learning chemistry for an exciting (and uncertain)...

Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain) Future Catherine H. Middlecamp* Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, United States ABSTRACT: We and our chemistry students face an exciting and uncertain future. To meet this future, what does it require of us, especially those who teach introductory courses? One possible answer is to select more interesting topics around which to organize student learning, especially in rst-year chemistry courses. Almost any topic will do; a starter set could include energy, water, public health, and food, topics that fall under the larger umbrella of sustainability and global stewardship. A second answer is to develop more robust learning goals for our students, especially those relating to the world around us. For example, we and our students need the ability to think across time and space in order to gain multiple points of view. We need to connect the dots both globally and locally, tracing the pathways of substances from cradle to grave. Although our students dont really need superpowers, perhaps enhanced powers of the imagination could help them better connect chemistry to the world in which they live. The ultimate goal is to better prepare them for an exciting and uncertain future. KEYWORDS: Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary, First-Year Undergraduate/General, Curriculum, Environmental Chemistry L ast semester, one of my teaching assistants came to class wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with my cape and tights are in the wash. 1 Good one! Moments later, most likely in response to my chuckle, I was treated to a discourse about superheroes. Although I recognized only a few, at a deeper level I well understood how superheroes attract so many fans, including my students. 2 Whether we were brought up on the Wizard of Oz or Batman, we all enjoy a good story. Although legendary superheroes may accomplish feats of great strength, they also may have powers of increased sensory perception. Consider, for example, X-ray vision. As one who has taught general chemistry for many years, I would be the rst to sign up my students for this power. It easily could serve as a proxy for the type of thinking we require in our general chemistry courses. For example, students learn to peer into molecules, seeingthe bonds as electron pairs. They also seethe contours of orbitals, another feat of the imagination. And they seethe attractions between molecules or the lack thereof. Is invoking a superpower all that dierent from asking students to imagine the submicroscopic world? Other powers of enhanced perception could serve us equally well. Consider, for example, the ability to hearthose who came before us, perhaps still alive, part of recorded history, or simply heard by the powers of imagination. What can people tell us about the days before refrigerant gases? Who can speak to the seemingly miraculous moment when penicillin was introduced? Attempting to hearvoices from the future could be equally informative, perhaps as an inspiration or perhaps a warning. For example, are those in future generations grateful that we did not (or did) build a pipeline? Are they angry that we stalled instead of responding to the rising greenhouse gas concentrations? Finally, although a bit more whimsical, consider the ability to hear conversations in the plant and animal world. 3,4 For example, when tropospheric ozone levels push into the unhealthy range, would it be helpful to hearfrom the trees whose needles were damaged? Surely the robins had something to report back in the days when DDT was widely used. And as our students study the carbon cycle, might it help them to imagine how one by one, the voicesof billions of ancient organisms went silent as they transformed into seams of coal? OK. I know. We and our students dont really need superpowers. Rather, we need the ability to think across time and space, in order to gain multiple points of view. We need the ability to connect the dots, tracing substances from cradle to grave. We need the ability to predict how our actions (or lack thereof) will produce outcomes locally and globally. In essence, we and our students need critical thinking skills for the challenges we face right now in our world. 5-7 A recent article in Nature by Whitesides and Deutch makes the case that we chemists need to change our practices. Cognizant of the challenges that we face in our world today, the authors of this article admonish us to get practicaland assert that: 8 Chemistry should cluster its teaching and research around the exciting and uncertain future rather than the ossied historical past. I concur. To accomplish this, we need alternatives to the ossied historical past, that is, to the status quo. Accordingly, I oer two approaches to teaching and learning that leave plenty of room for creativity. Published: April 9, 2013 Editorial pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc © 2013 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. 395 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ed400078m | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 395-397

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Page 1: Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain) Futuredepa.fquim.unam.mx/amyd/archivero/Tarea_8_para_14_de... · 2013. 5. 13. · Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain)

Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain) FutureCatherine H. Middlecamp*

Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, United States

ABSTRACT: We and our chemistry students face an exciting and uncertain future. Tomeet this future, what does it require of us, especially those who teach introductorycourses? One possible answer is to select more interesting topics around which toorganize student learning, especially in first-year chemistry courses. Almost any topicwill do; a starter set could include energy, water, public health, and food, topics that fallunder the larger umbrella of sustainability and global stewardship. A second answer is todevelop more robust learning goals for our students, especially those relating to theworld around us. For example, we and our students need the ability to think across timeand space in order to gain multiple points of view. We need to connect the dots bothglobally and locally, tracing the pathways of substances from cradle to grave. Althoughour students don’t really need superpowers, perhaps enhanced powers of theimagination could help them better connect chemistry to the world in which theylive. The ultimate goal is to better prepare them for an exciting and uncertain future.

