learning guide 4 ed w

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    worksdotLearning Guide 4

    You want to marry me, dont you?LEVEL 4

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    RAP: Implementar planes de mejora en situaciones comunicativas y resolucin de problemas de acuerdo con los resultados del aprendizaje.

    Target language: Entonacin: Preguntas directas e indirectas y Tag Questions.

    Function: Identificar las dificultades presentadas en el proceso de aprendizaje. Ejecutar acciones de mejora.

    Evaluation Criteria: Lista las dificultades del proceso de conformidad con las exigencias de los resultados de aprendizaje. Selecciona alternativas de mejora de conformidad con los recursos disponibles y sus propias necesidades.

    Hi, there. Tomorrow, I will be ying to Paris. I feel so excited because, you know, I love France, but, on the other hand my heart is sad because Jason is staying here. Join me today, and lets nish this story. Read what you are going to learn during this week, then take your notebook and come on!

  • 4.1. ARE YOU IN LOVE?




    4.1. Are you in love?

    4.2. What type of learner am I?

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  • COMPREHENSIONChoose the right answer:

    1. Is Jason still in love with Betty?a. Yes, he doesb. No, he isntc. Yes, he is

    2. Where is Betty going to travel?a. United Statesb. Francec. None

    3. Did Patrick and Betty marry?a. No, they didnt b. Yes, they were in lovec. Yes, they did

    4. Did Jason give flowers to Betty?a. Yes, he did b. Yes, he did, but Betty didnt take themc. No, he didnt

    5. Does the story have a happy end?a. Yes, it doesb. Yes, he does.c. Yes, they do.



    LEARNPreguntas directas e indirectas, tags


    - You havent finished the test, have you?/Usted no ha terminado el test. O si?

    - Do you like cooking?/Le gusta cocinar?

    - Would you mind telling me the truth?/Le importaran decirme la verdad?

    - He is Italian, isnt He? /l es italiano o no?

    - Do you want coffee? /Desea caf?

    - Could you tell me where the nearest station is? /Podra decirme donde est la estacin ms cercana?

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    - He has Money, hasnt he?/El tiene dinero o no?

    - Does she have a red car?/Ella tiene un carro rojo?

    - Id like to know if you are going to come later/Me gustara saber si vas a venir mas tarde.

    - We are having a good time, arent we?/Estamos pasandola bien o no?

    - Is he working for Mr. Molina?/El est trabajando para el Sr. Molina?

    - Id be interested to hear about your experiences in Italy/Es-tara interesado en oir sus experiencias en Italia.

    IDENTIFY/IDENTIFICAIdentifica las Preguntas directas e indirectas y Tags Questions en las siguientes situaciones:

    A: How much do you earn? (Cunto dinero ganas?)B: (I earn 800.000 pesos per month )/Yo gano 800.000 pesos por mes.

    A: Would you mind telling me if you have sent the e-mail for Mr. Suarez? / Le importara decirme si ya ha enviado el correo al Sr. Suarez?B: No, Sir. The mail has been sent to Mr. Suarez / No, seor. El correo ha sido enviado al Sr. Suarez.

    A: You believe in heaven, dont you? (Crees en el cielo o no?)B: Yes, I do/No I dont (Si creo/No creo)

    A: You took the English class, didnt you? (Tomaste la clase de ingles o no?)B: Yes, I did/No, I didnt. (Si lo hice/No lo hice)

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    Para formar preguntas directa, generalmente se requiere el Auxiliar o el Verbo To Be delante del sujeto.


    Do you work here? (Trabajas aqu?)

    Can you be there at 6:00 am? (Puedes estar ah a las 6:00 am?)

    Are you the electricians? (Son ustedes los electricistas?)


    Las Direct questions generalmente tienen una entonacin en descenso:

    How often does the car come? (Con que frecuencia el carro viene?)

    Where is the nearest hospital? (Dnde queda el hospital mas cercano?)


