leaves of autumn

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  • 8/4/2019 Leaves of Autumn



    Being happy doesnt mean that everything is perfect. It means youve decided to

    look beyond the imperfections.

    It took me a while to realise this, but I got there.

    Looking back on my life, I laugh at my mistakes and smile at how far Ive

    come because of those mistakes. Things happen for a reason and sometimes they

    bring good things and sometimes bad things. But no matter what, you just have to

    live through life with a smile.

    I have lived, loved, laughed and lost. The four main factors in life.

    I am happy with my life; I wouldnt change a thing about it.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today

    and make a new ending because sometimes its the smallest decisions that change

    our life forever. Dont hold back from them and dont let anything get in your way

    from those decisions.

    Some people say the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you

    cannot do. Sometimes youll feel guilty just trying to prove someone wrong and

    sometimes youll feel so damn glad that you proved you could do it. So live you

    make sure you live your dreams the way you wish and dont anyone tell you that you

    cant. If you aspire then you can gain. If all goes wrong then you can say at leastyou tried, because its the thought that counts.

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    Don't live in the past, yet never let go of the memories. A life without

    memories is a life without experience. Don't look towards the future, yet keep your

    head open minded. If you have no goals then where are you going to go? Live in

    the present and take life as it comes. Don't stress about what you can't change, or

    anything you want to prevent from happening. All that time spent worrying is

    wasting your time living. In the end, the future depends on what we do in the


    So never let anyone tell you youre not worthy. Never let anyone say you

    havent lived. Never let anyone ruin your dreams. Because your life is yours. You

    were given it, so its your chance to live it.

    And thats what I did.

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    Chapter one

    The white lines on the grey road drifted behind the car as I stared through the back


    Sit straight in your seat! my step father ordered.

    I slouched around and faced the correct direction. Why do we have to move

    to this bore of a town anyway? I questioned.

    Because Rick got his job transfer here, mum stated in a monotone voice.

    I scowled at where her head was in the seat in front of me. Yeah right, Ricks

    job lets him be anywhere. As long as there is internet he can live there. He works

    from home.

    Well maybe some people move to towns like this for peace and quiet

    Cecelia! Rick snapped. And bratty teenagers like you should shut your trap before

    youre forced into the world to live on your own. Respect the factthat youll have a

    home you selfish, spoiled, little worthless piece of

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    Thatll do Rick, mum interrupted in the same monotone voice.

    Youve sucked the life out of my mother, I muttered.

    He slammed on the breaks and got out of the car. He yanked open my car

    door and pulled me out onto the road.

    Youre nothing but a speck of dirt on my shoe. You mean nothing to me. I

    can chuck you out whatever I want. So you start showing some respect! he spat

    into my face.

    I glared at him resulting with him taking a blow to my face causing me to

    collapse to the ground.

    Worthless, he spat again.

    I struggled to my feet again and clambered into the car, my mouth shut this


    Mum glanced at me in her mirror, her grey eyes looking at mine in a

    disapproved matter.

    I hate her... with every single bone in my body, I thought to myself.I hated my mother so much. I hated her weedy grey eyes, her Botox tight

    skin, her big full lips, mountains of make up on her fake tanned skin, and her puffy

    brown hair and her silicon chest.

    Rick has dark brown hair and square glasses that cover his dark brown eyes.

    He was rather fond of lots of cigars and always reeked of alcohol. He calls himself a

    writer but I call him an alcoholic.

    He was as pathetic as my mother.

    I on the other hand have long messy dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I

    always covered my eyes in dark make up. My nails were always painted black. And

    the only shoes I wore were my combat boots.

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    This is your room, mum announced as we walked through the house. It was

    an old Queenslander home that looked like it was on the edge of falling apart. The

    floorboards were so old and squeaky, the walls were so dusty and grey, and the

    windows either didnt open or didnt close.

    Home sweet home, I whispered as I slumped onto the mattress of the


    I slowly shut my eyes and let the darkness take me into a deep slumber.

    Get up! mum shrieked into my room.

    Of course my immediate response was to lay there. Why would I do what she

    says? Shes never shown me any kindness so I see no use showing her any

    kindness in return. Treat people how they treat you I always say.

    I slowly started to drift back to sleep till I was yanked out of bed by the hair.

    When your mother says gets up, you get up!

    He shoved me into the bathroom and slammed the door closed. School

    starts in an hour. Dont be late or you wont see food for a week.

    I sighed and thought to myself, ungrateful pig...

    I rinsed off my face and released my hair from its braid. I didnt have time to

    do anything else. I walked back to my room chucked on some skinny jeans that

    were covered in rips, put on a shirt that was way too big for me and tied it up with

    one of my mums belts and put on my boots.

    I picked up my side bag that only contained one book and one pen, then I

    walked out the door not bothering to say good bye to my parents.

    Lake Gloria.

    Its the town that always looks like its in a state of Autumn.

    Situated in the middle of nowhere.

    Dont bother even looking up because youll never find it.

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    Population? Oh about 5 000. 100 of them are attending high school. 200 in

    primary school. 300 maybe are in their younger years. The rest? Well theyre

    mostly farmers or people who run their small convenient stores. It was worse than a

    jail. And I was stuck here, in the confinements in the land of nothing.

    You want to go to the movies? Oh theyre playing the same movie on the

    projector from back in 1960. You want to get some new clothes? How about blue

    jeans and a flannel shirt? You want to get your hair done? A five dollar dodgy hair

    cut at the only hair dresser will do it. I hope you like the one hair style, a bob.

    There was literally nothing to do here. So I had to find some task to entertain

    me... something to keep me occupied. Or else Ill go insane.

    So I walked up the dusty dirt road over the hill and into the main part of the

    town. I stopped quickly at the grocery store and bought myself an apple to munch

    on. Then I continued making my way to school, oh fun.

    Finished with my apple I threw it to the ground and walked over to the front

    office. The receptionist in the office glanced over me in a look of disgust. Just by

    looking at her you could tell shes one of those pristine farmers wife. Always gets up

    early, makes the kids breakfast, makes sure there is lunch for her husband, goes to

    work and takes care of other business, does the shopping on the way home, then

    falls asleep only to do the same thing again the next day.

    Hi there! she said through a tightly fake smile of pearly whites. Her smile

    indicated that she really did not like me and couldnt wait till I was expelled.

    I need my class schedule, I stated, not bothering with any greetings.

    Of course, are you Cecelia Bloom?

    Are there anyother new students in this bore of a town?

    Her smile faltered a bit and she plastered it on tighter. Youre a funny one

    arent you?

    I continued to stare at her, my face clearly stating that she did not amuse me.

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    Grade twelve is attending science right now. Its the block just down the

    path. You should see the sign.

    What, no class room numbers in this minuscule town?

    Have a good day, her smile finally dropped.

    I gave her a sarcastic smile and walked out the door.

    Glad you can finally make it, the teacher said giving me a wary look.

    Well at least one of us is glad because honestly Id rather be sleeping away

    in my bed, I responded.

    A few people in class laughed at my sassy remark.

    Very nice, now take a seat Miss Bloom.

    Ahh, heknows my name! Were getting somewhere.

    He put down his pen and walked over to me. Were not going to have any

    problems on your first day here are we?

    Of course not, sir! I shall most definitelybehave.

    I hope so.

    I kept my mouth shut this time and made my way to the back of the

    classroom, pulling up a chair in an abandoned corner.

    A girl with a tight pony tail turned around and scowled at me. She showed

    much resemblance to the programmed machine receptionist in the office. Ah, I see

    much potential in this girl in front of me. Shell turn out to be much like her mother.

    What are you looking at Blondie? I snapped.

    She scowled at me again and turned back in her seat resulting in a smirk

    creeping on my face.

    Thats what I thought.

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    As class ended I slowly made my way out ignoring the stares I got from


    Someone has a bit of an attitude, a guy with shaggy brown hair stated.

    Oh really? And someone looks like a sheep that hasnt been shaved in


    Oh touch. But this isthe style mademoiselle. Im sorry if it does not please


    Apology not accepted.

    He smirked.

    My eyes wondered over him, trying to take in what role he plays in this small

    town. Along with his long shaggy brown hair he had bright green eyes, a cheeky

    smile, and he was covered in tattoos.

    How many tattoos do you have? I asked him, lost at the sight.

    Fourty. Still going.

    Is there a reason to them? I questioned, glancing over the bands around his

    arms, odd Greek symbols, the anchors on his hands...


    And what might that be.

    Oh thats a secret.

    I rolled my eyes. So what, youre the town rebel?

    No, Im quite smart actually. I just like tattoos.

    I cocked my head to the side, that took me by surprised.

    Catch you in the next class princess, he said and walked off.

    Hey! I called out after him.

    He stopped walking and turned back to look at me. Yes? he asked.

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    Whats your name?

    Oliver, he said and walked away.

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    Chapter Two

    He had blue eyes and shaggy light brown hair. He had a little bit of a resemblance

    to Oliver. Except this guy didnt have the tattoos.

