learn catia ebook

CATIA V5 Workbook Releases 12 & 13 By: Richard Cozzens Southern Utah University SDC Schroff Development Corporation www.schroff.com www.schroff-europe.com PUBLICATIONS

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CATIA V5 Workbook

Releases 12 & 13


Richard Cozzens

Southern Utah University


Schroff Development Corporation




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Lesson 1 Introduction to CATIA V5


CATIA V5 is a powerful software package yet has a relatively short learning curve. One

of the reasons for the short learning curve is that it is fully Windows compatible and the

processes are consistent across the workbenches, toolbars and tools. If you learn the

basics of a particular workbench the same process can be used for more complex

problems. Several tools are used in more than one workbench.

The lessons in this workbook present basic real life design problems (when possible) and

the workbenches, toolbars, and tools required to solve the problem. The lessons present

this information with step-by-step instructions. For every step there are numerous

possible methods of accomplishing the same thing. The steps are to be used as guides to

solving the design problem. You are encouraged to try new and different methods, find

the method that works for you.

This lesson provides a brief foundation about CATIA V5 to build upon in the following


Figure 1.1

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1-2 CATIA V5 Workbook


The objective of this workbook is to instruct anyone who wants to learn CATIA V5

through organized, graphically rich, step-by-step instructions on the basic processes

and tools provided by CATIA V5.

The objectives of this lesson are listed below:

- Provide suggestions on how to best utilize this workbook.

- Provide some basic background on CATIA and CATIA V5.

- Provide an overview of all the CATIA V5 Applications Tools and their


- Provide an overview of all the possible CATIA V5 document types.

- Provide an introduction to CATIA V5 and MS Windows functionality.

The CATIA Acronym

The CATIA acronym stands for: “Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive

Application”. V5 stands for Version 5.

How To Use This Workbook

Although most of the steps are detailed for the beginner, the steps and processes are

numbered and bolded so the more experienced user can go directly to the subject and/or

area of interest.

All of the lessons follow the same format:

Introduction: This section introduces the problem covered in the lesson and the CATIA

V5 workbenches and tools used to solve the problem. This section is a quick overview of

the problem, basic steps and completed results.

Objectives: This section provides the main concepts that will be covered in the lesson.

The Review Questions and Practice Exercises are tied directly to these the stated


Work Bench and Tool Bars: This section introduces the workbenches and tools with a

brief definition of each tool. The tool icons are also displayed in this section.

Step-by-Step Instructions: The bulk of each lesson consists of step-by-step instruction

on how to apply the newly introduced tools to solve the lesson problem. This section is

designed for basic users and more advanced users. The beginner will want to read

through each step while the more advanced user may want to skip to the bolded words

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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-3

which for the most part are the actions required by each step. There are Notes, Hints

and Comments along with links to all of the graphics for visual explanations.

Summary: This section brings everything you have learned together.

Review Questions: This section consists of 20 questions taken from the lesson. The

purpose of the review is to help solidify the concepts and tools taught in the lesson. The

questions tie directly back to the listed objectives.

Practice Exercises: Being able to answer questions is one thing, being able to create is

another! The Practice Exercises are problems that require the use of the tools and

processes covered in the lesson. Some of the Practice Exercises have helpful hints on

how to create the part.

To get the most out of each lesson, it is suggested that you preview the entire lesson so

you get an overview of what information is contained in each lesson. This overview will

also give you an idea of what it will take to complete the lesson. Read through the

Lesson Review questions before you begin, this way you can be searching for the

answers as you go through the lesson. Preview the Practice Exercises, as you go

through the lesson you can be looking for the tools and processes required to complete

the Practice Exercises.

A Brief History of CATIA

CATIA was developed by Dassault Systemes in the early 1980’s and quickly

emerged as an industry leader. CATIA V5 is different from V4 and earlier versions

because it was programmed to take advantage of the MS Windows capability while

maintaining the UNIX power and stability.

As a user, making the transition to CATIA V5 from CATIA V4 is a huge step.

CATIA V5 does not resemble CATIA V4 at all; it is new. For Experienced CATIA

V4 users often seem to struggle with the change at first, until they can let go of the

old and embrace the new. The learning curve has been greatly reduced, while

maintaining the power and significantly improving the flexibility and integration.

