & Ginny Evenson Kathy & Greg Haberkost Pr . Bob & family; Pr. Kristal & family Kathy & Greg Haberkost Kaitlyn & Tyler Chadwick Joanne & James Foltz James & Megan Chadwick Joanne & James Foltz Nancy G. Poust Barry and Judy Heckard Charlotte Banks Brenda & David Shultz Charlotte Banks Tyler Shultz Charlotte Banks Andi, Matt & Brooklyn Daly Betty Phillips Jane R. Straub Lori Burrus Alice Anne Loych Arlean Watson Great Grandchildren, Grandchildren, Children, Carole & Tom Fies

Gifts have been purchased by members and friends of

the congregation, and delivered to our fellow members

who are ill, shut-in, hospitalized,

guests in nursing homes, as well as many

of our older members. We hope the gifts may

bring joy to all who receive them.

Mary Smith, Dec 10, 2020

Carole Fies, Dec 2, 2020

Kent Clifford, Nov. 20, 2020

(Kathleen Long Clifford’s Husband)

Geraldine Bohr, Nov. 9, 2020

(Lois Padilione’s Mother)

Crosby Tobias, Nov. 1, 2020

(Alta Bomberger’s Brother)

Harry Boltz, Oct. 14, 2020

(Richard Boltz’s Father)

Dorothea Long, Sep. 18, 2020

Olive Galbraith, Jul. 17, 2020

Howard Kline, Jun. 25, 2020

We remember with thanks our loved ones who were members or friends of Salem Lutheran

Church who passed from this life into the Church Triumphant in 2020.

Louis & Ellen DiPasquale Joe & Deb DiPasquale & Family Irvin & Luella Bomberger Joe & Deb DiPasquale & Family

Parents, Grandparents, Alice Anne Loych Wilma Morrow, Cookie Umberger Alice Anne Loych Dave Loych Alice Anne Loych Nana & Papa Speraw Raven & Ricky Santana Walter & Dorothy Speraw Rick, Kathy, Raven & Ricky Walter & Anna Speraw Rick, Kathy, Raven & Ricky

In Loving Memory of Presented by___

Alfred Garnet, Jun. 8, 2020

Alan Klick, May 24, 2020

Jeffrey Ebling, Apr. 25, 2020

Joseph Anderson, Mar. 29, 2020

(Pr. Bob’s Father-in-law)

Janet Elliott, Mar. 10, 2020

(Nancy Ruoss’s sister)

Erika Hauer, Feb. 21, 2020

Lenord Green, Feb. 14, 2020

(Tara Boltz’s Step-Father )

Betty Margut, Jan. 5, 2020

Dorothy Moyer, January 4, 2020

Walter Speraw , Jan. 1, 2020

PAGE 9 JANUARY 2021 Salem Salutations

Pastors, Staff & Friends at Salem, I think of you often! Every day must be challenging in these extremely difficult months! We have to willingly continue to do what is ‘good and right and true”! Praying the vaccines will make the new year happier! Love to all, Lila Lebo

I want to thank all of the volunteers

who showed to help with the Co-op

Thanksgiving noon meal on Nov 28.

We had 11 volunteers and all three

churches were represented. 143 meals

where served. We also provided addi-

tional help by wrapping the plastic

ware in napkins. That little extra

effort meant alot to the staff of LCCM.

Since the pandemic has started they’ve

had a shortage of volunteers.

Shirley McGowan

Thank you so much for the Gift Cards we received They are greatly appreciated. See......growing old DOES have its benefits! We had a very special surprise when two delightful young ladies- Sharon & Laurie Bomgardner- delivered the altar flowers to us with heartfelt wishes for our birthdays. We really appreciated their cheery and joyful greeting. The virus prevented any hugs, but their enthusiasm made up for this loss! Thanks, Laurie & Sharon! Patti and Hans Gartner

"Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning" by Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid; Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. Cold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining; Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall. Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker and Monarch and Savior of all.

Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gifts would His favor secure. Richer by far is the heart's adoration; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid; Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.

Thank you to my fellow church mem-bers for reminding me that I am a year older!! :-D Actually, I really appreciate receiving all the lovely birthday cards. Thank you! -Alta Bomberger

Nonprofit Organ.


Lebanon, PA 17046

Permit # 39

Salem Evangelical

Lutheran Church

119 North 8th Street

Lebanon, PA 17046


The mission of Salem Evangelical Lutheran church is to go, lis-

ten, serve, and LOVE all people as disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Church Staff:

The Rev. Robert Ierien, The Rev. Kristal Smith, Pastors

Mark S. Dimick, Cantor; Louise Pouss, Junior & Bell Choir Director

Crystal Nace, Treasurer; Nancy Ruoss, Asst. Treas./Financial Secretary

Joanne Hayes, Housekeeper; Mary Lynne Mulligan, Church Secretary

The Congregation Council: (as of 12/2020)

Laurie Bomgardner; Scott DeLong; Nichole Dubbs; Linda Ebling;

Mike Firestine; Crystal Nace; John Sheaf; April Sherk; Tina Zellers

Salem’s Board Reps. to the Lebanon Lutheran Cooperative Ministry:

Debra Gates & Crystal Nace

The ‘many...one body in Christ, and members one of another’ Rom 12:5 who carry out God’s work in many un-sung ways:

All of you!!



God alone

is my rock

and my salvation. -Ps. 62:6