    You know they say if you take a picture it will last longer, he said to me.

    I turned my head back to my food and ignored him.

    It was lunch time and I was sitting under a tree by myself, watching the life of

    this small school buzz around in their little sad excuse for a cafeteria.

    I havent seen you around before, he said rising from his table and coming

    to sit next to me.

    Its my first day, I mumbled. He looked like your typical hot headed farmers

    son. All that was expected of him was to go to school, get his education and then

    take over on the farm when his father gets too old to do it. And by the looks of him,

    that was his plan.

    So do you have a name, newbie?

    Bob Fishwaters.

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    Ha ha, he said sarcastically. But seriously?

    Cece, I stated.

    The corners of his mouth lifted up. Cece... matches youre cute face.

    Right... I said, rolling my eyes and looked back at my food. Oh god, he was

    trying to hit on me.

    So after school my friends and I usually go get something to eat and hang

    out by the lake, you up for it? he asked me.

    I bit my lip. Basically there were two options here. I could say no, resulting in

    me having to go home and put up with my psychotic parents. Or I could say yes andget a tour around town, look for places to hide out.

    Sure, I decided.

    He grinned at me. Cool, Ill wait for you after school. He stood up.

    Whats your name? I asked.


    I havent seen you in my classes... what grade are you in?


    Ah, okay... I trailed off.

    What about you?

    Twelve, I replied. Little boy, you should hurry along to class.

    Its only one year!

    Still counts. See you.

    I stared after him, a smile growing on my face. He was quite funny... I could

    see myself becoming his friend.

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    I was on my way out of the school when I heard a guitar playing followed by a


    ...pack up all my things and get my ass out of town. We got it good, whether

    you like this town or not. I know its small but with a big head its bound to get hot in

    the summer but the summer is a bummer if you cant leave, this pathetic excuse for

    a town...

    I walked around the corner in the direction the voice was coming. The song

    was familiar. It sounded like lyrics from Big City Dreams by Never Shout Never. My

    eyes wandered over Oliver, strumming a guitar and singing. This small town boy

    has a talent.

    He opened his eyes and looked at me, still playing his guitar.

    I opened my mouth to speak but a hand came on my shoulder. I looked back

    to see the hand belonged to Jordan. He was staring at Oliver in a look of disgust.

    Come on Cece.

    Oliver gave me a disappointed smile and continued playing.

    I followed Jordan, Olivers music fading in the background as we went further

    and further away.

    You dont like Oliver? I more stated than asked.

    He shook his head anyway.

    Whats wrong with him?

    Jordan took in a big breath. Oliver... he... he let a lot of people down.

    How so?

    Jordan shook his head. Its in the past. Just listen to me, hes bad news.

    Stay away from him.

    Jordan stared into my eyes with a determined look. His eyes...

    Suddenly Olivers eyes came into my mind. Oliver and Jordans eyes lookedexactly the same just with a different colour.

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    Whats your last name Jordan? I asked.

    Whats yours?



    I nodded, making sure I remembered his last name. Okay.

    Can we go now? Jordan asked.

    I nodded again.

    He casually took hold of my hand.

    So what exactly is good about this lake?

    Lake Gloria? Well, not many people go there except the school kids. Parties

    are often held there too. Mostly its just a really nice looking scenery, but also its a

    good place to hang out. It has trees for shade on sunny days and it has a wide

    meadow for parties.

    Oh okay.

    Youll get used to the idea eventually.

    He said it like Id be around often. And I liked that idea.

    Lake Gloria. The lake that the town was named after. Jordan sure was right

    about one thing, the scenery was breathtaking.

    The shiny large lake was surrounded by large oak trees and green grass.

    Although the leaves on the oak trees were from bright yellow to a deep reddish


    As I sat under the oak tree, my art book out as I sketched the lake, a couple

    of Jordans girl friends casually came over and talked to me.

    A lot of them were idiots besides two girls.

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    Eve was really smart, yet she didnt really care about school. All she wanted

    to do with her life was be a photographer. She had her camera hanging around her

    neck the whole time and shed casually take pictures of her friends talking if the

    angle of the sun was right, or there was a gust of wind that blew the leaves at the

    right angle. Occasionally some wildlife would come by the lake and shed get a

    snapshot of it.

    I have a large corkboard pinned up on my wall at home. There are

    mountains of photos all over it. I started when I was about ten. Thats when I got my

    first camera. It took all the money I had from helping mumma out at the convenient

    store we own. My first camera was a cheap disposable one we sell there. Get stock

    in every year of about thirty cameras. Id get a new one every few months. All my

    left over money went to buying a new camera. I only got my baby here two years

    ago when I finally had raised two hundred dollars. I went to the mayors house and

    asked to borrow their computer so I could make an order for a camera, sent out my

    money the next day, the camera arrived two months later. I dont know what Id do

    without my baby Polaroid camera here, Eve explained to me.

    Abigail on the other hand had a knack for writing. Her way of words were

    outstanding. Yet you could just have a normal talk with her and not pick it out. Her

    talent was not visible unless asked for. When I had asked Eve about her talent she

    directed the conversation after at Abigail. Told me how shes a creative writer.

    So what do you write exactly? I asked.

    Oh, I write the school paper mostly. My mother works for the towns paper.

    But Im not really into that straightforward article stuff. I mean, factual is good and all

    but I really prefer fiction. I love losing myself in a land controlled by me. That I can

    make do with as I please.

    I smiled. Sounds fun.

    Oh it is.

    And what are you going to do with that talent?

    She bit her lip. Mum of course wants me to take her spot when Im done.Although Id much rather move to somewhere exciting and writestories. Because

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    lets face it, if you have a big dream, youre not going to get anywhere living in Lake


    I nodded. So does Jordan have any good factors about him?

    They glanced over at him.

    Hes a nice guy, Eve suggested.

    But no actual talents?

    Abigail sighed. He had a dream once... he loves music... he dreamed big of

    becoming a singer... Hes really good at singing too. But of course his father wants

    him to take over the farm. And thats what hes going to do.

    So that must be why he hates Oliver so much, I muttered.

    Oliver? Eve questioned. As in Oliver Carter?

    Carter? I exclaimed.

    Oliver with the tattoos?


    Yeah, thats Oliver Carter. Hes one year older than Jordan. Jordan is

    sixteen. Oliver is seventeen.

    I gathered that seeing that Oliver is in all my classes.

    Eve and Abigail shared a look.

    What were saying is... Jordan is Olivers younger brother.

    I thought they looked alike. Then why does Jordan hate Oliver so much?

    Oliver was supposed to take the farm. But he turned it down and ran away

    from home. He lives at his grandparents place now. He only dreams of leaving this

    town. And of course since Oliver wants to play guitar, Jordan got his guitar taken off

    him. His parents said its a worthless dream.

    Why did Jordan tell me to stay away from Oliver then?

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    Eve shrugged. I guess he really likes you or something. Hes fine with

    people hanging out with Oliver. But if there is some chance of him stealing them

    from Jordan then he doesnt want them near them.

    How could Oliver steal me?

    Abigail smirked. Oliver is quite... attractive.

    Oh so Jordan fears that Olivers oh so handsome looks will sweep me off my

    feet and Ill never talk to Jordan again? I asked sarcastically. Puh-lease. Jordan

    showed me much more kindness that Oliver. And besides, Im not here for a

    relationship. Im here because I was forced to. So in the meantime Im just going to

    make a few friends to waste time and hope Ill get out of this bore of a town.

    Eve and Abigails expressions dropped and they looked hurt.

    Are we really crappy friends? Eve asked quietly.

    I had put my foot in my mouth. Of course not!

    Then why did you say were just to waste time?

    Everyone else is to waste time! I didnt mean you guys. You two are like...


    Eve giggled a bit. If you say so.

    You are! I insisted.

    Abigail smiled again.

    Hey Cece, Im heading home! Jordan called out. Want me to walk youhome too?

    I glanced over at him indecisively.

    Go for it, Eve insisted.

    Yeah, Cece, you might as well have your fun whilst youre in this town.

    Youve got to be entertained somehow, Abigail seconded.

    I glanced back at them and smiled. Youre right.

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    I got up and ran over to him.

    He placed his hand on my back and ushered me away. So do you like Eve

    and Abigail? he asked.

    Yeah, theyre pretty mad. They have amazing talents.

    Yeah, they do.

    It was quiet for a moment as I lead him in the direction of my house.

    So why did you move here? he asked me.

    I bit my lip. My step father can live wherever he wants since hes a writer.

    As long as he has internet he can live there. So my mum likes to move around a lot

    and they thought this place might be a nice change of scenery.

    Oh okay... do you like it here?

    Lie or tell the truth? I questioned myself. Its ahh.... Part truth, I decided.

    Well the town is extremely boring. But some of the people seem alright. So I guess

    I kind of like it here.

    He smiled at me. Thats good to hear. Any guys youve taken a fancy to?

    I only know two guys, you and Oliver. I winced after I said it. Oliver was a

    touchy subject to Jordan. Oliver is a bit of a... weirdo... I added, trying to make up

    for my stupid remark.