    Para formar las preguntas indirectas se requiere la forma afirmativa en la segunda parte de la oracin y por lo tanto el auxiliar se coloca detrs del sujeto o si es el auxiliar DO se omite:


    Can you tell me where can I find the book?/Podras decirme donde puedo encontrar el libro?

    Omisin del Auxiliar DO

    Could you please remind us whether you build houses?/Podras recordarnos si usted fabrica casas?

    Ejemplo con el Auxiliar HAVE

    Please let me know whether you have studied the project/Por favor digame si ha estudiado mi proyecto.

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    Los Tags Questions se utilizan para:

    a) Pedir confirmacinb) Pedir Informacin

    Ello va depender la entonacin de las Tags Questions:

    a) Entonacin descendente: se solicita al receptor confirmacin de lo que uno ha dicho (no es una pregunta, no se pide informacin)

    You have been to Argentina, havent you? (Bajando el tono de voz)

    (Has estado en Argentina o no?)

    El emisor est seguro y convencido de que el receptor ha estado en Argentina. Le solicita (y espera) que se lo confirme.

    b) Entonacin ascendente: Se solicita informacin

    You havent read the book, have you? (Subiendo el tono de voz)

    (No has ledo el libro o s?)


    Las Indirect Questions generalmente tienen un ascenso en la entonacin:

    Can you tell me how often does the car comes?

    Could you tell me where to catch the airport taxi?


    Los tags Questions son preguntas breves que se aaden al final de una frase, ya sea para pedir conformidad al interlocutor sobre lo que se acaba de afirmar, ya sea para realizarle una pregunta de la que se desconoce la respuesta.


    He read the book, didnt he? (l ley el libro o no?)

    Are you from England, arent you? (Eres de Inglaterra o no?)

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    El emisor no sabe si su receptor ha ledo o no el libro. Espera que le responda y que le facilite alguna informacin.

    Las Tags Questions tambin se utilizan con oraciones negativas para solicitar de modo informal pero corts algn favor.

    Su estructura es la siguiente:

    Verbo auxiliar (de la oracin principal) + pronombre personal

    Your friend has bought a new house, hasnt he? (Tu amigo ha comprado una nueva casa o no?)

    You can play the piano, cant you? (Puedes tocar el piano o no?)

    El sujeto es siempre un pronombre. Si la oracin principal es afirmativa la Tags Questions es negativa:

    You are going to the party, arent you? (Vas a la fiesta o no?)

    Si la oracin principal es negative la question tag es afirmativa:

    You are not going to the party, are you? (No vas a la fiesta o si?)

    Casos particulares:

    Oraciones Imperativas: se utiliza como verbo auxiliar Will y este va en forma afirmativa:

    Move that chair, will you? (Mueve esa silla. La moveras?)

    Con oraciones que utilicen la expresin Let us se utiliza como verbo auxiliar shall y este va en forma afirmativa:

    Lets go to the library, shall we? (Vamos a la biblioteca. Iremos?)

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    Listen and Repeat

    Question intonation/Preguntas de Entonacin

    Wh-questions, usually have falling intonation. Indirect questions usually have rising intonation/Las preguntas Wh, generalmente tienen una entonacin en descenso. Las preguntas indirecta generalmente tienen una entonacin en ascenso:

    What time does the shoes shop open?

    Can you tell me what time the shoes shop opens?

    Where is the taxi stand?

    Do you know where the taxi stand is?

    VOCABULARIOTransportation Vocabulary/Vocabulario de Transporte

    Listen and Repeat


    Bus stop

    Car park

    Traffic light



    Book Shop


    Para de bus

    Parqueadero de carros






    On foot







    A pie




    Acera (of the street)





    High street







    Calle principal




    To drive












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    Las diferencias entre las preguntas directas e indirectas:

    Respuesta de pregunta directa:

    Will you make me a soup, dad?/Me hars la sopa, pap?

    La pregunta indirecta sera:

    I would sure like the soup/Me gustara la sopa

    En la primera preguntas a tu mam que te haga una sopa.

