lean startup: pivot vs persevere

Pivot vs Persevere 18.02.2013 @twt_carlos Lean Startup ZRH

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Page 1: Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere

Pivot vs Persevere 18.02.2013 @twt_carlos

Lean Startup


Page 2: Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere


#1 New attendees

#2 Overview of topic “the pivot vs. persevere”

#3 Real cases focused on pivoting

#4 Next Meetup

#5 Help, share and learn!

Page 3: Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere

#1 New Attendees

Short presentation

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Name + nickname

Yourself, company, role

How are you involved with Lean Startup?

What do you expect from this Meetup?

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#2 Overview of topic

pivot vs. persevere

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“The Lean Star tup method teaches

you how to dr ive a s tar tup -how to

s teer , when to turn , and when to

persevere - and grow a bus iness w i th

maximum acce lera t ion.” theleanstartup.com/principles

“There i s abso lu te ly no r i gh t answer .

L ike a lmost every th ing in a lean

s tar tup, requ i res judgment .

I t ' s an ar t , no t a sc ience .” Eric Ries

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A pivot is a structured course correction designed to test a new fundamental

hypothesis about the product, business model and engine of growth.

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What is pivoting for you?

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or Do we need a change? Are we making progress?

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A Pivot for each case


A single feature becomes the

whole product


The whole product becomes a single feature

Customer segment

Good product, bad customer


Customer need

Repositioning, or a completely new



Change from an application to a

platform, or vice versa

Page 12: Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere

Caution: more blind corners!

Business architecture

High margin, low volume or

Low margin, high volume

Value capture

Changes in the revenue model

Engine of growth

Picking how to growth: viral,

sticky and paid


How the product is delivered to



New technology improves the


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But, pivot or persevere?


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Measure how customers respond

A n a c t i o nab l e m e t r i c

i s o ne t ha t t i e s

spec i f i c and r epea t ab l e

a c t i o n s t o o bse r ved

r e su l t s .

Ash Maurya

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Split testing

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Split testing

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Split testing

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Split testing

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Confirm the conversion improvements

Measure Control Hypothesis #1 #2






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#3 Real cases


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Bring Your Own Problems

Gathering problems



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Lean Startup Machine Winner 2012


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#4 Next


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#5 Help, share and learn!

Page 25: Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere

Thanks to our sponsor!

The incubator for ICT and CleanTech

startup companies in Zurich.

Page 26: Lean Startup: Pivot vs Persevere

Excerpted from "The Lean Startup" book http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220302 Top 10 ways entrepeneurs pivot a Lean Startup http://www.forbes.com/sites/martinzwilling/2011/09/16/top-10-ways-entrepreneurs-pivot-a-lean-startup/ Split test examples http://www.abtests.com Split testing http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/2008/09/one-line-split-test-or-how-to-ab-all.html Ash Maurya http://www.ashmaurya.com/ Lean Startup Metrics and Analitics http://www.slideshare.net/njvitto/lean-startup-metrics-analytics