    Yeah... he mumbled.

    I didnt make up for that remark. Way to go Cece, you put your foot in yourmouth yet again.

    So do you enjoy it here? I asked.

    This is the only place I know, he said, raising his head and not looking at me

    as we continued to walk.

    You mean youve never been outside of Lake Gloria?

    Nope, he said, popping the p. Well... sorta... but that was a long time ago.

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    You havent lived, I stated.

    He finally glanced at me. What makes you say that?

    Whats the point on living in a world if you never go see it or experience it?

    He thought it over for a minute. Well I guess in the world you have two types

    of people really. Those who like to experience things, and those who just do things.

    Some people may like to explore, adventure, taste new things, see new things, and

    all that. Then there are the other people who dont really care about seeing the

    world around them, because the place they are in now is all they ever really want to

    see. The scenery will do for them. And if they need something to entertain them,

    theyll find something. Because some people may like to have change in their lives,and some people dont mind the small things.

    Im guessing youre one of the doers and not the experiencers?

    He nodded. I dont have much interest in seeing the world.

    Now I highly doubt that. Arent you the least bit curious?

    He stopped walking and I realised we were at my house. I once was. But

    then I grew up. Im a country boy. Im never going to get out of Lake Gloria. The

    world out there is nothing I can handle. Try seeing me in a city, Ill never survive.

    Anyone here who thinks they can make it in the world out there is blind. Were

    country people Cece. We were born on farms, taught to control farms, and we will

    die at our farm. Because thats the only purpose we have. Any dreams we want are


    That thought right there is irrational. If you have a dream you should do it

    and no one can tell you what you should believe in, I whispered, turning around and

    walking into my house.

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    Chapter Three

    I rinsed off my face with cold water then walked over to my room, taking off my

    shoes. It had finally gotten dark outside at 9 pm and I was dead tired.

    I curled up in my bed and flicked on my lamp, opening a book.

    As I got more into the story my eyes started to get wary till finally I blacked


    Get up! mum said.

    I opened my eyes and it was pitch black. I reached my hands up to my face

    to find it covered by the book I read last night. As I removed the book from my face

    my eyes immediately squinted in the sunlight.

    Ugh, I think I might be turning into a vampire, I said to myself.

    I rose from bed and slipped on some jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt. It

    seemed a bit cooler today.

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    I glanced at the clock finding it was already 8:20.

    Shit, I muttered.

    I quickly picked up my bag, slipped my feet into my unlaced combat boots and

    ran down the stairs in a hurry.

    I jogged up the road muttering, Shit, shit,shit, repeatedly.

    An old red truck came up on the dirt road beside me and slowed to my

    walking pace.

    Why hello there, came the voice of Oliver.

    I glanced at him through the window. Come to taunt me?

    No, actually Im offering you a ride... unless you want to walk.

    I stopped walking and he stopped the car. I stared at him through the window

    as he gave me a genuine smile. After a minute of staring I finally smiled and opened

    the car door, climbing into the old truck. It smelt strongly of grass, oil, rust and cow


    Im sorry to inform you but... your car stinks, I said.

    Oliver chuckled. Well thank heavens its not my car. Its my grandfathers.

    He said I could take it today since Im running late.

    Well I say if were going to be late, lets be fashionably late.

    He glanced down at his ripped black jeans, singlet and opened flannel shirt.

    I dont think that is possible in Lake Gloria. Its too much of a hell hole to have anyfashion taste. I could go for some skinny jeans, a nice black t-shirt and converses

    right now, but Im stuck with farmer boy clothes.

    I laughed. Yeah, Lake Gloria sucks.

    So why are you hanging out with Jordan then? he asked me.

    I looked at him sternly. What do you mean?

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    He casually raised his hands defensively against the steering wheel. Hey,

    Im not saying its bad to hang out with him. Hes a bloody nice guy and fun to hang

    out with but... You seem to be the type that hates small cities such as Lake Gloria.

    I do hate them.

    Then why are you hanging out with Jordan? Jordan makes sure if anyone

    wants to be friends with him they have to be committed to staying in Lake Gloria.

    Because they were raised there and there is no point in dreaming. Dreams are

    useless to him. He seems to think that just because you come from a small town,

    that you have no hope of living your dream. I wish he wouldnt listen to that shit. Its

    brainwashed him. Now hes brainwashing others.

    Well Im hanging with him because he was the first person to show me

    kindness... and its not like it matters anymore anyway. He and I had a fight about

    that yesterday. He thinks dreams are stupid. I know. He really likes to hurt people

    that way.

    Oliver muttered, I think he hurts himself with his words more than he hurts


    I nodded in agreement as Oliver pulled up at school.

    He cut off the ignition and grabbed his school bad and guitar.

    How long have you been playing? I asked him.

    He glanced down at his guitar. Since I was five.

    Wow, thats cool.

    Yeah... I looked bloody stupid playing it when I was five though... It was way

    too big for me.

    I giggled. Yeah, I guess it would be.

    He smiled and nodded to the door. Lets get to class.

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    Glad you two could finally make it, the teacher said as Oliver and I entered

    the classroom.

    Wouldnt dream of missing your class sir, Oliver said and made his way to

    his seat at the back.

    Cece! Over here! Eve whispered as she waved her hand around in the air.

    I walked over to her and sat in the vacant seat next to her.

    Late with Oliver, huh? Abigail asked me and winked.

    I rolled my eyes. I overslept and he offered me a ride.

    Eve giggled. Thats so sweet of him.

    I smiled. I guess it is. I briefly glanced back at Oliver who was smiling at

    me. When he caught my eye he wiggled his eyebrows causing me to giggle.

    Something funny Miss Bloom? the teacher asked me.

    I snapped around to face the front. Ah, no sir.

    Good, pay attention.

    I nodded. Yes, of course. Sorry.

    I walked out of my second class with Oliver and Jordan immediately came up

    to me and wrapped his arms around me, cutting off Olivers smile.

    I didnt see you this morning, Jordan mumbled.

    I squirmed out of his hold. I overslept, I explained.

    Oh okay, thats understandable. He placed a hand on my shoulder and

    looked at Oliver. Can I help you?

    Oliver glanced at his brother then at me with a sad smile. Catch you later

    Cece, he said to me.

    I nodded. Later, I whispered.

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    Oliver walked off in the opposite direction.

    Jordan placed a hand on my back and ushered me off to the cafeteria. Since

    when were you all buddy-buddy with Oliver? he asked me.

    He offered me a ride to school this morning because he saw me walking.

    You should have refused.

    And be later than I already was?


    Whats your problem? I demanded.

    What do you mean?

    Why are you so bipolar?

    Why dont you trust my opinion on Oliver?

    I looked at him. I just moved to this school. Then the first person I meet is

    funny. Then the second person who gets friendly with me tells me to completely

    ignore the other person without giving me a valid reason. He only wants me to stop

    talking to him because he doesnt like him. Because he got what he didnt. Jordan,

    that is low. Oliver is a nice guy and he hasnt hurt me. So why should I just ignore

    him because you instruct?

    Jordan looked down. Because hes going to take me from you.

    Im not an object Jordan! He cant just steal me from your locker or


    Thats not what I meant... You see Cece... I like you. A lot... It would really

    kill me if my brother got you as well, he whispered and looked me in the eyes.

    We just met, I muttered.

    And I feel as if Ive known you forever, he said to me.

    Thats impossible.

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    I thought so too... But Cece... do you realise how pretty you are?

    Ah... no?

    He smiled. Well you are.

    So you just stated.

    He poked his tongue at me and I smiled. But do you see what Im trying to


    I nodded. Yeah I do but... Jordan, if I mean something to you then you have

    to trust me... Oliver is just a friend.

    Jordan bit his lip. Fine... Ill leave it be on one condition.

    Oh god, Im scared.

    He grinned. You should be.

    Whats the condition?

    Go on a date with me on Friday night.

    Oh and where can we possibly go?

    He smiled. Youll see...

    I dont know... will all your friends be there?

    He shook his head. Just you and me.

    I smiled. I think Id like that.

    Its settled then, Jordan said.

    So what does Jordan want now? Oliver asked me as we walked into third

    session together.

    I bit my lip, pondering if I had the right to tell him or not.

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    You dont have to tell me if you dont want to... But Im not going to tell

    anyone. I wont even tell Jordan if you dont want me to.

    As I looked at Oliver I realised I desperately wanted someone to confide to.

    After school? I offered.

    He smiled. Sure, Ill pick you up from your house so Jordan doesnt get


    Do you know where I live?

    The old Queenslander.

    How do you know?

    Only vacant house in Lake Gloria. Everyone who stays there always leaves.

    Thats odd.

    Oliver shrugged. Not to us.

    It was silent for a while as we sat in our seats next to each other.

    Im sorry for being a jerk to you on your first day, he said suddenly.

    I smirked. You werent being a jerk. You were just mimicking my attitude at

    that time.

    Well you do have a bit of an attitude...

    I flicked his arm and he snickered.