With CATIA V5 the designer is not limited by the software but is limited only by

his/her own ability to put the software to work. CATIA V5 is the engineering package

that will lead industry into the world of Product Life Cycle Management (PLM).

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1-4 CATIA V5 Workbook

CATIA V5 Configuration

CATIA V5 is configured into three different platforms. The platform defines a

technical capability. Within each platform there are Applications Tools. These

Application Tools contain workbenches that are organized into categories dependent

on their application, for example the NC Manufacturing Application Tools contain

workbenches that support NC applications like Lath Machining, Prismatic Machining

and Surface Machining. Workbenches contain toolbars and tools that are specific to

that workbench. For example, metaphorically speaking a woodshop contains tools

for woodworking and a weld shop contains tools for welding. This is similar to

CATIAV5’s workbenches; the Part Design Workbench contains toolbars and tools for

creating parts. Toolbars within workbenches can also be broken down into specific

functions. Some particular toolbars and tools will show up in numerous


To determine your CATIA V5 configuration from the MS XP Desktop select Start,

Programs, CATIA, Tools as shown in Figure 1.2. Select the Software

Management V5R13 option. This will bring up a window similar to the one shown

in Figure 1.3. The General tab will display the Build Level and Service Pack Level.

The Installed Software tab will display all the CATIA V5 Licenses. Notice that

there are numerous options under the CATIA, Tools options. These options may not

be available depending on how CATIA was installed. These tools may be available

at the administration level only. If this is the case you can still find out basic

configuration information by selecting the Help option on the top pull down menu (in

CATIA V5) and selecting the About CATIA V5 option.

Figure 1.2

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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-5

CATIA V5 Platforms

CATIA V5 is configured into with three different platforms. The platforms P1, P2

and P3 designate the design level available to the user.

P1 Platform

The P1 Platform is the starting point for smaller companies that do not require the

process-oriented tools. The functionality is limited to design tools.

P2 Platform

The P2 Platform provides the extended design tools as well as additional process

oriented tools. The process tools are fully interchangeable and scaleable.

P3 Platform

The P3 Platform has the look and feel of the P2 Platform but can be customized to fit

a particular industry (highly specialized).

Figure 1.3

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1-6 CATIA V5 Workbook

CATIA V5 Applications Tools

The Application Tools are where all the Workbenches are made accessible

(organized). To access the Application Tools select the Start menu located at the top

left of the CATIA V5 Screen (reference Figure 1.4). The Start menu will display the

Application Tools. The number of Application Tools depends on the Platform level

and license package purchased. The Applications Tools shown in this section

represent the P2 Platform and ED2 License package.


Mechanical Design

Figure 1.4

Application Tool:

Mechanical Design Workbench:

Part Design

Access to the



Part Design Workbench toolbars

and tools

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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-7


Analysis & Simulation

NC Manufacturing

Digital Mockup


CATIA V5 Workbenches

The following is a list of workbenches that are organized within each Application Tool.


This Application Tool contains workbenches that apply to all the other

Applications. These workbenches are integrated across CATIA V5


Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition



This workbench provides tools that help the user

organize and work with assemblies. Numerous tools

are similar or duplicates of tools found in the

Assembly Design Workbench.



This workbench provides the tools to create a user-

defined material (customized).


V3, V2

This workbench provides tools that help integrate the

different versions of CATIA.



This workbench provides the tools to create a user-

defined entity, part and/or assembly.

Photo Studio This workbench provides the tools to create pictures

(*.jpg) of the CATIA creation.

Real Time


This workbench provides the tools for creating lights,

environments, turn tables and simulations for picture

and video renderings of the CATIAV5 products.




This workbench provides tools for creating feature

dictionary, inherited attributes and local attributes.

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1-8 CATIA V5 Workbook

Mechanical Design

This Application Tool contains workbenches that apply to design, solid

modeling, assembly and drafting.

Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition

Part Design This workbench is the basis for most of CATIA V5’s

other workbenches. This workbench provides tools for

the creation of individual 3D entities (parts). The

resulting design document (file) has the file extension

of *.CATPart.