KEYWORDS: Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary, First-Year Undergraduate/General, Curriculum, Environmental Chemistry

Last semester, one of my teaching assistants came to classwearing a t-shirt emblazoned with “my cape and tights are

in the wash”.1

Good one! Moments later, most likely in response to mychuckle, I was treated to a discourse about superheroes.Although I recognized only a few, at a deeper level I wellunderstood how superheroes attract so many fans, including mystudents.2 Whether we were brought up on the Wizard of Oz orBatman, we all enjoy a good story.Although legendary superheroes may accomplish feats of

great strength, they also may have powers of increased sensoryperception. Consider, for example, X-ray vision. As one whohas taught general chemistry for many years, I would be the firstto sign up my students for this power. It easily could serve as aproxy for the type of thinking we require in our generalchemistry courses. For example, students learn to peer intomolecules, “seeing” the bonds as electron pairs. They also “see”the contours of orbitals, another feat of the imagination. Andthey “see” the attractions between molecules or the lackthereof. Is invoking a superpower all that different from askingstudents to imagine the submicroscopic world?Other powers of enhanced perception could serve us equally

well. Consider, for example, the ability to “hear” those whocame before us, perhaps still alive, part of recorded history, orsimply heard by the powers of imagination. What can peopletell us about the days before refrigerant gases? Who can speakto the seemingly miraculous moment when penicillin wasintroduced? Attempting to “hear” voices from the future couldbe equally informative, perhaps as an inspiration or perhaps awarning. For example, are those in future generations gratefulthat we did not (or did) build a pipeline? Are they angry thatwe stalled instead of responding to the rising greenhouse gasconcentrations?

Finally, although a bit more whimsical, consider the ability tohear conversations in the plant and animal world.3,4 Forexample, when tropospheric ozone levels push into theunhealthy range, would it be helpful to “hear” from the treeswhose needles were damaged? Surely the robins had somethingto report back in the days when DDT was widely used. And asour students study the carbon cycle, might it help them toimagine how one by one, the “voices” of billions of ancientorganisms went silent as they transformed into seams of coal?OK. I know. We and our students don’t really need

superpowers. Rather, we need the ability to think across timeand space, in order to gain multiple points of view. We need theability to connect the dots, tracing substances from cradle tograve. We need the ability to predict how our actions (or lackthereof) will produce outcomes locally and globally. In essence,we and our students need critical thinking skills for thechallenges we face right now in our world.5−7

A recent article in Nature by Whitesides and Deutch makesthe case that we chemists need to change our practices.Cognizant of the challenges that we face in our world today, theauthors of this article admonish us to “get practical” and assertthat:8

Chemistry should cluster its teaching and research aroundthe exciting and uncertain future rather than the ossifiedhistorical past.

I concur. To accomplish this, we need alternatives to theossified historical past, that is, to the status quo. Accordingly, Ioffer two approaches to teaching and learning that leave plentyof room for creativity.

Published: April 9, 2013



© 2013 American Chemical Society andDivision of Chemical Education, Inc. 395 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ed400078m | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 395−397

Page 2: Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain) Futuredepa.fquim.unam.mx/amyd/archivero/Tarea_8_para_14_de... · 2013. 5. 13. · Learning Chemistry for an Exciting (and Uncertain)


My first approach won’t surprise anybody: namely, to pickmore interesting topics around which to organize studentlearning, especially in general chemistry courses. Almost anytopic will do, given the central role chemistry plays in virtuallyevery issue we face on our planet. A starter set could includeenergy, water, public health, and food, topics that fall under thelarger umbrella of sustainability and global stewardship. Forover two decades, such topics long have served as theorganizing principle for our nonscience majors.9,10 Our sciencemajors have yet to reap the benefit.There is good reason to single out general chemistry courses.

First, students enroll in large numbers. Second, science courseshave been criticized more generally for “dull lecturing”11 and inthe eyes of students, “poor teaching”.12 Third, being the lastchemistry course that many students will ever take, this coursecould inspire students on a path of life-long learning.The ACS Committee on Professional Training (CPT) has

left room for creativity in its undergraduate guidelines13 andseems to have its eye on the future as well:14

[T]he importance of chemistry in the studies involvingenergy, environment, health, and material development(among other areas) has increased and continues to grow.