    The teacher entered the classroom and everyone slowly quietened down. Iwatch Oliver as he opened his book and picked up his pen, ready to write. He

    casually flicked his hair to keep it out of his eyes.

    Why does Jordan want me staying away from him? Whats the sole purpose

    of that?

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    Chapter Four

    Hey there Cece, a familiar voice said from behind me.

    I turned around to see Jordan walking my way. Hey, I replied.

    Where are you heading? he asked me.

    Home, I answered.

    Oh, you sure you dont want to hang out with us for a while?

    Yeah, Im just going to head on home.

    Want me to take you home?

    Oh, no, its fine.

    No, I insist. Ill walk you home.

    Really, Jordan, its okay.

    Why would I let a pretty young lady like you walk home alone? Here, let me

    carry your bag. He reached over and took my bag from me. I didnt object.

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    The whole way home my mind was racing, trying to find ways to get rid of him


    Once we reached my home he said, Can I come in for a while? Those were

    the exact words I had been dreading the whole time.

    I bit my lip. Not a good idea.

    Why is that?

    Think of a lie! Hes got to go before Oliver gets here! My step father doesnt

    like having people over.

    Oh... are you sure?

    Yeah, Im sure... I really have to go, before he gets mad...

    Okay, Ill see you tomorrow then.

    I nodded vigorously. See you Jordan.

    And thats when Jordan did something I didnt expect. He picked up my hand

    and kissed it softly. Bye, he whispered and walked away.

    I stood there staring after him with wide eyes. Did that just happen?

    As soon as Jordan was out of sight, Olivers truck came around the corner. I

    climbed into his car and sighed in relief.

    What? Oliver questioned.

    Jordan decided to walk me home. Then he wanted to go inside... It was so

    hard to get rid of him.

    Oliver chuckled. Okay, once we get to the spot I have in mind you have to

    tell me why he so dearly doesnt want you around me.

    I nodded in agreement.

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    Olivers chosen hang out really was remarkable. On the other side of the lake

    that Jordan took me to on my first day at school was a little clearing of what was

    once a park.

    Tied to an oak tree near the water was a tire swing. And over under the

    shade of other trees were a table and a barbeque. Then near the lake was a bench

    which I assumed was to feed ducks from.

    It was quite peaceful here.

    We walked over to the oak tree with the tire swing and sat down near the

    base of the tree.

    I used to come here a lot when I was younger with my family. My great

    grandparents actually built up this little sanctuary. Then as the fights started about

    me and my dreams we stopped coming out here. Then one day I moved out of

    home. Now I come here a lot to clear my mind, he told me, staring at one spot of

    the ground.

    I bit my lip and contemplated how to reply to that but he beat me to it.

    I see all the parties at the other side of the lake. I see everyone hanging out

    there. I saw you sitting with Eve and Abigail there until Jordan took you away.

    I nodded as if it as something to think about. Are Eve and Abigail... how do I

    put it?

    Eve and Abigail are angels. Theyre such lovely people. But they often

    doubt their selves and their dreams. Theyre really good friends of mine. Eves

    grandfather runs the farm next door so she often comes my way a lot. And Abigails

    parents are really close to Eves so shed often go with them. Theyd come over for

    some of my Nans special jam.

    It felt odd hearing this. I was so used to everything not having much

    significance. In the city, jam was jam. Nothing special about it. Most of them were

    factory made. But here, there were always something special to everything. In

    some small way it made me want to smile. No matter how boring Lake Gloria is, I

    have to admit, some of the people here are really genuine.

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    So why does Jordan not want you around me?

    And that killed the moment. Well... I pondered the best way to put it. When

    I asked him his answer was that hes afraid youd take me away from him.

    Im not a friend stealer! Oliver defended.

    I bit my lip. No, I mean like... Jordan wants to claim me as his, I stated.

    Oh... And hes afraid Im going to be a girlfriend stealer?

    I shrugged. Its pretty stupid really. Of all the girls to like why me? His

    dream is to be here forever and Im leaving the first chance I get.

    Maybe he hopes youll fall in love with him.

    Love cant ruin my dreams.

    Maybe he hopes that love can blind you from what you want to do. Or

    perhaps if love was enough for you to stay there.

    I shook my head. But thats not the point, he knows I could leave anytime.

    Why risk trying to get involved with me?

    Because you are a really lovely girl, Cecelia.

    I dont see it, I stated.

    Oliver chuckled. Of course not, youre a girl. Its in your nature to down


    I rolled my eyes. But Im a sassy, stubborn, thinks-she-knows-everything

    kind of girl. And Jordan... Jordan has his life mapped out for him. Hes going to

    finish school then take over the farm. Harvesting fruits, keeping cattle alive... all that.

    Then hes going to get married and have as many children as he can so they can

    take over. I dontwant to be stuck there wasting my life like that! Who wants to be a

    house wife who has to respect her husbands needs? Im not a farm type of person.

    Im a city girl.

    Oliver nodded. But perhaps, since youre here, you should at least have yourfun.

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    My fun... Was fun really worth it? If I have to leave anyway? Get someones

    hopes up and have them crash down when I have to leave?

    Oliver could see me fretting about it so he said, Cece, you just have to live in

    the moment. Dont worry about the future, or how you could be hurt... Just follow

    your heart.

    What did my heart want? As I looked at Jordan and he smiled at me, a really

    kind-hearted smile. His eyes piercing into mine with nothing but consideration and


    Thats when I had to ask myself. Is it really Jordan I want?

    Hey Cece, are we still on for Friday? Jordan asked me at lunch.

    I nodded and smiled. Of course.


    Where are we going?

    Its a secret.

    I grimaced. I really hate secrets.

    He chuckled and said, Youre too cute.

    His compliment made my blush a deep red and I ducked my head.

    Catch you later, some mates are playing some football out on the oval this


    I nodded. Bye.

    A few minutes later Eve and Abigail sat down with me.

    So you and Jordan, huh? Eve asked me.

    I shrugged. There isnt anything going on yet. But he does want me to go on

    a date with him Friday.

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    Abigail gasped. Oh my god, Jordan is falling for you!

    Ah... we just met...?

    Oh but Jordan definitely fancies you!

    I didnt answer to that.

    Hey, we were going to go sit with Oliver this lunch and watch him play guitar.

    Did you want to join us? Eve asked me.

    She needs some new pictures for her collage she is working on, Abigail


    Yeah, we all know Oliver leaves at the end of this year, so I want to make

    him two collages. One collage of him and his music, all his hopes and dreams he

    grew here. And another one of the people who meant something to him, Eve


    We dont want him to forget us, Abigail mumbled.

    Aw, girls! Oliver would never forget you two! He always talks so highly of

    you both!

    He does? Even enthused.

    I nodded with a smile.

    This caused both of the girls to grin.

    Anyhoo, so how about it? Eve asked me.

    Okay, I said and picked up my bag.

    We walked around the corner and over to the music block. At a set of

    benches there sat Oliver, playing his guitar.

    He casually looked up at us and smiled. When he looked at us I felt as if he

    was looking at me in particular.

    Ladies, what can I do for you? he asked us.

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    Abigail giggled and Eve asked, I was wondering if I could take some pictures

    of you playing the guitar for my new collage.

    Of course, Oliver replied and continued playing.

    Eve dug around in her bag, pulling out her camera.

    She started to take pictures.

    Oliver glanced up at me and nodded to the spot next to him, indicating I

    should sit down.

    So I sat down next to him and watched him play.

    He immediately changed songs.

    Baby, I love you I never want to let you go. The more I think about the more I

    want let you know, that everything you do, is super duper cute and I cant stand it.

    Ive been search for a girl thats just like you. Cause I know, that your heart is


    He continued to sing as Eve snapped away, taking pictures.

    Then Oliver got to the bridge of the song and he looked up from his guitar and

    into my eyes as he sang, You, you got me where you want me cause Ill do anything

    to please you. Just to make it through another year. You, I saw you across the

    room and I knew that this was gonna blossom into something beautiful. Youre


    I knew these werent his words but my heart started to pound crazily and I

    blushed deeply.

    Oliver looked back down at his guitar and continued playing the song.

    When he finished Eve and Abigail clapped.

    What was that song? Abigail asked.

    Cant stand it by Never Shout Never. I love that band hey, so many words so

    relevant to me, Oliver explained.

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    Is Never Shout Never the same band where you sung that song called... Big

    City Dreams I think it was? Eve pondered.

    He nodded. Yeah, thats them too.

    Youre right... the lyrics are meaningful to you.

    Oliver smiled. Yeah, they are.

    Did those lyrics mean anything to you? Abigail asked him.

    Oliver smirked. They could...

    Ooo, Oliver has his eyes on a girl! Abigail teased.

    Oliver rolled his eyes. Im not going to do anything about it though.

    Why? Eve asked.

    Shes... taken.

    Aww, Abigail said. Do you need a hug?

    Oliver shook his head. Nah, Im strong.