This workbench provides the tools that bring

(constrain) numerous CATPart documents together as

an assembly. The resulting document has the

*.CATProduct extension.

Sketcher This workbench provides tools to create 2D profiles.

This workbench is tied closely to the Part Design

Workbench; most of the Part Design entities are

created in the Sketcher Workbench and completed

(extruded) in the Part Design Workbench.

Drafting This workbench provides the tools to create production

(drafted) drawings of the CATIA V5 CATParts and/or


Sheet Metal


This workbench provides the tools to create Sheet

Metal designs.

Sheet Metal


This workbench provides the tools to create Sheet

Metal designs.


and Surface


This workbench provides the tools to create 3D

wireframe and 3D surfaces.


Sheet Metal


This workbench provides the tools to create Sheet

Metal designs.

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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-9


This Application Tool contains workbenches that apply to surfaces and

surface design.

Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition

Free Style This workbench provides the tools for creating and

modifying free style surfaces.

Sketch Tracer This workbench provides tools for tracing sketches.


Shape Editor

This workbench provides tools for

importing/exporting clouds of points and creating

surfaces from the points.


Shape Design

This workbench provides the tools for creating and

modifying wireframe and surface geometry.

Quick Surface


This workbench provides the tools for creating

surfaces from existing geometry.

Analysis & Simulation

This Application Tool contains workbenches that apply to Analysis and


Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition




This workbench provides the tools for creating and

modifying advanced meshes.




This workbench provides the tools to apply loads on

existing parts and/or assemblies. The results of the

loads and supports can then be calculated and printed

out in a report.

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1-10 CATIA V5 Workbook

NC Manufacturing This Application Tool contains workbenches that apply to Numeric Control


Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition



This workbench provides the tools to create NC

programs for Lathe applications.



This workbench provides the tools to create NC

programs for 3 axis-milling machines.



This workbench provides the tools to create NC

programs for 3 and 5 axis-milling machines.



This workbench provides advanced tools to create NC

programs for 3 and 5 axis milling machines




This workbench provides the tools to review CATIA

V5 NC programs.

STL Rapid


This workbench provides the tools for STL Rapid


Digital Mockup This Application Tool contains workbenches that apply to digital recreation

of the real


Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition



This workbench provides the tools to help the user

navigate through the design.

DMU Space


This workbench provides the tools to help the user

analyze space in a design.



This workbench provides the tools to help the user

apply and extract kinematics information about a

specific design.

DMU Fitting This workbench provides the tools for analyzing

assemblies such as part clash detection, simulations,

part shuttles and automated assembly explosions.



This workbench provides the tools to analyze and

annotate 2D documents.



This workbench provides the tools to help the user

optimize the design.

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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-11


This Application Tool contains workbenches that allow the user to

incorporate intelligence into CATIAV5 documents.

Workbench Workbench


Workbench Definition



This workbench provides the tools to create and apply

rules and checks for defined parameters. This

workbench also has macro and script tools.



This workbench provides the tools to create and apply

expert rules and checks.




This workbench provides the tools to optimize

assembly designs.




This workbench provides the tools to create template

copies of existing knowledgeware creations.




This workbench provides the tools to create and

modify functional actions.




This workbench provides the tools to define

functional actions.

CATIA V5 Documents

All files created using CATIA V5 are referred to as documents. The basis of most

CATIA V5 documents is the part document. The part document is similar to the

*.model file in CATIA V4. Different CATIA V5 Workbenches generate different

types of documents (extension types). The following is a list of different

workbenches and the extension types.

Part Design *.CATPart

Sketcher *.CATPart

Surface Design *.CATPart

Drafting *.CATDrawing

Assembly Design *.CATProduct

GSA *.CATAnalyis

NC *.CATProcess

Material *.CATMaterial

Shape *.CATShape

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1-12 CATIA V5 Workbook

Running CATIA V5 On Windows

This book was developed with CATIA V5 running on Microsoft Windows XP

Professional. CATIA V5 running on UNIX is similar although there are some minor

differences. The biggest difference is UNIX will not have all of the Windows

functionality. The Windows functionality gives the user the flexibility of having

several options for completing almost any task. For example, you have the Cut/Copy

and Paste tools in the Windows XP pull down menu, you have the quick keys that

accomplish the same thing ( Ctrl c and Ctrl v ) or you could use the CATIA V5 Cut

and Paste tool found in the CATIA V5 Standard tool bar. Another example is you

have the choice to highlight an entity then select the tool to apply or you can reverse

the choices and select the tool, then select the entity. Some of these options are not

available on the UNIX operating system. This workbook assumes you have at

minimum a basic knowledge of the Windows Operating System.

