leaping lynxes

Leaping Lynxes Presented by Jaydon Couch These lynxes are all tuckered out from leaping. press this.

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press this. . Leaping Lynxes. Presented by Jaydon Couch. These lynxes are all tuckered out from leaping. Introducing the Lynx. Lynxes are endangered. They have unique features. They have weird eating habits. There are a small number of lynx species. The Features of a Lynx. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Leaping LynxesPresented by Jaydon Couch

These lynxes are all tuckered out from leaping.

press this. 1Introducing the LynxLynxes are endangered. They have unique features.They have weird eating habits.There are a small number of lynx species.

The Features of a LynxLynxes feet are similar to snowshoes.They also have sharp eyes that work best during the night.Lynxes have ruffs or patches of fur on lynxes necks.

The Lynxes Special DietLynxes favorite food is snowshoe hare.One 2 pound hare can feed one lynx for 2 days.If one lynx spots another going for the same hare they hunt together for a bigger animal like a deer.

There are Many Species of LynxThere are 4 different species of lynx.The names are Eurasian lynx, Canadian lynx, Iberian lynx, and the bobcat.They live in many different places.

The Canadian lynx.The bobcat.The Eurasian lynx.The Iberian lynx.More Interesting Facts About LynxesThe Eurasian lynx is 70 centimeters tall.The Iberian lynx is 60 to 70 centimeters tall.The bobcat is 51 to 61 centimeters tall.The Canadian Lynx is 48 to 56 centimeters tall.

The ConclusionThe lynx has many features to help them thrive.They have specific diets.There are many different sizes and species.


Gentle, Victor. Lynxes. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2002. Print.Lynx. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 24 April 2014. web. 29 April 2014.The book I got some of my information from.

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