    Who was this girl? And why did the feeling of jealous start to rise in my


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    Chapter Five

    With my thoughts clouded by this girl Oliver likes I walked out of the school grounds

    not even noticing when Jordan said hey until he grabbed my arm.

    Are you okay? he asked me.

    I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. Oh, yeah, sorry. My mind is

    kind of distracted for some reason.

    Oh, thats okay. So I was wondering... do you want to hang out this



    At the lake.

    I ducked my head. But last time I went there with you, you ditched me the

    whole time and then the next I saw of you was when you were going to take me


    Well I do want to see my friends... Eve and Abigail should be there.

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    Do you ever think I might just want to get to know you? I asked him.

    Cece, we just met...

    Oh dont be so up yourself Jordan! I dont mean to get to know you so I can

    be your girlfriend or anything! I mean I want to be your friend!

    You dont want to be my girlfriend?

    We just met.

    Right... but in the near future?

    Jordan, how would I know if Id want any future with you? I hardly know you.

    Jordan sighed.

    Why are you so keen in wanting to know?

    Because, you are really pretty, you seem quite smart, and you really dont

    care what people think of you. In this town there are so many expectations and you

    dont care what people expect of you, you do what you want because you like it! I

    like that trait!

    I sighed. Then if you really like that I dont follow peoples expectations, why

    do you keep expecting me to stop talking to Oliver? Why do you keep thinking hes

    going to take me away from you and all that? Its not like Im yours to claim! Ive

    known you for two days!

    Because... If there is one thing I hate more than anything is people hanging

    out with a guy like him.

    A guy like him? Hes your brother!

    How do you know that?

    Oh, because Ive made friends here?

    Like who?

    I shook my head. Thats not the point. Hes your brother! You shouldnt be

    trying to turn people against him!

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    Jeez Cece, do you have a crush on him or something?

    Pfft! Ive only known him for two days as well! But hes been way kinder to

    me than you have!

    What is he to you, Cece?

    Hes my friend.

    Jordan stared at me for an immeasurable amount of time, his expressions

    changing from anger, to hurt, to sad, and back to anger again. Till finally he turned

    his back on me and walked off.

    Rolling my eyes I started making my way home when Olivers truck came upbeside me.

    Since Jordan now hates your guts, want to come over to my place for a bit?

    he asked me through his window.

    I smiled and got into his car.

    Olivers grandparents lived in a small old farmers house. His grandfather

    obviously had some parts of the farm still up and running such as the chook house

    and the vegetables.

    We walked up to the house and sitting on the porch was an old border collie.

    His name is Billy, Oliver explained as I looked at the dog. Hes 14 years old

    this year. He doesnt have much life left in him. Poor guy will probably pass away


    I felt sorry for the dog.

    Oliver walked me through the house till we reached a small bedroom. He has

    a single bed and his room was covered in posters of many bands that I actually

    knew. There was of course Never Shout Never, there was Paramore, Kisschasy,

    Flyleaf, Black Veil Brides, Eminem, Simple Plan and many other bands like that.

    Youve listened to all of them? I asked him.

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    Oliver nodded.

    How do you know about them?

    He hesitated for a moment but then told me. When I was younger, dad once

    took me and Jordan to the city. I saw life there... I heard music... So when he

    brought us back here I went to the town computer, waited ages for the slow internet

    to load and ordered some CDs to my grandparents house. They gave it to me as a

    birthday present. Dad tried burning them when I told him I wanted nothing to do with

    this town... but I put up a fight. So instead he decided to kick me out.

    Oh Oliver... thats crap!

    Oliver shrugged. Its life.

    So do you have all their albums? I asked nodding to the posters.

    He shook his head.

    I grinned and fished around in my bag, pulling out my iPod. Enjoy, I told him

    as I chucked him my iPod. He stared at it in fascination but then frowned.

    I cant have you sit here whilst I listen to music, he said to me.

    Then take it for the night.

    A grin grew on his face. Really?

    I nodded. And tomorrow tell me what bands you liked and Ill burn you some

    CDs from my step-fathers laptop.

    Would he be fine with that?

    Ah... leave that to me.

    Oliver didnt notice me trying to cover up how much sneaking Id have to do

    for that in the tone of my voice. He continued to stare at the iPod and eventually

    carefully set it down on his bed as if it were something extremely breakable.

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    Oliver, would you mind raking up some leaves for me dear an old voice

    came from the doorway yet abruptly stopped when her eyes locked on me. Oh my,

    you have a lady friend over.

    I blushed deeply. Lady friend?

    Oliver shook his head and smiled. Gran, this is Cece, shes new in town.

    Oh, youre the one whose step-father is a writer, right?

    I nodded.

    Of course, of course. Well since youre a friend of Oliver... you can help him

    rake up the leaves.

    Gran! Shes a guest!

    And shes from the city! It wouldnt hurt her to learn some of the farmer life.

    Oliver rolled his eyes. Sorry, he said, giving me an apologetic look.

    I smiled. Its okay, Im happy to help.

    Thats the spirit! Olivers grandmother enthused. Why cant you be more

    like that when I ask you to do something huh?

    Because Im a moody teenage boy, Oliver said cheekily.

    Moody is sure right, Olivers grandmother said shaking her head and

    walking off.

    Oliver and I stood. He walked outside to the shed and I followed him. He

    handed me a rake and grabbed one for himself.

    So we got to work.

    Olivers grandparents house lay on the edge near the forest and next to a part

    of Lake Gloria. Lake Gloria glistened brightly in the afternoon sun.

    Of course the season in Lake Gloria was autumn at the time and the cold air

    could be felt starting to come in. The sun was setting earlier in the days and rising

    later in the mornings. It did snow in Lake Gloria, but in summer the trees were never

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    green. They always stayed their mixture of orange, red and yellows. I knew this

    because my own father had come from here and he died here right after mum gave

    birth to me.

    Mum kept all the photos, letters and journals from dad. She kept them to

    keep the memory of her. Yet she got completely mad at me when I had found them.

    But it was from his journals that I knew about this place. It was mostly the

    reason I loathed coming to this town, in fear of being reminded of him. But this was

    only the first time.

    Crunchy stuff was shoved down the back of my shirt, I wiggled around trying

    to get it out. Oliver you jerk! How dare you put leaves down my shirt?

    He was laughing in hysterics. Thats what you get for zoning out!

    I glared at him and dropped my rake. I slowly crouched down picking up

    some leaves.

    Dont you dare, he warned.

    I walked after him, covering his head in leaves.

    Oh its on now.

    My eyes went wide and I giggled, running away from him. He chased me

    over to the lake and started to tickle me.

    Stop! I giggled.


    Stop! I giggled again.

    Say please!

    I will never say p-p-p-pleease! I stuttered between giggles.

    I pushed him off behind me and hid behind the tree. He came up from the left

    and I slowly backed away from him.

    Come here! he said.

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    No! I replied still backing up. Then my foot slipped causing me to fall

    backwards into the shallow edge of the lake. I pouted and looked down at my

    drenched pants. When I looked into Olivers eyes he started laughing. Its not


    At this point Oliver was in hysterics. He held out a hand to me to help me up,

    still laughing. Instead up getting up I pulled him into the water with me.

    He fell face first into the lake. When he rose his head, his face was covered

    in mud. He slowly wiped it off his face and then smeared it over mine.

    Jerk, I muttered.

    He grinned through the mud causing me to roll my eyes.

    We both got up and made our way back to the house.

    Olivers grandmother took one look at us, rolled her eyes and muttered,


    When Oliver tried walking into the house she shooed us out and told us to

    hose off first.

    Oliver led me over to the side of the house where he picked up a hose and

    started hosing himself off, then he turned it off.

    I stood there, still dripping in mud, frowning at him.

    He started to walk off towards the house. Oliver! Youre not funny!

    He stopped walked and came back to me. I thought I was.

    I poked my tongue at him.

    He turned on the hose and shot it straight in my face and then put it down

    after giving my face a hose off for ten seconds.

    Thanks for that, I said sarcastically.

    Youre welcome. After that he started properly helping me rinse off.

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    Olivers grandmother had laid out some towels for us to dry off a bit and so we

    did, then walked back into the house.

    I glanced at the clock on the wall of the neat kitchen and muttered, Shit.

    What? Oliver asked me.

    Its past six... Rick gets shitty if Im home after six.

    Rick is your step-father?

    I nodded in reply.

    Oliver ran off to his room and returned with his keys. Ill take you home.

    Closing Olivers car door I thanked him for having me over and ran into the


    Cecelia, its after six! I heard Ricks voice call out from the kitchen and then

    he appeared there next to me. How many times do I have to tell you that you must

    be home before six?

    Sorry, I forgot. I was helping a friend rake some leaves on his grandparents

    farm, I muttered.

    Excuses, excuses! This is He started to curse.

    Rick, calm down, I mumbled.

    Calm down? Calm down? This is my house so its my rules. You come

    home when I say you do!

    Well Im home now!

    I see that! But you should have been home earlier!

    Okay, it wont happen again.

    Oh it better not.

    It wont.

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    Because if it does, Im gonna make you pay.