Contextual Menus

CATIA V5 was developed to take advantage of MS Windows functionality. One of

the most powerful functions offered by MS Windows technology is the Contextual

Menu. For most tools/functions in CATIA V5 there are several different ways to

accomplish and/or access the same tool. The Contextual Menu is one of the quicker

methods to accomplishing some tasks, rather than attempting to locate a tool or

navigate through the pull down menus. The Contextual Menu can provide immediate

access to some tools/functions by selecting the particular item and selecting the right

mouse button. Figure 1.5 shows an example of the Contextual Menu applied to the


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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-13

Drag and Drop

This is another MS Windows tool that CATIA V5 offers the user. With most CATIA

V5 tools the user can select the tool (so it is highlighted) and then select the entity to

apply the tool to or the user can select the entity/entities and then the tool. Anther

option is to drag the tool and drop it onto the entity/entities. In other words the order

in which the processes are executed is not critical. Most users get used to applying a

tool a particular way and stay with that method. It is important to know that option is

available. The methods described in this workbook are usually limited to one

method. Even so, be aware of the other options.


This is a brief background and introduction to the world of CATIA V5. It is also a

brief guide to how to get the most out of this workbook no matter what skill level you

are at. The better you remember and understand the information presented in this

lesson the easier it will be to learn and apply the information contained in the

remaining lessons.

Figure 1.5

Contextual Menu: Select the

specific entity from the graphics

window or Specification Tree.

Select the right mouse button. This

brings up the menu as shown. The

options will be applied to the

selected entity ( Pad.1 in this


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1-14 CATIA V5 Workbook

Review Questions

After completing this lesson you should be able to answer the questions and explain the

concepts listed below.

1. T or F The acronym of CATIA stands for “Computer Aided Three

Dimensional Interactive Application.”

2. T or F CATIA V5 is a product of Dassault Systemes.

3. How many sections are there in each lesson?

4. How many Platforms are there in CATIA V5?

5. T or F The P1 Platform contains the most functionality.

6. How can you find out what CATIA V5 release level you are working on?

7. T or F The Part Design workbench is found in the Infrastructure Applications


8. T or F Sketcher is an Application Tool.

9. As presented in this lesson how many different types of documents can

CATIA V5 create?

10. T or F The Part Design Workbench creates a *.CATPart type document.

11. T or F The Part Design Workbench creates a *.CATProduct type document.

12. As presented in this lesson how many options are on the Contextual Menu?

13. T or F The Contextual Menu applies only to the selected entity prior to

activating the Contextual Menu.

14. How do you activate the Contextual Menu?

15. What does the short cut Ctrl+c (Ctrl key along with the c key) accomplish?

16. What does the short cut Crtl+v (Ctrl key along with the v key) accomplish?

17. T or F This lesson covers another method of accomplishing the same thing as

selecting the Crtl +C short cut.

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Introduction to CATIA V5 1-15

18. What workbench does the following icon represent?

19. What Application Tool does the following icon represent?

20. What workbench does the following icon represent?

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1-16 CATIA V5 Workbook

Practice Exercises

1. Start CATIA V5.

2. Select the Part Design Workbench. Practice moving around between the different

Application tools and Workbenches, particularly the Part Design, Sketcher,

Assembly Design and Drafting Workbenches.

3. Select (highlight) the Part1 from the Specification Tree as shown below. Once

Part1 is selected select the right mouse button to bring up the Contextual Menu

specific to that entity. Review the options provided by the Contextual Menu.

Select the Properties option, review the information provided. The more familiar

you are with the information available

and how to access it the better off you

will be throughout the remaining


4. Using either method presented in this

lesson determines the Release level of

CATIAV5 and the current Service Pack


5. Get comfortable with finding your way

around the Application Tools and

workbenches as well as using the

Contextual Menu.