    En la segunda haces rodeos de lo que deseas, con la esperanza de que se d cuenta de lo que quieres.

    Otra respuesta:

    Una Pregunta Directa coloca las palabras reales de lo que se habla entre comillas:

    'would you like a cup of tea? He asked'. /('Te gustara una taza de t? El pregunt'.)

    Laura said Please may I leave the table?/ (Laura dijo Puedo dejar la mesa?)

    Una Pregunta Indirecta describe la pregunta que se hizo, pero no utiliza las palabras en s, ni un signo de interrogacin:

    'She asked me whether I would like a cup of tea./ ('Ella me pregunt si me gustara una taza de t.)

    ''Laura requested permission to leave the table.'/(''Laura solicit permiso para dejar la mesa.')


    Cuando la oracin est en Presente Simple, la Tag Questions debe utilizar el do/does. Si el verbo es to be utilizamos la forma correspondiente del verbo to be.

    Cuando la frase principal de la oracin est en Pasado Simple, utilizaremos el auxiliar did.

    Si utilizamos los modales, colocaremos el modal utilizado. Ex: He can play soccer, cant He?/(l puede jugar futbol. O no?)

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    PRACTICEa) Complete the question tags in the following sentences/Completa las questions tags en las siguientes oraciones:

    1) They were waiting for you, ___________________________.

    2) You havent prepared anything, _______________________.

    3) Lets go to the beach, ______________________________.

    4) She doesnt do exercises, ___________________________.

    5) Your friends will bring the cake, _______________________.

    6) Your brother is married, ______________________________.

    7) You didnt go to school, _____________________________.

    8) Your cousins will come to the graduation, ________________.

    9) It was a very good party, ____________________________.

    10) Your mom called me last night, _______________________.

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    b) Convert the following Direct Questions into Indirect Questions. / Convierte las siguientes preguntas indirectas en preguntas directas.

    1) "Where's the station?"

    "Can you tell me ___________________________?

    2) "Are you coming to the meeting?" "Can you let me know if _______________________?

    3) "How does this machine work?"

    "Can you explain ______________________________?

    4) "What's the the matter with this calculator?"

    Please tell me ___________________________?

    5) "Where are you from?" "I'd like to know _______________________?

    6) "How long does it take to get to the hospital?"

    "Do you know ______________________________?

    7) "Has she taken a decision yet?"

    "Has she told you whether ___________________________?

    8) Does Betty like going to the movies?

    I cant remember if ___________________________?

    9) Could you give me a ride?

    Is there any chance ____________________________?

    10) What does she think about it?

    Do you have any idea __________________________?

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    TASK 1

    Write a dialogue (at least 10 interventions) in which you include tag questions and indirect questions.

    Escriba un dilogo (al menos 10 intervenciones) en el cual usted incluya tag questions and indirect questions.

    Then, record your voice, reading what you have written in your composition. Use http://vocaroo.com/ for recording your voice.

    Luego, grabe su voz, leyendo lo que ha escrito en su composicin. Use http://vocaroo.com/ para realizar su grabacin.


    Cada uno de los puntos del task 1 debe realizarlos en el mismo documento de texto. En el caso de las grabaciones deber copiar y pegar el link que proporciona vocaroo. Luego, de tener su documento completo, nmbrelo de la siguiente forma: Su nombre completo_Task 1 y envelo a su tutor por medio del enlace de envo actividad en la plataforma.

  • AuditoryLearners






    LEARNHavent you wondered why some of your classmates learn better vocabulary than you do or why its so difficult for you to speak fluently English, while others do it in a natural way?

    Well, the clue to answer those questions is related to the learning styles theory.

    It is known that there are three kinds of learners, mainly: The visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

    Remember: understanding your type of learning style can be beneficial for you because in that way you can figure out which are the best and most efficient ways for you to study.

    What type of learner am I?