    What are you going to do?

    Perhaps good beating will do the trick.

    Is that a threat? I asked.

    He smiled. Who are you going to tell?

    I continued to glare at him. He was right. Who was I going to tell? Who

    would trust my opinion over his? And what would they care in Lake Gloria?

    I turned on my heel and made my way to my room, slamming the door behind


    I collapsed on my bed and cried myself to sleep, not caring about dinner.

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    Chapter Six

    I woke up the next day earlier than normal. I took my time getting ready for school

    this time, leaving the house at a quarter to eight and slowly made my way over the

    hill to school.

    Someones up early, commented Jordan as I walked into the school


    I shot him a piercing glare that said Im in no mood to talk to you and

    continued walked.

    And angry, he added in a mumble but I could still hear it.

    Leave me alone, I told him in a strong voice.

    He raised his hands in defeat. Sorry, sorry. I will. But...

    I sighed and stopped walking, not turning around to look at him. What do

    you want Jordan? I suddenly felt his presence right behind me and I turned around

    to see him only ten centimetres away from me.

    A second chance, he whispered.

    Why should I give you a second chance? I replied.

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    Because I was a selfish loser and I wasnt thinking.

    I dont know if I can forgive you Jordan... youre probably going to just do the

    same thing again.

    I promise I wont.

    I bit my lip.

    Ill tell you what, Ill give you the day to think it over and then Ill catch up with

    you at the end of the day to see if I still get another chance. If you do by any hope

    give me another chance perhaps we could go back to my place. None of my friends.

    Just us two.

    I knew I wanted to smile, but I didnt want to give in so easily. His actions did

    hurt me. Ill think about it, I mumbled, not looking into his eyes because I knew it

    would give me away.

    Great, thanks Cece! he enthused.

    I nodded my head and turned around, walking off in the opposite direction.

    Cece! Eve called out from a tree. She was sitting under it by herself, most

    likely waiting for Abigail to show up. To bide her time, on her lap lay a scrap book

    filled with pictures she had taken herself.

    I walked over to her and sat down. Whats happening?

    She nodded at the scrap book on her lap. Olivers going away present.

    I think its really sweet youre doing this for him, I stated, giving her a smile.

    She shrugged and smiled genuinely at the scrap book. Its the least I can do,

    after all the times he has been there for me.

    I wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. I bet he loves it.

    Oh I hope so!

    I giggled in reply.

    Oh I forgot! Cece, I need to take some pictures of you.

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    What? Why me?

    Because youre Olivers friend too.

    I dropped my head down. What if Im not by the time he leaves?

    Oh I highly doubt that.

    I dont know...

    Oh comeon Cece! Itll be fun!

    I bit my lip and sighed. Fine, I guess.

    Yay! How about on Saturday you sleep over mine and well take somepictures?

    I smiled. Id like that.

    Eve and Abigail had to be my only female friends I had made in Lake Gloria

    so far. Every other girl just glanced over me and then didnt want anything to do with

    me. In fact, anyone in Jordans circle of friends didnt want anything to do with me

    except Jordan himself. Anyone who is friends with Oliver has taken me in willingly.

    It made me feel accepted, and for that I was glad.

    So whats new, city girl? Oliver asked me.

    I grimaced and said, Please tell me youre not going to make that a constant

    nickname for me.

    Nah, its too lame. Ill think up something more annoying.

    I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat. Oliver took the place next to me.

    So like I was saying... Oliver continued. Whats new?

    I bit my lip and muttered, Jordan tried apologising.

    Oh, was all he said.

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    Sighing, I then said, I said Id get back to him on the matter. He said hed

    give me a day to think it over if I forgive him. And the thing is... I really like Jordan as

    a person but... I feel as if hes probably some business I shouldnt get into? I asked


    Oliver shrugged. Its your life.

    But you know him! You could advise me if hes the right option or not.

    But Cece... how would you know if I was telling the truth? What makes you

    think its meyou can trust?

    I shrugged. I guess it just feels that way.

    Oliver shook his head. Ask around with the girls. Theyd give you a better

    opinion on that. Dont ask me.

    I sighed and said, Okay.

    There was silence for a moment until Oliver said, Hey, my grandmother

    wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner on Sunday night.

    I bit my lip. Id have to ask Rick because its a school night.

    Of course.

    But yeah, Id love to.

    Cool... perhaps we could hang out before as well?

    I was about to agree when I remembered my promise to Eve. I cant, Im

    sleeping over Eves Saturday night. So I wont be available till the afternoon mostlikely.

    Eve as in... my Eve?

    I nodded. What other Eve would I know?

    Oliver shrugged. Who knows? But Eves family is religious.


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    And youd have to leave before 9 am. They have church.

    I groaned. Damn. I hate waking up early.

    Oliver smirked. Tell you what, Ill come pick you up and you can rest a bit

    during the day. But at least hang out with me for a while.

    I smiled brightly. Okay, soundslike a plan.

    Oliver sent me one of his genuine smiles.

    Hey Eve... I trailed off.

    Yeah? Eve said, looking up from her scrap book. As usual, Eve, Abigail and

    I sat under a tree as Oliver jammed on his guitar with a few of his friends playing

    their little instruments next to him.

    Should I trust Jordan? I asked her.


    Depends on what?

    On what your intentions for him are.


    Eve sighed and closed her scrap book. Meaningdo you have any plans on

    dating him.

    As in... boyfriend/girlfriend?

    Eve nodded as if it was simple question.

    I shrugged. I dont know. I barely know him.

    Well, she emphasised, If you only plan on being friends, then go ahead and

    feel free to be open with him. Hes a really nice guy. But if you plan on dating him...

    Dont expect to keep us as friends.

    What do you mean?

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    Eve looked at Abigail for help.

    Well you see Cece... Abigail helped, Jordan has a tendency to get... very


    He falls in love fast, Eve added.

    Abigail nodded at Eves statement. And its always a rule that if he states his

    love for you then you must drop any contact to his brother.

    Why? I questioned.

    Because, hes afraid Oliver will steal him.

    Thats nonsense!

    Abigail shrugged. He doesnt seem to think so.

    I rolled my eyes. Has he ever had proof of this?

    I saw Abigails eyes quickly flicker to Eve who was biting her lip and twisting

    her hair.

    Well... Eve started. At the start of last year Jordan and I were really good

    friends. Then one day he asked me on a date...

    I could see where this was going.

    So I agreed and after a few more dates we ended up being boyfriend and

    girlfriend. But two weeks after it was declared we were, he started telling me he

    loved me. I was fine if he fell in love fast or something... but then after a month he

    started telling me to stop talking to guys. And Oliver was my good friend, likealways, so of course Jordan said importantly not to talk to Oliver. But I ignored that

    and still did. And Jordan got... a bit crazy... he yelled lots... broke down... sometimes

    got angry and ignored me... Eventually I just couldnt stand it and I broke up with


    I felt my eyes bulge. What a nutcase! I exclaimed.

    Oh no, no, no! Dont think that! Jordan isa really nice guy but... youve gotto teach him how to pace these things.

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    I rolled my eyes. If his intentions are a relationship, then I dont think I want

    that with him.

    Whats the point, Cece? Abigail suddenly whispered.

    Hmm? I asked in confusion.

    Youre not here forever. And you dont plan on being with Jordan forever.

    But youre still a teenager. You should have your fun.

    And risk breaking someones heart? I whispered.

    And risk losing the moments you could experience?

    Abigail had a point.

    If Jordan did want to ever make that step with me, I decided Id give him a

    chance. And Id also give him a chance this afternoon.

    Hey Cece! Oliver called out.

    I raised my head and looked at him.

    Come over here! he shouted.

    I got up, leaving my things with Eve and Abigail, making my way over to


    Yes? I asked.

    He nodded over to a tall, dark skinned, asian guy. Thats Apiroo, he stated.

    Uh... hey, nice to meet you.

    He didnt say anything, but he fiddled around in his pocket, pulled out a comb,

    took a step forward and started to comb my hair.

    Ah... should I be scared? I asked Oliver.

    Oliver chuckled and shook his head. Nah, thats Apiroo for you. He has a

    major fascination for a Japanese rock band called The Gazette.

    Ive heard of them, I muttered. Not really into it htough.

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    Apiroo took a step back and shook his head. Im offended, he said.

    Theyre amazing! His voice was soft and awkward sounding.

    Uh... I said, without a comeback.

    Apiroo shook his head and walked away.

    Hes weird, I whispered to Oliver.

    I know, Oliver whispered back. But hes cool.

    Whatever you say, I whispered again.

    Hey Cece? Oliver whispered questionably,


    Why are we still whispering?

    I laughed and spoke normally. Because its fun.

    Oliver smiled. So whats the verdict?

    The verdict for what?

    Dont tell me that you didnt ask Eve and Abigail nothing about Jordan.

    Oh! That! Well I decided to give him a chance. Might as well whilst Im


    Oliver nodded and smiled. Good choice.

    I watched him get back to playing guitar.

    I walked out of the school grounds to find Jordan was already waiting for me.