Earlier this year, CPT issued a white paper of proposed changesto the ACS Guidelines. The Committee encouraged depart-ments to “integrate modern topics in chemistry into both thefoundation and in-depth experiences,” especially areas that “falloutside of, or integrate, the traditional subdisciplines.” The areaof green or sustainable chemistry was cited as an example.15

Again, pick more interesting topics! No one topicenergy,health, food, watermust be included. Required topicsfunction like a set of blinders that keeps our vision restricted(and our students mired in content). Rather, first focus on theexciting and uncertain future we face. Then select topics tosecurely connect chemistry to this future.


My second approach is to develop new learning goals thatrelate to the real world in intriguing ways. Just as we do whendescribing the submicroscopic world, we should enhance theimagination of our students to “see” chemistry in the worldaround them. Although there is no need to frame these goals assuperpowers, this approach might inspire some creativethinking in faculty and students alike.For example, the same X-ray vision that was so useful for

imagining atoms and molecules could work equally well in dailylife. Consider the act of turning on a light switch. Can studentsbe encouraged to “see” miles away to the coal-fired power plantthat produced not only the electricity but also air pollutantssuch as nitrogen monoxide and particulate matter? Or in thecase of a nuclear power plant, can they “see” inside the reactorcore to the fission products? Similarly, help students to better“see” what happens to water before it reaches our tap and afterit goes down the drain. How about “seeing” how waste in afaraway landfill is generating methane? X-ray vision is beginningto sound mighty handy.As another example, consider combustion. When a hydro-

carbon burns, the chemical equation typically shows carbondioxide and water as products. Although students can observethe flame, they can see the vapor only once it condenses, asshown in Figure 1. However, students cannot observe thecarbon dioxide at all!

To render the invisible visible, I’ve started invoking asuperpower to help students “see” colorless gases byrepresenting their plumes with colored clouds, such as thoseshown in Figure 2. Any color will do, as long as it is used

consistently and with sufficient explanation, analogous to ourpractice of depicting carbon atoms as black, chlorine atoms asgreen, and the contours of orbitals red or blue. Rendering CO2visible also can lead to class discussions on how public opinionon issues might be different were citizens able to see CO2 invehicle exhaust (as well as when they exhale). In addition, theuse of a color provides an opportunity to explain why carbondioxide is, in fact, colorless.A final real-world example relates to the hidden energy

infrastructures that underlie many places, including ourcampuses. On mine, underground tunnels that originate incampus heating and cooling plants provide steam and chilledwater to buildings. For folks in chilly climates, a few inches ofsnow may quickly reveal the tunnel routes because the wasteheat melts the snow. Alternatively, look for the markingspainted on the sidewalk (Figure 3). Whatever it takesincreased observational skills, superpowers, or perhaps evenvisiting a local heating and cooling plantwe can increase theability of students to “see” which fuels are used, at what rate,

Figure 1. Plume of condensed water vapor from the Charter StreetHeating and Cooling Plant, University of WisconsinMadison.

Figure 2. Invisible releases of CO2 marked with purple “clouds”.

Journal of Chemical Education Editorial

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the waste products generated, and the opportunities forconservation.With the ability to “see” comes responsibility. Although I

have cast superpowers as the elements of a good story, thesepowers offer more than simply entertainment. The appeal ofthe superhero narrative lies in the struggle of the superhero touse power to help rather than to harm: “With great powercomes great responsibility.”16 This struggle belongs to us aswell. If there were ever a time that begged us to act on ourconvictions to serve others, including those in futuregenerations, it is now.As chemists, we surely face an exciting and uncertain future.

Can we act to meet it? For practical suggestions to help youfind real-world topics appropriate to your own needs, consult arecent ACS monograph on sustainability in the chemistryclassroom.17 Another possibility is the volume published in theInternational Year of Chemistry that examined chemistry’scontribution to our global future.18 Previous issues of theJournal also contain information that may inspire (or provoke)you to action.19−21

Whatever it takes to better connect chemistry, our students,and our planet, I propose that we get on with it. If your tightsand cape are in the wash, now would be a great time to getthem out.

■ AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]

Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and notnecessarily the views of the ACS.Catherine H. Middlecamp has a joint appointment inEnvironmental Studies and in the Integrated Liberal StudiesProgram, and is an affiliate of the Chemistry Department at theUniversity of WisconsinMadison. She is the editor-in-chief ofthe 7th and 8th editions of Chemistry in Context, a project of theAmerican Chemical Society.

■ REFERENCES(1) Travis Blomberg is a Master’s degree candidate in theEnvironment and Resources Program, Nelson Institute for Environ-mental Studies, University of WisconsinMadison.(2) In a poll of my students in spring 2013, over 90% of the classknew the stories of superheroes, with 10% checking “My tights andcape are in the wash. I’m a fan!”(3) In the children’s book series that began with The Story of Dr.Dolittle, the central character uses his powers to converse with theanimals. Wikipedia reports that “He later becomes a naturalist, using

his abilities to speak with animals to better understand nature and thehistory of the world.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Dolittle(accessed Mar 2013).(4) In an April Fools joke that went viral, the Google Translate forAnimals app was introduced. http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/landing/translateforanimals/ (accessed Mar 2013).(5) Pellegrino, J. W., Hilton, M. L, Eds. Education for Life and Work:Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century; TheNational Academies Press: Washington, DC, 2012. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=13398 (accessed Mar 2013).(6) Koenig, J. A. Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop;The National Academies Press: Washington, DC, 2011. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=13215 (accessed Mar 2013).(7) Hilton, M. Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and 21stCentury Skills: A Workshop Summary; The National Academies Press:Washington, DC, 2010. http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12771 (accessed Mar 2013).(8) Whitesides, G. M.; Deutch, J. Let’s Get Practical. Nature 2011,Jan 6; 469 (7328): 21−22; DOI: 10.1038/469021a.(9) Middlecamp, C. H.; Keller, S. W.; Anderson, K. L.; Bentley, A. K.;Cann, M. C.; Ellis, J. P. Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry toSociety, 7th ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York, 2012.(10) Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society,American Chemical Society, http://www.acs.org/chemistryincontext(accessed Mar 2013).(11) Shaping the Future: New Expectations for UndergraduateEducation in Science Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (NSF96-139); National Science Foundation: Washington, DC, 1996.Chapter 1, http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf96139 (accessed Mar 2013).(12) Seymour, E.; Hewitt, N. M. Talking about Leaving: WhyUndergraduates Leave the Sciences; Westview Press: Boulder, CO, 1997;p 145.(13) ACS Guidelines for Bachelor’s Degree Programs, Committee onProfessional Training, American Chemical Society. http://portal.acs.org/portal/PublicWebSite/about/governance/committees/training/acsapproved/degreeprogram/WPCP_008491 (accessed Mar 2013).(14) ACS Guidelines Revision, Committee on Professional TrainingWeb page. http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id=1540&content_id=CNBP_031573&use_sec=true&sec_url_var=region1&__uuid=5fe464c4-6dfe-4854-951b-fb5aa1ef0f48 (accessed Mar 2013).(15) White Paper: Proposed Changes to the ACS Guidelines andEvaluation Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree Programs, Committee onProfessional Training Web page, American Chemical Society, January2013. http://www.acs.org/cpt (accessed Mar 2013).(16) This line appears in Spider-Man stories and is attributable toseveral, including Spider-Man’s uncle, Benjamin Parker. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Ben#.22With_great_power_comes_great_responsibility.22 (accessed Mar 2013).(17) Middlecamp, C., Jorgensen, A., Eds. Sustainability in theChemistry Curriculum, ACS Symposium Series 1087; AmericanChemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.(18) Garcia-Martinez, J., Serrano-Torregrosa, E., Eds. The ChemicalElement: Chemistry’s Contribution to Our Global Future; Wiley-VCH:Weinheim, Germany, 2011.(19) Fisher, M. F. Chemistry and the Challenge of Sustainability. J.Chem. Educ. 2012, 89 (2), 179−180.(20) Zoller, U. Science Education for Global Sustainability: What IsNecessary for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Strategies? J. Chem.Educ. 2012, 89 (3), 297−300.(21) Middlecamp, C. To Roosevelt Island (and Back). J. Chem. Educ.2011, 88 (2), 123−124.

Figure 3. Although no superpower is needed to see markings on thesidewalk, students might still need help noticing what they are missing.

Journal of Chemical Education Editorial

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ed400078m | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 395−397397