    People learn in a variety of ways. Identifying and understanding your learning style can help you maximize your educational experiences by finding ways to make learning more efficient.

    The styles of learning

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    Tend to befast talkers.

    Learn by seeingcharts anddiagrams.

    Need quietstudy time.

    Maythink in



    Like to sit at thefront of the class.

    Best learning strategies

    Diagramming sentences. Making mental maps . Drawing or outlining the information that you need. Taking notes. Making lists. Color coding, highlighting, circling and underlining words. Using flashcards.


    When answering a test, take a piece of paper and try to make an image of what its asked.

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    Tend to speakslowly.

    They explainthings well.

    Tend to benatural


    Tend torepeatthingsaloud.

    Thinklinearly. Read slowly

    Prefer to hear,rather

    than readinformation.



    Best learning strategies

    Writing what you hear. Using word association to remember facts and lines. Recording oral classes. Watching videos. Repeating facts with eyes closed. Participating in group discussions.


    When answering a test, read the questions aloud.

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    Tend tobe the

    slowest talkers

    Learn by doingand solving

    real-life problems.Cant sit still

    for long.Take breaks


    Suer fromshort

    attention spans.




    Best learning strategies

    Being creative. Changing learning activities. Studying in short blocks. Practicing what you have learned. Studying with others. Using memorizing games and flashcards to memorize facts.


    When answering a test, try to think how you applied whats asked.

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    Im a visual learner, and what kind of learner are you?


    Aloud: Fuerte. En voz alta.

    Circling: Encerrando en un crculo.

    Color coding: Cdigos de color.

    Flashcards: Tarjetas mnemotcnicas

    Highligting: Resaltado

    Quiet: Tranquilo

    Underlining: Subrayado

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    TASK 2Please download the following document:


    The purpose of this self-assessment checklist is to help you monitor your learning process, in relation to language skills and contents for each learning guide.

    Please fill in the checklist by writing an X in the category you think is appropriate.

    You can revisit the contents and activities for the units in the English course to help you fill in this format.

    When having the document completely ready, send it to your tutor by the proper link. Dont forget to name it like this:

    Your full name_task 2

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    Final Considerations


    A question TAG is the short question that we put on the end of sentences particularly in spoken English.

    A visual learner uses visualization techniques to recall things. A visual learner understands content by seeing what he/she is being taught.

    An auditory learner loves listening to debates and also enjoys being a part of them.

    A kinesthetic learner learns by movement.

    1The activities that you must carry out in this learning guide are:

    Task 1 Task 2 Evaluation


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    Lder de Proyecto: Jairo Antonio Castro Casas

    Expertos temticos: Javier Gmez Zapata Andrea Gonzlez Mosquera Ivon Mirit Molina Barrios

    Asesor Pedaggico: Mnica Patricia Osorio Martnez

    Guionistas: Beatriz Helena Duque Ospina scar Daro Cardozo Garzn scar Ivn Pineda Cespedes

    Lder de Proyecto: Jairo Antonio Castro Casas

    Expertos temticos: Javier Gmez Zapata Andrea Gonzlez Mosquera Ivon Mirit Molina Barrios

    Asesor Pedaggico: Mnica Patricia Osorio Martnez

    Guionistas: Beatriz Helena Duque Ospina scar Daro Cardozo Garzn scar Ivn Pineda Cespedes

    Programadores: Diego Rodrguez Ortegn Jos Felix Arizala Segura Mayra Durango

    Equipo de Diseo: Gabriel David Surez Vargas Guillermo Armando Aponte Celis Jhonny Ronald Narvez Olarte Julin Mauricio Milln Bonilla Leonardo Stiglich Campos

    Programadores: Diego Rodrguez Ortegn Jos Felix Arizala Segura Mayra Durango

    Equipo de Diseo: Gabriel David Surez Vargas Guillermo Armando Aponte Celis Jhonny Ronald Narvez Olarte Julin Mauricio Milln Bonilla Leonardo Stiglich Campos