    Hey, he muttered, unsure of what Id decide.

    I smiled and replied, Hey.

    His eyes started to twinkle in hope. So? he prompted.

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    So... I decided to give you a chance.

    Yes! he enthused and pulled me into a hug.

    Youre suffocating me, I mumbled against his chest.

    He let out a laugh and released me from his death grip. You wont regret it!

    he promised.

    I hope not, I replied in a mumble.

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    Chapter Seven

    Jordan lives with his parents of course. When we got to his house he introduced me

    to his parents. He took after his father a lot. Except he had shorter hair, had more

    age to him and a bit more weight too. Jordans mum reminded me of Oliver. Oliver

    had taken most of his looks from her. Especially his eyes.

    Jordan then took me into the house and let his parents get back to work.

    This is the kitchen, he indicated a clean kitchen with only a few dishes

    stacked up. The living room, the dining room... We started to walk down the hall.Bathroom. Mum and dads room. He walked past a room with a closed door, not

    telling me its significance.

    I stopped walking. Spare room? I asked, pointing at the door.

    Jordan bit his lip. Olivers old room.

    Mind if I... I trailed off.

    Jordan shrugged. Go ahead. You might find some things you want.

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    I opened the door to Olivers old room. I could tell no one had been in here

    since he left.

    His room still had clothes scattered across the floor, school books on the desk

    and posters up on the wall.

    From the corner of my eye I noticed a small stack of CDs. I walked over to

    them and scanned though them.

    Goo Goo Dolls, Never Shout Never, Plain White Ts, Snow Patrol... and more

    bands like that.

    Can I have these CDs? I asked him.

    Jordan nodded. Its not like Oliver is coming back to collect them anyway.

    Oh hes not comingto collect them... but I sure am giving them to him.

    Lets get out of here... Its depressing and boring, Jordan said.

    I nodded and followed him out of the room.

    And this is my room, Jordan concluded as he opened the door to his room.

    Jordans wallwerent covered in posters of bands like Olivers was. The only

    posters he had up were of fairs held in town. Or awards from school.

    I nodded. Cool.

    Jordan grinned at me.

    Want to sit down? Jordan asked, nodding towards his bed.

    Sure, I replied and sat on the edge of his queen sized bed. I felt something

    against my foot and I bent down to push it under the bed more when I noticed it was

    a photo album.

    I sat back up with the album in my hands and raised an eyebrow curiously at


    Ah... dont look at that, Jordan said.

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    Why? I asked.

    Jordan sighed. Because its depressing.

    Hows it depressing?

    It just is.

    We stared at each other for about a minute, him with a look saying please

    dont and me with a look saying can I?

    After a while of that he sighed and gave in, nodding as if saying I can go

    ahead. He ducked his head in his hands.

    I opened the book to find it was a collage made by Eve.

    The first page was covered in snapshots of Jordan around the school,

    studying, smiling, laughing, concentrating... the second page was him at a social

    night at the lake. The third page was him and Eve when they were dating. The next

    four pages were filled of snapshots of him at school playing guitar, or posing with his

    guitar, or performing with his guitar.

    I see what you mean by depressing, I mumbled.

    Jordan sighed. Sometimes you have to give up your dreams.

    I still think its stupid.

    You may think it is, but Im all my father has left. I cant just go and leave him

    with the farm. No one else will be able to run it after otherwise. And also its been in

    my family for many generations. Im not going to be the one to ruin it.

    Friday came faster than I had expected.

    Have fun on your date tonight! Oliver called out after me as I walked out of

    the school.

    My response was sticking the rude finger up at him.

    I continued walking home, humming to myself happily.

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    I closed the door and mum walked into the living room.

    Youre home early, she stated.

    Yeah, I have a date tonight, I replied.

    You never asked me if you could go.

    Well Im going.



    Mum sighed and sat down on the edge of the couch. Cecelia, you have toask if you want to go anywhere.

    But you usually say no!

    It doesnt hurt to try.

    I sighed and sat down in the recliner. Can I go on a date tonight?


    Thank you... oh, and... one more thing.

    What is that?

    This girl, Eve, asked me to sleep over on Saturday, then my good friend

    Olivers grandparents invited me over for dinner on Sunday.

    Is Oliver the person that youre going on a date with tonight?

    I shook my head. No thats his brother Jordan.

    How old is Jordan?

    A year younger than me.

    Oh okay, thats fine I guess.

    I nodded. So is that all okay?

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    Mum pursed her lips. What is Eve like? Like... does she have goals?

    She wants to be a professional photographer but shes not so sure if she can

    get out of this town to do it.

    Mum nodded. And Oliver?

    Hes leaving at the end of this year to go to New York and try and land gigs

    there. Hes a really good at singing and guitar.

    Mum smiled. Thats good to know.

    So I can go to all these events?

    Mum nodded. You can go to all these events. Now when is this date?

    Jordan said hes picking me up at seven. I have no idea where he is taking


    Mums eyes furrowed in concentration. That gives no help on what to wear.

    I shrugged. Ive never been picky on clothes. But from the sounds of this

    conversation, it seemed like mum actually wanted to help me.

    Well, show me what clothes you have.

    Are you going to help me pick out some clothes, mum?

    Is that alright?

    I grinned. Its great.

    Mum wanted to help me out for once.

    After an hour of mum sorting through my clothes to find a girly casual day

    dress, then her ushering me to have a shower, her applying makeup on my face and

    styling my hair, I looked down at the floor length mirror and smiled. My hair was

    dead straight, my eyes not covered in eye liner, but it was thinly applied, my lips had

    a coat of lip gloss. I was wearing a denim dress that went just above my knees and I

    wore my combat boots. Mum had bargained with me for five minutes trying to get

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    me to trade in my combat boots and wear some of her more girly shoes, but I didnt

    give in.

    We had come to a mutual agreement that she could do my makeup if I got to

    wear my combat boots.

    I looked quite pretty for once instead of my normal dont-give-a-sh#t look.

    Mum and I stared at my reflection for a moment till we heard the bang of the

    door downstairs.

    Rick was home, I thought.

    Mum bit her lip and gave my shoulder a squeeze, leaving me alone in myroom and walking down the stairs to see Rick.

    I walked closer to the mirror and inspected the makeup around my eyes for a

    bit, checking to make sure it hadnt smudged anywhere until I heard banging


    I whipped around and ran down the stairs to the living room.

    You selfish b Rick started to swear at my mother.

    I glanced at my mother who lay on the ground, her nose bleeding, and Rick

    standing beside her, his face contorted in anger and his fists clenched.

    What are you doing to my mother? I shrieked.

    Rick snapped around and pinned me to the wall.

    Thats none of your business little girl, Rick hissed in my face.

    It sure as hell is my business you a##hole! I replied back.

    Dont use that language with me!

    Dont punch my mother!

    And then he slapped me so I spat in his face. My left cheek started to tingle

    in pain.

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    He threw me to the ground, glared at me for a second then stormed out of the

    house, on his way to the bar most likely.

    I trembled my way up into a standing position and helped my mother to her


    She was crying like crazy.

    Why are you with him mum? I asked in defeat. He treats you like shit!

    She sobbed. Because I love him!

    I hugged her tightly. You could do so much better.

    I know... but its not like I can get away. He owns the car. There are no

    ways to escape here.

    I bit my lip. Well escape one day mum, Ipromise.

    I hope so... I hope so... Im so sorry I got you into this Cecelia, she cried.

    Its alright, I murmered, stroking her hair.

    A truck then pulled into the driveway and out climbed Jordan.

    I sighed and pulled away from my mum. Perhaps I should cancel.

    Mum shook her head. No, dont do that. Go, have fun. Rick wont be home

    till tomorrow morning in the mood hes in.

    Are you sure youre going to be okay?

    She nodded then bit her lip. Your hair is ruined.

    I shrugged. Cant look pretty forever.

    She sighed. Looks do fade... she rubbed her cheeks.

    Yet youre still beautiful.

    Mum smiled. I love you Cecelia.

    I love you too mum.

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    There was a knock at the door.

    Mum inhaled a few deep breaths, composing herself, then she followed me to

    the door.

    Hello there Mrs Bloom, Im Jordan, Jordan introduced himself.

    Nice to meet you Jordan. Sorry Im a bit of a wreck... had an... eventful day,

    mum said, hesitating for the right words to say to explain just what had happened.

    Jordan nodded. I understand. Well then, we best be off, hey Cece?

    I nodded. Mum, you sure you want me to go?

    Ill be fine sweetheart, she said to me. Now go have fun.

    I smiled at her and then followed Jordan to his truck.

    He pulled out of the driveway and drove up the road for a bit till he stopped.

    Are you okay? he asked me.

    I looked him in the eyes for a few seconds. How did you know I was down?

    I asked him.

    I can see through your fake smile.

    My bottom lip started to quiver and he wrapped his arms around me. I started

    to cry.

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    Chapter Eight

    When I stopped crying I mumbled, Sorry for ruining our date.

    Its okay... and its not ruined. We still have ages left, Jordan said to me,

    stroking my hair whilst I still had my head on his chest.

    But, all that Ive done is cry.

    And its now my job to cheer you up. So how about I drive over to the place I

    had in mind and we continue our date.

    I smiled at him. Okay.

    He continued to drive down the road till we reached the edge of Lake Gloria.

    I thought you said we werent hanging out with your friends... I mumbled.

    Were not.

    Then why are we here?

    Because there is another clearing on the opposite side of the lake.

    Hes not talking about the one Oliver took me to is he?I thought to myself.

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    We climbed out of the car and walked through the thick forest.

    Jordan, is it safe to walk through here at night? I cant see a thing! I

    complained as we climbed our way through the trees and over fallen logs. I could

    hear our footsteps making a crunch every time we took a step, I could also hear the

    sounds of the wildlife calling around us. I sped up to keep up with Jordan.

    Its okay, Im here. Ive been through this forest many times at night.

    I dont know...

    He didnt respond, but instead he wrapped a comforting arm around me.

    When I gave him a curious gaze he said, Its okay, Im here.

    I smiled, ducking my head.

    We walked out of the trees into the same clearing Oliver had taken me to.

    Ive been here before, I mumbled to him.

    With whom?

    I bit my lip, not wanting to get Oliver in trouble, so instead I said, I had a fight

    with my parents one night so I stormed out of home and wondered around. I ended

    up stumbling through this forest and reached the clearing. I sat out here for a while

    until I returned home. Lie, lie, lie... massively huge lie!

    SHUT UP!I told myself.

    BUT YOU LIED! I hope you feel guilty.

    I ignored the voice in my head and concentrated on Jordan

    Myfamily used to come here ever Sunday afternoon, he mumbled.

    I looked over him cautiously. He didnt tend to mention his family in general.

    Hed usually only mention his mum and dad.

    Oliver and I used to see who can swing the highest on the tyre swing whilst

    dad and grandfather cooked on the barbeque. I havent been here in years.

    There was an awkward pause till I changed the subject.

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    So whats the plan? I asked.

    For what?

    Our date? I reminded him.

    Oh, right, sorry, I forgot about that.

    I rolled my eyes.

    He took off his bag and pulled out a paper bag, revealing two containers and

    two plates.

    I hope you like sushi, he said.

    I love sushi, I replied grinning.

    Thats for the great night, Jordan, I said as he pulled up at my house.

    Anytime. I had fun.

    I grinned and put my hand on the door handle. Well I guess Ill see you at

    sch but I was cut off.

    Jordan softly had his lips pressed on mine, slowly moving his. After a few

    seconds I kissed him back, loving the soft feeling of his lips.

    He pulled back and whispered, See you at school, Cecelia.

    Smiling softly I climbed out of his car and walked into the house, dazed.

    How was your date? mum asked from the kitchen.

    It was brilliant, I breathed, still grinning like a lunatic.

    Im guessing he kissed you?

    I nodded.

    Thats good to here. Im glad youre happy Cece.

    Thanks mum... How are you?

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    Mum shrugged and pointed at her black eye. Ive been better. But thankfully

    Rick hasnt come home yet.

    I bit my lip. Why do you let him treat you like this?

    Because but she was cut off by the opening of the door. Bed now, she

    hissed as a drunken Rick slowly made his way inside.

    I ran upstairs to my room, locking the door.

    That night I cried myself to sleep at the sound of my mums screams as she

    was beaten up again.

    As I woke that morning I hurriedly packed my bag with clothes for Eves. I ran

    downstairs, coming to a halt as I peered into the kitchen to see if Rick was up.

    Only mum was awake though, cooking breakfast.

    Mum! I gasped as I took in her appearance.

    Her arms were covered in bruises, her face bruised all over as well, her nose

    still had dry blood smeared under it. Im going to be okay, she whispered. Just

    stay out for the weekend.

    I nodded. You sure I should leave you alone?

    Just go to your friends house. Dont worry about me.

    Okay mum...

    Have fun sweetie.

    Ill try.

    Sorry Im early, I said to Eve as I knocked on her door, looking at her in her


    Its okay. Im sure you have a reason for it.

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    I do...

    How about you come in? she asked, opening the door for me.

    I walked into her house, taking a glance around. It was a really large home,

    also quite messy. Toys were lying around everywhere, the kitchen was a mess, and

    at the breakfast table sat a bunch of kids.

    Oh... am I intruding on breakfast? I asked suddenly.

    A woman rose from the table, who I assumed was Eves mum, and said, No,

    not at all. Have you eaten?

    I shook my head. Not really.

    Well Eve, why dont you take her to your room to put her things down then

    you can join us for breakfast.

    That would be lovely. Im Cecelia by the way.

    Eves mum smiled kindly. I know. Ive heard a lot about you. Im Wendy,

    Eves mum.

    Eve showed me to her room. Her walls were covered with photos. There

    was hardly any patches of wall showing.

    Im putting them on the roof next, she said, noticing I was staring at her


    Dont you feel like youre being watched sometimes? I asked her.

    She shrugged. Not really. Just reminded of the things I love.

    I smiled. I guess thats a good way to think of it.

    She smiled at me for a bit then said, Come on, lets eat before my siblings

    become pigs and eat all the food.

    We sat at the table and Eves mum indicated we could start to grab food.

    I looked around the table. Eve had six siblings. Five sisters and one brother.

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    Oh right, I havent introduced you, Eve said. Everyone, this is Cecelia.

    Cecelia, this is Riley, she pointedat the baby, Shes one. This is Patricia, shes

    six. Then there is Tiffany, she is ten. There is Raven, she is fifteen and a rotten brat

    too. Then there is me at seventeen. Then my brother Alex, who is 19. He and

    Oliver jam a lot. Alex plays guitar too.

    I nodded. Awesome.

    Alex smiled at me. Ive heard a bit about you.

    What do you mean? I asked.

    Oliver has mentioned you a lot.

    What has he said about me?

    He checked the clock, Oh shit, I better get out to the farm. Nice meeting you


    He got up from the table and left. I sighed.

    You done? Eve asked me once she had cleared her plate.

    I nodded.

    Well Im going to get changed and then we can get to work.

    Awesome. This will be fun.

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    Chapter Nine

    So Cece, do you have any hobbies? she asked me.

    I shook my head.

    Okay... I wonder if you suit hats...

    Eve, what are you on about? I asked her, my eyebrows furrowed in


    She resurfaced from her wardrobe holding a few pieces of clothing. She

    walked over to me and placed the pile at my feet.

    Find something you like and put it on. Im going to get my camera. I left it in

    the shed.

    Why did you leave your camera in the shed?

    We have two sheds. The smaller one is for me. Dad converted it into a

    darkroom for me.

    Whats a darkroom?

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    Its a room that is completely dark and allows processing of light sensitive

    photographic materials.

    Oh okay...

    That made no sense to you, did it?

    I shook my head. None at all.

    She giggled. Um, look it up at the library or something.

    Or I could just use the internet...

    Shut up, Im used to using the library since we dont really use the internet in

    this town.

    I laughed.

    Anyhoo, get dressed, and Ill be back.

    Okay then.

    I shifted through the pile of clothes, finally picking out a white summer dress,

    a black vest, and fishnet stockings. The shoes she had laid out for me werent my

    style so I just put my combat boots back on.

    Eve came back into the room and looked me up and down, smiling.

    It really suits you.

    Thanks, I mumbled back.

    Anytime. Lets go outside. There is a nice light.


    Hmm... Perhaps you could lean against that tree, Eve offered as she held

    her camera in her hands.

    This one? I asked, pointing to a tree.

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    She shook her head. The one that is two away from the log.

    Oh, this one? I asked pointing to another tree.

    She nodded. Perfect.

    I leaned against the tree and she took a picture.

    She continued to direct me where to stand, sit, how to pose. It was quite fun

    yet confusing at times.

    At one point she told me to just walk around and do what felt comfortable.

    Sometimes I pulled a few faces.

    The sun had reached the middle of the sky and we decided to go back inside.

    Eve, Cecelia, lunch is in the kitchen if you want some, Eves mother said.

    Eve nodded at her mum and walking into the kitchen.

    We leaned against the bench, eating Eves mums homemade sausage rolls.

    Eve set her camera down in her room, telling me to sit down as she went to

    go put the photos she had taken in the darkroom.

    I left the next day at midday.

    I walked slowly down the road and in the direction of Olivers house.

    I knocked on the door and Olivers grandmother opened it.

    Hello Cecelia, Oliver is in his room, she told me and opened the door for me

    to walk in.

    Thank you.

    I walked down the hall to Olivers room and knocked on his door.

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    He opened his door and smiled evilly. Enter, earthling, he said in an evil


    I giggled and walked into his room.

    He sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to

    him in silence.

    So? Oliver prompted.

    So what? I asked.

    How was the date?

    I bit my lip and blushed. He kissed me.

    Oh how sweet.

    Shut up, I said, flicking his arm.

    No really, its sweet. Im glad youre happy.


    But Cece..